Puyallup Homelessness Presentation
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Puyallup Strategic Plan to Resolve Homelessness
Nationally, 40% of homeless children are under the age of 5
.21% .58%
.368% .251% .146%
.090% $435
Create Citizen Advisory Board to review community funding applications and make recommendations to Council. Fund a part-time contracted Grant Writer In addition to funds currently assigned for human social service programs, the City of Puyallup sets a goal to assign 1% of general fund for assistance to reducing homelessness within 4 years, and annually thereafter.
Implement affordable housing incentives into the Land Use Code within 4 year time frame. Partner with Puyallup School District and other local schools to enhance programs serving families with children.
1% of General Fund = $360,000
Salaries, Wages, Benefits Supplies
$ 22,183,101 1,542,826
Other Services / Charges Intergov’t Services Capital
5,540,802 134,419 140,959
Undistributed Savings / One time adjustments
Transfers – Debt / Other
Street Maintenance City Hall Equipment Replaced Activity Ctr Equipment Replaced Library Replacement Equipment Rental Replacements IT &C Equipment Replacements
1,000,000 50,000 23,300 40,000 567,319 334,847
Service Providers
Jaime Anderson-Development Director, Helping Hand House Carlista Barttels – Freezing Nights Volunteer Bill Bowers – Executive Director, One Another Foundation Greta Brackman-Freezing Nights Program Coordinator Bev Casio-Coordinator Open Hearth Ministry Mary DeForrest-Acting Coordinator Open Hearth Ministry David Curry-Executive Director Rescue Mission Carol Doolittle-Greater Lakes Mental Health PATH Team Bonnie Goddard-Freezing Nights Volunteer Charlene Hamblen-Executive Director, Share and Care House Denny Hunthausen, Agency Director, Catholic Community Services Marie Layton-Former Director of Social Services Puyallup Salvation Army Sherry Phinisey-Executive Director, Love INC Sister Pat Michalek-St. Francis House Chris Morton-Executive Director, Associated Ministries Joe O’Neil-Executive Director, Exodus Housing Tulin Ozdeger- National Law Center on Homelessness & Poverty Eileen Paterno-Director, All Saints Community Services Kim Randall-Freezing Nights Coordinator Jerri Rennaker-Greater Lakes Mental Health PATH Team Nola Renz-Executive Director Helping Hand House Patricia Saunders- Greater Lakes Mental Health PATH Team Phyllis Smith- Freezing Nights Coordinator Eric Tars- National Law Center on Homelessness & Poverty Casey Trupin-Attorney Columbia Legal Services Martin Warr-Freezing Nights Coordinator Janet Warr-Freezing Nights Volunteer Puyallup Homeless Coalition
Rev. Ann Berney-United Methodist Church Dr. Mark von Ehrenkrook- Baptist General Conference Rev. Chris & Lisa Hansler Celebration Center Rev. Art Hunt- Lighthouse Christian Center Rev. Ron Kempe- Evengelical Lutheran Church in America Sean Langdon- Puyallup Community of Christ Rev. Janet Leonard -United Methodist Church,Open Hearth Ministry Rev. Dr. James Lewis-Retired, United Methodist Church, Puyallup Rev. Gary Mathison-United Presbyterian Church USA Father Woody McCalister- Roman Catholic Church Rev. Ron Peretti-Hope Center Church Rev. David Rhodes- Nazarene Church Rev. Bill Robey-Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Amy Schweim-Missouri Synod Lutheran Rev. Larry M. Warren-United Methodist Church Rev. Susan L. Watkins-United Presbyterian Church USA
Businesses Craig Beetham-Attorney Eisenhauer Law Firm, Tacoma Rick Brunaugh-Pacific Resource Development Inc. Janice Carter –Charlie’s Restaurant Bobbie Petrone Chipman-Co-managing Broker, Coldwell Banker, Puyallup Jerry Gintz-Gintz Accounting & Tax Inc. Tom Jacobs-Attorney, Jacobs and Jacobs Mary Johnson- Johnson Jewelers, Puyallup Vanjie LaGesse- Puyallup Custom Frame and Art Bill McMeekin-VP Student Svcs. Pierce College Dr. Ovideo Penalver-Pediatrician Teresa Suprek-Charlie’s Restaurant
Concerned Citizens Peter Andrews Vicky Beetham Debra Brackman Ron and Becky McCorkle Paul Casio Shirley Cox Bob Kastama Diane Kastama James Kenney Rick Scott Steve Vermillion
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