sprint - Ark Ideas Client Folders

April 26, 2018 | Author: Anonymous | Category: Arts & Humanities
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Sprint Third Party Agent Guidelines 4.2

Logo Overview


Logo — Use


Logo — Clear Space & Minimum Size


Logo — Color


Logo — Do Not


Nextel Logo — Clear Space & Minimum Size


Color Palette




Typography — Style


Use in Text




Logo Application



Preferred Retailer Preferred partners and branded and co-branded exclusive dealers Primary Logos Use these logos on all applications, providing they are not launch related and/or do not have exceptional situations. Use the vertical logo on applications that are vertical in format, or where the symbol needs greater visibility.

Launch Communications Use of these logos, that include “Together with Nextel”, are restricted to communications that feature only Nextel or both Sprint PCS and Nextel products. Use these logos for launch communications that do not have exceptional situations.

Authorized Representative Authorized Representatives and non-branded agents

LO G O — Use The following logos are expressly for use by approved 3rd party vendors and partners.

4.3 Preferred Retailer Reverse logo

The “Preferred Retailer” line should be used in 3rd party communications by preferred partners and branded and  co-branded exclusive dealers. The “Authorized Representative” line should be used in 3rd party communications by Authorized Representatives and non-branded agents. The same rules governing the preferred logo color and clear space apply to these versions of the logo. Any materials using the Sprint logo must comply with all legal and licensing requirements and therefore should be submitted for pre-approval to AAS or ACB prior to printing. A trademark registration symbol (R) must always appear after the Sprint name, and a trademark notice (TM) must always appear with the symbol. The R and TM are included with the logo artwork and are set in The Sans Plain font. Approved logo artwork available at: www.ad-kit.com or www.aas.com/sprint

Authorized Representative

LO G O — Clear Space & Minimum Size


A minimum amount of clear space must surround the logo at all times. This space is equal to the x-height (e.g. the “n” in Sprint).

Print Minimum

In general, a larger amount of visually uninterrupted space should be kept clear for optimal visibility.


Reverse logo




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To ensure quality reproduction in print, the symbol must appear no smaller than one half inch in height.

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Digital Minimum


%.,o A trademark registration symbol (R) must always appear after the Sprint name, and a trademark notice (TM) must always appear with the symbol. Only building signage, vehicle identification and stationery are exempt from this rule. The R and TM are included with the logo artwork and are set in The Sans Plain font. The R and TM symbols scale independently of the logo when it is enlarged or reduced dramatically. The symbols should never be reduced under 4 pt set in The Sans Plain font.

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(,/g`o\cj To ensure quality reproduction in digital applications, it is preferred that the symbol appear no smaller than 64 pixels in height.

LO G O — Color Preferred Treatment The preferred color treatment of the Sprint logo is black against a solid Sprint Yellow background. Note that the background must be a large enough field of color that the logo not appear to be placed in a Sprint Yellow “box”. Other acceptable alternate color variations are shown at right.

4.5 Secondary Treatments (in order of preference) Against a Sprint Gray or Sprint Silver background, the wordmark should appear white with a yellow symbol.

Approved logo artwork available at: www.ad-kit.com or www.aas.com/sprint A trademark registration symbol (R) must always appear after the Sprint name, and a trademark notice (TM) must always appear with the symbol. Only building signage, vehicle identification and stationery are exempt from this rule. The R and TM are included with the logo artwork and are set in The Sans Plain font.

Against a black background, the wordmark should appear white with a yellow symbol.

On a white background the logo should appear as 100% black.

On backgrounds greater than a 60% black value (other than Sprint Gray and 100% black), the logo should reverse to white. Such backgrounds may include imagery.

Against a solid Sprint Yellow background the logo should appear all black

Note: Please contact the Brand Team at [email protected] for any further guidance.

LO G O — Do Not


Shown here are just a few examples of what “not to do” with the Sprint logo. Always treat the logo with care and use only authorized electronic artwork available at www.ad-kit.com or www.aas.com/sprint. The following rules apply to all variants of the Sprint Logo artwork.

DO NOT alter the coloration of the logo.

DO NOT use the Sprint wordmark without the symbol.

DO NOT use the symbol without the Sprint wordmark, unless used as a secondary graphic as outlined in this document.

DO NOT alter the placement of the wordmark and symbol.


DO NOT rotate the symbol.

DO NOT alter the scale relationship of the wordmark and symbol.

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DO NOT lockup copy or other graphic elements to the logo.

DO NOT use the logo as part of a sentence.

JGI@EK DO NOT alter the wordmark.

DO NOT place the logo in a shape.

N EXTEL LO GO — Clear Space & Minimu m S i ze Whenever Nextel products are shown, the Nextel logo must appear in direct relation to the product, above the phone name, in black and white.

4.7 Clear Space

Reverse logo


A minimum amount of clear space must surround the logo at all times. This space is equal to the cap-height (e.g. the “N” in Nextel).


In general, a larger amount of visually uninterrupted space should be kept clear for optimal visibility.

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Print Minimum '%/



'%- To ensure quality reproduction in print, it is preferred that the symbol appear no smaller than one .25” in height.



“Sprint Yellow” is the primary color experience for Sprint audiences. It should be used predominantly in combination with the secondary tier of black, white and silver (gray when silver is not possible) for all applications.

Primary Sprint Yellow is the primary color experience and should be used liberally on all applications.

Sprint Yellow Coated PANTONE® 7405 C C0, M16, Y100, K0 Digital Media: HEX #FEE100 R255, G225, B0

Sprint Yellow Uncoated Refer to custom color: PANTONE® Chip QC #NEX001 U C0, M10, Y100, K0 PANTONE® Yellow 98.59 PANTONE® Warm Red .92 PANTONE® Black .49

Sprint Yellow Application Specific Standards Magazine: C0, M16, Y100, K0 Color newspaper: C0, M10, Y100 ,K0 (for USA TODAY, other newspapers are TBD). Vinyl or mesh: C0, M4, Y100, K4 (billboards, wallscapes and banners). Silk-screening: PANTONE®7405 C (bus shelters, phone kiosks, etc.). Alternate logo background colors

Secondary Black and white will also be used liberally on all Sprint applications. As alternates, Sprint Silver and Sprint Gray may also be used for large areas of background color.

Black R0, M0, Y0, K100 R0, G0, B0

White C0, M0, Y0, K0 R255, G255, B255

Sprint Silver PANTONE® 8403 C (coated only)

Sprint Gray PANTONE® 424 C0, M0, Y0, K61 R122, G122, B120

The colors shown on this page and throughout these guidelines have not been evaluated by Pantone, Inc. for accuracy and may not match the PANTONE Color Standards. Consult current PANTONE Publications for accurate color. PANTONE® is the property of Pantone, Inc.



The primary typeface for Sprint is TheSans Basic. This typeface is a crisp, modern sans serif font available in a variety of weights. TheSans Basic should be used for all Sprint communications. This particular set utilizes baseline set numerals, and though available in 8 weights, use has been limited to 4 of those weights for greater consistency and simplicity of implementation.

123456:#$&*@ TheSans Basic numerals align at baseline 123456:#$&*@ TheSans Classic numerals do not align at baseline

Primary Usage - TheSans Plain is suitable for most applications. TheSans Bold may be used to add emphasis.

TheSans Basic Plain abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890!@#$%^&*():”?”,.

TheSans Basic Bold abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890!@#$%^&*():”?”,.

Alternate Usage - Use only for functional or aesthetic requirements

TheSans Basic Semi-light abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890!@#$%^&*():”?”,.

TheSans Basic Semi-Bold abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890!@#$%^&*():”?”,.

Functional - TheSans Basic Semi-Light for legal copy

Aesthetic - TheSans Basic Semi-Bold in place of bold at large sizes or in combination with The Sans Plain to create a simple, less heavy-handed tone.

Note: There are costs associated with attaining the new fonts. If you need the font, please contact the brand group at [email protected].

T YPO GRAPHY - Style Upper/lowercase type setting in TheSans Plain should primarily be used when creating headlines on Sprint communications. TheSans Bold may be used to add emphasis. To form greater distinction, use TheSans Bold in ALL-UPPERCASE to provide greater emphasis for navigational messages on the Web or in retail environments, e.g. CUSTOMER SERVICE or PHONES or PLANS.

Primary use

Sample headline for use on all Sprint applications. Alternative use (e.g. navigational messages)



U S E I N TEXT The name Sprint should be used when referencing the company. Sprint PCS should only be used in the naming of wireless products and services available from Sprint. Trademark Designation The appropriate trademark designation must be used at the first mention of the product name in text and at the most prominent use of the product or service name in a printed document. Correct Use of the Sprint Name Just as our logo should not be altered, our name should also remain unchanged. • Never use the Sprint name as a verb, as in “Sprint ahead!” • Never use the Sprint name as an unrelated noun, as in “the final Sprint.” • Avoid using Sprint in the possessive, as in “Sprint’s Brand Spirit.” Sprint PCS Name in Text Correct use of the Sprint name is in initial-cap, PCS is in all-caps, as shown below. • Sprint PCS VisionSM • Sprint National Retailer • Sprint PCS Picture MailSM Nextel Name in Text Correct use of the Nextel name is in initial-cap, as shown below. • Nextel


I MAGERY Pre-approved, high-resolution phone images are available for download on www.ad-kit.com or www.aas.com/sprint under the Logos and Phones section. These phone images feature the pre-approved phone screens available for each phone. Images are 300 dpi (dots per inch), which can be used for most printed communications. PDF, EPS, TIF and GIF files are available. Check with your printer regarding what file type is needed for your piece. Phone Screens Any image of a phone must feature an approved screen image as provided on co-op websites. Additionally, any image chosen for the use on either a Sprint PCS or Nextel phone should be guided by the following principles. Images should: • Support the message. • Be high quality – professionally cropped or retouched. • Be appropriate for the phone featured.

4.12 Sprint PCS Product Imagery • Any image of a Sprint PCS VisionSM Phone must feature an approved screen image. • When messaging Sprint PCS VisionSM and featuring one or more phone images, at least one of the featured images must be of a Sprint PCS Vision Phone with an approved screen image. • When incorporating the Sprint PCS Picture MailSM icon and showing the corresponding Sprint PCS Vision Phone, the phone shown must be Picture Mail-capable or the Sprint PCS Picture MailSM icon must not be used. • Any image of a Sprint PCS phone that is not Sprint PCS Visionenabled should feature the going forward Sprint logo in the phone screen. The logo must appear according to the guidelines outlined previously. Nextel Product Imagery • Any image of a Nextel phone must feature an approved screen image. • When using a 3/4 angle shot, always show the side of the phone with the walkie-talkie button. • If showing a clam phone in the open position, the default screen to show is the main screen with no time or date. • If featuring a specific application on the phone or a device attachment to the phone (e.g., GPS or Credit Card Swipe), the default screen for the specific application should be shown.



The following application examples demonstrate the use and placement of the Sprint logos, Sprint logos that include “Together with Nextel” and the Nextel product brand. Use of the logos that include “Together with Nextel” are restricted to communications that feature only Nextel or both Sprint PCS and Nextel products. Sprint PCS Product Only

Nextel Product Only

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