
January 14, 2018 | Author: Anonymous | Category: Arts & Humanities, Performing Arts, Drama
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中日韩文化产业论坛 项目介绍


目录 Contents 一. 上海文广传媒集团简介 Shanghai Media Group 二. 上海五岸传播有限公司 Shanghai WingsMedia Co., Ltd. 三. 全家都来赛 Go!Go!Family 四. 魔法天裁 My Style

一、上海文广新闻传媒集团 Shanghai Media Group 

上海文广新闻传媒集团隶属于上海文化广播影视集团,是一家集广播、电视、 报刊、网络等于一体的多媒体集团。集团有117亿元资产,5200多名员工。 集团是在2001年整合上海人民广播电台、上海东方广播电台、上海电视台、 东方电视台、上海有线电视台等单位的基础上组建而成的。

Shanghai Media Group (SMG), affliated with Shanghai Media & Entertainment Group (SMEG), is a corporation operating multimedia business, including television and radio broadcasting, newspaper and magazine, new media and etc. The company employs around 5,200 people, with capital assets totalling RMB 11.7 billion. Formed in 2001, SMG is the result of a merger of the Shanghai People’s Radio Station, Shanghai East Radio Station, Shanghai Television Station, Shanghai Oriental Television Station and many other organizations related.

集团主营广播电视媒体及相关传媒娱乐业务(包括演艺、体育、技术服务与研 发、传媒娱乐投资等)。旗下的广播电视媒体包括12套模拟电视频道,11套模 拟广播频率,114套数字广播电视节目,覆盖全国的“东方宽频”网络电视, 2004年开通了“东方龙”手机电视业务;2004年8月,集团成为继中央电视 台之后第二家获得经营许可证的数字付费频道集成运营机构;集团还经营报纸、 杂志和新闻网站以及音像出版等。此外,集团还管理或控股东方男女篮球队、 中国男子桥牌队等8支体育运动队,管理14家文艺院团。

SMG’s core business is television broadcasting and related media entertainment services including sports, showbiz, performance arts, technology service, and media and entertainment investment. SMG operates 11 analogue TV channels, 90 digital cable Pay TV channels, a full broadcasting Internet TV service, along with 10 analogue and 19 digital radio frequencies. The group also operates and owns 5 sports centers and 14 cultural art centers. Other business covers newspapers, magazines, news websites, and audio-visual publishing.

二、上海五岸传播有限公司  五岸传播是上海文广新闻传媒集团(SMG)全资投入的从事 国内国际节目发行、节目代理和节目合作的子公司。五岸传 播协助SMG各频道创造符合市场定位的节目;致力于培育全 国的华语节目市场,开发具有商业潜力的合作项目。 

WingsMedia, a wholly owned subsidiary SMG, positioned itself as a leading Chinese media content and solution provider. Building on a fine China-originated content stock across a range of all genres – from entertainment, factual and lifestyle to drama, WingsMedia has proudly established a profound domestic as well as an international distribution

network over the past years.

三、欢聚世博——全家都来赛  播出平台:东方卫视 东方卫视(Dragon TV)是中国规模最大、最具影响力的卫星电视机构之一, 2003年10月23日开播,总部设在上海。作为上海文广新闻传媒集团(SMG) 旗下的最具影响力 的卫星平台,东方卫视目前已经覆盖中国绝大多数城市地 区,成为除中央电视台外中国落地率和人口覆盖率最高的地方卫星电视频道。

同时东方卫视(海外版)也在 北美、欧洲、日本、澳大利亚等海外地区落地, 全球覆盖超过7亿观众,成为一个面向全国、辐射海外、充满青春活力和国际 视野的开放式卫视平台。 Launched in 2003, Dragon TV is one of the largest and most influential satellite channels in the country. Based in Shanghai,

Dragon TV now covers most regions of China and its international edition, the cities in North America, Europe, Japan and Australia, with the total audience to mount to 700 million.

 新娱乐

三、欢聚世博——全家都来赛  官方支持:上海文广新闻传媒集团与上海世 博事务协调局合作,东方卫视制作播出 

Official support: Shanghai EXPO Co-ordination Bureau

 着眼全球:基于中国,面向全球,通过群众 和明星家庭的世博梦想、世博知识和家庭才 艺比赛,让世博宣传深入人心。 

Global perspective: Based in China, focusing on the world

 宣传片

Promo Video (1’)

1、活动理念 Concept  一家三口, “大手牵小手” (世博会徽) Family event, Big hands with small hands

 家 - 从“小”家到“大”家 Family – nuclear family-big family-community

 和谐 - 城市让生活更美好 Harmony – Better city, better life.

 多元的文化 – 上海-全国-全球 Diversified culture – Shanghai, China, Global

2、赛区安排 Divisions  全国八大赛区:北京、广州、西安、哈尔滨、成都、武汉、 港澳、台湾; Eight national divisions: Beijing, Guangzhou, Xi’an, Harbin, Chengdu, Wuhan, HK/Macao, Taiwan

 海外六大赛区 (暂定): Six oversea divisions (TBC)  欧洲赛区:伦敦、巴黎;London, Paris  北美洲赛区:纽约、温哥华;New York, Vancouver  大洋洲赛区:悉尼;Sydney  亚洲赛区:大阪;Osaka  非洲赛区:开罗、约翰内斯堡;Cairo, Johannesburg  南美洲赛区:里约热内卢。Rio De Janeiro

3、比赛设置 Rules  报名:以家庭为基本单元 Entry: Open for family only

 内容:唱歌为基本元素,发挥创意,融入各种其他表 演形式; Items: Singing as the basic element, with along with other creative performance

 赛程:Schedule  1) 明星家庭赛、大众家庭赛同步进行 Celebrity group and ordinary group going simultaneously

 2) 明星大众家庭联手专场(世博倒计时200天\100天) Celebrities and ordinary people perform jointly on the 200 and 100 days countdown

 3) 城市赛、全国赛、全球赛三阶段层层递进 City game – National game – Global game

第一阶段- 城市赛 City Game

7月13日-10月13日 共13周 / July 13 to Oct.13 - 13weeks 倒计时300天-200天 / 300 days countdown to 200 days countdown

 大众版——上海中心赛区选拔赛+全国八大 分赛区启动 Ordinary group – launch of qualifying game in Shanghai division and other eight national division

 明星版——角逐全国九大赛区的明星代言家 庭 Celebrity group – competing for the “spokes families” of the nine divisions

第一阶段- 城市赛 City Game  评委根据每个家庭的世博梦想、才艺表现、创意和家庭成员间的默契配 合度以及世博文化知识抢答进行考核,在0-90秒间给予评判,通过90 秒的家庭则有可能成为擂主; The judge will grade each family between 0-90 seconds according to their Expo dreams, talent performance, creativity and co-operation. Those who past 90 sec have the chance to become a winner.

 每个赛区将有10组擂主家庭参加分赛区决赛。每个分赛区决赛将产生 一名优胜家庭,该家庭将成为该赛区的“世博家庭大使”,参加上海的 全国决赛; Each division will have 10 families participate in sub-division of winner's finals. Each division will have a final champion family, the family will become the division's " Expo Ambassador Family", to compete in the national finals in Shanghai;

 每个城市的比赛阶段,都将邀请上海、北京、香港、台湾的资深主持人 作为节目主持人深入当地与大众一起欢歌笑语迎接世博。 Senior MCs from Shanghai, Beijing, Hong Kong and Taiwan will be invited to each city during the game.

第二阶段- 全国决赛+全球初赛 National Finals + Global Preliminary 10月14日-1月17日 共14周 / Oct.14 to Jan.17 – 14 weeks 倒计时200天-100天 / 200 days countdown to 100 days countdown

 大众版——全国八大分赛区复赛及总决赛+ 海外初赛 启动 Ordinary group – Quarter final in Eight national divisions and preliminary in oversea divisions

 明星版——角逐海外六大赛区的明星代言家庭 Celebrity group – Competing for “the spokes family” of oversea divisions

 多轮比赛 Competition: 世博梦想表达、创意表演和世博文化知识抢答; Expo dreams, creative performance and Expo quiz show;

 短信投票 SMS vote: 观众参评最佳世博家庭梦想 The audience will vote for the best Expo dream family

 获胜奖项 Awards: 获胜家庭获得世博会门票、纪念品等; Expo entry tickets and souvenirs; 十强家庭获得世博会中国馆演出机会。 The chance to perform in the China hall at Expo

第三阶段-全球总决赛 Global Final

1月18日-4月25日 共15周 / Jan.18 to April 25 – 15 weeks 倒计时100天 / 100 days countdown

 大众版和明星版合一,进入《欢聚世博——全家都来赛》全 球总决赛,此阶段播出时间为每周日晚直播;共15集节目中 每场有一个明星种子家庭参加。 The merge of ordinary and celebrity groups. Broadcasted lively every Sunday night; Altogether 15 episodes, each with one celebrity family.

 参赛100个家庭(上海中心赛区40个,全国40个,六大洲

共20个)分十场,每场晋级三个,共30个家庭;30个家庭 分两场,每场晋级5个,共10个家庭,世博大众家庭10强产 生。 Altogether 100 families divided into 10 episodes, each time 3 of them

go to the next round.


Collaboration Opportunities

A. 选手选送 Contestants Recommendation a. 大众家庭:旅居中国 + 当地住户 Ordinary family: local family + expats family living or working in China

a. 明星家庭:希望在中国发展的明星艺人 Celebrity family: star or celebrity who would like to develop career in China

B. 冠名赞助 特别是已经参与世博的企业和机构 Sponsorship

C. 广告置入

Product Placement

四、星尚传媒  星尚传媒有限公司原为成立于2003年的上海时尚文化传媒

有限公司,2009年更名,上海文广新闻传媒集团(SMG) 全资公司,是目前中国影响最大、创收最多、市值最高的时 尚生活类多媒体公司之一。其媒体定位为引领时尚文化、倡 导优质生活;其传播特点是在播、在线和在场相结合。 Enjoyoung Media Co., Ltd., originally Channel Young, changed to its current name in 2009 and is now a wholly owned subsidiary of SMG. It is the one of the most influential lifestyle medias in China, with distinguishable communication style of On air, Online and On scene.

五、魔法天裁 My Style  季播时尚类真人秀节目 Seasonal fashion reality show

 锁定都市时尚产业,接轨全球化产业潮流 Focusing on fashion industry

 “创优、创新、创高”为主导,找寻中国最 有潜力的服装设计力量 In search for the designers with most potential in China

 吸附时尚生活品牌,提升整合营销服务品质 Integrate fashion brands

1、第一季的成功 First Season  第一季13期节目收视稳健 Outstanding audience rate for each episode

 平均收视率2.7% Average audience rate at 2.7%

 最高一期收视达到3.3% With the highest episode to reach 3.3%

 其中25-44岁观众占34% 34% audience aged between 25 and 44

 选手人气 Popularity of the contestants  选手通过专业和大众途径两者结合的方式产生 contestants selected in both professional and ordinary paths

 汇集两岸三地的新锐设计师 Youth designers from Hong Kong and Taiwan also join in

 更招募欧美、日韩等国际级设计高手 Talented designers from US, Europe and Japan

 ENJOYOUNG实体店 Store  EnjoYoung LOFT 地址:上海嘉善路508号尚街LOFT1号楼420

 日渐成熟的多媒体传播渠道 Well-established multimedia channels

2、赛制 Rules

方案一 Concept A

Epi 1

Epi 2

15 out of 15


*Group compete *3 bottom contestants remain in danger

Epi 5 9 out of 10 *模特大换血,选手 与搭档全新磨合, 再掀节目高潮

Epi 9

Challenge 15 out of 15 Epi 6 Revival Match

Epi 4

12 out of 15

10 out of 12

Epi 7

9 out of 9

8 out of 7

Epi 10

Epi 11

Epi 12


5 out of 7


5 out of 4 Epi 13

Final 3 out 1 The Championship

Epi 8

9 out of 8

7 out of 7 *NO one out

Epi 3

4 out of 3

主题列举 Themes 序






决战之巅 Top Fight

ENJOYOUNG 秋冬新品 09 Fall/Winter 不景气!! 服装产业大考验 Fashion industry recession

第一季“天裁” 选手牵手赛 First season contestants hand in hand



将赛事与年度重要事件主题结合(见PPT后附表),热门 话题,时尚巨献,风云人物……都可以成为节目的话题,独身 定做,巅峰对决。 Combine the show with important events of the year

中国的 人文艺术的 权威的 绝无仅有的

以” ENJOYOUNG”秋冬时装发布为题,选手演绎不同 设计理念。设计完成的服装,放在实体店或网络店中销售,选 手参与营销,通过业绩决出胜负。 ENJOYOUNG FASHION SHOW

新鲜的 创新的 双赢的

以全球不景气大环境为出发,选手将在限定百元材料费 中,设计出物超所值的服装;可以华丽的对比、是旧(成)衣的 创新改造、亦或是更具功能、时穿性的崭新设计。 Design the best clothes with limited budget on materials

切合大环境, 极具期待感, 贴近生活面,

冲突,温馨, 第一届获胜选手或人气选手,结对二季选手,同场比拼无 论过去曾有何等的辉煌,如今一切归零,回到战场,重披战袍, 具戏剧性


First season contestants VS. Second season contestants


方案二 Concept B

 户外生存与T台展示相结合 Outdoor survive and runway

 设计师“走出工作室” Designers to step out of their studios

 深入生活,历练意志,启发灵性 Deep into the life

 展示人性的真实与美好 Disclose the reality and beauty of humanity

主题列举 Themes 序






设计师进入横店大型剧组,实战担任服装或化妆的工作,与大明星、 大导演零距离接触,实现各色人等千奇百怪的要求。

明星 剧组 磨难 委屈

Heng Dian Journal


2 “ENJOYOUNG” Who’s with me?


改造“三枪”专卖 店 Revive the failed brand



Junior apprentice of the senior tailor

The designers go to the crew in Heng Dian to take charge of costume and make-up.

选手带着” ENJOYOUNG”秋冬时装主题作品,造访南方大型服装生 产企业,必须想尽一切办法,见到大老板,推销自己的创意和” ENJOYOUNG”品牌合作的可能。

新鲜的 创新的 双赢的

The contestants will have to sell their design to manufacturers

在居民区的“三枪”专卖店,惨淡经营,濒临倒闭,选手出招,改造 小店,他们的“时尚”,是否为消费者接受?真正的市场考验! To revive the Three Guns store from the edge of close-down

老裁缝掌握着修改顶级品牌成衣的秘门绝活,但是脾气古怪,不善言 辞。小学徒如何偷师学艺,成为老裁缝满意的学徒。 The contestants are supposed to learn from an experienced tailor who has very odd temper

切合大环境, 极具期待感, 贴近生活面,

冲突,温馨, 具戏剧性 转折

3、全方位整合传播 Integrated Communication 

资源上 Resource  评委 Judges  专业又极及具个性的固定评委团 Judges who are both professional and distinctive  国际品牌大师入主,树立节目权威 World renown brands  全力打造节目专属的“设计之神” The form of “God of Design”  嘉宾 Guests  两岸三地名人明星加盟助阵 Celebrities from Chinese mainland, Hong Kong and Taiwan  选手 Contestants  汇集两岸三地的新锐设计师 Young designers from all over the country  更招募欧美、日韩等国际级设计高手 Also talented designers from US, Europe and East Asia

 传播上 Communication 

在播 On air:  东方卫视 生活时尚频道 联动 Dragon TV with Enjoyoung  周末:《魔法天裁》正赛 Weekend: My Style Show  周间:《天裁故事》每天呈现 Weekdays: Tale of Tailors

在线 Online:  《魔法天裁》网站:投票、互动、评论 My Style Website  《魔法天裁》网络游戏:跟进赛程、作品即时发布、互动参与时 尚变装 My Style Online Games  ENJOYOUNG 品牌网店 ENJOYOUNG Online store  胜出作品 即时销售 The Winning product will be sold at once

 在场 On scene:  “ 中华国际服装设计大赛”:海选、外白渡桥第 一秀 China International Fashion Design Contest  “上海国际时装节”开闭幕式:启动发布 Shanghai International Fashion Festival  “星尚YOUNG”品牌命名发布 Official launch of ENJOYOUNG  “09风尚嘉年华”系列活动 Fashion Carnival 2009 ……

更多领域:体育赛事\娱乐盛事\演出会展\话剧 曲艺\世博活动 What’s more: Sports\Entertainment\Performance\Opera\Expo Events

比如:  2009ATP上海大师赛 Shanghai Master Cup  2009美国NBA季前赛——上海站 NBA Pre-season  2009上海国际田径黄金大奖赛 Shanghai Golden Grand Prix  2009上海旅游节 Shanghai Travel Festival


4、合作机会 Collaboration Opportunities  选手、评委选送 Contestant/Judge recommendation  冠名赞助 Sponsorship  广告置入 Product Placement  品牌(Enjoyoung)加盟 Brand Franchise

谢谢! Thank You!

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