Slide 1 - What is Zoneic 是什么

January 23, 2018 | Author: Anonymous | Category: Science, Health Science, Immunology
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Download Slide 1 - What is Zoneic 是什么...


All About ®


Organic Wholesome Soy Bean

优质有机完整型大豆粉 + Non genetically modified soy bean


30% 蛋白质

30% Fish Oil





「区域饮食」的饮食配方 区域饮食之40/30/30食 物主要营养元素比例

Eicosanoids Control 20化合的控制

High Carbo 高碳水化合物 Low Protein 底蛋白质


High Protein 高蛋白质 Low Carbo 底碳水化合物

Elevated Insulin 胰岛素提升 All bodily hormones reach the stage of EQUILIBRIUM, Promote OBESITY Fatty acids will be accumulated offering most effective health & slimming benefits in the fat tissue 促进肥胖 体内荷尔蒙皆在平衡点,提 脂肪囤积在脂肪组织 供最佳健康与纤体效果 0.6


Elevated Glucagon 胰高血糖素提升 Promote KETOSIS Unhealthy loss of lean mass

促进酮态 导致不健康的肌肉质量流失 1.0

Ratio of Protein to Carbohydrate 蛋白质对碳水化合物比率

拥有0.755区域配方的ZONEIC® 不止给予

持久脂肪去除效果,更透过荷尔 蒙调节,带来各项对身心都有益的功 效,真正符合附和体重管理应有的`瘦 身、健康、美肤’全面性好处! Through its uniquely designed 0.755 Zone formulation, ZONEIC® offers not only an

0.755 Your Ultimate Zone Choice 您终极的区域选择

Permanent Fat Loss result, but its hormonal regulation effects excellent

also brings along lots of extra benefits that makes it a holistic weight management programme in `Slimming, Health, Beauty’.

Zoneic ® PLUS

Zoneic ® AM

Zoneic ® PM

       

有机纯大豆粉 无基因改造之分离大豆蛋白 有机 A.F.A 蓝绿藻 大豆异黄酮素 大豆卵磷脂 6 种共生培植益生菌 专利难消化型玉米麦芽糖糊精 复方维生素和矿物质

Organic Soybean Powder Non-GMO Soy Protein Isolate Organic A.F.A Blue Green Algae Soy Isoflavones Soy Lecithin 6 Strains of Symbiosis Cultured Probiotics Patented Indigestible Maltodextrin 20 Multivitamins & Minerals

 现有Zoneic ® PLUS配方

鱼胶原蛋白肽  菊粉

Current Zoneic ® PLUS formula

Fish Collagen Peptides Inulin

 现有Zoneic ® PLUS配方

Current Zoneic ® PLUS formula

左旋肉碱  菊粉 

L-Carnitine Inulin

Main Main Functions Ingredients 主要功效 主要成份

Zoneic ® PLUS Per Serving (2x20g)

Zoneic ® AM Per Serving (2x20g)

Zoneic ® PM Per Serving (2x20g)

Soy -Formation of cell membranes Lecithin - Improve memory 大豆卵磷脂 - Vascular scavenger, to prevent cardiovascular disease - Promote liver health -形成细胞膜的主要成分 - 增进记忆力 -血管清道夫、预防心脑血管疾病 - 促进肝脏健康




Main Ingredients 主要成份

Main Functions 主要功效

Zoneic ® PLUS Per Serving (2x20g)

Soy - Structure mimic with woman ≥ 16mg Isoflavones estrogen 大豆异黄酮 - Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator - Regulate woman hormone, release menopausal symptom - Strengthen bone density, prevent osteoporosis -结构与体内雌激素相似 - 双向性调节感应器(SERM) - 有效调节女性荷尔蒙,舒缓更年 期的症状 - 强化骨质密度,减缓骨质疏松

Zoneic ® AM Per Serving (2x20g)

Zoneic ® PM Per Serving (2x20g)


~ 10mg

Main Ingredients 主要成份

Main Functions 主要功效

Zoneic ® PLUS Per Serving (2x20g)

Zoneic ® AM Per Serving (2x20g)

Zoneic ® PM Per Serving (2x20g)

AFA Blue Green Algae 蓝绿藻

-Single cell, provide complete protein, enhance with omega-3 fatty acid - Anti-oxidant effect, prevent cell damage and prolong ageing - Remove infected cells and kill cancerous cells, strengthen immune system - 单一细胞,提供完整蛋白质, 富含 奥美加-3脂肪酸 - 具抗氧化作用,避免细胞受损,延 缓老化 - 提升清除被感染的细胞及杀灭癌细 胞,提高免疫力




Main Ingredients 主要成份

Main Functions 主要功效

Symbosis Probiotic 共生培植益生 菌

-1billon of probiotic -Improve microflora, maintain normal intestine movement - Strengthen immune system -10亿的乳酸菌丛 -改善菌丛生态,维持肠道正常蠕动及 健康 - 增强抵抗力

Zoneic ® PLUS Per Serving (2x20g)

Zoneic ® AM Per Serving (2x20g)

Zoneic ® PM Per Serving (2x20g)

Main Ingredients 主要成份

Main Functions 主要功效

Indigestible -Control blood sugar and Maltodextrin cholesterol 水溶性纤维 -Detoxification, colon& blood cleansing, prevent accumulation of internal fat -控制血糖与胆固醇 -排毒,净化大肠与血液,预防内脏脂 肪囤积

Zoneic ® PLUS Per Serving (2x20g)

Zoneic ® AM Per Serving (2x20g)

Zoneic ® PM Per Serving (2x20g)




Main Ingredients 主要成份

Main Functions 主要功效

Inulin 菊粉

-Derived from chicory root, a type of water soluble dietary fibre -Increase intestinal probiotic, prevent constipation -Control blood sugar and cholesterol -Aim in slimming -源自于菊苣根,是一种膳食可溶性纤 维 -增加肠道益菌,预防便秘 -控制血糖血脂 -有助于瘦身

Zoneic ® PLUS Per Serving (2x20g)

Zoneic ® AM Per Serving (2x20g)

Zoneic ® PM Per Serving (2x20g)




Main Ingredients 主要成份

Main Functions 主要功效

Fish Collagen Peptide 鱼胶原蛋白肽

- Enhance skin complexion (Whitening& lightens spots and reduce wrinkles) -Stronger hair, nail, knees and bones -美化肤色(美白与祛斑,减少皱纹) -更强壮的头发、指甲、骨骼、关节

Zoneic ® PLUS Per Serving (2x20g)

Zoneic ® AM Per Serving (2x20g)

Zoneic ® PM Per Serving (2x20g)




Main Ingredients 主要成份

Main Functions 主要功效

L-Carnitine 左旋肉碱

- Increase in fat burning, prevent excess fat deposition - Removal of cholesterol and detoxification -加强脂肪燃烧,预防多余脂肪囤积 -消除胆固醇及脂肪酸

Zoneic ® PLUS Per Serving (2x20g)

Zoneic ® AM Per Serving (2x20g)

Zoneic ® PM Per Serving (2x20g)




Zoneic ® PLUS , AM , PM 主要成份一览表 主要成份


Zoneic ® PLUS Per Serving (2x20g)

Zoneic ® AM Per Serving (2x20g)

Zoneic ® PM Per Serving (2x20g)


-形成细胞膜的主要成分 - 增进记忆力 -血管清道夫、预防心脑血管疾病 - 促进肝脏健康





- 结构与体内雌激素相似 - 双向性调节感应器(SERM) - 有效调节女性荷尔蒙,舒缓更年期的症状 - 强化骨质密度,减缓骨质疏松

≥ 16mg


~ 10mg

AFA 蓝绿藻

- 单一细胞,提供完整蛋白质, 富含奥美加-3脂肪酸 - 具抗氧化作用,避免细胞受损,延缓老化 - 提升清除被感染的细胞及杀灭癌细胞,提高免疫力





- 10亿的乳酸菌丛 -改善菌丛生态,维持肠道正常蠕动及健康 - 增强抵抗力


-控制血糖与胆固醇 -排毒,净化大肠与血液,预防内脏脂肪囤积





-源自于菊苣根,是一种膳食可溶性纤维 -增加肠道益菌,预防便秘 -控制血糖血脂 -有助于瘦身





- 美化肤色(美白与祛斑,减少皱纹) -更强壮的头发、指甲、骨骼、关节





- 加强脂肪燃烧,预防多余脂肪囤积 -消除胆固醇及脂肪酸




Zoneic ® PLUS , AM , PM-Main Ingredients List Main Ingredients


Zoneic ® PLUS Per Serving (2x20g)

Zoneic ® AM Per Serving (2x20g)

Zoneic ® PM Per Serving (2x20g)

Soy Lecithin

- Formation of cell membranes - Improve memory - Vascular scavenger, to prevent cardiovascular disease - Promote liver health




Soy Isoflavones

- Structure mimic with woman estrogen - Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator - Regulate woman hormone, release menopausal symptom - Strengthen bone density, prevent osteoporosis

≥ 16mg


~ 10mg

AFA Blue Green Algae

- Single cell, provide complete protein, enhance with omega-3 fatty acid - Anti-oxidant effect, prevent cell damage and prolong ageing - Remove infected cells and kill cancerous cells, strengthen immune system




Symbosis Probiotic

- 1billon of probiotic -Improve microflora, maintain normal intestine movement - Strengthen immune system

Indigestible Maltodextrin

-Control blood sugar and cholesterol -Detoxification, colon& blood cleansing, prevent accumulation of internal fat





-Derived from chicory root, a type of water soluble dietary fibre -Increase intestinal probiotic, prevent constipation -Control blood sugar and cholesterol -Aim in slimming




Fish Collagen Peptide

- Enhance skin complexion(Whitening& lightens spots and reduce wrinkles) -Stronger hair, nail, knees and bones





- Increase in fat burning, prevent excess fat deposition - Removal of cholesterol and detoxification




Categories 族群别

Key Nutrients 关键好营养

Kids/Children Soy Protein&AFA Blue Green 儿童成长期 Algae(Promote brain development, intelligence enhancement) Multivitamin&Mineral(Promotes metabolism, aid in tissue build-up and rejuvenation) 大豆蛋白质&AFA蓝绿藻(促进脑部发 育,增进智力发展) 综合维生素与矿物质(促进身体新陈 代谢,有助身体组织建造与修复)

Zoneic ® PLUS Per Serving (2x20g)

Zoneic ® AM Per Serving (2x20g)

Zoneic ® PM Per Serving (2x20g)

Categories 族群别

Key Nutrients 关键好营养

Adolescents 青春期

Soy Protein (Essential nutrient during development, aid to grow taller and promote muscle) Soy Lecithin (Promote brain vitality and alertness ) Multivitamin&Mineral(Nutrients that promote metabolism& regulate body function) 大豆蛋白质 (发育期间必需的营养素, 帮助长高、促进肌肉发达) 大豆卵磷脂(提高大脑活力,使大脑 思维敏捷) 综合维生素与矿物质(促进身体代谢 及调节身体机能的营养素)

Zoneic ® PLUS Per Serving (2x20g)

Zoneic ® AM Per Serving (2x20g)

Zoneic ® PM Per Serving (2x20g)

Categories 族群别

Key Nutrients 关键好营养

Menses 生理期

Fish Collagen Peptide(aid in absorption of calcium into bone cells to avoid backache problems during menses) Soy Protein (Replenish loss of heme) Calcium (Relieve menses pain due to contraction of uterus) 鱼胶原蛋白肽(让钙质与骨细胞紧密 结合,避免生理期间腰酸背痛) 大豆蛋白质(补充生理期血红素的流 失) 钙(舒缓因子宫收缩而产生的经痛)

Zoneic ® PLUS Per Serving (2x20g)

Zoneic ® AM Per Serving (2x20g)

Zoneic ® PM Per Serving (2x20g)

Categories 族群别

Key Nutrients 关键好营养

Pregnancy 怀孕期

Soy Protein (Promote infant development) Dietary Fiber (Improve constipation problem during pregnancy) Vit B Complex(Sufficient folic acid can prevent neural defects of infant) 大豆蛋白质(促进胎儿生长发育) 膳食纤维(改善怀孕期间可能发生的 便秘问题) 维生素B群(足量的叶酸以预防胎儿 神经管缺陷的发生)

Zoneic ® PLUS Per Serving (2x20g)

Zoneic ® AM Per Serving (2x20g)

Zoneic ® PM Per Serving (2x20g)

Categories 族群别

Key Nutrients 关键好营养

Menopause 更年期

Soy Isoflavones (Improve menopausal symptoms, prevent bone loss) Soy Lecithin(Improve the problem of arteries hardening) AFA Blue Green Algae(Improve nervous system, release anxiety, insomnia etc) 大豆异黄酮(改善更年期症状,预防 骨质流失) 大豆卵磷脂(改善血管硬化问题) AFA蓝绿藻(改善神经系统,舒解神 经紧绷、烦躁、失眠等问题)

Zoneic ® PLUS Per Serving (2x20g)

Zoneic ® AM Per Serving (2x20g)

Zoneic ® PM Per Serving (2x20g)

Categories 族群别

Key Nutrients 关键好营养

Elderly 银发族

Soy Lecithin (Repair membrane cells and improve its function) Fish Collagen Peptides (Antiaging, protect knee & joints) Dietary Fiber(Promote cardiovascular health) 大豆卵磷脂(修补被损伤的细胞膜, 改善细胞膜功能) 鱼胶原蛋白肽(改善衰老现象,保护 膝关节) 膳食纤维(促进血管健康)

Zoneic ® PLUS Per Serving (2x20g)

Zoneic ® AM Per Serving (2x20g)

Zoneic ® PM Per Serving (2x20g)

Categories 族群别

Key Nutrients 关键好营养

Slimming 减肥族

L-Carnitine(Promote metabolism, prevents accumulation of fat) Dietary Fiber(Provide satiety and reduce the speed of food entering the small intestine from the stomach) Soy Lecithin(Emulsify fat) 左旋肉碱(促进新陈代谢,预防脂肪 囤积) 膳食纤维(具饱和感,降低食物从胃 进入小肠的速度) 大豆卵磷脂(乳化、分解血脂)

Zoneic ® PLUS Per Serving (2x20g)

Zoneic ® AM Per Serving (2x20g)

Zoneic ® PM Per Serving (2x20g)

Categories 族群别

Key Nutrients 关键好营养

Late-sleepers L-Carnitine(Aid in metabolism of 熬夜族 fatty acid, generate energy) Soy Lecithin(Maintain the normal function of brain cells, improve memory) Vitamin B Complex (Promote metabolism) Soy Isoflavones (Regulate hormones) 左旋肉碱(帮助脂肪酸的代谢,产生 能量) 大豆卵磷脂(维持脑神经细胞的正常 功能,提高记忆力) 维生素B群(促进身体代谢) 大豆异黄酮(调节荷尔蒙)

Zoneic ® PLUS Per Serving (2x20g)

Zoneic ® AM Per Serving (2x20g)

Zoneic ® PM Per Serving (2x20g)

Categories 族群别

Key Nutrients 关键好营养

Stress 压力族

AFA Blue Green Algae (Antistress&Anti-anxiety) Fish Collagen Peptides (Improve skin problem due to stressful lifestyle) Vit B Complex(Relieve fatigue and maintain the normal functions of nervous system) AFA 蓝绿藻(抗压、抗紧张作用) 鱼胶原蛋白肽(改善因压力而导致的 皮肤问题) 维生素B群(消除疲劳、维持神经系 统正常运作)

Zoneic ® PLUS Per Serving (2x20g)

Zoneic ® AM Per Serving (2x20g)

Zoneic ® PM Per Serving (2x20g)

Categories 族群别

Key Nutrients 关键好营养

Eat-out Dietary Fiber (Promote intestinal (High movement, solve the problem of calories, taking refined food, lower fats) cholesterol, Multivitamin&Mineral(Improve salty, sugar imbalance diet) diet) Probiotic (Improve intestinal 外食族 microflora) (高热量、高 膳食纤维(促进肠道蠕动,补充饮食 胆固醇、高盐、 太精致的问题、降低血脂) 高糖的饮食) 综合维生素与矿物质(补充饮食不均 衡) 益生菌(改善菌丛)

Zoneic ® PLUS Per Serving (2x20g)

Zoneic ® AM Per Serving (2x20g)

Zoneic ® PM Per Serving (2x20g)

Zoneic ® PLUS , AM , PM Vs 特别族群





大豆蛋白质&AFA蓝绿藻(促进脑部发育,增进智力发展) 综合维生素与矿物质(促进身体新陈代谢,有助身体组织建造与修复)


大豆蛋白质 (发育期间必需的营养素,帮助长高、促进肌肉发达) 大豆卵磷脂(提高大脑活力,使大脑思维敏捷) 综合维生素与矿物质(促进身体代谢及调节身体机能的营养素)


鱼胶原蛋白肽(让钙质与骨细胞紧密结合,避免生理期间腰酸背痛) 大豆蛋白质(补充生理期血红素的流失) 钙(舒缓因子宫收缩而产生的经痛)


大豆蛋白质(促进胎儿生长发育) 膳食纤维(改善怀孕期间可能发生的便秘问题) 维生素B群(足量的叶酸以预防胎儿神经管缺陷的发生)


大豆异黄酮(改善更年期症状,预防骨质流失) 大豆卵磷脂(改善血管硬化问题) AFA蓝绿藻(改善神经系统,舒解神经紧绷、烦躁、失眠等问题)


大豆卵磷脂(修补被损伤的细胞膜,改善细胞膜功能) 鱼胶原蛋白肽(改善衰老现象,保护膝关节) 膳食纤维(促进血管健康)


左旋肉碱(促进新陈代谢,预防脂肪囤积) 膳食纤维(具饱和感,降低食物从胃进入小肠的速度) 大豆卵磷脂(乳化、分解血脂)


左旋肉碱(帮助脂肪酸的代谢,产生能量) 大豆卵磷脂(维持脑神经细胞的正常功能,提高记忆力) 维生素B群(促进身体代谢) 大豆异黄酮(调节荷尔蒙)


AFA 蓝绿藻(抗压、抗紧张作用) 鱼胶原蛋白肽(改善因压力而导致的皮肤问题) 维生素B群(消除疲劳、维持神经系统正常运作)

外食族 (高热量、高胆固醇、 高盐、高糖的饮食)

膳食纤维(促进肠道蠕动,补充饮食太精致的问题、降低血脂) 综合维生素与矿物质(补充饮食不均衡) 益生菌(改善菌丛)

Zoneic ® PLUS (2x20g)

Zoneic ® AM (2x20g)

Zoneic ® PM (2x20g)

Zoneic ® PLUS , AM , PM Vs Different Categories

( recommended guideline)


Key Nutrients


Soy Protein&AFA Blue Green Algae(Promote brain development, intelligence enhancement) Multivitamin&Mineral(Promotes metabolism, aid in tissue build-up and rejuvenation)


Soy Protein (Essential nutrient during development, aid to grow taller and promote muscle) Soy Lecithin (Promote brain vitality and alertness ) Multivitamin&Mineral(Nutrients that promote metabolism& regulate body function)


Fish Collagen Peptide(aid in absorption of calcium into bone cells to avoid backache problems during menses) Soy Protein (Replenish loss of heme) Calcium (Relieve menses pain due to contraction of uterus)


Soy Protein (Promote infant development) Dietary Fiber (Improve constipation problem during pregnancy) Vit B Complex(Sufficient folic acid can prevent neural defects of infant)


Soy Isoflavones (Improve menopausal symptoms, prevent bone loss) Soy Lecithin(Improve the problem of arteries hardening) AFA Blue Green Algae(Improve nervous system, release anxiety, insomnia etc)


Soy Lecithin (Repair membrane cells and improve its function) Fish Collagen Peptides (Anti-aging, protect knee & joints) Dietary Fiber(Promote cardiovascular health)


L-Carnitine(Promote metabolism, prevents accumulation of fat) Dietary Fiber(Provide satiety and reduce the speed of food entering the small intestine from the stomach) Soy Lecithin(Emulsify fat)


L-Carnitine(Aid in metabolism of fatty acid, generate energy) Soy Lecithin(Maintain the normal function of brain cells, improve memory) Vitamin B Complex (Promote metabolism) Soy Isoflavones (Regulate hormones)


AFA Blue Green Algae (Anti-stress&Anti-anxiety) Fish Collagen Peptides (Improve skin problem due to stressful lifestyle) Vit B Complex(Relieve fatigue and maintain the normal functions of nervous system)

Eat-out (High calories, cholesterol, salty, sugar diet)

Dietary Fiber (Promote intestinal movement, solve the problem of taking refined food, lower fats) Multivitamin&Mineral(Improve imbalance diet) Probiotic (Improve intestinal microflora)

Zoneic ® PLUS (2x20g)

Zoneic ® AM (2x20g)

Zoneic ® PM (2x20g)

Zoneic ® PLUS , AM , PM- Function List 功能一览表 Zoneic ® PLUS

Zoneic ® AM

strong immune system  Restore healthy stomach Female hormone balancing  Promote men’s prostate health  Increass brain vitality and reduce fatigue, increase alertness Stamina enhancement

Enhance skin complexion:  Lighten spots, remove wrinkles , restore youthful skin Enhance skin elasticity Enhance skin’s moisturelocking function, improve dry skin Astringe pores, skin becomes more delicate

维持身体健康与提高基本免疫功能 促进肠胃健康 调节女性荷尔蒙 维持男性前列腺健康 健脑益智,提高大脑活力,消除大脑 疲劳,使大脑思维敏捷 增强体力

 Enhance breast contouring (in female only): Promote the production of collagen fibre in skin, breasts become fuller and firmer

 Maintain a healthy body and

 Enhance structure health:  Stronger hair, nail, knees and bones 美化肤色:  美白与祛斑  减少细纹  减少皱纹 美化胸部曲线(只限女性): 胸部更丰满挺立 提升结构组织的健康与美丽:  更强壮的头发、指甲、膝盖、 骨骼

Zoneic ®PM Reduction in body fat via Increase in fat burning into energy Prevention of excess fat deposition Removal of cholesterol and fatty acids: Healthier heart and blood vessels Reduction in tummy ,waist and hip circumference for beauty and health via visceral fat reduction and detoxification 通过以下方式减少脂肪 加强脂肪的燃烧,转换为能量 预防多余脂肪的囤积 消除胆固醇及脂肪酸: •更健康的心脏与血管 通过内脏脂肪的减少与排毒,能缩小 腹部,腰围及臀部,达到健康美丽的效 果

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