Fishing in Cullercoats

January 5, 2018 | Author: Anonymous | Category: Arts & Humanities, English, Literature, English Literature
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Maritime Heritage Fishing in Cullercoats

What we will do today

 Learn about fishing in Cullercoats.  Become familiar with Cullercoats harbour by playing an eye spy game  Look at changes in Cullercoats harbour by comparing what we see to today with old photographs.

Fishing in Cullercoats  In 1749 Cullercoats was described as the best fish market in the north if England.  Every family member had a job to do.

Fishing Families. The Women.  Girls would be married and have a child by 16  They would marry within the village.  Their work was hard and arduous.

Fishing Families.  Once the men had landed the fish the women would pack it.  They used Creels to carry the fish.  They use to attracted attention by calling “Caller herring, caller herring”

Fishing Families – The Children  Children collected the daily water from age 5.  At 10 they were considered an adult.  Sons helped on the boats from age 14  Girls sold fish from the age of 12.  They also had to knit stockings and sew.

Fishing families – The Men.  There were several original fisher family names: Storey, Armstrong Taylor, Lisle and Brunton.  The lives of the men were one of toil and danger.  They used a traditional fishing boat called a coble.


The Fish! Herring Cod


Lobster Edible Crab

The Houses.  The cottages were small.  There were often 3 generations living together.  There was no inside toilet or running water.  Most have now been demolished.

Winslow Homer’s The Herring Net

Fisherman’s Fashions  The men wore jumpers or “gansys”  The women wore printed bodices, a blue flannel skirt a neckerchief, home spun stockings and a shawl.

Local Words Cullercoats people had their own words for everyday things: Stocker Kneef Gully Puddick The retley’s-in Soomin Nammie

a fish caught in a net a fist a bread knife a frog a minute swimming a large turnip.

The Watch House

A Coble

A cottage in Simpson Street

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