
January 8, 2018 | Author: Anonymous | Category: Arts & Humanities, Gender Studies, Human Sexuality
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The History of Sexuality (V) 性的部署: 領域、分期

領域  性不是一個冥頑不靈的驅力,而是一個權力關係 的密集轉接點(transfer point): Men and women Young people and old people Parents and offspring Teachers and students Priests and laity Administration and a population

 性並非權力關係中最難纏的部分,但卻被賦予最 多工具性的東西

四個策略  不存在任何一體適用的策略,可以解釋所有不 同的社會,其各式各樣跟性有關的問題。從十 八世紀以來,我們看到了一個發展,焦點聚集 在四個領域: 1. 女性身體的歇斯底里化 (hysterization of women’s bodies)   

身體完全被性所滲透 被整合進入醫學實踐 與社會身體調節生育);家庭空間;兒童生命(生產, 照顧,保護,生物-道德責任)母親成為最歇斯底里 的女人,成天擔心。

2. 兒童的性的教養化(pedagogization of children’s sex)  預設所有的兒童都會沈浸在性活動中,而這些 活動本身是違反自然的,造成身體以及道德上 的問題  父母,家庭,學校,醫生,精神治療師,應該 負起責任。  手淫的問題受到特別多的重視

3. 生殖行為的社會化 (socialization of procreative behaviour)  每一對夫妻對社會都要負起責任,尤其表現在 生育控制的問題上。

4. 變態快感的精神醫療化 (a psychiatrization of perverse pleasure)  性本能被視為一種獨立的生物與心理的本能, 針對各式各樣的變異(anomalies)進行分析,並 提出使其正常或的建議。

上述策略所生產出來的四個對象(objects)  在上述的四種策略下,產生四種研究對象: 1. 2. 3. 4.

The hysterical woman The masturbating child The Malthusian couple The perverse adult

 上述策略的目的為何呢? 控制性? 規範性,使性顯得更有效率,或者遮掩性的不得體的部分?

事實上所有的策略都是在生產出性(the very production of sexuality) p. 105:4. 性不是原本就存在的,或既與的,性是被建構出來的 不是一個秘密,難以掌握的東西,而是一個由身體的刺激, 快感的強化,論述的增生,特別知識的形塑,控制與抵抗 的強化等等,所形成的一個網絡。 性在每個社會都促成a deployment of alliance

A deployment of alliance / sexuality 傳統的結盟主要是透過以下的關係: Marriage Kinship ties Transmission of names and possessions

但是隨著經濟的發展,與政治結構的轉變, 上述的結構發生變化deployment of sexuality ,與 deployment of alliance 相同,都涉及與性伴侶的連結,但是卻採 取了不同的方式。

Alliance/sexuality Deployment of alliance

Deployment of sexuality

Permitted/forbidden; licit/illicit

Mobile, polymorphous and contingent techniques of power

Reproduce the interplay of relations and maintain the law that govern them

Engenders a continual extension of areas and forms of control

concerned with the link between partners and definite statutes

The sensations of the body, the quality of pleasure, the nature of impressions,

Tied to the economy due to the role it can play in the transmission or circulation of wealth

Linked to the economy through numerous and subtle relays.. The main of which is body which produces and consumes.

Attuned to a homeostasis of the social body, with the function of maintaining; law; reproduction

Proliferating, innovating, annexing, creating and penetrating bodies in an increasingly detailed way, controlling populations in a comprehensive way.

 Deployment of sexuality 不止補充了deployment of alliance, 將來很有可能取而代之,但是目前仍 未完全取代。而且就歷史發展來看,前者是建立 在後者的基礎上。 首先是the practice of penance,再來是良心的檢視與精 神的導引,性都是核心,涉及哪些是被允許的,哪些是禁 止的(adultery, extramarital relations, relations with person prohibited by blood or statue the legitimate and illegitimate character of the fact of sexual congress. Pastoral and its application in seminaries, secondary schools, and convents: 漸漸由關於關係的問題轉移到關 於肉體的問題。

 性乃是由從關於聯盟(alliance)的權力技術上誕 生的。並且從此不停地與之產生互動: Family (the feminine body, infantile precocity the regulation of birth, the specificiation of the perverted),  The husband-wife axis  The parents-children axis

Ensures the production of sexuality that is not homogeneous with the privileges of alliance, while making it possible for the system of alliance to be imbued with anew tactics of power. The family is the interchange of sexuality and alliance (108: 1)

家庭  由於聯盟,家庭的機制非常重要,也因此亂倫成為普遍的 禁忌。(幾乎所有的社會都有亂倫禁忌,cf. Levi-Strauss)  By asserting that all societies without exception, and consequently our own were subject to this rule of rules, one guaranteed that this deployment of sexuality, whose effects were beginning to be felt– among them the affective intensification of the family space – would not be able to escape from the grand and ancient system of alliance. Thus the law would be secure, even in the new mechanics of power. (109).  這和傅柯認為十八世紀以來許多權力技術跟法律無關的看 法似乎相互矛盾? 擔心權力技術的增生,試圖將之以 法律重新編碼。

 十七世紀以來,性的部署從家庭的邊緣開啟,漸 漸地以家庭作為核心: 所有的異端,不可化約的危險的效應都被家庭所吸收,家 庭重組,較之以往更為嚴格。  父母與親屬成為主要的行動者,並從從家庭外的醫師,老 師,精神醫師那兒獲得奧援  製造出了一些新的人物類型(在alliance中瘋狂,在性上頭 不正常的人) • The nervous woman, the frigid wife, the indifferent mother, the mother beset by murderous obsessions • The impotent, sadistic perverse husband • The hysterical or neurasthenic girl • The precocious and already exhausted child • Young, homosexual who rejects marriage r neglects his wife.

家庭漸漸被視為所有跟性有關的問題的溫 床。從十九世紀開始,the family engaged in searching out the slightest traces of sexuality in its midst, wrenching from itself the most difficult confessions, soliciting an audience with everyone who might know something about the matter, and opening itself unreserved to endless examination.

精神醫學與精神分析的發展    

Jean-Martin Charcot (111-112) Psychoanalysis Individual’s sexuality …. and family psychoanalysis, whose technical procedure seemed to place the confession of sexuality outside family jurisdiction, rediscovered the law of alliance, the involved workings of marriage and kinship, and incest at the heart of this sexuality, as the principle of its formation and the key to its intelligibility  The guarantee that one would find the parents-child relationship at the root of everyone’s sexuality made it possible to keep the deployment of sexuality coupled to the system of alliance.

From the direction of conscience to psychoanalysis, the deployments of alliance and sexuality were involved in a slow process that had them turning about one another until, more than three centuries later, their positions were reversed.

歷史分期(Periodization) 如何作歷史分期: 依據技術的發展 依據技術散佈的程度

 性史的兩個斷裂: 17th 世紀,禁忌的年代 the advent of the great prohibition: the exclusive promotion of adult marital sexuality, the imperatives of decency, the obligatory concealment of the body, the reduction of silence and mandatory reticence of language. 20th 世紀,漸漸鬆綁 the mechanisms of repression were seen as beginning to loosen their grip, one passed from insistent sexual taboos to a relative tolerance with regard to prenuptial or extramarital relations; the disqualification of “perverts” diminished, their condemnation by the law was in part eliminated…

漫長的發展歷程  中世紀基督宗教(Lateran Council, 禁欲,精神修 養,神秘主義)  十六世紀,宗教改革,Tridentine Catholicism, 傳統的肉體的技術;天主教與新教都有的檢查 (examination),與牧師的指引。  十八世紀末,新的技術出現,不再限於宗教機構, 但也不完全脫離了罪(sin) 的主題。透過課程設 計,醫學,經濟等等,讓性成為世俗的關注,以 及國家的關注。

Sex became a matter that required the social body as a whole, and virtually all of its individuals, to place themselves under surveillance. A visible continuity, but one that did not prevent a major transformation: from that time on, the technology of sex was ordered in relation to the medical institutions, the exigency of normality, and – instead of the question of death and everlasting punishment – the problem of life and illness.

十九世紀:產生許多的轉變, Set apart the medicine of sex from the medicine of the body (117) The medicine of perversions and the programs of eugenics were the two great innovations it the technology of sex of the second half of the nineteenth century. Degenerescence 理論指出兩者如何相互影響。

psychiatry brought about in the great system of degenerescence: it resumed the project of a medical technology appropriate for dealing with the sexual instinct; but it sought to free it from its ties with heredity, and hence from eugenics and the various racism. 到四零年代為止,是主要對抗perversionheredity-degenerescnece體系的政治與制度效應。

 在以上這段歷史進程描述中,我們可以看到兩個 主要的時間點: 16th中:良心檢查與導引技術的發展 19th末:性醫學技術的發展

散佈以及應用的歷程  性的技術的使用,首先並非針對窮人或工人階級, 首當其衝的其實是在經濟上比較佔優勢的人,那 些鉅細靡遺的技術,適用在一小群人身上,雖然 我們看到有一些教派試圖將之散佈到更一般人的 層次上,但其實是比較簡化的一些程序。  家庭也是如此。布爾喬亞家庭或者貴族家庭中小 孩的性,女性的性是最早被關注的。這些家庭也 是性的精神醫療化的主要環節。

The bourgeoisie began by considering that its own sex was something important, a fragile treasure, a secret that had to be discovered at all costs. (120-121) 工人階級家庭相當長的時間裡,避開了性的部署,雖然他 們在很大意義上仍受限於deployment of alliance: the exploitation of legitimate marriage and fertility, the exclusion of consanguine sexual union, prescriptions of social and local endogamy.  mechanism of sexualization 經歷了三個階段才慢慢滲透。

散佈到窮人階級的過程 1. 18th世紀,控制生育的問題 2. 傳統家庭的組織,在十八世紀時被視為對 於都是無產階級進行政治控制與經濟調節 的重要機制,當時有所謂「道德化窮人」 的運動。 3. 19th 世紀,以捍衛社會與種族之名,對 「變態」所進行的司法與醫療控制

不論從技術的發展或散佈的歷史來看, 不是限制,壓抑的年代 整個歷程,對社會中的不同層級而言,也不是同 質的,並沒有所謂單一的性政治(sexual politics) 122:2 The deployment of sexuality was not established as a principle of limitation of the pleasure of others by what have traditionally called the “ruling classes.” Rather it appears that they first tried it on themselves.

 重點不在於禁欲,而在於對於身體的強化,對於 健康的問題意識化是一門極大化生命的技術 (techniques for maximizing life(123:1)  所以重點是,建立the political ordering of life: the self-affirmation of the one class 而非 the enslavement of another. It provided itself with a body to be cared for, protected, cultivated, and preserved from the many dangers and contacts, to be isolated from others so that it would retain its differential value. 

 布爾喬亞階級,將身體化約為性,將其自身的福 祉,生與死壓注在性上頭(124: 1)。有很多原因 造成這個發展: 標示出自己的獨特性,透過「血統」(blood)來維持。 the bourgeoisie ‘s blood was its sex… the emphasis of the body should undoubtedly be linked to the process of growth and establishment of bourgeois hegmony: not, however, because of the market value assumed by labour capacity, but because of what the “cultivation” of its own body could represent politically, economically, and historically for the present and the future of the bourgeoisie.

十八世紀初的許多跟健康長壽,生出健康的寶寶,身 體的衛生等等有關的書籍,最終可以連結到一種 「種 族主義」,這種種族主義不斷地擴沿,到十九世紀後 半開花結果。(125:1) One of the primordial forms of class consciousness is the affirmation of the body, .. The bourgeoisie during the 18th century, converted the blue blood of the nobles into a sound organism and a healthy sexuality. 到十九世紀時,工人階級或窮人的生死根本不值一顧, 但是當經濟發展,窮人們的身體越來越受到重視時, 窮人們才開始有身體與性的問題。(人口,身體的控 制,學校,衛生機構,住宅公共衛生等議題漸次浮現)

精神分析的發生 壓抑假說的起源:the spread of the deployment of sexuality. Justifying its authoritarian and constraining influence by postulating that all sexuality must be subject to the law; Compensating for this general spread the deployment of sexuality by its analysis of the differential interplay of taboos according to the social classes.

十八世紀末同時看到兩種論述 一方面像是亂倫禁忌,被視為一個該被遵守的普 遍法則,但是另外一方面,精神分析的實踐,卻 又是以解除這些禁忌對個人的壓抑為職志。在一 個社會雷厲風行地要去除亂倫時,精神分析竟然 將之視為一種原初的慾望,伊底帕斯情節。

 精神分析在the deployment of sexuality 中所扮演 的角色: A mechanism for attaching sexuality to the system of alliance Assumes an adversary position with respect to the theory of degenerescence Functions as a differential factor in the general technology of sex, 最重要的是 confession—the injunction to lift psychical repression. The task of truth was now linked to the challenging of taboos.

精神分析的發展,總是性的部署之中的一 個環節,從來沒有離開或真正挑戰過這個 機制。性革命或性解放,意味的不過是a tactical shift and reversal in the great deployment of sexuality.

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