Spanking - Nurturing Parenting

January 5, 2018 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Spanking Stephen J. Bavolek, Ph.D.

The Nurturing Parenting Programs® Creating a Caring World Through Nurturing


Spanking • Remember childhood spankings? • Why were you spanked? • What were your parents trying to teach you? • What did you learn? • If you spank as a parent, why?


Gallup Poll on Spanking 1964 94% of parents approved of spanking

2004 68% of parents approved of spanking 3

Straws (2001)

Corporal Punishment is likely to have an opposite and undesired effect.

…rather than reducing inappropriate behavior, Corporal Punishment is likely to teach that physical aggression is a normative and appropriate way to solve conflicts. 4

Recent Research Findings • The effect of Corporal Punishment on anti-social behavior is linear.

• Corporal Punishment does not deter anti-social behavior but rather may increase it.

• Lower levels of Corporal Punishment may have as negative an impact as higher levels.


Simons (1994) Corporal Punishment was negatively related to quality of parent involvement -- the less time spent with children, the more frequent use of Corporal Punishment. Corporal Punishment was negatively correlated with the cognitive stimulation that the parents provided to the child.


Beal, M.D., Villarosa & Abner

(pages 124-125)

Black women are more likely to spank children than White women. A Florida study of nearly 20,000 parents confirmed the hypothesis. Author’s advice: “Don’t ever spank your child.”


Rosemond: To Spank or Not to Spank (1994)

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Be quick about it. Do not spank as a last resort. Spank in anger. Use your hand. Apply hand to the child’s rear end. Follow through with a clear, stern message and if need be, restrictive consequences. Spank only in private. Spank only occasionally. 8

Sears, M.D. & Sears, R.N.: Spanking (1995)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Examine your motive for spanking. Spank soon after the offense. Help the child accept the spanking. Explain why you are spanking. Encourage a confession. Choose a proper instrument (switch). Follow up after spanking with prayer. 9

Sears, M.D. & Sears, R.N.: Discipline Book (1995)

Ten Reasons Not to HIT … 1. Hitting models hitting. 2. Hitting devalues the child. 3. Hitting devalues the parent. 4. Hitting may lead to abuse. 5. Hitting does not improve behavior. 6. Hitting is NOT Biblical. 7. Hitting promotes anger in both parents & children. 8. Hitting brings back bad memories. 9. Spanking has long-term effects. 10. Spanking doesn’t work. 10

Sears, M.D. & Sears, R.N.: Christian Parenting & Child Care (1997)

When Not to Spank

1. Do not spank in anger. 2. Do not spank toddlers and young children. 3. Do not spank if you have a weak parent-child relationship.


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