University of Babylon College of Dentistry Curriculum of first Year

May 31, 2018 | Author: Anonymous | Category: Science, Health Science, Dentistry
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University of Babylon College of Dentistry Curriculum of first Year

The Name of Course The Number of Course Number of unite Total Hours Theory Hours Practical Hours Language of Teaching Division the Degree of Curriculum

Medical Chemistery Me. Ch 100 8 5 3 2 English Degree From 100% as fellow: First Coures Mid Year Second Course Last Examination Yearly Final Theory Practical Average Theory Practical Average Theory Practical Average Effort Theory Practical Average Degree 5% 5% 10% 20% --20% 5% 5% 10% 40% 45% 15% 60% 100%

Introduction A clinical chemistry brings together knowledge and skills gained from a variety of scientific disciplines, including inorganic chemistry, analytic chemistry, organic chemistry and biochemistry. It also provides the necessary background for students in community health and home economics.

The Name of Course The Number of Course Number of unite Total Hours Theory Hours Practical Hours Language of Teaching Division the Degree of Curriculum

Medical Biology Me. Ch 110 6 4 2 2 English Degree From 100% as fellow: First Coures Mid Year Second Course Last Examination Yearly Final Theory Practical Average Theory Practical Average Theory Practical Average Effort Theory Practical Average Degree 5% 5% 10% 20% --20% 5% 5% 10% 40% 45% 15% 60% 100%

Introduction Biology: study of life which included many branches have relationship with human life, health, environment, education and pharmacology such as medicine, biochemistry, genetic engineering, histology and medical microbiology was interest with study of too small organisms to be seen with naked eyes for example bacteria, viruses, parasite and some algae and fungi. During the medical biology coarse pupils must know about the main characters for prokaryotic cells, the structure, morphology, nutrition and reproduction. In nature host relationships with other groups such as parasitism and the main protozoa and helminthes, their shapes and mode of infection and treatment. The pupils are teach the biology cells and histology.

The Name of Course The Number of Course Number of unite Total Hours Theory Hours Practical Hours Language of Teaching Division the Degree of Curriculum

Medical Physices Me. Ph 100 6 4 2 2 English Degree From 100% as fellow: First Coures Mid Year Second Course Last Examination Yearly Final Theory Practical Average Theory Practical Average Theory Practical Average Effort Theory Practical Average Degree 5% 5% 10% 20% --20% 5% 5% 10% 40% 40% 20% 60% 100%

Introduction In this we examine what we mean by medical physics and describe some related and overlapping disciplines and modeling a concept that is essential in science, engineering and medicine and we try to learning students about pressure in general either in the body or on the body such as, blood pressure, eye pressure, pressure in the bladder, pressure in the GIT system and pressure in the skull and to show the students how using x-ray, laser and ultrasonic for both, diagnosis the and treatment for other diseases and learning haw to protect users and patient from nuclear radiation as a result of treatment or diagnosis.

The Name of Course The Number of Course Number of unite Total Hours Theory Hours Practical Hours Language of Teaching Division the Degree of Curriculum

Computer Comp 100 4 3 1 2 English Degree From 100% as fellow: First Coures Mid Year Second Course Last Examination Yearly Final Theory Practical Average Theory Practical Average Theory Practical Average Effort Theory Practical Average Degree 5% 5% 10% 20% --20% 5% 5% 10% 40% 40% 20% 60% 100%

Introduction Introducing about computers generations, the definition of computer architecture (Hardware +Software , Digitals Systems, Algorithms, Advance computers applications, applying high level programming language, Internet, computer viruses and the practical part is: Windows , Word , Excel , Power point , Internet.

The Name of Course The Number of Course Number of unite Total Hours Theory Hours Practical Hours Language of Teaching Division the Degree of Curriculum

Human Rights Hu. Ri 100 2 1 1 --Arabic Degree From 100% as fellow: First Coures Mid Year Second Course Last Examination Yearly Final Theory Practical Average Theory Practical Average Theory Practical Average Effort Theory Practical Average Degree 10% --10% 20% --20% 10% --10% 40% 60% --60% 100%

Introduction Student studies human rights such as right to live, person security, political participation, property, independent opinion, freedom in moving and residence plus it’s application in Islamic law and constitutional assurance.

The Name of Course The Number of Course Number of unite Total Hours Theory Hours Practical Hours Language of Teaching Division the Degree of Curriculum

Dental Anatomy De. An 120 4 3 1 2 English Degree From 100% as fellow: First Coures Mid Year Second Course Last Examination Yearly Final Theory Practical Average Theory Practical Average Theory Practical Average Effort Theory Practical Average Degree 5% 5% 10% 20% 10% 30% 5% 5% 10% 50% 30% 20% 50% 100%

Introduction The main purpose of dental anatomy is to give the student an idea abut the dentistry, which will prepare them to inter the dental world. In dental anatomy, we first give them a definition of the terms, which always used in dentistry then we identify all the landmarks. The second step is to teach then how to scientifically draw the teeth, and finally to carve the teeth in the normal dimensions.

The Name of Course The Number of Course Number of unite Total Hours Theory Hours Practical Hours Language of Teaching Division the Degree of Curriculum

Medical Terminology Me. Te 100 2 1 1 --English Degree From 100% as fellow: First Coures Mid Year Second Course Last Examination Yearly Final Effort Degree Theory Practical Average Theory Practical Average Theory Practical Average Theory Practical Average 10% --10% 20% --20% 10% --10% 40% 60% --60% 100%

Introduction The main purpose of medical terminology is to give the dental student an idea abut the dentistry, and to facilitate them for introduction into the dental world. In medical terminology, we first give definition of the terms, which always used in dentistry then we and to make them able to know other branch related to them study. Then identify general term used in isolated branches of and represented its important. The second step is giving detail description of related term to dentistry. At the end of the year the student should be able to know all term commonly used in dentistry branches to facilitate their study in college of dentistry.

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