- 1- NAPOLI 17 – 20February 2014 DRAFT AGENDA1 Monday 17th

January 5, 2018 | Author: Anonymous | Category: Social Science, Political Science
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Download - 1- NAPOLI 17 – 20February 2014 DRAFT AGENDA1 Monday 17th...


Joint Programme between the European Union and the Council of Europe on “Improving the Efficiency of the Turkish Criminal Justice System” Study visit organised in co-operation with the Italian School for the Judiciary

NAPOLI 17 – 20February 2014 DRAFT AGENDA1 Monday 17th of February 2014(Italian School for the Judiciary, Napoli, Castel Capuano, piazza Enrico De Nicola 1) 9.45 – 10.15

Welcoming address and introduction to the programme of the study visit. Raffaele Sabato, judge at the Italian Court of Cassation, member of the Board, Italian School for the Judiciary Ernesto Aghina, section President, Tribunal of Napoli, member of the Board, Italian School for the Judiciary A representative of the Ministry of Justice (tbc)

10.15– 11.15

The principles governing criminal law and criminal proceedings in Italy. The role of police, prosecutors, lawyers and judges. Marilia Di Nardo (Judge, Tribunal of Napoli), Antonio D'Amato (Sostituto procuratore, Prosecutor Office, Tribunal of Napoli)

11.15 – 11.30


11.30 – 12.30 The organization of the judiciary in Italy; the role of self-government; professional evaluation; disciplinary proceedings. Pasquale Serrao d'Aquino (Judge, Court of Appeal of Napoli) 12.30 – 14.00 Lunch


General organization of the study visit: - for the Italian School for the Judiciary: Raffaele Sabato, Member of the Board, Coordinator of the International sector; Gian Andrea Chiesi, Judge, Tribunal of Napoli. - for the Council of Europe (CoE), Roberto Rivello, Manager of the HELP Programme, Directorate General of Human Rights and Rule of Law; Sanem Gurol, National Implementation of Human Rights Unit, field office in Ankara. The Turkish delegation will be made up of 17 participants (+ 1 CoE staff + 1 interpreter). Scuola superiore della magistratura 00198Roma,ViaTronto2 Tel.06.85271253Fax06.85271270 [email protected] www.scuolamagistratura.it

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14.00 – 15.00 The application and the implementation of the ECHR and of the international sources of law in the Italian national legal order (art. 6 ECHR, International cooperation in criminal matters, etc.). Marco del Gaudio (Sostituto procuratore, Prosecutor Office, Tribunal of Napoli) 15.00 – 15.10 Break 15.10 – 16.30 The fight against the organised crime in the Italian national legislation (art. 416, 416 bis c.p., etc.). Simona di Monte (Sostituto procuratore , Prosecutor Office, Tribunal of Napoli) Tuesday 18th of February 2014, morning (Italian School for the Judiciary, Napoli, Castel Capuano, piazza Enrico De Nicola 1) 9.30 – 10.30

Investigation and prosecution of organised crime in Italy (telephone tapping, surveillance, undercover investigator.., etc.) Roberta Simeone (Sostituto procuratore, Prosecutor Office, Tribunal of Napoli), Luigi Giordano (Judge, Tribunal of Napoli)

10.30 – 11.15

Witness protection, victims, etc. Roberta Simeone (Sostituto procuratore, Prosecutor Office, Tribunal of Napoli), Luigi Giordano (Judge, Tribunal of Napoli)

11.15 – 11.30


11.30 – 12.30 Managing trail phase of judgments on organised crime in Italy Giuseppe Sassone (Judge, Tribunal of Napoli), Vincenzo d'Onofrio (Sostituto procuratore, Prosecutor Office, Tribunal of Napoli) 12.30 – 14.30 Lunch Tuesday 18th of February 2014, afternoon (Carabinieri Headquarters, Caserma Pastrengo - via Morgantini 4 Napoli) 14.30 – 17.00 Meetings with staff of the police department specialized on investigations on organised crime. Comando provinciale Carabinieri, Tenente Col. Francesco Rizzo (Comandante Reparto Operativo Provinciale Carabinieri di Napoli). Gian Andrea Chiesi (Judge, Tribunal of Napoli)

Scuola superiore della magistratura 00198Roma,ViaTronto2 Tel.06.85271253Fax06.85271270 [email protected] www.scuolamagistratura.it

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Wednesday 19th of February 2014, morning (Cittadella giudiziaria, Centro Direzionale, p.zza Cenni, Napoli, Tribunal) 8.50 – 13.00

Assistance to judicial activities: the participants will be assigned, in small groups, to staff of the criminal courts of Napoli, with whom they will meet judges and assist to public hearings. Meetings with the President of the Tribunal and with the President of the Napoli Bar Association.

13.30 – 14.30 Lunch Wednesday 19th of February 2014, afternoon (Cittadella giudiziaria, Centro Direzionale, p.zza Cenni, Napoli, Prosecutor Office) 14.30 – 17.00 Meetings with staff of the Prosecutor Office investigating organised crime cases. Thursday 20th of February 2014, morning (Cittadella giudiziaria, Centro Direzionale, p.zza Cenni, Napoli, Court of Appeal) 8.50 – 12.00

Assistance to judicial activities: the participants will be assigned, in small groups, to staff of the Court of Appeal of Napoli, with whom they will meet judges and assist to public hearings. Meetings with the Prosecutor General and with President of the Court of Appeal

End of the programme

Scuola superiore della magistratura 00198Roma,ViaTronto2 Tel.06.85271253Fax06.85271270 [email protected] www.scuolamagistratura.it

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