Local Holdings Maintenance: The Basics

January 5, 2018 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Local Holdings Maintenance: The Basics

Agenda • • • • • • • •

Defining Local Holdings Accessing Connexion Searching in Connexion Understanding an LHR Deriving LHR’s Creating New LHR’s Performing Final Actions Resources

Objectives • Learn the concept of Local Holdings Maintenance • Understand the structure of a Local Holdings Record • Successfully interpret Local Holdings Record information • Create institution-specific Local Holdings Records

What Are Local Holdings? Creating Local Holdings is a means by which libraries describe their changing collections. The service allows institutions to create, maintain, and display online their summary-level holdings.

Why Create Local Holdings? • Provides copy-specific data of the library's serials • Supports collection development by making all aspects of the collection known • Provides finding tools for the library's local patrons, staff and remote users • Supports consortial activities, including but not limited to interlibrary loan and cooperative collection development and acquisition

How Do I Access This? • Connexion browser • http://connexion.oclc.org

• Cataloging Authorization and Password • Union Listing authorizations have been converted to cataloging authorizations to allow access to Connexion • Don’t know your authorization? Call the SOLINET Member Services Help Desk

Searching in Connexion Browser • Command Line • Derived searching

• Keyword/Numeric • • • • • •

Language Source Years Format Microform Internet

LHM Searching Elements • Show Local Holdings limiter • Holdings dropdown • • • • •

Any Institution Holdings My Local Holdings Group Holdings Group Local Holdings

Display Holdings Options

Holdings Dropdown Options • Any – no limits on what records show in search results • Institution Holdings – will only show bibliographic records in the search results where your library owns the item • My Local Holdings – will only show records in the search results where your library’s local holdings are attached • Group Holdings – will show bibliographic records in the search results where at least one member of a group (that you’ve chosen to search) owns the item • Group Local Holdings – will show bibliographic records in the search results where at least one member of a group (that you’ve chosen to search) has attached local holdings

Connexion Searching Exercise Just remember do NOT use browser navigation!

What makes up a Local Holdings record?

Understanding Local Holdings • Two interlocking Standards • Display standard (Z39.71) • Communications standard (MFHD) MFHD Z39.71

Data Areas 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Item Identification Area Location Data Area Date of Report Area General Holdings Area Extent of Holdings Area Holdings Note Area

The Nine Principles 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Levels of Specificity Identification of Data Elements Optional Data Area or Element Pieces Held Number of Locations and Copies Form Cataloging System Relationship of Holdings Statement to Bibliographic Item 9. Formats

Reading Local Holdings Records

LHR Elements • • • •

Header (Item Identification Area) Summary Leader Variable Fields • • • • •

007 008 852 853 863

Header • • • •

OCLC Number ISSN Frequency Dates

Summary • Free text field that allows you to summarize your local holdings

Leader • • • •

Record Status [05] Type of Record [06] Encoding Level [17] Item information in record [18]

Leader - Expanded

007 – Physical Description Fixed Field • • • • • • •

Map Electronic Resource Globe Tactile Material Projected Graphic Microform Nonprojected Graphic

• • • • • • • •

Motion Picture Kit Notated Music Remote-sensing Image Sound Recording Text Videorecording Unspecified

007 - Expanded

008 – Fixed Length Data Elements • • • • • • •

Receipt or Acquisition Status [06] Method of Acquisition [07] General Retention Policy [12] Completeness [16] Lending Policy [20] Reproduction Policy [21] Language [22-24]

008 - Expanded

852 - Location • • • • • •

Indicator 1 – Shelving Scheme Indicator 2 – Shelving Order $a - Location $b – Sublocation or Collection $h – Classification Part $i – Item Part

• $t – Copy Number

852 - Expanded

853 – Captions & Patterns • Indicator 1 – Compressibility and Expandability • Indicator 2 – Caption Evaluation • $8 – Field Link Number • $a – First Level of Enumeration • $i – First Level of Chronology

853 - Expanded

863 – Enumeration & Chronology • • • • •

Indicator 1 – Field Encoding Level Indicator 2 – Form of Holdings $8 – Field Link and Sequence Number $a – First Level of Enumeration $i - First Level of Chronology

863 - Expanded

Linking and Sequence Numbers Example 853 863 863 863 863 863 863 863

33 3_ 3_ 3_ 3_ 3_ 3_ 3_

‡8 ‡8 ‡8 ‡8 ‡8 ‡8 ‡8 ‡8

1 ‡a v. ‡i (year) 1.1 ‡a 59-61 ‡i 1952-1953 ‡w g 1.2 ‡a 63-65 ‡i 1954-1955 ‡w g 1.3 ‡a 68-110 ‡i 1956-1977 ‡w g 1.4 ‡a 115 ‡i 1980 ‡w g 1.5 ‡a 118 ‡i 1981 ‡w g 1.6 ‡a 121 ‡i 1983 ‡w g 1.7 ‡a 125- ‡i 1985-

866 – Textual Holdings • • • • • • •

Indicator 1 – Field Encoding Level Indicator 2 – Type of Notation $a – Textual Holdings $x – Nonpublic Note $z – Public Note $2 – Source of Notation $8 – Field Link Number

866 - Expanded

Translation and Data Entry Exercise

Creating LHRs!

LHR creating in Connexion is guided. Much of the work has been removed!

Editing LHRs • Editing is also guided • Click on Function dropdown menu on right or • In an expanded field, Action dropdown menu on right

Derive an LHR • From one of your existing LHRs • Search for the bibliographic record matching your item • Display your existing LHR • Click on the Edit dropdown menu • Click Derive New Record • Edit fields • Click on Action dropdown menu • Select Replace Record

Derive an LHR • From another institution’s LHR • Search for the bibliographic record matching your item • Display the other institutions LHR • Click on the Edit dropdown menu • Click Derive New Record • Edit fields • Click on Action dropdown menu • Select Add Record

Creating an LHR • Search for the bibliographic record matching your item • Click on Action dropdown menu • Select Create Local Holdings • Edit Fields • Click on Action dropdown menu • Select Add Record

LH Constant Data • What is Constant Data? • Set up LH CD to streamline your work • You can create your own or derive a CD from another institution’s LHR • Create LH Constant Data • Fill out as little or as much as you want/need • Save (give it a meaningful name) and a possible Status • Apply it to a record

Applying LH Constant Data • Apply it to a LHR you are working on: • Edit>Apply CD by Name (or) • Edit>Apply CD from List

Taking Final Actions • Reformatting • Click on the Edit dropdown menu • Click Reformat Record

• Validating • • • •

Click on the Edit dropdown menu Click Validate Record Correct errors Repeat until complete validation occurs

• Adding • Click on Action dropdown menu • Select Add Record

Punctuation • • • • • •

: , = / -

• • • • • •

() + ? ““ ; []

Local Holdings Creation Exercise

Resources • MARC 21 Format for Holdings Data Primer • http://www.oclc.org/support/documentation/localhol dings/primer/holdingsprimer.pdf

• OCLC-MARC Local Holdings Format Tag Chart

• http://www.oclc.org/support/documentation/localhol dings/tagchart/holdingstagchart.pdf

• Connexion Browser Documentation

• http://www.oclc.org/support/documentation/connexi on/browser/

• ANSI/NISO Z39.71

• http://www.niso.org/standards/resources/Z3971.pdf

Thank You for Attending! Questions?

SOLINET Member Services Help Desk 1.800.999.8558 [email protected] 8am-5pm Eastern Monday-Friday

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