Scaling Up Micro Lending in California Disruptive Technology

January 5, 2018 | Author: Anonymous | Category: Business, Management, Human Resource Management
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Scaling Up Micro Lending in California Disruptive Technology

Morning Agenda 

Welcome: Lena Robinson

Paradigm Changes: Stanford Microfinance

New Players Panel

Bankers Panel

Lunch at noon

Lunch Keynote: Barbara Vohryzek

Disruptive Technology An innovation that creates a new market and value network, and eventually goes on to disrupt an existing market, displacing an earlier technology.

Disruptive Technology The term describes innovations that improve a product or service in ways that the market does not expect.

Legacy organizations can miss the value of a disruptive technology, only to be left behind as the new technology matures and takes hold.

Technologies 

Big data and behavioral algorithms

Automated data access & assessment

Cloud-based technology & programming

Online processes

Mobile technology

Changing Norms New technology is not just putting traditional lending processes online. New technology is changing lending norms. • What’s offered

• How quickly

• On what criteria

• At what price

• To whom

• How restructured

• How delivered

• By whom

Impact on Microlending 

Sophisticated technology available to smaller companies

Technology is changing the profitability of microlending

Bringing new players into the market

Creating new forces, like crowdfunding

Raising new expectations among borrowers

Rapid Expansion 

‘New-paradigm loans’ widely available

Taking hold in the market rapidly

Stanford Micro Finance Group Big Data Meets Micro Finance Online Microlending, Machine Learning and Changing the Market 

Luis Armona Julia Reichelstein

New Players Panel 

Tom Green, Lending Club

Brad Lensing, Prosper

Leslie Payne, Lend Up

Paul Quintero, Accion East

New Players Questions 

What loan products are you offering?

What is your market, and how do you reach it?

What is your application process? What information do you require?

How do you assess clients?

What technologies are you using for marketing, document collection, underwriting and servicing?

How quickly can you fund a deal?

What is your current volume?

Banker Panel Moderator: Barbara Vohryzek, Governor’s Small Business Advocate 

Fred Mendez Rabobank

Lena Robinson Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco

Herman White San Francisco Fire Credit Union

Afternoon Agenda - Members 

Lending Academy

Member Panel Devon Johnson, Women’s Economic Ventures Naldo Peliks, Centro Community Partners


Group Discussion and Survey

CAMEO MicroLending Academy Goals Increase microlending, capacity, technology adoption and access to capital. Features: 


Peer Learning


Individual Consulting

Professional Development

Technology Support

Women’s Economic Ventures

Devon Johnson

Microloan Management System (MMS)

MMS Supports lending here


Risk Assessment



Document Collection


Credit Memo

Servicing & Collections

WEV’s Experience 

Doubled deal capacity

Quicker, clearer decisions

Saving time: less upfront admin/touch files less

Invest time after client gives basic info

Time spent on more viable prospects

Could expand with less experienced employee

WEV’s Experience 

Not trying to duplicate our previous process

Stepping into MMS: Investing time to understand rationale for particulars, especially required docs, loan amount and underwriting

Giving it a year

Centro Community Partners

Naldo Peliks

Business Toolkit Presentation

Quick Dyads and Group Discussion Find someone who is not in your organization. 

What response to these trends should our industry be considering?

What strategic steps could my organization take?

Is there a role for CAMEO to support members adapting to new lending environment?

Closing 

Wrap up from Claudia Viek

Please complete your survey

MMS detailed Q&A available after closing


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