03_ENN2013 - David Justino

January 5, 2018 | Author: Anonymous | Category: History, US History, Revolution And Post-Independence (1775-1820), Revolutionary War
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Sumário Protesto e Revolução Modernidade, protesto e revolução A Revolução Americana e a primeira vaga de emancipação das nações A Revolução Francesa e a ideia de Nação As Revoluções liberais do séc. XIX

David Justino e Sílvia de Almeida


Protesto e Revolução

David Justino e Sílvia de Almeida


Protesto e Revolução

David Justino e Sílvia de Almeida


Protesto e Revolução Numa perspectiva de longo prazo, as guerras europeias tornaram-se mais letais e menos frequentes. Ao longo dos séculos, o número de guerras envolvendo grandes potências, a sua duração média e a proporção de anos nas quais esses conflitos se desenrolaram, diminuíram acentuadamente. Em compensação a intensidade da guerra alterou-se de forma significativa.

David Justino e Sílvia de Almeida


Protesto e Revolução Table 1 RevolutionarySituations Situations Coded Waves, 1492-1992 (N=56) Table 1 Revolutionary CodedasasRevolutionary Revolutionary Waves, 1492-1992 (N=56) Revolutionary Situation Revolutionary Situation Revolt of the Netherlands

Revolt of the Second WarNetherlands of Religion in France Second War of France Third War of Religion Religion ininFrance Third War of Religion in France Radical Calvinist seizures in Low Countries Huguenot Warsseizures in Francein Low Countries Radical Calvinist Huguenot WarsininFrance France Huguenot Wars Huguenot WarsininFrance France Huguenot Wars

Huguenot Wars in France Pugachev Revolt

Dutch Patriot Revolution


Revolutionary Wave

1566-1609 1566-1609 1567-1568 1567-1568 1568-1569

Calvinist I/Second Reformation

1618 1621-1622 1618 1625 1621-1622 1627-1630 1625

Calvinist II/Thirty Years’ War


Revolutionary Wave Calvinist I/Second Reformation



1773-1775 1785-1787 1773-1775 1789-1799 1785-1787 1789-1790 1789-1799 1793-1814

Calvinist II/Thirty Years’ War

Atlantic Revolutions

Pugachev Revolt Atlantic Revolutions French Revolution Dutch Patriot Revolution Brabant Revolution French Revolution War with France and beginning of Latin American rebellions in Spain Brabant Revolution 1789-1790 Polish rebellion 1794-1795 War with France and beginning of Latin 1793-1814 Batavian Revolution 1795-1798 American rebellions in Spain Insurrection of United Irishmen 1798-1803 Polish rebellion 1794-1795 Batavian Revolution 1795-1798 Independence war in Greece David Justino e 1821-1831 Sílvia de AlmeidaGreek War of Independence Insurrection of United Irishmen 1798-1803 Independence war in Moldavia 1821-1824 Independence war in Crete



Huguenot Wars in France Huguenot Wars in France

1625 1627-1630

Protesto e Revolução

Pugachev Revolt 1773-1775 Atlantic Revolutions Dutch Patriot Revolution 1785-1787 French Revolution 1789-1799 Brabant Revolution 1789-1790 War with France and beginning of Latin 1793-1814 American rebellions in Spain Polish rebellion 1794-1795 Table 1 Revolutionary Situations Coded as Revolutionary Waves, 1492-1992 (N=56) Batavian Revolution 1795-1798 Revolutionary Years Revolutionary Wave Insurrection Situation of United Irishmen 1798-1803

Revolt of the Netherlands Independence war in Moldavia Second War of Religion in France Independence war in Crete Third War of Religion in France

Independence war in Greece

1821-1831 1566-1609 1821-1824 1567-1568 1821-1825

Greek War of Independence

July Revolution Belgian Revolution Radical Calvinist seizures in Low Countries Polish rebellion Huguenot Wars in France

1830 1830-1833 1618 1830-1831 1621-1622

Revolutions of 1830

Huguenot Wars in France French Revolution Huguenot Wars in France

Independence war in Moldavia Revolution in Hungary Pugachev Revolt Revolution in Wallachia Dutch Patriot Revolution Coup of Louis Napoleon

Calvinist I/Second Reformation



1848 1627-1630 1848 1848-1849 1773-1775 1848-1849 1785-1787 1851

Calvinist II/Thirty Years’ War

Revolutions of 1848

Atlantic Revolutions

French Revolution 1789-1799 Brabant Revolution 1789-1790 Balkan Crisis of 1875 Insurrection in Bosnia, Herzegovina, and 1875-1878 WarBulgaria with France and beginning of Latin 1793-1814 Independence war in Bosnia 1878 American rebellions in Spain Independence 1878 Polish rebellion war in Thessaly 1794-1795 Independence war in Crete 1878 Batavian Revolution 1795-1798 David Justino e Sílvia de Almeida Insurrection of UnitedofIrishmen 1798-1803 Democratic revolutions Russian Revolution 1905 1905 Young Turk Revolution



French Revolution Independence war in Moldavia Revolution in Hungary Revolution in Wallachia Coup of Louis Napoleon

1848 1848 1848-1849 1848-1849 1851

Revolutions of 1848

Protesto e Revolução

Insurrection in Bosnia, Herzegovina, and 1875-1878 Balkan Crisis of 1875 Bulgaria Independence war in Situations Bosnia 1878 Table 1 Revolutionary Coded as Revolutionary Waves, 1492-1992 (N=56) Independence war in Thessaly 1878 Revolutionary Situation Years Revolutionary Wave Independence war in Crete 1878 Russian of 1905 Revolt of theRevolution Netherlands Young Revolution Second WarTurk of Religion in France October 5th Revolution in Portugal Third War of Religion in France

1905 1566-1609 1908-1909 1567-1568 1910 1568-1569

Democratic revolutions Calvinist I/Second Reformation

Radical Calvinist seizures in Low Countries Huguenot in France Easter Wars Rebellion Huguenot in France RussianWars Revolution Huguenot France RussianWars Civil in War

1618 1621-1622 1916 1625 1917 1627-1630 1917-1921

Calvinist II/Thirty Years’ War

Albanian insurrection Independence war in Albania

1910 1912

World War I

Pugachev Revolt 1773-1775 Atlantic Revolutions Revolution in Hungary 1918-1919 Royalist Uprising in Portugal 1919 Dutch Patriot Revolution 1785-1787 CivilRevolution War in Ireland 1919-1923 French 1789-1799 Overthrow of Stamboliski 1923 Brabant Revolution 1789-1790 War with France and beginning of Latin 1793-1814 28 May 1926 coup d'état in Portugal 1926 Fascism American rebellions in Spain Spanish Civil War 1936-1939 Polish rebellion 1794-1795 Batavian Revolution 1795-1798 Yugoslav anti-fascist resistanceDavid Justino e Sílvia 1943-1945 de Almeida World War II Insurrection of United Irishmen 1798-1803 Greek Civil War 1944-1949 Soviet takeovers in Eastern Europe



Protesto e Revolução Revolution in Hungary 1918-1919 Royalist Uprising in Portugal 1919 Table Revolutionary Civil1 War in Ireland Situations Coded as Revolutionary 1919-1923 Waves, 1492-1992 (N=56) Overthrow of Stamboliski 1923

Revolutionary Situation


28 May 1926 coup d'état in Portugal Spanish Civil War Revolt of the Netherlands

1926 1936-1939 1566-1609

Second War of Religion in France Yugoslav Third War ofanti-fascist Religion resistance in France

1567-1568 1943-1945 1568-1569

Greek Civil War Soviet takeoversseizures in Eastern Europe Radical Calvinist in Low Countries Resistance and Liberation in France

Huguenot Wars in France Huguenot Wars France in Albania Overthrow of in communism Huguenot Wars France in Bulgaria Overthrow of in communism

Overthrow of communism in Hungary Pugachev Revolt Overthrow of communism in Romania Overthrow communism in Yugoslavia Dutch Patriot of Revolution Separation of republics in USSR French Revolution Civil war in Yugoslavia Brabant Revolution

1944-1949 1944-1949 1618 1944-1945

1621-1622 1625 1989-1991 1627-1630 1989-1991 1989-1991 1773-1775 1989-1991 1989-1991 1785-1787 1990-1991 1789-1799 1991-1995 1789-1790

Revolutionary Wave


Calvinist I/Second Reformation

World War II

Calvinist II/Thirty Years’ War 1989 and collapse of communism

Atlantic Revolutions

War with France and beginning of Latin 1793-1814 American rebellions in Spain Note: The names of revolutionary situations are paraphrased from Tilly (1993). There are 200 nonPolish rebellion wave revolutions not listed which are also used in1794-1795 analyses. Batavian Revolution 1795-1798 David Justino e Sílvia de Almeida Insurrection of United Irishmen 1798-1803


A Revolução Americana

David Justino e Sílvia de Almeida


A Revolução Americana 1756-1763: Guerra dos Sete Anos, com extensão dos conflitos às colónias. Vitória britânica com domínio de todos os territórios da América do Norte. 1770: início dos tumultos em Boston 1773: Boston Tea Party 1774: Primeiro Congresso das 13 Colónias em Filadélfia, decidem cessar o comércio com a metrópole 1775-1783: Guerra da Independência das colónias britânicas na América 1776: Declaração de Independência das 13 colónias 1783: Tratado de Versalhes (GB reconhece a independência)

David Justino e Sílvia de Almeida


A Revolução Americana

David Justino e Sílvia de Almeida


David Justino e Sílvia de Almeida


A Revolução Americana

David Justino e Sílvia de Almeida


A Revolução Americana

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

David Justino e Sílvia de Almeida


A Revolução Americana We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

David Justino e Sílvia de Almeida


David Justino e Sílvia de Almeida


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