Power Point - History @ St Benets

January 8, 2018 | Author: Anonymous | Category: Arts & Humanities, Gender Studies, Human Sexuality
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Depth Study – How far did British Society change 1939-75? This unit is aimed at a source based exam paper The exam has 5 source questions The exam is 1 ½ hours Major Topics  The impact of the Second World War on people’s lives, particularly women and young people.  The Beveridge Report, National Health Service and the Welfare State  Immigration into Britain, 1945-75  The changing role of women, 1950-75  Growing up in the 1950s, 60s and 70s.


Depth Study – How far did British Society change 1939-75?

Depth Study – How far did British Society change 1939-75?

   


Our Topic Growing up in the 50s, 60s and 70s What was it like growing up in the 1950s? Why were there changes in the lives of teenagers in the 1960s? How did teenagers and students behave in the 1960s and 70s? How far did lives of teenagers change in the 1960s and 70s?

Depth Study – How far did British Society change 1939-75?

Depth Study – How far did British Society change 1939-75?

1945 -1955 Young people were  Still living with effects of 6 years of war  Living with rationing until 1954  Dressed the same as their parents  Had same set of values as parents  Had no access to TV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Listened to the same music as their parents


1939 only 50,000 young people go on to higher education




1960s Change became more rapid  More money  More products aimed at teenagers  TV and radio aimed at the young  Fashion – Mini Skirts  Music –Beatles and Stones  Rebellion! ‘The Swinging Sixites’

55 1950s Things 60 start to change  Wear different clothes to parents  Spend more time with friends, in coffee shops etc  Start to watch Hollywood films

Growing up in the 1950s, 60s and 70s


1965 390,000 young people go on to higher education



1970 1,145 Comprehensive Schools built

Depth Study – How far did British Society change 1939-75?

Growing up in the 50s, 60s and 70s

Draw a stickperson and label the characteristics of a TEENAGER (mine is having a boogie!)

www.historytl.com Depth Study – How far did British Society change 1939-75?

Growing up in the 50s, 60s and 70s

What was it like growing up in the 1950s?

Objectives  To investigate what life was like for ‘teenagers’ in the 1950s To be able to describe the life of a ‘teenager’ in the 1950s

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dWApeBRj1Zw Bored Teenagers

www.historytl.com Depth Study – How far did British Society change 1939-75?

Growing up in the 50s, 60s and 70s

What was it like growing up in the 1950s?

Label and annotate this photograph

Family photograph 1950s www.historytl.com Depth Study – How far did British Society change 1939-75?

Growing up in the 50s, 60s and 70s

What was it like growing up in the 1950s?

Using page 482 – Give five specific reasons why life for teenagers was dull at this time. Read source One. Give one use of this source Give one limit of the source What do the young people need to help them become the teenagers we know? Think of three ideas

www.historytl.com Depth Study – How far did British Society change 1939-75?

Growing up in the 50s, 60s and 70s

Why were there changes in the lives of teenagers in the 1960s? What is the message of this source?


While the song plays, using the cartoon Can you infer three ways teenagers have changed from the 1950s?

www.historytl.com Depth Study – How far did British Society change 1939-75?

Growing up in the 50s, 60s and 70s

Why were there changes in the lives of teenagers in the 1960s??

Objectives  To investigate why life changed for teenagers in the 1960s To learn specific examples to support your reasons

What changes in the life of teenagers does source give?   

www.historytl.com Depth Study – How far did British Society change 1939-75?

Growing up in the 50s, 60s and 70s

Why were there changes in the lives of teenagers in the 1960s? Using all the information you have complete the Tree Map below Three main reasons for change

Cultural Influences


Consumer Boom

Financial Power


Depth Study – How far did British Society change 1939-75?

Growing up in the 50s, 60s and 70s

Why were there changes in the lives of teenagers in the 1960s??

Did it change for all teenagers?

Why do you think this is? Give two reasons Cramlington? Investigate source 8 and 9 on page 486 Using N/O/P For each give a USE and a limit to its use In conclusion which is more useful to a historian in understanding the changes in the lives of teenagers in the 1960s? www.historytl.com Depth Study – How far did British Society change 1939-75?

Hello I’m a MOD

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uswXI4fDYrM My Generation


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zju6KbP_1xY Rock around the clock

Where’s my motor bike!

Growing up in the 50s, 60s and 70s

How did teenagers behave the 1960s and 70s?

Objectives  To investigate examples of teenage behaviour!!!!!!! To look at the level of violence between Mods and Rockers To find out just how much sex they were having

www.historytl.com Depth Study – How far did British Society change 1939-75?

Annotate and label the photograph Note the different groups

www.historytl.com Depth Study – How far did British Society change 1939-75?

What do you think is going on? What impression does this photograph give of teenagers? Do you think this is right for all teenagers in the 60s?


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Rj-OHCusEI Margate

Depth Study – How far did British Society change 1939-75?

Why would a newspaper report this story?

Growing up in the 50s, 60s and 70s

How did teenagers behave the 1960s and 70s? Read page 492 Study Source 27 and 28 Which source is more useful to a historian in studying teenage violence in the 1960s? Complete the following sentences

Source----- is the most useful. Source 27 is useful because……… Although it could be limited because Source 28 is useful because….. Although it could be limited because….. My own knowledge supports this because

www.historytl.com Depth Study – How far did British Society change 1939-75?

Growing up in the 50s, 60s and 70s

How did teenagers and students behave in the 1960s and 70s? A Sexual Revolution?

Objectives  To investigate teenage attitudes to sex in the sixties To use sources to come to a judgement on the extent attitudes had changed

To complete a exam style essay question. ‘All right, Miss Linnet, I’ve got my lot covered –you can let yours out’ A cartoon from the Sunday Express 8th March 1964

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2MYBlSF_HTs Too much too young

www.historytl.com Depth Study – How far did British Society change 1939-75?

Growing up in the 50s, 60s and 70s How far did lives of teenagers change in the 1960s and 70s?

What can we learn about attitudes to teenage sex from this cartoon?

‘All right, Miss Linnet, I’ve got my lot covered –you can let yours out’ A cartoon from the Sunday Express 8th March 1964 www.historytl.com Depth Study – How far did British Society change 1939-75?

There was a Sexual Revolution in the Sixties, using the sources and your own knowledge

Do you agree? Assessment Read through each source, does it agree or disagree and highlight the quotes you would use to support your decision. Then plan the answer. Support with own knowledge from page 490 Source A A worker at Butlin’s Holiday Camp: I was sickened the sex was so totally available B An actor in his early 20s: The chicks are so cool about sex. At a party you can come up to a girl and say within a couple of minutes of meeting her ‘How about coming back to my place?’ There’ll be no messing about. If she likes you she says ‘sure, lets go.

Source B Teenagers in the sixties were the first generation since the war to decide that the mysteries of sex should be explored and discoveries made for the sheer fun of it. People had sex at the slightest excuse after meeting for only ten minutes. Sexual partners were snapped up and discarded without ceremony, provided that they had the newly available contraceptive in their pocket or handbag.

-An extract from The Swinging Sixties by Brian Masters, published in 1985. Masters is a journalist and a writer

Source C Most teenagers were still virgins at nineteen, Only one in three boys and one in six girls had ever had sex. When contrasted with the recurring outcry about teenage immorality, these figures seem low. For younger teenagers, sexual experience of sex with a steady partner. These results suggest that promiscuity, although it exists, is not a prominent feature of teenage sexual behaviour. - An Extract from The Sexual Behaviour of Young People by Michael Schofield published in 1965. It was based on a survey of 2000 young people Source D Among the married interviewees, one in four men and two in three women had been virgins on their wedding day, figures that were not radically different from those for earlier periods. The importance of virginity to both sexes was ‘remarkably high’, but attitudes to pre-marital experience have relaxed since 1950… Half the men thought that it was reasonable for women to be sexually experienced but only a third of the female interviewees agreed. - An extract from Sex and Marriage in England Today by Geoffrey Gorer based on a survey of 2000 people aged 16-45 carried out in 1969

Source E Masters says that by the end of the sixties ‘people had sex at the slightest excuse after meeting for only ten minutes’. This seems rather unlikely given what studies said about their behaviour just a few years before… If wild abandoned sexual relations suddenly became the norm, why did marriage reach such unprecedented levels of popularity during the sixties. - An extract from White Heat: A History of Britian in the Swinging Sixties by the historian Dominic Sandbrook, published 2006. Sandbrook is a historian at Oxford University

There was a Sexual Revolution in the Sixties, using the sources and your own knowledge

Do you agree? Assessment

Source A A worker at Butlin’s Holiday Camp: I was sickened the sex was so totally available B An actor in his early 20s: The chicks are so cool about sex. At a party you can come up to a girl and say within a couple of minutes of meeting her ‘How about coming back to my place?’ There’ll be no messing about. If she likes you she says ‘sure, lets go.

There was a Sexual Revolution in the Sixties, using the sources and your own knowledge

Do you agree? Assessment

Source B Teenagers in the sixties were the first generation since the war to decide that the mysteries of sex should be explored and discoveries made for the sheer fun of it. People had sex at the slightest excuse after meeting for only ten minutes. Sexual partners were snapped up and discarded without ceremony, provided that they had the newly available contraceptive in their pocket or handbag. -An extract from The Swinging Sixties by Brian Masters, published in 1985. Masters is a journalist and a writer

There was a Sexual Revolution in the Sixties, using the sources and your own knowledge

Do you agree? Assessment

Source C Most teenagers were still virgins at nineteen, Only one in three boys and one in six girls had ever had sex. When contrasted with the recurring outcry about teenage immorality, these figures seem low. For younger teenagers, sexual experience of sex with a steady partner. These results suggest that promiscuity, although it exists, is not a prominent feature of teenage sexual behaviour. - An Extract from The Sexual Behaviour of Young People by Michael Schofield published in 1965. It was based on a survey of 2000 young people

There was a Sexual Revolution in the Sixties, using the sources and your own knowledge

Do you agree? Assessment

Source D Among the married interviewees, one in four men and two in three women had been virgins on their wedding day, figures that were not radically different from those for earlier periods. The importance of virginity to both sexes was ‘remarkably high’, but attitudes to pre-marital experience have relaxed since 1950… Half the men thought that it was reasonable for women to be sexually experienced but only a third of the female interviewees agreed. - An extract from Sex and Marriage in England Today by Geoffrey Gorer based on a survey of 2000 people aged 16-45 carried out in 1969

There was a Sexual Revolution in the Sixties, using the sources and your own knowledge

Do you agree? Assessment

Source E Masters says that by the end of the sixties ‘people had sex at the slightest excuse after meeting for only ten minutes’. This seems rather unlikely given what studies said about their behaviour just a few years before… If wild abandoned sexual relations suddenly became the norm, why did marriage reach such unprecedented levels of popularity during the sixties. - An extract from White Heat: A History of Britian in the Swinging Sixties by the historian Dominic Sandbrook, published 2006. Sandbrook is a historian at Oxford University

Growing up in the 50s, 60s and 70s

How did Education change? By the end of the song Note three changes that have taken place in education in your life time

Objectives  To investigate the changes to education in the 1960s To evaluate how much these changes effected the lives of teenagers. To revisit the topic and complete a summary diagram


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xhgE5bfcFTU Another brick in the wall

Depth Study – How far did British Society change 1939-75?

Growing up in the 50s, 60s and 70s

How did Education change? Before 1964 all students sat an exam at 11years old. The 11+. This decided which type of school they would go to.  Grammar Schools , very academic and seen as good

 Secondary Technical Schools, meant to be vocational but very few ever built.  Secondary Modern Schools, seen as less academic and less good After 1964 this changed to one type of school for all THE COMPREHENSIVE SCHOOL In Paris come up with two advantages and two disadvantages of this change

www.historytl.com Depth Study – How far did British Society change 1939-75?

Growing up in the 50s, 60s and 70s

How did Education change? New schools, New Universities.

A better education? Using pages 494/5 Complete the following table Level of education



Problem solved?



How far do you believe the changes in education changed teenagers in the sixties? Support with reference to at least one source www.historytl.com Depth Study – How far did British Society change 1939-75?

Summary of changes in the lives of Teenagers Using the textbook, find a source to support each change and add it to the diagram

AttitudesSociety generally was becoming more liberal and this was shown in new laws. A new Obscene Publications Act in 1959 meant that books with sexual content such as Lady Chatterley’s lover could be published without prosecution. The death penalty for murder was abolished in 1957

American InfluenceThis was particularly true of the media industries that were so important in defining youth culture. American films, American comics and American television were very influential.

TelevisionIn the 1950s and 1960s TV moved from nowhere to the number one form of entertainment and the most important way of communicating ideas. As you saw from page 489, TV spread ideas about style and culture that was never possible before

Why did life for teenagers change during the 1960s

ConsumerismThese generations in Britain had grown up with little money and fearful of poverty. This was the first generation that devoted itself so entirely to large-scale consumerism. Business people saw this and built large businesses around selling goods to young consumers.

Welfare stateThe teenagers were the first generation to grow up in the era of the Welfare State and the NHS. Most teenagers were healthier than any generation which had gone before them. They were also better educated and this affected the way they saw the world.

AffluenceThe figures on page 448 show how well the British economy was performing. There was no shortage of jobs. When people today are interviewed about their memories of the 1960s one of the most common points they make is how easy it was to get a job. Even if you walked out of one job you could easily get another one.

The changing role of women, 1950 -75.

Review and organise your files 1) Make sure all your work is in order and titled 2) What do you consider to be the three most important facts to remember? 3) What single point surprised you the most? 4) What question do you still have to ask?

www.historytl.com Depth Study – How far did British Society change 1939-75?

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