Student Education Service

January 5, 2018 | Author: Anonymous | Category: Arts & Humanities, Communications, Marketing
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Student Education Service Programme

Student Education Service: Cross-Institutional Functional Management Teams October 2013

Kath Hodgson Student Education Service

working together to provide an exceptional Student Education Service

Student Education Service Programme Cross-Institutional Functional Management Teams - update o Background

o Purpose and membership o Current progress o Challenges and next steps

Student Education Service

working together to provide an exceptional Student Education Service

Student Education Service Programme Cross-Institutional Functional Management Teams - background Earlier in the year, five Cross-Institutional Functional Management Teams (CIFMTs) were created for each of the following five functional areas: o Admissions o Assessment o Programme Support o Quality Assurance o Student Support

Student Education Service

working together to provide an exceptional Student Education Service

Student Education Service Programme CIFMTs - purpose Their purpose is: o the delivery and development of operational processes and policies for their functional areas o to establish and develop the SES "one service" model built on the principles of consistency, efficiency, equity and opportunity o to provide the opportunity for genuine partnership working across the institution o to support functional teams and managers to establish effective delivery of the function’s operational objectives that contribute towards the University’s strategic priorities

Student Education Service

working together to provide an exceptional Student Education Service

Student Education Service Programme CIFMTs - membership CIFMTs bring together subject matter specialists (at all levels) from faculties, schools and central teams. Membership typically comprises: Conveners Up to two Faculty Education Service Managers Up to two senior representatives from the central teams

Team membership Nine Faculty Functional Managers for the relevant function Central team members Other relevant Professional Services representation on an invitation basis

Student Education Service

working together to provide an exceptional Student Education Service

Student Education Service Programme CIFMT - current progress Partnership working A cross CIFMT working group involving members of the Assessment, QA and Programme Support CIFMTs has been created to review and make proposals for the timings for OLE and the end of session Following discussion with Pro-Deans and DSEs, recommendations will go to TSEB in November

Student Education Service

working together to provide an exceptional Student Education Service

Student Education Service Programme CIFMT - current progress Functional Networks Over the next twelve months each CIFMT, with support from the SES Programme team, will be expected to establish its own network and generate networking events for its members The first networking event will be held on 23 October for Admissions practitioners from all areas of the University to share best practice for all cohorts and discuss the latest developments in admissions, including: o 2013 recruitment activity o new marketing and communication activities o tactical improvement initiatives for the coming cycle o the admissions operating model implementation plan and the latest developments in the purchase of the new CRM system Student Education Service

working together to provide an exceptional Student Education Service

Student Education Service Programme CIFMTs – challenges and next steps o Review and validation of terms of reference and functional responsibilities o Review governance and escalation o Establish and articulate future priorities o Cross CIFMT interaction and working o Profile and engagement o Support for SESMs o Support for PGR

Student Education Service

working together to provide an exceptional Student Education Service

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