
January 5, 2018 | Author: Anonymous | Category: Arts & Humanities, Communications, Marketing
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Welcome to the World of Web-Based ERP Solution

Far vision ERP: Framework

Highlights Web-based Zero Footprint application deployment Workflow based Approval System Benefits End Users

Always Online, Real-time Accessible from Anywhere, anytime



Lower Implementation & Deployment Cost Web Service at Server

Ensures optimum utilization of RDBMS Open for future 3rd Party integration Highest Level of Server Login Security


Ensures proper communication & Integration Intuitive Look & Feel

Far vision ERP: Value to Company

•Consolidate Receivables, Payables, P&L, Balance Sheet, Trial Balance, etc. at a glance at Group Level, Company Wise & Business Unit wise

•Streamline Logical Business Processes for existing projects. Focus on future growth based on Ready analytical tools available in the ERP

•Plan fund requirements based on financial indicators. Monitor Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in Real-time across the organization for Top Management, Division Heads and Users

Consolidate all Companies & Projects in Real-time

Planning & Control Mechanisms

Benchmark Business Processes

Set Organizational Priorities • Plan & Deploy Strategic Objectives at HO Level, Projects Level at all sites

Far vision: Integrated ERP suite

Integration between Financials, Materials, Construction & Marketing

Its ONLINE & REAL-TIME Online & Real-time Integration between Financials, Materials, Construction and Marketing to ensure automatic reconciliation between Materials Procured, Materials Utilised, Work Progress and Contractor Billing

Far vision ERP: Consolidation

Consolidation of accounts across Projects & Companies

Its ONLINE & REAL-TIME Farvision offers a powerful tool for displaying consolidated Receivables, Payables, Profit & Loss Statement, Balance Sheet, Trial Balance, etc. at a glance

Far vision ERP: Sales Automation

Detailed Automation of Sales Processes Various steps in the sales process starting from Booking, Allotment, Transfer, Demand Notice, Collection and Recovery Process, Pre Possession, Handover are handled smoothly through Far Vision A detailed Customer History is maintained and available at the press of a key

Far vision ERP: Prospect Follow-up Mechanism

Powerful Prospect Capturing & Follow-up Mechanism Be it the first Phone Call, Email, Site Visit, all information relating to a prospective customer is maintained in Far Vision to give continuity to customer handling across various sales persons. The prospect database is useful for profiling customers and using in launch of subsequent projects

Far vision ERP: Project Estimation

Management of Project Estimation

Using Bill of Quantities and monitoring of Actual cost as work is being executed by sub-contractors

Far vision ERP: Project Estimation

Integration with Autocad

Quantification Services for accurate Bill of Quantities. Reconcillation Slab to Slab for Quantities Procured and utilised

Far vision ERP: Project Estimation

Portals Customers Brokers Suppliers Employees Contractors Architects

Far vision ERP: Business Intelligence

Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing Data Warehousing for Business Intelligence, Analytical Reporting and creation of Ad Hoc Reporting . It provides a set of concepts and methods to improve business decision making by using fact based support systems. It gives an interface for the decision makers to get instant analytical reports and graphical representation from business Query Functions Slice & Dice data / Drag & Drop of data for analytical analysis Benefits Enhance data into information and then into knowledge

Provides an instant decision support mechanism for top management Enables effective knowledge management Avoids time consuming structuring of reports and formats for one time use Allows built in exports of data to other applications if required Gives a wise plethora of analysis mechanism

Far vision ERP: a Web-based Application

Home Page ABC Construction Co.

Users can self design Home Page

Configure KPIs on Home Page

Configure Employee Portal

Real-time Workflow Alerts

Real-time Escalation Alerts

Configure Reminders & Alerts

Built-in Search Engine

Inbuilt Document Management System

Configure Ad-hoc reporting Tool

..and more user-friendly features for users

Far vision ERP: Dashboards

Dashboards Single Click Always ready Dashboards for information for various departments: Financials, Sales, Inventory, HR, etc. for decision making Advantages Provides Top Management with birds eye view of functions and data related to departments Allows Drill Down features to go into the last basic transaction for details wherever necessary Gives indication of critical functionalities of the organisation Showcases to the management general trends of business against the past and expectations Fully User Definable

Far vision ERP: Dashboards Cockpit View of Business operations across Departments for Top Management

Far vision ERP: Clients


We hope you have found FAR VISION ERP suite matching your expectations We look to the opportunity to provide our dedicated services for your esteemed organization

Thank you for giving us your valuable time

Contact Details: Email id: [email protected] Mobile No: +91.98310.11567

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