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Program for Faculty Development – January 15, 2014
•Welcome This presentation is intended to help you understand what information belongs on a McMaster CV and where the information should be placed
•Overview • McMaster
University has a specific set of guidelines for CVs. These guidelines, found in SPS B-11, are outlined below. • Faculty members must submit their CV in McMaster format for all academic reviews and for any administrative appointments. • Preparation of the CV in McMaster format can be simplified using the MacFACTs system (formerly STAR-CV)
•Name Guidelines state: The name that you commonly use should be underlined. However, FHS does not enforce this requirement. MacFACTS will pick up your name from the database ** Changes coming to allow for prior name, common name, etc to appear.**
•Addresses • This
is usually your university office address and should include your phone, fax and email • This is a manual entry into MacFACTS, you can choose which address you would like to appear, although this is normally your business/mailing address • Do not use your home address!
•Personal Information Please do not include your: birth date, citizenship status, home address, etc. It is not considered relevant to an academic CV. • Note •
• this
information may appear in MacFACTS but will not output into the CV. • Please check this information and use the email buttons to request changes
•Educational Background ** Degrees and certifications only NOTE – if this information was included on your CV at time of hire, it will appear in MacFacts automatically. For any degrees earned after hiring, you will need to request that these be added. •
For each degree/certificate include: • designation
(i.e. PhD; MD etc); program or department name (if applicable); formal name of institution, location; year received • For institution - this is the organization that grants the designation – not where training has taken place.
•Education…. • Subheadings: •
Degrees and Diplomas – LOCKED • only
completed degrees and diplomas
Qualifications, Licensures and Certifications – Manual Entry • Include
FRCPC certifications etc.
Other Specialized Training– Manual Entry • Incomplete
degrees • Fellowship training (not FRCPC – but other specialized clinical fellowships)
•Education…. Fellowship Certification • Correct: •
2006 FRCPC, Cardiology, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada
FRCPC, (Cardiology), Royal College, Canada
Incorrect: •
2006 FRCPC, McMaster University, Postgraduate Cardiology Program
•Education… Other Specialized Training • Correct: •
2004 – 2007 Clinical Fellow, Rheumatology, University of Western Ontario
2000 – 2003 BA program, History, University of Toronto (not completed)
(note – these are manual entries into MacFACTS)
•Current Status at McMaster • Note
– these are auto entries in MacFacts • This includes your academic appointments – primary, joint and associate. • This DOES NOT include administrative titles. i.e. Endowed Chair, Associate Chair etc. •
These would be manually entered
•Professional Organizations • List membership in professional organizations • Include dates • Note those that are elected Examples: 2001 – present 2006 – present
Canadian Orthopaedic Association Infectious Diseases Society (elected)
•Employment History •
Each listing should include starting and ending dates, titles, departments/institutions, geographical locations.
Subheadings are used in this section to separate the types of employment activities: Academic - Includes all positions held at McMaster, including current position as well as any faculty positions held at other educational institutions • Clinical - While not specifically in the guidelines, clinical faculty should provide a history of clinical employment • Consultations - If applicable • Other - If applicable •
•Scholarly and Professional Activities • Each
entry should include dates, and number of reviews if appropriate
• The
following subheadings are used:
Editorial Boards • Grant & Personnel Committees • Executive Positions • Journal Referee • External Grant Reviews •
•Activities – Examples 2008 – Present 2006 2008 – Present
Member, CIHR Peer Review Committee Public, Community & Population Health Nature (1 review) Canadian Medical Association Journal (~ 2/annum)
•Areas of Interest • Although
this is a section on the CV Guidelines, this information is not required. (Your areas of interest would be reflected in your teaching/research/clinical activities). • If you wish, you may include a brief outline of your interests •
In the MacFacts system, the following subheadings are used: research; education; clinical; consulting
•Honours • Include
any awards and honours not captured in other sections of the CV. •
This could include: Order of Canada, scholarships, and scientific awards etc. • Include
full title; agency/institution, date(s)
This also includes: fellowships (honourary fellowships – not training), scholarships, scientific awards (including title, agency, as well as starting and ending [if appropriate] dates)
•Honours • Funds
awarded for academic activities that don’t carry a direct expectation of academic output are listed under awards. •
i.e. Travel grants, studentships, fellowship awards.
• Prestigious
titles which may or may not have funding attached belong in this section •
Career Scientist awards, Professorships, etc.
•Courses Taught • The
guidelines currently state “last five years”, however, you should include as much information as is relevant (MacFacts includes all teaching since ~1999) •
Note that this refers to McMaster teaching. Teaching done prior to appointment at McMaster is not required on the CV unless relevant to the review
• For
inquiry/project courses, student names should be included
•Teaching - examples Examples: 2010
BHSc – 4D03, Project Supervisor (Jorge Garcia)
NURSING-1G03, Instructor
2005 – 2014
Introduction to Health Studies (HEALTHST-1A03), Course Coordinator (6 x)
•Clinical Teaching •
Clinical teaching is not structured into courses. In these programs, all educational activities are listed with a descriptive title. Rounds presentations provided for student audiences should be captured under this section as this is considered an educational activity. Rounds directed at a professional audience belong in the Presentations section • Clinical supervision in the undergraduate and post graduate medical programs would be listed in this section rather than in “Supervisorships” •
• For
clinical supervision, numbers are accepted in lieu of names
•Clinical Teaching Examples:
Undergraduate Medicine, Supervisor, Elective, Block (13 x)
Pediatrics, Resident Research Advisor, (J. Smith)
2009 – 2012
Pediatrics, Resident Research Advisor, (3 x)
•Contributions to Teaching Practice • This
is a new section added in 2012. • Information presented in this section will be especially important for those in the teaching track category. • There are no specific guidelines for the formatting of information provided in this section. More information will follow as the section is used. • Be concise!
•Contributions to Teaching Practice •
At present, faculty members are asked to include any relevant information in these sections but are asked not to include long narratives as these are best placed in the candidate’s statement. pedagogic innovation and/or development of technology-enhanced learning • leadership in delivery of educational programs • course/curriculum development • development/evaluation of educational materials and programs • “other” •
•Supervisorships • This
section includes information related to student supervision and other educational activities • If not already included - add the following information: completed, in progress, inactive
•Supervisorships • Examples:
2006 - 2010
Biochemistry, MSc Supervisor, Monica Cruise, Gene Regulation and Cancer Biology
2009 – present Member, PhD Supervisory Committee, Stephen Silver, Biomedical Sciences
•Lifetime Research Funding •
Recent change from “Last 5 years” to “Lifetime” •
Note – long term faculty members are not required to add back all funding for their entire career. Newer faculty will be expected to keep a “lifetime” record in the CV.
Although this section is entitled “Lifetime Research Funding”, often in FHS our faculty members are involved in research projects with no funding attached. To recognize this, we ask that faculty members enter these in MacFacts as funded with a value of $0. • Those marked as “Unfunded” do not appear on the CV as these are projects which have been denied funding!!! •
•Lifetime Research Funding Anything that was applied for through a formal peer review process, has a defined purpose, and has a funding amount attached is listed in this section. • Other items that would be listed include: “nonpeer reviewed grants” and “local investigator of a clinical trial” These projects may not have funding - but they have defined research objectives and so belong in this section. •
•Lifetime Research Funding •
Each entry must include the following information: Type (i.e. Peer reviewed) • Title • Purpose • Names of investigators, noting PI, Co-PI, Co-I etc; •
• if
not noted above, it is helpful to include your role on the grant
Funding Source • Funding amount •
• If
you are working on a subsection of a large project – include your portion of the funding
•Lifetime Research Funding • Examples:
2010- 2015 Curriculum Vitae: The importance of CV construction and the effects on tenure and promotion at McMaster University. R. Collier (PI), M. Cruise, S. Silver. CIHR, $123,000. 2000 - 2002 A Phase III Study of Regional Radiation Therapy in Early Breast Cancer, (NCIC), Clinical Trial (Local investigator)
•Lifetime Publications • All
publications should be included. • Publications must be sorted into the categories and subheadings listed on the next slide. • Formatting of all entries should be consistent. •
Do not add, remove or reorder author names. • Per
the guidelines: The sequence of authors must be the exact replica of the sequence in which the manuscript was published.
•Lifetime Publications Publications are listed under the following subheadings: • Peer Reviewed •
Subheadings: Books; Contributions to books(include chapter title(s)); journal articles; journal abstracts; other(including proceedings at meetings)
Not Peer Reviewed •
Subheadings: Books; Contributions to books(include chapter title(s)); journal articles; journal abstracts; other(including proceedings at meetings)
Accepted for Publication (in final form) • Submitted for Publication •
Include date submitted
Unpublished Documents •
Subheadings: Technical report series, Other
•Presentations at Meetings • “For
presentations attributable to multiple authors, the sequence of authors must replicate that in which the abstract was accepted, with the name(s) of the presenter(s) underlined.” • The following subheadings are used: Invited • Contributed •
• Peer
Reviewed • Not Peer Reviewed •
Note – rounds presentations directed to student audiences should be listed in educational activities.
•Presentations • Invited •
vs Contributed – general guidelines
Invited • the
organizers contact you because of your recognized expertise in your field.
Contributed • you
submit a presentation for review and are then “invited” to present at a conference – these may be peer reviewed.
•Patents, Inventions and Copyrights •
Patents/ Inventions /Copyrights applied for and received should be listed and include the following information: •
date applied or issued, names of all authors, title, agency, patent number/copyright number.
Brown, Eric, Wright, Gerard, Li, Xiaoming, Cechetto, Jonathan. Use of multicopy suppression in the discovery of antibacterial compounds, their targets and drug efflux susceptibility., United States, 60/556,378.
•Administrative Responsibilities • Include start and end dates, role (i.e. member, chair), etc. • The following subheadings should be used: Department • Faculty • University • Hospital/Clinical •
Examples: 2010-2011 2010-2013
Member (elected), Selection Committee for the Chair, Department of Pediatrics Chief, Surgery, St. Joseph’s Hospital Hamilton
•Other Responsibilities • This section is usually left blank but if there are other relevant responsibilities that do not fit in any other section, they may be included here.
•Resources Content
If you have questions on where information should be entered - Check with your Department T&P Coordinator first and then if further clarification/assistance is required, contact FHS Faculty Relations
Contact your department/educational program if teaching activities are missing Incorrect info in biographical fields/university appointment – contact FHS Faculty Relations through MacFacts or email
[email protected]
Contact CSU for login and passwords - email
[email protected] CSU offers training on the system only (i.e. technical not content) – this is not required prior to using the system.