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January 6, 2018 | Author: Anonymous | Category: Business, Management, Sales
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Three Essential Interview Skills

Three Essential Interview Skills •Text Learning •After-reading exercises

Three Essential Interview Skills 1 With competition for good jobs at an all-time high, candidates who conduct their job search as a sales campaign consistently win out over those who don't. When job-seekers practice the skills of sales experts, they learn to apply the strategies of a sales presentation to their job interviews. 2 To get to the top of the candidate list, you'll need these three essential sales skills: 1. Pre-interview preparation 2. Finding and using the interviewer's "Hot Buttons" 3. Closing on the next step of the interview process


Three Essential Interview Skills Pre-interview preparation 3 Every great sales presentation starts with pre-sales preparation, which includes client research and product analysis. Job-seekers prepare for interviews similarly: research on the prospective employer and a thorough catalog of their own accomplishments to illustrate their potential contribution and worth to the employer.


Three Essential Interview Skills Finding and using the interviewer's "Hot Buttons"

4 An interviewer's hot button is his/her unspoken concerns or wishes, and it's your job as the interviewee to uncover the interviewer's hot buttons. If you don't ask, he or she probably won't tell you. Two magic questions that will reveal the interviewer's hot buttons: "What do you see as the greatest challenge for this position?" "What qualities do you see as most important for this position?" 5 Once you've asked the all important questions, shut up and listen! T

Three Essential Interview Skills 6 After the interviewer has revealed his or her hot buttons, use the information to frame your answers to his or her questions. You'll connect with the interviewer much faster once you sell yourself based on his or her motivations. Closing on the next step of the interview process 7 "Closing" is a sales term that means influencing someone to agree to take certain action (such as signing a contract or writing a check). A complex sale involves a number of small closes before the ultimate closing purchase. The interview process is a series of closes leading up to the final job offer.


Three Essential Interview Skills 8 If you've purchased a car lately, you know that the sale starts with the test drive and moves forward through a series of questions such as:"Do you prefer silver or black?" "Which of you will be the primary driver?" "Do you wish to trade in your car?" The effective salesperson knows what closing steps must take place; attempt to skip the steps and he or she may lose the sale altogether.

9 As a clever salesperson identifies the small closing steps needed to move the sale forward, so must the job-seeker understand the closes necessary to keep the interview process moving forward towards a job offer.


三种必备的面试技巧 1 当前找到好工作的竞争异常激烈,而那些把求职当作 销售活动来进行的应聘者总是能胜人一筹。求职者运 用销售专家的技巧,学习在求职面试中使用销售展示 策略。 2 要想在众多应聘者中脱颖而出,你需要掌握以下三种 必备的销售技巧: 1. 做好面试前的准备工作 2. 找到并利用面试官的“热键” 3. 引导面试进入下一个环节


三种必备的面试技巧 面试前的准备 3 成功的销售展示的第一步是销售前的准备工作,这 包括对客户的调查和对产品的分析。求职者也以类 似的方式准备面试:了解未来的雇主,同时详尽地 分类列出已取得的各项成就以证明自己潜在的价值 与贡献。


三种必备的面试技巧 找到并利用面试官的“热键” 4 面试官的“热键”就是他们未加言表的关注点或期 盼值。作为应试者,你的任务便是了解面试官的热 键。如果你不问,他们也许不会主动说出。下面两 个问题将有助于了解面试官的“热键”: “你觉得这份工作带来的最大挑战是什么?” “你认为就这个职位而言,工作者应具备的什么品 质是最重要的?” 5 当你问完所有最重要的问题后,就闭上嘴,静静地 聆听面试官的回答。 Text

三种必备的面试技巧 6 当面试官暴露了他们的热键之后,你可以利用这些 信息来组织对面试官提问的回答。一旦你能够依照 面试官的兴趣来推销自我,你就会更快地被他们所 接受。 引导面试进入下一个环节

7 “引导”是一个商业术语,意为影响某人以使其同意 采取某个行动(如签订合同或开具支票)。一项复 杂的销售活动在实现最终的购买行为之前包含许多 小的“引导”环节。同样,成功的面试也是经过一 系列的“引导”环节最终达到成功聘用。 Text

三种必备的面试技巧 8 如果你最近买车了,就知道这项销售活动的第一步 是客户试驾,然后车商会通过一系列问题推进销售 进程,例如,“你喜欢银色还是黑色?”“这车主 要是谁开?”“你打算以旧换新吗?”等等。成功 的销售人员知道必须采取哪些引导步骤,试图省略 这些步骤就可能导致整个销售活动的失败。 9 正如聪明的销售人员知道哪些小引导环节是推动销 售进展时必不可少的,求职者也必须清楚应当采取 哪些引导措施使面试顺利进行直至得到这份工作。


competition n. 竞争,比赛 compete vi. compete with/against sb. for sth. e.g. She and her sister are always competing against each other for attention. 她和她的姐妹总是为了赢得注意力而相互竞争。 There is a very hot oral-English ability competition among the students in the class. 在班上同学间有着激烈的英语口语能力竞赛。


as 在这里作介词,表示“作为”的意思


As a teacher, she have to be on the lookout for her behavior on any occasion. 作为一名教师,在任何场合下她都不得不注意自己 的言行。


win out over… 胜过……


He wins out over Jack on the computer skill. 他在计算机技术方面胜过杰克。


presentation n. 介绍,报告;提供,显示

present v. 呈现,出席,演讲 adj. 在场的,现今的(注意读音上与动词的区别) presence n. 出席,在场 present n. 礼物(注意读音上与动词的区别)


Professor Smith gave us a presentation about the operation of the new equipment to us. 史密斯教授给我们做了一个关于如何操作这台新设备的 介绍。 The new manager was present at the meeting held yesterday. 这个新经理出席了昨天的会议。 Text

pre-interview pre-这个前缀表示“……之前”的意思


He has made a very careful pre-interview preparation. 他已经作了一个很仔细的面试前准备。


interviewer n.


interviewee n. 应试人 employer 雇主 employee 雇员 trainer 培训(别人)者 trainee 被培训者


start with 以……开始


The conversation started with hot discussion. 这个谈话以激烈的讨论开始。


thorough adj.



a thorough inspection 一个仔细彻底的检查

thoroughly adv.


The police searched the area where the child was lost thoroughly. 警察彻底搜查了那个孩子失踪的地区。


accomplishment n.


accomplish vt.



He has accomplished a lot in this field. 在这一领域他取得了不少成就。 His great accomplishment of the new product creation made his boss satisfied. 他在新产品开发方面的巨大成功让他的老板很满意。

【近】 achieve achievement


uncover vt. 揭露,暴露;揭开……盖子


The judge tried his best to uncover the unknown deals between the two cops. 这个法官尽力揭露这两个警察之间的不为人知的勾当。

discover vt. 发现,探索


An unknown thing has been discovered in the mountain area. 在这个山区发现一个未知东西。 Text

magic 不可数名词;(只作前置定语的不作表语的)形容词


His best magic trick is sawing a lady in half. 他最神奇的魔术是把一个女士锯成两半。


see…as+n./adj. 把…看作什么;类似的短语还有 consider…as…, view…as…, think of/about…as… 这里的as 作介词


He viewed himself as the cleverest in the class. 他认为他自己是班上最聪明的。 Jack always considers Tom as a nice person. 杰克总认为汤姆是个好人。


once adv. 曾经,有一次 e.g. I once visited the Summer Palace and I think it’s worth seeing for another time. 我曾经去过颐和园我认为值得再去参观一次。 conj. 一旦 e.g. Once it rains, we will cancel the plan to go climbing tomorrow. 明天一旦下雨,我们将会取消去爬山的计划。


answer to the question 这里的to 是介词,类似的固定搭配还有 solution to the problem, reply to somebody


This could be the answer to all our problems. 这或许就是我们全部问题的解决办法。 He can find no solution to his financial troubles. 他经济困难无法克服。


such as 是“for example”的意思,表示举例,后面跟名词性 的成分,类似的意思也有“such…as”的用法


There are such animals as tigers, monkeys, bears and so on in this zoo. 在这个动物园里有老虎,猴子,熊等等动物。


check 作名词除了“检查”的意思,还有本文中的“支票”的 意思 a check account a cash account a saving account

支票账户 现金帐户 储蓄账户


job offer 这里offer作名词,整个名词短语可以理解成“被提 供工作,被聘用,提供的工作机会”的意思


There are lots of attractive job offers after you graduate from Harvard University. 你从哈佛大学毕业后,会有很多很好的工作机会。


late adj. 迟的,晚的

late adv. 迟一点,晚一点 lately adv. 最近,近来


He got up late this morning. 他今天早晨起晚了。 He began to study English hard lately. 他最近开始努力学习英语了。


salesperson 合成名词。售货员,销售员 saleswoman salesman

女销售员 男销售员,销售员


altogether adv. 这里是“完全,全部地”的意思, 另外它还有“总起来说,总之”的意思


I don’t altogether agree with you. 我并不完全同意你的意见。 The weather was bad and the food dreadful. Altogether the holiday was very disappointing. 天气又坏,吃的又糟。总而言之,这次假日很扫兴。


As a clever salesperson identifies the small closing steps needed to move the sale forward, as是连词的用法,表示“正如……一样”的意思,后面 主句中以so这个程度副词开头,句子要用半倒装句型


As he said she was a warm-hearted person, she has done a lot for others. 正如他说她是一个热心肠的人一样,她为其他人做了 很多事。


After-reading Exercises Translation 面试技巧 interview skills 销售技巧 sales skills

在众多应聘者中脱颖而出 get to the top of the candidate list 在众多参赛者中脱颖而出 get to the top of the contestant list

面试前的准备工作 pre-interview preparation 销售前的准备工作 pre-sales preparation

After-reading Exercises Translation 对未来雇主的研究 research on the prospective employer 对环境污染的研究 research on environment pollution

潜在的价值 potential worth 潜在的问题 potential problems

找到面试官的“热键” uncover/reveal the interviewer’s hot buttons 发现一个秘密 uncover/reveal a secret

After-reading Exercises Translation 推销你自己 sell yourself 向领导推荐这个计划 sell the plan to the leader

与面试官融洽沟通 connect with the interviewer 相互建立良好关系 connect with each other

签订合同 sign an contract 签订协议 sign an agreement

After-reading Exercises Translation 求职者 job-seeker 追名逐利 seek fame and wealth

销售失败 lose the sale 输掉比赛 lose a game

推动销售程序 move the sale forward 使这个工程继续进行 move the project forward

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