2 Threshold Voltage

April 10, 2018 | Author: Anonymous | Category: Science, Physics
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2. 2.1

The Threshold Voltage


As already stated, it is important for the purposes of device modelling for circuit analysis and design to have a distinct definition of the threshold of change from weak to strong inversion. In this regard, the threshold voltage is defined for an n-channel MOSFET as the value of gate-source voltage, which gives the same concentration of electrons in the inverted n-type channel as there is of holes in the ptype substrate. At this point, the surface potential of the semiconductor is equal in magnitude but opposite in polarity to the Fermi potential in the body substrate, s = -F. An expression for the threshold voltage in terms of the device parameters will allow an understanding of the factors which influence it and how it may be controlled.


The Depletion Region

When a small gate voltage is applied to the MOSFET, a depletion region is formed as holes are repelled back into the p-type substrate or as electrons occupy the vacant states in the valence band at the surface of the substrate. This gives rise to the depletion region underneath the oxide as a layer of negatively ionised fixed atoms shown in Fig. 2.1. This layer is initially considered to be devoid of all free carriers. It can be shown that the depth of the depletion region is given as:

Xd 

2εs φs  φF q NA

where: s is the permittivity of the semiconductor material s is the electrostatic potential at the surface of the semiconductoroxide boundary F is the Fermi potential in the body of the semiconductor substrate NA is the doping concentration of the semiconductor substrate q is the magnitude of the charge on the electron.


VDS = 0V VSB = 0V

VGS > 0V

depletion region



S n+


pFig. 2.1

Conditions in the MOSFET with depletion region formed


The total ionisation charge per unit surface area in this region under the oxide layer, assuming ionisation of all dopant atoms present in it, can be obtained as:

Q  q NA Xd   2qNAεs φs  φF The threshold voltage is reached at the onset of strong inversion in the induced channel. This occurs when the electrostatic potential at the surface is equal and opposite to that in the main p-type substrate, s = -F as shown in Fig. 2.2. At this point, the depletion layer reaches a maximum depth and further increase in gate-source voltage beyond the threshold voltage produces negligible increase in the depletion depth. The total negative ionisation charge per unit surface area in the depletion region at this point, denoted QB0, is then obtained as:

QB0   2qNAεs  2φF

2.2 Threshold Voltage There are four principal factors which influence the threshold voltage and each is considered in turn. (i) Work Function The work function of a material is the amount of energy needed to remove an electron from the Fermi level to free space. The work function of the material used for the gate, qM, is different from that of the semiconductor used for the substrate, qS and it is this that gives rise to the in-built electric field across the oxide layer which develops when the materials combine to form the MOSFET. The gate can be fabricated in metal or a highly conducting polysilicon and the effect of this field across the oxide must be accounted for in determining the gate-source voltage required to reach strong inversion. The contribution made to this voltage made by the difference in the work functions can be found more conveniently as the difference in the Fermi potentials of the substrate and gate materials. This is referred to as the gate-to-channel potential, GC , given as:


Work Function Component:

Φ GC  Φ S  ΦM  F substate  F gate


a -ive voltage


F 

n kT ln( i ) for p-type q NA


F 

N kT ln( D ) for n-type q ni

material. Note that F sub is negative for p-type material and positive for n-type material.

(ii) Surface Potential As has been seen already, when forming a channel the energy bands must bend at the surface of the semiconductor to make the surface potential s = -F. This requires a voltage change of -2F which is positive for the n-channel transistor as F is a negative quantity for the p-type substrate. Consequently the contribution of band bending towards the threshold voltage is: -2F

Surface Potential Component:


a +ive voltage

(iii) Depletion Charge Ionisation of the dopant atoms in the depletion region must take place before a strong-inversion conducting channel can be formed. This charge is given above per unit area of the MOS capacitor structure as QB0. An equal and opposite charge must be accumulated on the gate of the transistor and the voltage associated with forming this charge is easily obtained from the law of the capacitor Q=CV or V = Q/C as: Depletion Charge Component:


2qNA εs  2F




a +ive voltage

Impurity Charge The boundary between the oxide and the semiconductor in practice is not perfect due to impurities in the materials and lattice imperfections. This gives rise to a small amount of positive impurity charge at the lower edge of the oxide, QOX, per unit area. This needs to be compensated for by a negative charge at the gate electrode and therefore makes a contribution to the threshold voltage of: Impurity Charge Component:



a –ive voltage

If all of these contributions are combined then the threshold voltage is obtained as:

VT0  GC  2F 


This is a positive voltage for n-channel MOSFETs



VDS = 0V VSB = 0V











+ E Field


EC Ei qF S = -qF




Fig. 2.2

Conditions in the MOSFET at the Threshold, VGS = VT, VDS=0 6


Body Effect

All consideration of the operation of the n-type MOS transistor thus far has assumed that the source and body substrate have both been connected to ground. Under this condition the threshold voltage is designated VT0 as above. In some circuits, however, the source may sit at a higher potential than the substrate so that there is a voltage difference between them, VSB. This means that in forming the depletion region there is an additional bias so that the surface potential of s = -F exists on one side of this region while a potential of VSB exists on the other side. This means that the ionisation charge is modified so that:

QB   2qNA εS  2F  VSB The threshold voltage will also be modified to give:

VT  ΦGC  2F 


Rearranging this:

VT  ΦGC  2F 


which can be written:

VT  VT0 



VT  VT0 

2qNAεs  2F  VSB  2qNAεs  2F COX


VT  VT0 

2qNA εs

 2F  VSB 

 2F


which gives the most general form for the threshold voltage as:

VT  VT0   where  


2qNA εs COX

 2F  VSB   2F

is called the body-effect coefficient or body factor.

Technology Considerations

The threshold voltage is perhaps the most variable of all of the properties of the MOS transistor. Typical values range from around 0.5 to 1.5V and are usually close to 20% of the supply voltage in digital circuits. It is subject to both manufacturing and temperature variations. In practice, however, it can be controlled in the fabrication process. A common practice nowadays is to use Polysilicon as the material for forming the gate rather than aluminium metal. This lowers the work function difference between the gate and the substrate and consequently lowers the threshold voltage. This is helpful in lowvoltage (3V and 3.3V) logic technologies. Another process used is that of ion implantation into the substrate just beneath the oxide, which can be used to raise or lower the threshold voltage. For an n-channel device the implantation of positive ions lowers the threshold voltage while the implantation of negative ions increases it. With sufficient ion implantation it is possible to lower and even reverse the threshold voltage. This means that depletion mode devices can be fabricated which have a conducting channel formed with zero gate-source voltage applied, in contrast to the enhancement type devices already described. This is useful in analogue and mixed signal circuit design though it does make the fabrication cycle longer and more expensive, and is therefore avoided in purely digital technologies.


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