here - The Bennett and Albert County Health Care Foundation

January 5, 2018 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Short Description

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Our Mission 

To enhance the health and wellness of the people served by the Albert County Health and Wellness Centre through raising funds and managing assets in the spirit of our benefactor, Judge Bennett’s vision.

Our Vision 

To have a positive impact on health and wellness for the people served by the Albert County Health and Wellness Centre with the support of our community and the satisfaction of our donors.

Our Board of Directors 

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Warren Williams, Chair Allen McWilliams, Vice Chair Harley Tingley, Past Chair Linda Saunders, Treasurer Barb Porter, Secretary Rhonda Lee Rossiter, Director Danny Jonah, Director Mike Mitchell, Director Don Keiver, Honorary Director

Our History Albert Watson Bennett was born in Hopewell Cape in 1864. He studied law in Dorchester and was admitted to the bar of New Brunswick in 1885.  Throughout his career, Judge Bennett saw a need for improved health care.  In 1960, Judge Bennett made a large bequest in his will to the Albert County Hospital which was realized in 1973 following the death of his wife. 

Our History In 1974, the Friends of the Albert County Hospital Inc. was founded and served the hospital until 1992.  In 1998, the Bennett and Albert County Hospital Foundation was founded.  In 2008, after hospital became a community health centre, the Foundation’s name changed to the Bennett and Albert County Health Care Foundation. 

Today All funds are administered by the Bennett and Albert County Health Care Foundation. This includes: 

Fund Raising Campaigns ◦ Since 2000, over $250,000 has been raised through campaigns

Donations  Investment Income 

Recently Supported

Albert County Health & Wellness Centre 24 Hour Blood Pressure Monitor  Tele-Health Equipment 

2013 Asset Based Community Development Workshop

Extra-Mural Program 

Telehomecare Monitoring System

Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library

Tele-Drive Albert County Inc.

Foundation Secretary, Barb Porter, and Tele-Drive Coordinator, Kim Beers.

Literacy Express Children’s Program

Riverside Consolidated School Breakfast Program

Fund Raising Programs Addressed, Personalized Mail  Mail Drop to all Households  Face-to-Face, Personal Solicitations  Employee Lottery  Fundraising Events 

Memorial Program Nothing is more comforting than remembering a loved one by making a lasting gift in their memory.

Gifts will be permanently recorded in our Memorial Book.  Memorial Cards are available at local area funeral homes.  You can also make memorial donations at the Health Centre, over the phone, or on the Foundation Website. 

Donor Recognition 

All donors, regardless of their level of giving, are recognized under the Donor Recognition Program

Donor Recognition All gifts are important and appreciated and a monetary gift is never more important than individual relationships with our supporters.

Volunteers 

Volunteers are the backbone of our Foundation! We could not run without them. They help us with: ◦ Fund Raising Campaigns ◦ Special Events

They also provide leadership on our Board of Directors.

Albert County Health & Wellness Centre Staff 

Thank you for all of your hard work and effort to promote health and prevent illness in our communities!

Public Relations 

Community Focus Newsletter ◦ Twice annually


Email: [email protected]

Thank you all!

Be sure to visit us online!

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