Student Workbook 1, The 7 Syllables

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The 7 Syllables Program student workbook 1, the Syllables Written by Brett A. Brown M.Ed. © 2008 by Brett Brown. All rights reserved. The Braille editions of these books may be reproduced by the Jr. Braille Foundation for educational purposes. Table of Contents Closed Syllables page 2 Open Syllables page 12 Tapper E Syllables page 16 Vowel Pal Syllables page 28 Dip Syllables page 34 Pirate R Syllables page 39 Consonant-LE Syllables page 46

2 Closed Syllables When a vowel is alone and closed in by a consonant, she falls asleep and makes her short-sleeping sound. Closed Syllable Words List A 1. Rat 2. Bed 3. Fin 4. Hop 5. Hug 6. Lap 7. Pet 8. Rib 9. Mom 10. Nut List B 11. Hat 12. Den 13. Bit 14. Gob 15. Bug 16. Jag 17. Hen 18. Hip 19. Lot 20. Tub

3 Closed Syllable Sight Words List 1 1. am 2. an 3. and 4. as 5. at 6. best 7. big 8. but 9. did 10. end List 2 1. fast 2. felt 3. fish 4. get 5. got 6. had 7. hand 8. hands 9. has 10. held List 3 1. help 2. him 3. his 4. hot 5. if 6. in 7. is 8. it 9. its 10. just

List 4 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

kept land last left let list man

4 8. men 9. much 10. must List 5 1. not 2. on 3. past 4. plants 5. ran 6. red 7. rest 8. run 9. set 10. stand List 6 1. stop 2. such 3. sun 4. tell 5. ten 6. than 7. that 8. them 9. then 10. this List 7 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

top up us went with

List 8 1. cannot 2. children 3. given 4. himself 5. hundred 6. problem 7. until 8. upon 9. within

5 Closed Practice Sentences 1. Children cannot get pet fish. 2. This man must not run fast. 3. Ten men ran past it. 4. His hands felt a hundred plants. 5. The red hot sun had given him a problem. 6. He can stand on the land and just rest. 7. His hand went on top. 8. Set up that big plant. 9. That man got us in then. 10. He kept it with an egg. 11. I left its top at the stop. 12. Let him tell his best himself. 13. Did it end up on the list? 14. Am I last if I help? 15. He has held much. 16. But is he as fast as such men? 17. He can sit upon it until then. 18. Is that them within?

Closed Rhymes Lists A. _at 1. bat 2. fat 3. hat 4. mat 5. pat 6. rat 7. sat 8. vat 9. that 10. spat 11. scat 12. brat 13. drat 14. flat B. _am 15. ham 16. jam 17. Pam 18. Sam 19. scam 20. slam 21. swam

6 22. cram 23. dram 24. gram 25. blam 26. clam C. _an 27. ban 28. Dan 29. fan 30. man 31. pan 32. ran 33. tan 34. ban 35. Dan 36. fan 37. man 38. pan 39. ran 40. tan 41. van 42. than 43. span 44. scan 45. clan D. _and 46. band 47. hand 48. land 49. sand 50. stand 51. brand 52. grand 53. bland 54. gland E. _ad 55. bad 56. dad 57. fad 58. had 59. lad 60. mad 61. pad

7 62. sad 63. brad 64. grad 65. clad 66. glad F. _ast 67. fast 68. last 69. mast 70. past 71. vast 72. blast G. _ank 73. bank 74. dank 75. Hank 76. rank 77. sank 78. tank 79. thank 80. spank 81. stank 82. swank 83. crank 84. drank 85. Frank 86. prank 87. blank 88. clank 89. flank 90. plank H. _et 91. get 92. let 93. bet 94. met 95. net 96. pet 97. set 98. vet 99. wet 100. 101.

yet fret

8 I. _ed 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111.

bed fed led Ted wed sled sped Fred bled fled

J. _en 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120.

then Ben den hen Jen Ken men pen ten

K. _ent 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129.

went bent dent lent rent sent tent vent spent

L. _est 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. 137.

best nest pest rest test vest west crest

9 M. _in 138. 139. 140. 141. 142. 143. 144. 145. 146.

bin fin kin pin sin tin win spin grin

N. _it 147. 148. 149. 150. 151. 152. 153. 154. 155.

sit bit fit hit lit pit sit wit spit

O. _ig 156. 157. 158. 159. 160. 161. 162.

big dig fig gig pig rig wig

P. _id 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169.

did bid hid kid lid rid slid

Q. _im 170. 171. 172. 173. 174.

him dim Jim Kim rim

10 175. 176. 177. 178. 179. 180. 181.

Tim slim swim brim grim prim trim

R. _ot 182. 183. 184. 185. 186. 187. 188. 189. 190. 191. 192. 193. 194.

got hot not jot lot pot rot tot clot snot spot trot blot

S. _op 195. 196. 197. 198. 199. 200. 201. 202. 203. 204. 205. 206.

hop mop pop top slop stop crop drop prop clop flop plop

T. _ut 207. 208. 209. 210. 211. 212. 213. 214.

but gut hut jut mut nut rut glut


U. _un 215. 216. 217. 218. 219. 220. 221. 222. 223.

run bun fun gun nun pun sun spun stun

V. _ump 224. 225. 226. 227. 228. 229. 230. 231. 232. 233. 234. 235.

jump bump dump hump lump pump slump stump grump trump clump plump

W. _ust 236. 237. 238. 239. 240. 241. 242. 243. 244.

just must bust dust gust lust rust crust trust

12 Open Syllables When a vowel is open at the end of a syllable she wakes up and says her name. Open Syllable Words List A 1. I 2. Hi 3. He 4. She 5. We 6. Go 7. No 8. So 9. Pro 10. Flu List B 11. Ego 12. Hero 13. Zero 14. Veto 15. Tutu 16. Guru 17. Zebu 18. Emu 19. Pluto 20. Reno

13 Open Syllable Sight Words List 9 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

a be go he I me no she so 10. we

List 10 1. open 2. even 3. began 4. taken Open Prefixes (Usually an Open syllable mixes with another syllable to form a word) 1. bebegin 2. bibible 3. dedemand 4. didiet 5. pre- prefix 6. rereset 7. tritrident Open Practice Sentences 1.He can begin his music. 2. I began to open it. 3. She can open it. 4. No, he had not taken it. 5. Even a cat can. 6. We can be a unit. 7. She can go get him. 8. She had me. 9. So can he.

14 MORE OPEN SYLLABLES 1. a 2. I 3. be 4. he 5. me 6. we 7. ye 8. hi 9. pi 10. go 11. no 12. so 13. pro 14. she 15. the 16. flu 17. gnu 18. ago 19. ego 20. dodo 21. halo 22. hero 23. hobo 24. judo 25. logo 26. loco 27. polo 28. Reno 29. silo 30. solo 31. veto 32. zero 33. credo 34. photo 35. Pluto 36. repro 37. micro 38. rhino 39. shako 40. emu 41. guru 42. tutu 43. zebu 44. oleo 45. rodeo

15 Closed Word At In Bed Hem Shell Met Wet Got Nod Sod

Open Word A I Be He She Me We Go No So Open + Closed

Open plus closed be-gin be-gan mu-sic o-pen u-nit

Together begin began music open unit

16 Tapper E Syllables When a vowel is Tapped by letter E, she wakes up and says her name. Tapper-E-SyllableWords List A 1. Make 2. Keep 3. Life 4. Home 5. Mute 6. Same 7. Need 8. Time 9. Joke 10. Cure List B 11. Babe 12. Lake 13. Eve 14. Spree 15. Dine 16. Ride 17. Bone 18. Rope 19. Cute 20. Spume

17 Tapper-E-Syllable Sight Words List 11 1. game 2. gave 3. made 4. make 5. makes 6. name 7. page 8. same 9. take 10. space List 12 1. state 2. States 3. see 4. seen 5. deep 6. feel 7. feet 8. keep 9. need 10. here List 13 1. seen 2. these 3. three 4. tree 5. trees 6. fine 7. fire 8. five 9. inside 10. life List 14 1. like 2. line 3. lines 4. live 5. miles 6. side 7. time

18 8. times 9. home 10. more List 15 1. those 2. blue 3. true 4. use 5. became 6. before 7. between 8. inside Tapper-E Practice Sentences 1. These three men made me see it. 2. The game can be seen on TV. 3. The tree is here on the side of the home. 4. The green trees make a line. 5. The true state of the fire is bad. 6. Keep those feet in line. 7. The lines on the page need to be fine. 8. He became a big man in those states. 9. The deep blue space is five more miles. 10. Life makes space between us. 11. I feel fine inside. 12. Use the same name as before. 13. It can take three times to do it. 14. I gave him a live fish this time. 15. It is a fine life.

19 Tapper E Rhyming words AE words A__ade 1. bade 2. fade 3. jade 4. made 5. wade 6. shade 7. blade 8. glade 9. grade 10. spade 11. trade B__ake 12. bake 13. cake 14. fake 15. lake 16. make 17. rake 18. sake 19. take 20. wake 21. quake 22. shake 23. brake 24. flake 25. snake 26. stake C. __ale 27. bale 28. dale 29. gale 30. hale 31. kale 32. male 33. pale 34. sale 35. tale 36. vale 37. wale 38. shale 39. scale 40. stale


D. __ame 41. dame 42. fame 43. game 44. lame 45. name 46. same 47. tame 48. blame 49. flame 50. frame 51. shame E. __ane 52. bane 53. cane 54. lane 55. mane 56. pane 57. sane 58. vane F. __ape 59. cape 60. gape 61. nape 62. tape 63. shape 64. drape 65. grape 66. scrape G. __are 67. bare 68. care 69. dare 70. fare 71. hare 72. mare 73. pare 74. rare 75. tare 76. ware 77. share 78. blare

21 79. flare 80. glare 81. scare 82. snare 83. spare 84. stare H. __ate 85. date 86. fate 87. gate 88. hate 89. late 90. mate 91. rate 92. sate 93. crate 94. grate 95. plate 96. prate 97. skate 98. slate 99. spate 100. state I. __ave 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114.

cave Dave gave nave pave rave save shave wave brave crave grave slave stave

J. __aze 115. 116. 117. 118.

daze faze gaze haze

22 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124.

laze maze raze blaze braze craze

-EE WORDS K. __ee 125. bee 126. fee 127. see 128. tee 129. flee 130. free 131. glee 132. tree 133. spree 134. three IE WORDS L. __ie 135. die 136. lie 137. pie 138. tie 139. vie M. _ice 140. 141. 142. 143. 144. 145.

dice lice mice nice rice vice

N. _ide 146. 147. 148. 149. 150.

hide ride side tide wide

23 O. _ife 151. 152. 153. 154.

fife life rife wife

P. _ike 155. 156. 157. 158. 159. 160.

bike dike hike like mike pike

Q. _ile 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169.

bile file mile Nile pile rile tile vile wile

R. _ime 170. 171. 172. 173.

dime lime mime time

S. _ine 174. 175. 176. 177. 178. 179. 180. 181. 182.

dine fine line mine nine pine tine vine wine

T. _ire 183. 184. 185.

dire fire hire

24 186. 187. 188. 189.

mire sire tire wire

OE WORDS U. _oe 190. doe 191. foe 192. Joe 193. roe 194. toe 195. woe V. _ode 196. 197. 198. 199. 200. 201.

bode code lode mode node rode

W. _oke 202. 203. 204. 205.

coke joke poke woke

X. _ole 206. 207. 208. 209. 210. 211.

dole hole mole pole role sole

Y. _ome 212. 213. 214.

dome home Rome

Z. _one 215. 216. 217. 218.

bone cone hone lone

25 219. 220.

pone tone

AA. _ope 221. 222. 223. 224. 225. 226. 227.

cope dope hope lope mope nope rope

BB. _ore 228. 229. 230. 231. 232. 233. 234. 235. 236. 237.

bore core fore gore lore more sore tore wore yore

UE WORDS CC. _ue 238. cue 239. due 240. hue 241. sue 242. blue 243. clue 244. flue 245. glue 246. true DD. _une 247. 248. 249. 250. EE. _ute 251. 252. 253. 254.

dune June rune tune cute mute brute flute

26 Tapper E Chart Closed At Met Fin Hop Us Closed 1. Can 3. Cap 5. Fad 7. Fat 9. Hat 11. Mad 13. Man 15. Mat 17. Pal 19. Rat 21. Tap 23. Sham 25. Scrap 27. Pet 29. Met 31. Bit 33. Dim 35. Fin 37. Hid 39. Kit 41. Pin 43. Rid 45. Rip 47. Sit 49. Win 51. Grip 53. Quit 55. Shin 57. Slid 59. Slim 61. Spin 63. Cod 65. Con 67. Cop 69. Hop 71. Mop 73. Not

Tapper E Ate Meet Fine Hope Use Tapper E 2. Cane 4. Cape 6. Fade 8. Fate 10. Hate 12. Made 14. Mane 16. Mate 18. Pale 20. Rate 22. Tape 24. Shame 26. Scrape 28. Pete 30. Meet 32. Bite 34. Dime 36. Fine 38. Hide 40. Kite 42. Pine 44. Ride 46. Ripe 48. Site 50. Wine 52. Gripe 54. Quite 56. Shine 58. Slide 60. Slime 62. Spine 64. Code 66. Cone 68. Cope 70. Hope 72. Mope 74. Note

27 75. Pop 77. Rob 79. Rod 81. Rot 83. Tot 85. Slop 87. Cub 89. Cut 91. Run 93. Tub 95. Crud 97. Plum

76. Pope 78. Robe 80. Rode 82. Rote 84. Tote 86. Slope 88. Cube 90. Cute 92. Rune 94. Tube 96. Crude 98. plume


Pal Syllables When two vowel Pals go walking, the first one does the talking. She says her alphabet name. AI in a word, AY at the end (rain, day) EA in a word, EY at the end (eat, key) OA in a word, OW at the end (boat, slow) Pal-Syllable Words List A 1. Rain 2. Jail 3. Say 4. Hay 5. Heat 6. Meat 7. Key 8. Oak 9. Goal 10. Row List B 11. Bail 12. Hair 13. May 14. Eat 15. Fear 16. Kidney 17. Foam 18. Road 19. Tow 20. Slow

29 Pal-Syllable Sight Words List 16 1. air 2. say 3. says 4. may 5. play 6. day 7. days 8. way 9. ways List 17 1. sea 2. eat 3. each 4. hear 5. near 6. read 7. mean 8. means 9. beautiful 10. money List 18 1. road 2. show 3. grow 4. own 5. shown 6. shows 7. follow 8. below Pal Practice Sentences 1. Follow that road to the sea. 2. Money cannot grow on trees. 3. It is a beautiful day to read. 4. Show me the way. 5. He says that he means it. 6. Each of us may play a game. 7. I did not mean to say that. 8. He can be shown the ways. 9. I can hear that the sea is near. 10. I own the air. 11. He spent ten days below. 12. Can I eat at the shows?

30 Pals Rhymes Lists AI A. _air 1. fair 2. hair 3. lair 4. pair B. _aid 5. laid 6. maid 7. paid 8. raid C. _ail 9. bail 10. fail 11. Gail 12. hail 13. jail 14. mail 15. nail 16. pail 17. rail 18. sail 19. tail 20. wail D. _ain 21. gain 22. lain 23. main 24. pain 25. rain 26. vain 27. train E. _ait 28. bait 29. gait 30. wait F. _ay 31. bay 32. day 33. hay

31 34. jay 35. lay 36. may 37. nay 38. pay 39. ray 40. say 41. way 42. play 43. stay 44. gray 45. pray 46. tray 47. sway 48. spay 49. slay 50. fray 51. clay EA G. _eat 52. beat 53. feat 54. heat 55. meat 56. peat H. _each 57. peach 58. reach I. _ead 59. bead 60. lead 61. read J. _eak 62. beak 63. leak 64. peak K. _eal 65. deal 66. heal 67. meal 68. peal

32 69. real 70. seal L. _ean 71. bean 72. dean 73. lean 74. mean M. _eap 75. heap 76. leap 77. reap N. _ear 78. dear 79. clear 80. fear 81. gear 82. hear 83. rear OA O. _oat 84. boat 85. coat 86. goat 87. moat 88. bloat 89. float 90. gloat 91. throat P. _oal 92. coal 93. foal 94. goal 95. shoal Q. _oam 96. foam 97. loam 98. roam

33 R. _oan 99. loan 100. 101.

moan groan

S. _oad 102. 103. 104.

goad load road

T. _oak 105. 106.

cloak croak

OW U. __ow 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122.

low mow row sow tow bow show crow stow slow snow flow throw glow grow blow

34 Dip Syllables When these vowels blend together they make their dipping sound. OU in a word, OW at the end. (out, now) OI in a word, OY at the end. (oil, boy) AU in a word, AW at the end. (Paul, jaw) OO with an American accent (“good”) and OO with an Old English accent (“food”). Dip Syllable Words List A 1. Noun 2. How 3. Boil 4. Join 5. Boy 6. Haul 7. Draw 8. Jaw 9. Good 10. Boot List B 11. Loud 12. Foul 13. Bow 14. Point 15. Ploy 16. Haunt 17. Law 18. Saw 19. Look 20. Boom

35 Dip-Syllable Sight Words List 19 1. our 2. round 3. found 4. sound 5. sounds 6. ground 7. out 8. outside 9. without 10. down List 20 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

town now how point boy boys saw draw book

List 21 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

look good stood took too soon food moon room school

Dips with other syllables outside, without, however

36 Dip Practice Sentences 1. Our sound is round. 2. I found out he is outside. 3. How is our ground now? 4. The brown clown is downtown. 5. I can go without however. 6. That boy can point out the boys. 7. I saw him draw. 8. School food is good. 9. The moon stood still. 10. I came in the room too soon. 11. Look at the book he took. DIP Rhymes List OU A. __out 1. bout 2. gout 3. lout 4. pout 5. tout 6. shout 7. clout 8. grout 9. scout 10. snout 11. spout 12. stout 13. trout B. __ouch 14. couch 15. crouch 16. grouch C. __our 17. dour 18. sour 19. flour 20. scour D. __ound 21. bound 22. found 23. sound 24. round

37 25. hound 26. ground E. __ow 27. how 28. now 29. cow 30. bow 31. pow 32. sow 33. vow 34. wow 35. brow 36. chow 37. plow 38. brow 39. scow F. __own (placement exceptions) 40. town 41. down 42. gown 43. brown 44. clown 45. frown OI G. __oil 46. boil 47. coil 48. foil 49. roil 50. soil 51. toil 52. broil H. __oin 53. coin 54. join 55. loin 56. groin 57. quoin

38 OO (American Accent) I. __ood 58. hood 59. good 60. wood 61. stood J. __ook 62. book 63. cook 64. hook 65. look 66. took 67. shook 68. brook 69. crook AU K. __aunt 70. flaunt 71. daunt 72. gaunt 73. haunt 74. jaunt 75. taunt AW L. __aw 76. caw 77. haw 78. jaw 79. law 80. maw 81. paw 82. raw 83. saw 84. yaw 85. thaw 86. claw 87. draw 88. flaw 89. slaw 90. straw

39 Pirate R Syllables When letter R grabs a vowel, she makes her change her sound. Pirate R Syllable Words List A 1. Bar 2. Bark 3. Fern 4. Verb 5. Sir 6. Dirt 7. For 8. Fort 9. Fur 10. Burn List B 11. Barn 12. Dart 13. Kern 14. Term 15. Stir 16. Flirt 17. Form 18. Short 19. Hurl 20. Slur

40 Pirate-R-Syllable Sight Words List 22 1. car 2. dark 3. far 4. hard 5. part 6. parts 7. start 8. large List 23 1. birds 2. first 3. girl 4. girls 5. or 6. for 7. form 8. order 9. short 10. turn List 24 1. her 2. over 3. ever 4. under 5. after 6. better 7. later 8. letter 9. letters 10. matter 11. winter 12. however List 25 1. never 2. river 3. paper 4. power 5. summer 6. number

41 7. numbers 8. perhaps 9. remember 10. understand 11. different List 26 1. warm 2. water 3. word 4. words 5. work 6. world Pirate-R Practice Sentences 1. The first girl ran after the third bird. 2. The girls remember the birds. 3. The car went far in the dark. 4. She can form her letters. 5. The numbers are in order on the paper. 6. The large parts are different. 7. The river has better power in the summer. 8. It is hard to go over or under. 9. Perhaps I can never understand. 10. Will the short letter ever turn over? 11. It will start in the later part of winter. 12. Can this number ever matter? 13. Do it for me. 14. However did I get here?

42 Pirate R Rhymes Lists AR A. _ar 1. bar 2. car 3. far 4. gar 5. jar 6. par 7. tar 8. star 9. spar 10. scar 11. char B. _ard 12. bard 13. card 14. hard 15. lard 16. yard 17. chard 18. shard C. _ark 19. bark 20. dark 21. hark 22. lark 23. mark 24. park 25. Clark 26. quark 27. spark 28. stark D. _arm 29. farm 30. harm 31. charm E._art 32. cart 33. dart 34. mart 35. part

43 36. tart 37. chart 38. smart 39. start F._arn 40. barn 41. darn 42. yarn G._arp 43. harp 44. carp 45. sharp 46. scarp ER H. _erk 47. jerk 48. clerk 49. perk I._erm 50. berm 51. term 52. germ 53. sperm J. _ern 54. fern 55. kern 56. stern 57. tern IR K. _ir 58. fir 59. sir 60. stir L. _ ird 61. bird 62. gird 63. third

44 M. _irk 64. quirk 65. shirk 66. smirk N. _irl 67. girl 68. swirl 69. twirl O. _irt 70. dirt 71. flirt 72. shirt 73. skirt P. _irth 74. birth 75. girth 76. mirth UR P._ ur 77. blur 78. slur 79. spur Q. _url 80. burl 81. curl 82. furl 83. hurl 84. churl R. _urn 85. burn 86. turn 87. churn 88. spurn S._urt 89. curt 90. hurt 91. blurt 92. spurt


T. _urf 93. surf 94. turf U. _urch 95. lurch 96. church OR V._ or 97. for 98. nor W. _orn 99. born 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106.

corn horn morn torn shorn thorn scorn

X. _orm 107. 108. 109.

dorm norm storm

Y._ord 110. 111. 112. 113.

cord ford lord chord

Z._ork 114. 115. 116. 117.

cork fork pork stork

AA. _ort 118. 119. 120. 121.

fort port sort tort

46 122. 123. 124.

short snort sport

BB._orth 125. forth 126. north CC._orch 127. porch 128. torch 129. scorch

47 Consonant L E Syllables When the sound of a final syllable is “L,” put a consonant in front of L and a silent E on the end. Consonant L E Syllable Words List A 1. Able 2. Bubble 3. Circle 4. Bridle 5. Doodle 6. Baffle 7. Angle 8. Buckle 9. Simple 10. Title List B 11. Fumble 12. Stable 13. Doodle 14. Dawdle 15. Shuffle 16. Snuggle 17. Tickle 18. Tackle 19. Staple 20. Turtle

48 Consonant L E Sight Words List 27 1. able 2. table 3. little 4. people 5. example Consonant L E Practice Sentences 1. This table is able to fit six people. 2. This is a simple example. 3. That is a little circle. 4. This is the last syllable. Consonant-LE Rhymes Lists A. _ble 1. able 2. table 3. bubble 4. marble 5. mumble 6. nibble 7. pebble 8. stumble 9. tremble B. _cle 10. cycle 11. uncle 12. circle 13. icicle 14. muscle 15. oracle C. _dle 16. idle 17. candle 18. cradle 19. cuddle 20. handle 21. middle 22. noodle 23. puddle 24. riddle

49 D. _fle 25. rifle 26. baffle 27. raffle 28. ruffle 29. shuffle 30. sniffle E. _gle 31. angle 32. eagle 33. boggle 34. gargle 35. giggle 36. jungle 37. single 38. wiggle 39. snuggle F. _kle 40. ankle 41. buckle 42. tickle 43. tackle 44. chuckle 45. sparkle 46. trickle 47. twinkle G. _ple 48. apple 49. maple 50. people 51. purple 52. sample 53. simple 54. staple 55. crumple 56. trample H. _stle (this is unfair because letter T is silent) 57. castle 58. hustle 59. jostle 60. nestle 61. rustle

50 62. gristle 63. thistle 64. whistle 65. wrestle I. _tle 66. title 67. battle 68. beetle 69. bottle 70. cattle 71. little 72. rattle 73. tattle 74. turtle

This is the end of the 7 Syllables. Every word in English is made up of one or more of these syllable types. Go to workbook two for the 7 rules. The End.

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