organic grass-fed - Dr. Sarah Marshall

January 20, 2018 | Author: Anonymous | Category: Science, Health Science, Sports Medicine
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Nutrition 101 You Are What You Eat. Who Do You Want To BE?

Dr. Sarah Marshall, ND

Truth: We are eating more There has been an increase of about 500 calories per person per day NOT the whole story

But what ARE we eating? Standard American Diet (SAD)

Added Sugar 17%

Meat, Eggs, & Nuts 18% Dairy 10%

Added Fat 24%

Vegetables 5% Grains 23%

Fruit 3%

Weight Gain (and loss) Old Model:

New Model: 

WHAT you eat matters more then how much

Are your hormones working against you?

Do you have the nutrition you need? (i.e. absorption, bioavailability, utilization)

Are toxins holding you back form loosing weight?

How stressed are you?

Roll of STRESS 

Increases blood sugar

Increases holding on to toxins

Increases inflammation

Decreases immune function

Decreases digestion and absorption of nutrients

Inhibits weight loss because body is in CRISIS

“Sugar: The Bitter Truth” 

You Tube Video Dr. Lustig

Sugar = sucrose = HFCS

Fat does not make us fat!

Sugar, specifically fructose, makes us fat

High Fructose Corn Syrup

“Sugar: The Bitter Truth” The Coca Cola Conspiracy 

One soda per day adds 15lbs per year

Soda is not alone, fruit juice and sports drinks

What Everybody Needs Macronutrients


Healthy Protein


Healthy Fats


Complex Carbohydrates


Clean WATER!!


Essential Fatty acids

Putting it all together: Get Fit! Five Key Areas of Fitness 1.

Eat Clean


Increase nutrient absorption


Eliminate allergenic and addictive foods


Balance blood sugar


Support organs of elimination and natural detoxification

What to eat to ADD Health

Mostly Vegetables & Some Fruit; 50%

Healthy Meats, Fat & Eggs; 25% Nuts, seeds, beans, & GF grains; 15%

X-Factor 10%

Healthy Protein Building blocks of your body 

Used to make muscles, ligaments and cartilage, hormones, neurotransmitters, enzymes, antibodies, carry oxygen in blood

Sources: animal protein (meat, pork, fish, poultry, eggs) vegetable protein (beans, grains, yeast, pea)

It matters where it comes from. Healthy meat is raised on its natural healthy diet. That means grass fed cows, wild game, wild caught fish, and meat and eggs from pasture raised chickens.

Healthy Fat Building blocks of all cell membranes (the brain of the cell), nerve and brain tissue, immune cells, and of many hormones Fats are the source of all fat soluble vitamins like vitamin A, D, E, and K. We cannot properly absorb and utilize minerals, such as calcium and magnesium, without fats present.

Healthy Fat

Healthy Fat Source:  From healthy animals in pork, beef, poultry, game, fish, seafood, and butter  Organic olive oil and coconut oil are the best plant choices. Like protein, where you get your fat matters. Due to modern farming and ranching practices organic grass-fed sources are a must when it comes to choosing healthy animal fat sources. When buying olive oil and coconut oil, buy organic cold pressed or expeller pressed oils. The best butter is organic pasture raised.

Healthy Carbohydrates Primary purpose is to make energy 

Complex carbohydrates

Simple carbohydrates


Healthy Carbohydrates Eat LOTS of Veggies and some fruit 

5-6 cups of veggies a day

PLUS 1 serving of fruit a day eaten between meals

This is NOT Low Carb 

5 cups of veggies is about 800-1000 calories, or roughly 50% of your daily intake

EAT Whole Foods 

USDA defines as “unprocessed or unrefined, or unprocessed and unrefined as possible”.

Anything a cave man would recognize as food.

Anything your great (great?) grandmother would recognize as food

REAL food (vs. food like substances)

Food that Grows!

Tanda’s definition, “A food that can be picked from a tree, plucked from the ground, or shot.”

The ‘Avoid’ List Avoid processed food  Really do not eat diet food, low fat, low sugar  Avoid fake sugar (aspartame, NutraSweet, phenylalanine) Avoid food sensitivities: listen to your body Avoid inflammatory foods: gluten, dairy, soy, sugar, alcohol Avoid Sugar: especially soft drinks, sports drinks, fruit juice, dried fruit

Food Allergies & Sensitivities Allergies vs sensitivities vs intolerance The big 5 1. Dairy 2. Gluten 3. Eggs 4. Soy 5. Corn (…peanuts, tree nuts, latex, citrus, nightshades, specific fruits and vegetables)

Food Allergies & Sensitivities Why do we have all these issues with food? Results Immune System Stress 

Excess inflammation

Poor healing time

Frequent colds and flues

Autoimmune diseases

Take home: Symptoms can result in ANY system – especially look for mood issues emotional issues, and brain function

Food Allergies & Sensitivities How do you know?  IgE testing  IgG testing  Muscle testing  EAV testing  Elimination diet (gold standard!) 

1 month min (3 mo best case)

You choose the foods to eliminate

Remove all foods at once

Add back in one at a time


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