April 30, 2018 | Author: Anonymous | Category: Arts & Humanities, Performing Arts, Drama
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PREFACE TO THE CATALOGUE This is the revised and enlarged edition of the “Catalogue of Lenfilm Studio Feature Films 1918 — 1989”, published in 1991. It contains description of feature films made at the Lenfilm Studio in the period of 1918 — 1997. The catalogue includes full length films and short films (including TV films) and a number of examination and diploma works made at the studio by students — the future cinematographers. Each film is provided with information that includes the title, year of production, the basic technical data and characteristics, names of the main authors and actors as well as the brief annotation. The catalogue includes films made in collaboration with local and foreign studios. As a rule, the catalogue does not include documentary, educational and made to order films, produced by Lenfilm Studio in different periods of time and in different volumes. The exception was made for documentaries made in the years of 1950 — 1952 and cartoons made in the years of 1920 — 1940 and a few others which present, from our point of view, a strong interest for the history of the studio. For several films (in most cases — for educational, cartoons and films made in the ‘20s) it was not possible to establish the full data, so only part of the information is provided. The principal source for the information given in the catalogue is the data base of Lenfilm Studio films compiled by a film historian and an editor of the Lenfilm Sudio Dmitry Ivaneyev who was using film screenplays, the films, catalogues and card indexes of the Russian State Film Archives. The films are arranged in chronological order, according to the year of completion of production. Each title has a number, and index at the end of the catalogue lists titles of all the films in alphabetical order with the number. The catalogue is supplied with supplements, list of films in alphabetical order and index of film directors. All the films made before 1931 are silent, all films made beginning from 1935 are sound films. The catalogue was prepared for publication by editors of the Public Relations Department of the Lenfilm Studio Dmitry Ivanayev (films made in 1918 — 1959), Svetlana Kolomoyets (films made in 1960 — 1989), Viktoria Mukhina (films made in 1990 — 1996)... List of abbreviations used in the catalogue: b/w — black and white min. — minutes



1918, 56 min., b/w Propaganda film Directors: Alexander Panteleyev, Nikolay Pashkovsky, Anatoly Dolinov, screenplay: Anatoly Lunacharsky, Alexander Panteleyev, camera: V. Lemke Cast: Ivan Lersky, Dmitry Leshchenko About a year has passed since the October Revolution of 1917. Things are not going smoothly in the family of an old honored professor. He sympathizes with the revolution, his eldest son, a former military cadet, is the enemy of the revolution, his youngest son is at the cross-roads.. And in addition the professor is forced to give part of his apartment to a worker with a daughter who move to professor’s place from a wet basement. The first feature film made by Petrograd Cinema Committee, the predecessor of Lenfilm Studio, was shot within several days at the committee’s premises.

2 BORTSY ZA SVETLOYE TSARSTVO TRETYEGO INTERNATSIONALA (FIGHTERS FOR THE BRIGHT KINGDOM OF THE THIRD INTERNATIONAL) 1919, b/w Propaganda film Director: Boris Svetlov, screenplay: Zakhary Grinberg, camera: Friedrich VerigoDorovsky Cast: M. Barash, S. Neradovsky, Anna Panova, Alexander Razumny Authors of the film tried to give viewers some idea of the essence of class struggle and tell about attempts of bourgeoisie to play off people of different nationalities against each other and thus to disunite proletariat.



1919, b/w Propaganda film Written and directed by: Boris Svetlov, camera: V. Lemke Cast: Bulovsky, Volkhonsky, Golubeva, Nikolai Dorian, Krasovsky, Anna Panova The propaganda film called on working people to resist general’s Yudenich troops in the days when the White Army was attacking Petrograd.



1919, 16 min., b/w Propaganda film Director: Boris Svetlov, screenplay: P. Sepp, camera: V. Lemke The film is centered around contraposition of free life in the young Soviet republic and police regime in Russia under tzars.

5 PROLETARGRAD NA STRAZHE REVOLUTSII (PROLETARGRAD ON GUARD OF REVOLUTION) 1919, 22 min., b/w Propaganda film Written and directed by: Boris Svetlov, camera: V. Lemke The propaganda film made as a report on the subject of “What Will the White Army Bring Us?”. Some theses were illustrated by scenes from life of workers and bourgeoisie.

6 VZYATIYE ZIMNEGO DVORTSA (SEIZURE OF THE WINTER PALACE) 1920, b/w Propaganda film Directors: Nikolai Yevreinov, Konstantin Derzhavin, Alexander Kugel, Nikolai Petrov, Leonid Vivyen, N. Misheyev, film shooting directed by: Boris Svetlov, production designer: Yuri Annenkov Screen version of mass performance shown on November 7, 1920 on the Palace Square. The “Proletkult” actors and a crowd of several thousand people took part in the performance.

7 GIMN OSVOBOZHDYONNOMU TRUDU (HYMN TO LIBERATED LABOR) 1920, b/w Propaganda film Pantomime directed by: Alexander Kugel, S. Maslov, film shooting directed by: Boris Svetlov, production designers: Mstislav Dobuzhinsky, Yuri Annenkov Screen version of mass pantomime of the same title that was shown on May 1, 1920 in Petrograd, near the former Stock Exchange building on the spit of Vasilyevsky Island. Over 4000 people took part in the performance.



1921, b/w Propaganda film Written and directed by: Alexander Ivanov-Gay, camera: Nikolai Kozlovsky Cast: Vladimir Vikulin, Sergei Shklyarevsky, Yelizaveta Time, Kondrat Yakovlev, Pavel Leshkov Active villagers together with a young worker who was sent from the town are fighting to create a commune. Rich villagers are trying to prevent it.



1921, b/w Propaganda film Written and directed by: Boris Svetlov, camera: V. Lemke Screen version of A. Budilev’s story of the same title on revolutionary struggle of Latvian people in 1905.



1922, b/w Propaganda film Written and directed by: Vladimir Maximov, camera: Nikolai Kozlovsky Cast: Vladimir Maximov Showing of the film was accompanied by actor’s declamation.

11 DOLYA TY RUSSKAYA, DOLYUSHKA ZHENSKAYA (RUSSUIAN WOMAN’S LOT) 1922, 54 min., b/w Melodrama Director: Boris Svetlov, screenplay: Maria Sverchkova, camera: Nikolai Kozlovsky Cast: N. Gasilov, Ursula Krug, Yelena Chaika, Georgy Aleksandrov, Veronika Buzhinskaya, Vasily Kozhura, Fyodor Mishin

Village girl Marisha is in love with coachman Yakov. Marisha’s father, a wealthy peasant, does not allow his daughter to marry a coachman. Soon Marisha gives birth to a child. Persecuted by village philistines Marisha plunges with her son into the river.

12 NET SCHASTYA NA ZEMLE (THERE IS NO HAPPINESS IN THE WORLD) 1922, 39 min., b/w Melodrama Written and directed by Alexander Panteleyev, camera: Nikolai Kozlovsky Cast: Roman Apollonsky, Alexander Panteleyev, Alexandra Chizhevskaya, Raisa Mamontova, Sergei Shklyarevsky Newly-weds Vera and Nikolai live in poverty. By chance Vera meets rich man Obolensky, an old friend of Nikolai, who returned to Russia after spending several years in America. They start dating. During one of their rendezvous Nikolai commits suicide before their eyes. Vera goes mad.



1922, 54 min., b/w Drama Director: Alexander Panteleyev, screenplay: Alexander Zarin, camera: Ivan Frolov Cast: Nikolay Khodotov, Pyotr Andriyevsky, Yelena Tumanskaya, Alexandra Chizhevskaya, Alexander Larikov, Sergei Shklyarevsky The plot of the film includes story of mother of a worker — member of a secret revolutionary organization. At home mother happens to find at home revolutionary leaflets and decides to take them to the priest.

14 SKAZ O TOM KAK LAPOTNIKI V RAZUM VOSHLI (TALE OF PEASANTS WHO CAME TO THEIR SENSES) 1922, b/w Comedy Written and directed by: Alexander Panteleyev, camera: Nikolai Kozlovsky Comedy film made as a study work of the First Petrograd Group of Cinema Actors deals with awakening of revolutionary consciousness in working people.



1922, 80 min., b/w Drama Director: Alexander Panteleyev, screenplay: Alexander Zarin, camera: Nikolai Kozlovsky, production designer: V. Vorobyov Cast: Vladimir Maximov, Yelena Chaika, Ursula Krug, Pyotr Kirillov, G. Fyodorov The film is focused on the story of assistant-professor Korenev. During mass starvation of 1921 — 1922 in the Volga region Korenev’s family died and he got seriously ill. Having recovered he goes with a hospital team to fight starvation. The documentary sequences shot in the Volga region were included in the film.



1922, 43 min., b/w Comedy Director: Alexander Panteleyev, screenplay: Alexander Zarin, camera: Nikolai Kozlovsky Cast: Pyotr Kirillov, Yelena Tumanskaya, Vasily Kozhura, Raisa Mamontova

The comedy is set at the beginning of the 19th century. The Virgin appeared before a soldier who was on sentry duty near a wonder-working icon and gave him an expensive diamond.



1923, 57 min., b/w Drama Director: Alexander Ivanovsky, screenplay: Olga Forsh, Pavel Shchegolev, camera: Ivan Frolov, Viktor Glass, production designers: Vladimir Shchuko, Boros Rerikh Cast: Yevgeny Boronikhin, Yuri Korvin-Krukovsky, Yelena Khmelevskaya, Maria Yuryeva, Sergei Shishko, Gennady Michurin, Lev Dobrovolsky Loosely based on Pavel Shchegolev’s novel “The Mysterious Prisoner” Story of tragic fate of Mikhail Beideman, a Peter and Paul Fortress prisoner, who spent over 20 years in a stone cell of Alexeyevsky ravelin.

18 DIPLOMATICHESKAYA TAINA (DIPLOMATIC SECRET) 1923, 65 min., b/w Adventure Director: Boris Chaikovsky, screenplay: Lev Nikulin, camera: Grigory Giber Cast: Yevgeniya Khovanskaya, Vladimir Maksimov, Oleg Frelikh, Iona Talanov, Ivan Khudoleyev, Vasily Kozhura Loosely based on Lev Nikulin’s novel “No Accidents”. Ali Khan, a former Secretary of the Council of Ministers of an invented country of Gulistan, sacked at request of British officials, accidentally gets hold of a document compromising reputation of British ambassador. When the British ambassador discovers that the document disappeared he orders the secretary of the embassy to find it. The chase after Ali Khan begins...



1923, 9 min., b/w Propaganda film Written and directed by: Vladimir Maksimov, camera: Friedrich Verigo-Dorovsky Cast: Vladimir Maksimov An experienced aviator tells about history of Russian aviation and urges to restore Russian air fleet. Demonstration of the film, based on archives’ material, was accompanied by declamation of actor Vladimir Maksimov

20 ZA VLAST SOVETOV (FOR THE POWER OF SOVIETS) 1923, 73 min., b/w Adventure Director: Alexander Panteleyev, screenplay: Daniil Gessen, Alexander Litvinov, V. Kartsev, camera: Nikolai Kozlovsky, production designer: Yevgeny Yeney Cast: Roman Apollonsky, Yuri Korvin-Krukovsky, Alexander Lyubosh, Pyotr Andriyevsky, Clara Klodnitskaya, Alexei Goryushin Dramatic love story of a worker who gets in love with a White Army spy is shown against a backdrop of historical episodes of the defence of Petrograd in 1918.



1923, 57 min., b/w Drama

Written and directed by: Alexander Ivanovsky, camera: Nikolai Kozlovsky, production designer: Viktor Ballyuzek Cast: Kondrat Yakovlev, Pyotr Andriyevsky, Nina Shaternikova, Sergei Shishko, Yelena Tumanskaya, Yekaterina Korchagina-Alexandrovskaya, Alexander Panteleyev Loosely based on Nikolai Leskov’s short story “Toupee Artist” A tragic life story of a serf girl who was an actress.

22 TORGOVY DOM “ANTANTA I KO” (THE ENTENTE AND CO. TRADE HOUSE) 1923, 20 min., b/w Political grotesque Director: Konstantin Derzhavin, screenplay: Nikolai Agnivtsev, camera: Leopold Verigo-Dorovsky, production designer: Moisei Levin Cast: Leonid Utesov, Darya Gamalei, An German, Alexander Mgebrov, Konstantin Gibshman Screen version of mass political grotesque show staged on the Palace Square during October Revolution celebrations in Petrograd.

23 CHASOVNYA SVYATOGO IOANNA (ST. JOHN’S CHAPEL) 1923, 62 min., b/w Drama Director: Boris Chaikovsky, screenplay: Lev Nikulin, camera: Griogory Giber Cast: Nina Sokolovskaya, Vasily Kozhura, Vladimir Maksimov, Yevgeniya Khovanskaya, Ivan Khudoleyev, Yelena Chaika, Iona Talanov Loosely based on Herman Heijermans’s play “The Good Hope” and Victor Hugo’s novel “Toilers of the Sea”. The story is set in Russia. Two brothers from a poor fisherman’s family are compelled to go to work for owner of a large fishing company. He sends the brothers to his “Lena” boat being perfectly aware of the fact that the old boat can sink any moment. And this is exactly what happens. The brothers perish and the owner of the company gets large insurance and donates part of the money on construction of a chapel in memory of perished fishermen.

24 BEDNYAKU VPROK — KULAKU V BOK (WHAT IS GOOD FOR POOR PEASANT IS BAD FOR KULAK” 1924, 34 min. b/w Propaganda film Director: Yakov Poselsky, screenplay: Daniil Gessen, camera: Grigory Giber Cast: Iona Talanov, Ivan Shtraukh, M. Lavrova The film urged peasants to have their buildings and live-stock insured in Gosstrakh agencies.



1924, 46 min., b/w Film-novel Written and directed by: Pyotr Malakhov, camera: Leonid Drankov Cast: Shura Konstantinov, Ursula Krug, Alexander Maseyev, P. Vasilyev Village boy Vanka dreams of becoming a pioneer. He runs away from home, comes to the city and joins the pioneer organization. Some time later he returns to his village and organizes there a pioneer team.

26 KAMERGER YEGO VELICHESTVA (HIS MAJESTY’S GENTLEMAN-IN-ATTENDANCE) 1924, 61 min., b/w Drama Director: Mikhail Doronin, screenplay: Lev Nikulin, camera: Leopold VeriogoDorovsky Cast: Mikhail Doronin, Olga Bystritskaya, Yelena Chaika, Oleg Frelikh A courtier Sergei Shatov meets in the Crimea Asya, the granddaughter a palace gardener, and tries to seduce the girl. He informs police on his rival, accusing the young gardener of preparing assassination of Nicholas II. When Asya finds out about the report she kills Shatov and runs away to the mountains.

27 KONETS RODA LUNICH (END OF THE LUNICH FAMILY) 1924, 80 min., b/w Drama Director: Oleg Freilikh, screenplay: Lev Nikulin, camera: Friedrich VerigoDorovsky Cast: Ivan Khudoleyev, Vladimir Maksimov, Yelena Chaika, Olga Bystritskaya, Oleg Freilikh, Iona Talanov, Yevgeniya Khovanskaya, Mikhail Doronin Based on “The Useless Victory”, an early story by Anton Chekhov Hungarian vagrant musician takes revenge on the countess who insulted her father.



1924, 100 min., b/w Historical-revolutionary film Director: Vyacheslav Viskovsky, screenplay: Boris Leonidov, camera: Friedrich Verigo-Dorovsky, production designers: Vladimir Yegorov, Yevgeny Eney Cast: M. Lomakin, Nikolai Simonov, Ye. Rudina, Vera Vladimirova, Valery Solovtsev The film tells about the struggle of Siberian partisans against Kolchak’s gangs.



1924, 13 min., b/w Satire Written and directed by: Vladimir Shmidthof, camera: N. Yefremov Cast: Mark Dobrynin, Irina Kunina, Yu. Daminskaya Film satirizes “nepmans” (nouveau riches of the 20es), involved in trade speculations and evading from taxation.

30 POKHOZHDENIYA OKTYABRINY (ADVENTURES OF OKTYABRINA) 1924, 35 min., b/w Eccentric comedy Written and directed by: Grigory Kozintsev and Leonid Trauberg, camera: Friedrich Verigo-Dorovsky, Ivan Frolov Cast: Zinaida Tarakhovskaya, Yevgeny Kumeiko, Sergei Martinson, Antonio Tserep, Fyodor Knorre Oktyabrina, a Young Communist Leager and a house-manager has mechanized her household. She gives instructions to her staff over the radio, the yardman is riding around the premises on a motorbike. She moves one of the tenants, the “nepman” who pretends to be unemployed and does not pay the rent, to the roof of the building. Feeling very depressed the “nepman” opens a bottle of beer. Coolidge

Poincare gets out of the bottle. They decide to get hold of the Gosbank cash box, but Oktyabrina finds out about their plan and begins her struggle with the malefactors. With the help of Young Communist Leagers and modern technology Oktyabrina wins the battle.



1924, 59 min., b/w Melodrama Director: Ivan Khudoleyev, screenplay: Elga Grig, Ivan Khudoleyev, camera: Leopold Verigo-Dorovsky Cast: M. Barash, Yevgeny Boronikhin, Yelena Chaika, Vladimir Maksimov, Oleg Frelikh Loosely based on Alfred Tennyson’s poem “The Saved” The film is set in Russia of the beginning of the XXth century. Young girl Anna lived in a working-class neighborhood and two young workers, Andrei and Filipp were in love with her. Anna fell in love with Andrei and married him. Soon after that Andrei was drafted to the navy and assigned to serve on a battleship. The ship perished but Andrei managed to survive and stayed for a long time away from his native country. When he finally returned home he found Anna married to Filipp…



1924, 79 min., b/w Adventure Director: Mikhail Doronin, screenplay: Mikhail Levidov, camera: Friedrich VerigoDorovsky, Pyotr Yermolov, production designer: Ye. Sokolov Cast: Boris Shlikhting, Ivan Khudoleyev, Mikhail Doronin, Yevgeniya Khovanskaya, Iona Talanov Soviet workers restore a destroyed factory and struggle against intrigues of White Army Guards, foreign spies and “nepmans” (nouveau riches of the 20-es). The story is centered around the director of a chemical trust who is persecuted in the Crimea by foreign secret service agents.

33 SAMIY YUNIY PIONER (THE YOUNGEST PIONEER) 1924, 27 min., b/w Eccentric comedy Director: Konstantin Derzhavin, screenplay: Anatol Litvak, Konstantin Derzhavin, camera: Albert Kyun, production designer: I. Brif Cast: Galochka Levina The lead role is played by a three-year-old girl. The story is centered around “adventures” of the child at White Army’s rear in the days of Civil War.



1924, 87 min., b/w Comedy Director: Nikolai Petrov, screenplay: Dukh-Banko (Glikman), Vladimir Korolevich, camera: Nikolai Kozlovsky, Evgeny Mikhailov, production designer: Vladimir Yegorov Cast: D. Cherkasov, Sergei Shishko, Ivan Lersky, Nikolai Petrov, Maria Babanova, Sofya Magarill The years of NEP (New Economic Policy). Two persons bearing the same last name live in Leningrad: Ivanov, the draftsman, and Ivanov, the “nepman” (nouveau rich). Jane, an American relative of draftsman Ivanov comes to Leningrad on a visit. At the same time unemployed Harry, an American relative of “nepman” Ivanov also comes to visit his Russian relatives.



1924, 45 min., b/w Educational film Director: Friedrich Ermler, screenplay: B. Sigal, camera: Leonid Drankov Cast: Maria Taut-Korso, Yakov Gudkin, Eduard Ioganson, Gleb Bushtuyev The film attempted to dwell on the latest methods of treatment for inflectional diseases in contemporary medicine.



1924, 18 min., b/w Educational-training film Written and directed by: Pyotr Malakhov, camera: Viktor Vishnevsky Cast: P. Shidlovsky, O. Glukhova, Vladimir Yerofeyev, Anatoly Vladimirov Educational-training work.



1924, 7 min., b/w Satire Written and directed by: Vyacheslav Viskovsky, camera: Friedrich VerigoDorovsky Cast: Nikolai Shmidthof, Maria Dobrova, Yekaterina Podolskaya, Friedrich Ermler Film mocks the everyday life of “nepmans” (nouveau riches of the 20es).

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1925, 61 min., b/w Adventure Director: Nikolai Petrov, screenplay: N. Surovtsev, camera: Albert Kyun, production designer: Alexei Utkin Cast: Yekaterina Korchagina-Alexandrovskaya, Vladimir Voronov, Alexander Orlov The film tells about creation of the first Soviet aviation engine.

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1925, 80 min., b/w Adventure Director: Boris Chaikovsky, Olga Rakhmanova, screenplay: Nina AgadzhanovaShutko, camera: Friedrich Verigo-Dorovsky, Grigory Giber, production designer: Yevgeny Yeney Cast: Nikolai Kutuzov, M. Brusak, Sergei Minin, N. Savskaya, Ivan Khudoleyev, Olga Rakhmanova The film tells about the struggle of bolsheviks against White Army troops in one of towns on the Black Sea coast in the days of the Civil War.



1925, 61 min., b/w Adventure Director: Vladimir Kasyanov, screenplay: Sergei Garin, camera: Alexander Ryllo, Alexander Sigayev, production designer: A. Goncharsky

Cast: Nikolai Simonov, Pyotr Kuznetsov, Natalya Razumova, Sergei Troitsky The film tells about the struggle of Leningrad Baltiysky Factory workers with saboteurs.



1925, 21 min., b/w Propaganda film Written and directed by: S. Grunberg, Sergei Yutkevich, camera: Albert Kyun, production designer: Sergei Yutkevich Cast: Boris Poslavsky, Pyotr Repnin Eccentric comedy popularizing radio.

42 DEVYATOYE YANVARYA (THE NINTH OF JANUARY) 1925, 98 min., b/w Historical-Revolutionary Director: Vyacheslav Viskovsky, screenplay: Pavel Shchegolev, camera: Andrei Moskvin. A. Dalmatov, production designer: Alexei Utkin Cast: Yevgeny Boronikhin, Alexei Bogdanovsky, Nikolay Simonov, V. Borozdin, A. Yevdakov, Tamara Glebova The film tells about development of revolutionary tendencies among Russian workers at the beginning of the century, which resulted in the strikes at Obukhovsky and Putilovsky Works in St. Petersburg and the march of workers to the tsar’s palace and shooting down of peaceful demonstration by troops on January 9, 1905.



1925, 61 min., b/w Drama Director: Vyacheslav Viskovsky, screenplay: Alexander Balagin, Vyachslav Viskovsky, camera: Friedrich Verigo-Dorovsky, Svyatoslav Belayev, production designer: Alexei Utkin Cast: N. Vendelin, V. Baranova, Oleg Frelikh, N. Dzhalilov, Olga Spirova, Iona Talanov Loosely based on 16th century Bukhara legend. Dzhemal, daughter of the khan of Khiva, is going from Bukhara to her native Khiva. The caravan is attacked by bandits. The leader of the gang is enchanted by the beauty of Dzhemal, but the prisoner rejects love of the robber. Soon Dzhemal and her foster sister manage to escape. Wandering in scorching desert girls meet Djigit (skillful horseman) Sadyk.



1925, 54 min., b/w Adventure Director: Pyotr Malakhov, screenplay: Sergei Lebedev, Svyatoslav Belyaev, camera: Albert Kyun, production designer: Pavel Mikhelson Cast: Shura Konstantinov, V.Voyeikov, Elena Tumanskaya, Sergei Glagolin The film is centered around the adventures of a homeless peasant boy who came to Leningrad.


Directors: Grigory Kozintsev, Leonid Trauberg, screenplay: Irina Kunina, Grigory Kozintsev, Leonid Trauberg, camera: Friedrich Verigo-Dorovsky, production designer: Yevgeny Yeney Cast: Shura Zavyalov, Polina Pona, Sergei Gerasimov, Andrei Kostrichkin, Yevgeny Kumeiko, Yanina Zheimo Made in the genre of eccentric comedy the film tells about amazing adventures of the newspaper boy Mishka who found himself in the headquarters of General Yudenich.



1925, 61 min., b/w Propaganda film Director: Alexei Dmitriyev, screenplay: Mikhail Boitler, camera: Grigory Giber Cast: Pyotr Repnin, Boris Barnet, K. Koreneva, Lev Sverdlin The film tells about help provided by the city Young Communist Leaguers to young villagers in their struggle against kulaks (peasant proprietors).



1925, 90 min., b/w Drama Written and directed by: Boris Chaikovsky, Pavel Petrov-Bytov, camera: Friedrich Verigo-Dorovsky, production designers: I. Brif, Alexei Utkin Cast: Eduard Ioganson, Yevgeny Boronikhin, Yelena Chaika, Iona Talanov An old worker recollects how he embarked on the path of the revolutionary activities.



1925, 8 min., b/w Comedy Written and directed by: Boris Svetlov, camera: Leopold Verigo-Dorovsky, production designer: Pavel Betaki Cast: Ya. Auer, Vera Streshneva, Alexandra Chizhevskaya Witty comedy advertising “Neva” — a new brand of cigarettes produced by Lentabaktrest



1925, 93, b/w Propaganda film Written and directed by: Semyon Timoshenko, camera: Svyatoslav Belyaev, production designer: Yevgeny Yeney Cast: Yevgeny Boronikhin, Iona Talanov, Olga Spirova, Yelena Chaika The film tells about readiness of Soviet people to repel the enemy’s aggression.



1925, 32 min., b/w Educational film Director: Vitaly Dobrovolsky-Fedorovich, screenplay: V. Sanchov, Vitaly Dobrovolsky-Fedorovich, camera: Grigory Giber Cast: M. Kotelnikov, P. Meshcherin, M. Wolf The film tells about the activities of criminal investigation department, about its laboratories and the latest achievements of science which help detectives to find criminals. The story is based on the investigation of a murder case.



1925, 90 min., b/w Drama Director: Alexander Panteleyev, screenplay: Mikhail Rakitin, camera: Nikolai Kozlovsky, Albert Kyun, production designers: Alexei Utkin, Vladimir Yegorov, I. Brif Cast: Pyotr Kuznetsov, Yuri Korvin-Krukovsky, Sergei Shishko, Yevgeny Studentsov Heroism and staunchness of revolutionary fighters contrasts with immoral nature of a degenerating noble family.



1925, 39 min., b/w Comedy Director: Pyotr Malakhov, screenplay: Vadim Yunakovsky, camera: Sergei Lebedev, Albert Kyun, production designer: Pavel Mikhelson Cast: V. Vadimov, Iona Talanov, Shura Konstantinov, Maria Bernatskaya The first years of the NEP (New Economic Policy). Peasants got sick and tired of endless quarrels between village priest Agafangel and deacon Gormoniy. The peasants decided to move both clergymen out of the village.

53 PUTESHESTVIYE TRUDOVYKH KOPEYEK (TRIP OF HARD-EARNED MONEY) 1925, 59 min., b/w Propaganda film Director: Boris Svetlov, screenplay: B. Ivanov, M. Gagarsky, Vladimir Yakovlev, camera: Alexander Ryllo, Leopold Verigo-Dorovsky The film is made as a visual aid to popularize the purpose of the common labor tax collected from Soviet peasants in the 20es.



1925, 22 min., b/w Propaganda film Written and directed by: Semyon Timoshenko, camera: Viktor Glass, production designer: Nikolai Akimov Cast: A. Matov, Roman Rubinstein The film popularizing radio is centered around adventures of the “nepman” (nouveau rich of the 20es) evading from paying taxes and caught with the help of radio.

55 RASSEYANNIY KOMMIVOYAZHER (ABSENTMINDED SALESMAN) 1925, 10 min., b/w Comedy Director: Boris Svetlov, screenplay: Vladimir Shmidthof, camera: Leopold VerigoDorovsky, production designer: A. Goncharsky Cast: Nikolai Petrov, Irina Kunina, A. Nilin The film advertises products of Lentabaktrest.



1925, 7 min., b/w

Comedy Written and directed by: Vladimir Shmidthof, camera: Leopold Verigo-Dorovsky Film made as advertisement of Lentabaktrest.



1925, b/w Written and directed by: Boris Svetlov, camera: Leopold Verigo-Dorovsky, production designer: A. Goncharsky



1925, 70 min., b/w Historical-Revolutionary Director: Alexander Ivanovsky, screenplay: Pavel Shchegolev, camera: Ivan Frolov, Friedrich Verigo-Dorovsky, production designers: Alexei Utkin, Vladimir Yegorov Cast: Alexender Morozov, A. Raupenas, Nikolai Shmidthof, Vera Kuindzhi, Yevgeny Boronikhin, Konstantin Khokhlov, Kondrat Yakovlev, Yekaterina Korchagina-Aleksandrovskaya, Yakov Malyutin, Sergei Shishko, Gennady Michurin The story is based on the biography of carpenter Stepan Khalturin, one of the leaders of the “Northern Union of Russian Workers”, who prepared assassination of the tsar.



1925, 81 min., b/w Drama Director: Aleksander Razumny, screenplay: Alexander Rasumny, P. Misheyev, camera: Alexander Razumny, production designer: Alexander Razumny Cast: Fyodor Bogdanov, O. Lebedeva, Ye. Zhbankov, Vera Vladimirova, Mark Dobrynin, Anatoly Nelidov, Yekaterina Korchagina-Aleksandrovskaya, Ivan Lersky Moral staunchness of a revolutionary worker is contrasted with immorality of his son affected by corrupting influence of petty-bourgeois surrounding.

60 CHTO, GDE ON KUPIL? (WHAT DID HE BUY AND WHERE?) 1925, b/w Written and directed by: Nikolai Foregger, camera: Nikolai Kozlovsky

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1925, 14 min., b/w Adventure Director: Vladimir Feinberg, screenplay: S. Kaluzhsky, Vldimir Feinberg, camera: Albert Kyun, production designer: I. Brif Cast: I. Moskalev, Vera Streshneva, V. Dobuzhinsky, A. Makashev, Shura Konstantinov, Tolya Andreyev Adventures of two young pioneers who arrived with their dog on a summer vacation at the village and unmasked village moonshiners.



1926, 57 min., b/w

Comedy Written and directed by: Grigory Kozintsev, Leonid Trauberg, camera: Andrei Moskvin, production designer: Yevgeny Yeney Cast: Pyotr Sobolevsky, Yanina Zheimo, Sergei Martinson, Sergei Gerasimov The film tells about a driver who worked for a trust and renovated an old automobile.



1926, 78, b/w Drama Director: Pavel Petrov-Bytov, screenplay: Ioakim Maksimov-Koshkinsky, Pavel Petrov-Bytov, camera: Sergei Lebedev, production designer: I. Brif Cast: S. Galich, Pyotr Kirillov, Maria Dobrova, Iona Talanov, Shura Zavyalov The film tells about the struggle of Chuvash people for their rights int the beginning of the century.

64 VOR, NO NE BAGDADSKY (THE THIEF, BUT NOT FROM BAGDAD) 1926, 9 min., b/w Comedy Director: Vladimir Feinberg, screenplay: Alexander Rodchenko, camera: Alexander Ryllo, production designer: Alexander Rodchenko Cast: S. Galich The film advertised products of Lentabaktrest and was made as a parody on film advertising.



1926, 99 min., b/w Historical drama Director: Alexander Ivanovsky, screenplay: Pavel Shchegolev, Alexander Ivanovsky, camera: Ivan Frolov, production designer: Anatoly Arapov Cast: Vladimir Maksimov, Yevgeny Boronikhin, Boris Tamarin, Gennady Michurin, Sergei Shishko, Nikolai Lebedev, Varvara Annenkova Love story of Annenkov, a participant of 1825 revolt of nobility, and Paulina Goeble.



1926, 72 min., b/w Adventure Director: Friedrich Ermler, Eduard Ioganson, screenplay: Nikolai Molodtsov, V. Mankovsky, Vladimir Yakovlev, camera: Naum Aptekman, production designer: Yevgeny Yeney Cast: Sergei Glagolin, Maria Taut-Korso, Valery Solovtsov, Yakov Gudkin, Zinovy Drapkin, Veronika Buzhinskaya The film tells about the participation of young people in the defence of Petrograd from White Army troops commanded by General Yudenich during the Civil War.

67 KARYERA SPIRKI SHPANDYRYA (CAREER OF SPIRKA SHPANDYR) 1926, 60 min., b/w Comedy Director: Boris Svetlov, screenplay: G. Batargin, camera: Friedrich VerigoDorovsky, production designer: A. Goncharsky

Cast: Leonid Utesov, Nina Zheleznova, Anatoly Nelidov, Yekaterina Podolskaya, Nikolai Shmidthof Spirka Shpandyr, a petty crook and a swindler after serving a prison term escapes from the Soviet country. Abroad the swindler immediately finds common language with the police and becomes a paid police agent. He provokes all kinds of conflicts between capitalist government officials and Soviet missions. Spirka pretends to be a priest, a worker and, finally, a baron. This is how Spirka Shpandyr, a swindler and provocateur, the pride of Russian White emigration makes his brilliant career abroad.

68 KATERINA IZMNAILOVA (CATHERINA IZMAILOVA) 1926, 86 min., b/w Drama Director: Cheslav Sabinsky, screenplay: Boris Leonidov, camera: Naum Aptekman, production designer: Pavel Betaki Cast: Yelena Yegorova, Nikolai Simonov, Anatoly Nelidov, V. Nikulin, Fyodor Bogdanov, Zoya Valevskaya Based on Nikolai Leskov’s novel “Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District”.

69 KATKA – “BUMAZHNYI RANET” (KATKA – “THE PAPER RENNET”) 1926, 73 min., b/w Drama The film was dubbed at “Lenfilm” in 1973, b/w, 74 min. Director of dubbing: Fyodor Nikitin, sound: Grigory Elbert Director: Eduard Ioganson, Friedrich Ermler, screenplay: Mikhail Borisoglebsky, Boris Leonidov, camera: Yevgeny Mikhailov, production designer: Yevgeny Yeney Cast: Veronika Buzhinskaya, Bella Chernova, Valery Solovtsov, Yakov Gudkin, Fyodor Nikitin Story of a young village girl who came in mid-20es to Leningrad to earn some money “to buy a cow”, found herself among criminals but managed to break with the city underworld and start a new life.



1926, 74 min., b/w Adventure Director: Alexander Ivanovsky, screenplay: Vladimir Shmidthof, camera: Alexander Ryllo, production designer: Pavel Betaki Cast: Alexander Shabelsky, Pavel Kurzner, N. Sharap, T. Ott, V. Plotnikov The film tells about the struggle of Laplanders against tyranny of tsarist police and rapacious fir dealers. It also tells about an exiled Russian revolutionary who helped people belonging to this minor nationality.

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1926, 74 min., b/w Drama Director: Vladimir Kasyanov, screenplay: Izmail Abai, camera: Nikolai Kozlovsky, production designer: Pavel Betaki Cast: A. Gamkrelidze, S. Palavandishvili, B. Svani, AS. Kalantadze The film tells about the struggle of mountain tribes of the Caucasus against tsarist troops.



1926, 72 min., b/w Drama Director: Nikolai Foregger, screenplay: Boris Chaikovsky, Grigory GricherCherikover, camera: Albert Kyun, Leonid Drankov, production designer: Yevgeny Yeney Cast: Yevgeny Boronikhin, K. Zolotarev, Olga Spirova, I. Pyarn, V. Makarov Life of political exiles and Russian gold-diggers in the north of Kamchatka peninsular in 1915 — 1922.



1926, 62 min., b/w Drama Director: Sergei Shishko, screenplay: Ivan Leonov, camera: Ivan Frolov, production designer: Boris Almendingen Cast: Nikolai Lebedev, V. Baranova, Alexandra Chizhevskaya, Ivan Khudoleyev, Konstantin Khokhlov Soviet worker-inventor is struggling with representatives of a foreign company for introduction of a new brake system on transport.



1926, 67 min., b/w Drama Written and directed by: Vladimir Feinberg, camera: V. Vorotilov, Nikolai Kozlovsky, production designer: A. Goncharovsky Cast: Sergei Langovoy, Ursula Krug, N. Gnedich, Fyodor Slavsky, Irina Kunina The film tells about tough exploitation of the peoples of the North by the owners of companies.

75 TRISTA TRIDTSAT TRI NESCHASTYA (THREE HUNDRED THIRTY- THREE MISFORTUNES) 1926, 12 min., b/w Comedy Director: Vladimir Feinberg, screenplay: Irina Kunina, camera: Alexander Ryllo Cast: Alexander Aleksandrov-Serzh The film advertised products of Lentabaktrest.



1926, 76 min., b/w Drama Director: Grigory Kozintsev, Leonid Trauberg, screenplay: Adrian Piotrovsky, camera: Andrei Moskvin, production designer: Yevgeny Yeney Cast: Pyotr Sobolevsky, Lyudmila Semyonova, Sergei Gerasimov, Emil Gal, Antonio Tserep, Sergei Martinson, Yanina Zheimo, Andrei Kostrichkin The film tells about the life of a Red Navy man who accidentally became a member of a gang of thieves but managed to revive to honest living.



1926, 68 min., b/w Drama Director: Boris Svetlov, screenplay: Valentin Trakhtenberg, camera: Leopold Verigo-Dorovsky, production designer: Pavel Betaki

Cast: Leonid Utesov, Nina Zheleznova, Mikhail Rostovtsev, O. Arakcheyevskaya, D. Cherkasov, A. Ivanova Based on Valentin Trakhtenberg’s story “Siskin”. The court is hearing the case of a former Red Army guard who gave himself up to investigating authorities.



1926, 65 min., b/w Drama Director: Grigory Kozintsev, Leonid Trauberg, screenplay: Adrian Piotrovsky, camera: Andrei Moskvin, Yevgeny Mikhailov, production designer: Yevgeny Yeney Cast: Andrei Kostrichkin, A. Yeremeyeva, Sergei Gerasimov, Alexei Kapler, Yanina Zheimo, Emil Gal Loosely based on Nikolai Gogol’s short stories “The Greatcoat” and “Nevsky Prospekt”.



1927, 12 min., b/w Cartoon The film was dudbbed in Germany in 1931 (music: E. Meisel) Director: Vladislav Tvardovsky, screenplay: Nikolai Agnivtsev, camera: Yevgeny Bogorov, cartoons: V. Kuklin, S. Zhukov, Igor Sorokhtin, Alexander Presnyakov Dynamo, fly-wheel and gears consider themselves to “heroes” of the production process. Quiet and modest Little Screw also participates in the “big work” but no one takes him seriously. Offended, he leaves the plant. Only then everybody realizes the importance of a screw for the operation of the plant. Little Screw accepts apologies and returns to the plant.



1927, 73 min., b/w Drama Director: Pavel Petrov-Bytov, screenplay: Olga Vishnevskaya, Pavel Petrov-Bytov, camera: Leopold Verigo-Dorovsky, production designer: Boris Almendingen Cast: F. Mikhailov, Tatyana Guretskaya, N. Sharap, Sergei Langovoy, Shura Savelyev The film tells about the struggle of peasants with the miller-kulak (peasant proprietor) in the first years after the end of the Civil war.

81 “GLAVDYNYA” NA OTDYKHE (“GLAVDYNYA” ON VACATION) 1927, 15 min., b/w Comedy Director Vladimir Shmidthof, screenplay: Alexander Bogdanov, Vladimir Shmidthof, camera: V. Bluvshtein, production designer: Nikolai Suvorov Cast: Alexander Bogdanov, E. Mashkevich, V. Yablonsky, Ya. Golts The film mocks the vicious practice of staffing an organization with too many employees.



1927, 6 min., b/w Cartoon

Director: Viktor Grigoryev (Gri), screenplay: Nikolai Agnivtsev, camera: N. Yefremov, production designer: Viktor Grigoryev (Gri) Mid 20-es. A Chinese fieldmarshal as a rickshaw is carrying British General John Bull and his bulldog along Chinese roads. They come across a Chinese worker who grabs both the general and the fieldmarshal and throws them away to the garbage pile.

83 DEVUSHKA S DALYOKOY REKI (GIRL FROM THE BANKS OF A REMOTE RIVER) 1927, 76 min., b/w Poetic film Director: Yevgeny Chervyakov, screenplay: Grigory Aleksandrov, camera: Svyatoslav Belyaev, production designers: Yevgeny Yeney, Semyon Meinkin Cast: Rosa Sverdlova, Vladimir Romashkov, Pyotr Kirillov The years of NEP (New Economic Policy) A girl working at a telegraph in a remote place was longing to go to Moscow. Reading bare dots and dashes she was learning about exciting events happening in the country and was getting more and more dissatisfied with her life. Finally she realized her dream, came to Moscow and was happy to share enthusiasm of the young people rebuilding the city. When the girl returned home she saw that a large-scale construction was started in her native region, on the bank of a remote river. And again she is transmitting dots and dashes but now she feels that her work is part of the great work going in her country.



1927, 7 min., b/w Cartoon Director: Viktor Grigoryev (Gri), screenplay: Alexander Flit, camera: G. Knok, production designer: Viktor Grigoryev (Gri) The film was released in connection with the criminal trial over a gang of hooligans which held in these years.



1927, 63 min., b/w Drama Director: Friedrich Ermler, screenplay: Boris Leonidov, camera: Yevgeny Mikhailov, Gleb Bushtuyev, production designer: Yevgeny Yeney Cast: Fyodor Nikitin, Tatyana Okova, Valery Solovtsov, Yakov Gudkin, Galina Shaposhnikova Loosely based on Yevgeny Zamyatin’s short story “The Cave” The film tells about a musician who went through some serious hesitations before he realized that revolutionary Russia needed his art.



1927, 65 min., b/w Drama Director: Boris Svetozarov, screenplay: Ilya Kravchunovsky, camera: N. Yudin, production designer: Vasily Rakhals Cast: Ye. Liliyeva, N. Nenasheva, A. Antonov, Ye. Tokmakov, Yelena Yegorova Loosely based on Pavel Zhurba’s story “A Trollop”. Set in the years when the first collective farms were organized, the film tells about the attempts of working peasants to unmask false cooperatives and about their struggle for the organization of a cattle breeding farm.

87 MOGILA PANBURLEYA (THE GRAVE OF PANBURLEY) 1927, 76 min., b/w Drama Director: Cheslav Sabinsky, screenplay: Nikolai Nikitin, camera: Vasily Simbirtsev, Felix Shtertser, production designers: Boris Almendingen, Mikhail Litvak Cast: Yebgeny Boronikhin, S. Pronskaya, Alexander Morozov, Yelena Deineko, Fyodor Bodganov Based on Nikolai Nikitin’s short story of the same title. The film tells about the disintegration of a landowner’s family.



1927, 59 min., b/w Drama Director: Eduard Ioganson, screenplay: Alexander Khrypov, camera: Pyotr Chupyatov, production designer: Boris Dubrovsky-Eshke Cast: Yelena Yegorova, Anatoly Nelidov, Tamara Godlevskaya, Sergei Langovoy, Vasily Chudakov Fishermen living in a village in the Far North struggle against a kulak (peasant proprietor).



1927, 72 min., b/w Drama Director: Ivan Khudoleyev, screenplay: Mikhail Borisoglebsky, camera: Grigory Lemberg, production designer: Pavel Betaki Cast: N. Sharap, Sergei Glagolin, Veronika Buzhinskaya, Alexei Goryushin An honest Soviet man is fighting against go-getters, bribe-takers and profiteers.



1927, 101 min., b/w Historical-Revolutionary Written and directed by: Sergei Eisenstein, Grigory Aleksandrov, camera: Eduard Tisse, production designer: Vasily Kovrigin Cast: Vasily Nikandrov, N. Popov, Boris Livanov, Eduard Tisse The film was restored and dubbed at “Mosfilm” in 1967, 104 min., misic: Dmitry Shostakovich, sound: Valentina Ladygina, Viktor Babushkin Epic drama dealing with the bolshevik revolution of October 1917. The film was commissioned by the Soviet governmental October Anniversary Committee to mark the 10th anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution.



1927, 70 min., b/w Drama Director: Semyon Timoshenko, screenplay: Boris Lipatov, camera: Svyatoslav Belyaev, production designer: Boris Dubrovsky-Eshke Cast: Pyotr Kuznetsov, Yelena Yegorova, Pyotr Kirillov, Tatyana Guretskaya, N. Rybolovlev, Vasily Chudakov A class enemy turns to his own advantage low moral standards and unstable political views of some Soviet workers.

92 OTVAZHNIYE MOREPLAVATELI (BRAVE NAVIGATORS) 1927, 25 min., b/w Comedy Director: Vladimir Shmidthof, screenplay: Ilya Trauberg, camera: V. Bluvstein, production designer: Nikolai Suvorov Cast: Alexander Bogdanov, M. Milman, V. Yablonsky, E. Mashkevich The film popularized physical culture and sports. The leading Soviet swimmers of mid-20-es were shown in the film.



1927, 75 min., b/w Drama Director: Friedrich Ermler, screenplay: Nikolai Nikitin, Boris Leonidov, camera: Yevgeny Mikhailov, Gleb Bushtuyev, production designers: Yevgeny Mikhailov, Gleb Bushtuyev Cast: Bella Chernova, Yakov Gudkin, Varvara Myasnikova It is impossible to hide from inquisitive looks and gossips in a small provincial town. However, paper-mill worker, Young Communist Leaguer Katya and Andrei are not hiding their love. All of a sudden Katya’s radiant hopes break to pieces: Andrei is indignant to hear the news that Katya is expecting a baby. He does not want “to change diapers”, this “trivial life” will interfere with his plans to “build bright future”.



1927, 72 min., b/w Biopic Director: Vladimir Gardin, screenplay: Vladimir Gardin, Yevgeny Chervyakov, camera: Svyatoslav Belyaev, Naum Aptekman, production designer: Anatoly Arapov Cast: Yevgeny Chervyakpov, Irina Volodko, K. Karenin, Boris Tamarin, Alexei Feona, Ivan Lersky, Alexander Larikov, Zoya Valevskaya The film tells about the last yars of Alexander Pushkin. The film was restored and music was incerted at Gorky Studio in 1968., 75 min. Director of restoration: L. Gitsburg, music editor: Yu. Matskevich, sound: K. Amirov



1927, 23 min., b/w Comic story Written and directed by: Vladimir Shmidthof, camera: V. Bluvstein, Vladimir Danashevsky, production designer: Nikolai Suvorov Cast: Alexander Bogdanov, Maria Taut The film condemns bureaucratic “red tape” on factories.



1927, 80 min., b/w Drama Director: Cheslav Sabinsky, screenplay: Dmitry Shcheglov, camera: Naum Aptekman, production designer: Boris Almendigen Cast: Gennady Michurin, Fyodor Bogdanov, Maria Putyata, Zoya Valevskaya, Yevgeny Boronikhin, Pyotr Podvalny Based on Dmitry Shcheglov’s play of the same title.

Wholehearted and pure character of a Bolshevik is set off against moral meanness of a representative of petty bourgeoisie.



1927, 72 min., b/w Director: Alexander Ivanovsky, screenplay: Yevgeny Zamyatin, camera: Vasily Simbirtsev, Pavel Pallei, production designer: Isaak Makhlis Cast: Vasily Chudakov, Borya Lytkin, Anatoly Nelidov, Alexei Goryushin, Yekaterina Korchagina-Alexandrovskaya, Zinaida Zanoni, Ursula Krug, Natalya Razumova Loosely based on Yevgeny Zamyatin’s novel “North” The film tells about the life of fishermen in the north of Russia.



1927, 76 min., b/w Historical drama Director: Grigory Kozintsev, Leonid Trauberg, screenplay: Yuri Tynyanov, Yulian Oksman, camera: Andrei Moskvin, production designer: Yevgeny Yeney Cast: Sergei Gerasimov, Andrei Kostrichkin, Pyotr Sobolevsky, Konstantin Khokhlov, Sofya Magarill, Yanina Zheimo, Lyudmila Semenova The film tells about the Decembrists’ revolt in the south of Russia.



1927, 70 min., b/w Drama Director: Georgy Krol, screenplay: F. Malov, Georgy Krol, camera: Pyotr Chupyatov, Yuliy Stilianudis, production designer: Boris Dubrovsky-Eshke, I. Brif Cast: Georgy Kolosov, V. Vadimov, Pavel Kurzner, Nadezhda Lezhen, A. Chekayevsky, Nikolai Lebedev The film tells about struggle of Young Communist Leaguers — members of timber-cutting cooperative — with a proprietor.



1927, 65 min., b/w Drama Director: Eduard Ioganson, screenplay: Konstantin Derzhavin, camera: Pyotr Chupyatov, production designer: Yevgeniya Slovtsova Cast: Kseniya Denisova, N. Yablokov, Boris Novikov, V. Belousov, Pavel Kurzner Linking of town and village in period of reconstruction.



1927, 50 min., b/w Drama Director: Semyon Timoshenko, screenplay: Adrian Piotrovsky, Nikolai Erdman, camera: Svyatoslav Belyaev, Andrei Moskvin, production designer: Boris Dubrovsky-Eshke Cast: Pyotr Kuznetsov, Mark Gall, Nikolai Lebedev, Tatyana Guretskaya Loosely based on “Cement”, a novel by Fyodor Gladkov The film tells about the construction of a hydro-electric power station. The film includes scenes shot on location on the Volkhov Hydro-Electric Power station.

102 CHUZHOY PIDZHAK (SOMEBODY ELSE’S JACKET) 1927, 63 min., b/w Satirical comedy Director: Boris Shpis, screenplay: Veniamin Kaverin, camera: Andrei Moskvin, I. Tikhomirov, production designer: Yevgeny Yeney Cast: Andrei Kostrichkin, Sergei Gerasimov, Pyotr Sobolevsky, Arnold Arnold, Yanina Zheimo, Tamara Makarova Loosely based on “Inspector”, a short story by Veniamin Kaverin The film satirizes negative elements in the work of economic executives in the first years of New Economic Policy.



1928, 77 min., b/w Drama Director: Alexander Ivanovsky, screenplay: Mikhail Bleiman, camera: Alexander Ryllo, Pavel Pallei, Mikhail Kaplan, production designers: Boris Almendingen, Nikolai Suvorov Cast: Olga Rozevskaya, Konstantin Khokhlov, Nadezhda Skarskaya, Yekaterina Korchagina-Aleksandrovskaya, Kondrat Yakovlev, Anatoly Nelidov, Irina Volodko The story includes some episodes from the biography of a Russian writer Ivan Turgenev.



1928, 21 min., b/w Feature/Cartoon Director: Alexander Presnyakov, Igor Sorokhtin, screenplay: M. Timens, camera: Leonid Patlis, Nikolai Yefremov, cartoonist and production designer: Vladislav Tvardovsky Cast: N. Litvinov, Kirill Gun Khudyshkin, the Assistant Deputy Chief of Tsentropokryshki and Tolstushkin, his drinking companion, were spreading rumors about imminent war and earthquake. Once Khudyshkin had a dream that he was taken prisoner by Chamberlain. Cartoon personage Buzilka denounces the two panic-mongers and ridicules dead scared Tolstushkin and Khudyshkin.



1928, 61 min., b/w Comedy Written and directed by: Mikhail Bystritsky, D. Yeremich, camera: Ya. Barru Cast: A. Zimin, N. Bashkirov, V. Savitsky, N. Lash, P. Khodakov The film tells about the construction of summer workmen’s settlement.



1928, 56 min., b/w Drama Director: Eduard Ioganson, screenplay: Mikhail Bleiman, camera: Pyotr Chupyatov, production designers: Boris Dubrovsky-Eshke, Nikolai Suvorov Cast: Nikolai Michurin, N. Urvantsev, Tamara Adelgeim, P. Vasilyev, Vladimir Vikulin Loosely based on Vsevolod Ivanov’s short story “Shaitan Arba” dealing with the clash of new and old in period of the New Economic Policy.



1928, 72 min., b/w Historical-Revolutionary Director: Semyon Timoshenko, screenplay: Viktor Shklovsky, Semyon Timoshenko, camera: Leonid Patlis, Alexander Gintsburg, production designer: Semyon Meinkin Cast: Vasili Chudakov, Tatyana Guretskaya, Pyotr Kuznetsov, Pyotr Podvalny, Pyotr Kirillov, Emil Gal In the days of 1917 revolution Russian army soldiers are taking the side of proletariat.



1928, 59 min., b/w Adventure Written and directed by: Vladimir Petrov, Mary Khukhunashvili, camera: Vasily Simbirtsev, Svyatoslav Belyaev, production designers: Yevgeniya Slovtsova, Semyon Meinkin Cast: Shura Zavyalova, Fatima Gilyazova, Borya Lytkin, Fyodor Bodganov, Pyotr Kuznetsov The film tells about the education of children.



1928, 9 min., b/w Cartoon Written and directed by: Dmitry Tolmachev, camera: Nikolai Yefremov, cartoons: Viktor Griogoryev (Gri) Avoskin, a stupid bungler working for a housing cooperative starts building a house without a drawing. He chooses the place for the construction site on a bog. When the construction is about to be finished the house falls apart.



1928, 22 min., b/w Propaganda film Director: Oscar Gallai, screenplay: Zinovy Drapkin, Robert Maiman, camera: Mikhail Galper Cast: Pyotr Kuznetsov, P. Yermakov, Gerorgy Uvarov The film tells about the mechanization of peasants’ labor in a village.



1928, 20 min., b/w Comedy Director: Vladimir Shmidthof, screenplay: Viktor Ardov, Alexander Bogdanov, Vladimir Shmidthof, camera: Yuli Stilianudis, production designer: Nikolai Suvorov Cast: Alexander Bogdanov, E. Mashkevich The film satirizes panic-mongers spreading rumors about war.



1928, 68 min., b/w Comedy

Director: Vladimir Shmidthof, screenplay: Boris Lipatov, camera: Yuli Stilianudis, production designer: Nikolai Suvorov Cast: Alexander Bogdanov, N. Nikolayev, A. Yeremeyeva, V. Yablonsky, Varvara Myasnikova The film tells about the life of young people working at a plant.



1928, 62 min., b/w Drama Directors: Nikolai Bersenev, Vladimir Petrov, screenplay: Nikolai Bersenev, camera: Vladimir Danashevsky, production designers: I. Brif, Yevgeniya Slovtseva Cast: Fyodor Bogdanov, Pyotr Kuznetsov, A. Baskakov, Fatima Gilyazova, Borya Lytkin, Shura Zavyalov Film for children about reforming waifs and strays in children’s labour commune



1928, 67 min., b/w Drama Director: Vladimir Feinberg, screenplay: Vladimir Braun, A. Morozov, camera: Naum Aptekman, production designer: Boris Dubrovsky-Eshke Cast: Nikolai Monakhov, Varvara Myasnikova, Fyodor Nikitin, A. Temnov The film tells about the sufferings of a Soviet engineer whose son was recruited by a foreign intelligence service.



1928, 72 min., b/w Historical drama Written and directed by: Vladimir Gardin, camera: Naum Aptekman, A. Akmolinsky, production designer: Anatoly Arapov Cast: Nikolai Simonov, V. Plotnikov, Alexei Feona, Grigory Ge, Sofia Magarill, Boris Livanov, Tatyana Bulakh, Konstantin Khokhlov, Kondrat Yakovlev The film tells about peasants’ uprising of 1863 headed by popular hero Kastus Kalinovsky



1928, 20 min., b/w Feature/animation Directors: Alexander Presnyakov, Igor Sorokhtin, screenplay: M. Timens, camera: Leonid Patlis, Nikolai Yefremov, cartoons: Vladislav Tvardovsky, V. Kuklin, S. Zhukov Cast: A. Sadovskaya, Kirill Gun, N. Litvinov, Sergei Troitsky A doll named Buzilka finds out that a landlady is going to sell a room in her flat to a nepman (nouveau rich of the 20es). Indignant Buzilka decides to help a young musician get this room and substitutes the documents. The landlady fails to notice the substitution and the musician becomes the owner of the room.



1928, 68 min., b/w Drama

Director: Alexander Ivanov, Oscar Gallai, screenplay: B. Feldman, Konstantin Derzhavin, camera: Vasily Simbirtsev, Mikhail Galper, production designer: Yevgeniya Slovtsova, Ye. Rubinstein Cast: Lev Butarinsky, A. Pasynkova, Kseniya Klyaro, Gennady Michurin, Mikhail Rostovtsev, Alexei Goryushkin The film tells about struggle with workers’ hard drinking and shirking.



1928, 55 min., b/w Drama Director: Yevgeny Petrov, screenplay: Yakov Zadykhin, camera: Pavel Pallei, Mikhail Kaplan, production designer: Yevgeniya Slovtsova Cast: Tatyana Guretskaya, Fyodor Slavsky, Yakov Zadykhin, N. Yablokov, F. Mikhailov, Sergei Langovoy Organizers of a cooperative company in a village are struggling against the bureaucrats and bunglers.



1928, 63 min., b/w Drama Director: Alexander Ivanov, screenplay: Alexander Zarkhi, Iosif Heifits, Vladimir Granatman, Mikhail Shapiro, camera: Vasily Simbirtsev, production designer: Mikhail Litvak Cast: Vasily Chudakov, Nikolai Cherkasov, Boris Chirkov, Zoya Valevskaya, Mikhail Lomakin, Yelena Yegorova Loosely based on Vladimir Bill-Byelotserkovsky’s play of the same title.



1928, 21 min., b/w Animation Written and directed by: Yevgeny Demmeni, camera: Anatoly Pogorely, production designer: I. Pavlovich, in the production participated “Teatr Petrushki” group of the Leningrad Young Spectators’ Theatre Puppets operated by: N. Goryainov, B. Davydov, B. Lebedev Puppets: Max, Moritz, Widow, Tailor, Beck, Teacher Lempel, Peasant, Miller, Dog Loosely based on a tale by Wilhelm Busch. Max and Moritz were mischievous boys. They were tearing their books and notebooks to pieces and mocking adults. Once they got into a barn, ripped up a sack and spilled grain all over the floor. A peasant who saw this put Max and Moritz into a sack and decided to carry them to the mill. Scared children begged him to let them out. The peasant set the boys free and they improved their behavior.



1928, 69 min., b/w Drama Director: Yevgeny Chervyakov, screenplay: Yuri Gromov, Nikolai Dirin, A. Turin, Yevgeny Chervyakov, camera: Svyatoslav Belyaev, production designer: Semyon Meinkin Cast: Gennady Michurin, Anna Sten, Pavel Beryozov, Lyudmila Semyonova, Nikolai Cherkasov, Boris Chirkov A lyrical study on how a Soviet man is getting rid of old concepts of love and jealousy.



1928, 76 min., b/w Drama Director: Semyon Timoshenko, screenplay: Mikhail Bleiman, Semyon Timoshenko, camera: Leonid Patlis, production designers: Boris Dubrovsky-Eshke, Semyon Meinkin Cast: Pyotr Podvalny, A. Alexeyev, Tatyana Guretskaya, I. Razveyev, Valery Solovtsov, Boris Babochkin, Pyotr Kirillov Loosely based on Dmitry Furmanov’s novel of the same title. The story is based on real events: a revolt in the city of Verny (later renamed Frunze, now — Bishkek) in 1920.

123 NE TAK STRASHEN CHYORT (THE DEVIL IS NOT AS BLACK) 1928, 18 min., b/w Comedy Director: Alexander Bogdanov, screenplay: Zinovy Drapkin, Robert Maiman, camera: Feliks Shtertser, production designer: Nikolai Suvorov Cast: A; Goldman, N. Fausek, V. Soboleva Peasants are getting rid of superstitious beliefs.



1928, 69 min., b/w Drama Director: Cheslav Sabinsky, screenplay: Dmitry Shcheglov, camera: Friedrih Verigo-Dorovsky, production designer: Isaak Makhlis Cast: Zoya Valevskaya, Sergei Troitsky, Ivan Khudoleyev, Gennady Michurin, Lyudmila Semyonova Loosely based on Dmitry Shcheglov’s play of the same title.



1928, 20 min., b/w Comedy Directors: Yevgeny Maikhailov, Fyodor Nikitin, screenplay: Sergei Bartenev, camera: Yevgeny Mikhailov Cast: V. Yablonsky, N. Vasilyeva-Opel, Gerda Slatanakh The film tells about the formation of the new relations style in family life.



1928, 17 min., b/w Feature/Cartoon Directors: Alexander Presnyakov, Igor Sorokhtin, screenplay: Nikolai Agnivtsev, camera: Leonid Drankov, Nikolai Yefremov, cartoons: Vladislav Tvardovsky Offended by school children’s negligent attitude to books and studies, letters rose in revolt. The alphabet sent its delegates to Ministry of Education to lodge a complaint against children. Anatoly Lunacharsky, the Minister of Education, received the delegates and promised the letters to bring children to reason.



1928, 7 min., b/w

Film study Directors-editors: Mikhail Shapiro, Iosif Heifits, Alexander Zarkhi, Vladimir Granatman, camera: Alexander Ginzburg Shot without a screenplay the film is an edited combination of newsreels. Lines from Alexander Zharov’s poem of the same title were used as captions.



1928, 12 min., b/w Cartoon Written and directed by: Viktor Grigoryev (Gri), camera: Nikolai Yefremov, production designer: Viktor Grigoryev (Gri) Pioneer Vanya, an enthusiast of aircraft modelling, longed to go round the world. His wish comes true in his dream. He wins a single combat with a shark and an octopus. He finds himself in the jungle, meets a lion and helps monkeys who rose in rebellion against the hippopotamus.



1928, 69 min., b/w Drama Director: Pavel Petrov-Bytov, screenplay: S. Daurov, Pavel Petrov-Bytov, camera: Leopold Verigo-Dorovsky, production designer: Yevgeniya Slovtsova Cast: Tatyana Guretskaya, Fyodor Mikhailov, Roza Sverdlova, N. Sharap The film tells about struggle against favouritism at factories in the years of the NEP (New Economic Policy).



1928, 54 min., b/w Comedy Director: Eduard Ioganson, screenplay: K. Gavrilyuk, Andrei Mikhailovsky, camera: Feliks Shtertser, production designer: Nikolai Suvorov Cast: Yakov Gudkin, Yelena Leonova, G. Meyerovich, A. Shats The film promoting mass physical culture and sports among young people.



1928, 61 min., b/w Drama Director: Nikolai Krol, screenplay: Nikolai Molodtsov, camera: V. Bluvstein, Yevgeny Mikhailov, production designer: Yevgeniya Slovtsova Cast: Nikolai Simonov, V. Soshalskaya, Pyotr Kuznetsov, Boris Chirkov Loosely based on “Kinsfolk”, a novel by Mikhail Chumandrin. New morale comes into collision with the old private-ownership mentality.



1928, 56 min., b/w Comedy Director: Boris Shpis, screenplay: Mikhail Bleiman, camera: Vladimir Danashevsky, production designer: Boris Shpis Cast: Semyon Antonov, Valery Solovtsov, N. Krasolenko On the importance of physical culture and sports for Soviet youth.



1928, 45 min., b/w Comedy Director: Boris Shpis, screenplay: Ilya Trauberg, camera: I. Tikhomirov, production designer: Boris Spis Cast: Semyon Antonov, Valery Solovtsov, N. Krasolenko, Yevgeny Kumeiko The film was made to promote mass physical culture movement in the Soviet Union.



1928, 75 min., b/w Biopic Director: Alexander Ivankovsky, screenplay: Nikolai Katkov, camera: Yuli Stilianudis, production designer: Moisei Levin Cast: Nikolai Simonov, Olga Rozevskaya, Kondrat Yakovlev, Irina Volodko, Ivan Khudoleyev, Pyotr Podvalny, Yelena Deineko The film focuses on life of the great Russian scientist Mikhail Lomonosov



1928, 12 min., b/w Revolutionary propaganda Written and directed by: Sergei Glagolin, camera: Emmanual Ratner, production designer: Boris Almendingen Cast: K. Lazarev, D. Volge, V. Pevtsova, D. Ignatyev Based on “Tanya, a Revolutionary”, a short story by Yelena Vereiskaya The film tells about the participation of children in underground activities of Bolsheviks in the years of the Civil War.

136 TRETYA ZHENA MULLY (THE THIRD WIFE OF A MULLAKH) 1928, 72 min., b/w Drama Director: Vyachslav Viskovsky, screenplay: Alexander Balagin, Vyachslav Viskovsky, camera: Feliks Shtertser, libretto: Lusil Skvair Cast: V. Baranova, A. Shats, Boris Novikov, Sergei Shishko, Ivan Khudoleyev The film tells about struggle for women emancipation in the East in the first years of the Soviet power.



1928, 71 min., b/w Comedy Director: Vladimir Shmidthof, screenplay: Andrei Aravsky, Ivan Pyryev, camera: Alexander Gintsburg, production designer: Nikolai Akimov Cast: Andrei Lavrentyev, Kseniya Denisova, Yuri Lavrov, Yu. Gurin, Nikolai Lebedev The film tells about the introduction of new machinery in agricultural cooperatives.



1928, 68 min., b/w Drama Director: Vyachslav Viskovsky, screenplay: Yuri Tarich, Vyacheslav Viskovsky, camera: Feliks Shtertser, production designer: Boris Dubrovsky-Eshke

Cast: Alexander Mgebrov, Pavel Kursner, A. Nikolayeva, Nikolai Simonov, Yevgeny Kumeiko, Emil Gal Based on Vsevolod Ivanov’s novel of the same title.



1928, 5 min., b/w Cartoon Director: Ivan Druzhinin, screenplay: M. Timens, camera: Nikolai Yefremov, production designer: Ivan Druzhinin A cowardly boy Nikolka loved to boast of his exploits. One day he took a rifle and went to the forest to trace a wolf and came across a little rabbit. The frightened boy took the rabbit for some dangerous wild beast and rushed home, forgetting about his rifle.



1928, 68 min., b/w Drama Directors: Mikhail Averbakh, Mark Donskoi, screenplay: Veniamin Yadin, Leonid Zalkind, camera: Nikolai Ushakov, production designers: Semyon Meinkin, Mikhail Litvak Cast: D. Maloletnov, Igor Doronin, Roza Sverdlova This film is about the necessity of the careful attitute to a friend.



1929, 50 min., b/w Drama Directors: Nikolai Dirin, A. Larionov, screenplay: A. Larionov, camera: Boris Khrennikov, production designer: Nikolai Suvorov Cast: L. Ivanov-Rayev, Vladimir Romashkov, Olga Rozevskaya, Fyodor Bogdanov, N. Mikhailov The film is about the close association of young people with the elder generation of workers.



1929, 61 min., b/w Film-novel Director: Vladimir Petrov, screenplay: Boris Brodyansky, camera: Vyacheslav Gordanov, production designer: Nikolai Suvorov Cast: Fatima Gilyazova, Borya Lytkin, Yekaterina Korchagina-Alexandrovskaya, Veronika Buzhinskaya, Shura Zavyalov The film features the life of Leningrad pioneers.



1929, 59 min., b/w Educational film Director: Noi Galkin, screenplay: Noi Galkin, Lazar Sukharebsky, camera: Alexander Gintsburg, production designer: Nikolai Akimov Cast: Fatima Gilyazova, Borya Lytkin, Yekaterina Korchagina-Alexandrovskaya, Veronika Buzhinskaya, Shura Zavyalov Cast: Sergei Minin, Yelena Yegorova, Gerda Slatanakh This film is about neurasthenia and the methods of its treatment.

144 BUZILKA PROTIV BRAKA (BUZILKA STRUGGLES AGAINST DEFECTIVE GOODS) 1929, 18 min., b/w Feature/Cartoon Director: Alexander Presnyakov, screenplay: A. Maslov-Minikh, camera: Nikolai Yefremov, production designer: Viktor Tvardovsky, cartoons, production design by: S. Zhukov, captions by: Dmitry Tolmachev Buzilka, a drawn personage, purchased in a store a primus-stove, a knife and some sausage. All the goods turned out to be of low quality. Buzilka goes to companies manufacturing these goods. He finds out why the companies are producing defective products and takes the necessary steps to improve the situation.



1919, 50 min., b/w Comedy Director: Oskar Gallai, screenplay: Iosif Berhin, Yuri Musykant, camera: M. Galper, production designer: Fyodor Berenshtam Cast: Pavel Kurzner, B. Manukhin, D. Zhiryakov, R. Kamskaya, Yuri Laptev People overcome the feeling of chauvinism.



1929, 23 min., b/w Director: Sergei Glagolin, screenplay: N. Ignatovich, Sergei Glagolin, camera: Ya. Leibov, Pavel Pallei, production designer: Boris Almendingen Cast: K. Karenin, Sergei Glagolin, Fyodor Slavsky Based on Nikolai Nekrasov’s poem of the same title.



1929, 61 min., b/w Drama Director: Ilya Trauberg, screenplay: Leonid Ierikhonov, Ilya Trauberg, camera: Boris Khrennikov, Yuli Stilianudis, production designers: Boris Dubrovsky-Eshke, Moisei Levin The film was sound-tracked in Paris in 1931 Cast: Sergei Minin, Igor Chernyak, I. Arbenin, Yakov Gudkin, Ivan Savelyev, San Bo-yan The film features the struggle of Chinese people for freedom and national independence.



1929, 84 min., b/w Historical-Revolutionary Director: Boris Shpis, screenplay: Mikhail Bleiman, Boris Shpis, camera: Yevgeny Mikhailov, production designer: Semyon Meinkin Cast: Valery Solovtsov, Kira Semyonova, Mikhail Speransky, Yanina Zheimo, Anna Zarzhitskaya, Shura Zavyalov History of Russian proletariat is illustrated by the life story of a worker — member of the Bolshevik party.



1929, 67 min., b/w

Drama Director: Yevgeny Chervyakov, screenplay: Nikolai Molodtsov, Yevgeny Chervyakov, camera: Svyatoslav Belyayev, Alexander Sigayev, production designer: Semyon Meinkin Cast: L. Yefimov, Gennady Michurin, Sergei Minin, M. Gipsi, Boris Dmokhovsky, Boris Livanov, Anna Sten, Konstantin Gibshman Based on Anna Karavayeva’s novel of the same title. The film tells about the slavish forced labor of serfs working in mines in the times of tsar Paul I and about their struggle against the tyranny of tsarist administration.



1929, 62 min., b/w Drama Written and directed by: Vladimir Feinberg, camera: Friedrich Verigo-Dorovsky, V. Kamensky, production designers: Isaak Makhlis, Boris Dubrovsky-Eshke Cast: M. Gipsi, I. Arbenin, Lev Butarinsky, Pavel Kurzner, Bela Chernova, K. Karenin, Varvara Myasnikova The film tells about the penetration of new culture and struggle against backward views in remote regions of the country.



1929, 80 min., b/w Drama Written and directed by: Pavel Petrov-Bytov, camera: Nikolai Ushakov, Mikhail Kaplan, production designers: Nikolai Suvorov, Isaak Makhlis The film was sound-tracked in 1932 in France by director Abel Hans Cast: Yelena Yegorova, Georgy Uvarov, Emil Gal, Nikolai Simonov Loosely based on Maxim Gorky’s short story of the same title.



1929, 56 min., b/w Drama Written and directed by: Nikolai Beresnev, camera: Naum Aptekman, production designer: Ivan Zablotsky Cast: Kolya Simanovich, Ursula Krug, N. Kutuzov, Yuri Laptev, Nikolai Michurin Loosely based on Nikolai Tikhonov’s novel “War Horses” Red Army guards are fighting against White Army security service.



1929, 71 min., b/w Adventure Director: Yevgeny Petrov, screenplay: Boris Brodyansky, Vladimir Petrov, camera: Vasily Belyayev, production designer: Isaak Makhlis Cast: Nikolai Prozorovsky, Vladimir Vikulin, D. Zaitsev, Oleg Zhakov, F. Khokhlov, Veronika Buzhinskaya, Pyotr Kuznetsov The film features the high moral qualities of a team of researchers working at a polar station.


Feature/Cartoon Director: Igor Sorokhtin, screenplay: A. Maslov-Minikh, camera: Nikolai Yefremov, production designers: Vladislav Tvardovsky, P. Sokolov Cast: Fyodor Kamensky, M. Kolokolov, N. Galkov The film tells about the adventures of an “elusive correspondent” Buzilka at one of factories. Buzilka is a drawn personage of a series of cartoons.



1929, 80 min., b/w Historical-Revolutionary Written and directed by: Grigory Kozintsev, Leonid Trauberg, camera: Andrei Moskvin, production designer: Yevgeny Yeney Cast: Yelena Kuzmina, Pyotr Sobolevsky, David Gutman, Sofia Magarill, Sergei Gerasimov, Yanina Zheimo, Yevgeny Chervyakov, Andrei Kostrichkin, Oleg Zhakov, Vsevolod Pudovkin The film is set in the days of Paris Commune.



1929, 80 min., b/w Drama Director: Friedrich Ermler, screenplay: Katherina Vinogradskaya, Friedrich Ermler, camera: Yevgeny Shneider, production designer: Yevgeny Yeney The film was restored and re-edited at “Lenfilm”(1967, 78 min., b/w). Director of restoration: Fyodor Nikitin, editor: Mikhail Bleinman, sound: Grigory Elbert, misic: Vladimir Deshevov Cast: Fyodor Nikitin, Lyudmila Semyonova, Valery Solovtsov, Yakov Gudkin, Vyacheslav Viskovsky The film tells about great changes that took place in the conscience of people as a result of the October revolution.



1929, min., b/w Comedy Director: Mark Donskoy, screenplay: Yuli Stilianudis, Simova, V. Bogdanovich, camera: F. Zandberg, production designer: Nikolai Suvorov Cast: V. Chumachenko, V. Adamova The film satirizes philistine approach to art as the “refined” style of behavior and dressing according to the latest fashion.



1929, 20 min., b/w Cartoon The film was sound-tracked in 1930, 30 min., Director: N. Timofeyev, misic: Vladimir Deshevov, sound: Mikhail Mukhachev, text by: Daniil Harms Director: Mikhail Tsekhanovsky, screenplay: Samuil Marshak, camera: K. Kirillov, production designer: Mikhail Tsekhanovsky, cartoons: Ivan Druzhinin Based on Samuil Marshak’s poem of the same title.



1929, 67 min., b/w

Drama Written and directed by: Georgy Krol, camera: Boris Khrennikov, production designer: Moisei Levin Cast: Illarion Pevtsov, Lyudmila Semyonova, Arnold Arnold, Iona Brodsky, Yevgeny Kumeiko Loosely based on Boris Zhitkov’s novel “Boa”



1929, 10 min., b/w Cartoon Director: Viktor Grigoryev (Gri), screenplay: Avraam Naroditsky, production designers: Viktor Grigoryev (Gri), Dmitry Tolmachev, captions by: Dmitry Tolmachev At the time when “Soviet Copeck” factory employees are working hard to increase the public wealth an idler does nothing but drinks. His machine tool complains that his operator is a sloven. Hardly moving his feet the idler goes first to the medical room and then to the mutual insurance fund. A Soviet copeck urges its friends to repulse the lazy drunkard. Money refuses to go into his pocket.



1929, 76 min., b/w Adventure Director: Alexander Ivanov, screenplay: Alexander Zarkhi, Iosif Heifits, Alexander Ivanov, camera: Alexander Gintsburg, production designer: Boris DubrovskyEshke Cast: Kseniya Klyaro, Gleb Kuznetsov, Nikolai Michurin, Alexei Goryushin, Lev Butarinsky The film features the underground activities of armed workers detachments on the eve of the first Russian revolution.



1929, 20 min., b/w Film-novel Directors: Yu. Goltsev, Dmitry Tolmachev, screenplay: Dmitry Tolmachev, camera: Vasily Belyayev, Vasily Simbirtsev Cast: Sergei Minin, Igor Chernyak, V. Shupov The film features the episodes of revolutionary struggle in the West.



1929, 76 min., b/w Drama Written and directed by: Vladimirm Shmidthof after libretto by Nikolai Akimov, camera: Vladimir Danashevsky, production designers: Yevgeny Yeney, Yevgeniya Slovtsova Cast: Boris Azarov, P. Naumov, Gennady Michurin, Nina Shaternikova, Sergei Minin, Yuri Lavrov, Igor Chernyak The film features the struggle of workers against violence and police tyranny in the capitalist society.


Drama Director: Cheslav Sabinsky, screenplay: A. Kirillov, camera: Naum Aptekman, production designer: Nikolai Suvorov Cast: Nikolai Monakhov, Irina Volodko, Kolya Simonovich, S. Pronskaya, Andrei Lavrentyev, Pavel Kurzner, Sergei Shishko, Varvara Myasnikova Based on Alexei Faiko’s play of the same title. The film unmasks a disguised enemy who fraudulently mixes with Soviet scientists.



1929, 72 min., b/w Drama Director: Sergei Yutkevich, screenplay: Boris Feldman, Georgy Zelondzhev-Shipov, camera: Joseph Martov, production designer: Yevgeny Yeney Cast: Pyotr Savin, Konstantin Nazarenko, Nina Shaternikova, Boris Poslavsky, D. Zaitsev, Andrei Kostrichkin Young Communist Leaguers urge fishermen to sell their take to a state company rather than to a private owner — a profiteer.

166 BRATISHKIN SOREVNUYETSYA (BRATISHKIN TAKES PART IN A COMPETITION)) 1930, 10 min., b/w Cartoon Written and directed by: Vladislav Tvardovsky, camera: Nikolai Yefremov, production designer: Vladislav Tvardovsky Ideas of socialist competition going on at plants, factories, mines and in villages evokes warm response in Bratishkin, a Red Army soldier. He gathers the most active Red Army men and they draft a socialist emulation agreement that includes over 200 various paragraphs. He forgets to include only one paragraph — the combat training. Party leaders and commanders correct this mistake. The chart showing results of combat training is prominently displayed. Competition among Red Army men helps to improve their battle training.



1930, 62 min., b/w Comedy Directors: Pyotr Veisbrem, Nikolai Dirin, screenplay: Alexander Popov, camera: Sergei Zhigachev Cast: N. Vildgrube, M. Guseva, Sergei Sploshnov, Yelena Kuzmina The film features competition among young workers.



1930, 80 min., b/w Drama Directors: Alexander Zarkhi, Iosif Heifits, screenplay: Iosif Berkhin, camera: Mikhail Kaplan, Khecho Nazaryants, production designer: Yelena Aladzhalova Cast: Oleg Zhakov, Alexander Melnikov, D. Zgiryakov, T. Petrova, Z. Gleizarova Screen version of the Tram Theatre production based on Nikolay Lvov’s play “ Days Are Melting”. Young Communist Leaguers are fighting against the old philistine mode of life.



1930, 34 min., b/w Comedy

Director: V.Zhemchuzhnikov, screenplay: Mikhail Bleiman Cast: D. Zhiryakov, Alexander Melnikov, Nikolai Cherkasov Young Communist leaguers are fighting against religious prejudices in a village



1930, 92 min., b/w Drama Director: Yevgeny Chervyakov, screenplay: Natan Zarkhi, Yevgeny Chervyakov, camera: Svyatoslav Belyayev, Alexander Sigayev, production designer: Semyon Meinkin Cast: Berngardt Gettske, Ivan Chuvelev, Gennady Michurin, Sofya Magarill, Andrei Kostrichkin, David Gutman Based on Konstantin Fedin’s novel of the same title

171 DVADTSAT DVA NESCHASTYA (TWENTY TWO MISFORTUNES) 1930, 54 min., b/w Comedy Directors: Sergei Bartenev, Sergei Gerasimov, screenplay: S. Mikhailov, Ivan Skorinko, camera: I. Tikhomirov, production designer: Yevgeny Yeney Cast: Sofya Magarill, Yanina Zheimo, Yelena Kuzmina, Andrei Kostrichkin, Pyotr Sobolevsky The film satirizes narrow-mindedness and philistine attitude to life.



1930, 49 min., b/w Drama Director: Noi Galkin, screenplay: Dmitry Sverchkov, Mikhail Bleiman, Noi Galkin, L. Konstantinovsky, camera: Leopold Verigo-Dorovsky, production designer: Pavel Betaki Cast: K. Karenin, Alexander Antonov, L. Konstantinovsky The film features revolutionary struggle of workers against tsarist power.



1930., 84 min., b/w Drama Director: Alexander Ivanov, screenplay: Vladimir Granatman, Alexander Ivanov, Mikhail Shapiro, camera: Yuli Stilianudis, Boris Khrennikov, production designer: Boris Dubrovsky-Eshke Cast: Lev Butarinsky, Alexei Goryushin, Igor Antonenko, Fyodor Slavsky, Kseniya Klyaro The film features the heroism and selflessness of Soviet seamen serving in merchant fleet.



1930, 67 min., b/w Comedy Director: Eduard Ioganson, screenplay: A. Shmyrev, camera: Gleb Bushtuyev, Boris Khrennikov, production designers: Yevgeniya Slovtsova, Boris DubrovskyEshke

Cast: Fyodor Nikitin, Maria Taut-Korso, N. Urvantsev The film tells about establishing of the new style of relations in a Soviet family.

175 DEAD)


1930, 72 min., b/w Historical film Director: Semyon Timoshenko, screenplay: Nikolai Tikhonov, Semyon Timoshenko, camera: Alexander Gintsburg, Vladimir Danashevsky, production designers: Boris Dubrovsky-Eshke, Moisei Levin Cast: Boris Babochkin, Leonid Kmit, Pyotr Vitsinsky, Nikolai Petrov, Vladimir Taskin, David Gutman, Yevgeny Chervyakov, Pyotr Kuznetsov The film tells about heroic defense of Petrograd by workers in 1919.



1930, 11 min., b/w Cartoon Director: Ye. Ustinov, director- production designer: I. Reiman, camera: S. Bartashevich Made as an advertising cartoon the film explained the political and economical importance of the “Five-Year Plan in Four Years” state loan. The film urged season-workers returning to their villages to subscribe to the state loan.

177 KAVKAZSKY PLENNIK (THE PRISONER OF THE CAUCASUS) 1930, 72 min., b/w Biopic Director: Alexander Ivanovsky, screenplay: Pavel Shchegolev, Viktor Manuilov, camera: Naum Aptekman, production designer: Moisei Levin Cast: Boris Tamarin, Galina Kravchenko, A. Sandel, Roza Sverdlova, Ivan Khudoleyev, Igor Chernyak, L. Dobrovolsky, K. Karenin, Irina Volodko The film focuses on some circumstances of the tragic death of poet Mikhail Lermontov.



1930, 63 min., b/w Educational film Director: Noi Galkin, screenplay: Noi Galkin, Dmitry Tolmachev, idea and libretto: Lazar Sukharebsky, camera: Leonid Patlis, Joseph Martov, production designer: Pavel Betaki Cast: Olga Lenskaya, Yekaterina Korchagina-Alexandrovskaya, Sergei Minin The film about hygiene in a family life.



1930, 67 min., b/w Drama Director: Oskar Gallai, screenplay: Iosif Berkhin, camera: Vasily Simbirtsev, Yevgeny Shapiro, production designer: Vladimir Yegorov Cast: Pavel Kurzner, Irina Volodko, Boris Shlikhting, Maria Dobrova

Ivanov, an ex-White Army man, who managed to get the position of the technical director of a large fur company is guided solely by the interests of private owners. Enjoying the full confidence of Mokhov, the chairman of the company, he starts large-scale sabotage.



1930., 50 min., b/w Drama Director: Pyotr Kirillov, screenplay: Lyudmila Vepritskaya, A. Goldman, camera: Ya. Leibov, Pavel Pallei, production designer: K. Ladogina Cast: Varvara Myasnikova, V. Galyamin, V. Nikitin, Boris Lytkin, S. Akimov, G. Vasilyeva Loosely based on Lyudmila Vepritskaya’s play of the same title. The film tells about bringing children up in the spirit of comradeship.



1930., 61 min., b/w Drama Director: Vladimir Feinberg, screenplay: Dmitry Tolmachev, camera: I. Tikhomirov, production designers: Semyon Meinkin, Pavel Betaki, K. Ladogina Cast: Vladimir Gardin, Anna Zarzhitskaya, Klavdiya Destomb, Andrei Kostrichkin The film denounces bureaucratic formalism.



1930, 76 min., b/w Drama Director: Boris Shpis, screenplay: Rachel Milman, Boris Shpis, camera: I. Tikhomirov, production designer: Yevgeniya Slovtsova Cast: Galicha-Bayaki, Dyungnochu-Bayaki, Valery Solovtsov The film features hard life of the Tungus people in the past and reformation of their life on the new Soviet bases.

183 NASTOYASHCHIYE OKHOTNIKI (REAL HUNTERS) 1930., 64 min., b/w Adventure Directors: Nikolai Lebedev, Naum Urgyumov, screenplay: Nikolai Katkov, Nikolai Lebedev, Naum Ugryumov, camera: Joseph Martov, Feliks Zandberg, production designer: Yevgeniya Slovtsova Cast: Konstantin Nazarenko, A. Kozhevnikova, Kolya Goldberg Based on “Bear Hunters”, a short story by Nikolai Katkov Children’s tourism shown in the film contrasts with the false romanticism of adventures.



1930, 62 min., b/w Drama Director: Vladimir Braun, screenplay: Alexander Ustinovich, camera: Gleb Bushtuyev, production designer: Pavel Betaki Cast: Sofia Magarill, Varvara Myasnikova, Andrei Kostrichkin, Vladimir Gardin, Pavel Kurzner, Yevgeniya Pyryalova, Antonina Bryantseva The film tells about Soviet youth’s struggle for the introduction of the new methods of labor organization.

185 BABY)


1930, 71 min., b/w Educational film Director: Mikhail Gall, screenplay: Vladimir Nedobrovo, camera: Leonid Patlis, production designer: Fyodor Berenshtam Cast: N. Fassman, G. Samoilov, L. Ladonina, D. Zhiryakov The film promotes education of children at nursery schools.

186 O KUPTSE, NYNYE BRATSE VO KHRISTE (ABOUT A MERCHANT WHO BECAME A CHRISTIAN BROTHER) 1930, 9 min., b/w Cartoon Director: Viktor Grigoryev (Gri), screenplay: A. Maslov-Minikh, camera: E. Kirillov This grotesque film unmasks the sectarianism.



1930, 71 min., b/w Drama Director: Mark Donskoi, screenplay: Iosif Prut, camera: Yuri Utekhin, production designer: Yefim Khiger Cast: L. Vladimirova, V. Chumachenko, P. Naumov, Emil Gal The film tells about struggle against survivals of the patriarchal tribal system in the outlying districts of the country.



1930, 58 min., b/w Drama Director: Georgy Krol, screenplay: Boris Brodyansky, Georgy Krol, camera: Yevgeny Mikhailov, production designer: Semyon Meinkin Cast: Arnold Arnold, Yevgeny Kumeiko, Gleb Kuznetsov, E. Mashkevich, Iona Brodsky, Maria Taut-Korso Story of a fisherman who joins a fishing cooperative.



1930, 74 min., b/w Adventure Director: Boris Kazachkov, screenplay: Vladimir Nedobrovo, camera: Alexander Bratukha, production designer: Vladimir Yegorov Cast: Konstantin Gradopolov, Sergei Ponachevny, Alexei Goryushin, Nina Shaternikova, Vladimir Gardin Based on the short story of the same title by Viktor Kin. The film features struggle of workers-communists and guerillas against White Army troops for the liberation of Khabarovsk.



1930, 84 min., b/w Drama

Written and directed by: Pavel Petrov-Bytov, camera: Nikolai Ushakov, production designer: Isaak Makhlis Cast: Nikolai Michurin, Yelena Yegorova, Georgy Uvarov, Pavel Kurzner, Nikolai Simonov, Tatyana Guretskaya Loosely based on “Bars”, a novel by Fyodor Panfyorov. Active villagers are fighting against kulaks (peasant proprietors) for organization of an agricultural cooperative.



SUN) 1930, 66 min., b/w Drama Director: Mikhail Averbakh, screenplay: Dmitry Tolmachev, camera: Vasily Simbirtsev, production designers: Fyodor Berenshtam, Semyon Meinkin Cast: D. Maloletnev, L. Vladimirova, K. Karenin, L. Dobrovolsky, V. Kalashnikov, Yuri Laptev, Boris Shlikhting Loosely based on “The Voice of the Earth Depths”, a play by Vladimir Bill-Belotserkovsky Front-rank Donbas miners are working hard to get the mining industry out of crisis and devastation.



1930, 76 min., b/w Drama Directors: Georgy and Sergei Vasilyev, screenplay: Grigory Aleksandrov, Georgy and Sergei Vasilyev, camera: Yevgeny Shneider, production designer: Isaak Makhlis Cast: Konstantin Mukhutdinov, Varvara Myasnikova, Nikolai Simonov, P. Viktorov, Yelena Deineko, Pyotr Pirogov, Yakov Gudkin The film deal with the importance of the new proletarian art.

193 SMOTRI V KOREN (GET TO THE ROOT OF THE MATTER) 1930, 9 min., b/w Cartoon Written and directed by: Boris Antonovsky, production designer: Boris Antonovsky The Pope addresses believers with an appeal to organize a crusade “to save Russia from Communism”. Reactionary circles in the USA and Britain support the Pope. Counter-revolutionary Russian emigrants and reactionaries in many countries take up the Pope’s initiative. However, all their plans fail.



1930, 77 min., b/w Drama Director: Vladimir Shmidtgof, screenplay: Mikhail Bleiman, camera: Vladimir Danashevsky, Yuri Utekhin, production designer: Yevgeniya Slovtsova Cast: Pyotr Sobolevsky, Sofia Magarill, I. Moskalev, V. Yelensky, Vladimir Gardin, Tamara Makarova The film tells about the crash of petty-bourgeois illusions of an American worker



1930, 65 min., b/w

Drama Director: Eduard Ioganson, screenplay: Vladimir Nedobrovo after the idea of Nikolai Beresnev, camera: Alexander Gintsburg, Georgy Filatov, production designer: Vladimir Yegorov Cast: Boris Ivanitsky, Vladimir Vikulin, Iona Brodsky, Sergei Barmichev The film is about class struggle in one of the remote regions of Uzbekistan in the first years of the Soviet power.



1930, 60 min., b/w Drama Director: Pyotr Kirillov, screenplay: Daniil Rafalovich, camera: Vaniamin Levitin, production designer: L. Neimark Cast: Nikolai Petrov, Andrei Apsolon, S. Kovalev, L. Ladonina Based on “The Last Percent”, a short story by P. Sakharov about the wrong methods of drawing young people in the Young Communist League.



1930, 66 min., b/w Drama Written and directed by: Vladimir Petrov, camera: Vyacheslav Gordanov, production designers: Nikolai Suvorov, Pavel Betaki Cast: Bruno Riderer, Kseniya Serafimova, Kolya Simanovich, Fatima Gilyazova, F. Neibakher, V. Veitsel, O. Brauer, Georgy Friken Based on the play of the same title by Natalya Sats and V. Selikhova The film features class struggle in Germany and participation of workers’ children in the struggle.



1930, 64 min., b/w Drama Director: Mark Donskoy, screenplay: Vsevolod Vvedensky, B. Zvonarev, camera: M. Galper, production designer: Pavel Betaki Cast: Ye. Gavrilova, F. Brest, Yakov Gudkin, M. Maloletnov, Boris Shlikhting, Lyudmila Semyonova A group of Soviet seamen is trying to reform their comrade.

199 TYSYACHA DEVYATSOT PYATIY GOD V BURZHUAZNOI SATIRE (THE YEAR OF 1905 IN A BOURGEOIS SATIRE) 1930, 13 min., b/w Cartoon Director: Noi Galkin, screenplay: Simon Dreiden, camera: Pyotr Chupyatov, cartoons: Ivan Druzhinin The film was sound-tracked in 1931. Director of the sound version: Georgy Rimsky-Korsakov, misic: Vladimir Deshevov, sound: Mikhail Mukhachev The film is based on documentary materials related to the days of the first Russian revolution. The film uses cartoons and poems ridiculing Nicholas II, Pobedonostsev, Vitte, Durnovo, Kokovtsev, Goremykin, Trepov and Dubasov published in satirical magazines in 1905 — 1906.



1931, 40 min., silent, b/w Film-essay Written and directed by: German Matveyev, camera: Georgy Brusse Cast: Pyotr Pirogov A group of front-rank workers are trying to bridge the gaps in river transport.

201 STORY)


1931, 22 min., silent, b/w Comedy Director: Boris Nikiforov, screenplay: Boris Kolomarov, camera: Alexander Bratukha Cast: A. Nikolayev, Kondratyev, A. Shandrikovskaya The film tells about necessity to acquire technical skills.



1931, 11 min., sound, b/w Cartoon Director: Mikhail Tsekhanovsky, camera: Andrei Moskvin, production designer: P. Sokolov, misic: Nikolai Timofeyev, sound: Mikhail Mukhachev, choreography: Vasily Vainonen, conductors: Alexander Gauk, Nikolai Rabinovich Experimental sound film composed of separate dancing turns.

203 DNEVNIK ODNOI COMMUNY (DIARY OF ONE COMMUNE) 1931, 53 min., silent, b/w Film-essay Director: Abram Grinfeld, screenplay: Lev Levin, camera: D. Kandelaki, production designer: Semyon Meinkin Commune of Young Communist Leaguers is fighting for successful completion of the construction of the Stalingrad tractor plant.



1931, 54 min., silent, b/w Drama Director: Cheslav Sabinsky, screenplay: M. Itina, Georgy Krol, Pavel Stelmakh, camera: Alexander Azhogin, production designer: Konstantin Bondarenko Cast: V. Tulubyev, Fyodor Slavsky, V. Lagert, G. Oparin, T. Kaligina This film for children condemns the false interpretation of the notion of friendship.

205 ZAPAKH VELIKOI IMPERII (THE SMELL OF THE GREAT EMPIRE) 1931, 56 min., silent, b/w Propaganda film Director: Sergei Glagolin, screenplay: M. Gerasimov, Iosif Prut, camera: Emmanuil Ratner, production designer: Pavel Betaki Cast: Fyodor Slavsky, A. Obukhovich, Boris Oganyants, K. Lazarev The film promotes activities of Osoaviakhim (Society for Assisting Army and Air Force).



1931, 95 min., sound, b/w Drama Director: Sergei Yutkevich, screenplay: Andrei Mikhailovsky, Vladimir Nedobrovo, Sergei Yutkevich, Lev Arnshtam, camera: Joseph Martov, production designer: Nikolai Suvorov, misic: Dmitry Shostakovich, sound: Ilya Volk Cast: Boris Poslavsky, Yurti Korvin-Krukovsky, Boris Feodosyev, Ivan Shtraukh, Boris Tenin, Nikolai Michurin, Nikolai Shengelaya 1914 strike movement on Baku oil fields and at St. Petersburg metallurgical works give strong impulse to the development of class conscience of a worker, a recent peasant.



1931, 25 min., silent, b/w Comedy Director: Pyotr Kirillov, screenplay: Vladimir Nedobrovo, camera: Sergei Zhigachev, production designers: D. Neimark, Konstantin Bondarenko Cast: V. Pushilov Group of factory laborers is trying to reform their fellow who is a shirker and a bad worker.



1931, 95 min., silent, b/w Drama Director: Nikolai Lebedev, Vladimir Yakovlev, screenplay: Andrei Mikhailovsky, Alexander Chirkov, camera: Sergei Ivanov (Alliluyev), L. Medvedev, production designer: Yevgeniya Slovtsova Cast: A. Rokotov, V. Pushilov, N. Gutovsky, Pyotr Nikashin, Tatyana Guretskaya The film features struggle against kulaks (peasant proprietors) and attempts to attract “middle” peasants to join a collective farm.



1931, 57 min., silent, b/w Drama Director: Boris Fyodorov, screenplay: Leonid Zalkind, Alexander Lazebnikov, Andrei Mikhailovsky, camera: Sergei Ivanov (Alliluyev), production designer: Yevgeny Yeney Cast: Vladimir Gardin, Georgy Friken, Ya. Rykov, Pyotr Kirillov, T. Martirosov Under the influence of successes achieved in building socialism foreign experts working in the USSR begin to stratify according to their class affiliations



1931, 58 min., silent, b/w Educational film Written and directed by: Boris Dubrovsky-Eshke, camera: Naum Aptekman, production designer: Boris Dubrovsky-Eshke Based on “Oil”, a play by Tur brothers (pen-name of Pyotr Ryzhey and Leonid Tubelsky), Yakov Gorev and Alexander Shtein.



1931, 38 min., silent, b/w Satirical story

Director: Igor Sorokhtin, screenplay: Dmitry Tolmachev, camera: Vasily Simbirtsev, F. Zandberg Cast: Andrei Kostrichkin, Alexander Melnikov The film features struggle against production of defective consumer goods.

212 KONETS NAKHALOVKI (THE END OF NAKHALOVKA) 1931, 56 min., b/w Director: Manuel Bolshintsov, screenplay: Mikhail Bleiman, Manuel Bolshintsov, camera: Alexander Azhogin, production designer: Pavel Betaki The story and the cast not established.



1931, 96 min., silent, b/w Drama Director: Mikhail Averbakh, screenplay: Dmitry Tolmachev, camera: Vasily Simbirtsev, production designer: Semyon Meinkin Cast: Ermil Gal, Yevgeny Chervyakov, M. Gipsi, Konstantin Mukhutdinov, Alexander Beniaminov, Roza Sverdlova, Vladimir Gardin, Tatyana Bulakh, Boris Shlikhting The film features the struggle of poor peasants against clergy and rich landowners who hampered the use of oil resources for need of the national economy.



1931, 14 min., b/w Sound Cartoon Director of the sound version: Ilya Trauberg, screenplay: Vladimir Solovyov, director of cartoons: Viktor Grigoryev (Gri), cartoons: P. Porioshkov, misic: Georgy Rimsky-Korsakov At first the film was released as a silent film, 10 min Worker Ivan Letalov (a drawn character) concerned only with making money is changing jobs, “flying” from one factory to another. The person frequently changing jobs does not allow factories to catch up with their plans. A front-rank worker demands that Ivan Letalov’s wings “should be clipped”. Ministry of Labor rules that self-seekers should be expelled from the labor exchange. Ivan Letalov’s wings fall off. Now he is not “flying” but running in search of job. But doors of all plants are closing in front of the “rolling stone”.



1931, 65 min., silent, b/w Drama Director: Boris Kazachkov, screenplay: Dmitry Tolmachev, camera: Anatoly Pogorely, production designer: Yevgeniya Slovtsova Cast: Yevgeniya Pyryalova, A. Galatova, Yekaterina Korchagina-Aleksandrovskaya, Fyodor Slavsky, Fyodor Bogdanov, Leonid Kmit Under the influence of socialist forms of labor great changes take place in the mentality of a backward working woman.



1931, 80 min., sound, b/w Drama

Written and directed by: Grigory Kozintsev, Leonid Trauberg, camera: Andrei Moskvin, production designer: Yevgeny Yeney, misic: Dmitry Shostrakovich, sound: Ilya Volk Cast: Yelena Kuzmina, Pyotr Sobolevsky, Sergei Gerasimov, Maria Babanova, Yanina Zheimo, Boris Chirkov A young teacher makes her first steps in life. She takes up the job at school in a remote Altai area and comes into conflict with local kulaks (rich peasants).



1931, 11 min., silent, b/w Propaganda Cartoon Written and directed by: Boris Antonovsky, production designer: Boris Antonovsky This film is an advertisement for an all-Union lottery organized by Osoaviakhim (Society Assisting Army and Air Force).



1931, 65 min., silent, b/w Film novel Director: Naum Ugryumov, Abram Naroditsky, screenplay: Naum Ugryumov, camera: Anatoly Nazarov, Mikhail Kaplan, production designer: Konstantin Bondarenko Based on children’s novel “Corns Seekers” by P. Gryaznov The story contrasts romance of useful activities to useless daydreaming.

219 PAREN S BEREGOV MISSURI (A FELLOW FROM MISSOURI BANKS) 1931, 73 min., silent, b/w Drama Director: Vladimir Braun, screenplay: Andrei Mikhailovsky, camera: Vladimir Danashevsky, Veniamin Levitin, production designer: Pavel Betaki Cast: Emil Gal, Bruno Riderer, Maria Bagildz, Nikolai Simonov, A. Ustinovich A group of Americans who came to the USSR organises a commune.



1931, 7 min., sound, b/w Experimental film Written and directed by: Mikhail Tsekhanovsky The film attempts to illustrate an instrumental musical composition. Musical poem by French composer Arthur Onegger was recorded and various visual images like steam engine and its parts, musical instruments, hands of musicians etc. were added to illustrate the music.



1931, 54 min., silent, b/w Drama Written and directed by: Vladimir Petrov, camera: Vyacheslav Gordanov, production designer: Nikolai Suvorov Cast: Bruno Riderer, F. Neibakher, N. Gorodnichev The story is based on the real life event that took place in 1925 on Soviet-Romanian border when Romania attempted to seize an island using the fact that the border river had changed its course.



1931, 76 min., silent, b/w Drama Directors: Alexander Zarkhi, Iosif Heifits, screenplay: A. Kolbanovsky, Alexander Zarkhi, Iosif Heifits, camera: Mikhail Kaplan, production designer: Yelena Aladzhalova Cast: Fyodor Bogdanov, Pyotr Vitsinsky, Oleg Zhakov, Fyodor Slavsky, Alexander Melnikov, Tamara Makarova The story is set in a remote village. A small group of Young Communist Leaguers and a factory worker sent to help them are fighting against kulaks (peasant proprietors).



1931, 76 min., silent, b/w Drama Director: Nikolai Beresnev, screenplay: Yuri Laptev, Nikolai Beresnev, camera: Alexander Sigayev, production designer: Fyodor Berenshtam Cast: Viktor Yablonsky, Ivan Yudin, Pyotr Savin, Konstantin Mukhutdinov, Nikolai Khryashchikov, Ludmila Semyonova Based on Alexander Fadeyev’s novel of the same title.



1931, 43 min., silent, b/w Drama Director: Oskar Gallai, screenplay: Vladimir Solovyov, camera: Leopold VerigoDorovsky, production designer: Yefim Khiger Cast: Pavel Kurzner, A. Temnov, Vladimir Gardin, Yevgeniya Pyryalova, N. Petrov Young factory workers are anxious to rationalize the process of production.



1931, 83 min., sound, b/w Drama Written and directed by: Semyon Timoshenko, camera: Vladimir Danashevsky, production designer: Yvegeny Yeney, misic: Nikolai Malakhovsky, sound: Mikhail Mukhachev Cast: Pyotr Sobolevsky, Pyotr Shlikhting, Pyotr Kirillov, Vladimir Gardin The film tells about development of class consciousness of a Russian worker — participant of 1914 1918 war.

226 TOVARNY SEMSOT SEMNADTSATIY (FREIGHT TRAIN 717) 1931, 62 min., silent, b/w Film novel Director: Nikolai Lebedev, screenplay: V. Petrov, B. Shwarts, camera: Vasily Simbirtsev, production designer: Abram Veksler Cast: G. Bogdanov, V. Zabelina Young pioneers are taking part in the production process and in everyday life of a plant.


1931, 55 min., silent, b/w Comedy Director: Sergei Glagolin, screenplay: Yakov Yaluner, camera: Vladimir Vergiles, production designer: Vladimir Boriskovich Cast: I. Fomichev, S. Spirov, Maria Bagildz, Antonina Bryantseva The film satirises a lazy collective farmer.



1931, 65 min., silent, b/w Drama Director: Iosif Berkhin, screenplay: Pavel Stelmakh, Yan Larri, camera: Alexander Bratukha, production designer: Abram Veksler Cast: Leonid Kmit, Pavel Kurzner, Sergei Ponachevny, Nina Shaternikova The film unmasks counter-revolutionary activities of a Baptist sect.



1931, 71 min., silent, b/w Drama Director: Sergei Bartenev, screenplay: Iosif Prut, camera: Yevgeny Shapiro, production designer: Yevgeniya Solovtsova Cast: Ivan Chuvelev, O. Lebedeva, P. Samsonov, Andrei Kostrichkin, Yanina Zheimo The film tells about reforming a man who had committed a crime.



1932, 37 min., sound, b/w Film novel Director: Vladimir Petrov, screenplay: Mikhail Bleiman, Vladimir Petrov, dialogues by: Veniamin Kaverin, camera: Vyacheslav Gordanov, production designer: Nikolai Suvorov, misic: Valery Zhelobinsky, sound: Mikhail Mukhachev Cast: Gennady Michurin, Bruno Riderer, Vyacheslav Viskovsky, Andrei Kostrichkin Loosely based on the play of the same title by Karl August Wietfogel. The film features a heroic episode of the struggle of German communists at the beginning of the 30-s.

231 BLESTYASHCHAYA KARYERA (THE BRILLIANT CAREER) 1932, 108 min., silent, b/w Drama Director: Vladimir Braun, screenplay: Mikhail Kozakov, Vladimir Braun, camera: Vladimir Danashevsky, production designer: Pavel Betaki Cast: Pavel Zhuravlenko, Vladimir Gardin, Yelena Yegorova, V. Zabelina, Pyotr Pirogov The film tells about the patriotism of a young Soviet engineer sent on business trip abroad.



1932, 118 min., sound, b/w Drama Directors: Friedrich Ermler, Sergei Yutkevich, screenplay: Lev Arnstam, Daniil Del, Friedrich Ermler, Sergei Yutkevich, camera: Alexander Gintsburg, Joseph Martov,

Vladimir Rapoport, production designer: Boris Dubrovsky-Eshke, misic: Dmitry Shostakovich, sound: Ilya Volk, Ivan Dmitriyev Cast: Vladimir Gardin, Maria Blumental-Tamarina, Tatyana Guretskaya, Andrei Abrikosov, Boris Tenin, Boris Poslavsky Story of the Leningrad turbine plant workers who designed and manufactured the first Soviet turbine.



1932, 88 min., sound, b/w Drama Director: Vladimir Shmidtgof, screenplay: Alexander Ustinovich, camera: Andrei Moskvin. Pavel Posypkin, production designer: Konstantin Bondarenko, misic: Nikolai Timofeyev, sound: Alexander Bekker Cast: I. Martin, A. Afinogenov, Malik Kayumov, K. Dmitriyev, Sofia Magarill This film is about the solidarity of Soviet seamen with foreign workers.



1932, 57 min., silent, b/w Drama Directors: Cheslav Sabinsky, Vladimir Yakolev, screenplay: Cheslav Sabinsky, I. Kotlerman, camera: Svyatoslav Belyayev, Ivan Akmen, production designer: Yefim Khiger Cast: Alexander Mazayev, Irina Volodko, Pyotr Podvalny, Andrei Lavrentyev, K. Denisova Loosely based on Alexander Serafimovich’s novel of the same title.

235 DLYA VAS NAIDYETSYA RABOTA (THERE IS A JOB FOR YOU) 1932, 106 min., sound, b/w Drama Director: Ilya Trauberg, screenplay: Iosif Prut, Ilya Trauberg, camera: Vyacheslav Gordanov, Vladimir Yakovlev, production designer: Nikolai Suvorov, misic: Valerian Bogdanov-Berezovsky, sound: Ivan Dmitriyev, Ilya Volk Cast: Sofya Magarill, Maksim Shtraukh, Fyodor Nikitin Awakening of class consciousness in a German worker under the influence of crisis and unemployment.



1932, 14 min., b/w Cartoon Director: Ivan Druzhinin, screenplay: L. Glyuzman, A. Red, production designer: Ivan Druzhinin, captions: Vladimir Solovyov Satirical denunciation of poor management and slipshod operation of transport.



1932, 66 min., silent, b/w Drama Director: Sergei Glagolin, screenplay: Yakov Yaluner, camera: Vladimir Vergiles, production designer: Vladimir Boriskovich Cast: L. Ladogina, G. Borovkov, Zinaida Zanoni, Yekaterina Aleksandrovskaya Women are offered jobs at factories.

238 ISHCHU PROTEKTSII (I AM LOOKING FOR A PATRON) 1932, 66 min., silent, b/w Comedy Director: Boris Kazachkov, screenplay: L.Glyuzman, Boris Kazachkov, camera: Anatoly Pogorely, production designer: Konstantin Bondarenko Cast: D. Zaitsev, Andrei Kostrichkin, Yevgeniya Pyryalova An enterprising young man gets all sorts of benefits pretending that he is a relative of influential people.



1932, 80 min., silent, b/w Drama Written and directed by: Sergei Gerasimov, idea: Iosif Prut, camera: Yuri Utekhin, production designer: Yevgeniya Slovtsova Cast: Andrei Kostrichkin, Alexander Melnikov, Pyotr Pirogov, Yevgeniya Pyryalova The film dealt with complicated issues of political education of peasants. It showed the difficult process of changing mentality of people who were working in remote timber exploitation areas and were separated from the majority of their fellow workers. The film was never released.



1932, 73 min., silent, b/w Drama Directors: Sergei and Georgy Vasilyev, screenplay: Alexander Chirkov, camera: Svyatoslav Belyayev, production designers: Semyon Meinkin, Pavel Zaltsman Cast: Nikolai Khodotov, Konstantin Nazarenko, Varvara Myasnikova, Andrei Apsolon, P. Elsky, Sergei Barmichev A respected old worker is getting rid of his religious prejudices. The film did not survive. Using negative stills of the film and screenplay kept by assistant director Varvara Myasnikova “ Lenfilm” made a photo-film giving detailed reproduction of the film made in 1932.

241 MUZYKALNAYA OLIMPIADA (MUSICAL OLYMPICS) 1932, 46 min., sound, b/w Film-concert Director: Yevgeny Chervyakov, screenplay: Daniil Rafalovich, Yevgeny Chervyakov, camera: Valery Ginzburg, Svyatoslav Belyayev, F. Zandberg, sound: Ilya Volk, Ivan Dmitriyev, Mikhail Mukhachev The film is composed of separate musical turns.



1932, 15 min., b/w Cartoon Director: Vladislav Tvardovsky, P. Poroshkov, screenplay: M. Tuberovsky, production designers: Vladislav Tvardovsky, P. Poroshkov The story not established.



1932, 74 min., silent, b/w Drama Director: Eduard Ioganson, screenplay: Boris Chirskov, camera: Georgy Filatov, production designer: Pavel Betaki Cast: Georgy Zhzhenov, Andrei Apsolon, B. Rakitin, A. Maseyev, V. Belousov, Oleg Zhakov A group of factory workers is trying to reform a conceited young worker.



1932, 95 min., sound, b/w Film-essay Director: Adolf Minkin, Igor Sorokhtin, screenplay: Vladimir Nedobrovo, camera: F. Zantsberg, Pavel Pallei, production designer: Pavel Zaltsman, Elza Rapoport, misic: Boris Arapov, sound: Ivan Dmitriyev Cast: Illarion Pevtsov, Vasily Sofronov, Serafim Azanchevsky, Andrei Kostrichkin, Gennady Michurin, Mikhail Tsarev The film tells about Soviet Arctic researches. The story is based on the voyage of the “Malygin” ice breaker to Franz-Joseph Land made in the summer of 1931.



1932, 66 min., silent, b/w Drama Director: Rafail Muzykant, screenplay: Andrei Chiginsky, camera: Alexander Sigayev, production designers: Nikolai Suvorov, Pavel Betaki Cast: Valery Solovtsov, Konstantin Nazarenko The lead character of the film is a poor peasant’s son who was brought up in the family of a kulak (peasant proprietor) and adopted the kulaks’ ideology.



1932, 62 min., silent, b/w Drama Directors: Sergei Gerasimov, Mikhail Kresin, screenplay: Sergei Gerasimov, camera: Yuri Utekhin, production designers: Konstantin Bondarenko, Semyon Meinkin Cast: Anna Zarzhitskaya, Valery Solovtsov, N. Gorodnichev, Pavel Kurzner, Vladimir Gardin, Viktor Portnov Young villagers unmask a kulak (peasant proprietor) who is trying to commit sabotage against an agricultural commune



1932, 14 min., sound/ b/w Cartoon Directors: Vitali Syumkin, S. Tarasov, screenplay: Eduard Ioganson, B. Bankovsky, Alexander Flit, camera: Yevgeny Sholpo, production designer: Viktor Grigoryev (Gri), misic: Georgy Rimsky-Korsakov Tiger, Rabbit, Monkey and Goat arrive as delegates to a peace conference on disarmament. Each of them has a musical instrument. The delegates are expected to perform the “Symphony of Peace”. Suddenly there emerges a figure of Death — the personification of crisis. The “peaceful” orchestra immediately changes — violins turn into rifles, cellos — into guns, a drum — into a machine-gun and the “Symphony of War” begins. The method of the drawn sound developed by Yevgeny Shoplo was used in this experimental film.



1932, 66 min., silent, b/w Comedy Director: Pavel Petrov-Bytov, screenplay: M. Padve, Georgy Venetsianov, camera: Anatoly Nazarov, production designer: Nikolai Suvorov Cast: D. Zaitsev, V. Boye, Alexanader Vinogradov, Firs Shishigin, Antonina Bryantseva The story of unmasking a saboteur in one of the competing collective farms.



1932, 103 min., silent, b/w Drama Written and directed by: Nikolai Lebedev, camera: Vasily Simbirtsev, production designer: Abram Veksler Cast: Tolya Afinogenov, Tolya Kurdyavtsev, V. Besedova, M. Bolshakov, Sergei Ponachevny Children’s film featuring participation of workers’ children in the revolutionary struggle at the beginning of the century.



1932, 98 min., silent, b/w Adventure Director: Alexander Ivanov, screenplay: Boris Lipatov, Alexander Ivanov, Vladimir Granatman, camera: Alexander Gintsburg, production designer: Semyon Meinkin Cast: Andrei Kostrichkin, Pyotr Pirogov, Yevgeny Chervyakov, Sergei Gerasimov, Yelena Kuzmina, Varvara Myasnikova The film features the process of stratification on the basis of class affiliation among foreign soldiers that invaded Odessa in 1919. Story of three soldiers — a worker, a peasant and an office clerk.



1932, 67 min., silent, b/w Drama Director: Pyotr Kirillov, screenplay: Boris Zon, Alexandra Brushtein, camera: Veniamin Levitin, production designer: Pavel Betaki Cast: Vladimir Gardin, L. Kaulik, N. Turunnen, Ye. Kartseva, M. Simakina The film features participation of German workers’ children in the class struggle.



1933, 115 min., sound, b/w Drama Written and directed by: Nikolai Bersenev, camera: Alexander Sigayev, Alexander Ksenofontov, production designer: Anatoly Arapov, Pavel Zaltsman, misic: Dmitry Astradantsev, sound: Alexander Bekker, V. Yuditsky Cast: Boris Livanov, Vladimir Gardin, Vladimir Taskin, Andrei Kostrichkin, N. Pozdnyakov, V. Bokarev The film features struggle of Soviet partisans and Red Army troops against White Army bands commanded by Annenkov. New version made in 1936, 73 min.



1933, 69 min., sound, b/w Adventure story Written and directed by: Semyon Timoshenko, camera: Yurti Utekhin, production designer: Nikolai Suvorov, Fyodor Bernstam, misic: Gavriil Popov, sound: Mikhail Mukhachev Cast: Galina Kravchenko, Pyotr Sobolevsky, Vladimir Kryuger A Soviet seamen discharges his duty in the last years of the Civil War.

254 IUDUSHKA GOLOVLYOV (IUDUSHKA GOLOVLYOV) 1933, 94 min., sound, b/w Drama Director: Alexander Ivanovsky, screenplay: Konstantin Derzhavin, Alexander Ivanovsky, camera: Vasily Simbirtsev, production designer: Vladimir Yegorov, misic: Andrei Pashchenko, sound: Pyotr Vitsinsky Cast: Vladimir Gardin, Tatyana Bulakh, Nina Latonina, Yekaterina KorchaginaAlexandrovskaya, Mikhail Tarkhanov, Irina Zarubina Based on Mikhail Satlykov-Shchedrin’s novel “The Golovlyov Family”.



1933, 77 min., sound, b/w Drama Director: Alexander Zarkhi, Iosif Heifits, screenplay: Mikhail Bleiman, Alexander Zarkhi, Iosif Heifits, camera: Mikhail Kaplan, production designer: Nikolai Suvorov, misic: Gavriil Popov, sound: Arnold Shargorodsky Cast: Boris Khaidarov, Gennady Michurin, Alexander Melnikov, Yanina Zheimo, Konstantin Nazarenko, Lyudmila Semyonova, Oleg Zhakov The film features acts of provocation committed by imperialists and White Army bandits on SovietChinese border in 1929.

256 OTCHAYANNIY BATALYON (THE BOLD BATTALION) 1933, 66 min., silent, b/w Film-Novel Written and directed by: Avraam Naroditsky, Naum Ugryumov, camera: Emmanuil Ratner, production designer: Konstantin Bondarenko Cast: Roza Sverdlova, Gennady Michurin Children’s film featuring life of Soviet schoolchildren.



1933, 80 min., silent, b/w Drama Written and directed by: Darya Shpirkan, camera: Vladimir Yakovlev, Mikhail Rotinov, production designer: Pyotr Yakimov Cast: Zula Nakhashkiyev, S. Musov, B. Kushlykov, Nikolai Khryashchikov Story of a Kalmyk nomad who under Soviet power became a front rank worker at a stud farm.



1933, 75 min., silent, b/w Drama Director: Ilya Trauberg, screenplay: Ilya Trauberg, Nikolai Chukovsky, camera: Veniamin Levitin, production designer: Pavel Zaltsman Cast: Nikolai Michurin, Nikolai Kryuchkov, Alexander Melnikov, Sergei Ponachevny, Yevgeniya Pyryalova, Alexander Bryantsev, Sofia Magarill, Oleg Zhakov The film tells about f struggle against saboteurs who managed to mix with Soviet intellectuals.



1934, 85 min., sound, b/w Drama Written and directed by: Vladimir Petrov, camera: Vyacheslav Gordanov, production designer: Nikolai Suvorov, misic: Vladimir Shcherbachyov, sound: Ivan Dmitriyev Cast: Alla Tarasova, Ivan Chuvelev, Varvara Mnassalitinova, Irina Zarubina, Mikhail Zharov, Mikhail Tsaryov, Mikhail Tarkhanov, Yekaterina KorchaginaAlexandrovskaya Based on Alexander Ostrovsky’s play of the same title.

260 ZHENITBA YANA KNUKKE (MARRIAGE OF YAN KNUKKE) 1934, 66 min., silent, b/w Comedy Director: Alexander Ivanov, screenplay: Vsevolod Voyevodin, Yevgeny Ryss, camera: Alexander Gintsburg, Arkady Koltsaty, production designer: Isaak Makhlis Cast: Andrei Kostrichkin, Anna Zarzhitskaya, Yevgeny Chervyakov, Nikolai Cherkasov, Yakov Gudkin, Boris Shlikhting Satirical discrediting of pacifistic illusions of an “humble man” living in a capitalist country.



1934, 71 min., silent, b/w Drama Director: Vladimir Braun, screenplay: Boris Lipatov, camera: Vladimir Danashevsky, Solomon Byelenky, production designer: Pavel Betaki Cast: Kurt Arendt, Hans Klering, Isaak Menaker, Pavel Zhuravlenko, L. Nenasheva, Kseniya Moskalenko, Ursula Krug, Fyodor Nikitin The story is based on the real event: the revolt of British sailors in Invergordon in 1931.



1934, 114 min., sound, b/w Drama Director: Friedrich Ermler, screenplay: Manuel Bolshintsov, Viktor Portnov, Friedrich Ermler, camera: Alexander Gintsburg, production designer: Nikolai Suvorov, misic: Venedikt Pushkov, sound: Ivan Dmitriyev Cast: Yelena Yunger, Boris Poslavsky, Alexei Petrov, Yekaterina KorchaginaAlexandrovskaya, Nikolai Bogolyubov, Vladimir Gardin, Pyotr Aleinikov The film features struggle of communists and progressive peasants for strengthening the collectivefarm system.



1934, 65 min., silent, b/w Comedy Written and directed by: Sergei Gerasimov, camera: Yuri Utekhin, F. Zandberg, production designer: Semyon Meinkin, T. Shishmaryov Cast: Tamara Makarova, Vladimir Maryev, Konstantin Nazarenko, Oleg Zhakov, Mikhail Rostovtsev, Nina Shaternikova, Yelena Deineko Story of a young couple of Soviet students.

264 MOON)


1934, 60 min., silent, b/w Film-novel Director: Nikolai Lebedev, screenplay: Alexai Panteleyev, camera: Vasily Simbirtsev, production designer: Abram Veksler Cast: Lenya Glebov, O. Kurnosova, Misha Fadeyev, N. Rostova, Ivan Savelyev Children’s film tells about schoolchildren — enthusiasts of aircraft modeling.

265 NASLEDNIY PRINTS RESPUBLIKI (THE CROWN PRINCE OF THE REPUBLIC) 1934, 66 min., silent, b/w Comedy Director: Eduard Ioganson, screenplay: Rafail Muzikant, Boris Chirskov, camera: Georgy Filatov, production designer: Pavel Betaki Cast: Pyotr Kirillov, Yevgeniya Pyryalova, Andrei Apsolon, Georgy Orlov, Sergei Ponachevny, Georgy Zhzhenov The film ridicules fathers who prefer to keep away from the troubles of taking care of little babies.



1934, 25 min., silent, b/w Comedy Director: Antonina Kudryavtseva, screenplay: Nikolai Oleinikov, Yevgeny Shwarts, camera: Georgy Filatov, production designer: Yevgeniya Slovtsova Cast: Yanina Zheimo, Sergei Gerasimov This children’s film tells about a little schoolgirl who was always late to school and about her school friends who found a clever and original method to cure her of the habit to be late.



1934, 66 min., silent, b/w Comedy Director: Vladimir Shmidthof, screenplay: Nikolai Brykin, Savely Ruben, Vladimir Shmidthof, camera: Anatoly Pogorely, production designer: Yevgeniya Slovtsova, Elza Rapoport Cast: Semyon Svashenko, Pyotr Andriyevsky, Sofia Magarill, Valery Slovtsov, Pavel Volkov, Yakov Gudkin, Yuri Lavrov, Tamara Makarova A group of enthusiasts from a small town comes across an old deserted small factory located on the edge of a forest and reconstructs it.



1934, 66 min., silent, b/w Comedy Director: Boris Kazachkov, screenplay: Bella Zorich, Pavel Lin, camera: Vladimir Yakovlev, production designer: Konstantin Bondarenko Cast: Boris Tenin, Vera Koroleva, Olga Spirova, Pyotr Kirillov, Alexander Melnikov, Konstantin Nazarenko, Valery Solovtsov The film ridicules elements of philistinism in a Soviet intellectual.



1934, 95 min., sound, b/w War drama Written and directed by: Sergei and Georgy Vasilyev, camera: Alexander Sigayev, Alexander Ksenofontov, production designer: Isaak Makhlis, misic: Gavriil Popov, sound: Alexander Bekker Cast: Boris Babochkin, Boris Blinov, Varvara Myasnikova, Leonid Kmit, Illarion Pevtsov, Stepan Shkurat, Vyacheslav Volkov, Nikolai Simonov, Boris Chirkov, Georgy Vasilyev Based on material collected by Dmitry and Anna Furmanov about Vasily Chapayev, a Civil War hero.



1934, 61 min., silent, b/w Drama Written and directed by: Pavel Petrov-Bytov, camera: Anatoly Nazarov, production designer: Yefim Khiger Cast: Vladimir Gardin, Nikolai Simonov, Tatyana Guretskaaya, Illarion Pevtsov, Sergei Ponachevny, Alexander Mazayev Under the influence of revolutionary events of 1905 — 1906 an old backward worker develops his class consciousness.



1934, 98 min., sound, b/w Historical-Revolutionary Written and directed by: Grigory Kozintsev and Leonid Trauberg, camera: Andrei Moskvin, production designer: Yevgeny Yeney, misic: Dmitry Shostakovich, sound: Ilya Volk Cast: Boris Chirkov, Stepan Kayukov, Alexander Kulakov, Valentina Kibardina, Mikhail Tarkhanov, Pavel Volkov, Boris Blinov Story of young worker Maxim who becomes a professional revolutionary.



1935, 90 min., b/w Comedy Written and directed by: Alexander Zarkhi, Iosif Heifits, camera: Mikhail Kaplan, production designer: Anatoly Bosulayev, misic: Valery Zhelobinsky, sound: Arnold Shargorodsky Cast: Nikolai Simonov, Nikolai Cherkasov, Tatyana Okunevskaya, Yanina Zheimo, Anatoly Gribov The film features life of Soviet youth. Love story of Byelokon, a young tank-officer, and Tanya, an agricultural college student.



1935, 87 min., b/w Drama Written and directed by: Mikhail Dubson, camera: Vladimir Rapoport, production designer: Yefim Khiger, Issak Makhlis, misic: Lev Pulver, sound: Lev Valter Cast: Boris Poslavsky, Yelena Granovskaya, Vasily Toporkov, Veniamin Zuskin, Nikolai Cherkasov The film features life of Jewish residents of an area that borders on the USSR.



1935, 70 min., b/w Drama Written and directed by: Alexander Ivanovsky, camera: Alexander Sigayev, production designer: Vladimir Yegorov, misic: Andrei Pashchenko, sound: Pyotr and Gleb Vitsinsky Cast: Boris Livanov, Nikolai Monakhov, Galina Grigoryeva, Vladimir Gardin, Mikhail Tarkhanov Based on Alexander Pushkin’s novel of the same title.



1935, 65 min., b/w Adventure story Director: Adolf Minkin, Igor Sorokhtin, screenplay: Vladimir Nedobrovo, camera: F. Zandberg, Veniamin Levitin, production designer: Pavel Zaltsman, Naum Fishman, misic: Boris Arapov, sound: Nikolai Dabolin Cast: Yuri Tolubeyev, Gennady Michurin, Solomon Mikhoels, Konstantin Adashevsky, Yakov Malyutkin The film features the selfless work of Russian geologists at the beginning of the century.



1935, 95 min., b/w Historical-Revolutionary Director: Lev Arnstam, screenplay: Lev Arnstam, Raisa Vasilyeva, camera: Vladimir Rappoport, Arkady Shafran, production designer: Moisei Levin, misic: Dmitry Shostakovich, sound: Ivan Dmitriyev, Ilya Volk Cast: Zoya Fyodorova, Yanina Zheimo, Irina Zarubina, Boris Babochkin, Maria Blumental-Tanarina, Boris Chirkov Story of three girls from Petrograd working class neighborhood, of their friendship and participation in the defense of Petrograd from foreign intervention in 1919.

277 SOKROVISHCHA POGIBSHEGO KORABLYA (TREASURES OF THE LOST SHIP) 1935, 83 min., b/w Drama Director: Vladimir Braun, screenplay: Boris Lipatov, camera: Solomon Byelenky, production designer: Pyotr Yakimov, misic: Yuri Kochurov, sound: Pyotr and Gleb Vitsinsky Cast: Nikolai Batalov, Yelena Pyryalova, Andrei Kostrichkin, Pavel Kurzner The film features work of divers, raising the sunk ship from the sea ground.



1935, 95 min., b/w Comedy Director: Semyon Timoshenko, screenplay: Alexei Kapler, Tatyana Zlatogorova, camera: Vladimir Danashevsky, Boris Kulikovich, production designer: Nikolai Suvorov, Vladimir Kalyagin, misic: Isaak Dunayevsky, sound: Pyotr Vitsinsky Cast: Nikolai Batalov, Veronika Polonskaya, Anatoly Goryunov, Tatyana Guretskaya, Mikhail Zharov Story of three comrades who became friends in the years of the Civil War and met again in mid 30-s.



1936, 75 min., b/w Valery Solovtsov Director: Seyon Timoshenko, screenplay: Lev Kassil, M. Yudin, camera: Vladimir Danashevsky, production designer: Pyotr Yakimov, Vladimir Kalyagin, misic: Isaak Dunayevsky, sound: Viktor Muravyov Cast: Grigory Pluzhnik, Tatyana Guretskaya, Lyudmila Glazova, Anatoly Goryunov, The film tells about rivalry of two football teams and about a young stevedore from Volga region who was a born goalkeeper.

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1936, 96 in., b/w Director: Alexander Zarkhi, Iosif Heifits, screenplay: Leonid Rakhmanov, Daniil Historical-Revolutionary Del, Alexander Zarkhi, Iosif Heifits, camera: Mikhail Kaplan, production designer: Nikolai Suvorov, Vladimir Kalyagin, misic: Nikolai Timofeyev, sound: Arnold Shargorodsky, Yevgeny Nesterov Cast: Nikolai Cherkasov, Maria Domasheva, Oleg Zhakov, Boris Livanov Set in 1917 the film focuses on life of a Russian botanist in the days of October Revolution. The prototype of the lead character was the noted Russian naturalist Klimenty Timiryazev (1843 — 1920).

281 LENOCHKA I VINOGRAD (LENOCHKA AND GRAPES) 1936, 50 min., b/w Comedy Director: Antonina Kudryavtseva, screenplay: Yevgeny Shwarts, Nikolai Oleinikov, camera: Pavel Posypkin, Mikhail Rotinov, production designer: Yevgeniya Slovtsova, misic: Nikolai Strelnikov, sound: Ivan Dmitriyev, Yevgeny Nesterov Cast: Yanina Zheimo, Boris Chirkov Adventures of a schoolgirl during the summer vacation which she spends in a vine-growing collective farm in the Crimea.



1936, 61 min., b/w Comedy Director: Eduard Ioganson, screenplay: Yevgeny Shwarts, Nikolai Oleinikov, camera: Georgy Filatov, production designer: Pavel Zaltsman, misic: Ivan Dzerzhinsky, sound: V. Muravyov

Cast: N. Zvereva, Yuri Tolubeyev, Vladimir Sladkopevtesev, Tatyana Guretskaya, Yefim Altus, Sergei Ponachevny Funny story of two friends — a famous polar researcher and an aviator — who are spending their holiday at a summer resort and are concealing their true occupations.

283 PUTESHESTVIYE V ARZRUM (THE JOURNEY TO ARZRUM) 1936, 77 min., b/w Film-novel Director: Moisei Levin, screenplay: Mikhail Bleinman, Ilya Zilberstein, camera: Nikolai Ushakov, production designer: Moisei levin, misic: Nikolai Strelnikov, sound: Ivan Dmitriyev Cast: Dmitry Zhuravlyov, Konstantin Khokhlov, Nikolai Ryzhov, Lev Kolesov Loosely based on Alexander Pushkin’s memories of his journey to the Caucasus in 1829.



1936, 92 min., b/w Drama Director: Sergei Gerasimov, screenplay: Yuri German, Sergei Gerasimov, camera: Yevgeny Velichko, production designer: Vladimir Semyonov, misic: Venedikt Pushkov, sound: Arnold Shargiorodsky, Leonid Shapiro Cast: Nikolai Bogolyubov, Tamara Makarova, Ivan Novoseltsev, AnDrei Apsolon, Oleg Zhakov, Pyotr Aleinikov, Ivan Kuznetsov Story of seven friends — young polar researchers, who went to work in the Arctic region, of determination and courage they displayed under tough conditions of life and work on territory located beyond the Polar circle.



1936, 89 min., b/w Drama Director: Ilya Trauberg, screenplay: Lev Slavin, Boris Lapin, Zakhar Khatsrevin, camera: Mikhail Kaplan, production designer: Igor Vuskovich, misic: Nikolai Rubinovich, Eduard Grikurov, sound: Nikolai Dabolin Cast: Tseven, Sosor-Barma, Gombo, Bato-Ochir, Igin Khorlo The first film made by the Lenfilm Studio in collaboration with Mongolian cinematographers. The story of this feature film is focused on life of a Mongolian herdsman.



1936, 62 min., b/w Adventure story Director: Nikolai Lebedev, screenplay: Doivber Levin, camera: Viutaly Chulkov, production designer: Abram Veksler, misic: Viktor Tomilin, sound: Sergei Zhigachev Cast: Kolya Kat-Oglu, Anatoly Kuznetsov, Ivan Savelyev, A. Zasorin The film features participation of children in the Civil War.



1936, 42 min., b/w Comedy

Director: Boris Kazachkov, screenplay: L. Varkovitskaya, camera: N. Sokolov, misic: Nikolai Strelnikov, sound: Andrei Gavryushev Cast: N. Aslanov, Maria Domasheva, Viktor Tolubyev Children’s film tells about a schoolboy who constructs a radio-operated model of a boat.



1936, 88 min., b/w Historical Biography Director: Abram Narodnitsky, screenplay: Yuri Slonimsky, camera: Alexander Sigayev, Apollinary Dudko, production designer: Pyotr Yakimov, Semyon Meinkin, misic: Yuri Kochurov, sound: Andrei Gavryushev Cast: Valentin Litovsky, Vladimir Gardin, V. Ivasheva, Nina Shaternikova, Alexander Mgebrov, Vladimir Taskin The film focuses on Alexander Pushkin’s youth and the years he spent in Lyceum in Tsarskoye Selo.



1937, 75 min., b/w Drama Director: Mikhail Dubson, screenplay: Alexei Garri, Mikhail Dubson, camera: Vladimir Rapoport, production designer: Eduard Krimmer, Pavel Betaki, misic: Valery Zhelobinsky, sound: Lev Valter, Vyacheslav Bugrov Cast: Boris Babochkin, O. Glazunov, Boris Blinov, Mikhail Astangov, Khilda Yenings, yelena Yunger, Zoya Fyodorova Story of an aircraft designer who constructed a super-powerful passenger airplane that crashed during a test flight.



1937, 1st series, 118 min., b/w Drama Director: Friedrich Ermler, screenplay: Mikhail Bleiman, Manuel Bolshintsov, Friedrich Ermler, camera: Arkady Koltsaty, production designer: Abram Veksler, Semyon Meinkin, Nikolai Suvorov, misic: Dmitry Shostakovich, sound: Ivan Dmitriyev Cast: Nikolai Bogolyubov, Ivan Bersenev, Oleg Zhakov, Zoya Fyodorova, Boris Poslavsky, Alexander Zrazhevsky, Boris Chirkov The film features life of Soviet country in the 20-s. The story is focused on the character of a major party leader. The film was inspired by life and activities of Bolshevik leader Sergei Kirov (1886 — 1934).

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1937, 112 min., b/w Historical-Revolutionary Director: Grigory Kozintsev, Leonid Trauberg, screenplay: Grigory Kozintsev, Lev Slavin, Leonid Trauberg, camera: Andrei Moskvin, production designer: Yevgeny Yeney, misic: Dmitry Shostakovich, sound: Ilya Volk, Boris Khutoryansky Cast: Boris Chirkov, Vaklentina Kibardina, Anatoly Kuznetsov, Mikhail Zharov, Alexander Zrazhevsky, Alexander Chistyakov, Vasily Vanin The second series of historical-revolutionary trilogy of worker Maxim, featuring activities of Bolsheviks on the eve of World War I.

292 VOLOCHAYEVSKIYE DNI (THE DAYS IN VOLOCHAYEVSK) 1937, 112 min., b/w Historical-Revolutionary Written and directed by: Georgy and Sergei Vasilyev, camera: Alexander Sigayev, production designer: Yakov Rivosh, Ivan Zabolotsky, misic: Dmitry Shostakovich, sound: Alexander Bekker Cast: Varvara Myasnikova, Nikolai Dorokhin, Lev Sverdlin, Yuri Lavrov, Boris Chirkov, Boris Blinov The film features utter defeat of Japanese invaders and White Army troops by Soviet people in the Far East during the years of the Civil War.



1937, 68 min., b/w Comedy Written and directed by: Erast Garin and Khesya Lokshina, camera: Anatoly Pogorely, production designer: Isaak Makhlis, sound: Alexander Bekker Cast: Erast Garin, Stepan Kayukov, A. Chekayevsky, N. Latonina, Zoya Fyodorova, O. Tomilina Based on Nikolai Gogol’s comedy of the same title.

294 ZA SOVYETSKUYU RODINU (FOR THE SOVIET MOTHERLAND) 1937, 88 min., b/w Drama Director: Rafail and Yuri Muzykant, screenplay: Gennady Fish, Yuri and Rafail Muzykant, camera: Yevgeny Velichko, production designer: Pavel Zaltsman, Mikhail Tsibasov, misic: Alexei Zhivotov, sound: Pyotr and Gleb Vitsinsky Cast: Oleg Zhakov, Ivan Chuvelev, Ivan Selyanin, Pyotr Kirillov, Pyotr Aleinikov, Nikolai Kryuchkov, Nikolai Cherkasov Based on Gennady Fish’s novel “The Fall of Kimas-Lake”, featuring the struggle of Red Army against White Finns in the days of the Civil War.



1937, 8 min., b/w Cartoon Director: Pavel Shmidt, screenplay: Vitaly Bianki, production designer: Pavel Shmidt, misic: V. Vitlin, sound: V. Urbenin Unsuccessful attempts of a puppy to chase a butterfly, a bittern and a hoopoe.



1937, 1st series, 103 min., b/w Historical Director: Vladimir Petrov, screenplay: Alexei Tolstoy, Vladimir Petrov, camera: Vyachslav Gordanov, Vladimir Yakovlev, production designer: Nikolai Suvorov, misic: Vladimir Shcherbachev, sound: Zakhar Zalkind Cast: Nikolai Simonov, Nikolai Cherkasov, Mikhail Zharov, Alla Tarasova, Mikhail Tarkhanov, Vladimir Gardin, Irina Zarubina The film features life and activities of tsar Peter I, the reformer of the 18th century Russia.



1937, 105 min., b/w Historical Director: Pavel Petrov-Bytov, screenplay: Olga Forsh, camera: Anatoly Nazarov, production designer: Yefim Khiger, misic: Vissarion Shebalin, sound: Viktor Muravyov Cast: Konstantin Skorobogatov, Yelena Karyakina, Konstantin Mukhitdinov, Mikhail Pavlikov, N. Latonina Set in the 18th century Russia the film features peasant rebellion led by Yemelyan Pugachev.



1937, 78 min., b/w Comedy Director: Gennady Kazansky, Maxim Ruf, screenplay: Nikolai Pogodin, camera: Veniamin Levitin, Anatoly Pogorely, production designer: Igor Vuskovich, misic: Venedikt Pushkov, sound: Nikolai Butakov, Ivan Dmitriyev Cast: Boris Tenin, Alexander Vinogradov, N. Latonina, Pavel Volkov, Nina Shaternikova, Yuri Tolubeyev, Vasily Merkuryev, Nikolai Kryuchkov The film deals with life of gold-diggers.



1937, 7 min., b/w Cartoon Written and directed by: Alexander Sinitsyn, Vitaly Syumkin, camera: V. Vilchevskaya, misic: Isaak Dunayevsky, lyrics: Vladimir Volzhenin Based on Russian folk fairy-tale. Three-color print made by the color-film sector laboratory according to the method developed by the State Institute of Optics.



1937, 110 min., b/w Drama Director: Sergei Yutkevich, screenplay: Alexei Kapler, camera: Joseph Martov, production designer: Abidin-Dino, Olga Pchelnikova, misic: Boris Golts, sound: M. Sher Cast: Boris Poslavsky, Yuri Tolubeyev, Vladimir Lukin, Nina Rusinova, Zoya Fyodorova, Stepan Kayukov, Mark Bernes The film features life of Donbas miners who are trying to increase the coal output.



1938, 84 min., b/w Biopic Director: Moisei Levin, screenplay: Vsevolod Ivanov, Gabit Musrepov, camera: Hecho Nazaryantz, production designers: Moisei Levin, Natalya Fateyeva, misic: Mikhail Gnesin, Akhmet Zhubanov, sound: Afanasi Simonovski, Alexander Ostrovski Cast: Yeleubai Umurzakov, Shara Zhiyenkulova, Serke Kozhankulov, Kurmanbek Dzhandarbekov, Kanabek Bayseitov, Kalibek Kuanyshpayev The picture is focused on Amangeldy Imanov, a son of the Kazakh people who became a conscientious fighter for the revolutionary cause.



1938, 78 min., b/w Drama Written and directed by: Alexander Ivanovski, camera: Solomon Belenki, production designers: Semyon Meinkin, Dmitri Rudoi, misic: Yuri Kochurov, sound: Pyotr and Gleb Vitsinski Cast: Valentin Kiselyev, Tamara Glebova, Boris Poslavski, Sophya Magarill, Boris Zhukovski, Irina Zarubina, Vladimir Gardin, Zoya Fyodorova, Yanina Zheimo Loosely based on a play of the same title by Maxim Gorki.

303 VYBORGSKAYA STORONA (THE VYBORG MUNICIPAL DISTRICT) 1938, 121 min., b/w Revolutionary history Written and directed by: Grigori Kozintsev, Leonid Trauberg, camera: Andrei Moskvin, Georgi Filatov, production designer: Vasili Vlasov, misic: Dmitri Shostakovich, sound: Ilya Volk, Boris Khutoryanski Cast: Boris Chirkov, Valentina Kibardina, Nataliya Uzhviy, Yuri Tolubeyev, Maxim Schtrauh, Mikhail Zharov Part 3 of the trilogy (the first two parts titled “Maxim's Youth” and “Return of Maxim”) telling about the first months of Petrograd life following the revolution of 1917.  The authors of the film were honored the Stalin’s Prize of the USSR.



1938, 85 min., b/w Revolutionary history Director: Ilya Trauberg, screenplay: Joseph Prut, Ilya Trauberg, camera: Anatoli Nazarov, Lev Sokolski, Vladimir Danashevski, Veniamin Levitin, production designer: Pyotr Yakimov, misic: Lev Knipper, sound: Nikolai Dabolin Cast: G. Gorbunov, Vitali Polizeimako, Andrei Apsolon, Vladimir Gardin, Hans Klering Based on a play of the same title by Joseph Prut focused on the heroic defence of Astrakhan during the Civil War.

305 DETSTVO MARSHALA (THE MARSHAL'S CHILDHOOD) 1938, 87 min., b/w Biography Director: Nikolai Lebedev, screenplay: Igor Vsevolozhski, Leo Moor, Nikolai Lebedev, camera: Vitali Chulkov, production designers: Olga Pchelnikova, Vladimir Kalyagin, misic: Victor Tomilin, sound: Alexander Ostrovski, Afanasi Simonovski Cast: A. Polibin, Vasya Baukov, I. Melnikov, K. Freidkina, G. Yeremeyev Loosely based on “The Farmstead Team”, a story by Igor Vsevolozhski. The picture features the childhood of Semyon Budyenny, Marshal of the USSR and a Civil War hero.



1938, 12 min., b/w Graphic Cartoon

Written and directed by: Mstislav Paschenko, production designers: N. Vereschagina, V. Sokolov (backgrounds), misic: Nikolai Strelnikov, sound: Pavel Kramorov Based on a Nanaian fairy-tale. An evil old woman Dzhyabzha lived in a hut in the woods. Her servants, Girl, Little Dog and Baby Frog, worked from morning till night, which didn't spare them the old hag's beatings. It so happened that a bear got into the hut and put away all of the dinner prepared for Dzhyabzha. Infuriated, the old hag went after her servants, wielding a thick stick. But Girl, Little Dog and Baby Frog quickly climbed a very high tree, jumping over to the Moon. Dzhyabzha went after them, but failed and was suspended on a bough.



1938, 113 min., b/w Revolutionary history Director: Lev Arnstam, screenplay: Nikolai Tikhonov, Lev Arnstam, camera: Vladimir Rapoport, production designer: Igor Vuskovich, misic: Dmitri Shostakovich, sound: Nikolai Butakov Cast: Boris Babochkin, Irina Zarubina, Nikolai Cherkasov, Stepan Kayukov, Kote Daushvili, Seraphima Bierman The picture features the life of the North Caucasian peoples shortly after the revolution of 1917 as they unite to fight the oppressors.



1938, 109 min., b/w Drama Director: Sergei Gerasimov, screenplay: Zinoviya Markina, Mikhail Vitukhnovski, Sergei Gerasimov, camera: Alexander Ginzburg, production designer: Vladimir Semyonov, misic: Venedict Pushkov, sound: Yevgeni Nesterov, Arnold Shargorodski Cast: Tamara Makarova, Ivan Novoseltsev, Pavel Volkov, Nikolai Kryuchkov, Stepan Krylov, Valentina Telegina, Pyotr Aleinikov The picture features the life of the young Soviet people who build a new city, Komsomolsk, in the Far Eastern taiga in the 1930-es.



1938, 104 min., b/w Drama Written and directed by: Alexander Ivanov, camera: Vladimir Rapoport, production designer: Pavel Zalzman, misic: Venedict Pushkov, sound: Andrei Gavryushev Cast: Nikolai Kryuchkov, Yelena Tyapkina, Zoya Fyodorova, Stepan Krylov, Erast Garin, Yuri Lavrov The picture features the fight of the border guards and residents of the Far East against trespassers.



1938, Part 2, 126 min., b/w Historical epic Director: Vladimir Petrov, screenplay: Alexei Tolstoi, Vladimir Yakovlev, Nikolai Leschenko, camera: Vladimir Yakovlev, production designers: Nikolai Suvorov, Vladimir Kalyagin, misic: Vladimir Scherbachyev, sound: Zakhar Zalkind, Yuri Kurzner

Cast: Nikolai Simonov, Alla Tarasova, Nikolai Cherkasov, Mikhail Zharov, Mikhail Tarkhanov, Vladimir Dobrovolski, Irina Zarubina, Mikhail Gardin The picture features the statesmanship and the military actions of Peter I and the victory of the Russian arms in the Poltava and Baltic Sea battles.  The authors of the film were honored the Stalin’s Prize of the USSR.



1938, 105 min., b/w Drama Directors: Herbert Rappaport, Adolph Minkin, screenplay: Friedrich Wolfe, Adolph Minkin, Herbert Rappaport, camera: Georgi Filatov, production designer: Pavel Betaki, misic: Yuri Kochurov, Nikolai Timofeyev, sound: Lev Valter, Boris Lytkin Cast: Semyon Mezhinski, Oleg Zhakov, Nina Shaternikova, Vasili Merkuryev, Vladimir Chestnokov, Yuri Tolubeyev Loosely based on a play by Friedrich Wolfe. The picture features the social insight of a German doctor and scientist far removed from politics under the impact of the German political events of the early 1930-s.



1938, 10 min., b/w Graphic Cartoon Director: Ivan Druzhinin, screenplay: M. Solovyev, Ivan Druzhinin, production designer: Ivan Druzhinin, misic: V. Vitlin, sound: Pavel Kramarov Out on a stroll, the naughty Duckling runs off from his Mother Duck and little brothers. Meeting a Butterfly, the Duckling rushes after her and plays with the Hedgehog until he hurts his nose on the prickly needles. The Duckling's pranks get him into trouble: he almost ends up as the Fox's breakfast. Thanks to the Puppy, the Duckling has a narrow escape.



1938, 103 min., b/w Revolutionary history Director: Sergei Yutkevich, screenplay: Nikolai Pogodin, camera: Joseph Martov, production designer: Alexander Black, misic: Dmitri Shostakovich, sound: Konstantin Nesterov Cast: Boris Tenin, Vladimir Lukin, Zoya Fyodorova, Boris Chirkov, Nikolai Cherkasov, Seraphima Bierman, Mark Bernes, Maxim Schtrauh The picture features the first days of the Soviet Republic. It is focused on the soldier Ivan Shadrin, a former peasant, who gets actively involved in the revolutionary struggle.



1939, 82 min., b/w Comedy Directors: Nadezhda Kosheverova, Yuri Muzykant, screenplay: Semyon Polotski, Matvey Tevelyev, camera: Apollinari Dudko, production designer: Alexander Black, misic: Nikita Bogoslovski, sound: Afanasi Simonovski Cast: Larisa Yemelyantseva, Nikolai Konovalov, Alexander Kulakov, Pavel Sukhanov The picture features the life and work of the Soviet railway workers.



1939, Part 2, 134 min., b/w

Drama Director: Friedrich Ermler, screenplay: Mikhail Bleiman, Manuel Bolshintsov, Friedrich Ermler, camera: Arkadi Koltsaty, production designers: Semyon Meinkin, Mikhail Krotkin, misic: Dmitri Shostakovich, sound: Ivan Dmitriyev Cast: Nikolai Bogolyubov, Alexander Zrazhevski, Yephim Altus, Zoya Fyodorova, Oleg Zhakov, Ivan Bersenev, Yuri Tolubeyev The picture features the fight of the Communist Party against the followers of Trotski and Bukharin in the 1930-es.  The authors of the film were honored the Stalin’s Prize of the USSR.



1939, 85 min., b/w Filmed story Directors: Erast Garin, Khesya Lokshina, screenplay: Yuri Herman, camera: Anatoli Pogorely, Alexander Sigayev, production designer: Fyodor Berenstam, misic: A. Pappe, sound: Anna Volokhova Cast: Boris Tolmazov, Maria Barabanova, Yuri Tolubeyev, Yanina Zheimo, Arkadi Raikin, Valentin Kiselyev Loosely based on “The Son of the People”, a play by Yuri Herman. The picture is focused on the young and enthusiastic Doctor Kalyuzhny returning to his native village after his graduation. Kalyuzhy's scientific discovery helped to restore the eyesight of his old teacher and of his former bride's little sister.



1939, 74 min., b/w Drama Director: Mikhail Kalatozov, screenplay: Georgi Kubanski, camera: Veniamin Levitin, production designer: Yephim Khiger, misic: Venedict Pushkov, sound: Ilya Volk Cast: Oleg Zhakov, Dmitri Dudnikov, Konstantin Sorokin, Alexei Bondi The picture is focused on the courage of a civilian flier detaining a dangerous saboteur.

318 NAYEZDNIK IZ KABARDY (A HORSEMAN FROM KABARDA) 1939, 74 min., b/w Filmed story Director: Nikolai Lebedev, screenplay: Alexander Popov, camera: Vitali Chulkov, production designer: Vladimir Pokrovski, misic: Victor Tomilin, sound: Alexander Ostrovski Cast: G. Yeremeyev, Tamara Glebova, Yuri Lakotkin, Timofei Remizov The picture is about the kids form a Kabarda village helping the adults to breed swift-running horses.



1939, 81 min., b/w Adventure Director: Jan Fried, screenplay: Andrei Apsolon, camera: Khecho Nazaryantz, production designer: M. Semyenenko, misic: Joseph Pustylnik, sound: Grigori Elbert Cast: Vladimir Lukin, Yura Bychkov, Yuri Tolubeyev, Olga Avericheva, Vova Repkin, Nikolai Simonov

A children's picture featuring the adventures involved in nourishing of the sense of patriotic duty in a Soviet schoolboy.

320 SLUCHAI NA POLUSTANKE (AN INCIDENT IN A SMALL RAILWAY STATION) 1939, 62 min., b/w Drama Written and directed by: Oleg Sergeyev, Sergei Yakushev, camera: Alexander Tikhonov, production designer: Vera Bakun, misic: Georgi Krasnov, S. Masselius, sound: Boris Lytkin Cast: Vladimir Gardin, Mikhail Dubrava, Ivan Nazarov, Yevgeni Nemchenko, Andrei Kostrichkin, Alexander Melnikov Loosely based on “The Unknown Comrade”, a short story by Fyodor Knorre. The picture is focused on the heroic deed of a Far Eastern young telegraph operator during the Civil War.

321 STANITSA DALNYAYA (DALNYAYA COSSACK VILLAGE) 1939, 87 min., b/w Comedy Director: Yevgeni Chervyakov, screenplay: Boris Chirskov, camera: Svyatoslav Belyayev, production designers: Nikolai Suvorov, Mariya Fateyeva, misic: Vladimir Scherbachyev, sound: Yuri Kurzner Cast: Zoya Fyodorova, Nikolai Kryuchkov, Nina Shaternikova, Andrei Kostrichkin The picture features the life of the Kuban collective farmers on the brink of the war.



1939, 89 min., b/w Defence film Directors: Zinovi Drapkin, Robert Maiman, screenplay: Zinovi Drapkin, Robert Maiman, Georgi Seliverstov, camera: Alexander Sigayev, Mikhail Magid, production designers: Pyotr Yakimov, Dmitri Rudoi, misic: Dmitri and Daniil Pokrass, sound: Arnold Shargorodski, Anna Volokhova Cast: G. Gorbunov, Alexander Kulakov, Voldemar Chobur, Stepan Krylov, Vasili Merkuryev The picture features the actions of the Soviet tankers in a probable fighting situation.



1939, 107 min., b/w Drama Written and directed by: Sergei Gerasimov, camera: Vladimir Yakovlev, production designer: Victor Semyonov, misic: Venedict Pushkov, sound: Yevgeni Nesterov Cast: Boris Chirkov, Tamara Makarova, Pavel Volkov, Valentina Telegina, Ivan Nazarov, Anna Matveyeva The picture is set in the 1930-es and focused on a village teacher.  The authors of the film were honored the Stalin’s Prize of the USSR.



1939, 37 min., b/w

Comedy Written and directed by: Jan Fried, camera: Solomon Belenki, production designers: Pavel Zalzman, Semyon Malkin, misic: Nikolai Timofeyev, sound: Konstantin Gordon Cast: Ivan Moskvin, Igor Ilyinski, Yekaterina Korchagina-Aleksandrovskaya, Vasili Merkuryev, Valentina Telegina Loosely based on “Surgery” and “The Country Medics”, short stories by Anton Chekhov.

325 CHETVYERTY PERISKOP (THE FOURTH PERISCOPE) 1939, 88 min., b/w Defence film Director: Victor Eisymont, screenplay: Georgi Blaustein, Georgi Venetsianov, camera: Vladimir Rapoport, production designer: Abram Veksler, misic: Venedict Pushkov, Boris Golz, sound: Nikolai Butakov Cast: Boris Blinov, Vladimir Chestnokov, Mariya Domasheva, K. Nassonov, Vladimir Lukin, Sergei Morschikhin The picture is focused on Soviet sailors keeping a vigilant watch over the sea borders.

326 CHLEN PRAVITELSTVA (A GOVERNMENT MEMBER) 1939, 107 min., b/w Directors: Alexander Zarkhi, Joseph Heifitz, screenplay: Katerina Vinogradskaya with input from Alexander Zarkhi and Joseph Heifitz, camera: Alexander Ginzburg, production designers: Olga Pchelnikova, Vladimir Kalyagin, misic: Nikolai Timofeyev, sound: Arnold Shargorodski Cast: Vera Maretskaya, Vasili Vanin, Nikolai Kryuchkov, Valentina Telegina, Boris Blinov, Vasili Merkuryev, Alexei Konsovski Story of a Russian peasant woman who becomes a Soviet Government member.



1940, 75 min., b/w Drama Director: Jan Fried, screenplay: Boris Chirskov, Raphail Muzykant, camera: Alexander Ksenofontov, production designer: Olga Pchelnikova, misic: Joseph Pustylnik, sound: Grigori Elbert Cast: Nikolai Simonov, Tatiana Guretskaya, Vova Tumalaryantz, Alexander Chistyakov, Vladimir Lukin, Boris Poslavski The picture is focused on the family of a polar researcher.



1940, 37 min., b/w Filmed short story Director: Nadezhda Kosheverova, screenplay: Sergei Glagolin, camera: Apollinari Dudko, misic: Nikita Bogoslovski, sound: Afanasi Somonovski Cast: Pyotr Kirillov, Yevgeniya Vdovina, Mariya Barabanova, Alexei Bondi The picture is focused at the gifted Leningrad girl Galya completing her sculptor father's unfinished work.



1940, 36 min., b/w Filmed short story Director: Vladimir Feinberg, screenplay: Vladimir Belyayev, camera: Yevgeni Velichko, production designers: Vladimir Pokrovski, Mariya Fateyeva, misic: Valeri Zhelobinski, sound: Lev Valter, Anna Volokhova Cast: Boris Petker, Yelena Karyakina, Kseniya Tarasova, Nikolai Sosnin, Vladimir Vasilyev The picture features the liberation of Western Ukraine.

330 KONTSERT NA EKRANE (A CONCERT ON THE SCREEN) 1940, 79 min., b/w Filmed concert Written and directed by: Semyon Timoshenko, camera: Vladimir Danashevski, Anatoli Nazarov, production designers: Semyon Mandel, Yakov Rivosh, misic: Isaac Dunayevski, sound: Ivan Dmitriyev, Grigori Elbert Cast: Ivan Moskvin, Nikolai Cherkasov, Vera Davydova, Yevgeni Mravinski, Nataliya Dudinskaya, Vakhtang Chabukiani, Keto Dzhaparidze, Vladimir Khenkin, Boris Eder, Leonid Utyesov The self-contained concert items are linked by the presentation of the host, Nikolai Cherkasov.



1940, 83 min., b/w Comedy Directors: Alexander Ivanovski, Herbert Rappaport, screenplay: Yevgeni Petrov, Georgi Munblit, camera: Arkadi Koltsaty, production designer: Semyon Mandel, sound: Ivan Dmitriyev Cast: Sergei Lemeshev, Zoya Fyodorova, Nikolai Konovalov, Erast Garin, Anna Sergeyeva, Anatoli Korolkevich The picture is focused on the taxi driver Petya Govorkov who possesses a beautiful strong voice and becomes a professional singer.  The authors of the film were honored the Stalin’s Prize of the USSR.



1940, 11 min., b/w Film study Directors: Friedrich Ermler, Isaac Menaker, camera: Vyacheslav Gordanov, Mikhail Magid, production designer: Semyon Meinkin, sound: Ivan Dmitriyev An experimental picture revealing the artistic unity of colored images and music.



1940, 74 min., b/w Defence film Director: Alexander Ivanov, screenplay: Semyon Polotski, Matvei Tevelyev, camera: Yevgeni Velichko, production designer: Pavel Zalzman, misic: Boris Arapov, Gavriil Popov, sound: Andrei Gavryushev Cast: Stepan Krylov, Yuliya Predtechenskaya, Nikolai Vinogradov, Georgi Kolosov, Vladimir Volchik The picture features the heroic crossing of the Pamir by a Red Army unit sent to assist the residents of a Tajik village affected by an earthquake.



1940, 70 min., b/w Filmed story Director: Mikhail Gavronski, screenplay: Nikolai Taube, camera: Yevgeni Shapiro, production designer: Victor Savostin, misic: Vasili Solovyev-Sedoi, sound: Kirill Pozdnyshev Cast: Mikhail Kuznetsov, Tamara Alyeshina, Zinaida Karpova, Boris Poslavski, Yelena Junger The picture is focused on school graduates choosing their future vocations.



1940, 76 min., b/w Drama Director: Moisei Levin, screenplay: Mukhtar Auezov, camera: Hecho Nazaryanz, production designer: Moisei Levin, misic: Vasili Velikanov, sound: Andrei Gavryushev Cast: Yeleubai Umurzakov, Khadisha Bukeyeva, Seraly Kozhamkulov, Kolibek Kuanyshbayev, Shaken Aymanov The picture features the emancipation of the Kazakh women under the Soviet power.

336 SKAZKA O GLUPOM MYSHONKE (A FAIRY-TALE ABOUT THE SILLY BABY MOUSE) 1940, 15 min., b/w Graphic Cartoon Written and directed by: Mikhail Tsekhanovski, camera: Vasili Shumyakin, production designer: Leonid Chupyatov, misic: Dmitri Shostakovich, sound: Alexander Becker The sun has set. All the animals have gone to sleep. Only Baby Mouse is not sleepy. He doesn't like the lullaby his Mother Mouse is singing. The agitated Mother goes to the Frog, the Pig. the Duck, the Horsy, and the Pike for help, but they can't sing the silly Baby Mouse to sleep. Despairing, Mother Mouse brings in the Cat to baby-sit. Disaster would have struck, but for the courageous guard, the Dog, who just manages to save Baby Mouse who went to sleep, soothed by Cat's “kind” purring.



1940, 9 min., b/w Graphic Cartoon Written and directed by: Alexander Sinitsin, Vitali Syumkin, camera: Vasili Shumyakin, production designer (sketches, backgrounds): Yevgeniya Slovtsova, misic: Isaac Dunayevski, sound: Konstantin Gordon, verse: Vladimir Volzhenin A small circus has spread its tent in a small town square. Its arena is graced by famous circus performers such as the Athletic Bear, the Juggling Poodle, and the Acrobatic Cat. Behind the wings, the Mongrel Dog is performing the modest duties of a cleaner. It so happened that the silly Donkey participating in one of the tricks turned obstinate during a performance. They had to summon the Mongrel Dog, well familiar with the Donkey's temper. The Mongrel Dog not just dealt with the stubborn Donkey, but also displayed some accomplished circus artistry before the admiring spectators.



1940, 74 min., b/w Comedy

Director: Mikhail Shapiro, screenplay: Seraphim Kananykhin, camera: Alexander Ginzburg, Sergei Ivanov, production designer: Alexander Black, misic: Sergei Mitin, sound: Yuri Kurzner Cast: Nikolai Cherkasov, Boris Zhukovski, Zoya Fyodorova, Vladimir Yantsat, Ivan Nazarov, Yuri Lyubimov The picture is focused on the change in the personality of a young civilian scientist accomplished during a two-month training course in the annual camp.

339 ANTON IVANOVICH SERDITSA (ANTON IVANOVICH IS ANGRY) 1941, 75 min., b/w Musical comedy Director: Alexander Ivanovsky, screenplay: Yevgeny Petrov, Georgy Munblit, camera: Yevgeny Shapiro, production designer: Semyon Mandel, Abram Veksler, misic: Dmitry Kabalevsky, sound: Ivan Dmitriyev Cast: Nikolai Konovalov, Lyudmila Tselikovskaya, Pavel Kadochnikov, Sergei Martinson, Tatyana Kondrakova Conservatory professor gives his daughter classical musical education expecting that she will continue the family traditions. However, Simochka is fascinated by the “light” music. She makes a brilliant debut in an operetta and finds her vocation in this genre.

340 BOYEVOY KINOSBORNIK NOMER DVA (COLLECTION OF WAR FILMS No. 2) 1941, 56 min., b/w, 5 short films, the collection was created by cameramen: Alexander Xenofontov, Vladimir Rapoport, Khecho Nazaryants, design producers: Alexander Black, Semyon Meinkin, misic: Isaac Dunayevsky, sound: Ilya Volk 1. VSTRECHA (MEETING) Drama Director: Vladimir Feinberg, screenplay: Vladimir Belyaev, Mikhail Rozenberg, camera: Yevgeny Velichko Cast: Vladimir Lukin Poland is occupied by fascist troops. A Nazi officer gives order to execute a Byelorussian peasant. However, the peasant manages to escape. On June 22, 1941 when fascist troops attacked the USSR the two men meet again...

2. ODIN IZ MNOGIKH (ONE OF MANY) Drama Director: Viktor Eisymont, screenplay: Alexander Shtein, Iogann Zeltser, Yuri German Cast: Boris Blinov, Alexander Melnikov, Ivan Kuznetsov, Mikhail Yekaterininsky A Nazi pilot regarded by Hitler to be “the first of aces” is bombing Soviet cities. During one of bombing attacks his plane is shot down by Soviet anti-aircraft gunners.

3. U STAROY NYANI (AT OLD NANNY’S PLACE) Drama Director: Yevgeny Chervyakov, screenplay: Vladimir Belyaev, Mikhail Rozenberg Cast: Tatyana Sukova, Volodya Chekalov, Pavel Sukhanov, Yevgeny Nemchenko, Pyotr Kirillov Many years ago a young woman worked as a nanny in a German family. Later the boy she brought up moved with his family to Germany. Now he returns to Russia as a Nazi spy and is trying to hide in the house of his old nanny. The old woman and her grandchildren unmask the enemy.

4. STO ZA ODNOGO (A HUNDRED FOR ONE) Drama Director: Gerbert Rappaport, screenplay: Yevgeny Ryss, Vsevolod Voyevodin Cast: Larisa Yemelyanova, L. Bordukov, Boris Poslavsky, Pavel Sukhanov

A Yugoslavian patriot kills the brutal fascist officer. Nazis order to execute 100 hostages, but people condemned to death manage to kill their guards.

5. SLUCHAI NA TELEGRAPHE (INCIDENT AT A TELEGRAPH OFFICE) Farce Directors: Lev Arnshtam, Grigory Kozintsev, screenplay: Lev Arnshtam Cast: Yevgeny Chervyakov A strange figure appears among the people waiting in line to send a telegram. It is Napoleon. The telegraph clerk calculates the cost of the telegram addressed to Hitler in Berlin. The message is brief: “Have tried, don’t recommend to”.



1941, 89 min., b/w Drama Director: Mikhail Kalatozov, screenplay: Georgy Baidukov, Dmitry Tarasov, Boris Chirskov, camera: Alexander Gintsburg, production designer: Alexander Black, misic: Venedikt Pushkov, sound: Arnold Shargorodsky, Yevgeny Nesterov Cast: Vladimir Belokurov, Semyon Menzhinsky, Kseniya Tarasova, Vasily Vanin, Boris Zhukovsky The film is about the fate of the famous Soviet aviator Chkalov, who in mid 30’es made with his crew the first nonstop flight from Moscow to the Far East, covering over 9000 kilometers and later made the first nonstop transatlantic flight from Moscow to the USA across the North Pole.

342 MAXIM)


1941, 9 min., b/w Propaganda film Director: Sergei Gerasimov, screenplay: Grigory Kozintsev, Leonid Trauberg, camera: Vladimir Yakovlev Cast: Boris Chirkov The short propaganda film was released a month and a half after the outbreak of World War II. Maxim, the popular movie character of the 30’es comes down from the screen and addresses the viewers with the appeal to fight fascists that invaded the country.

343 KAK VASYA TYORKIN PRIZYVATSA SHEL (HOW VASYA TYORKIN WENT TO RECRUITING STATION) 1941, 8 min., Cartoon Director: Vitaly Syukin, Pavel Shmidt, screenplay: Alexander Gitovih, Vladimir Livshits, Anatoly Chivilikhin, production designer: Vladimir Lebedev, misic: Venedikt Pushkov On his way to a recruiting station Tyorkin notices three paratroopers dropped from fascist aircraft. Using a ruse Tyorkin destroys the fascists and proceeds on his way.



1941, 49 min., b/w Written and directed by: Isaak Menaker, Adolf Minkin, Gerbert Rappaport, Semyon Timoshenko, Mikhail Shapiro, Mikhail Tsekhanovsky, camera: Arkady Koltsaty, Veniamin Levitin, production designer: Semyon Mandel, Pavel Betaki, misic: Dmitry Astradantsev, Boris Pyles, sound: Lev Valter, Ivan Dmitriyev, Yuri Kurzner Cast: Yevgeny Mravinsky, Lidiya Ruslanova, Maxim Mikhailov, Vakhtang Chabukiani, Sergei Koren, Emil Gilels, Yakov Flier, Sergei Lemeshev, Galina Ulanova

This cinema concert is composed of separate concert turns of different genres performed by prominent actors.



1941, 113 min., b/w Drama Written and directed by: Sergei Gerasimov, camera: Vyacheslav Gordanov, production designer: Semyon Meinkin, misic: Venedikt Pushkov, sound: Zakhar Zalkind, Konstantin Gordon Cast: Nikolai Mordvinov, Tamara Makarova, Sofia Magarill, Mikhail Sadovsky, Sergei Gerasimov Based on Mikhail Lermontov’s play of the same title.

346 PODRUGI, NA FRONT! (GIRLS, GO TO THE FRONT!) 1941, 8 min., b/w Propaganda short film Written and directed by: Viktor Eisymont, camera: Vladimir Rapoport, Sergei Ivanov, production designer: Fyodor Berenshtam, sound: Yevgeny Nesterov Cast: Olga Fedorina, Yuri Lyubimov, Zoya Fyodorova, Tamara Alyoshina Actress Lelya Fedorina who played the role of the nurse in the film “Wartime Friends” urges Leningrad women to go to the front as nurses. The film was released three weeks after Nazi troops attacked the USSR.

347 PRIKLYUCHENIYA KORZINKINOY (ADVENTURES OF KORZINKINA) 1941, 38 min., b/w Comedy Director: Klimenty Mints, screenplay: Klimenty Mints, Grigory Yagfeld, camera: Mikhail Kaplan, Semyon Sheinin, production designer: Viktor Savostin, misic: Dmitry Shostakovich, sound: Zakhar Zalkind, Yevgeny Nesterov Cast: Yanina Zheimo, Stepan Kayukov, Sergei Filippov The eccentric comedy is focused at the fussy and energetic Korzinkina, a cashier at a local train station, who all the time meddles in passengers’ affairs.



1941, 73 min., b/w Drama Director: Pavel Petrov-Bytov, screenplay: Vladimir Nedobrovo, Nikolai Brykin, camera: Anatoly Nazarov, production designer: Pyort Yakimov, misic: Venedikt Pushkov, sound: Pyotr Vitsinsky Cast: Konstantin Skorobogatov, Pavel Kadochnikov, Vasily Sofronov, Vladimir Chestnokov, Gennady Michurin, Vladimir Gardin Autumn of 1919. White Army troops under General Yudenich together with foreign interventionists are approaching Petrograd. Putilov Factory workers headed by the old foreman Ivan Yegorovich start manufacturing first Soviet tanks and join Red Army detachments going to defend the city.



1941, 36 min., b/w Melodrama

Director: Sergei Gerasimov, screenplay: Semyon Polotsky, Matvei Tevelev, camera: Mikhail Magid, production designer: Semyon Meinkin, sound: Zakhar Zalkind Cast: Boris Poslavsky, Boris Blinov, Pyotr Kirillov The summer of 1941. Beginning of World War II. Having seen their sons off to the front retired workers take their children’s jobs at plants and factories.



1941, 17 min., cartoon, color Fairy tale Director: Pavel Shmidt, screenplay: Lyudmila Kazantseva, M. Murov, camera: Mikhail Magid, production designers: Leonid Chupyatov, Konstantin Rudakov, misic: Venedikt Pushkov, Boris Golts, sound: Ilya Volk, songs lyrics by: Vladimir Volzhenin Cast: Nata Svechko, Lulya Gribkova, Nyura Ivanova The girl has a dream: together with her friends she makes a long flight on an airplane. In the Arctic the girls are welcomed by a Polar Bear. Polar animals give the girls a concert and meanwhile two little bears get in the airplane and take off...The girl sees the plane in the sky.. and wakes up. She is disappointed to realize that it was just a dream and starts crying.



1941, 94 min., b/w Drama Director: Viktor Eisymont, screenplay: Sergei Mikhalkov, Mikhail Rozenberg, camera: Vladimir Rapoport, production designer: Fyodor Berenshtam, misic: Vissarion Shebalin, sound: Alexander Ostrovsky Cast: Zoya Fyodorova, Andrei Abrikosov, Boris Blinov, Yuri Tolubeyev, Oleg Zhakov, Olga Fedorina, Tamara Aleshina On the first days of war a group of girls volunteer to go to the front. Young nurses selflessly help doctors in hospitals and on battlefields to save wounded Red Army fighters. It is during these hard war days that a strong and sincere feeling of love comes to heroes of the film.  The authors of the film were honored the Stalin’s Prize of the USSR.



1941, 9 min., b/w Propaganda short film Director: Vladimir Petrov, screenplay: Lev Arnshtam, Sergei Gerasimov, camera: Vladimir Yakovlev, sound: Nikolai Butakov Cast: Boris Babochkin Chapayev, the legendary Civil War hero and the popular character of Soviet cinema in the 30’es descends from the screen and urges viewers to merciless fight against Nazis that attacked the Soviet Union. The film was released 40 days after German troops attacked the USSR.



1942, 35 min., b/w Drama Director: Gerbert Rappaport, screenplay: Semyon Polotsky, Matvei Tevelev, Manuel Bolshintsov, camera: Vladimir Rapoport, production designer: Moisey Levitin, misic: Vasily Velikanov, sound: Alexander Ostrovsky Cast: Yanina Zheimo, Yuri Bogolyubov, Mikhail Zharov, Boris Blinov

Story of a young girl Tanka who disguised as a boy joins the guerilla detachment and takes vengeance on fascists for the death of her parents.



1942, 41 min., b/w Drama Directors: Naum Lyuboshits, Pavel Armand, screenplay: Semyon Polotsky, Matvey Tevelev, camera: Vyacheslav Gordanov, production designer: Vladimir Pokrovsky, misic: Vera and Pavel Armand, sound: Kirill Pozdnyshev Cast: Vladimir Chestnokov, Mikhail Pavlikov, Boris Gorin-Goryaynov The severe winter of 1941. Residents of Leningrad send parcels with presents to soldiers defending the city. In one of the parcels there is a pair of warm mittens and a message from a girl, who asks to give her present to the bravest soldier. Which of the fighters shall get the mittens? The film was made in winter of 1941 — 1942 by actors and cinema workers who were staying in Leningrad besieged by Nazi troops.

355 YEGO ZOVUT SUKHE-BATOR (HIS NAME IS SUKHE-BATOR) 1942, 105 min., b/w, Mongolkino, Tashkent Film Studio, “Lenfilm” Historical drama Directors: Alexander Zarkhi, Iosif Heifits, screenplay: Boris Lapin, Zakhar Khartsevin, Alexander Zarkhi, camera: Alexander Gintsburg, production designer: Anatoly Bosulayev, misic: Boris Arapov, Venedikt Pushkov, sound: Arnold Shargorodsky Cast: Maksim Shtraukh, Lev Sverdlin, Gelik Dordzi, Erintsyn Narbo, Nikolai Cherkasov, Tseven 1919. Mongolian people are rising against feudal lords oppressing peasants and herdsmen. The uprising is headed by Sukhe, nicknamed Bator for his courage. The fill narrates about the national liberation movement of Mongolian people.



1942, 94 min., b/w War drama Directors: Sergei Gerasimov, Mikhail Kalatozov, screenplay: Mikhail Bleiman, Mikhail Kalatozov, camera: Arkady Koltsaty, Mikhail Magid, production designer: Anatoly Bosulayev, misic: Venedikt Pushkov, sound: Ivan Dmitriyev Cast: Boris Babochkin, Tamara Makarova, Pyotr Kirillov, Boris Blinov, Pyotr Aleinikov The autumn of 1941. Leningrad is besieged by the Nazis. A new model of tank is being developed at a large defense plant. Built in the shortest possible time combat vehicles are tested directly on battlefields, fighting with fascists in the outskirts of the city. The first feature film about the heroic everyday life of city defenders was shot directly in assembly shops of plants and in the streets of Leningrad when the city was fighting against the enemy.

357 OBORONA TSARITSYNA (DEFENSE OF TSARITSYN) 1942, 104 min., b/w Drama Written and directed by: Georgy and Sergei Vasilyev, camera: Apollinary Dudko, Alexander Sigayev, Sergei Ivanov, production designers: Pyotr Yakimov, Ivan Znoinov, Mikhail Tsibasov, misic: Nikolai Kryukov, sound: Alexander Bekker

Cast: Mikhail Gelovani, Nikolai Bogolyubov, Mikhail Zharov, Varvara Myasnikova, Pavel Kadochnikov, Vasily Sofronov, Boris Babochkin The autumn of 1918. In the course of the Civil War Tsaritsyn, a large city and a major port on the Volga river became the place of a decisive battle between the White Army counterrevolutionaries and the Red Army troops. Cossack Perchikhin and a factory worker Katya Davydova actively participate in mobilization of the city residents for the defense of Tsaritsyn together with the Red Army units headed by the Red Army commander Voroshilov and the Moscow envoy Stalin. Two parts of the film were shot simultaneously. The second part was never released. The authors of the film were honored the Stalin’s Prize of the USSR.



1943, 76 min., b/w Melodrama Director: Leonid Trauberg, screenplay: Mikhail Volpin, Nikolai Erdman, camera: Andrei Moskvin, production designer: Yevgeny Yeney, sound: Ilya Volk Cast: Galina Sergeyeva, Boris Babochkin, Mikhail Zharov, Zoya Morskaya, Vladimir Gribkov, Konstantin Sorokin A famous operetta actress Zoya Strelnikova, evacuated with her theatre to a remote Siberian town, believes that the profession of an actress is out of place in the severe war days and begins working as a nurse at a hospital. Her meetings with wounded soldiers, who enjoy listening to Strelnikova’s record, which they keep with the greatest possible care, make her realize the real place of the actress in the hard war times. She returns to the theatre and participates in concerts arranged for soldiers at the front. The film was restored at “Lenfilm” in 1972.



1943, 75 min., b/w Comedy Director: Gerbert Rappaport, screenplay: Yevgeny Petrov, camera: Alexander Galperin, production designer: Vladimir Yegorov, musical production: Yuri Biryukov, sound: Alexander Ostrovsky Cast: Mikhail Zharov, Lyudmila Tselikovskaya, Boris Blinov, Grigory Shpigel The hero of the film, an experienced pilot Baranov working for the civil aviation, meets his passenger, a young singer Natasha Kulikova and they fall in love with each other. When the war begins Baranov demands to be transferred to fighter aircraft but his commanders order him to keep working as an “air cabby”. On the day of Natasha’s debut at an opera theatre Baranov is sent with an important mission to enemy’s rear. On his way back he attacks fascist airplanes and shoots down one of them. Approaching Moscow he hears Natasha’s clear voice singing over the radio.

360 ONA ZASHCHISHCHAYET RODINU (SHE DEFENDS HER MOTHERLAND) 1943, 80 min., b/w Drama Director: Friedrich Ermler, screenplay: Alexei Kapler, camera: Vladimir Rapoport, production designer: Nikolai Suvorov, misic: Gavriil Popov, sound: Zakhar Zalkind Cast: Vera Maretskaya, Nikolai Bogolyubov, Lidiya Smirnova, Pyotr Aleinikov On the first day of the war fascists brutally killed the little son of a peasant woman Praskovya Lukyanova before the mother’s eyes. Her husband was also killed. Praskovya leaves the village. She goes to woods, organizes a partisan detachment and takes vengeance on the enemy. The film was restored at the Gorky Film Studio in 1966.  The authors of the film were honored the Stalin’s Prize of the USSR.

361 PODVODNAYA LODKA TE DEVYAT (T-9 SUBMARINE) 1943, 71 min., b/w Drama Director: Alexander Ivanov, screenplay: Alexander Shtein, Iogann Zeltser, camera: Nikolai Renkov, production designer: Yuri Shvets, misic: Boris Zeidman, sound: A.Sheikhov Cast: Oleg Zhakov, I. Dagestan, B. Chinkin, V. Sharlakhov Soviet T-9 submarine successfully torpedoes enemy’s transport. Continuing to fulfill its mission T-9 gets into the enemy’s port. The sailors go ashore and blow up the railway bridge with the train carrying fascist troops. On the way back the submarine is spotted by the enemy. Commander of T-9 decides to take up the last battle and gives the order to surface.



1943, 54 min., b/w Film-concert Directors: Adolf Minkin, Semyon Timoshenko, screenplay: Kabysh Siranov, Semyon Timoshenko, camera: Lev Kosmatov, Nikolai Kononov, production designers: Artur Berger, Z. Naziarov, Tatyana Levitskaya, Kulakhmet-Kongyr Khodzhikov, misic: Nikolai Kryukov, sound: Ivan Dmitriyev Cast: Kazakhstan actors



1943, 118 min., b/w Drama Written and directed by: Georgy and Sergei Vasilyev, camera: Apollinary Dudko, production designer: Boris Dubrovsky-Eshke, misic: Gavriil Popov, sound: Alexander Bekker Cast: Boris Zhukovsky, Boris Babochkin, Pavel Geraga, Boris Dmokhovsky, Lev Sverdlin, Vasily Vanin, Boris Chirkov, Nikolai Kryuchkov Loosely based on Alexander Korneichuk’s play of the same title. The play rises the acute problem of the necessity to promote young talented military commanders to high-ranking positions.

364 MALAKHOV KURGAN (THE MALAKHOV BARROW) 1944, 89 min., b/w War drama Directors: Alexander Zarkhi, Iosif Heifits, screenplay: Boris Voitekhov, Alexander Zarkhi, Iosif Heifits, camera: Arkady Koltsaty, production designer: Vladimir Kaplunovsky, misic: Andrei Balanchivadze, sound: Arnold Shargorodsky Cast: Nikolai Kryuchkov, Boris Andreyev, Akakiy Khorava, Maria Pastukhova, Nikolai Dorokhin In the summer of 1942 Soviet troops are leaving the city of Sevastopol under the General headquarters order. Captain Likharev recollects some episodes of the 250-day defense of the city. His destroyer “Grozny” makes a breakthrough into the city already besieged by the German troops. The crew of his destroyer turned into a marine corpse detachment repulses the Nazi attacks on the Malakhov barrow. The mariners are fighting against fascist tanks. Capitain Likharev is the last to leave Sevastopol. When will he return to the city? The film was shot in liberated Sevastopol in the summer of 1944.



1944, 80 min., b/w War drama Directors: Adolf Minkin, Alexander Faintsimmer, screenplay: Alexander Shtein, camera: Vladimir Rapoport, production designer: Abram Veksler, misic: Venedikt Pushkov, sound: Alexander Ostrovsky Cast: Alexander Larikov, Maria Domasheva, Andrei Abrikosov, Lidiya Smirnova, Pyotr Aleinikov, Nikolai Dorokhin, Alexei Konsovsky The film is focused on the story of the marine corpse battalion from the “Kirov” cruiser. Leningrader Sergei Markin and his friends are bravely fighting shoulder to shoulder with the infantry soldiers and peoples’ volunteer corpse against Nazi troops. Time passes. The Nazi troops are defeated and mariners are return to their battleships. Liberation of Tallinn lies ahead. And meanwhile battleship guns are firing salute celebrating the liberation of Leningrad. It is the first film shot in summer of 1944 in the renovated Leningrad pavilions upon “Lenfilm” return from evacuation.



1944, 80 min., b/w Musical comedy Director: Alexander Ivanovsky, screenplay: Mikhail Dolgopolov, Grigory Yaron, camera: Zhosef Martov, production designers: Vladimir Yegorov, Igor Vuskovich, sound: A. Korobov Cast: Zoya Smirnova-Nemirovich, Niyaz Dautov, M. Sakalis, Sergei Martinson Screen version of Imre Kalman’s musical comedy of the same title.



1944, 84 min., b/w Filmed opera Written and directed by: Mikhail Shapiro, Nadezhda Kosheverova, camera: Yevgeny Shapiro, production designer: Yevgeny Yeney, sound: Ilya Volk Cast: Grigory Bolshakov, Sofia Golemba, Liliya Gritsenko, Maxim Mikhailov, N. Panchekhin, Nikolai Chesnokov, Andrei Ivanov Screen version of Pyotr Tchaikovsky’s opera of the same title based on “The Chistmas Eve Night”, a novel by Nikolai Gogol.

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1945, 108 min., b/w War drama Director: Fridrich Ermler, screenplay: Boris Chirskov, camera: Arkady Koltsaty, production designer: Nikolai Suvorov, misic: Gavriil Popov, sound: Alexander Ostrovsky, Nikolai Kosarev Cast: Mikhail Derzhavin, Sr., Pyotr Andriyevsky, Yuri Tolubeyev, Andrei Abrikosov, Alexander Zrazhevsky, Mark Bernes World War II. German high command accumulates enormous forces for the assault. Soviet troops commanded by General Muravyov repulse the enemy attacks.. Soviet army scouts find out the exact day and time of the decisive offensive. Muravyov is determined to forestall the Nazis and plasters the enemy with fire. All is quiet. Will the fascist troops weakened by the surprise fire begin their offensive or put off the attack?  The authors of the film were honored the Stalin’s Prize of the USSR.

 The film was awarded the Grand National Premium of the 1st International Film Festival in Cannes, France (1946) and the Grand International Premium for the best screenplay at the 1st International Film Festival in Cannes, France (1946).



1945, 82 min., b/w Comedy Written and directed by: Semyon Timoshenko, camera: Alexander Sigayev, production designer: Isaak Makhlis, misic: Vasily Solovyov-Sedoy, sound: Pyotr Vitsinsky, Kirill Pozdnyshev Cast: Nikolai Kryuchkov, Vasily Merkuryev, Vasily Neshchiplenko, Alla Parfanyak, Lyudmila Glazova, Tamara Alyoshina Three fighter pilots swear a solemn oath not to fall in love till the end of the war. By chance they happen to find themselves in an all- women bomber squadron. And love wins... The film was restored at “Lenfilm” in 1970.



1945, 79 min., b/w Drama Written and directed by: Grigory Kozintsev, Leonid Trauberg, camera: Andrei Moskvin, Anatoly Nazarov, production designers: Yevgeny Yeney, David Vinitsky, misic: Dmitry Shostakovich, sound: Ilya Volk Cast: Yuri Tolubeyev, Olga Lebzak, Boris Zhukovsky, Yekaterina KorchaginaAlexandrovskaya, Larisa Yemelyantseva, Tatyana Peltser, Alexander Larikov The film tells about the selfless labor of Soviet people during World War II, who in the shortest possible time built a large aircraft factory in the eastern part of the country. For redundant realistic reflection of the war time hardships the film was banned and released only in 1956.



1946, 101 min., b/w Drama Directors: Alexander Zarkhi, Iosif Heifits, screenplay: Yevgeny Gabrilovich, Alexander Zarkhi, Iosif Heifits, Sergei Yermolinsky, camera: Vyacheslav Gordanov, production designer: Nikolai Suvorov, misic: Venedikt Pushkov, sound: Alexander Bekker Cast: Viktor Khokhryakov, Mikhail Kuznetsov, Oleg Zhakov, Klavdiya Lepanova, Lyudmila Shabalina, Alexander Zrazhevsky, Nikolai Cherkasov Three friends, young surgeons, return after the war to Leningrad. In their clinic they start working over a serious medical problem. However time is passing and their intense work does not give any results. Two of the surgeons loose hope to achieve desired success. Petrov is left on his own. His persistency, sell-confidence and support of the girl he loves let the young doctor dare to make a complicated surgery.



1946, 77 min., b/w Adventure Directors: Adolf Bergunker, Mikhail Yegorov, screenplay: Boris Brodsky, camera: Sergei Ivanov, production designer: Viktor Savostin, misic: Venedikt Pushkov, sound: Nikolai Kosarev Cast: Nikolai Simonov, Yuri Tolubeyev, Nina Mazayeva, Sergei Filippov

Radio station on the Bezymyanny Island in the Far North helps the Allies’ transports to find their way in northern seas. Nazis are severely bombing the island but radio operator Asya manages to save the reserve portable radio set and install it on a deserted old boat. Radio signals from the island help Soviet pilot to take the resqued mariners to the Bezymyanny. On the island he meets the girl he loves.



1946, 77 min., b/w Melodrama Director: Alexander Ivanovsky, screenplay: Aron Erlikh, Alexander Ivanovsky, camera: Arkady Koltsaty, production designer: Isaak Makhlis, misic: Venedikt Pushkov, sound: Pyotr Vitsinsky Cast: Mira Redina, Viktor Kazanovich, Olga Zhizneva, Vladimir Gardin, Galina Ulanova, Vladimir Preobrazhensky Natasha Subbotina is graduating from the ballet school and is working on the part of Aurora in “The Sleeping Beauty”. The young ballerina does not want to repeat the traditional interpretation of the part and wants to add some fresh elements to the dance choreographed by Marius Petipa many years ago. It is not easy to find the new ways in art. Not everything goes smoothly in Natasha’s relations with Conservatory student Alexei, who is in love with her.



1946, 83 min., b/w Drama Director: Alexander Ivanov, screenplay: Fyodor Knorre, DOP: Vladimir Rapoport, production designer: Moisey Levin, misic: Venedikt Pushkov, sound: Lev Valter, Kseniya Cheremukhina Cast: Oleg Zhakov, Ivan Savelyev, Maria Domasheva, Lidiya Smirnova, Nikodim Gippius, Vasily Vanin, Vasily Merkuryev, Lidiya Sukharevskaya Latvia is occupied by Nazis. The story is centered on the fate of two brothers. Yanis, the eldest brother, becomes a partisan and fights against fascists. Valdemar, the youngest brother, collaborates with Nazis and helps them to fight against partisans.

375 VOZVRASHCHENIYE S POBEDOY (RETURN HOME WITH A VICTORY) 1947, 93 min., b/w Drama Director: Alexander Ivanov, screenplay: Mikhail Bleiman, Konstantin Isayev, camera: Eduard Tisse, production designer: Voldemar Valdman, misic: Anatoly Lepin, sound: Konstantin Gordon Cast: Artur Dimiter, Velta Line, L. Leiman, Yanis Filipson, V. Siliniyek, Yan Osis Loosely based on the play “Victory” by Vilis Latsis. The years of World War II. Due to treachery Soviet Army lieutenant Avgust Griese is captured. Fascists are trying to persuade him to take their side. Avgust refuses. But fascists broadcast the alleged radio address of Avgust urging the Latvians to give up resistance to Nazis. His comrades consider him to be a traitor. Avgust manages to escape from the prison. And soon after that rumors about Krum, a fearless guerilla and avenger acting alone, start circulating all over Latvia.



1947, 89 min., b/w Drama Director: Gerbert Rappaport, screenplay: Leonid Trauberg, camera: Sergei Ivanov, production designer: Yevgeny Yeney, misic: Eugen Kapp, sound: Lev Valter

Cast: Hugo Laur, A. Talvi, Gunnar Kilgas, Liya Laats, Rudolf Nuude, Boris Dobronravov, Ants Lauter, Alexander Randviyr Loosely based on the play of the same title by August Jakobson. Estonia is liberated from Nazi occupation. Profesor Miylas, a noted Estonian botanist developed the unique project of swamp drainage which was later rejected. The offended researcher starts working on some purely theoretical scientific problems. He does not care about events happening in the world around him. However, his attempt to shut himself off to life fails. Professor’s eldest son and nephew come to his house. The old scientist is horrified to find out that both worked as executioners in a Nazi death camp. The son’s attempt to kill his father makes Miylas leave his illusionary “citadel”.  The authors of the film were honored the Stalin’s Prize of the USSR.



SEA) 1947, 85 min., b/w Drama Director: Alexander Faintsimmer, screenplay: Mikhail Bleiman, Konstantin Isayev, camera: Moisey Magid, Lev Sokolsky, production designers: Nikolai Suvorov, Nikolai Spichkin, misic: Antonio Spadavekkia, sound: Alexander Bekker Cast: Mikhail Zharov, Alexandra Trishko, Dmitry Pavlov, Georgy Karnovich-Valois, Ninel Myshkova, Elva Lutsenko, Daniil Sagal, Ivan Lyubeznov Loosely based on the play of the same title by Boris Lavrenev. Years of World War II. Eager to become famous captain Borovsky gave the commander of torpedo boats the wrong coordinates of the enemy location and violating the order attacked the enemy on his own. A Soviet torpedo boat is destroyed. Degraded to the ranks Borovsky redeems his fault.



1947, 84 min., b/w Fairy- tale Directors: Nadezhda Kosheverova, Mikhail Shapiro, screenplay: Yevgeny Schwarz, camera: Yevgeny Shapiro, production designer: Isaak Makhlis, scenery and costumes designed by Nikolai Akimov, misic: Antonio Spadavekkia, sound: Alexander Ostrovsky Cast: Yanina Zheimo, Alexei Konsovsky, Erast Garin, Vasily Merkiryev, Faina Ranevskaya, Yelena Yunger, Varvara Myasnikova, Igor Klimenkov, Sergei Filippov, Tamara Sezenevskaya Based on the traditional story about the hard working Cinderella, her wicked step-mother and lazy sisters. The film was restored at “Mosfilm” in 1967.



1947, 92 min., b/w Biopic Director: Grigiory Kozintsev, screenplay: Yuri German, camera: Andrei Moskvin, Anatoly Nazarov, Naum Shifrin, production designer: Yevgeny Yeney, misic: Dmitry Shostakovich, sound: Ilya Volk, Boris Khutoryansky Cast: Konstantin Skorobogatov, Vladimir Chestnokov, Olga Lebzak, Nikolai Cherkasov, Yakov Malyutin, Tatyana Piletskaya, Alexei Dikiy The film is focused on the life and activities of a Russian surgeon and scientist Nikolai Pirogov. Episodes of his struggle with cholera epidemics and his new approach to medical practice reveal Pirogov’s strong personality. We watch Pirogov making the first in the world surgical operation using ether as anaesthetic and selflessly working as a surgeon during defense of Sevastopol in 1854 — 1855. The authors of the film were honored the Stalin’s Prize of the USSR.



1948, 89 min., b/w Drama Directors: Alexander Zarkhi, Iosif Heifits, screenplay: Esfir Buranova, camera: Sergei Ivanov, production designers: Vladimir Agranov, Dmitry Rudoy, misic: Venedikt Pushkov, sound: Ivan Dmitriyev Cast: Galina Kozhakina, Boris Zhukovsky, Oleg Zhakov, Pavel Kadochnikov, Vasily Vanin, Valentina Telegina, Pyotr Aleinikov, Rostislav Plyatt Young journalist Tonya Uvarova trusted the great reputation of “the king of steppe” — the chairman of the regional executive committee Korolev and praises him and his accomplices in her article. The newspaper publication causes indignation of collective farm workers who know the real worth of them. Tanya takes her mistake pretty hard and with the help of peasants unmasks Korolev who was seeking fame for himself and cheated the state.

381 AKADEMIK IVAN PAVLOV (ACADEMICIAN IVAN PAVLOV) 1949, 111 min., b/w Biopic Director: Grigory Roshal, screenplay: Mikhail Papava, camera: Vyacheslav Gordanov, Mikhail Magid, Lev Sokolsky, Yevgeny Kirpichev, production designers: Yevgeny Yeney, Abram Veksler, misic: Dmitry Kabalevsky, sound: Arnold Shargorodsky Cast: Alexander Borisov, Nina Alisova, Vladimir Chestnokov, Fyodor Nikitin, Vladimir Balashov, Vasily Sofronov The film centers on the complicated and thorny life of Ivan Pavlov, a Russian physiologist and a Nobel prize laureate who found new methods for studying the physiology of the digestive glands and animal brain functions. The film was restored at “Mosfilm” in 1976.  The authors of the film were honored the Stalin’s Prize of the USSR.  The film was awarded the Labour Premium of the International Film Festival in Czechoslovakia (1949).



1949, 99 min., b/w Biopic Directors: Gerbert Rappaport, Viktor Eisymont, screenplay: Alexander Razumovsky, camera: Anatoly Nazarov, Yevgeny Shapiro, production designer: Isaak Makhlis, misic: Yuri Kochurov, sound: Alexander Bekker Cast: Nikolai Cherkasov, Alexander Borisov, Konstantin Skorobogatov, Ilya Sudakov, Yuri Tolubeyev, Bruno Freindlikh, Leonid Vivyen Alexander Popov, professor at the field engineers’ school in Kronshtadt, together with his friend and assistant Rybkin is working on the theory of electromagnetic waves. His persistent work is crowned with success — he develops the wireless telegraphy. Radio helps to save people drifting on an ice float in the open sea. Alexander Popov and his invention find support of Dmitry Mendeleyev, Admiral Stepan Makarov and world famous scientists.  The authors of the film were honored the Stalin’s Prize of the USSR.



1949, 106 min., b/w Publicist film story Director: Fridrikh Ermler, screenplay: Leonid Trauberg, camera: Arkady Koltsaty, production designer: Nikolai Suvorov, misic: Gavriil Popov, sound: Ivan Dmitriyev

Cast: Boris Babochkin, Viktor Khokhryakov, Galina Inyutina, Yuri Tolubeyev, Nikolai Bogolyubov, Fyodor Nikitin, Boris Smirnov, Olga Aroseva, Inna Kondratyeva, Alexandra Trishko Loosely based on the play of the same title by Boris Romashov. Professor Lavrov, a disciple and a follower of Michurin is trying to dispute the theory of heredity and successfully works on breeding a new hen strain.  The authors of the film were honored the Stalin’s Prize of the USSR.



1949, 98 min., b/w Drama Director: Alexander Ivanov, screenplay: Pavel Furmansky, camera: Vladimir Rapoport, Sergei Ivanov, production designer: Semyon Malkin, misic: Venedikt Pushkov, sound: Lev Valter Cast: Anatoly Verbitsky, Alexei Pokrovsky, Irina Radchenko, Lidiya Sukharevskaya, Oleg Zhakov, Nikolai Kryuchkov, Vasily Merkuryev, Pavel Volkov Loosely based on the novel of the same title by Emmanuil Kazakevich. Headquarters of a Soviet division gets the information that the enemy is preparing a counteroffensive and is drawing up large forces to the front line. A group of scouts sent to check the information did not return. The new team of scouts named “Star” is headed by lieutenant Travkin. The group fulfills the task and on its way back runs into a Nazi detachments. Lieutenant Travkin sends one of the scouts to deliver the message to the commander and together with his comrades starts the mortal combat with the enemy. The demonstration of the scouts’ death was not in line with the post-war normative aesthetics. The film was banned and released only in 1953.

385 SCHASTLIVOGO PLAVANIYA (HAVE A GOOD VOYAGE) 1949, 85 min., b/w Melodrama Director: Nikolai Lebedev, screenplay: Alexander Popov, camera: Veniamin Levitin, production designer: Viktor Savostin, misic: Vasily Solovyov-Sedoy, Leon Khodzha-Einatov, sound: Alexander Ostrovsky Cast: Nikolai Cherkasov, Stepan Krylov, Pavel Volkov, Misha Boitsov, Igor Klimenkov, Seryozha Uspensky, Yura Zhestovsky, Vitya Tsoi, Pyotr Andriyevsky Captain Levashov, new commander of the 5th company of Nakhimov Naval College is training his students to show initiative and often turns his classes in “fullfilement of a battle task “. His advice and encouragement, his demands to observe the military discipline and his personal example help naval cadets to get prepared to their future careers of naval officers. The authors of the film were honored the Stalin’s Prize of the USSR.



1950, 122 min., color Biopic Director: Grigory Roshal, screenplay: Anna Abramova, Grigory Roshal, camera: Mikhail Magid, Lev Sokolsky, production designers: Nikolai Suvorov, Abram Veksler, music and musical editing: Dmitry Kabalevsky, sound: Arnold Shargorodsky Cast: Alexander Borisov, Nikolai Cherkasov, Vladimir Balashov, Andrei Popov, Fyodor Nikitin, Lubov Orlova, Lidiya Shtykan Working on the first opera in his father’s country estate Modest Mussorgsky sees poverty and sufferings of peasants, tyranny of landowners. The things he witnessed leave the deep trace in his soul and greatly influence the general tendency of his art.

His association with “The Mighty Five” group of composers, passionate speeches of musical critic Vladimir Stasov, meetings with artist Ilya Repin, work on operas “Boris Godunov” and “Khovanshchina” — all these episodes reveal the exceptional talent and strong personality of the composer, author of brilliant musical compositions.  The authors of the film were honored the Stalin’s Prize of the USSR.  The film was awarded the Premium for the best scenery design at the IY International Film Festival in Cannes, France (1951).



1950, 93 min., b/w. Released in 1958 Drama Directors: Alexander Zarkhi, Iosif Kheifits, Rza Abbas-Kuli Takhmasib, screenplay: Grigory Koltunov, Yevgeny Pomeshchikov, camera: Georgy Yegiazarov, production designer: Mikhail Yuferov, misic: Kara Karayev, sound: Aga Gussein Kerimov Cast: Mirza-Aga Aliyev, Marziya Davudava, Nikolai Okhlopkov, Rza Abbas-Kuli Takhmasib, Nikolai Kryuchkov Soviet oil industry workers are working hard to make Baku the foremost area of oil output.

388 SADY I PARKI LENINGRADA (PARKS AND GARDENS OF LENINGRAD) 1950, 27 min., color Topical and landscape film Director: Semyon Timoshenko, screenplay: Vissarion Sayanov, camera: Yevgeny Shapiro, sound: Alexander Ostrovsky, voice over: Ruvim Vygodsky

389 SOVETSKAYA BASHKIRIYA (SOVIET BASHKIRIYA) 1950, 45 min., color Documentary Directors: N. Solovyov, Iosif Gindin, screenplay: Anver Bikchentayev, text by: Mark Lanskoy, camera: Anatoly Nazarov, Konstantin Sobol, misic: Husain Akhmetov, Rauf Murtazin, sound: Lev Valter



1950, 39 min., color Documentary Director: Anatoly Granik, K. Posdnyakov, screenplay: Boris Yampolsky, camera: Alexander Ksenofontov, misic: Nazib Zhiganov, sound: Lev Valter, voice over: Ruvim Vygodsky

391 SOVETSKAYA UDMURTIYA (SOVIET UDMURTIYA) 1950, 39 min., color Documentary Director: Yan Frid, screenplay: Nikolai Rozhkov, text by: Semyon Nagorny, poems by: Yelena Ryvina, camera: Veniamin Levitin, misic: Orest Yevlakhov, sound: Pyotr Vitsinsky, voice over: Ruvim Vygodsky

392 ADYGEISKAYA AVTONOMNAYA OBLAST (ADYGEI AUTONOMOUS REGION) 1951, 39 min., color Documentary Directors: Vladimir Vengerov, Iosif Gindin, screenplay: Dmitry Kostanov, Mark Lanskoy, text by: Mark Lanskoy, camera: Anatoly Nazarov, Ilya Goldberg, misic: Venedikt Pushkov, sound: Alexander Ostrovsky



1951, 17 min., color Documentary Directors: Nadezhda Kosheverova, Mikhail Shapiro, screenplay: Nadezhda Kosheverova, Nikolai Lebedev, camera: Georgy Shurkin, misic: Gotfrid Gasanov, sound: Arnold Shargorodsky



1951, 102 min., b/w Biopic Director: Grigory Kozintsev, screenplay: Yuri German, Yelena Serebrovskaya, Grigory Kozintsev, camera: Andrei Moskvin, Mark Magidson, Serrgei Ivanov, production designer: Yevgeny Yeney, misic: Dmitry Shostakovich, sound: Ilya Volk Cast: Sergei Kurilov, Alexander Borisov, Georgy Vitsin, Yuri Tolubeyev, Nina Mamayeva, Mikhail Nazvanov, Boris Dmokhovsky, Vladimir Belokurov, Igor Gorbachev The film is focused on life and creative activities of Vissarion Belinsky, a Russian author and literary critic. Episodes of his work in the “Notes of Fatherland” magazine, meetings with progressive-minded Russian writers Mikhail Lermontov, Nikolai Gogol, Ivan Turgenev and Nikolai Nekrasov, his presence at the premiere of “Inspector General” at Maly Theatre and his trip to Novgorod to the exiled writer Alexander Gertsen demonstrate the strong personality of the lead character of the film, an outstanding figure in Russian culture.

395 KARELO-FINSKAYA SSR (KARELIAN-FINNISH SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLIC) 1951, 62 min., color Documentary Director: Alexander Ivanov, screenplay: Alexander Sadovsky, Alexander Ivanov, text by: Semyon Nagorny, camera: Viktor Chulkov, Alexander Ksenofontov, Vyacheslav Gordanov, Viktor Maksimovich, sound: Lev Valter, Ivan Dmitriyev, voice over: Leonid Khmara



1951, 16 min., color Landscape film Written and directed by: Semyon Timoshenko, text by: Inna Filimonova, camera: Vyacheslav Gordanov, misic: Adolf Skulte, sound: Lev Valter, Pyotr Vitsinsky


1951, 49 min., color Documentary Directors: Iosif Heifits, Semyon Derevensky, screenplay: Iosif Heifits, Ivan Voronin, camera: Yevgeny Shapiro, Alexei Sysoyev, misic: Galina Ustvolskaya, sound: Alexander Bekker, voice over: Leonid Khmara



1951, 98 min., color Drama Director: Gerbert Rappaport, screenplay: Hans Leberekht, Yuri German, camera: Sergei Ivanov, production designer: Semyon Malkin, misic: Eugen Kapp, sound: Grigory Elbert Cast: Georg Ots, Alexander Randviyr, Valentina Tern, Ilmar Tammur, Rudolf Nuude, Evi Rayer, Hugo Laur, Lembit Rayala, Ants Eskola Loosely based on the novel of the same title by Hans Leberekht dealing with the struggle for establishing the collective farm system in a post-war Estonian village.  The authors of the film were honored the Stalin’s Prize of the USSR.



1951, 41 min., color Documentary Directors: Anatoly Granik, Tamara Rodionova, screenplay: Khachim Teunov, V. Vasilenko, text by: Boris Yampolsky, camera: Sergei Ivanov, Muzakir Shurukov, misic: Leon Khodzha-Einatov, sound: Grigory Elbert, voice over: Leonid Khmara

400 SOVETSKAYA BURYAT-MONGOLIYA (SOVIET BURYAT-MONGOLIA) 1951, 59 min., color Documentary Director: Yan Frid, screenplay: Ts. Galsanov, Yefim Uchitel, text by: Semyon Nagorny, Boris Savransky, camera: Mikhail Magid, Lev Sokolsky, Alexander Zavyalov, Viktor Maksimovich, misic: Andrei Pashchenko, sound: Arnold Shargorodsky, voice over: Leonid Khmara

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1951, 39 min., color Documentary-landscape film Director: Alexander Faintsimmer, screenplay: David Dar, camera: A. Dubkov, Veniamin Levitin, Solomon Belenky, Viktor Chulkov, misic: Vladimir Deshevov, Sergey Shatiryan, sound: Ivan Dmitriyev



1952, 21 min., color Documentary-landscape picture Director: Mikhail Korotkevich, screenplay: Dmitry Snegin, Mark Lanskoy, camera: Alexander Xenofontov, text: Mark Lanskoy, sound: Grigory Elbert



1952, 181 min., b/w Drama Written and directed by: Vladimir Vengerov, camera: Yevgeny Shapiro, production designer: Semyon Malkin, sound: Alexander Bekker Cast: Nikolai Simonov, Galina Inyutina, Yelizaveta Time, Alexander Dubensky, Elizaveta Zhikhareva, Yakov Malyutin, Oleg Lebzak, Bruno Freindlich, Mikhail Yekaterininsky, Konstantin Adashevsky A screen version of the performance staged by the Leningrad State Academic Pushkin Drama Theatre, produced by Vladimir Kozhich and Antonin Dawson (based on a novel of the same title by Lev Tolstoy).

404 KONTSERT MASTEROV ISKUSSTV (A CONCERT GIVEN BY MASTERS OF ART) 1952, 90 min., color Filmed concert Directors: Alexander Ivanovsky, Herbert Rappoport, camera: Sergey Ivanov, sound: Grigory Elbert The Symphony Orchestra of the Leningrad Philharmonic Society, the State Folk Dance Company under the direction of Igor Moiseyev; Cast: Maxim Mikhailov, Nina Guselnikova, Galina Ulanova, Vladimir Preobrazhensky, Leokadia Maslennikova, Sergey Lemeshev, Sophia Preobrazhenskaya, Natalya Dudinskaya, Konstantin Sergeyev, Veronika Borisenko, Alla Shelest, Semyon Kaplan, Tatyana Vecheslova, Igor Belsky; producer: Kirill Kondrashin The picture comprising individual concert items involves prominent Moscow and Leningrad companies and masters of art.

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1952, 82 min., color Melodrama Director: Nikolai Lebedev, screenplay: Katerina Vinogradskaya, camera: Veniamin Levitin, production designer: Victor Savostin, misic: Vasily Solovyev-Sedoy, sound: Alexander Ostrovsky, Lev Valter Cast: Nadezhda Rumyantseva, Victor Sokolov, Georgy Semyonov, Vasily Merkuryev, Sergey Gurzo Loosely based on “Little Star”, a story by Ivan Vasilenko.



1952, 153 min., b/w Drama Directors: Pavel Bogolyubov, Yuri Muzykant, camera: Anatoly Nazarov, production designers: Nikolai Suvorov, Ivan Ivanov, misic: Victor Voloshinov, sound: Lev Valter Cast: Vitaly Polizeimako, Vasily Sofronov, Yelena Granovskaya, Valentina Kibardina, Nina Olkhina, Nikolai Korn, Vladislav Strzhelchik, Alexander Larikov Based on the performance staged by the Leningrad Gorky Drama Theatre; producers: Alexander Sokolov, Ivan Zonne; playwright: Boris Lavrenev. The tempestuous events of the spring and summer of 1917 in Petrograd have caused a split in the family of Bersenev, commanding officer of “Zarya” cruiser. In spite of being of noble birth, he sympathizes with the “Zarya” seamen who refuse to carry out the order of the Provisional Government to disarm the ship. Bersenev's elder daughter sides with her father...



1952, 114 min., color Drama Directors: Grigory Roshal, Gennady Kazansky, screenplay: Anna Abramova, Grigory Roshal, camera: Mikhail Magid, Lev Sokolsky, production designers: Nikolai Suvorov, Abram Veksler, misic: Yuri Sviridov, sound: Arnold Shargorodsky Cast: Grigory Belov, Nikolai Cherkasov, Alexander Borisov, Lilia Gritsenko, Victor Khokhryakov, Lilia Sukharevskaya, Alexander Ognivtsev, Yevgeny Lebedev, Sergey Kurillov, Bruno Freindlich Petersburg. Late 19th century. Composer Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov is in the prime of his creative ability. His new opera “Sadko”, turned down by the Imperial Theatre, is being staged by a private opera house owned by the renown patron of arts Savva Mamontov. The audience is greatly impressed by “Sadko”. “Sadko” is followed by the composer's masterpieces: “Mozart and Salieri”, “The Tsar's Bride”, “The Fairy Tale of Saltan the Tsar”, the fairy tale opera titled “The Golden Cockerel”.



1953, 60 min., color, stereo Filmed opera Director: Sergey Sidelev, screenplay: Anna Abramova, Grigory Roshal, camera: Anatoly Nazarov, production designers: Abram Veksler, Victor Volin, misic: Vasily Solovyev-Sedoy, sound: Arnold Shargorodsky Cast: Alexander Ognivtsev, Mark Reisen, Inna Zubkovskaya, Svyatoslav Kuznetsov, Bronislava Zlatogorova A screen version of the opera of the same title by Sergey Rakhmaninov based on “The Gipsies”, a romantic poem of the same title by Alexander Pushkin.

409 ALYOSHA PTITSYN VYRABATYVAYET KHARAKTER (ALYOSHA PTITSYN CULTIVATES WILLPOWER) 1953, 73 min., b/w Melodrama Director: Anatoly Granik, screenplay: Agnia Barto, camera: Yevgeny Shapiro, production designer: Alexei Rudyakov, misic: Oleg Karavaychuk, sound: Nikolai Kosarev Cast: Vitya Kargopoltsev, Olga Pyzhova, Valentina Sperantova, Yuri Bublikov, Tamara Alyoshina, Nadezhda Rumyantseva, Lydia Sukharevskaya At the railway terminal the grandmother of the Moscow boy Alyosha, who is in his third year at school, happened to miss her friend and her granddaughter coming to visit her. The hospitable Alyosha meets them and it takes him all day to show them the beautiful and clean Moscow, the capital's high buildings, the new metro stations, the wide avenues...



1953, 108 min., b/w Comedy Directors: Joseph Heifitz, Nadezhda Kosheverova, camera: Vladimir Levitin, Sergey Ivanov, production designer: Semyon Malkin, misic: Alexei Zhivotov, sound: Alexander Bekker Cast: Galina Korotkevich, Vladimir Petrov, Yuri Bublikov, Anatoly Kuznetsov, Vladimir Taskin, Lev Shostak, Lyudmila Ponomaryeva, Anatoly Abramov, Alexandra Trishko

A vivacious, cheerful picture based on a performance featuring the post-war life of young Soviet people staged by the Leningrad New Theatre; producer and production designer: Nikolai Akimov, playwright: Victor Gusev.



1953, 157 min., b/w Drama Director: Tamara Rodionova, camera: Yevgeny Kirpichev, Alexei Sysoyev, production designer: Bella Manevich, sound: Alexander Becker Cast: Vasily Sofronov, Yelena Granovskaya, Nikolai Korn, Valentina Kibardina, Nina Olkhina, Ivan Yefremov, Vladislav Strzhelchik, Alexander Larikov Based on the performance staged by the Leningrad Gorky Drama Theatre producer: Alexandra Rashevskaya; playwright: Maxim Gorky.



1953, 179 min., b/w Comedy Director: Gennady Kazansky, camera: Alexander Xenofontov, production designers: Victor Volin, Bella Manevich, sound: Grigory Elbert Cast: Gennady Michurin, Alla Belousova, Tamara Alyoshina, Alexander Borisov, Konstantin Kalinis, Konstantin Skorobogatov, Konstantin Adashevsky Based on the production of the Leningrad Pushkin State Academic Drama Theatre of the play by Alexander Ostrovsky directed by Vladimir Kozhich, Antonin Dawson.

413 ZVANY UZHIN (RAZBITYYE MECHTY) (THE DINNER PARTY (THE SHATTERED DREAMS) 1953, 31 min., color Satirical comedy Director: Friedrich Ermler, screenplay: Vladimir Mass, Mikhail Chervinsky, Friedrich Ermler, camera: Apollinary Dudko, production designer: Isaac Makhlis, misic: Gavriil Popov, sound: Alexander Bekker Cast: Igor Ilyinsky, Anna Lisyanskaya, Nina Mamayeva, Boris Zhukovsky What is the best and quickest way to get one's career in motion? Sure enough, by licking the bosses' boots. Thus the insignificant Pyotr Petrovich invented a birthday and invited all the management to his party. When everything is ready for the distinguished guests, the door leading from the room to the corridor happens to slam. Pyotr Petrovich is rushing about the locked room. He has no key. What's to be done? The satire turned out so stinging that the picture was not allowed on the screen until 1962, and then under a different name.



1953, 170 min., b/w Comedy Directors: Vladimir Vengerov, Semyon Timoshenko, camera: Solomon Belenky, Muzakir Shurukov, production designer: Nikolai Suvorov, sound: Arnold Shargorodsky Cast: Yelizaveta Time, Klavdia Trofimova, Vasily Merkuryev, Konstantin Kalinis, Yuri Tolubeyev, Alexander Borisov, Georgy Kulbush, Konstantin Adashevsky Based on the production of the Leningrad Pushkin State Academic Drama Theatre of the play by Alexander Ostrovsky directed by Vladimir Kozhich, Antonin Dawson.



1953, 154 min., b/w Drama Director: Jan Fried, camera: Apollinary Dudko, Alexei Sysoyev, production designer: Victor Savostin, misic: Venedict Pushkov, sound: Lev Valter Cast: Zoya Karpova, Alexander Mazayev, Valentina Kibardina, Vitaly Polizeimako, Igor Gorbachev, Yelena Granovskaya, Alexander Larikov, Yephim Kopelyan, Yelena Nikitina Based on the performance staged by the Leningrad Gorky Drama Theatre, Director: Ivan Yefremov; playwright: Konstantin Trenyev The Civil War years. A small southern town that keeps changing hands. The teacher Lyubov Yarovaya is helping the underground revolutionary committee. Unexpectedly, she meets her husband, Lieutenant Yarovoy, deemed killed in World War I...

416 MASTERA RUSSKOGO BALETA (THE RUSSIAN BALLET MASTERS) 1953, 83 min., color Filmed ballet Director: Herbert Rappaport, screenplay: Konstantin Sergeyev, camera: Sergey Ivanov, production designer: Semyon Mandel, misic: Venedict Pushkov, sound: Grigory Elbert Cast: Galina Ulanova, Natalya Dudinskaya, Konstantin Sergeyev, Maya Plisetskaya, Pyotr Gusev, Yuri Zhdanov, Igor Belsky, Vakhtang Chabukhiani The picture is a selection of theme extracts from ballets: “The Swan Lake” by Pyotr Chaikovsky, “The Bakhchisaray Fountain” and “The Paris Flames” by Boris Asafyev.  The film was awarded eight Premiums of the Classical Ballet Section at the III International Film Festival in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (1954) and the Special Grand Prix of the European Films Week in Paraguay (1954).

417 NEMAN)


1953, 86 min., color, co-production with the Lithuanian Picture Studio Drama Director: Alexander Feinzimmer, screenplay: Yuozas Baltushis, Yevgeny Gabrilovich, camera: Andrei Moskvin, production designer: Semyon Malkin, misic: Balis Dvarionas, sound: Ilya Volk Cast: Uozas Siparis, I. Lautsus, Algimantas Voschikas, Yuozas Miltinis, A. Jodkayte, Irena Leonavichute The picture features the post-war strengthening of a Lithuanian Collective Farm and the struggle against the vestiges of the past rooted in the people's minds.



1953, 111 min., b/w Dramatic satire Directors: Nikolai Akimov, Nadezhda Kosheverova, camera: Mikhail Magid, Lev Sokolsky, production designers: Nikolai Akimov, Bella Manevich, misic: Dmitry Tolstoy, sound: Ilya Volk Cast: Valentin Lebedev, Vladimir Petrov, Galina Korotkevich, Vera Budreyko, Yuri Bublikov, Anatoly Abramov A screen version of the performance by the Leningrad Lensoveta Theatre. Production and design: Nikolai Akimov, playwright: Mikhail Saltykov-Schedrin.

419 SLUGA DVUKH GOSPOD (A SERVANT TO TWO MASTERS) 1953, 108 min., b/w Comedy Director: Adolph Bergunker, camera: Alexander Xenofontov, production designers: Alexei Rudyakov, Alexei Fedotov, misic: Vladimir Deshevov, sound: Arnold Shargorodsky Cast: Ivan Palmu, Lyudmila Makarova, Boris Ryzhukhin, Lev Semyonov, Inna Yefremova, Vladislav Strzhelchik, Olga Ovcharenko, Mikhail Ivanov Based on the Leningrad Gorky Drama Theatre production. Director: Grigory Nikulin, playwright: Carlo Goldoni



1953, 4 min., color Filmed jest Director: Herbert Rappaport The picture is a screen version of the hit of the 50-s: a jest dance performed by the State Dancing Company of the USSR under the direction of Igor Moiseyev. A snoozing “fan” dreams of rushing onto a football field, becoming part of the game and employing terrific tricks to help “his” team.



1953, 84 min., color Melodrama Director: Nikolai Lebedev, screenplay: Boris Izyumsky, Leonid Zhezhelenko, camera: Veniamin Levitin, production designer: Victor Savostin, misic: Vladimir Maklakov, sound: Lev Valter Cast: Konstantin Skorobogatov, Boris Kokovkin, Gennady Michurin, Vladimir Druzhnikov, Yuri Tolubeyev, Vladimir Birtsev, Yevgeny Novikov, Lev Frichinsky, Nina Grebeshkova, Vasily Merkuryev Based on “The Scarlet Shoulder-Straps”, a story by Boris Izyumsky. Major Bakanov, the new tutor of the Suvorov Military School, had to start with sorting out the problem between the undergraduate Gennady Pashkov and his comrades. The self-indulging, self-centered Gennady was arrogant, capable of mocking a boy-and-girl friendship and letting a friend down. The teacher's experience and time alter the conduct of the young man who was giving himself airs, and by graduation time Pashkov's friends are sure that he will make a good officer.



1954, 109 min., color Melodrama Director: Joseph Heifitz, screenplay: Vsevolod Kochetov, Sokrat Kara, camera: Sergey Ivanov, production designers: Victor Volin, Victor Savostin, misic: Venedict Pushkov, sound: Arnold Shargorodsky Cast: Sergey Lukyanov, Boris Andreyev, Vera Kuznetsova, Alexei Batalov, Sergey Kurillov, Yelena Dobronravova, Nikolai Sergeyev, Pavel Kadochnikov, Nikolai Gritsenko Based on “The Zhurbins”, a novel by Vsevolod Kochetov. Young Alexei Zhurbin, his father Ilya, his grandfather Matvey, his brothers Anton and Victor, his girlfriend Katya, the old craftsman Basmanov who is a family friend — all of them are unique and original. The old people's friendship and the young love evoke feeling and sympathy. The spectators are moved by the trials encountered by Alexei and Katya in their private life, by Victor's wife Lida leaving the Zhurbin family, by the sincere and touching intention of the old craftsman Ilya to master the basics of algebra...

 The film got the Honorary Diploma of the International Film Week in Mexico (1955).  The cast of the film was awarded the Premium for the Best Actors’ Work at the YIII International Film Festival in Cannes, France (1955).



1954, 123 min., color, co-production with “Bulgarfilm” Filmed historical epic Director: Sergey Vasilyev, screenplay: Arkady Perventsev, camera: Mikhail Kirillov, production designers: Mikhail Bogdanov, Gennady Myasnikov, R. Popov, misic: Nikolai Kryukov, Philip Kutev, sound: Alexander Babiy, Boris Antonov, K. Shopov Cast: Ivan Pereverzev, Victor Avdyushko, Georgy Yumatov, Konstantin Sorokin, Petko Karlukovsky, Apostol Karamitev, Stefan Peychev, Zheni Bozhinova, Katya Chukova, Yevgeny Samoylov, Sergey Papov The 1870-s. The Bulgarian patriots have risen against the centuries of Turkish rule. Russia comes to the aid of her Slavic brothers. The Russian soldiers and the Bulgarian volunteers are fighting side by side. Just as the friendship of characters grew in battle, so did the friendship of the film crews of the two countries grow in working on the picture, giving birth to the Bulgarian film industry.  The film was awarded the Premium for the Best Film Director’s Work at the YIII International Film Festival in Cannes, France (1955).



1954, 83 min., color Comedy Written and directed by: Semyon Timoshenko, camera: Yevgeny Shapiro, production designer: Semyon Malkin, misic: Isaac Dunayevsky, sound: Grigory Elbert Cast: Georgy Vitsin, Vsevolod Kuznetsov, Pavel Kadochnikov, Tatyana Konyukhova, Valentina Ushakova, Mark Bernes, Vladimir Belokurov With the decisive Cup Finals game coming up, the best “Blue Arrows” football team player Sasha Vesnushkin makes a requirement to consolidate the team with “star” players of other teams. He has no faith in the ability of his comrades. The coach replaces Sasha with his brother Vasya, the “Blue Arrows” reserve player and champion, whom he has given some good schooling.



1954, 58 min., b/w Melodrama Director: Tamara Rodionova, screenplay: Sergey Antonov, camera: Alexander Xenofontov, Yevgeny Kirpichev, misic: Nadezhda Simonyan, sound: Nikolai Kosarev Cast: Boris Ryzhukhin, Arina Bedrintseva, Natalya Rashevskaya, Seryezha Podmasteryev, Pyotr Lobanov, Edward Bredun Petya Ivanov, a schoolboy, gets a letter from a prominent scientist, containing 20 seeds of the extremely productive wheat of a new grade. Petya and his school friends decide to establish a trial plot. Apprehensive of the grown-ups taking away their seeds, the kids do everything in secrecy...



1954, 88 min., b/w Adventure Directors: Vladimir Vengerov, Mikhail Schweizer, screenplay: Anatoly Rybakov, Innokenty Gomello, camera: Veniamin Levitin, production designers: Alexei Rudyakov, Alexei Fedotov, misic: Boris Arapov, sound: Lev Valter

Cast: Arkady Tolbuzin, Bruno Freindlich, Volodya Shakhmametyev, Borya Arakelov, Nina Krachkovskaya, Natalya Rashevskaya, Sergey Filippov Based on a novel of the same title by Anatoly Rybakov. Two boys, Misha and Genka, are helping Commissar Polevoy trace Nikitsky, leader of the White bandit gang; years ago, in front of the seamen, Nikitsky killed a naval officer and wanted to take his antique dirk, but Polevoy kept the blade. All this time Nikolsky, who only got the sheath, has been after the dirk. The boys find out that the dirk is connected with an ancient mystery which can be revealed only with the dirk sheathed. Finally, Nikitsky is seized, and the sheath recovered.

427 UKROTITELNITSA TIGROV (THE LADY TAMER OF| TIGERS) 1954, 101 min., color Comedy Directors: Alexander Ivanovsky, Nadezhda Kosheverova, screenplay: Klementy Mintz, Yevgeny Pomeschikov, camera: Apollinary Dudko, production designers: Abram Veksler, Semyon Mandel, misic: Mikhail Weinberg, sound: Alexander Bekker Cast: Lyudmila Kasatkina, Pavel Kadochnikov, Leonid Bykov, Pavel Sukhanov, Konstantin Sorokin, Nina Urgant, Boris Eder, Tatyana Peltser The famous motor racer Yermolayev accepts the invitation of the circus director and puts together an impressive stunt — a motorcycle jump performed under the circus dome. Behind stage he meets the modest circus employee Lena who dreams of the glittering, picturesque art of the circus. She becomes Yermolayev's assistant. About to leave on a long tour, Lena gets a chance to make her long-time dream come true and work with tigers. Yermolayev, in love with Lena, leaves without her. Time passes. Yermolayev has a new assistant. Lena becomes a tamer of tigers, and the night of her debut comes...  The film was awarded the Diploma of the II International Film Festival in Darban, Republic of South Africa (1955).



1955, 30 min., b/w Satirical comedy Written and directed by: Nikolai Lebedev, camera: Vitaly Chulkov, production designer: Mikhail Krotkin, misic: Anatoly Vladimirtsev, Georgy Nosov, sound: Anna Volokhova Cast: Gleb Selyanin, Muza Krepkogorskaya, Vasily Merkuryev The picture mocks the Collective Farm Chairman putting obstacles in the way of amateur talent activities.



1955, 98 min., color Adventure Director: Vladimir Vengerov, screenplay: Veniamin Kaverin, Yevgeny Gabrilovich, camera: Apollinary Dudko, production designer: David Vinitsky, misic: Oleg Karavaychuk, sound: Yevgeny Nesterov Cast: Alexander Mikhailov, Olga Zabotkina, Anatoly Adoskin, Yevgeny Lebedev, Borya Belyayev, Lyuda Bezuglaya, Borya Arakelov, Inna Kondratyeva, Leonid Gallis, Tatyana Peltser, Bruno Freindlich A screen version of a novel of the same title by Veniamin Kaverin. Sanya Grigoryev, a teenage boy from the town of Ensk, comes across a dead postman's bag containing a package of letters recounting the tragic end of Captain Tatarinov's Arctic expedition. He goes to Leningrad and enters the school where Katya, the Arctic explorer's daughter, is a student, telling her

about the letters. The love for Katya and the letters of her father are behind Sanya's firm decision to become an Arctic pilot and find the trace of the vanished expedition. The war-time hardships, the treachery of a school friend and the slander of Captain Tatarinov's brother who had destroyed the expedition complicate the search which Sanya relentlessly pursues.  The film was awarded the Diploma for the Film Director’s Work at the International Children Film Festival in Belgrade, Yugoslavia (1956).



1955, 90 min., color Comedy Written and directed by: Jan Fried, camera: Yevgeny Shapiro, production designer: Semyon Malkin, misic: Alexei Zhivotov, sound: Boris Khutoryansky Cast: Clara Luchko, Alla Larionova, Vadim Medvedev, Mikhail Yanshin, Georgy Vitsin, Vasily Merkuryev, Bruno Freindlich, Sergey Filippov A screen version of a comedy of the same title by William Shakespeare.



1955, 97 min., b/w Filmed stage performance Director: Gennady Kazansky, camera: Vitaly Chulkov, production designer: Ivan Ivanov, misic: Dmitry Tolstoy, sound: Anna Volokhova Cast: Alexander Gultsen, Vladimir Taskin, Pavel Pankov, Yuri Bublikov, N. Lukinov, Galina Korotkevich, Dmitry Bessonov, Vsevolod Kuznetsov Based on the play of the same title by Alexander Sukhovo-Kobylin staged at the Lensoveta Drama Theatre, produced and designed by Nikolai Akimov.



1955, 103 min., color Melodrama Director: Joseph Heifitz, screenplay: Yuri German, Joseph Heifitz, camera: Mikhail Magid, Lev Sokolsky, production designers: Isaac Kaplan, Bella Manevich, misic: Venedict Pushkov, sound: Arnold Shargorodsky Cast: Alexei Batalov, Ninel Podgornaya, Sergey Lukyanov, Gennady Yukhtin, Vladimir Lepko, Yevgeny Leonov, Nikolai Kryuchkov, Victor Chekmaryev, Ants Eskola, Pyotr Lobanov The long distance trucker Sasha Rumyantsev unintentionally becomes an accomplice to a crime committed by the manager of his trucking company. The honest guy is accused of stealing a truckload of goods in scarce supply. Together, the employees of the trucking company rise to the defense of their friend, helping the investigator Colonel Afanasyev find and expose the real criminals.  The film was awarded the Prize for the Creation of a New Personality Image at the IX International Film Festival in Czechoslovakia (1956).



1955, 94 min., b/w Comedy Director: Anatoly Granik, screenplay: Ivan Stadnyuk, camera: Dmitry Meskhiyev, production designer: Victor Savostin, misic: Vasily Solovyev-Sedoy, sound: Nikolai Kosarev Cast: Leonid Bykov, Alexander Borisov, Lyudmila Kostyrko, Nikolai Yakovchenko, Georgy Vitsin, Konstantin Sorokin A merry, witty comedy about a mischievous guy from a Ukrainian village being drafted into the Army, to become a smart, disciplined soldier.

434 MIKHAYLO LOMONOSOV (MIKHAYLO LOMONOSOV) 1955, 104 min., color Biopic Director: Alexander Ivanov, screenplay: Leonid Rakhmanov, camera: Mikhail Magid, Lev Sokolsky, production designer: Nikolai Suvorov, misic: Venedict Pushkov, sound: Yevgeny Nesterov Cast: Boris Livanov, Asta Vihandi, Ants Eskola, Janis Osis, Vladimir Soshalsky, Alexei Konsovsky, Vladimir Belokurov The picture features the great Russian scientist Mikhail Lomonosov. After several years of studying in Germany Lomonosov returns to his motherland to embark on the years of persistent struggle to establish the native Russian science, to found centers of true science in St. Petersburg and Moscow, and to start the Moscow University.

435 STORY)


1955, 100 min., color Melodrama Director: Friedrich Ermler, screenplay: Konstantin Isayev, camera: Anatoly Nazarov, production designers: Isaac Kaplan, Bella Manevich, misic: Gavriil Popov, sound: Alexander Bekker Cast: Elina Bystritskaya, Sergey Bondarchuk, Sophia Giatsyntova, Yevgeny Samoylov, Yevgeny Lebedev, Alexander Larikov, Yuri Tolubeyev, Erast Garin The local doctor Yelizaveta Maximovna sees and restores to health lots and lots of patients. The talented shipbuilder Yershov afflicted by the misfortune of leg paralysis proves to be the most “difficult” one yet. Consistently trying out various treatment courses she strives to help Yershov, who falls in love with his physician. Yershov's mother and Doctor Aganin, who is in love with Yelizaveta Maximovna, put obstacles in the path of their happiness...



1955, 102 min., color Melodrama Director: Alexander Feinzimmer, screenplay: Yevgeny Gabrilovich, camera: Andrei Moskvin, production designer: Yevgeny Yeney, misic: Dmitry Shostakovich, sound: Ilya Volk Cast: Oleg Strizhenov, Marina Strizhenova, Nikolai Simonov, Vladimir Etush, Vadim Medvedev, Vladimir Chestnokov, Ruben Simonov Loosely based on a novel of the same title by Ethel Lillian Voynich. The picture is set in Italy in the 1930-s. Young Arthur falls prey to the treachery of his confessor, who, from his confession, learned of the existence of the “Young Italy” secret society and reported it to the Austrian gendarmes. Arthur's friends condemn him as a traitor. At the same time Arthur finds out that the priest Montanelli, his spiritual instructor whom he used to worship as a pillar of honesty and infallibility, has broken his vow of celibacy and is in fact his father. Arthur vanishes... Thirteen years go by; the Italian national movement for freedom is championed by the brave and resolute revolutionary going by the name of Rivarez, who comes up with a publication denouncing the reactionary government and Catholic clergy...



1955, 82 min., color Adventure

Director: Adolph Bergunker, screenplay: Georgy Bryantsev, camera: Veniamin Levitin, production designer: Alexei Fedotov, misic: Orest Yevlakhov, sound: Arnold Shargorodsky Cast: Vladimir Krasnopolsky, Vladimir Gusev, Yevgenia Tan, Pavel Reshetnikov, Konstantin Adashevsky, Oleg Zhakov The picture features the post-war fight of the Soviet people against saboteurs and spies. The leader of a geological party is killed in the taiga. A team flies out from Moscow to begin the search for the assassin. During the chase, their Yakut hunter guide, who discovered a strange trail in the taiga, finds his death. The situation becomes even more complicated...



1955, 94 min., b/w Melodrama Director: Herbert Rappaport, screenplay: Hans Lebreht, camera: Sergey Ivanov, production designer: Victor Volin, misic: Eugene Kapp, sound: Grigory Elbert Cast: Ann Adusson, Ants Lauter, Ita Ever, Hugo Laur, R. Peramets, K. Vaha, Rudolf Nuude, Kalje Kijsk, Yuri Jarvet A screen version of “The Captains”, a novel by Hans Lebreht.



1955, 89 min., b/w Melodrama Directors: Andrei Apsolon, Boris Dmokhovsky, screenplay: Leonid Lyubashevsky, camera: Heinrich Marandzhyan, production designers: Abram Veksler, Nikolai Suvorov, misic: Yephim Sirotkin, Dmitry Tolstoy, sound: Grigory Elbert Cast: Tatyana Lennikova, Pavel Kadochnikov, Boris Smirnov, Yekaterina Aleksandrovskaya, Konstantin Skorobogatov, Yevgeny Lebedev, Gennady Michurin, Nikolai Trofimov, Tamara Alyoshina A screen version of a play of the same title by Alexander Ostrovsky.



1955, 89 min., b/w Melodrama Director: Mikhail Schweizer, screenplay by: Vladimir Tendryakov based on his novel “Ill Suited”, camera: Vyacheslav Fastovich, production designer: Nikolai Suvorov, misic: Andrei Paschenko, sound: Lev Valter Cast: Nikolai Rybnikov, Nonna Mordyukova, Nikolai Segeyev, Yelena Maximova, Stepan Krylov, Lyubov Malinovskaya, Leonid Kmit The tractor driver Fyodor enters the narrow, stuffy little world of the Ryashkin family with its longtime rigid life standards. Having married their handsome daughter Stesha, he wants to bring sounds of modern life into their stagnant world. Encountering resolute opposition of the Ryashkins and Stesha's doubts, Fyodor leaves his wife. Truly loving her husband and continuing to love her parents, the young woman is faced with the question, what's to be done?


Directors: Joseph Gindin, Isaac Menaker, screenplay: Nina Gernet, Grigory Jagtfeldt, camera: Konstantin Sobol, production designer: Alexei Rudyakov, misic: Galina Ustvolskaya, sound: Irina Chernyakhovskaya Cast: Yelena Granovskaya, Yephim Teterin, Natasha Polinkovskaya, Natasha Zabavnaya, Zoya Fyodorova, Lyonya Lvov, Lyudmila Makarova Mitya's father, a long distance sailor, has sent him a gift of a large egg. Shortly a baby crocodile popped out of the egg. What's to be done with it? Thus started the exceptional adventures of Mitya and his young friends at home, in the school minizoo, and outdoors, when the baby, — still, a crocodile baby! — crawled out, having escaped from the bathtub.



1956, 90 min., b/w Melodrama Director: Jan Fried, screenplay: Sergey Gerasimov, camera: Veniamin Levitin, production designer: Mikhail Krotkin, misic: Jan Frenkel, sound: Arnold Shargorodsky Cast: Tamara Makarova, Alexander Borisov, Oleg Zhakov, Nina Zorskaya, Vera Pashennaya, Alla Larionova, Lyudmila Gurchenko, Nina Drobysheva The picture features the life story of an ordinary Moscow working woman who becomes a people's judge. Different life stories come before her eyes. She encounters human dramas and misunderstandings, swindle and deceit. All the while, she has her own problems. Her children have grown up. She is in love with a married man, and the emotion is reciprocated. Whereas people expect her to administer justice...



1956, 103 min., color Melodrama Director: Mikhail Shapiro, screenplay: Daniil Granin, Leonid Zhezhelenko, based on a novel of the same title by Daniil Granin, camera: Sergey Ivanov, production designer: Victor Volin, misic: Nikolai Chervinsky, sound: Arnold Shargorodsky Cast: Yevgeny Matveyev, Igor Gorbachev, Marina Yuryeva, Maya Blinova, Nina Mamayeva Engineer Lobanov, Cand. Sc., is working on the design of a detector, a remote control instrument for locating damaged electrical cables. Wishing to be closer to the practical use of his instrument, he leaves his research institute for a production company, to start his activities with restructuring his Department, where Lebedev's new approach and creative plans find support. Yet, the trouble-making Assistant Head of the Department is out to obstruct the work on the detector. Lobanov's urgency and persistence, his team's support, and his confidence in the need for the detector lead the inventor to victory.



1956, 98 min., color Melodrama Director: Nikolai Rozantsev, screenplay: Budimir Metalnikov, camera: Sergey Ivanov, production designer: Victor Volin, misic: Oleg Karavaychuk, sound: Vladimir Yakovlev Cast: Dmitry Pavlov, Ivan Dmitriyev, Galina Vodyanitskaya, Lydia Smirnova, Boris Kokovkin, Yelena Karyakina The new Collective Farm Chairman Frolov comes to the village of Krutiye Gorki, where he used to live. In the process of taking over from the former Chairman Gorelov he reveals a series of unlawful transactions. Gorelov regards this as revenge, since his wife Anna is Gorelov's old love. Gorelov is taken into custody and convicted.

While setting things going in his native village, Frolov is unable to forget Anna. His love for Anna blazes anew. Having served his time, Gorelov returns to take his wife and son away from the Collective Farm. Anna faces a difficult choice.



1956, 93 min., color Melodrama Director: Nadezhda Kosheverova, screenplay: Klementy Minz, Yevgeny Pomeschikov, camera: Anatoly Nazarov, production designers: Abram Veksler, Semyon Mandel, misic: Mikhail Weinberg, sound: Alexander Bekker Cast: Lyudmila Kasatkina, Pavel Kadochnikov, Tatyana Pankova, Pavel Sukhanov, Zoya Fyodorova, Sergey Filippov, Tatyana Peltser The Leningrad-born Tatyana Odintsova, graduate of a medical institute, dreams of working nowhere but in her native city. This is her reason for marrying the engineer Alexei Rybalchenko. But Alexei consents to go to a bridge construction site in Siberia and demands that his wife come with him. The unsettled rural life is beyond any expectations Lyudmila might have had. Shortly the construction site gets its first patients, and there is a need to arrange medical care. Gradually, helping people, Lyudmila is drawn into her work. Also her relationship with Alexei, all but severed due to the uncompromising personalities of the newlyweds, straightens out.



1956, 87 min., b/w Melodrama Directors: Grigory Nikulin, Vladimir Shredel, screenplay by: Irina Kokoreva based on Anton Chekhov’s story of the same title, camera: Vladimir Korotkov, Georgy Kalatozov, production designers: Semyon Malkin, Alexei Fedotov, misic: Alexander Manevich, sound: Vladimir Yakovlev Cast: Tatyana Piletskaya, Yuri Puzyriov, Oleg Basilashvili, Olga Kaziko, Roza Sverdlova, Fyodor Nikitin



1956, 102 min., b/w Drama Directors: Maxim Ruf, Alexander Muzil, camera: Anatoly Nazarov, production designer: Mikhail Krotkin, misic: Boris Kluzner, sound: Alexander Bekker Cast: Konstantin Skorobogatov, Olga Lebzak, Alexander Borisov, Tamara Alyoshina, Anna Yefimova, Alexander Sokolov, Anna Lisyanskaya, Yelena Karyakina A screen version of the play by Boris Gorbatov staged by the Leningrad Pushkin Drama Theatre. 1942. Fighting is in progress in the outskirts of a small town. Trying to escape from the fascist invaders besieging the town, its residents are hastily leaving. Only the inhabitants of the old worker Bogatyriov's house are in no hurry to get out. His younger daughter is staying on assignment of the partisans. His daughter-in-law has a sick child. The man of the house cannot abandon his family, nor does he believe that the town will surrender. One of his tenants is willing to serve the fascists and is expecting them; the other is using the havoc to rob a store. Thus, over a single night, the personalities and the true natures of the characters are revealed... The fascists failed to seize the town, after all.



1956, 85 min., color Comedy

Directors: Semyon Derevyansky, Raphail Suslovich, screenplay: Vladimir Polyakov, camera: Vladimir Burykin, Konstantin Ryzhov, production designer: Boris Burmistrov, misic: Vasily Solovyev-Sedoy, sound: Anna Volokhova Cast: Georgy Vitsin, Inna Kmit, Lydia Sukharevskaya, Tamara Nosova, Alexander Shirvindt, Igor Dmitriyev, Yevgeny Lebedev, Konstantin Sorokin The shy, nice Kostya Kanareykin who works in a Zoo saw the portrait of the sportswoman Olya Tsvetkova on the cover of the “Ogonyok” magazine and fell in love with her. They begin exchanging letters. Instead of the picture of his friend Kanareykin, the photographer sends Olya one of the handsome actor Ukhov. Olya comes to Kostya's city, and misunderstandings start to occur right away. Towards the end everything is sorted out, and Kostya makes his declaration to Olya.

449 PRIKLYUCHENYA ARTYOMKI (ARTYOMKA'S ADVENTURES) 1956, 80 min., color Melodrama Director: Andrei Apsolon, screenplay: Leonid Solovyev (based on “Artyomka in the Circus”, a story by Ivan Vasilenko), camera: Dmitry Meskhiyev, production designer: Semyon Malkin, misic: Venedict Pushkov, sound: Lev Valter Cast: Borya Alexandrov, Tito Romalio, Sergey Plotnikov, Pyotr Savin, Mikhail Troyanovsky, Leonid Gallis, Vitaly Polizeimako, Oleg Zhakov, Tamara Alyoshina A seaside southern town. The fatherless and motherless thirteen-year-old Artyomka was crazy about the circus. He used to spend all the time there; it was the place of work of his friends: the clown Kubyshka, his daughter, the circus equestrienne Lyasya, and the Negro wrestler Peps. Artyomka happened to help the revolutionaries hide some print in the circus, but the gendarmes traced the boy. Learning about this, the circus owner fired his friends, and they leave the town.



1956, 29 min., b/w, wide screen Experiment Director: Joseph Shapiro, screenplay: Mark Lanskoy, camera: Alexander Xenofontov, production designer: Ivan Ivanov, misic: Anatoly Vladimirtsev, sound: Ilya Volk Cast: D. Milchakov, Maryana Safonova, Rem Lebedev, Yevgeny Vesnik, Masters of Sports V. Zhdanov and A. Tarasov A short experimental picture, the shooting of which served to put to the test the possibilities of anamorphed optics, i.e. those of the wide screen. The picture is comprised of fragments of a pentathlon competition incorporated into a plot. The picture casts both Masters of Sports and actors.



1956, 106 min., b/w Drama Director: Alexander Ivanov, screenplay: Victor Nekrasov (based on his story “In the Stalingrad Trenches”), camera: Vyacheslav Fastovich, production designer: Nikolai Suvorov, misic: Oleg Karavaychuk, sound: Yevgeny Nesterov Cast: Vsevolod Safonov, Innokenty Smoktunovsky, Tamara Loginova, Leonid Kmit, Nikolai Pogodin, Lyudmila Markeliya, Yuri Solovyev, Yevgeny Teterin June, 1942. New army units are being formed in Stalingrad to defend the city. The characters of the picture, who have retreated to the Volga with the Red Army, join them. The battle for Stalingrad begins. The battle scenes and those of the brief respites reveal the personalities of the skilled Battalion Commander Kerzhentsev, the outwardly clumsy “civilian” Lieutenant Farber, the smart short-spoken Valega, the heartless career-conscious captain Abrosimov, the valiant Platoon Leader Karnaukhov, the dashing sailor scout Chumak, the Army doctor Lyusya...

452 SOPHIA KOVALEVSKAYA (SOPHIA KOVALEVSKAYA) 1956, 100 min., b/w Melodrama Director: Joseph Shapiro, camera: Yevgeny Kirpichev, production designer: Ivan Ivanov, misic: Leonid Peskov, sound: Nikolai Kosarev Cast: Yelena Junger, Lev Kolesov, Tatyana Sezenevskaya, Vladimir Uskov, Bruno Freindlich, Olga Volkova, Pavel Sukhanov A screen version of the performance of the same title staged by the Leningrad State Comedy Theatre based on a the play by the Tur brothers (pen-name adopted by the playwrights Pyotr Ryzhey and Leonid Tubelsky) featuring the life story of the remarkable Russian scientist Sophia Kovalevskaya, the world first female professor of mathematics.

453 STARIK KHOTTABYCH (THE OLD MAN KHOTTABYCH) 1956, 86 min., color Adventure Director: Gennady Kazansky, screenplay: Lazar Lagin (based on his novel of the same title), camera: Muzakir Shurukov, production designers: Isaac Kaplan, Bella Manevich, misic: Nadezhda Simonyan, sound: Grigory Elbert Cast: Nikolai Volkov Sr., Alyosha Litvinov, Gena Khudyakov, Lyova Kovalchuk, Maya Blinova, Yephim Kopelyan, Alexander Larikov Taking a swim in the Moskva River, the schoolboy Volka Kostylkov finds an ancient clay vessel on its bottom. Opened by Volka, the vessel released the Jinn Gassan Abdurakhman ibn Khottab. In appreciation of his newly found freedom the Jinn, to whom Volka attributes the name of Khottabych, grants his rescuer his wishes. Strange happenings begin to occur in Moscow...  The film was awarded the Encouraging Premium of the International Film Festival in Vancouver, Canada (1958) and the Honorary Diploma of the 1st International Children Film Festival in Poland (1971).



1957, 94 min., color Revolutionary history Director: Jan Fried, screenplay: Alexei Zinovyev, camera: Veniamin Levitin, production designer: Alexei Rudyakov, misic: Gavriil Popov, sound: Vladimir Yakovlev Cast: Joseph Kutyansky, Pavel Kadochnikov, Alexander Borisov, Vladislav Strzhelchik, Yephim Kopelyan, Leonid Kmit The picture features the fight of the Baltic Fleet sailors for the revolutionary Petrograd in the fall of 1917 and is focused on the life stories of a seaman and a marine officer joining the ranks of the fighters for the revolution.

455 SONG)


1957, 76 min., b/w Drama Director: Matvey Volodarsky, screenplay: Andrei Leontyev (based on a short story by Victor Avdeyev), camera: Vyacheslav Fastovich, production designer: Ivan Ivanov, misic: Jan Frenkel, sound: Lev Valter Cast: Fyodor Shmakov, Galina Karelina, Arkady Trusov, Nina Drobysheva 1920. The Red Army units drive the Whites out of a Kuban village. The wounded Red Army soldier Yusalov opens a music school in the village. The sound of the revolutionary songs carries far beyond

the structure housing the school, firing the hate of the rich villagers. Luring Yusalov to the boggy riverside, they kill the soldier... After many years, the village gets a new music school bearing Yusalov's name.



1957, 83 min., b/w Drama Directors: Yuri Muzykant, S. Selector, screenplay: Sergey Voronin, camera: Yevgeny Kirpichev, production designer: Ivan Ivanov, misic: Vasily SolovyevSedoy, sound: Anna Volokhova Cast: Julian Panich, Galina Karelina, Mikhail Ivanov, Nikolai Kryuchkov, Yuri Solovyev, Arkady Trusov The young Collective Farm Chairman Roman Baklanov, an honest man of principle, erred. Giving in to the persistent badgering of his favorite wife and her parents, Roman agreed to rescue his father-in-law, a driver who squandered in drink some hay belonging to the Collective Farm. Having once stumbled, Roman either voluntarily or involuntarily becomes responsible for more crimes. Realizing that his indecisiveness is being used by dishonest persons, Roman keenly takes the situation to heart. Not before the swindlers demand his immediate participation in their obscure doings does Roman summon the effort to confess his faults.



1957, 100 min., color, wide screen Drama Director: Grigory Kozintsev, screenplay: Yevgeny Schwarz, camera: Andrei Moskvin, Apollinary Dudko, production designer: Yevgeny Yeney, misic: Kara Karayev, sound: Ilya Volk Cast: Nikolai Cherkasov, Yuri Tolubeyev, Seraphima Birman, Svetlana Grigoryeva, Tamila Agamirova, Georgy Vitsin, Bruno Freindlich, Lydia Vertinskaya Loosely based on a novel of the same title by Miguel de Cervantes.  The film was awarded the “Femina du Cinema” Prize and the Honorary Diploma of the International Film Festival in Brussels, Belgium (1958); the Honorary Certificate of the 1st International Film Festival in Vancouver, Canada (1958); the Premium for the Best Actor’s Work of the International Film Festival in Stratford, Canada (1958); the Honorary Diploma of the XII International Film Festival in San Sebastiano, Spain (1964); the Special Premium and the Diploma of the Jury of the National Cinema Club Federation at the XII International Film Festival in San Sebastiano, Spain (1964).



1957, 96 min., b/w Comedy Director: Joseph Shapiro, screenplay: Vladimir Chestnokov, Joseph Shapiro, camera: Apollinary Dudko, production designer: Yevgeny Yeney, misic: Yuri Sviridov, sound: Arnold Shargorodsky Cast: Vladimir Chestnokov, Olga Zabotkina, Fyodor Nikitin, Nikolai Boyarsky, Natalya Dudinskaya Based on a play by the French playwrights Philip Dumanoire and Adolph Philip Dennery staged by Vladimir Kozhich at the Leningrad Pushkin Academic Drama Theatre. The street dancer Maritana has captured the heart of Carl II, King of Spain. Minister Jose, enamored of the Queen, wants to make use of this. But Maritana loves the brave and charming Don Cezar of the impoverished ancient family of de Bazans. Following a chain of artfully stringed critical situations vice is punished, and virtue triumphs.



1957, 99 min., b/w

Biopic Director: Mazhit Begalin, screenplay: Sergey Yermolinsky, Mikhail Bleiman, camera: Solomon Rubashkin, production designer: Igor Vuskovich, misic: Yevgeny Brusilovsky, sound: Arnold Shargorodsky Cast: Nurmukhan Zhanturin, Yeleubay Umurzakov, Kalibek Kuanyshpayev, Kurmanbek Dzhandarbekov, Gennady Michurin, Pyotr Chernov The picture features the life story of the famous 19th century enlightener, the son of the Kazakh people Chokan Valikhanov, an ethnographer and a famous traveller.

460 NA OSTROVE DALNEM... (ON A FARAWAY ISLAND...) 1957, 96 min., b/w Drama Director: Nikolai Rozantsev, screenplay: Vladimir Sutyrin (based on Alexander Borschagovsky’s story “Missing”), camera: Konstantin Ryzhov, production designer: Boris Burmistrov, misic: Oleg Karavaychuk, sound: Grigory Elbert Cast: Nikolai Timofeyev, Lev Frichinsky, Raisa Kurkina, Pyotr Savin, K. Polyakov, Alexander Sokolov, Georgy Zhzhenov Pursued by ships and aircraft, the search for the sailors swept out into the ocean by the storm lasted close to three months. For close to three months the “Baklan” crew put up a courageous fight with the elements. Finally, when those on land lost all hope of ever seeing their family and friends again, the small tugboat slowly approached the pear.



1957, 80 min., b/w Melodrama Director: Nikolai Lebedev, screenplay: Yevgeny Mitko, camera: Vitaly Chulkov, production designer: Alexander Black, misic: Vladimir Maklakov, sound: Boris Khutoryansky Cast: V. Zharikov, Nina Drobysheva, Mikhail Yekaterininsky, Yuri Sorokin, V. Geraskin, Andrei Kostrichkin After the death of his father the stepmother of the teenage boy Victor Tsaplin, suspecting him of stealing a watch, sent him to an Odessa orphanage. The kids gave the newcomer an unfriendly welcome, and when one of the staff announced that his ancient watch was missing, the blame was laid on Victor. Entering a marine school and sailing with tipsy fishermen, Victor smashes the motorboat. He is dismissed from the school. Deciding to start anew in a different place, Victor leaves for the Kamchatka to work as a stoker.

462 PODDUBENSKIYE CHASTUSHKI (THE PODDUBKI LIMERICKS) 1957, 82 min., color Musical comedy Director: Herbert Rappaport, camera: Mikhail Magid, Lev Sokolsky, production designer: Victor Volin, sound: Yevgeny Nesterov Cast: Leopold Stepanov, Yelena Rokotova, Svetlana Karpinskaya, Mikhail Mudrov, R. Suvorova, Galina Mochalova, Sergey Kokovkin The picture is based on the short story of the same title by Sergey Antonov staged by the Drama Studio of the Leningrad Kirov Palace of Culture; producers: Oscar Remez, Lev Shostak. The village of Poddubki in the vicinity of Moscow is populated by merry, vivacious young people who work there. The village is widely famous for its limericks: mischievous and lyrical, thoughtful and melancholy, provocative and sharp, they can be heard everywhere from early morning well into the night. Whoever is the author?



1957, 94 min., b/w Melodrama Director: Adolph Bergunker, screenplay: Yelena Katerli, Israel Metter, camera: Semyon Ivanov, production designer: Victor Savostin, misic: Orest Yevlakhov, sound: Boris Antonov Cast: Leonid Bykov, Innokenty Smoktunovsky, Clara Luchko, Georgy Yumatov, Nikolai Rybnikov, Oleg Yefremov, Nina Doroshina, Boris Chirkov Having familiarized himself with the situation at the factory, the new factory newspaper editor Andrei recognizes that the image of handsome Milovidov, a famous turner, is being upheld by the special working environment custom-made for him. Thus, as soon as the new important order calls for a switch from his accustomed technology, Milovidov is quick to turn it down. Self-loving and career-conscious, he also breaks with the girl who fell in love with him. How will the lives of the characters proceed?



1957, 85 min., b/w Drama Written and directed by: Grigory Nikulin, camera: Dmitry Meskhiyev, production designer: Boris Burmistrov, misic: Alexander Manevich, sound: Grigory Elbert Cast: Mikhail Troyanovsky, Vitaly Polizeimako, Nikolai Korn, Anna Lisyanskaya, Olga Kaziko, Nina Urgant Based on a play by Mikhail Saltykov-Schedrin staged by the Leningrad Gorky Drama Theatre; producer: Grigory Nikulin. The rich merchant Ivan Pazukhin dies. Waiting for him to die, his family and hangers-on start a primitive struggle over the inheritance...



1957, 90 min., b/w Drama Director: Tamara Rodionova, screenplay: Sokrat Kara (based on Part 1 of the novel of the same title by Vasily Grossman), camera: Heinrich Marandzhyan, production designer: Igor Vuskovich, misic: Nadezhda Simonyan, sound: Nikolai Kosyrev Cast: Seryezha Podmasteryev, Nina Mamayeva, Julian Panich, Lyudmila Makarova, Nina Nikitina, Nikolai Timofeyev, Arkady Trusov



1957, 30 min., color Melodrama Director: Vladimir Bychkov, screenplay: Vladimir Bychkov, Yuri Printsev, camera: Valentin Zheleznyakov, Oleg Luchinin, production designer: Leonid Platov, misic: Alexander Manevich, sound: Nikolai Kosarev Cast: Sasha Trusov, Vitya Perevalov, Konstantin Adashevsky The picture features the adventures of two kids looking for the person who left his notebook in a telephone booth.


Director: Sergey Sidelev, screenplay: Leonid Karasyev, camera: Sergey Ivanov, production designer: Victor Savostin, misic: Nadezhda Simonyan, sound: Irina Chernyakhovskaya Cast: Leonid Kharitonov, Vsevolod Larionov, Georgy Chernovolenko, Yakov Rodos, Jemma Osmolovskaya, Vera Karpova, Yevgeny Leonov, Lyudmila Makarova Through a misunderstanding, the young militiaman Vasya Shaneshkin detains and brings to the precinct Vodnev, employed as cashier at a construction trust. His daughter Katya, a University costudent of Shaneshkin's, doesn't dare tell her father that she favours Vasya. At the same time, the swindler Zaitsev, winning Vodnev's confidence, relieves him of a significant amount of money. Displaying resourcefulness and courage, Shaneshkin seizes the criminal.



1957, 90 min., b/w Drama Director: Mikhail Dubson, screenplay: Vladimir Bill-Belotserkovsky (based on his play of the same title), camera: Dmitry Meskhiyev, production designer: Nikolai Suvorov, misic: Nikolai Chervinsky, sound: Lev Valter Cast: Vsevolod Safonov, David Volosov, Emma Popova, Yevgeny Lebedev, Innokenty Smoktunovsky, Sergey Filippov, Georgy Yumatov, Lydia Sukharevskaya



1958, 90 min., color Melodrama Director: Nikolai Lebedev, screenplay: Alexander Popov, camera: Semyon Ivanov, production designer: Alexei Fedotov, misic: Vladimir Maklakov, sound: Lev Valter Cast: Nikolai Timofeyev, Lilia Gritsenko, Alexander Larikov, Borya Vasilyev, Kolya Melnikov, Kirill Lavrov Petrograd. Summer of 1917. A worker's son Andreika and a friend of his decide to help the grown-ups hide Lenin who is being sought by agents of the Provisional Government. One of the agents, Ensign Zvonkov, posing as a soldier released from the army and working as a janitor, evokes the boys' trust. Yet, quite soon they see their mistake. Meeting “Uncle Vitya” in the street and following him, Andreika and his chum help the grown-ups arrest Zvonkov.



1958, 103 min., color Drama Director: Sergey Vasilyev, screenplay: Sergey Vasilyev, Nikolai Otten, camera: Apollinary Dudko, production designer: Alexander Black, misic: Boris Chaikovsky, sound: Boris Khutoryansky Cast: Vladimir Chestnokov, Leonid Lyubashevsky, Alexander Borisov, Sergey Plotnikov, Kirill Lavrov, Anatoly Fedorinov, Galina Vodyanitskaya A historical picture featuring the revolutionary events of October, 1917. The screenplay is based on “Ten Days That Shook the World”, a documentary publicistic book by the famous American journalist John Reed.



1958, 31 min., b/w Drama Written and directed by: Alexander Abramov, camera: Yevgeny Kirpichev, production designer: Semyon Malkin, misic: Boris Klyuzner, sound: Irina Chernyakhovskaya Cast: Erast Garin, Alla Larionova, Nikolai Rybnikov

Based on a short story of the same title by Anton Chekhov.  The film was awarded the “Grand Prix Eurovision” of the 1st International Television Film Festival in Cannes, France (1961) and the Premium for the Best Short Film at the V International Film Festival in San Francisco, USA (1961).

472 GO ON)


1958, 97 min., b/w Drama Written and directed by: Vladimir Vengerov, camera: Heinrich Marandzhyan, production designer: Victor Volin, misic: Oleg Karavaychuk, sound: Yevgeny Nesterov Cast: Nikolai Pogodin, Yelena Dobronravova, Oleg Borisov, Lilia Alyoshnikova, Yuri Lyubimov, Alexander Sokolov, Alisa Freindlich Based on “In His Native City”, a story by Victor Nekrasov. The ex-scout Captain Nikolai Mityasov returns to his native city which has been destroyed by the fascists. His heavy wound is keeping him from his favorite sports. Nikolai's confusion and embarrassment have been further enhanced by his wife's unfaithfulness. The new friends helped the man back from the front enroll in the Engineering and Construction Institute and take an active part in the peaceful working life.



1958, 91 min., b/w Drama Director: Friedrich Ermler, screenplay: Konstantin Isayev, camera: Anatoly Nazarov, production designer: Yevgeny Yeney, misic: Oleg Kravaychuk, sound: Alexander Becker Cast: Edward Bredun, Oksana Petrenko, Innokenty Smoktunovsky, Konstantin Skorobogatov, Alexander Larikov, Yuri Tolubeyev The Petrograd worker Nikolai Timofeyev is always in the thick of events. We see him in the Smolny, which is housing the headquarters of the Revolution; in the Peter and Paul Fortress, obtaining arms for the workers; in the Winter Palace, delivering the ultimatum to the ministers of the Provisional Government. Always at his side is his wife Katya, an expectant mother. At the very time when Nikolai is storming the Winter Palace with the armed workers, on the marble staircase of the Headquarters in the Palace Square a son is born to Katya. Day one of the Soviet Republic dawns, being also the first day in the life of Nikolai Timofeyev's son.

474 DOM NAPROTIV (THE BUILDING ACROSS THE STREET) 1958, 31 min., b/w Melodrama Director: Ayan Shakhmaliyeva, screenplay: Sergey Voronin, camera: Vitaly Chulkov, production designer: Victor Savostin, misic: extracts from pieces by Sergey Rakhmaninov, sound: Alexander Becker Cast: Galina Dunayeva, Lyudmila Kasyanova, Gleb Selyanin, Stepan Krylov, Alexander Orlov The driver Vasya, in hospital with bad bone fractures, doesn't believe in getting well. He gloom is further enhanced by the building across the street that is falling apart. But one day workers arrive to tear down the ruins and begin new construction. Chatting to the builders and watching them at work, Vasya gradually comes alive, further helped by the jokes of the young stonemason Tasya. Time passes. Vasya gets well, the building is ready, the workers have left, but Vasya's friendship with Tasya perseveres.



1958, 108 min., color Melodrama Director: Joseph Heifitz, screenplay: Yuri Herman, Joseph Heifitz, camera: Mikhail Magid, Lev Sokolsky, production designers: Bella Manevich, Isaac Kaplan, misic: Venedict Pushkov, sound: Arnold Shargorodsky Cast: Alexei Batalov, Inna Makarova, Leonid Bykov, Boris Chirkov, Ivan Pereverzev, Yuri Medvedev, Bella Vinogradova, Lydia Shtykan The screenplay became the basis for the novel “The Cause You Serve” by Yuri Herman. The main character, Vladimir Ustimenko, is a doctor. Life has not been kind to him. His father perished in Spain in the 1930-s. Invariably, no matter where his destiny took him, Vladimir stuck to the ideals and principles he developed back in his youth: as a student of the medical institute, in the capacity of army surgeon during the war, and in the post-war years when he became Head Physician in charge of a municipal hospital. Justice and selflessness have always been parts of Ustimenko's approach both to the cause he serves and the people he meets at different stages of his life. This includes his girlfriend Varya, their friendship going back to well before the war and supporting both of them throughout their long lives.



1958, 108 min., color Drama Director: Roman Tikhomirov, screenplay: Alexander Ivanovsky, Roman Tikhomirov, camera: Yevgeny Shapiro, production designer: Nikolai Suvorov, sound: Grigory Elbert Cast: Ariadna Shengelaya, Svetlana Nemolyayeva, Vadim Medvedev, Igor Ozerov, Ivan Petrov. Singing: Galina Vishnevskaya, Larisa Avdeyeva, Yevgeny Kibalko, Anton Grigoryev, Ivan Petrov A screen version of the opera of the same title by Pyotr Chaikovsky based on the versed novel by Alexander Pushkin; musical manager and conductor: Boris Khaykin.  The film was awarded the Diploma of the XIII International Film Festival in Edinburgh, Scotland (1959).

477 KOLOVRASCHENIYE ZHIZNI (THE LIFE'S TURMOIL) 1958, 30 min., b/w Comedy Written and directed by: Joseph Shapiro, camera: Konstantin Sobol, production designer: Yevgeny Yeney, misic: Vladlen Chistyakov, sound: Irina Chernyakhovskaya Cast: Arkady Trusov, Lyubov Malinovskaya, Victor Chekmaryev Based on a short story of the same title by O'Henry.



1958, 108 min., b/w, wide screen Screen version Director: Yuri Ozerov, screenplay: Arkady Perventsev, camera: Sergey Ivanov, production designer: Semyon Malkin, misic: Yuri Levitin, sound: Nikolai Kosarev, Ilya Volk Cast: Nikolai Rybnikov, Pavel Usovnichenko, Lyudmila Khityayeva, Julian Panich, Konstantin Sorokin, Fyodor Shmakov, Oleg Zhakov, Vladimir Tatosov Loosely based on a novel of the same title by Arkady Perventsev. The world was into the year 1918. Word of the brigade led by the brave and reckless Kochubey was all over the Kuban. Many a time did he drive the White troops out of villages with his unexpected

maneuvers. Many a time his attack, delivered out of the blue, defeated the armed enemy units. But by and by, the fearless Kochubey came to understand that it takes also military discipline and mastery of military science to achieve a complete victory...



1958, 95 min., color Musical Director: Yuzef Khmelnitsky, screenplay: Nora Rubunstein, Yuzef Khmelnitsky, camera: Vladimir Burykin, production designers: Abram Veksler, Yevgeny Yeney, sound: Rostislav Lapinsky Cast: Georg Ots, Marina Yurasova, Anatoly Korolkevich, Zoya Vinogradova, Nikolai Kashirsky, Glikeria Bogdanova-Chesnokova, Grigory Yaron, Yephim Kopelyan Based on “The Circus Princess”, a musical comedy by the Hungarian composer Imre Kalman.



1958, 101 min., color Melodrama Director: Anatoly Granik, screenplay: Sergey Antonov, camera: Veniamin Levitin, production designer: Victor Volin, misic: Isaac Schwarz, sound: Vladimir Yakovlev Cast: Nelly Podgornaya, Inna Makarova, Felix Razdyakonov, Rolan Bykov, Vitaly Konyayev The meetings on Moscow construction sites and in the faraway virgin lands, the regular stories and essays focused on specific problems help the young reporter Tanya Nikitina gain professional skill. Tanya's essay about the people developing virgin lands is a success, but unexpectedly she finds out that in her haste she has slandered a famous woman working there. Striving to reinstate the truth, the reporter writes a book about the heroine.



1958, 58 min., b/w Drama Director: Vladimir Shredel, screenplay: Yuri Nagibin, camera: Vladimir Burykin, production designer: Abram Veksler, misic: Nadezhda Simonyan, sound: Arnold Shargorodsky Cast: Innokenty Smoktunovsky, Alexandra Panova, Lyubov Sokolova, Valentina Pugacheva, Georgy Zhzhenov, Mikhail Gluzsky, Igor Yefimov Based on a short story of the same title by Yuri Nagibin. Late on a summer night, a new tenant, Pal Palych, appears in a cottage sitting on the shore of a beautiful lake where fishermen use to stay. Soon both the landlady and the other tenants get the feeling that behind the outward charm and the nice empty words is an indifferent and intensely self-loving person.

482 OTTSY I DETI (THE FATHERS AND THE CHILDREN) 1958, 103 min., color Drama Directors: Adolph Bergunker, Natalya Rashevskaya, screenplay: Alexander Vitov (Alexander Vitenzon), Natalya Rashevskaya, camera: Anatoly Nazarov, production designer: Igor Vuskovich, misic: Venedict Pushkov, sound: Boris Antonov Cast: Victor Avdyushko, Nikolai Sergeyev, Yekaterina Alexandrovskaya, Edward Martsevich, Alexei Konsovsky, Bruno Freindlich, Alla Larionova, Izolda Izvitskaya Based on a novel of the same title by Ivan Turgenev.



1958, 32 min., b/w Screened ballet Director: Mikhail Shapiro, camera: Mikhail Magid, Lev Sokolsky, sound: Yevgeny Nesterov A screen version of a ballet performance to the music by Ludwig Minkus staged by the Leningrad Academic Small Opera Theatre; producer: Marius Petitpas, revival: Konstantin Boyarsky.

484 POD STUK KOLYOS (TO THE RUMBLE OF WHEELS) 1958, 71 min., b/w Melodrama Director: Mikhail Yershov, screenplay: Yuri Nagibin, camera: Dmitry Meskhiyev, production designer: Alexei Fedotov, misic: Oleg Karavaychuk, sound: Boris Khutoryansky Cast: Iya Arepina, Alla Firsova, Pavel Kashlakov, Victor Adeyev, Ivan Selyanin, Igor Dmitriyev, Herman Khovanov Based on “To School” and “Love”, short stories by Yuri Nagibin. Sitting in a compartment of a train car, Yegor is reminiscing about his childhood and his friendship with the merriest and naughtiest of the village girls, Nastenka. Yegor left to get an education, while Nastenka became a charming young lady, gave up school and started work at the local Leisure Home. The guests pronounced her to be heading towards a brilliant acting career, and Nastya forgot her childhood friend. In her turn, she was also forgotten by the departed guests from the capital, who promised to summon her to Moscow. Coming home for his vacation, Yegor was at a loss for words needed to support the young girl. At this time, on the train, Yegor feels that he is also responsible for Nastya's fate. Jumping off the moving train, Yegor returns to the village along the railway track.



1958, 90 min., color Drama Directors: Theodore Wulfovich, Nikita Kurikhin, screenplay: Leonid Belokurov, camera: Samuil Rubashkin, production designer: Alexei Rudyakov, misic: Mikhail Weinberg, sound: Georgy Salye Cast: Slava Muratov, Nikolai Kryukov, Mikhail Gluzsky Based on a short story of the same title by James Aldridge. An excellent but elderly pilot Ben agrees to do some dangerous underwater filming for the TV. Accompanied by his twelve-year-old son Davy, he flies a light sports plane to Shark Bay. Davy sits on the shore for a long time. At last, a blood-streaked Ben emerges from the ocean. Painfully, the boy drags his heavy father to the plane...



1958, 99 min., b/w Drama Written and directed by: Antonin Dawson, Yuri Muzykant, camera: Muzakir Shurukov, production designer: Victor Savostin, misic: Venedict Pushkov, sound: Anna Volokhova Cast: Alexander Borisov, Natalya Rashevskaya, Adolph Shestakov, Vasily Merkuryev, Anna Lisyanskaya, Mikhail Yekaterininsky, Alexander Sokolov, Nina Mamayeva, Masha Yekaterininskaya Based on a play of the same title by Alexander Ostrovsky.



1958, 93 min., color Comedy Director: Nadezhda Kosheverova, screenplay: Sergey Mikhalkov, Klimenty Minz, camera: Yevgeny Shapiro, production designer: Yevgeny Yeney, misic: Mikhail Weinberg, sound: Ilya Volk Cast: Antony Khodursky, Maria Mironova, Sergey Filippov, Lilia Gritsenko, Irina Zarubina, Vera Karpova, Yuri Solovyev, Pavel Sukhanov, Pyotr Aleynikov On an early summer morning Head Office manager Pastukhov and his driver Savrasov set off on vacation by car. At their very first rest stop Savrasov had a severe attack of the gout. Wrapping his driver companion in his blazer, Pastukhov takes him to a hospital, where, due to the documents in the blazer pocket, he is taken for the Head Office manager. At the same time, struggling through recurrent inconvenience and awkwardness resulting from the activities of his employees, Pastukhov painfully reaches the District seat.



1958, 31 min., b/w Screened ballet Directors: Isaac Menaker, Boris Fenster, camera: Apollinary Dudko, sound: Yevgeny Nesterov Cast: Ninel Petrova, Irina Kolpakova, Lyudmila Alekseyeva, Vladlen Semyonov A screen version of a ballet to the music of Frederic Chopin staged by the Leningrad State Academic Kirov Opera and Ballet Theatre.

489 AKTYER NIKOLAI CHERKASOV (THE ACTOR NIKOLAI CHERKASOV) 1959, 66 min., b/w Feature/publicistic picture Director: Alexander Ivanovsky, screenplay: Alexei Leontyev, Joseph Wolfson, Nikolai Cherkasov, camera: Victor Maximovich, production designer: Boris Burmistrov, sound: Alexander Bekker A TV picture featuring the creative activity of the actor Nikolai Cherkasov.

490 V TVOIKH RUKAKH ZHIZN (YOU HOLD LIFE IN YOUR HANDS) 1959, 91 min., b/w Melodrama Director: Nikolai Rozantsev, screenplay: Leonid Agranovich, Arkady Sakhnin, camera: Konstantin Ryzhov, production designer: Boris Burmistrov, misic: Oleg Karavaychuk, sound: Grigory Elbert Cast: Oleg Strizhenov, Joseph Kutyansky, Victor Chekhmarev, Herman Yushko, Clara Luchko, Marina Strizhenova The picture is about the courage of Soviet sappers, clearing mines from a big ammunition dump left behind by the fascists a the city block and discovered in the course of construction of an apartment building 15 years after the war.



1959, 88 min., color Melodrama

Director: Yevgeny Nemchenko, screenplay: Vladimir Popov, Yelena Lenskaya, camera: Semyon Ivanov, production designer: Yevgeny Yeney, Mikhail Ivanov, misic: Venedict Pushkov, sound: Rostislav Lapinsky Cast: Vasily Vekshin, Svetlana Danilchenko, Vasily Merkuryev, Nikolai Yemelyanov, Oleg Basilashvili, Alina Nemchenko, Igor Vladimirov The young steel founder Fyodor Shebalin has developed an ardent wish to implement a new method of mutual training in the best working skills in his factory. The management and the old workers are in no hurry to change the proven old ways. The impatient young people fail the trial melting. The engineer Yasnova is sure that the productivity of the furnaces can be increased without rebuilding them. What will the factory management decide?

492 DOROGA UKHODIT VDAL (THE ROAD DISAPPEARS INTO THE DISTANCE) 1959, 63 min., b/w Melodrama Director: Anatoly Vekhotko, screenplay: Alexei Leontyev, camera: Oleg Kukhovarenko, production designer: Ivan Ivanov, misic: Dmitry Tolstoy, sound: Anna Volokhova Cast: Julia Tsoglin, Yuri Solovyev, Mikhail Troyanovsky, G. Osipenko, E. Popov Graduating from the medical institute, Lena Shatrova was really piqued to wind up in a shabby district hospital. Not before saving a boy sick in a distant village she had difficulties reaching did she come to understand the need for medical care experienced by people independent of where they live.

493 DOSTIGAYEV I DRUGIYE (DOSTIGAYEV AND OTHERS) 1959, 101 min., b/w Drama Written and directed by: Yuri Muzykant, Natalya Rashevskaya, camera: Veniamin Levitin, production designer: Yakov Rivosh, misic: Venedict Pushkov, sound: Boris Antonov Cast: Vitaly Polizeimako, Nina Olkhina, Inna Yefremova, Mikhail Ivanov, Vasily Sofronov, Sergey Yursky, Yelena Granovskaya, Olga Kaziko, Vladislav Strzhelchik, Yephim Kopelyan, Yevgeny Lebedev Based on a play of the same title by Maxim Gorky staged by the Leningrad Gorky Drama Theatre; producer: Natalya Rashevskaya.



1959, 42 min., b/w Drama Director: Vladimir Fetin, screenplay: Arnold Vitol, camera: Yevgeny Kirpichev, production designer: Alexei Rudyakov, misic: Vasily Solovyev-Sedoy, sound: Anna Volokhova Cast: Iya Arepina, Alla Firsova, Pavel Kashlakov, Victor Adeyev, Ivan Selyanin, Igor Dmitriyev, Herman Khovanov Based on a short story of the same title by Mikhail Sholokhov. The mare belonging to Trofim, who is part of a Red Army squadron, has a colt. In a battle occurring shortly the colt lost his mother and didn't catch up with the Read Army unit until the next day, and then with the White Kazakhs. Hearing his mother's call from across the river, the colt rushes into the water, but is no match for the swift current. Trofim hurries to his rescue. When the Red Army soldier and the colt scramble on shore, a bullet fired by an officer of the Whites kills Trofim.  The film was awarded the Premium of the YII International Film Festival in Oberhausen, the German Federal Republic (1961).



1959, 61 min., b/w, TV Feature/publicistic picture Director: Mikhail Shapiro, screenplay: Irakly Andronikov, Sergey Vladimirsky, camera: Vyacheslav Fastovich, production designer: Vsevolod Ulitko, misic: Nadezhda Simonyan, sound: Lev Valter Cast: Irakly Andronikov, Seraphima Bierman, I. Vardadze, M. Gvetadze, I. Imereli, Yelizaveta Uvarova The picture deals with literary and artistic research methods. In the TV picture the prominent researcher and scientist Irakly Andronikov tells about the research he did in the Caucasus trying to identify locations bearing ties to Lermontov and the name of the woman who inspired the numerous poems dedicated by Lermontov to N.F.I.



1959, 18 min., b/w Melodrama Written and directed by: Mikhail Yershov, camera: Vladimir Burykin, production designer: Boris Burmistrov, misic: Oleg Karavaychuk, sound: Lev Valter Cast: Lev Stepanov, Svetlana Mazovetskaya, Yevgeny Grigoryev, Roza Sverdlova, Tamara Timofeyeva, Pavel Pervushin, Fyodor Fedorovsky Based on a short story of the same title by Anton Chekhov.

497 LYUDI GOLUBYKH REK (THE PEOPLE OF THE BLUE RIVERS) 1959, 86 min., color Melodrama Director: Andrei Apsolon, screenplay: Oleg Sagan-ool, Stepan Saryg-ool, Leonid Solovyev, camera: Muzakir Shurukov, production designer: Alexei Fedotov, misic: Nadezhda Simonyan, Alexei Chyrgal-ool, sound: Vladimir Yakovlev Cast: P. Nikolaiev, N. Olzey-ool, Maxim Munzuk, Zh. Tursunov, Vera Karpova, Yeleubay Umurzakov Mergen returns to his native Tuva. He is an engineer fresh from the institute, set on making his native land even more beautiful. Soon enough, he gets a chance to apply himself. A flood has destroyed an old bridge across a turbulent river, and Maxim begins the construction of a new and solid modern bridge.

498 NE IMEY STO RUBLEY... (RATHER THAN A HUNDRED ROUBLES...) 1959, 87 min., color Comedy Director: Gennady Kazansky, screenplay: Boris Laskin, Vladimir Polyakov, camera: Muzakir Shurukov, production designers: Abram Veskler, Yevgeny Yeney, misic: Nadezhda Simonyan, sound: Rostislav Lapinsky Cast: Alexander Nikitin, Pavel Rudakov, Lyudmila Shagalova, Alina Nemchenko, Yevgeny Leonov, Stepan Krylov, V. Kharitonov All vocations have champions in ardent love with them. One such was Ivan Andreievich Bazanov, Director of the Museum of Local Lore. Setting out in search of a hidden treasure, he lured along the people he chanced to meet. Nadya, the daughter of a railway guard, Nina Platonovna, the botanist who missed her bus, the students of the conservatoire with nowhere to spend the night, and Gulyayev, Bazanov's neighbor — all of them succumb to the lore researcher's bountiful and vivid imagination and join in his search for the country's riches. True friendship and true love proved to be their most valuable finds.



1959, 71 min., color Filmed concert Director: Joseph Shapiro, screenplay: Alexander Khazin, camera: Alexander Xenofontov, production designer: Igor Vuskovich, misic: Vasily Solovyev-Sedoy, sound: Grigory Elbert, Semyon Shumyacher Cast: Alexei Kozhevnikov, Grenada Mnatsakanova, Pyotr Merkuryev, Sergey Filippov The picture features a young designer embarking on composing a merry musical revue with some friends of his, and the results of his efforts.



1959, 82 min., b/w Drama Director: Vladimir Shredel, screenplay: Yuri Nagibin, camera: Samuil Rubashkin, production designer: Victor Savostin, misic: Isaac Schwarz, sound: Irina Chernyakhovskaya Cast: Daniil Ilchenko, E. Prokhnitskaya, Nina Antonova, Victor Markin, B. Vladimirov, Boris Novikov, Vladimir Samoylov Winter. At a tiny railway station where inter-city trains pause for no more than a couple of minutes, the old horse driver Marushkin meets Lyusya Krechetova, the new agronomist fresh from the institute. At first she curiously takes in the new people and the new environment, but in no time at all she becomes irritated by such small things as the lights going out, the missing supply of water... She doesn't notice the intensity of work displayed by her new acquaintances: the young postwoman, her co-student gardener in love with her, the new Collective Farm Chairman, the old man Marushkin who feels in charge of the district. Thinking and caring of nothing but her personal well-being, which is not going to be achieved here, Lyusya abandons everything and leaves. Where to?

501 POVEST O MOLODOZHONAKH (A STORY OF NEWLYWEDS) 1959, 82 min., color Melodrama Director: Sergey Sidelev, screenplay: Alexander Khazin, camera: Mikhail Magid, Lev Sokolsky, production designer: Yevgeny Yeney, misic: Vasily SolovyevSedoy, sound: Lev Valter Cast: Vera Pashennaya, Tatyana Peltser, Kyunna Ignatova, Svetlana Zhgun, Anatoly Kuznetsov, Yevgeny Leonov, Alisa Freindlich, Kirill Lavrov, Sergey Yursky The building on the Neva bank forever remains home for all who grew up there. It is the annual meeting place of the former charges of the orphanage. One of them, coming to meet the headmistress Olga Nikolaievna, is Shura, accompanied by her husband. Her long-time friends gave the newlyweds a warm welcome and wished them happiness. Yet, in a short while a silly quarrel drove the young couple apart. One couldn't be sure of the outcome, but luckily Shura came to see her friends in the building on the Neva.

502 PODNYATAYA TSELINA (VIRGIN LAND DEVELOPED) 1959, Part 1 (a trilogy), 95 min., color Drama Director: Alexander Ivanov, screenplay: Yuri Lukin, Fyodor Shakhmagonov, camera: Vyacheslav Fastovich, production designer: Nikolai Suvorov, misic: Oleg Karavaychuk, sound: Georgy Salye

Cast: Pyotr Chernov, Yevgeny Matveyev, Fyodor Shmakov, Vladimir Dorofeyev, Lyudmila Khityayeva, Pyotr Glebov, Victor Chekhmarev, Leonid Kmit Based on a novel of the same title by Mikhail Sholokhov.

503 SSORA V LUKASHAKH (THE QUARREL IN LUKASHI) 1959, 93 min., color Comedy Director: Maxim Ruf, screenplay: Victor Kurochkin, camera: Sergey Ivanov, production designer: Boris Burmistrov, misic: Valentin Levashov, sound: Boris Khutoryansky Cast: Sergey Plotnikov, Kirill Lavrov, Leonid Bykov, Inga Budkevich, Galina Teplinskaya, Galina Vasilyeva, Pavel Volkov, Valentina Telegina Victor Tuz was crazy about art and loved to sing, but for the lack of other candidates the Collective Farm Chairman Trofimov sent him to be trained as a mechanic. Trofimov's own daughter Liza doesn't like rural life, dreaming of the city. Kostya Lastochkin is an excellent mechanic, but he comes home only on vacations, still due to complete his term in the Army. Everyone in Lukashi welcomes the young lieutenant who is clever with his hands. The nice modest girl Katya is especially appreciative of his visits.



1959, 97 min., color Publicistic/feature picture Director: Vladimir Chebotarev, screenplay: Roman Fatuyev, Maxim Tsagarayev, camera: Edward Rozovsky, production designer: Semyon Malkin, misic: Ilya Gabarayev, sound: Nikolai Kosarev Cast: Vladimir Tkhapsayev, Lia Eliava, Nikolai Volkov, Pavel Kadochnikov, V. Kosarev, Z. Tuayev, Mairbek Tsalikov The picture features the life story of the prominent 19th century Osset poet Kosta Khetagurov.



1959, 14 min., b/w, TV Melodrama Written and directed by: Joseph Shapiro, camera: Vladimir Burykin, production designer: Ivan Ivanov, sound: Semyon Shumyacher Cast: Lilia Gurova, Dolorez Stolbova, Oleg Chromenkov, Nikolai Kuzmin Aunt Lusha has been holding the position of Collective Farm Chairman for a dozen years. She has done a lot for her co-villagers. It is harvest season, but the driver wants to quit and go to work at the Machine/Tractor Maintenance Shop, the district authorities won't allocate a thrasher, and it is time to get the animal farm ready for winter. All the decisions pending are urgent and cannot be delayed. Thus, in caring about her work and about other people, has Lusha's youth slipped away. Perhaps it is time to think of herself? Especially since Aunt Lusha's old age is still quite a long way off.... Loosely based on a short story of the same title by Sergey Antonov.

506 CHOLPON-UTRENNYAYA ZVEZDA (CHOLPON — THE MORNING STAR) 1959, 76 min., color Filmed ballet Director: Roman Tikhomirov, screenplay: Isaac Menaker, Nurdin Tugelov, Apollinary Dudko, Roman Tikhomirov, camera: Apollinary Dudko, production designer: Alexander Black, misic: Mikhail Rauhverger, sound: Yevgeny Nesterov

Cast: Reyna Chokoyeva, Uran Sarbagishev, Nurdin Tugelov, Bibisara Beyshenaliyeva, Sapar Abduzhalilov A filmed ballet starring actors of the Kirghiz State Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre. Both the ballet and the picture are based on a Kirghiz folk legend.



1959, 75 min., color Drama Director: Alexei Batalov, screenplay: Leonid Solovyev, camera: Heinrich Marandzhyan, production designer: Bella Manevich, misic: Nikolai Sidelnikov, sound: Arnold Shargorodsky Cast: Rolan Bykov, Yuri Tolubeyev, A. Yezhkina, Yelena Ponsova, Georgy Teikh, Nina Urgant, Alexander Sokolov Based on a story of the same title by Nikolai Gogol filmed to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the writer's birth.



1960, 45 min., b/w Drama Director: Sergei Gippius, screenplay: Leonid Solovyov, camera: Alexei Karpukhin, production designer: Alexei Fedorov, music from pieces by Alexander Skryabin, sound: Irina Chernyakhovskaya Cast: Sergei Krylov, Klara Fadeyeva, Igor Yefimov, Nikolai Gavrilov Based on a short story by Alexander Kuprin



1960 — 1961, 2 parts, 1st — 89 min., 2nd — 83 min., b/w Drama Written and directed by: Vladimir Vengerov, camera: Henrich Marandzyan, production designer: Viktor Volin, misic: Isaak Schwarts, sound: Yevgeny Nesterov Cast: Pyotr Glebov, Vsevolod Platov, Mikhail Ulyanov, Rolan Bykov, Mikhail Kozakov, Lyudmila Gurchenko, Oleg Borisov Based on a novel by Nikolai Chukovsky dealing with the heroic battle for Leningrad besieged by the Nazis during the days of World War II.

510 GUSHCHAK IZ RIO DE JANEIRO (GUSHCHAK FROM RIO DE JANEIRO) 1960, 56 min., b/w Melodrama Director: Arkady Shtaden, screenplay: Alexander Minchkovsky, camera:Anatoly Nazarov, production designer: Vsevolod Ulitko, misic: Nikolai Chervinsky, sound: Alexander Bekker Cast: Viktor Sokolovsky, Yevgeniya Neverovsky, Alexei Kurikhin, Alexander Susnin Story of a hairdresser Gushchak who after long wanderings around the world returns to his native village. At first, he finds it difficult to adapt to the new situation. But as time passes Gushchak feels the kindness and care of people around him, and he becomes a full and equal member of the community.



1960, 83 min., b/w Drama Written and directed by: Iosif Heifits, camera: Andrei Moskvin, Dmitry Meskhiyev, production designers: Bella Manevich, Isaak Kaplan, misic: Nadezhda Simonyan, sound: Arnold Shargorodsky Cast: Iya Savvina, Alexei Batalov, Nina Alisova, Panteleimon Krymov, Yuri Medvedev, Vladimir Erenberg Based on a short story by Anton Chekhov.  The film was awarded the Special Premium for Humanism of the International Film Festival in Cannes, France (1960).  The actress Iya Savvina was honored the Special Premium of the International Film Festival in Cannes, France (1960).



1960, 57 min., b/w Melodrama Director: Viktor Sokolov, screenplay: Sergei Voronin, camera: Semyon Ivanov, production designer: Ivan Ivanov, misic: Nadezhda Simonyan, sound: Anna Volokhova Cast: Innokentiy Smoktunovsky, Anna Arkhipenko, Mariya Prizvan-Sokolova The young heroine of the film is deceived by the man she loves and has lost faith in people's decency. But the warm and loving care of her teacher allows her to regain faith in people.



1960, 73 min., b/w Melodrama Director: Arkady Abramov, screenplay: Pyotr Beloborodov, camera: Eduard Rozovsky, production designer: Boris Burmistrov, misic: Boris Klyuzner, sound: Irina Chernakhovskaya Cast: Ivan Pereverzev, Nikolai Kryuchkov, Maya Menglet, Alexander Sokolov, Kirill Lavrov After five months of work on a trawler in the ocean, Stepan Lezhnev decides to spend his leave in his native village. After gathering with friends and relatives, participating in solving the small and major problems of the collective farm, Stepan wants to stay in the village forever.



1960, 74 min., b/w Melodrama Director: Gennady Kazansky, screenplay: Grigory Belenky, Leonid Maltsev, camera: Muzakir Shurukov, production designer: Vasily Zachinayev, misic: Nadezhda Simonyan, sound: Rostislav Lapinsky Cast: Vladimir Samoilov, Kyunna Ignatova, Boris Ryzhukhin, Natalya Medvedeva, Nikolai Kharitonov Professor Severtsev, a talented surgeon, looses both legs in an accident in order to save the life of a child. It seems that he will never again be able to work as a surgeon. However, his friends, ex-patients, and the love of a faithful and devoted woman allow him to regain confidence in himself and return to his work.



1960, 68 min., b/w Drama Director: Alexander Borisov, screenplay: Alexander Borisov, Akiba Golburt, camera: Dmitry Meskhiyev, production designer: Georgy Kropachyev, misic: Leonid Prigozhin, sound: Semyon Shumyacher Cast: Iya Savvina, Andrei Popov, Vera Kuznetsova, Panteleimon Krymov Based on a novel of the same title by Fyodor Dostoyevsky.



1960, 83 min., b/w Melodrama Director: Mikhail Yershov, screenplay: Mikhail Berestinsky, camera:Vladimir Burykin, production designer: Alexei Fedotov, misic: Oleg Karavaichuk, sound: Boris Khutoryansky Cast: Gennady Vernov, Ariadna Shengelaya, Irina Bunina, Alexei Kozhevnikov, Vladimir Chestnokov A young working girl falls into the hands of a religious sect. Only the timely help and support of her friends allow the girl to return back to normal life.

517 MOST PEREYTI NELZYA (THE BRIDGE CAN NOT BE CROSSED) 1960, 90 min., b/w Drama Directors: Teodor Vulfovich, Nikita Kurikhin, screenplay: Teodor Vulfovich, camera: Samuil Rubashkin, production designers: Semyon Mandel, Vsevolod Ulitko, Tamara Vasilkovskaya, misic: Mikhail Vainberg, sound:Konstantin Lashkov Cast: Nikolai Volkov, Lidiya Sukharevskaya, Grigory Gai, Georgy Shevtsov, Vladimir Kazarinov, Yuri Dedovich, Rolan Bykov, Lyudmila Makarova Screen version of Arthur Miller's play “Death of a Salesman”. Willy Loman had been working for the company for more than thirty years. He is over sixty. The young owner of “Wagner and Co.” fires the old salesman who can no longer carry out his work well. The two sons of the hero do not live up to his expectations, they do not want to support their father and mother who are getting old. The hero of the film believes that life has no meaning any longer, and the only one way out of this situation is to collect the life insurance money by taking his own life.

518 OSTOROZHNO, BABUSHKA! (BEWARE OF GRANDMOTHER!) 1960, 80 min., color Comedy Director: Nadezhda Kosheverova, screenplay: Konstantin Isayev, camera: Semyon Ivanov, production designers: Yevgeny Yeney, Mikhail Ivanov, misic: Vasily Solovyov-Sedoi, sound: Ilya Volk Cast: Faina Ranevskaya, Ariadna Shengelaya, Lyudmila Markeliya, Svetlana Kharitonova, Nina Urgant, Yuly Panich, Leonid Bykov, Sergei Filippov Lena is the director of the new municipal cultural center. The construction of the center is still under way, but amateur theatrical companies have already began their rehearsals. Local bureaucrats do not see much use in the project and suspend the construction. Lena's grandmother finds out about her granddaughter's troubles and energetically takes the matter in her hands. She summons old men and women from all over the town and soon the construction work is in full swing.



1960, 100 min., color Film-opera Director: Roman Tikhomirov, screenplay: Georgy Vasilyev, Sergei Vasilyev, Pavel Weisbrem, Roman Tikhomirov, Boris Yarustovsky, camera: Yevgeny Shapiro, production designer: Igor Vuskovich, sound: Grigory Elbert Cast: Oleg Strizhenov (Zurab Andzhaparidze singing), Olga Krasina (Tamara Milashkina singing), Yelena Polevitskaya (Svetlana Preobrazhenskaya singing), Valentin Kulik (Yevgeny Kibkalo singing), Vadim Medvedev (Vasily Nechipailo singing), Irina Gubanova (Larisa Avdeyeva singing) Adaptation of Pyotr Tchaikovsky’s opera based on a novel by Alexander Pushkin



1960, 29 min., b/w Comedy Director: Natalya Troshchenko, screenplay: Alexander Yurovsky, camera:Viktor Karasayev, Alexander Chirov, production designer: Vasily Zachinayev, misic: Venedikt Pushkov, sound: Rostislav Lapinsky Cast: Svetlana Druzhinina, Boris Ryzhukhin, Stepan Krylov, Alexander Susnin, Viktor Terekhov, Pavel Pyervushin Screen version of a story by A. Chuzhmir



1960, 46 min., b/w Drama Director: Viktor Sadovsky, screenplay: Yuri Nagibin, camera: Vladimir Maksimovich, production designer: Viktor Savostin, misic: Alexei Lobkovsky, sound: Nikolai Kosarev Cast: Igor Yefimov, Grenada Mnatsakanova, Boris Ryzhukhin, Tamara Aleksina, Alexei Kozhevnikov A renowned sportsman, champion in skating, Alexei Streshnev, realizes that his time is gone and it would be better to leave the ice track before he suffers a defeat. His fellow sportsmen and his wife are against this decision and, most important, he is the main rival of his ex-pupil, a promising young athlete Vasily Kurbatov. Streshnev sacrifices his reputation of an undefeated champion and helps a young sportsman to set a new record.



1960, 67 min., b/w Comedy Written and directed by: Grigory Nikulin, camera: Mikhail Magid, Lev Sokolsky, production designer: Alexander Black, misic: Arkady Manevich, sound: Boris Khutoryansky Cast: Vasily Politseymako, Viktor Chekmariov, Lyudmila Gurchenko, Vladimir Matusov, Mikhail Ivanov, Irina Davydova Film version of a theatrical production based on Henry Fielding's Comedy


Director: Mikhail Shapiro, screenplay: Rady Pogodin, Mikhail Demidenko, camera: Yevgeny Shapiro, production designer: Ivan Ivanov, misic:Nadezhda Simonyan, sound: Semyon Shumyacher, Grigory Elbert Cast: Valya Yefimov, Volodya Osobik, Yura Melentyev, Lyusya Barsukova, Galya Gulina, Liliya Gritsenko, Vladimir Samoilov Two friends Valya and Slava invent an exciting game for children from their neighborhood. They pretend to be the crew on 'battleship' which is in fact an old deserted barn. Children are eager to do something really useful. One day they get a letter from their older friend. He is participating in the cultivation of virgin farm land and complains that there are not enough good tractors. The children now find a serious occupation for themselves.They start collecting scrap metal which can be used for building a new tractor. They make use of everything — even the long forgotten sunk barge.

524 KHOREOGRAFICHESKIYE MINIATYURY (CHOREOGRAPHIC MINIATURES) 1960 Film-ballet Director: Apollinary Dudko, Leonid Yakobson, screenplay: Apollinary Dudko, Leonid Yakobson, camera: Konstantin Sobol, production designer: Yevgeny Yeney, sound: Lev Valter Ballet miniatures performed by ballet dancers of Leningrad theatres.

525 CHELOVEK S BUDUSHCHIM (A MAN WITH A FUTURE) 1960, 76 min., b/w Melodrama Director: Nikolai Rozantsev, screenplay: Alexei Salynsky, camera: Yevgeny Kirpichev, production designer: Semyon Malkin, music: Nikolai Chervinsky, sound: Boris Antonov Cast: Gennady Nilov, Izolda Izvitskaya, Tamara Stradina, Sergei Fesyunov, Igor Yefimov, Lyudmila Glazova, Viktor Maryev Among his friends and colleagues Ivan Kondakov has the reputation of a crazy fanatic, always inventing fantastic machines and gadgets. A local newspaper mocks him in a satiric story. Caricatures on him are posted on the bulletin board at the mine where he works. Colleagues react to his latest project, which is a mining combine, with ironic smiles. Only Nina, a new worker at the mine, supports Ivan. Her confidence in his creative power allows Ivan to overcome all the obstacles and to become a success.



1960, 84 min., color Drama Director: Jan Frid, screenplay: Grigory Baklanov, camera: Veniamin Levitin, production designer: Nikolai Suvorov, music: Dmitry Tolstoy, sound: Vladimir Yakovlev Cast: Mikhail Kuznetsov, Liliya Gritsenko, Dzidra Ritenbergs, Viktor Khokhryakov, Arkady Trusov, Pavel Kalashnikov Something has changed in the life of Fyodor Denisov, the chairman of the collective farm. He is not getting along with people. People are saying that he wants to have things his way, that he does not discuss collective farm affairs with other people, and that he does not care about other people's troubles. His family life collapses. He falls for another woman, Alexandra. He deserts his family and leaves his job. But one day there is a knock at the door. Trouble has come! Now it is not the time to remember old offences.



1960, 87 min Drama Written and directed by: Georgy Tovstonogov, Yuri Muzykant, camera: Mikhail Magid, Lev Sokolsky, production designer: Alexander Black, misic: Nadezhda Simonyan, Yuri Prokofyev, sound: Lev Valter Cast: Vasily Politseimako, Nikolai Korn, Nina Olkhina, Irina Kondratyeva, Pavel Luspekayev, Vsevolod Kuznetsov, Boris Vasilyev Screen version of the well-known play “ The Fox and the Grapes” by G. Figeiredo produced by the Gorky Bolshoy Drama Theatre.

528 BARYER NEIZVESTNOSTI (BARRIER OF THE UNKNOWN) 1961, 100 min., b/w Melodrama Director: Nikita Kurikhin, screenplay: Boris Chirskov, Dmityry Radovsky, Mikhail Arlazorov, camera: Samuil Rubashkin, production designers: Yevgeny Yeney, Georgy Kropachev, misic: Moisei Vainberg, sound: Georgy Salye Cast: Vyacheslav Shalevich, Nikolai Gritsenko, Alexander Grave, Fyodor Nikitin, Valentina Kibardina The test pilot, Kazantsev, perishes during the flight of a experimental aircraft-lab called “Cyclone”. Before he crashed he several times reported a strange phenomenon — a luminescent object flying at high altitude and at high speed. However, tracking devices did not record the phenomenon, and the flight command center regarded it as an illusion of the pilot. After the tragic death of Kazantsev, his friend and colleague, Baikalov, takes the decision to continue testing the aircraft. And again the flight command center is getting information about the strange phenomenon…

529 BRATYA KOMAROVY (THE KOMAROV BROTHERS) 1961, 55 min., b/w Director: Anatoly Vekhotko, screenplay: Yuri Nagibin, camera: Vladimir Chumak, production designer: Boris Burmistrov, misic: Isaak Schwarts, sound: Alexander Bekker Cast: Inna Makarova, Vera Titova, Viktor Khokhryakov, Volodya Mareyev, Borya Barkhatov, Seryozha Rozhanovsky Loosely based on three short stories by Yuri Nagibin — “Komarov”, “Old Turtle” and “Mad Bull”. Three boys — the three Komarov brothers — open for themselves the poetic world of nature full of miracles and wonders, the world of human relations. This summer has turned out to be a particular one…

530 BUDNI I PRAZDNIKI (WEEKDAYS AND HOLIDAYS) 1961, 93 min., b/w Melodrama Director: Vladimir Shredel, screenplay: Yulian Semyonov, camera: Apollinary Dudko, production designer: Viktor Savostin, music: Isaak Schwarts, sound: Vladimir Yakovlev Cast: Lev Krugly, Nikolai Volkov, Alexandra Zavyalova, Svetlana Zhgun, Pyotr Aleinikov, Vladimir Volchek The young engineer, Zotov, is appointed a supervisor of the remote 406 outpost of a railroad being constructed in Siberia. The railroad construciton workers, who live in dark and cold mud huts, do not treat the new supervisor too friendly: they are tired of hard labor and poor living

conditions. But finally there comes the day when builders move into a new house which they built with their own hands. And this day turned out to be a double holiday for Zotov — his fiance has arrived! But soon again life returns back to its old routine. A new group of workers arrive to the construction site and again the cold hut is filled with people.



1961, 35 min., b/w Comedy Director: Sergei Sidelev, screenplay: Edda Buranova, camera: Alexander Karpukhin, production designer: Alexander Black, misic: Nikolai Shakhmatov, sound: Irina Chernyakhovskaya Cast: Erast Garin, Valentina Vladimirovna, Mikhail Fyodorov, Alexei Kubatsky Prokhor Lykov is nicknamed the 'water sprite' because of his passion for fishing. He spends all his days sitting by a lake with a fishing rod in his hands. Each day, he starts fishing at dawn. His wife constantly grumbles and villagers make jokes about him. He might have been regarded as a good-for-nothing all his life. But the collective farm chairman finds a good application for Prokhor's hobby.



1961, 100 min., b/w Melodrama Director: Iosif Heifits, screenplay: Grigory Baklanov, camera: Vadim Derbenev, Viktor Karasev, Alexander Chirkov, production designers: Bella Manevich, Isaak Kaplan, misic: Nadezhda Simonyan, sound: Konstantin Lashkov Cast: Yuri Tolubeyev, Boris Chirkov, Alexander Safonov, Vladimir Nosik, Maya Bulgakova, Geliy Sysoyev, Svetlana Melkova Twelve youngsters, who have just graduated from school, go to a far away part of the country to cultivate the virgin farm land. Little by little they are getting used to hard labor and hard living conditions. Sergei Novoskoltsev, who always wants to be the leader, comes into conflict with his fellows. The situation is further complicated by the disgraceful way he treats Rimma, the girl who loves him. Problems increase and Sergei considers leaving this place and deserting “the labour front”. However, at the last moment he realizes that his duty is to stay with his comrades.

533 DEVCHYONKA, S KOTOROI YA DRUZHIL (THE GIRL WHO WAS MY FRIEND) 1961, 75 min., b/w, wide screen Melodrama Director: Nikolai Lebedev, screenplay: Alexander Popov, camera: Sergei Ivanov, Semyon Ivanov, production designer: Alexei Fedotov, misic:Vladimir Maklakov, sound: Anna Volokhova Cast: Vasily Merkuryev, Luda Boltrik, Yura Fisenko, Andrei Tretyakov, Andrei Chernetsov, Lara Nesmachnaya New neighbours — a father and a daughter — move into a house where Fedya Streltsov lives. Fedya and Nadya became friends, they share the desk at school and do their homework together. Nadya is the first person to whom Fedya confides his poignant secret--- he doubted his father's honesty. Fortunately, all ends well, except that the boy has to part with his friend. Nadya and her father moved to the Far East, to work on a large-scale construction project.

534 KAK VERYOVOCHKA NI VYOTSA (HOW THE ROPE TURNS) 1961, 7 min., b/w Comedy Director: Gerbert Rappopoprt, Leonid Bykov, screenplay: Leonid

Klimovich, camera: Yakov Sklyansky, production designer: Mikhail Krotkin, music: Dmitry Tolstoy, sound: Ilya Volk All three leading roles in the film are performed by Nikolai Trofimov The “Thick Rope” cooperative is entwining three thin ropes to make one thick one, and the “Thin Rope” cooperative uses one thick rope to make three thin ones. As a result there are neither thick nor thin ropes at a local store. A funny story of cooperative swindlers.



1961, 33 min., b/w Comedy Directors: Ayan Shakhmaliyeva, Mikhail Shamkovich, screenplay: Nikolai Erdman, Mikhail Demidenko, camera: Alexei Zavyalov, Georgy Senotov, production designers: Marksen Gaukhman-Sverdlov, Mikhail Ivanov, misic: Andrei Petrov, sound: Grigory Elbert Cast: Valentin Filatov (voice over — Zinovy Gerdt) Being on holiday, Michel, a famous actor, stopped training himself and nearly ruined the circus performance. It was a little bear Mishutka that saved the day and performed Michel's star turn — the flight under the top of the circus tent.



1961, 80 min., b/w Comedy Director: Mikhail Ruf, screenplay, theatrical production and scenery design by: Nikolai Akimov, camera: Sergei Ivanov, production designer: Bella Manevich, sound Boris Khutoryansky, music from pieces by: Jacques Offenbach Cast: Pavel Sukhanov, Kseniya Guretskaya, Nikolai Trofimov, Yevgeny Zharov, Vladimir Osipov, Igor Polyakov, Yelena Yunger, Nikolai Kharitonov, Vera Karpova, Georgy Voropayev Film version of the Leningrad State Comedy Theatre production based on comic short stories by Anton Chekhov

537 PODNYATAYA TSELINA (VIRGIN LAND DEVELOPED) 1961, (a trilogy), Parts 2 and 3, (2nd — 83 min., 3rd — 100 min., ) color Drama Director: Alexander Ivanov, screenplay: Yuri Lukin, Farukh Shakhmagonov, camera: Vyachslav Fastovich, production designer: Abram Veksler, Nikolai Suvorov, misic: Oleg Karavaichuk, sound: Georgy Salye Cast: Pyotr Chernov, Yevgeny Matveyev, Lyudmila Khitayeva, Pyotr Glebov, Viktor Chekmaryov, Fyodor Shmakov Based on a novel of the same title by Nobel Prize winner Mikhail Sholokhov



1961, 83 min., color Comedy Director: Vladimir Fetin, screenplay: Alexei Kapler, Viktor Konetsky, camera: Dmitry Meskhiyev, production designer: Alexei Rudyakov, misic:Veniamin Basner, sound: Arnold Shargorodsky Cast: Ivan Dmitriyev, Margarita Nazarova, Alexei Gribov, Yevgeny Leonov, Alexander Beniaminov, Alexei Smirnov, Alexei Kozhevnikov

A Soviet boat is transporting an unusual and very expensive shipment -tigers, lions, and a mischievous monkey. This shipment is accompanied by Shumeikin, a cook working for the trade mission who pretends to be a tamer. At sea the monkey opens the cages of the wild beasts and this leads to a series of funny adventures.



1961, 75 min., b/w Melodrama Director: Tamara Rodionova, screenplay:Alexei Kiva, Mikhail Krakovsky, camera: Oleg Kukhovarenko, production designer: Georgy Kropachev, misic:Nadezhda Simonyan, sound: Nikolai Kosarev Cast: Yuri Tolubeyev, Dmitri Barkov, Evgeni Lebedev, Nina Mamayeva, Fiodor Nikitin, Julian Panich After graduating from school Kostya Migunov goes to work for the same factory where his father has been working for almost 40 years. Yakov Ivanovich treats his son with particular strictness because he is not serious in his approach to work. Kostya's first day at the factory is full of new impressions. He manages to make some mischief, and also to help elders solve some pressing problem.



1961, 95 min., b/w Melodrama Director: Anatoly Grannik, screenplay: Alexei Tverskoy, camera: Muzakir Shurukov, production designer: Nikolai Suvorov, misic: Isaac Schwartz, sound: Semyon Shumyacher Cast: Igor Pushkarev, Nina Drobysheva, Lyudmila Shagalova, Vladimir Chestnokov, Vladimir Samoiolv, Oleg Zhakov Pilot Sergei Sazonov is offered to join a group of astronauts. He keeps his new job in secret from everybody, including his wife Natasha. He goes with his wife to the reception in the Kremlin in honour of Yuri Gagarin’s flight and there he is told about beginning of a new program to train astronauts for flight to the Moon.



1961, 72 min., b/w Melodrama Director: Iskander Khamrayev, screenplay: Nikodim Gippius, camera:Konstantin Ryzhov, production designer: Semyon Malkin, misic: Nikolai Chervinsky, sound: Rostislav Lapinsky Cast: Vitya Perevalov, Tolya Arkhipov, Misha Yekimov, Valya Nekhnayeva Andrei Kutikov was the first child born in a new workers' town and one of the streets of this town has been named after him. As time went on, the town expands and Andrei grows up. He is a liar and always full of mischief. One day a new boy comes to Andrei's class. Unintentionally, Andrei begins to imitate the manner of the serious and reliable Boris and hardly notices that his life is beginning to change.



1961, 95 min., color Science fiction Director: Gennady Kazansky, Vladimir Chebotaryov, screenplay: Akiba Golburt, Alexander Ksenofontov, Alexei Kapler, camera: Eduard Rozovsky, production designers: Vsevolod Ulitko, Tamara Vasilkovskaya, misic: Andrei Petrov, sound: Lev Valter

Cast: Vladimir Korenev, Anastasiya Vertinskaya, Mikhail Kozakov, Nikolai Simonov, Vladlen Davydov Based on the adventure fiction novel “The Amphibian Man” by Alexander Belyaev A small seacoast town is full of rumors about a 'sea devil.' A wealthy merchant, Zurita, who trades in pearls, does not believe in it until he runs into the 'devil' under dramatic circumstances. After that he is eager to get this ‘devil' and use him for his own purposes. The 'devil' is an ordinary, or, to be precise, extraordinary young man. When he was a small child a doctor saved his life by transplanting shark's gills into the boy's body. As a result, the boy, Ichtiander, can live both on land and in water. Ichtiander falls in love with Guttiere, the girl Zurita is going to marry, and becomes Zurita's sworn enemy and prisoner…

543 VENUS)


1961, 40 min., color Drama Director: Mikhail Shapiro, screenplay: Lev Rakhmanov, camera: Yevgeny Shapiro, production designer: Nikolai Suvorov, Mikhail Ivanov, misic: Venedikt Pushkov, sound: Ilya Volk, voice over — Leonid Khmara Cast: Lev Gallis, A. Afanasyev, Vladimir Balashov, Nikolai Volkov, Mikhail Gluzsky, I. Gurzo, Georgy Teikh, Yuri Rodionov In 1761 scientists were expecting the planet of Venus to cross the sun's path. Mikhail Lomonosov tried to set up research expedition to Siberia to observe this phenomenon but his request was denied by authorities. Abbe Chapp is going from Paris to the Siberian town of Tobolsk. The Academy of Sciences sends two Russian expeditions to accompany the French scientist. Lomonosov is observing the Venus in St. Petersburg and makes a discovery that Venus has an atmosphere.



1962, 99 min., b/w Drama Director: Gennady Kazansky screenplay: Mikhail Berestinsky, camera:Muzakir Shurukov, production designer: Semyon Malkin, misic: Nadezhda Simonyan, sound: Rostislav Lapinsky, Boris Antonov Cast: Olga Krasina, Nikolai Volkov, Sr., Nina Veselovskaya, Gennady Frolov, Yuri Medvedev, Boris Chirkov, Galina Volchek, Alexei Kozhevnikov Fourteen-year old Vera Telegina sees the sea for the first time in her life. She happened to come to this place by accident. She had nowhere to go. Police sergeant Stavridi finds out that the girl's parents fell victim to political repressions and places the girl in a boarding school. Vera had to go through a lot of suffering. Several times she was on the verge despair. It was the support of her friends and the sympathy of adults that helped Vera to survive. In the spring of 1953 she finally receives a telegram from her parents…



1962, 97 min., b/w Melodrama Director: Yuli Karasik, screenplay: Anatoly Grebnev, camera: Vyacheslav Fastovich, production designer: Viktor Volin, music: Isaac Schwarts, sound: Boris Khutpryansky Cast: Galina Polskikh, Vladimir Osobik, Talas Umurzakov, Anna Rodionova, Inna Kondratyeva, Nikolai Timofeyev, Tamara Loginova Loosely based on “Wild Dingo Dog or The First Love Story”, a novel by R.Friermann. Tanya was an unruly and unpredictable girl bent on having things her way. Her nickname was “Wild Dingo Dog”. Tanya's father, who had long time ago left Tanya and her mother, unexpectedly comes to this small seacoast town with his new wife and adopted son Kostya.

Tanya falls in love with Kostya, but her first love — deep and tender — turns out to be unhappy.  The film was awarded “ St. Marcus Golden Lion “ – the Grand Prix of the International Film Festival in Venice (1962) and the “Golden Bough “ Premium of the above Festival.



1962, 50 min., b/w Melodrama Directors: Alexander Borisov, Mikhail Ruf, screenplay: Alexei Vlasov, Arkady Mlodik, camera: Sergei Ivanov, production designer: Vladislav Savostin, misic: Andrei Preslenev, sound: Rostislav Lapinsky, Anna Volokhova Cast: Alexander Borisov, Yuri Tolubeyev, Valentina Telegina, Pavel Luspekayev, Lyudmila Chupiro, Alexei Kozhevnikov, Boris Ryzhukhin, Yuri Solovyov Two old factory workers Sukhov and Solyanov, are old buddies. All their life they have been working at the same factory and living in the same neighborhood. Once Solyanov decides to retire and the two friends quarrel. However, soon Solyanov finds out that it is not easy for him to part with the factory. He realizes that the factory's young workers need his knowledge and his experience. It turns out that his old friend, who reproached him, was right.

547 YESLI POZOVYOT TOVARISHCH (IF YOUR FRIEND CALLS YOU) 1962, 95 min., color Melodrama Director: Alexander Ivanov, screenplay: Boris Chirkov, camera: Yevgeny Shapiro, production designer: Nikolai Suvorov, misic: Yuri Levitin, sound: Georgy Salye Cast: Alexei Khlebnikov, Viktor Tkachenko, Nina Malyavina, Vladimir Burtsev, Liliya Malinovskaya, Georgy Teikh Based on a short story by Viktor Konetsky. Shatalov and ‘Manya' (the nickname of Alexei) became friends in a naval college. Later, their careers developed differently. ’Manya' becomes the commander of a submarine. Shatalov, punished for criminal negligence in the performance of his duties, is transferred to coastal service. As a professional naval officer, he finds this situation unbearable. One day, he receives a telegram from the Russian Far North. His friend ‘Manya' asks him to come there.

548 ZAVTRASHNIYE ZABOTY (TOMORROW'S TROUBLES) 1962, 75 min., b/w Melodrama Director: Georgy Aronov, screenplay: Budemir Metalnikov, camera:Konstantin Ryzhov, production designer: Mikhail Ivanov, misic: Andrei Prigozhin, sound: Semyon Shumyacher Cast: Anatoly Azo, Yelena Dobronravova, Sergei Plotnikov, Vera Titova, Yuri Dedovich Based on a short story by Viktor Konetsky It turned out to be a very difficult voyage for captain Gleb Volnov. The crew of the ship consists of naval college students who are going to sea for the first time. The mechanic, Bitov, father of Gleb's late friend, returns to the ship after a long stay on land. Besides the captain is going through a deep personal crisis. He unintentionally hurts a woman very dear to him and it lies heavily on his soul. It is a long voyage and Gleb has plenty of time to sort it all out.


1962, 54 min., b/w, TV Melodrama Director: Friedrich Ermler, screenplay: Vladimir Vladimirov, camera:Apollinary Dudko, production designer: Isaak Kaplan, sound: Lev Valter Cast: Anna Shilova, Pavel Okhrimenko, Nikolai Gusev, Pyotr Lobach At the turn of the century two Russians leave for America and a few years later they send a letter to Lev Tolstoy. Half a century later Pyotr Lobach, Pavel Okhrimenko and Lev Tolstoy's secretary Nikolai Gusev are recalling these times.



1962, 95 min., b/w Film archive compilation Director: Viktor Sadovsky, screenplay: Arnold Vitol, Viktor Sadovsky, camera: Semyn Ivanov, production designer: Vasily Zachinayev, misic:Alexei Agafonnikov, sound: Yevgeny Nesterov, voice over: Boris Chirkov The film consists of fragments of films made by “Lenfilm “.

551 KOGDA RAZVODYAT MOSTY (WHEN THE DRAW BRIDGES OPEN) 1962, 92 min., b/w, wide screen Melodrama Director: Viktor Sokolov, screenplay: Vasily Aksyonov, camera: Moisei Magid, Lev Sokolsky, production designer: Alexander Black, music: Nadezhda Simonyan, sound: Alexandr Bekker Cast: Vladimir Yemelyanov, Vladimir Kolokoltsev, Valentina Belyaeva, Iya Arepina, Leonid Bykov Fresh from high school, Valerka has to make a decision about his career. He cherishes romantic dreams about travelling to far off places, but fails his exam to enter naval college. Thus he goes to work as a stagehand in a theatre but soon he gives up his job and falls in love with his neighbour, Inga, who dreams of the sweat life. After a series of misfortunes, Valerka finally finds out his path in life. He gets a job at the seaport where his father has been working as a docker all his life, and enters correspondence courses at a college.



1962, 35 min., b/w Melodrama Director: Sergei Gippius, screenplay: Yuri Yakovlev, camera: Vladimir Kovzel, production designer Nikolai Obukhovich, misic: Vladlen Chistyakov, sound: Vladimir Yakovlev Cast: Panteleimon Krymov, Igor Selyuzhenok, Liliya Malinovskaya, Valya Nekhayeva, Galya Gulina, Alexander Sokolov, Zoya Alexandrova A jolly little boy is hurrying up to the skating rink. An old man in the street suddenly falls ill. The boy helps him to get home, goes to the drug store for some medicine and calls the ambulance. The old war veteran is taken to the hospital. He tells the boy that he wishes he had such a messenger on the front. The boy falls asleep and has a dream that he is a soldier, fighting and defeating the enemy. He wakes up to find himself sitting in the hospital ward. The doctor tells him that the old man had been operated on and that the operation was quite successful.



1962, 20 min., color Melodrama

Written and directed by: Nikolai Rozantsev, camera: Yevgeny Kirpichev, production designer: Alexei Rudyakov, misic: Nikolai Chervinsky, sound: Yevgeny Nesterov Cast: Sergei Gurzo, Alexander Susnin, Pavel Kashlakov, Georgy Satini, Gennady Nilov, Leonid Zhukov Based on a short story by A. Zilberbort On the eve of the national championship, players of a football team are feeling very depressed. Their coach is sick, it has been raining for several days and no one wants to begin the training. The sudden appearance of the club's towel boy, who asks the players to take him as goalkeeper, cheers the sportsmen up. They go to the playing field taking the persistent boy with them…



1962, 85 min., b/w, wide screen Drama Director: Vladimir Vengerov, screenplay: Sergei Antonov, camera: Henrich Marandzhyan, production designer: Viktor Volin, music: Isaak Schwartz, sound: Yevgeny Nesterov Cast: Georgy Yumatov, Alexander Demyanenko, Tamara Syomina, German Kachin, Svetlana Kharitonova, Anatoly Papanov Based on a short story by Sergei Antonov A young journalist, Sirotkin, visits a timber company in Siberia in order to write a story about the driver Khromov. After becoming familiar with the work of the company Sirotkin finds out that Khromov is involved in illegal deals with the director of the company. Fearing the disclosure of his crimes the director orders Khromov to kill the journalist on the way back…  The film was awarded the Silver Prize and the Diploma of the  International Film Festival in Moscow (1963).



1962, 92 min., b/w Melodrama Director: Mikhail Yershov, screenplay: Daniil Granin, camera: Vladimir Burikin, production designer: Alexei Fedotov, misic: Oleg Karavaichuk, sound: Irina Chernyakhovskaya Cast: Stanislav Khitrov, Natalya Kustinskaya, Alla Konstantinova, Pavel Kashlakov, Yuri Solovyov Based on a novel by Daniil Granin All goes well in Igor's life. He works as a mechanic at a Leningrad plant and has recently married the girl he loves. Naturally, he was not very enthusiastic about an offer to go to work in a remote backward collective farm. Eager to prove that there can be a normal life in a village, he convinces himself to go there. He encounters many difficulties at first, but finally he sets things right, and when a year later he has the opportunity to return to the city he refuses to do it.



1962, 30 min., b/w Melodrama Director: Viktor Tregubovich, screenplay: Alexander Volodin, camera: Semyon Ivanov, production designer: Igor Ivanov, misic: Gennady Portnov, sound: Anna Volokhova Cast: Tanya Nikitina, Senya Morozov, Vitaly Kanevsky, Liliya Kolpakova, Dolores Stolbova One evening Grisha dares to approach Polinka, a girl from the

neighbouring village he has admired for a long time. They begin to date and all goes well until the day when Grisha's impudent friend Kostya decides to ridicule Polinka in public. Grisha, instead of standing up for the girl, cowardly joins his friend… It could have put the end to their love, but Grisha gathers up the courage to apologize to Polinka and though his friends mock him, he stubbornly continues to court Polinka.

557 SEMSOT TRINADTSATIY PROSIT POSADKU (FLIGHT No. 713 ASKS PERMISSION TO LAND) 1962, 75 min., b/w Drama Director: Grigory Nikulin, screenplay: Alexei Leont’yev, Andrei Donatov, camera: Veniamin Levitin, production designers: Igor Vuskovich, Marksen Gaukhman-Sverdlov, misic: Gennady Portnov, sound: Grigory Elbert Cast: Vladimir Chestnokov, Otar Koberidze, Lev Krugly, Lyudmila Shagalova, Vladimir Vysotsky, Eve Kivi, Yefim Kopelyan Flight 713 is fine until the moment when the passengers of airliner begin to suspect that something is wrong. It turned out that terrorists knocked out the crew of the aircraft, and the airplane is operated by automatic pilot. The danger brings the passengers — all very different people – together and makes them forget their vanity and false pride. At the end, the plane makes a safe landing.



1962, 80 min., b/w Drama Director: Tamara Rodionova, screenplay: Sokrat Kara, camera: Oleg Kukhovarenko, production designer: Igor Vuskovich, misic: Nikolai Agafonnikov, sound: Boris Antonov Cast: Konstantin Sinitsyn, Boris Gorshenin, Georgy Kulikov, Nina Nikitina, Nikolai Grinko, Liliya Arkhipova, Sergei Karnovich-Valois, Yevgeny Lebedev The brothers Pyotr and Trofim Bakhrushin choose two different ways in life. Pyotr has lived all his life in his native village and became the chairman of a collective farm. Trofim emigrated to America after the Russian Civil War, deserting his wife and daughter. 40 years later he comes to his native village as a guest.



1962, 85 min., color Musical comedy Director: Gerbert Rappaport, screenplay: Vladimir Mass, Mikhail Chervinsky, camera: Anatoly Nazarov, production designer: Marksen GaukhmanSverdlov, misic: Dmitry Shostakovich, sound: Grigory Elbert Cast: Olga Zabotkina, Vladimir Vasilyev, Marina Khatuntseva, Gennady Bortnikov, Vladimir Zemlyanikin, Vasily Merkuryev, Yevgeny Leonov Based on Dmitry Shostakovich’s musical comedy “Moscow-Cheryomushki” The young architect, Lida Baburova, has finally received a long awaited apartment in a new district of Moscow. Along with other new tenants in the apartment building Lida and her father hurry up to Cheryomushki to see the place where they are going to live. At first it takes her much trouble to get the keys, and when she finally gets them she is shocked to see that a wall in her new apartment has been pulled down. A high-ranking official decided to expand his apartment at the expense of hers.



1962, 95 min., b/w Drama Written and directed by: Grigory Koltunov, camera: Dmitry Meskhiyev, production designer: Isaak Kaplan, misic: Antonio Spadavekkia, sound: Nikolai Kosarev Cast: Nikolai Volkov, Yuri Savela, Alexei Loktev, Dzheikhun Dzhamal, Sergei Yursky, Anatoly Adoskin, Yevgeny Matveyev Manolo is an imaginative boy, and fancies himself to be as brave and courageous as his friend Sardinka. Life in liberated Cuba would have been free and jolly if American fighters had not been flying low over the island and if there had not been a sniper hiding in bushes killing harmless people. There is a rumour that this sniper is the father of Sardinka, Manolo’s best friend.

561 VSYO OSTAYOTSYA LYUDYAM (EVERYTHING IS LEFT TO HUMANITY) 1963, 100 min., b/w Drama Director: Georgy Natanson, screenplay: Samuil Alyoshin, camera: Sergei Ivanov, production designer: Nikolai Suvorov, music: Vladlen Chistyakov, sound: Boris Antonov Cast: Nikolai Cherkasov, Sofia Pilyavskaya, Andrei Popov, Elina Bystritskaya, Igor Ozerov, Igor Gorbachev Loosely based on the play of the same title by Samuil Alyoshin Professor Dronov is very ill, and will hardly live longer than one year. Doctors prescribe him rest. However, the researcher can not leave his project unfinished. He is working on an new engine vitally important for development of astronautics. Besides, Dronov is a deputy of the Supreme Soviet. So he can and he must help people. Having a strong spirit, Dronov acts according to his conscience and obeys the call of duty.



1963, 83 min., color Melodrama Director: Vladimir Shredel, screenplay: Anatoly Grebnev, camera: Semyon Ivanov, production designer: Alexander Black, misic: Andrei Petrov, sound: Arnold Shargorodsky Cast: Lyudmila Dolgorukova, Vladimir Koretsky, Lyudmila Makarova, Viktor Maksimov, Tatyana Pankova Lyusya is a bank teller in a small town. Accidentally she wins a large sum of money and decides to spend it on a trip to Moscow. In Moscow she meets Volodya. The young couple spends all day together and makes a date for the next weekend. But Lyusya is late for the date and when she finally comes Volodya has already left. Lyusya returns home and writes Volodya a letter. She hopes that there will be more such meetings in her life, and that her life will be full of wonderful surprises.



1963, 95 min., b/w, wide screen Melodrama Director: Iosif Heifits, screenplay: Yuri German, Iosif Heifits, camera: Henrich Marandzhyan, production designers: Bella Manevich, Isaak Kaplan, misic: Nadezhda Simonyan, sound: Konstantin Lashkov Cast: Tamara Syomina, Alexei Batalov, Valentin Zubkov, Nikolai Kryuchkov, Larisa Golubkina, Lyudmila Glazova

It was a chance meeting. Alexander, a young ambulance doctor, saw a pretty woman and acting on impulse made her acquaintance. This fluke meeting grows into a deep love. Shura is married, however, and the situation in her family is a complicated one. Her husband, a geologist, blames himself for the accidental death of his colleagues, and leaves geology to do odd jobs. He does not allow his wife to go to work and Shura is tired of being idle at home. Finally, Shura decides to change her life. She goes to live in a village and is prepared to make a fresh start.  The film was awarded the Honorary Diploma of the International Film Festival in Locarno (1964).



1963, 95 min., b/w, wide screen Melodrama Director: Viktor Komissarzhevsky, screenplay: Vadim Kozhevnikov, Viktor Komissarzhevsky, camera: Veniamin Levitin, Dmitry Meskhiev, production designer: Alexei Rudyakov, misic: Vladlen Chistyakov, sound: Lev Valter Cast: Ivan Pereverzev, Nina Urgant, Stanislav Sokolov, Zinaida Kiriyenko, Anatoly Romashin, Sergei Plotnikov, Panteleimon Krymov Loosely based on a novel of the same title by Vadim Kozhevnikov. For many years, the civil engineer, Pavel Baluyev has been moving from one place to another all over the country, laying gas pipelines across rivers. Again he is going to a new construction site and again he is parting with his wife. On the new place he has to solve complicated technical problems and also to adapt himself to the people he is working with. For Baluyev his work is a spiritual necessity. He captivates people by his optimism and enthusiasm. This man will always be a winner.



1963, 87 min., color Comedy Director: Nadezhda Kosheverova, Mikhail Shapiro, screenplay: Yevgeny Schwartz, Nikolai Erdman, camera: Eduard Rozovsky, production designer: Valery Dorer, Abram Veksler, misic: Antonio Spadavekkia, sound: Ilya Volk Cast: Erast Garin, Lydia Sukharevskaya, Yuri Lyubimov, Mikhail Zharov, Alexander Demyanenko, Rina Zelyonaya Loosely based on the fairy-tale of the same title by Eugene Schwarz. Two friends, wandering musicians named Jan and Jean, are going to the country ruled by king Cain XVIII — a police state where treachery and meanness are praised as merits. The thing is that Jan is in love with a princess and the princess' mother wants her daughter to marry the king. The two friends decide to do their best to break the engagement.



1963, 101 min., color, wide screen, wide format Musical comedy Director: Roman Tikhomirov, screenplay: A. Zakharov (Leonid Trauberg), loosely based on script by Yefim Gerken, camera: Yevgeny Shapiro, production designer: Igor Vuskovich, misic: Nikolai Strelnikov, sound:Grigory Elbert Cast: Tamara Syomina (Tamara Milashkina singing), Dmitry Smirnov (Yevgeny Raikov singing), Sergei Filippov, Yevgeny Leonov, Sergei Yursky (Lev Morozov singing), Glykeria Bogdanova-Chesnokova Loosely based on Nikolai Strelnikov's operetta “Indentured Maiden”. In the country estate of count Kutaisov, they are preparing for the arrival of Anastasiya Batmanova, a famous actress coming back home from Paris. Anastasiya is a former serf, but when she was a small child she was set free from bondage. At the same time, Andrei arrives at the estate. He is secretly in love with Anastasiya. Andrei is a stepbrother of the hussar, Nikita, who is his father's illegitimate son with one of Kutaisov's serfwomen. Andrei's papers certifying that he is a freed serf go missing. Loosing hope to win Anastasiya's affection, Kutaisov decides to marry Anastasiya off to his serf Andrei in order to have her in his full power.



1963, 80 min., b/w, wide screen Drama Director: Nikolai Lebedev, screenplay: Alexander Vlasov, Arkady Mlodik, camera: Anatoly Karpukhin, production designer: Vladimir Savostin, misic: Vladimir Maklakov, sound: Anna Volokhova Cast: Igor Bogolyubov, Nikolai Rozhdestvensky, Oleg Letnikov, Nikolai Kuzmin, Borya Shcherbakov, Volodya Lebedev 1919. Gleb Prokhorov, the leader of a small group of workers, goes to villages to confiscate grain from the peasants. All the members of the group are killed in an uneven fight with the kulaks (rich peasants). But Glebka, Prokhorov's son, with the help of several boys, accomplishes his father's mission and delivers grain to the starving people in Petrograd.

568 ALIVE)


1963, 80 min., b/w, wide screen Melodrama Director: Grigory Aronov, screenplay: Iosif Olshansky, Nina Rudneva, camera: Eduard Rozovsky, production designer: Viktor Volin, misic: Isaak Schwarts, sound: Rostislav Lapinsky Cast: Vladimir Zamansky, Nina Urgant, Olga Zabara, Sergei Plotnikov, Vladimir Kostin, Lydia Shtykan, Bruno Freindlikh The engineer Shirokov got into a road accident at the time when at the factory the future of his new project was at stake. He also Had some serious unsolved problems in his personal life. The loving care of people around him, and their unselfish assistance helps Shirokov to overcome his ailment and return to active life.



1963, released in 1965, 78 min., b/w Melodrama Director: Sergei Mikaelyan, screenplay: Alexei Kapler, camera: Yakov Sklyansky, production designer: Boris Burmistrov, misic: Andrei Petrov, sound: Konstantin Lashkov Cast: Yuri Berkun, Leonid Dyachkov, Olga Lysenko, Pavel Kashlakov, Vasily Merkuryev, Irina Gubanova Alyosha Utochkin is a quite young man, a dreamer. Accidentally he joins a band of disreputable youngsters headed by Valetov. At a factory where Alyosha got the job he is regarded as one of Valetov's gang, which complicates his life. Alyosha falls in love with his supervisor, Liza, and manages not only to break off with Valetov but even begins a struggle against him. The end of the story is a tragic one. Members of the band kill Alyosha.



1963, 83 min., b/w Melodrama Director: Mikhail Yershov, screenplay: Fyodor Knorre, camera: Oleg Kukhovarenko, production designer: Boris Bykov, misic: Veniamin Basner, sound: Georgy Salye Cast: Yevgeny Matveyev, Viya Artmane, Tanya Doronina, Vera Povetkina, Anatoly Papanov, Kolya Morozov, Yuri Fisenko Based on a novel of the same title by Fyodor Knorre A tank sergeant during World War II, Fedotov, is on his way home from the hospital when he meets Sonya, a young woman working on a ferry. She has three small children.

Falling for Sonya, Fedotov spends all his brief leave in her house and returns to her when the war ends. But their happiness did not last long. Sonya dies after an operation. And a new trouble comes: all of a sudden father of Sonya’s children shows up, prepared to take care of his family...

571 SOBIRAYUSHCHIY OBLAKA (COLLECTOR OF CLOUDS) 1963, 19 min., b/w Melodrama Director: Alexei Igishev, screenplay: Yuri Yakovlev, camera: Dmitry Dolinin, production designer: Viktor Mushnikov, misic: Venedikt Pushkov, sound: Yevgeny Nesterov Cast: Seryozha Kokorev, Svetlana Druzhinina, Fyodor Nikitin, Grenada Mnatsakanova, Svetlana Loshchinina Loosely based on a story of the same title by Yuri Yakovlev. Malyavkin loves to watch the fantastic shapes clouds take. Whatever he is doing — at school or collecting scrap paper — from time to time he looks up the sky, at the flock of his unusual friends. One day, the boy gets very upset. He sees how the assistant school manager burns the scras paper the boy had collected and he thinks that his white clouds are turning into the black smoke and going down the pipe.



1) 1963, 93 min., b/w Melodrama Director: Teodor Vulfovich, screenplay: Edward Radzinsky, Teodor Vulfovich, camera: Viktor Karasev, Nikolai Zhilin, production designers: Vsevolod Ulitko, Tamara Vasilkovskaya, misic: Moisei Vainberg, sound: Vladimir Yakovlev Cast: Larisa Kadochnikova, Yevgeny Fridman, Yuri Ilyenko, Yevgeny Agafonov, Vladimir Lippart A talented young man, Timofei Suverenev comes to Moscow from the remote Tyuleniy island. Determined to become a scientist he achieves brilliant results. The research work made in collaboration with his fellow student Galtsov is awarded a golden medal. It seems that all is going extremely well when it suddenly turns out that there is an error in their research work. Galtsov suggests to keep it a secret. Not willing to compromise, Timofei breaks off with his friend and returns home to continue the research work by himself.

573 BARBOS V GOSTYAKH U BOBIKA (BARBOS PAYS A VISIT TO BOBIK) 1964, 20 min., color Comedy Director: Vitaly Melnikov, screenplay: Nikolai Nosov, camera: Mikhail Shamkovich, Alexander Dibrivny, production designer: Isaak Kaplan, misic: Murad Kazhlayev, sound: Lev Valter Cast: Lhasa apse Mishka, mongrel Luks, Maltese Amishka, boxer Ero, Siamese cat Tau Barbos the dog lives in an old cold kennel while the lazy spoiled lap dog Bobik, finds it extremely tiresome to comply with Grandfather's simple commands. One day, in Grandfather's absence, Bobik invites Barbos to his place and starts boasting about his life. After eating, playing and taking a bath both friends fell asleep in Grandfather's bed. And at that moment the master of the house returns home.



1964, 80 min., color Comedy Director: Jan Frid, screenplay: Eduard Shim, camera: Vyacheslav Fastovich, production designer: Boris Burmistrov, music: Vasily Solovyov-Sedoi Cast: Tamara Korolyuk, Vladimir Treshchalov, Nikolai Kryuchkov, Alexander Borisov, Georgy Vitsin, Stanislav Sokolov, Alexander Lenkov, Svetlana Dik The young factory worker, Zhenya, decides to plant trees and shrubs on the factory premises in her free time. Other young workers enthusiastically join Zhenya and though not everything is going smoothly — there is a lot of arguing and some guys try to avoid the work — at the end of the film, the factory garden is blooming.

575 VOZVRASHCHENNAYA MUZYKA (THE MUSIC REGAINED) 1964, 75 min., color, wide screen Melodrama Director: Vitaly Aksyonov, screenplay: Alexander Gladkov, camera: Vladimir Burikin, production designers: Viktor Volin, Abram Veksler, music: Vladlen Chistyakov, sound: Boris Antonov, lyrics by: Bulat Okudzhava Cast: Zinovy Gerdt, Raisa Spasskaya, William Semyonov, Alexei Kozhevnikov, Viktoria Fyodorova, Nikolaty Volkov, Igor Gorbachev, Georg Ots, Alexander Demyanenko A young musical critic, Marina Gabrielyan, is working on her theses about the composer Sergei Kornilov. She decides to reconstruct the score of the symphony destroyed by the composer who regarded it as a failure. The idea of the story is prompted by true story from the biography of Sergei Rachmaninoff, who destroyed his first symphony after its unsuccessful first performance.



1964, 2 parts, 70 min. each, wide screen

Written and directed by: Grigory Kozintsev, camera: Ionas Gritsyus, production drama designers: Yevgeny Yeney, Grigory Kropachev, Simon Virsaladze, music: Dmitry Shostakovich, sound: Boris Khutoryansky Cast: Innokenty Smoktunovsky, Mikhail Nazvanov, Elsa Radzinya, Yuri Tolubeyev, Anastasiya Vertinskaya, Vadim Medvedev, Igor Dmitriyev, Grigory Gay, Vladimir Erenberg Based on William Shakespeare’s tragedy of the same title, translated by Boris Pasternak  The film was awarded the Special Premium and the Honorary Diploma of the Jury of the International Film Festival in Venice (1964); the Special Premium and the Diploma of the Jury of the International Film Festival in San Sebastiano (1965); the Special Premium and the Diploma of the Jury of the National Cinema Club Federation at the International Film Festival in San Sebastiano (1965).

577 GOSUDARSTVENNY PRESTUPNIK (THE STATE CRIMINAL) 1964, 90 min., b/w, wide screen Drama Director: Nikolai Rozantsev, screenplay: Alexender Galich, camera: Alexander Chirov, production designer: Semyon Malkin, music: Nikolai Chervinsky, sound: Georgy Salye Cast: Alexander Demyanenko, Alina Pokrovskaya, Sergei Lukyanov, Pavel Kadochnikov, Klara Luchko, Oleg Zhakov

The film tells about the work of state security agents, who after a long persistent search, have found and neutralized a dangerous criminal who in the times of World War II put to death hundreds of Soviet people.



1964, 90 min., b/w, wide screen Drama Director: Vladimir Fetin, screenplay: Arnold Vitol, camera: Yevgeny Kirpichev, production designer: Alexei Rudyakov, misic: Vasily Solovyov-Sedoi, sound: Nikolai Kosarev Cast: Yevgeny Leonov, Lyudmila Chursina, Alexander Blinov, Boris Novikov, Nikolai Melnikov, Alexei Kozhevnikov Loosely based on Mikhail Sholokhov’s short stories “Shibalok's Seed” and “Birthmark.” Period of the Civil War on the Don… Shibalok, is a soldier in a Cossack detachment who is pursuing the Koshevoy gang. Shibalok comes to the mill and in a barn he finds Darya, a young woman who, he believes, was raped by the gangsters. Dara stays with the detachment. This is the beginning of Shibalok's sad love story. One night the unarmed detachment was attacked by the gang and many Cossacks were killed in the uneven battle. Later Darya, being in difficult labor, confesses to Shibalok that she secretly passed the information about the detachment to the gang. After the child is born Shibalok kills Darya.



1964, 83 min., b/w Drama Director: Nikita Kurikhin, Leonid Menaker, screenplay: Mikhail Dudin, Sergei Orlov, camera: Nikolai Zhilin, Viktor Karasyov, production designer: Boris Bykov, misic: Yakov Vaisburd, sound: Konstantin Lashkov Cast: Vyacheslav Gurenkov, Gennady Yukhtin, Vladimir Pogoreltsev, Valentin Skulme, Bruno Oya, Olev Tinn, Ervin Abel, Heino Mandri 1942. The Nazis are testing the new anti-tank missiles and bring to the firing ground Russian tankers — prisoners of war. The crew of the tank commanded by Ivan breaches away from the firing ground and is getting in a German town destroying everything on its way. The story has the tragic end. All the crew of the tank perishes.



1964, 80 min., color Comedy Director: Leonid Bykov, screenplay: Mikhail Ginn, Henrich Ryabkin, Kim Ryzhov, camera: Sergei Ivanov, production designer: Bella Manevich, misic: Andrei Petrov, sound: Berta Livshits Cast: Leonid Bykov, Olga Krasina, Igor Gorbachev, Sergei Filippov, Georgy Vitsin, Alexei Smirnov, Igor Dmitriyev Zaichik (the name means 'rabbit') is a theatre make up artist. Honest and kind hearted, he is known to be shy and timid. But this quiet man turns out to be a real fighter. He is not going to put up with red tape and stagnation in his theatre.

581 KOGDA PESNYA NYE KONCHAYETSA (WHEN THE SONG DOES NOT END) 1964, 82 min., color Musical film-revue

Director: Roman Tikhomirov, screenplay: Anatoly Badkhen, camera: Yevgeny Shapiro, production designer: Andrei Vagin, misic: Andrei Petrov, Georgy Portnov, Vasily Solovyov-Sedoi, Viktor Fyodorov, Georgy Firtich, sound: Grigory Elbert Cast: Galina Spoludennaya, Dalvin Shcherbakov, Lyudmila Zykina, Georg Ots, Muslim Magomayev, Galina Kovaleva, Tamara Milashkina, Edita Pyekha, Arkady Raikin The action of the film takes place during “Leningradskoye Leto” -the Leningrad summer musical festival. Among the participants of the festival are popular music stars and entertainers. During this lively and jolly festival Svetlana meets a young police lieutenant.



1964, 75 min., b/w Melodrama Director: Leonid Pchyolkin, screenplay: Georg Radov, camera: Ernst Yakovlev, production designer: Nikolai Suvorov, misic: Veniamin Basner, sound: Irina Volkova Cast: Lyubov Sokolova, Nina Urgant, Nikolai Gritsenko, Yevgeny Matveyev, Yevgeny Petrov, Anatoly Papanov, Liliya Gurova One day in Praskovya's house, appears Katerina who says that she is the natural mother of the girl adopted by Praskovya 9 years ago. This dramatic situation is further complicated for Praskovya by problems at her work and by the intrigues of her envious old enemy, Smaltchikha. The woman mobilizes all her courage and wisdom to win in the end.

583 POYEZD MILOSERDIYA (THE TRAIN OF CHARITY) 1964, 87 min., b/w Melodrama Director: Iskander Khamrayev, screenplay: Vera Panova, camera: Konstantin Ryzhov, production designer: Mikhail Ivanov, misic: Marat Kamilov, sound: Semyon Shumyacher Cast: Valentin Zubkov, Mikhail Yekaterininsky, Emma Popova, Zhanna Prokhorenko, Yevgeny Lebedev, Vladimir Retsepter Based on Vera Panova's novel “Companions” People of different ages, characters and habits come to work in the hospital train going to the front. They spend several years together, working and fighting in a war. They go through a lot of hardships and when the war ends the peaceful life they are dreaming about will seem strange and unfamiliar to them.

584 POKA FRONT V OBORONE (WHILE THE FRONT TAKES UP A DEFENSIVE POSITION) 1964, 80 min., b/w, wide screen Drama Director: Yulu Fait, screenplay: Yuri Nagibin, camera: Vladimir Chumak, production designer: Vasily Zachinayev, misic: Boris Chaikovsky, sound: Vladimir Yakovlev, lyrics by: Gennady Shpalikov Cast: Igor Kosukhin, Viktor Avdiushko, Svetlana Svetlichnaya, Vladimir Belokurov, Alexander Demyanenko Loosely based on the short stories by Yuri Nagibin “Battle for a High Ground” and “Pavlik”. 1942. Action takes place on the Volkhovsky front. A young army political instructor, Rusakov, had poor military training and though he is far from being a coward, he finds his first battle an extremely hard experience. He goes through a lot of hardships. Katya, the girl he loves, is killed. But the severeraw reality of war strengthens his character and makes Rusakov a courageous soldier.



1964, 80 min., b/w, wide screen Drama Written and directed by: Grigory Nikulin, camera: Dmitry Meskhiyev, production designer: Igor Vuskovich, misic: Nadezhda Simonyan, sound: Grigory Elbert Cast: German Zhuravlev, Anatoly Romashin, Zinaida Dorogova, Alexander Mikhailov, Vladimir Yemelyanov, Vladimir Lippart A German soldier, Kaspar, who narrow escaped death in an air fight, has lost his way in the Byelorussian woods. He comes across Russian lieutenant Denis Marasev, who escaped from a German POW camp. Their encounter helps Kaspar to change his attitude to war and fascism.

586 SPYASHCHAYA KRASAVITSA (SLEEPING BEAUTY) 1964, 100 min., color, wide format Filmed ballet Director: Apollinary Dudko, screenplay: Konstantin Sergeyev, Iosif Shapiro, camera: Anatoly Nazarov, production designer: Tamara Vasilkovskaya, Vsevolod Ulitko, sound: Alexander Bekker, choreography: Marius Petipa, Konstantin Sergeyev Cast: Alla Sizova, Yuri Solovyov, Irina Bazhenova, Natalya Dudinskaya, Olga Zabotkina, Natalya Makarova Screen version of the Tchaikovsky’s ballet of the same name.



1964, 45 min., b/w Melodrama Director: Rezo Esadze, screenplay: Feliz Mironer, camera: Konstantin Sobol, Valery Fedosov, production designer: Vyacheslav Zachinayev, misic: Isaak Schwartz, sound: Vladimir Yakovlev Cast: Alexandra Zavyalova, Nikolai Trofimov, Gennady Yukhtin, Alisa Freinlikh, Nina Korn, Vsevolod Kuznetsov Based on a story of the same title by Andrei Platonov The film is set in the 30-s, the time of the first 5-year plans, large-scale construction projects, and development of remote regions of the USSR. Frosya's husband, Fyodor, is leaving for the Far East. After his departure, Frosya looses interest in life. Her father, Nefiod Stepanovich, finds it difficult to understand his daughter's depression. For him, work is the only importantant thing in life and he takes his retirement pretty hard. Gradually Frosya is beginning to realize that she should take a more active part in life.

588 A KREPOST BYLA NEPRISTUPNAYA (THE FORTRESS WAS IMPREGNABLE) 1965, (new version of the film “Youth of a Marshal”), 65 min., b/w Melodrama Director: Nikolai Lebedev, screenplay: Igor Vsevolozhsky, Leo Mur, camera: Vitaly Chulkov, production designers: Olga Pchelnikova, Vladimir Kalyagin, misic: Vladimir Maklakov, sound: Alexender Ostrovsky, Irina Volkova Cast: Alexei Polibin, Vasya Baukov, Tamara Krasinkova, Gennady Yeremeyev, Oleg Beyul, Pyotr Andriyevsky, Ivan Mazini Based on Igor Vsevolozhsky’ s story “Farmstead Team” The film tells about childhood of Semyon Budenny, Marshall of the Soviet Union.



1965, 90 min., b/w Detective story Directors: Alexander Abramov, Nikolai Birman, screenplay: Vasily Pomerantsev, camera: Vyacheslav Fastovich, production designers: Alexander Black, Dmitry Rudoy, misic: Boris Klyuzner, sound: Irina Chernyakhovskaya Cast: Viktor Tarasov, Yuri Tolubeyev, Vladimir Ratomsky, Nikolai Sergeyev, Vladimir Kashpur, Igor Gorbachev, Geliy Sysoyev, Lubov Malinovskaya, Yefim Kopelyan Driver Panchuk finds on a country road a smashed Moskvitch car and a dead body and calls the police. Young prosecutor Chizhov who conducts the case does not give himself the trouble to look into the matter and from the very beginning starts suspecting Panchuk. It is the irony of fate that pretty soon he finds himself in a similar situation.



1965, 2 parts, 1st — 63 min., 2nd — 67 min., b/w, wide screen Melodrama Director: Viktor Sokolov, screenplay: Leonid Zorin, camera: Eduard Rozovsky, production designer: Marksen Gaukhman-Sverdlov, misic: Veniamin Basner, sound: Georgy Salye Cast: Alexander Grave, Natalya Velichko, Yuri Yakovlev, Zinoviy Vysokovsky, Nina Veselovskaya, Oleg Anofriyev, Vladimir Kenigson, Sofya Pilavskaya, Vyacheslav Nevinny, Igor Pushkarev Based on the play of the same title by Leonid Zorin 1934. Former schoolmates — Yura, Volodya, Grisha and Tanya got together in a small seacoast town. All three friends are in love with Tanya. They have just graduated from colleges and are going to start an independent life. What will they loose and acquire, in what way will they survive the war years, what will they turn out to be? The film traces their lives from pre-war years to the 1960’s.



1965, 89 min., b/w, wide screen, wide format Drama Director: Yuri Vyshinsky, screenplay: Boris Lavrenev, Yuri Vyshinsky, camera: Anatoly Nazarov, production designers: Semyon Malkin, Nikolai Suvorov, misic: Vasily Solovyov-Sedoy, sound: Tigran Silayev Cast: Mikhail Kuznetsov, Vladimir Tatosov, Yulyen Balmusov, Sergei Yakovlev, Izil Zabludovsky, Kirill Lavrov, Georgy Epifantsev, Zinaida Kiriyenko, Yefim Kopelyan Petrograd, October 1917. On the meeting of the central Party Committee Lenin raises the question of armed uprising... Erikson, commander of “Aurora” cruiser, receives the order from Provisional Government to put the cruiser to sea. However, Belyshev, the chairman of the cruiser’s committee cancels the order... All the dramatic events taking place on the eve of the October revolution end with the historic gunshot of “Aurora” cruiser — the signal to armed uprising and the storming of the Winter Palace.



1965, 69 min., b/w, wide screen Melodrama Director: Viktor Tregubovich, screenplay: Sergei Antonov, camera: Muzakir Shurukov, production designer: Georgy Kropachev, misic: Venedikt Pushkov, sound: Anna Volokhova Cast: Alexei Glasyrin, Alexander Borisov, Liliya Gritsenko, Nina Urgant, Valentina Telegina, Yevgeny Yevstigneyev, Boris Arakelov

Zakhar Stoletov, who after political rehabilitation becomes the chairman of a backward collective farm faces many problems. Among the hardest problems is his conflict with a young agronomist Svetlana Nikitina and the accidental meeting with the regional party worker Dedyukhin who slandered Stoletov in 1937... Dramatic situation is further aggravated by the fact that Svetlana turns out to be Stoletov’s daughter — many years ago her mother, Lyudmila Sergeyevna, renounced her repressed husband...

593 IDU NA GROZU (APPROACHING THE THUNDERSTORM) 1965, 2 parts, 1st — 73 min., 2nd — 65 min., b/w, wide screen Melodrama Director: Sergei Mikaelyan, screenplay: Daniil Granin, Sergei Mikaelyan, camera: Oleg Kukhovarenko, production designer: Boris Burmistrov, misic:Vladlen Chistyakov, sound: Arnold Shargorodsky Cast: Alexander Belyavsky, Vasily Lanovoy, Rostislav Plyatt, Mikhail Astangov, Zhanna Prokhorenko, Viktoria Lepko, Yevgeny Lebedev, Anatoly Papanov, Lev Prygunov, Leonid Dyachkov Based on the novel of the same title by Daniil Granin The story told in the film begins in 1952 and covers 10 years. Lives of two friends — Sergei Krylov and Oleg Tulin went in two different ways. Shortly after graduating from university Tulin is assigned to work on a serious project, while Krylov is expelled from university for his refusal to consider cybernetics to be “a false science”. Showing great persistency Krylov grabs the opportunity to work in a research institute under the guidance of the noted scientist Dankevich, but in a difficult moment cowardly leaves the project and goes on a research expedition to collect materials for his theses. Having achieved success and having got the position of the chief of a laboratory Krylov begins a new research project and invites Tulin to work together, but fate finally pays him back for leaving the project.



1965, 17 min., b/w Drama Written and directed by: Yuri Mogiltsev, camera: Boris Timkovsky, production designer: Yuri Kulikov, sound: Kirill Tikhomirov Cast: Fyodor Nikitin, Kirill Gun Based on Anton Chekhov’s short story “Kalkhas” After his benefit performance old comic theatre actor Svetlovidov fell asleep in the empty theatre. He wakes up with a poignant feeling that he is an old lonely man, who lost everything in his life. And his only compassionate listener is the old prompter Nikitin who lives in the theatre.

595 MUZYKANTY ODNOGO POLKA (MUSICIANS FROM ONE REGIMENT) 1965, 80 min., color Comedy Directors: Pavel Kadochnikov, Gennady Kazansky, screenplay: Daniil Del, camera: Gennady Chereshko, production designer: Ivan Ivanov, misic: Vladislav Kladnitsky, sound: Nikolai Kosarev Cast: Yuri Solomin, Nikolai Yeryomenko, Sr., Pavel Kadochnikov, Nikolai Boyarsky, Konstantin Adashevsky, Konstantin Nikitin Invaders, frightened by the offensive of the Red Army are hastily leaving the town. Commanders of the White Army hurry up to kill arrested bolsheviks. Among the arrested is Makeyev, the leader of the bolshevik underground organization. To save his comrade, the brave member of the organization Ilyutinsky penetrates into a musical squad specially created to entertain the White Army officers.



1965, 95 min., b/w, wide screen Drama Director: Ilya Olshvanger, screenplay: Savva Dangulov, Mikhail Papava, camera: Yevgeny Shapiro, production designer: Yevgeny Yeney, misic: Boris Tishchenko, sound: Alexander Bekker Cast: Innokenty Smoktunovsky (as Lenin), Emma Popova, Yulyen Balmusiov, Andrei Kabaladze, Izil Zabludovsky, Yuri Volkov, Yevgeny Lebedev, Pavel Luspekayev, Bruno Oya, Yefim Kopelyan The film tells about one day in the life of Vladimir Lenin beginning from the evening, December 31, 1917 and ending on January 1, 1918. Thick with the tenseness of the epoch, this day is filled with unique task set before the first in the world state of workers and peasants.



1965, 70 min., b/w, wide screen Drama Director: Mikhail Yershov, screenplay: Yuri Yakovlev, camera: Dmitry Dolinin, Alexander Chechulin, production designer: Alexei Fedotov, misic: Veniamin Basner, sound: Galina Gavrilova, Boris Khutoryansky Cast: Valery Golovnenkov, Yelizaveta Solodova, Yevgeny Matveyev, Nina Sikorskaya, Sergei Belyatsky Beginning of the revolutionary activities of Vladimir Lenin, a student of the Kazan University.



1965, 73 min., b/w, wide screen Drama Director: Leonid Kvinikhidze, screenplay: Daniil Granin, camera: Moisei Magid, Lev Sokolsky, Alexander Black, misic: Vasily Solovyov-Sedoy, sound: Lev Valter Cast: Yuri Dubrovin, Rufina Nifontova, Innokenty Smoktunovsky, Igor Yasulovich, Igor Gorbachev, Sergei Filippov, Boris Chirkov, Alisa Freinlikh The film is set in period of October 24 — 29, 1917. Peasant Vasily Shubin comes to Petrograd to lodge a complaint to the Provisional Government about the illegal confiscation of his horse for public use. He fails to find justice from the Provisional Government he decides to appeal to Lenin.

599 PERED SUDOM ISTORII (THE VERDICT OF HISTORY) 1965, 92 min., b/w, wide screen Documentary /feature film Director: Friedrich Ermler, screenplay: Vladimir Vladimirov, Mikhail Bleinman, camera: Mikhail Magid, Lev Sokolsky, production designer: Alexander Black, misic: Sergei Slonimsky, sound: Lev Valter Cast: Vasily Shulgin, Fyodor Petrov, Sergei Svistunov The film centers on Vasily Shulgin, a former political opponent of Soviet power, the living witness and active participant of many historicevents. Dialogue between the Historian and Shulgin is unfolding like a philosophical and political debate on February Revolution, and the fate of emigrants.

600 RABOCHIY POSYOLOK (THE WORKERS’ SETTLEMENT) 1965, 2 parts (1st — 65 min., 2nd — 62 min.), b/w, wide screen Melodrama

Director: Vladimir Vengerov, screenplay: Vera Panova, camera: Henrich Maradzyan, production designer: Viktor Volin, music: Isaak Schwarts, song lyrics by: Gennady Shpalikov, sound: Yevgeny Nesterov Cast: Oleg Borisov, Lyudmila Gurchenko, Nikolai Simonov, Tatyana Doronina, Viktor Avdyushko, Lubov Sokolova, Stanislav Chekan, Boris Ryzhukhin, Viktor Tregubovich Leonid Pleshcheyev returned from the war blind. He drowns his sorrows in drink, tormenting his wife Maria and teenager son Lyonka. Maria decides to leave her husband. She goes with her son to Altai, but the boy runs away and returns to his father. Together they drag out a miserable existence till the moment when Griogory Shalagin, an old friend of Pleshcheyev, returns from the army. He awakes in Leonid’s heart the feeling of self dignity and the pride of a soldier.



1965, 91 min., color, wide screen, wide format, “Lenfilm” and “Film-Alcam” (France) Melodrama Director: Jean Drevil, screenplay: Alexander Galich, Paul Andreotta, camera: Konstantin Ryzhov, Michel Kelber, production designer: Isaak Kaplan, sound: Grigory Elbert, fragments from pieces by Pyotr Tchaikovsky, Ludwig van Beethoven, Mikhail Glinka, Caesar Kui, Nadezhda Simonyan Cast: Gilles Segal, Oleg Strizhenov, Jacques Ferier, Natalya Velichko, Nikolai Cherkasov, Alla Larionova, Yevgeniya Sokolova Marius Petipa (1818 — 1910) immigrated from France to Russia and found his new home, love and vocation in this country. The great ballet master and choreographer, he glorified Russian ballet and won the world-wide fame. Many ballets choreographed by Petipa are included in repertoire of modern ballet theatres as the outstanding pieces of Russian cultural heritage.



1966, 97 min., b/w, wide screen Drama Written and directed by: Iosif Heifits, camera: Henrich Marandzyan, production designers: Bella Manevich, Isaak Kaplan, music: Nadezhda Simonyan, sound: Konstantin Lashkov Cast: Andrei Popov, Anatoly Papanov, Nonna Terentyeva, Lidia Shtykan, Igor Gorbachev, Alexei Batalov, Olga Aroseva, Alexander Borisov, Olga Gobzeva, Rina Zelionaya, Ivan Krasko, Yuri Medvedev Based on Anton Chekhov’s short story “Ionych”

603 DVA BILYETA NA DNEVNOY SEANS (TWO TICKETS FOR THE DAY-TIME SHOW) 1966, 90 min., b/w, wide screen Detective Director: Herbert Rappaport, screenplay: Boris Chirskov, camera: Dmitry Meskhiyev, production designer: Alexander Black, misic: Alexander Mnatsakanyan, sound: Boris Khutoryansky Cast: Alexander Zbruyev, Zemfira Tsakhilova, Igor Gorbachev, Alexei Kozhevnikov, Nikita Podgorny, Bruno Freindlich, Lyudmila Chursina, Alexander Yanvarev, Stanislav Chekan, Vladimir Kenigson, Galina Nikulina Young police officer Alyoshin working for the economic crimes investigation department is going to leave the police service. His boss gives him the last and a seemingly simple task — to double check a

minor detail of a recent police operation. Solving the mystery of two used cinema tickets Alyoshin gets involved in complicated events that end up with exposure of a large gang of plunderers.

604 DOLGAYA SHCHASTLIVAYA ZHIZN (LONG AND HAPPY LIFE) 1966, 70 min., b/w, wide screen Melodrama Written and directed by: Gennady Shpalikov, camera: Dmitry Meckhiyev, production designer: Boris Bykov, misic: Vyacheslav Ovchinnikov, sound: Irina Chernyakhovskaya Cast: Inna Gulaya, Kirill Lavrov, Pavel Luspekayev, Georgy Shtil, Larisa Burkova, Alla Tarasova Two young people — Lena and Viktor — met by chance and spent a Night together. Mutual attraction could have developed into a deeper feeling. However, in the morning they both felt awkward and embarrassed and used the insignificant pretext to part without even trying to sort out their feelings.



1966, 83 min., b/w, wide screen Melodrama Director: Nikolai Lebedev, screenplay: Sokrat Kara, camera: Semyon Ivanov, production designer: Alexei Fedorov, misic: Vladimir Maklanov, sound: Boris Livshits Cast: Tanya Soldatenkova, Kostya Kornakov, Nikolai Timofeyev, Vsevolod Kuznertsov, Liliya Gurova, Lubov Malinovskaya Based on the novel “The Seventh Symphony” by T. Tsinberg. The film is set in Leningrad besieged by the Nazis. During the air raid the girl Katya saves a little boy. She names the boy Seryozha. But one day the real father of the boy appeares looking for his missing family.  The film was awarded the Gold Prize and the Diploma for the Best Children Film, the Prize for the Kindest Film and the Diploma of the Pioneer and Schoolchildren Jury at the International Film Festival in Moscow (1969).

606 KATERINA IZMAYLOVA (KATERINA IZMAYLOVA) 1966, 121 min., color, wide screen Film-opera Director: Mikhail Shapiro, screenplay: Dmitry Shostakovich, camera: Rostislav Davydov, Vladimir Ponomaryov, production designer: Yevgeny Yeney, misic: Dmitry Shostakovich, sound: Ilya Volk Cast: Galina Vishnevskaya, Artyom Inozemtsev, Nikolai Boyarsky, Alexander Sokolov, Tatyana Gavrilova, Roman Tkachuk, Vera Titova Screen version of Dmitry Shostakovich’s opera based on the novel “Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District” by Nikolai Leskov

607 KTO PRIDUMAL KOLESO? (WHO INVENTED THE WHEEL?) 1966, 83 min., b/w, wide screen Melodrama Director: Vladimir Shredel, screenplay: Tengiz Abuladze, Anatoly

Grebnev, Tomaz Maliava, camera: Yakov Sklyansky, production designer: Vasily Zachinayev, misic: Isaak Schwarts, sound: Semyon Shumyacher, song lyrics by: Gennady Shpalikov Cast: Georgy Korolchuk, Galina Nikulina, Natalya Selezneva, Georgy Vitsin, Mikhail Gluzsky, Nikolai Volkov, Sr Based on Viktor Krakovsky’s novel “Return to the Horizon”. Seva Losev, a sixteen-year old youth, arrived from the Arctic to the mainland to his uncle to continue his education. As is turned out instead of going to college Seva had to go to work at a chemcal plant. New life, first problems, first love... the boy is turning into an adult.

608 GIRL)


1966, 74 min., color Melodrama Director: Yuri Fait, screenplay: Vera Panova, camera: Vladimir Chumak, production designer: Alexei Rudyakov, misic: Boris Tchaikovsky, sound: Vladimir Yakovlev Cast: Nikolai Burlyayev, Nataliya Bogunova, Lyudmila Shagalova, Yelizaveta Uvarova, Nikolai Gubenko, Lubov Malinovskaya Two fresh from school young people — a Boy and a Girl — met on a coast of a southern sea. Their brief meeting was warmed up by the sincere and innocent love. And then the Boy went away and the Girl had a son.



1966, 2 parts (1st — 75 min., 2nd — 67 min.), b/w, wide screen Melodrama Director: Anatoly Granik, screenplay: Georgy Kapralov, Anatoly Granik, Ignat Dvoretsky, camera: Viktor Karasev, Nikolai Zhilin, production designer: Mikhail Ivanov, misic: Valery Gavrilin, sound: Nikolai Kosarev Cast: Boris Andreyev, Vsevolod Safonov, Yelizaveta Akuliocheva, Alexei Glazyrin, Oleg Borisov, Alexander Lazarev, Tatyana Bestayeva, Pavel Luspekayev Based on the novel of the same title by Boris Polevoy The story is based round the collision of two characters — Petin, the chief engineer, and Litvinov, the chief of the construction. For Petin the most important thing in his life is his career and well-being and he is prepared to sacrifice everything in pursuing his goals. Litvinov is his antipode, a man who cares about the cause he serves to and about the people around him. The story is set on a large-size construction site in Siberia.

610 NACHALNIK CHUKOTKY (THE CHIEF OF CHUKOTKA) 1966, 91 min., b/w, wide screen Comedy Director: Vitaly Melnikov, screenplay: Vladimir Valutsky, Viktor Viktorov, camera: Eduard Rozovsky, production designer: Marksen GaukhmanSverdlov, misic: Nadezhda Simonyan, sound: Lev Valter Cast: Mikhail Kononov, Alexei Gribov, Nikolai Volkov, Sr. Pavel Vinnik, Iosif Konopatsky, Alexei Kozhevnikov 1922. Commissar Glazkov is send to Chukotka to establish Soviet power. On his way to Uigunan, Glazkov dies and the only one who gets to the destination point is his secretary Alyosha. By pure chance this young man becomes the chief of Chukotka.

611 NE ZABUD...STANTSIYA LUGOVAYA (DON’T FORGET...THE LUGOVAYA STATION) 1966, 84 min., b/w, wide screen Melodrama Director: Nikita Kurikhin, Leonid Menaker, screenplay: Iosif Olshansky, Nina Rudneva, camera: Alexander Chirov, production designer: Vsevolod Ulitko, misic: Yakov Vaisburd, sound: Georgy Salye Cast: Georgy Yumatov, Alla Chernova, Valentina Vladimirova, Valentina Kibardina, Muza Krenkogorskaya, Yelizaveta Uvarova, Alexander Demyanenko, Oleg Belov World War II. Troop train and train with refugees are stuck at a small railway station. Young lieutenant Ryabov and Lyusya spent several days on the station together and became very close. The war separates the couple... Twenty years later Ryabov accidentally comes to the station and finds out that Lyusya has been waiting for him for many years.



1966, 103 min., b/w, wide screen Melodrama Director: Gennady Poloka, screenplay: Leonid Panteleyev, camera: Dmitry Dolinin, Alexander Chechulin, production designers: Nikolai Suvorov, Yevgeny Gukov, misic: Sergei Slonimsky, sound: Galina Gavrilova Cast: Sergei Yursky, Yuliya Burygina, Pavel Luspekayev, Alexander Melnikov, Vera Titova, Anatoly Stolbov, Lev Vainshtein, Viktor Perevalov, Sasha Kavalerov Loosely based on the novel of the same title by Gennady Belykh and Leonid Panteleyev The 20-s. Viktor Nikolaievich Sorokin, the director of a boarding school, a refined intellectual, gathers in his school homeless children, aggravated and embittered by the difficult life they had. Step by step he is shaping the souls and characters of children, developing them into conscious citizens.

613 SEGODNYA — NOVIY ATTRAKTSION (TODAY — THE NEW PERFORMANCE) 1966, 95 min., color, wide screen Comedy Directors: Nadezhda Kosheverova, Apollinary Dudko, screenplay: Yuliy Dunsky, Valery Frid, story by: Konstantin Konstantinovsky, camera: Vladimir Burykin, Vladimir Korotkov, Konstantin Solovyov, productiondesigners: Igor Vuskovich, Valery Dorrer, misic: Karen Khachaturyan, sound: Igor Lashkov Cast: Marina Polbentseva, Otar Koberidze, Faina Ranevskaya, Geliy Sysoyev, Igor Gorbachev, Mikhail Gluzsky Marat Miskheyev, an assistant of a famed tamer, begins to work on his own. His partner in the new performance is his wife Valya. Their star turn — tamed tigers — has a great success with the audience. The fame turns Valya’s head and she forgets who stands behind her success. After one of their quarrels Marat leaves the circus and soon after that during the tour Valya has a bad accident...



1966, 85 min., color, wide screen Fairy tale Director: Gennady Kazansky, screenplay: Yevgeny Schwarts, camera: Sergei Ivanov, production designer: Boris Burmistrov, misic: Nadezhda Simonyan, sound: Anna Volokhova Cast: Lena Proklova, Natalya Klimova, Nikolai Boyarsky, Slava Tsyupa, Yevgeny Leonov, Era Ziganshina, Irina Gubanova, Valery Nikitenko, Georgy Korolchuk, Olga Viklandt, Vera Titova

Screen version of the play of the same title by Yevgeny Schwarts, loosely based on Andersen’s fairy tale. Kay and Gerda live together with their old grandmother. One day the evil Snow Queen takes Kay away to keep him forever in her ice castle. But courageous Gerda sets off to rescue her brother.



1966, 92 min., color, wide screen, wide format Fairy tale Director: Alexei Batalov, Iosif Shapiro, screenplay: Alexei Batalov, Mikhail Olshevsky, camera: Suren Shakhbazyan, production designer: Bella Manevich, misic: Nikolai Sidelnikov, sound: Boris Antonov Cast: Lina Braknite, Petya Artemyev, Alexei Batalov, Valentin Nikulin, Rina Zelionaya, Yevgeny Morgunov, Pavel Luspekayev, Alexei Smirnov Based on the fairy tale of the same title by Yuri Olesha A fairy tale state is autocratically ruled by three fat man. Their autocracy is opposed by poor folk and the brave rope-walker Tibul, who is helped by the doll girl Suok and the kind doctor Kaspar.



1967, 74 min., b/w, wide screen Melodrama Directors: Lev Tsutsulkovsky, Mikhail Shamkovich, screenplay: Albina Shulgina, Vadim Mikhailov, camera: Yevgeny Mezentsev, production designer: Boris Bykov, misic: Murad Kazhlayev, sound: Irina Chernyakhovskaya Cast: Oleg Zhakov, Vladimir Vorobyov, Vasily Livanov, Vladimir Trukhanov, Sergei Plotnikov, Prov Sadovsky, Konstantin Adashevsky Based on the novel of the same title by L. Brandt Bracelet-2 is a race horse. In the days of the Civil War he is used as a usual draft horse. In the course of a fight Bracelet is shell-shocked. The famous race horse was cured and later on triumphantly participated in a race which turned out to be the last in Bracelet’s life.

617 V OGNE BRODA NET (“O Tane Tiotkinoy i yeyo risunkakh”) (THERE IS NO PASSAGE IN FIRE) (“About Tanya Tetkina and Her Drawings”) 1967, 95 min., wide screen Drama Director: Gleb Panfilov, screenplay: Yevgeny Gabrilovich, Gleb Panfilov, camera: Dmitry Dolinin, production designer: Marksen Gaukhman-Sverdlov, misic: Vadim Bibergan, sound: Georgy Salye Cast: Inna Churikova, Anatoly Solonitsyn, Mikhail Gluzsky, Maya Bulgakova, Vladimir Kashpur, Yevgeny Lebedev, Mikhail Kononov, Mikhail Kokshenov, Lubov Malinovskaya Tanya Tetkina is a nurse in a hospital train taking the wounded soldiers from Civil War battle fields. The plain shy and semi-illiterate young girl is sincerely devoted to the cause she serves. She does not realize the importance of the events she is taking part in but has a vague feeling that the time she lives in is a just time. Tanya has a rare gift of a true original artist and that makes her death even more tragic.  The film was awarded the “Golden Leopard” — the main prize of the International Film Festival in Locarno (1969).  The actress Inna Churikova was honored the Premium for the Best Lead Part at the International Film Festival in Locarno (1969).


1967, 71 min., b/w, wide screen Melodrama Director: Viktor Sokolov, screenplay: Edward Radzinsky, camera: Vladimir Chumak, production designer: Yevgeny Gukov, misic: Gennady Portnov, sound: Betty Livshits Cast: Sasha Barinov, Tolya Popov, Alexander Sokolov, Yelizaveta Time, Svetlana Savelova, Mikhail Kozakov, Tatyana Piletskaya, Iosif Konopatsky, Alexei Petrenko Two 7-th grade students Kolya Mukhin and Alyosha Kronov have known each other for a long time but they don’t cherish any kind feelings for each other. The day they spent together and events that happened during this day not only helped them to know each other better but also in some way changed their attitude to the world around them.



1967, 80 min., color, wide screen Comedy Director: Ilya Olshvanger, screenplay: Lev Kuklin, Yuri Printsev, camera: Edgar Shtyrtskober, production designer: Dmitry Afanasyev, misic: Andrei Petrov, sound: Mikhail Lazarev Cast: Oleg Strizhenov, Marianna Vertinskaya, Vladimir Pobol, Mikhail Pugovkin, Nina Mamayeva A young researcher, the chief of an experimental laboratory, created the biochemical model of a man. The robot is an exact replica of its creator. As an experiment the robot named Robert is sent to communicate with people...

620 ZHENYA, ZHENECHKA I “KATYUSHA” (ZHENYA, ZHENECHKA AND “KATYUSHA”) 1967, 81 min., color Comedy Director: Vladimir Motyl, screenplay: Bulat Okudzhava, Vladimir Motyl, camera: Konstantin Ryzhov, production designer: Viktor Volin, misic: Isaak Schwarts, sound: Yevgeny Nesterov Cast: Oleg Dal, Galina Figlovskaya, Mikhail Kokshenov, Georgy Shtil, Mark Bernes, Pavel Morosenko, Vladimir Ilyin, Lubov Malinovskaya Everyone seems to be in love with the charming Zhenechka Zemlyanikina — the signaller in a rocket barrage regiment. As to Zhenya Kolyshkin, in his regiment he has the reputation of a romantic and extremely disorganized person. However, love and war made the young man grow up and realize that the world was not just the place for amusing adventures.



1967, 101 min., color, wide screen Melodrama Director: Jan Frid, screenplay: Alexander Gladkov, camera: Lev Sokolsky, Anatoly Nazarov, production designers: Mikhail Krotkin, Mikhail Ivanov, misic: Vladlen Chistyakov, sound: Semyon Shumyacher Cast: Natalya Tenyakova, Vladimir Chestnokov, Igor Dmitriyev, Lidiya Shtykan, Igor Ozerov, Irina Gubanova, Tatyana Piletskaya, Yulian Panich, Alexander Susnin, Alexander Borisov, Alexander Sokolov, Geliy Sysoyev Varvara Asenkova is the great Russian actress of the 1st half of the 19th century. Her first performance on the stage won immediate recognition of the audience. She was taken in the staff of the imperial theatre company but practically never played the parts worth her talent. The biographical film centers on the tragic artistic career and the early death of the actress.

622 LICHNAYA ZHIZN KUZYAYEVA VALENTINA (PRIVATE LIFE OF VALENTIN KUSAYEV) 1967, 68 min., b/w Melodrama Directors: Igor Maslennikov, Ilya Averbakh, screenplay: Nataliya Ryazantseva, camera: Boris Timkovsky, production designer: Yuri Kulikov, misic: Alexander Kolker, sound: Asya Zvereva Cast: Viktor Ilyichev, Tamara Konovalova, Zinaida Krasnova, Inna Sergeyeva, Avgust Baltrushaitis, Alexei Kozhenvnikov, Georgy Shtil The slow and lazy schoolboy Valentin Kuzyayev accidentally becomes the object of a TV public opinion poll. This seemingly minor event made Kuzyayev start pondering about his life, his relations with his friends and family, about his inner world.

623 MYATEZHNAYA ZASTAVA (REBELLOUS DISTRICT) 1967, 93 min., b/w, wide screen Drama Director: Adolf Bergunker, screenplay: Alexander Vlasov, Arkady Mlodik, camera: Oleg Kukhovarenko, production designer: Ivan Ivanov, misic: Vladislav Kladnitsky, sound: Eleonora Kazanskaya Cast: Boris Chirkov, Vyacheslav Nevinny, Oleg Borisov, Yelena Chernaya, Alexei Eibozhenko, Kseniya Minina, Natalya Rudnaya, Iosif Konopatsky, Konstantin Adashevsky St. Petersburg, 1901. Workers of the Obukhovsky plant rose in rebellion against the tsar’s autocracy. These dramatic events find their reflection in the life of the Yepifanov family, the family of hereditary workers.



1967, 78 min., color, wide screen Drama Director: Alexander Ivanov, screenplay: Olga Bergholtz, camera: Yevgeny Shapiro, production designer: Mikhail Shcheglov, misic: Nikolai Karetnikov, sound: Tigran Silayev Cast: Vladimir Chestnokov, Vladimir Zamansky, Larisa Danilina, Inna Kondratyeva, Gennady Nikov, Yulian Panich, Ivan Krasko, Natalya Klimova, Olga Volkova Based on the poem of the same title by Olga Bergholtz 1918. Workers from Petrograd come to Altai region to establish the first agricultural commune. In spite of the hostility of the local White Army cossacks the workers build houses, cultivate land. The poor peasants are turning towards the commune. However, White Army cossacks take vengeance on the members of the commune.

625 POPUTNOGO VETRA, “SINYAYA PTITSA!” (FAIR WIND TO YOU, “BLUE BIRD”!) 1967, 80 min., co-production with “Avala-film” (Jugoslavia), color Adventure story Director: Mikhail Yershov, screenplay: Stanislav Borislavlevich, Fyodor Shkubonya, Yuri Printsev, camera: Milorad Markovich, production designers: Viktor Volin, Vlastimir Gavrik, misic: Andrei Petrov, sound: Vladimir Yakovlev Cast: Blazhenka Katalinich, Radmila Karaklaich, Vitaly Doronin, Boris Amarantov, Milenko Iovanovich, Yevgeniya Vetlova, Alexander Gavrilov, Valery Komlev, Vladimir Pak, Larisa Taranenko

Based on the novel of the same title by B. Kasper The beautiful “Blue Bird” schooner is sailing along the Adriatic sea coast. The passengers of the schooner are children of different nationalities, winners of the competition “For Peace and Mutual Understanding”. During this wonderful sea voyage children find out that there are smugglers on board the ship...

626 PROISSHESTVIYE, KOTOROGO NIKTO NE ZAMETIL (THE UNNOTICED INCIDENT) 1967, 70 min., b/w, wide screen Melodrama Written and directed by: Alexander Volodin, camera: Konstantin Ryzhov, production designer: Alexander Black, misic: Veniamin Basner, sound: Yevgeny Nesterov, Galina Gavrilova Cast: Zhanna Prokhorenko, Vera Titova, Yevgeny Lebedev, Vitaly Solomin, Georgy Shtil, Zinaida Slavina, Pavel Luspekayev, Lidiya Shtykan, Arkady Trusov Plain and shy shop assistant Nastya who has never been happy in love wished she were as beautiful as the Venus on the painting by Boticelli. And the miracle has occurred! As it turned out the new situation brought the girl many unexpected delights, anxieties and troubles... And though the miracle happened only in her imagination — it made her understand many things and change her attitude to many aspects of life.

627 SVADBA V MALINOVKE (WEDDING IN MALINOVKA) 1967, 95 min., color, wide screen Musical comedy Director: Andrei Tutyshkin, screenplay: Leonid Yukhvid, camera: Vyachslav Fastovich, production designer: Semyon Malkin, misic: Boris Alexandrov, sound: Grigory Elbert Cast: Vladimir Samoilov, Lyudmila Alfimova, Valentina Lysenko, Yevgeny Lebedev, Mikhail Pugovkin, Zoya Fyodorova, Andrei Abrikosov, Tamara Nosova, Mikhail Vodyanoy, Nikolai Slichenko, Alexei Smirnov Based on the musical comedy by Boris Alexandrov, story by Leonid Yukhvid Civil war in Ukraine. A peaceful small village inhabited mostly by old people and small children is often raided by White Army gangs. To do away with the gang of Balyasny the Red Army commander Nazar disguised as a White Army liason officer comes to the village — and gets right to the wedding: Balyasny is going to marry Nazar’s daughter Yarinka against the girl’s will.



1967, 83 min., b/w, wide screen Melodrama Directors: Grigory Aronov, Alexei German, screenplay: Yuri Klepikov, Edgar Dubrovsky, camera: Eduard Rozovsky, production designer: Igor Vuskovich, misic: Isaak Schvarz, sound: Boris Antonov Cast: Andrei Popov, Alexander Anisimov, Georgy Shtil, Pyotr Chernov, Vladimir Osenev, Sofia Giatsintova, Georgy Yumatov, Alexei Batalov, Alexei Glasyrin, Vladimir Erenberg, Panteleimon Krymov Based on the novel of the same title by Boris Lavrenev. Yevgeny Pavlovich Adamov, professor of history of law, sympathizes with the revolution and sizes up the new power. He goes through terrible ordeals and after some serious pondering finally makes up his mind: he will give all his energy and abilities to the new state.



1967, 77 min., b/w, wide screen Director: Vitaly Aksyonov, screenplay: Vitaly Aksyonov, Mark Rozovsky, camera: Leonid Volkov, production designer: Yuri Kulikov, sound: Igor Vigdorchik The film is composed of several episodes each dealing with peculiarities of a certain musical genre and the place it takes in the spiritual life of a contemporary man.



1967, 28 min., color Drama Written and directed by: David Kocharyan, camera: Valery Fedosov, production designer: Vsevolod Ulitko, misic: Georgy Portnov, sound: Asya Zvereva Cast: Viktor Ilyichev, Evgeni Lebedev, Nikilai Trofimov, Georgy Shtil, Alexei Trusov Loosely based on the story by Anton Chekhov.

631 KHRONIKA PIKIRUYUSHCHEGO BOMBARDIROVSHCHIKA(CHRONICLE OF A DIVE BOMBER) 1967, 78 min., b/w, wide screen Drama Director: Naum Birman, screenplay: Vladimir Kunin, Naum Birman, camera: Alexander Chirov, production designer: Alexei Fedotov, misic: Alexander Kolker, sound: Boris Khutoryansky Cast: Gennady Saifulin, Oleg Dal, Lev Vainshtein, Yuri Tolubeyev, Alexander Grave, Pyotr Shcherbakov, Georgy Korolchuk, Yelena Sanko, Viktor Ilyichev, Boris Arakelov, Konstantin Sorokin 1944. Young lads, former students and high school graduates — “the air workers of the war” — are fighting the enemy. A minor episode of war days – the search for the hidden airport of the enemy — is the pivot of the story and the cause of the heroes’ death.

632 CHETYRE STRANITSY ODNOY MOLODOY ZHIZNI (FOUR PAGES OF YOUNG MAN’S LIFE) 1967, 84 min., b/w, wide screen Melodrama Director: Rezo Esadze, screenplay: Vera Panova, camera: Ernst Yakovlev, production designer: Alexei Rudyakov, misic: Isaak Schvarz, sound: Irina Volkova Cast: Boris Rudnev, Natalya Velichko, Boris Savitsky, Alexandra Zavyalova, Lyudmila Arinina, Boris Arakelov Sasha Agafonov, a young lad is just beginning his adult life. He left his home and works as a driver at a large construction site. His new dramatic life experience changes Sasha’s character turning the boy into a grown up man.



1968, 73 min., b/w, wide screen Melodrama Director: Vadim Mikhailov, screenplay: Viktor Rozov, camera: Nikolai Prokoptsev, Vladimir Ponomaryov, production designer: Alexei Rudyakov, misic: Valery Gavrilin, sound: Igor Vigdorchik, song lyrics by: Albina Shulgina Cast: Larisa Malevannaya, Anatoly Spivak, Yevgeniya Uralova, Lev Krugly, Viktor Avdyushko, Violetta Zhukhimovich, Natalya Krudova, Lubov Malinovskaya, Arkady Trusov Based on the play of the same title by Viktor Rozov.

The story is set in a small village on the Volga river. Preparations to the wedding of Nyura and Mikhail are almost complete when virtually on the eve of the wedding day Mikhail meets Klava — his old flame. Realizing that the wedding can not be cancelled Mikhail and Klava are parting. Nyura finds out about their meeting...



1968, 109 min., b/w, wide screen Drama Director: Vladimir Fetin, screenplay: Albina Shulgina, camera: Yevgeny Shapiro, production designer: Larisa Shilova, misic: Vasily Solovyov-Sedoy, sound: Grigory Elbert Cast: Lyudmila Chursina, Anatoly Papanov, Vyacheslav Nevinny, Valentina Vladimirova, Vyacheslav Shalevich, Yevgeny Leonov, Oleg Borisov, Stanislav Chekan, Alexei Gribov Based on the novel of the same title by Lidiya Seifullina. Life of young Virineya with her invalid husband Vasily whom she never loved was not easy. Unable to bear this life any longer she left her home. After the revolution Virineya became an active supporter of the new regime. She married bolshevik Pavel Suslov. When the Civil War broke out, Virineya, who stayed in the village, stirred the uprising against the White Army and laid down her life for the revolution.



1968, 85 min., b/w, USSR-Norway, “Lenfilm”-“Norskfilm” Historical drama Director: Sergei Mikaelyan, screenplay: Odd Bang-Hansen, Sigurd Evensmu, Yuliy Dunsky, Valery Frid, camera: Dmitry Meskhiyev, production designer: Isaak Kaplan, misic: M. Senstevol, G. Senstevol, sound: K.Lashkov Cast: Knut Vigert, Veslemey Haslund, Rolf Sund, Johim Kalmeer, Yevgeny Yevstigneyev, Arne Os, Yan Gratinsh The film tells about the most important episodes of the life of Fridtjof Nansen, the traveler and Arctic explorer: his attempt to reach the North Pole sailing in the “Fram” ship, his career as a diplomat when he struggled for independence of Norway, his activities in the League of Nations and his service to famine stricken Russia.

636 GROZA NAD BYELOY (THUNDERSTOM OVER THE BYELAYA RIVER) 1968, 92 min., b/w, wide screen Drama Directors: Yevgeny Nemchenko, Stanislav Chaplin, screenplay: Daniil Del, Leonid Zhezhelenko, camera: Oleg Kukhovarenko, misic: Nadezhda Simonyan, sound: Semyon Shumyacher Cast: Alexander Mikhailov, Alexei Yakovlev, Natalya Tenyakova, Georgy Kulikov, Bruno Freinlikh, Yefim Kopelyan, Vladimir Kashpur, Gennady Yukhtin, Emma Popova, Nikolai Volkov, Sr The Civil War. 1919 Red Army troops commanded by Mikhail Frunze, who reorganized armed forces to create the disciplined efficient army, liberates the city of Ufa on the Byelaya river, occupied by the White Army.



1968, 2 parts (1st — 77 min., 2nd — 65 min.), b/w, wide screen Drama

Written and directed by: Vladimir Vengerov, camera: Henrich Marandzhyan, production designer: Marksen Gaukhman-Sverdlov, Nikolai Suvorov, misic: Isaak Schwarz, sound: Yevgeny Nesterov Cast: Alexei Batalov, Alla Demidova, Oleg Basilashvili, Lidiya Shtykan, Yelena Chernaya, Svetlana Toma, Sofia Pilyavskaya, Oleg Borisov, Innokenty Smoktunovsky, Nikolai Boyarsky Based on Lev Tolstoy’s play of the same title.



1968, 87 min., b/w, wide screen Melodrama Director: Anatioly Granik, screenplay: Ignaty Dvoretsky, camera: Ernst Yakovlev, production designer: Boris Burmistrov, misic: Valery Gavrilin, sound: Asya Zvereva Cast: Dzidra Ritenbergs, Vladimir Kashpur, Leonid Nevedomsky, Alexei Chernov, Natalya Rybakova, Stanislav Sokolov, Lyudmila Nilova Savely and Lelya are leading a quiet peaceful life in a forest reserve, in a small village with a mineral spring, where Savely brought his seriously ill wife. The seemingly routine life can not hide deep and tender love that came a bit too late...



1968, 83 min., color, wide format Film-ballet Director: Apollinary Dudko, Konstantin Sergeyev, screenplay: Isaak Glikman, Apollinary Dudko, Konstantin Sergeyev, choreography: Marius Petipa, Leonid Ivanov, Konstantin Sergeyev, camera: Anatoly Nazarov, production designers: Viktor Volin, Boris Bykov, sound: Vladimir Yakovlev Cast: Yelena Yevteyeva, John Markovsky, Makhmud Esambayev, Valery Panov, Alla Kabarova, Viktor Ryazanov Screen version of Pyotr Tchaikovsky’s ballet of the same name.



1968, 2 parts (1st — 70 min., 2nd — 68 min)., b/w, wide screen Political detective Director: Savva Kulish, screenplay: Vladimir Vladimirov, Alexander Shlepyanov, camera: Alexender Chechulin, production designer: Yevgeny Gukov, misic: Andrei Volkonsky, sound: Galina Gavrilova Cast: Donatas Banionis, Rolan Bykov, Sergei Kurilov, Gennady Yukhtin, Bruno Freindlikh, Yuri Yarvet, Svetlana Korkoshko, Laimonas Noreika, Leonhard Merzin, Anda Zaitse, Mairi Raus Soviet secret service agent Ladeinikov gets the information that doctor Hass, a former World War II criminal, works for one of foreign research institutes. Ladeinikov and actor Savushkin, who knows Hass by sight, come under assumed names to Dorgeit, a small resort town, where Hass is working. After a long and complicated search they finally identify Hass. But Hass, in his turn, also recognizes Savushkin.



1968, 93 min., b/w, wide screen Drama Director: Leonid Kvinikhidze, screenplay: Vladimir Grigoryev, Edgar

Dubrovsky, Sergei Potepalov, camera: Vyacheslav Fastovich, production designer: Alexander Black, misic: Vladislav Uspensky, sound: Irina Volkova Cast: Pyotr Chernov, Azgar Shakirov, Aivars Bagdanovich, Laimonas Noreika, Anatoply Shvedersky, Alexander Mikhailov, Dmitry Barkov, Sergei Svistunov The story is focused on the dramatic life of the talented Tatar poet Musa Dzhalil: his struggle against fascism, the ordeal of being in a German prisoner-of-war camp, his courage and his imperishable fame.

642 NA VOINE KAK NA VOINE (A LA GUERRE COMME A LA GUERRE) 1968, 90 min., b/w, wide screen Drama Written and directed by: Viktor Kurochkin, camera: Yevgeny Mezentsev, production designer: Semyon Malkin, misic: Gennady Portnov, sound: Irina Chernyakhovskaya Cast: Mikhail Kononov, Oleg Borisov, Fyodor Odinokov, Viktor Pavlov, Valentin Zubkov, Mikhail Gluzsky, Boris Arakelov, Pyotr Gorin, Irina Zamotina, Pyotr Lyubeshkin The film is set at the end of World War II. Junior lieutenant Maleshkin, fresh from the military college, is appointed the commander of a self propelled gun. His subordinates are experienced war veterans who took part in many battles. The film tells about their everyday life, about their happy moments and troubles, their courage and heroism.



1968, 86 min., color, wide screen Fairy tale Director: Pavel Kadochnikov, screenplay: Daniil Del, Pavel Kadochnikov, camera: Alexander Chirov, production designer: Alexei Fedotov, misic:Vladislav Kladnitsky, sound: Tigran Silayev Cast: Yevgeniya Filonova, Yevgeny Zharikov, Irina Gubanova, Boris Khimichev, Pavel Kadochnikov, Sergei Filippov, Lubov Malinovskaya, Valentina Pugacheva, Valery Malyshev, Gennady Nilov, Stepan Krylov Screen version of Alexander Ostrovsky’s play “The Spring Tale”.



1968, 90 min., color, wide screen Fairy tale Director: Nadezhda Kosheverova, screenplay: Yuli Dunsky, Valery Frid, camera: Konstantin Ryzhov, production designers: Marina Azizyan, Igor Vuskovich, misic: Andrei Petrov, sound: Boris Khutoryansky, song lyrics by: Alexander Galich Cast: Oleg Dal, Marina Neyolova, Vladimir Etush, Georgy Vitsin, Vera Titova, Igor Dmitriyev, Lev Lemke, Viktor Perevalov, Georgy Shtil Based on fairy tales by Hans Christian Andersen. A brave soldier who falls in love with a malicious and capricious princess, a kind magician who helps him to obtain his happiness and a wicked witch are familiar personages of any fairy tale.



1968, 95 min., b/w Melodrama Written and produced by: Ilya Averbakh, camera: Vladimir Kovzel, production designer: Vasily Zachinayev, sound: Mikhail Lazarev, misic: fragments from compositions by Caesar Frank

Cast: Boris Livanov, Innokenty Smoktunovsky, Alla Demidova, Ivan Dmitriyev, Yuri Grebenshchikov, Leonid Nevedomsky, Viktor Ilyichev Screen version of surgeon Nikolai Amosov’s novel “Thoughts and Heart”. Heart surgeries performed by talented cardiologist Sedov are unique but involve great risk. Sasha Kirillov, a young gifted mathematician, comes to Sedov’s clinic. Sedov realizes that in this particular case the risk is too high and chances for successful operation are too small...

646 UDAR! YESHCHO UDAR! (KICK AT THE BALL! ANOTHER KICK!) 1968, 89 min., color, wide screen Melodrama Director: Viktor Sadovsky, screenplay: Viktor Sadovsky, Vladimir Kunin, camera: Rostislav Davydov, Alexander Dibrivny, production designer: Boris Burmistrov, misic: Valdlen Chistyakov, sound: Anna Volokhova, song lyrics by: Lev Kuklin Cast: Viktor Korshunov, Yuri Volkov, Alexander Grave, Valentin Smirnitsky, Galina Yatskina, Yuri Tolubeyev, Vladimir Kenigson, Vladimir Treshchalov, Boris Bystrov, Yuri Dedovich, Alexei Kozhevnikov Tamantsev, coach of ‘ Zarya’ football team, and Berger, coach of one of the strongest European football teams, meet on a championship in Stockholm. The next game is scheduled to take place in Leningrad. The film tells about the game — and the circumstances attending the contest.



1969, 82 min., b/w, wide screen Adventure story Director: David Kocharyan, screenplay: Alexander Vlasov, Arkady Mlodik, camera: Vladimri Kovzel production designer: Larisa Shilova, misic: Veniamin Basner, sound: Arnold Shargorodsky Cast: Leva Orlov, Vova Magdenkov, Katya Ovsyannikova, Vitya Perevalov, Mikhail Kononov, Viktor Chekmaryov, Oleg Belov, Vitaly Konyaev, Lyusyena Ovchinnikova, Ivan Krasko The summer of 1920. The struggle of bolsheviks against counter-revolutionaries is going on. Two brothers, Fedka and Karpushka Dorokhov, help adults.



1969, 81 min., b/w, wide screen Drama Director: Lev Tsutsulkovsky, screenplay: Georgy Kholopov, camera: Yevgeny Mesentsev, production designer: Boris Burmistrov, misic: Vladislav Uspensky, sound: Irina Chernyakhovskaya Cast: Arik Kazaryan, Tanya Cherednikova, Misha Ilyin, Kolya Ananyev, Gennady Yukhtin, Igor Gorbachev Based on the novel “Granada” by Georgy Kholopov The first years of Soviet power in Baku. Tha main characters of the film are the boy Garegin and his friends, children belonging to different nationalities. They learn to be friends, master cooperation and solidarity. These children form the first in Baku team of young pioneers.



1969, 71 min., color, wide screen Melodrama Director: Viktor Sokolov, screenplay: Yuri Nagibin, Caesar Solodar, camera: Alexender Chechulin, production designers: Alexander Kompaneyets, Alexander Black, misic: Yakov Vaisburd, sound: Betty Livshits

Cast: Alexander Gorelik, Natalya Sedykh, Mare Khellaste, Anatoly Babienko Husband and wife Berestov are figure skating stars. The story is centered on the couple’s hard work, their achievements and failures in sports and on problems they face in their private life.



1969, 70 min., color Drama Written and directed by: Iskander Khamrayev, camera: Rostislav Davydov, production designer: Emmanuil Kalantarov, misic: Marat Kamilov, sound: Galina Gavrilova, song lyrics: Alexei Shcherbakov Cast: Talgat Nigmatulin, Larisa Zubkovich, Yefim Kopelyan, Nina Ruslanova, Razzak Khamrayev, Hamza Umarov, Georgy Shtil, Olga Antonova, Valentin Zubkov, Nikolai Kryukov, Pavel Luspekayev Loosely based on Sharadf Rashidov’s novel “Mighty Wave”. The days of World War II. A hydroelectric power station is being constructed in Uzbekistan. The main hero of the film is a young man Pulat, who is eager to go to the front. The story is focused on his strong love for Bahor, on his determination and courage.

651 ZAVTRA, TRETYEGO APRELYA (TOMORROW, ON THE THIRD OF APRIL) 1969, 70 min., color, wide screen Melodrama Director: Igor Maslennikov, screenplay: Vladimir Valutsky, camera: Vladimir Vasilyev, production designer: Viktor Volin, misic: Alexender Kolker, sound: Asya Zvereva, song lyrics by: Kim Ryzhov Cast: Eneken Aksel, Lyudmila Volynskaya, Viktor Ilyichev, Pavel Luspekayev, Alexander Demyanenko, Natasha Danilova, Larisa Malevannaya, Alexei Kozhevnikov Based on short stories by Ilya Zverev. The 1st of April is known as “The April Fools’ Day” when people tell each other lies and play all sorts of tricks on their friends. Pupils of a Leningrad junior school decided to establish “The Day of Spaking Truth” — and chose the date — the 3rd of April. The film tells about results of this action.



1969, 105 min., color, wide screen, wide format Film-opera Director: Roman Tikhomirov, screenplay: Isaak Glikman, Roman Tikhomirov, camera: Alexander Chirov, production designers: Vasily Zachinayev, Alexei Fedotov, sound: Grigory Elbert Cast: Boris Khmelnitsky (Vladimir Kinayev singing), Nelli Pshennaya (Tamara Milashkina singing), Boris Tokarev (Virgulius Noreika singing), Alexander Slastin (Valery Malyshev singing), Bimbulat Vatayev (Yevgeny Nesterenko singing) Screen version of Alexander Borodin’s opera, loosely based on the Russian national epic “The Song of Igor’s Campaign”.



1969, 88 min., b/w 1. NOVENKY (NEW BOY) Melodrama

Director: Ayan Shakhmaliyeva, screenplay: Igor Yefimov, camera: Yakov Sklyansky, production designers: Marksen Gaukhman-Sverdlov, Yuri Borovikov, misic: Viktor Lebedev, sound: Galina Golubeva Cast: Andrei Konstantinov, Maya Bulgakova, Tatyana Doronina After the end of war Boris returns with his mother to Leningrad. For the boys in the neighborhood Boris is a new boy, a stranger. Boris feels drawn to Tolya, the leader of the neighborhood boys. The story is centered on relations of the two boys.

2. ETO IMENNO YA (THIS IS JUST WHAT I AM) Melodrama Director: Leonid Mararychev, screenplay: Valery Popov, camera: Boris Timkovsky, Vadim Grammatikov, production designer: Alexei Rudyakov, music: Vladislav Kladnitsky, sound: Lev Valter Cast: Vitya Zhukov, Larisa Taranenko, Gena Dyudayev, Vladimir Retsepter Life of the 8th grade schoolboy Sasha changes when his new teacher of sports decides to make him a boxing champion. The collision of the film lies in the inner struggle of the boy for his true personality.

654 MAMA VYSHLA ZAMUZH (MY MAMMY GOT MARRIED) 1969, 85 min., color Melodrama Director: Vitaly Melnikov, screenplay: Yuri Klepikov, camera: Dmitry Dolinin, production designer: Isaak Kaplan, misic: Oleg Karavaichuk, sound: Konstantin Lashkov Cast: Lyusyena Ovchinikova, Oleg Yefremov, Nikolai Burlayev, Vikror Ilyichev, Lyudmila Arinina, Larisa Burkova, Arkady Trusov Zina brought up her son Borka by herself and now when the son has almost grown up a new man — Viktor — appears in her life. The film tells about relations of Zina’s son with his stepfather and about the new life of two middle aged people.



1969, 92 min., b/w War drama Director: Mikhail Yershov, screenplay: Boris Vasilyev, Kirill Rapaport, Yuri Chulyukin, camera: Nikolai Zhilin, Viktor Karasev, production designer: Mikhail Ivanov, misic: Veniamin Basner, sound: Vladimir Yakovlev Cast: Vasily Krasnov, Nikolai Trofimov, Stepan Krylov, Antonina Shuranova, Gennady Karnovich-Valois, Yuri Fisenko, Geliy Sysoyev, Nikolai Kuzmin Spring 1945. The last battles of World War II. The film is about the most important battle — the battle for Berlin, about preparatiions to operation and conducting of the battle, about its participants and heroes.

656 NEVEROYATNIY IYEGUDIIL KHLAMIDA (INCREDIBLE IYEGUDIIL KHLAMIDA) 1969, 100 min., b/w, wide screen Melodrama Director: Nikolai Lebedev, screenplay: Alexander Gladkov, camera: Semyon Ivanov, production designer: Ivan Ivanov, misic: Vladimir Maklakov, sound: Anna Volokhova Cast: Afanasy Kochetkov, Alexandra Otmorskaya, Alexander Grave, Oleg Basilashvili, Alexander Demyanenko, Galina Korotkevich, Alexei Kozhevnikov, Nina Titova, Igor Yefimov

The story is focused on the early period of the life of Maxim Gorky, the years when he lived in Samara and worked for “Samarskaya Pravda” newspaper. The film tells about formation of the writer’s character, his seeking and striving for the new ways in art.



1969, 11 min., color Director: Mark Genin, screenplay: Alik Mkrtchyan, Yuri Tikhonov, Mark Genin, camera: Muzakir Shurukov, production designers: Grachiya Mekinyan, Nona Izbinskaya, misic: Vladlen Chistyakov, sound: Semyon Shumyacher Cast: Mikhail Vodyanoy, Olga Aroseva, Pavel Sukhanov, Valery Nikitenko A life insurance advertising.



1969, 87 min., b/w, wide screen Drama Director: Vladimir Shredel, screenplay: Leonid Braslavsky, camera: Oleg Kukhovarenko, production designers: Andrei Vagin, Alexander Kompaneyets, misic: Boris Klyuzner, sound: Semyon Shumyacher Cast: Gleb Selyanin, German Yushko, Roman Gromadsky, Alexander Chirkov, Viktor Semenovsky, Ditmar Rikhter The Nazis delivered to the Eastern front new chemical weapons which they intend to test in field conditions. In order to prevent the catastrophe a group of five paratroopers is sent to the enemy’s rear. Immediately after landing they face a serious problem: Gestapo arrested their messenger. Overcoming all the difficulties paratroopers reach the designated area and successfully carry out the operation. Feature based on real events.



1969, 92 min., b/w, wide screen Detective Director: Nikolai Rozantsev, screenplay: Anatoly Romov, camera: Vladimir Burykin, production designer: Grachiya Mekinyan, misic: Nikolai Chervinsky, sound: Boris Antonov Cast: Yuri Gusev, Nikolai Timofeyev, Nikolai Gritsenko, Alexei Yakovlev, Pyotr Shelokhonov, Tatyana Mayorova, Galina Shmakova, Valery Smolyakov, Gennady Nekrasov Security service agency shadows a man who received a package from a foreigner. Shortly after that the man gives himself up to the police and confesses that he had been working for a foreign secret service and soon has to pass another report...



1969, 96 min., color, wide screen Detective Director: Vladimir Grigoryev, screenplay: Yuri Vasilyev, Vladimir Grigoryev, camera: Vladimir Chumak, production designer: Yevgeny Gukov, misic: Arkady Gagulashvili, sound: Irina Volkova Cast: Alexander Demyanenko, Algimantas Masyulis, Irina Vavilova, Pavel Luspekayev, Gennady Poloka, Stoyapas Kosmauskas, Natalya Zhuravel By chance young researcher Boris Lebedev gets involved in a struggle against foreign secret service agents. Pursuing his goals the enemy uses all the methods including blackmail, bribery, threats...



1969, 25 min., b/w Melodrama Written and directed by: Dinara Asanova, camera: Nikolai Pokoptsev, production designer: Andrei Vagin, misic: Yevgeny Krylatov, sound: Eleonora Kazanskaya Cast: Yelena Naumkina, Yuri Vizbor Loosely based on the short story of the same title by Valentin Rasputin A teenage girl dreams of a romantic world and tries to combine her fantasies with the real life.



1969, 77 min., b/w, wide screen Feature/documentary Director: Alexander Abramov, screenplay: Lev Markhasev, Alexander Abramov, camera: Viktor Karasev, production designer: Alexander Black, misic: Boris Klyuzner, sound: Yevgeny Nesterov Reminiscences about the prominent actor Nikolai Cherkasov.

663 GAMES)


1969, 71 min., color Comedy Director: Avgust Baltrushaitis, screenplay: Anatoly Rybakov, camera: Vadim Grammatikov, production designer: Boris Bykov, misic: Stanislav Pozhlakov, sound: Eleonora Kazanskaya Cast: Olga Kalmykova, Mikhail Gluzsky, Georgy Shtil, Aristarkh Livanov, Nina Urgant, Igor Gorbachev, Liliya Gurova, Inna Sergeyeva, Valery Kuzmin, Artyom Inozemtsev Based on Anatoly Rybakov’s novel “Holidays of Krosh”. Olya came to Leningrad to study in the theatrical school. Disguised as a boy she meets Kostya, Viktor and Vera, who help their elder friend to search for Japanese miniature statuettes for his collection. As it turns out this collection was acquired in a dishonest way...



1970, b/w, TV Melodrama Director: Mikhail Yershov, screenplay: Arnold Vitol, Viktor Sokolov, camera: Anatoly Nazarov, production designer: Mikhail Ivanov, misic: Veniamin Basner, sound: Galina Golubeva Cast: Nikolai Trofimov, Oleg Belov, German Orlov, Larisa Burkova, Irina Bunina Based on Vasily Belov’s novel “The Usual Affair”.

665 BARYSHNYA I KHULIGAN (A LADY AND A HOOLIGAN) 1970, 63 min., color, TV Film-ballet Written and directed by: Apollinary Dudko, screen composition and chorepgraphy: Konstantin Boyarsky, camera: Eduard Rozovsky, production designer: Marina Azizyan, misic: Dmitry Shostakovich, sound: Vladimir Yakovlev Cast: Irina Kolpakova, Alexei Noskov, Svyatoslav Kuznetsov, Valentina Mukhanova Loosely based on libretto by Vladimir Mayakovsky



1970 — 1972, 82 min Melodrama Director: Yuri Solovyev, screenplay: Vadim Faradzhayev, camera: Anatoly Bakhrushin, production designer: Boris Burmistrov, misic: Murad Kazhlayev, sound: Yevgeny Nesterov, Yuri Leontyev Cast: Gennady Kolotushkin, Nikolai Yeremenko, Ivan Kaznev, Boris Arakelov Experts on blasting do their extremely risky and difficult but very important job on a large construction site. The film tells about everyday life of the blaster team.



1970, 64 min., color, TV Comedy Director: Naum Birman, screenplay: Viktor Dragunsky, camera: Alexander Chirov, production designer: Alexei Fedotov, misic: Alexander Kolker, sound: Boris Khutoryansky Cast: Lyudmila Senchina, Nikolai Trofimov, Kostya Tsenkayev, Mila Vasyutinskaaya, Igor Korolev, Nina Urgant, Tanya Doronina, Arkady Raikin, Pavel Pankov, Anna Lisyanskaya The film is composed of three separate short films: “Avengers From the 2nd “B” Class”, “Hello, Pushkin” and “The Magic Power of Art”.



1970, 98 min., b/w, wide screen Detective Director: Grigory Aronov, screenplay: Felix Mironer, camera: Nikolai Zhilin, production designer: Mikhail Ivanov, misic: Isaak Schwarz, sound: Tigran Silayev Cast: Pavel Luspekayev, Oleg Belov, Sasha Grigoryev, Igor Urumbekov, Volodya Leletko, Lyudmila Glazova, Aristarkh Livanov, Fyodor Odinokov, Andrei Krupyanin Loosely based on Georgy Markov’s novel of the same title. Leningrad, autumn of 1941. Three boys found a pistol for firing distress rockets. With the help of an experienced security service officer the boys managed to locate and to disarm a group of saboteurs.



1970, 2 parts (1st — 65 min., 2nd — 65 min.), b/w, wide screen Drama Written and directed by: Grigory Kozintsev, camera: Ionas Gritsyus, production designers: Yevgeny Yeney, Vsevolod Ulitko, Sergo Virsaladze, misic: Dmitry Shostakovich, sound: Eduard Vanunts Cast: Yuri Yarvet, Elza Radzinya, Galina Volchek, Valentina Shendrikova, Oleg Dal, Donatas Banionis, Alexei Petrenko, Karl Serbis, Leonhard Merzin, Karl Sebris, Regimantas Adomaitis, Vladimir Yemelyanov, Yuozas Budraitis, Alexander Vokatch Screen version of William Shakspeare’s tragedy of the same title, translated by Boris Pasternak



1970, 103 min., color, wide screen, wide format Drama Director: Vladimir Fetin, screenplay: Arnold Vitol, camera:Yevgeny Shapiro, production designer: Igor Vuskovich, misic: Vasily Solovyov-Sedoy, sound: Grigory Elbert

Cast: Lyudmila Chursina, Vasily Lanovoy, Rufina Nifontova, Vasily Shukshin, Kirill Lavrov, Anatoly Papanov, Nina Alisova, Vladimir Kenigson, Alexei Gribov, Inna Makarova, Igor Dmitriyev, Alexei Kozhevnikov Based on Konstantin Trenev’s play of the same title.



1970, 2 parts (1st — 68 min., 2nd — 67 min.), color, wide screen Drama Director: Leonid Kvinikhidze, screenplay: Vladimir Vladimirov, Pavel Finn, camera: Vladimir Chumak, production designer: Yevgeny Gukov, misic: Vladislav Uspensky, Leonid Garin, sound: Arnold Shargorodsky Cast: Oleg Zhakov, Irina Miroshnichenko, Oleg Strizhenov, Gleb Strizhenov, Otar Koberidze, Vladimir Zamansky, Emmanuil Vitorgan, Alexander Demyanenko, Laimonas Noreika, Yelena Dobronravova, Vladimir Zeldin, Oleg Vidov, Mikhail Gluzsky The story is focused on the establishing of friendly relations between the Soviet Republic and independent Afghanistan, on the struggle of Soviet diplomatic mission in Kabul against the Afghan reactionaries who opposed the Treaty between the two states, signed in 1921.



1970, 70 min., color Melodrama Director: Igor Usov, screenplay: Viktor Golyavkin, Igor Usov, camera: Alexander Dibrivny, production designer: Grachiya Mekinyan, misic: Andrei Petrov, sound: Lev Valter Cast: Alexander Demyanenko, Lyudmila Gurchenko, Kostya Kornakov, Sasha Arutyunov, Panteleimon Krymov Seven-year old Kostya recollects his blissful life in Baku before the war: his father, composer and conductor, his always bustling mother, his little brother... The war broke out and this simple happy life ended. Kostya’s father went to the front and did not return from the war.



1970, 91 min., b/w, wide screen Melodrama Director: Gleb Panfilov, screenplay: Yevgeny Gabrilovich, Gleb Panfilov, camera: Dmitry Dolinin, production designer: Marksen Gaukhman-Sverdlov, misic: Vadim Bibergan, sound: Galina Gavrilova Cast: Inna Churikova, Valentina Telichkina, Tatyana Stepanova, Leonid Kuravlyov, Mikhail Kononov, Tatyana Bedova, Yuri Klepikov, Gennady Beglov, Yuri Vizbor, Vladimir Vasilyev, Yevgeny Lebedev Pasha Strogova lives in a small town, works at a factory and plays small roles in amateur theatrical society. One day she is offered to play the role of Jeanne d’Arc in a film. Pasha is working on a difficult role and is going through an unhappy love affair.



1970, 88 min., b/w Melodrama Director: Leonid Menaker, screenplay: Alexander Gelman, Tatyana Kaletskaya, camera: Viktor Karasev, production designer: Andrei Vagin, misic: Yakov Vaisburd, sound: Mikhail Lazarev

Cast: Yuri Tolubeyev, Alla Chernova, Gennady Korolkov, Valentina Vladimirova, Yelena Legurova, Yuri Vizbor, German Yushko, Viktor Pavlov, Fyodor Odinokov, Georgy Shtil, Vladimir Losev The main characters of the film are construction workers. Every hour of the night shift brings new pressing problems requiring immediate solution. Emergency situation sparks a conflict between two people: young dispatcher Gribov and old foreman Ponomaryov — they both realize that they will have to pay for compromises with their conscience.



1970, 2 parts (1st — 68 min., 2nd — 67 min.), b/w, wide screen Drama Director: Iosif Heifits, screenplay: Grigory Baklanov, Iosif Heifits, camera: Henrich Marandzhyan, production designers: Bella Manevich, Isaak Kaplan, misic: Nadezhda Simonyan, sound: Konstantin Lashkov Cast: Ada Rogovtseva, Anhel Gutierres, Vitaly Solomin, Vladimir Tatosov, Valentina Vladimirova, Zinaida Slavina, Tatyana Bedova, Lev Vainshtein, Valery Zolotukhin The film is focused on the life of an exceptional woman — courageous, strong and tender, who had to go through numerous troubles and ordeals but whose live was blessed with great love.



1970, 100 min., b/w Melodrama Director: Rezo Esadze, screenplay: Leonid Zorin, camera: Valery Fedosov, production designer: Boris Bykov, misic: Oleg Karavaichuk, sound: Natalya Levitina Cast: Natalya Antonova, Nikolai Olyalin, Viktoria Beskova, Liliya Aleshnikova, Olga Kobeleva, Gennady Poloka, Oleg Karavaichuk The famous foolball player Lavrov is going to leave the world of sports. He has to play his last game. Time to sum up this period of his life, time to ask himself the question: “What shall I do now?”

677 SEM NEVEST YEFREITORA ZBRUYEVA (SEVEN BRIDES OF LANCE-CORPORAL ZBRUYEV) 1970, 97 min., color Comedy Director: Vitaly Melnikov, screenplay: Vladimir Valutsky, camera: Dmitry Dolinin, Yuri Veksler, production designer: Bella Manevich, misic: Gennady Portnov, sound: Asya Zvereva Cast: Semyon Morozov, Natalya Chetverikova, Marianna Vertinskaya, Yelena Solovei, Natalya Varley, Leonid Kuravlev, Vasily Merkuryev, Irina Kuberskaya, Lubov Tishchenko One day the photo of a brave soldier Zbruyev appeared on the cover of a military magazine and he started getting letters from girls from all over the country... There are seven girls eager to marry him. He has to choose the one and only...



1970, 83 min., b/w, wide screen Drama Director: Yuri Rogov, screenplay: Vladimir Soikin, Yuri Rogov, camera: Ernst Yakovlev, production designer: Semyon Malkin, misic: Valery Gavrilin, sound: Igor Vigdorchik

Cast: Valentina Telichkina, Nikolai Gritsenko, Leonid Dyachkov, Georgy Shtil, Leonid Bykov, Mikhail Gluzsky, Lubov Sokolova, Nikolai Kuzmin The Civil War ended and Anna Dronova, a young woman who participated in the war, returns to her native village. Being elected the chairman of the collective farm she fights for the new life in her village.



1970, 2 parts (1st — 72 min., 2nd — 70 min.), b/w, wide screen Drama Director: Gennady Kazansky, screenplay: Vsevolod Kochetov, Gennady Kazansky, camera: Dmitry Meskhiyev, production designer: Semyon Malkin, misic: Nadezhda Simonyan, sound: Igor Vigdiorchik Cast: Yuri Kayurov, Pavel Kashlakov, Ariadna Shengelaya, Tatyana Ivanova, Vadim Yakovlev, Vladimir Samoilov, Anatoly Romashin, Nina Veselovskaya, Alexei Kozhevnikov Loosely based on the novel of the same title by Vsevolod Kochetov. The Civil war. The most dramatic episode for Petrograd was the attack of Yudenich troops in 1919. Citizens demonstrated heroism, courage and defended their city from the White Army.



1970, 75 min., b/w Comedy Director: Leonid Makarychev, screenplay: Nikodim Gippius, camera: Nikolai Zhilin, production designer: Viktor Gasilov, misic: Vladislav Kladnitsky, sound: Lev Valter Cast: Vova Magdenkov, Lenya Bazutkin, Valentina Talyzina, Antonina Pavlycheva, Gennady Dyudyaev, Pavel Shpringfeld, Mikhail Ivanov Based on the novel by Yelena Boronina. The story is set in a small provincial town at the beginning of the century. Syomka makes up his mind to run away to America. His friend Alyosha is eager to help him. In order to get money boys decided to pawn their fluffy white cat...



1970, 2 parts (1st — 73 min., 2nd — 83 min.), color, wide screen Melodrama Director: Marton Keleti, screenplay: Daniil Del, Imre Kesi, camera: Ishtvan Hildebrant, production designer: Alexei Rudyakov, misic: Ferenz Farkat, sound: Vladimir Yakovlev, Yanosh Arto Cast: Imre Shinkovich, Ariadna Shengelaya, Shandor Pechi, Igor Dmitriyev, Klara Luchko, Igor Ozerov, Timash Mayor, Ferenz Beshenai, Laiosh Bashti, Pyotr Shelokhonov, Marina Yurasova The story is focused on the life of the great Hungarian composer: on dramatic collisions in his creative work, his passions, his love.



1970, 99 min., b/w, wide screen Melodrama Director: Mikhail Yershov, screenplay: Vasily Aksyonov, Akiba Golburt, camera: Anatoly Nazarov, production designer: Mikhail Ivanov, misic: Vladlen Chistyakov, sound: Semyon Shumyacher Cast: Yevgeny Gvozdeyev, Mikhail Kokshenov, Tatyana Bedova, Alexei Smirnov, Marianna Vertinskaya, Konstantin Adashevsky, Nikolai Fyodortsev

The Civil War ends and sailor Ivan Ivanov comes to Petrograd. His goal is to become a worker at the Putilovsky Factory but it turns out that it is not easy to reach this goal.

683 GOYA, ILI TYAZHKIY PUT POZNANIYA (GOYA, OR THE HARD PATH OF KNOWLEDGE) 1971, 2 parts, 166 min., “Lenfilm”, “Defa” (Germany) with the input from Motion Drama Picture Studious (Bulgaria), “Bosna-film” (Yugoslavia), color, wide screen Director: Conrad Wolf, screenplay: Angel Wagenstein, camera: Konstantin Ryzhov, Werner Bergman, production designers: Alfred Hirschmayer, Valeri Yurkevich, misic: Kara Karayev, sound: Eduard Vanunz, Harry Belenky, Yefim Yudin Cast: Donatas Banionis, Olivera Katarina, Fred Duren, Tatyana Lolova, Rolf Hoppe, Mecheslav Voit, Mikhail Kozakov, Lyudmila Chursina, Veriko Andzhaparidze, Carmella, Ariadna Shengelaya, Gustav Kholoubeck, Ernst Busch Based on the novel of the same title by Lion Feuchtwanger. The picture features the life story of the genius Spanish master of painting and drawing possessed of a complicated and controversial personality full of contrasts, who lived at the end of 18th — beginning of the19th century. Becoming the court painter of Karl IV at the age of forty, Francisco Goya suddenly realizes that he has reached a questionable level, and... makes an altogether new start.  The film was awarded the Special Prize of the Jury, the Gold Prize and the Diploma for the Best Actress’ Work at the International Film Festival in Moscow (1971).



1971, 2 parts, Part 1 — 91 min., Part 2 — 81 min., color, wide screen Drama Director: Victor Tregubovich, screenplay: Yuri Klepikov, Victor Tregubovich, camera: Yevgeni Mezentsev, production designer: Grachiya Mekhinyan, misic: Georgi Portnov, sound: Irina Chernyakhovskaya Cast: Arkadi Trusov, Pyotr Shelokhonov, Vera Kuznetsova, Vitaly Solomin, Vasili Shukshin, Yefim Kopelyan, Mikhail Kokshenov, Yuri Solomin, Viktor Pavlov, Boris Arakelov, Svetlana Golovina, Yuri Nazarov, Lyubov Malinovskaya Based on the novel of the same title by Konstantin Sedykh. The picture chronicles the life of a settlement beyond the Baikal Lake on the eve of World War I and during the Revolution years. Finding himself in difficult situations, the young madcap of a Cossack Roman Ulybin begins to give thought to social injustice. The year of 1918 sees him as a dedicated revolutionary and a Red Army commander...

685 DOROGA NA RYUBETSAL (THE PATH TO RUBEZAL) 1971, 86 min., b/w, wide screen Drama Director: Adolph Bergunker, screenplay: Joseph Olshanski, Nina Rudneva, camera: Oleg Kukhovarenko, production designer: Viktor Volin, misic: Vladislav Kladnitski, sound: Eleonora Kazanskaya Cast: Lyubov Rumyantseva, Aurimas Babkauskas, Alexei Eibozhenko, Valentin Smirnitski, Yelena Korolyeva, Lyudmila Gurchenko, Valentin Gaft, Lyubov Sokolova, Natalya Chetverikova, Viktor Semenovski, Pavel Kormunin Based on the novel of the same title by Irina Guro. The German anti-fascist Max, who emigrated to the USSR in 1939, during the war fought in a partisan detachment. He died trying to gain the enemy rear on an important assignment. Many years after the war his partisan co-fighter Lyudmila made their old dream come true and climbed Mount Rubezal.

686 DRAMA IZ STARINNOI ZHIZNI (AN OLD LIFE DRAMA) 1971, 86 min., color Drama Director: Ilya Averbach, screenplay: Ilya Averbach, Vladimir Belyayev, camera: Dmitri Meskhiyev, production designers: Yevgeni Yeney, Marina Azizyan, misic: Oleg Karavaychuk, sound: Mikhail Lazarev Cast: Yelena Solovei, Anatoli Yegorov, Yevgeni Perov, Sophya Pavlova, Alexander Khlopotov, Lyudmila Arinina, Rasmi Dzhabrailov, Yuri Antipov, Alexander Demyanenko, Victor Ilyichev, Panteleimon Krymov, Roman Filippov Based on “The Toupee Artist”, a short story by Nikolai Leskov. An actress, an earl's bondswoman, fell in love with the “toupee painter” Arkadi, failing to observe her master's regulations... The story could only have a tragic ending for both of them: Arkadi was sent off to be a soldier, while his beloved was banished to the cattle farm.



1971, 2 parts, 125 min., b/w Drama Director: Semyon Aranovich, screenplay: Boris Dobrodeyev, camera: Heinrich Marandzhyan, production designers: Isaac Kaplan, Bella Manevich, misic: Oleg Karavaychuk, sound: Konstantin Lashkov Cast: Willi Burhardt, Georgi Kavtaradze, Oleg Khabalkov, Iya Savvina The picture is focused on the dramatic episodes of the “Red diplomat” Leonid Krasin’s life.



1971, 72 min., b/w, wide screen Drama Director: Vadim Mikhailov, screenplay: Albina Shulgina, camera: Vyacheslav Fastovich, production designer: Vladimir Gasilov, misic: Valeri Gavrilin, sound: Yevgeni Nesterov, Galina Lukina Cast: Iya Savvina, Sergei Shakurov, Alexander Plotnikov, Vera Kuznetsova, Stanislav Churkin, Lyubov Sokolova, Yelizaveta Nikishchikhina, Galya Kurdyumova, Yekaterina Vasilyeva Having extensively travelled the country, Alexei Krasheninnikov lingered in the city: his employer promised to provide him with an apartment. But he received a letter saying that his old parents had fallen ill. Alexei went to his native village, and after his father's funeral made up his mind not to return to the city...



1971, b/w Drama Director: Georgi Tovstonogov, camera: Lev Kolganov, production designers: Semyon Mandel, Viktor Slonevski, misic: Semyon Rozenzweig, sound: Galina Gorbonosova Cast: Yevgeni Lebedev, Mariya Prizvan-Sokolova, Emma Popova, Vladimir Retsepter, Kirill Lavrov, Pavel Pankov, Lyudmila Makarova, Nikolai Trofimov A TV version of the Academic Gorki Bolshoi Drama Theater production based on a play of the same title by Maxim Gorki.



1971, 88 min., color, wide screen

Melodrama Director: Nikolai Lebedev, screenplay: Boris Vakhtin, camera: Semyon Ivanov, production designer: Alexei Fedotov, misic: Vladimir Maklakov, sound: Anna Volokhova Cast: Larisa Baranova, Andrei Trofimov, Nina Veselovskaya, Yevgeniya Vetlova, Alexander Puzyryev, Alexander Demyanenko, Alexander Afanasyev, Andrei Gretsov The screen version of “Dinka”, a story by Vera Oseyeva. The picture is a story of the “eternal” friendship of the young daughter of a family belonging to the intelligentsia and a working lad. Joining the revolutionary circles, they came to participate in the Civil War.

691 NOCH NA CHETYRNADTSATOY PARALLELI (A NIGHT ON LATITUDE 14) 1971, 84 min., b/w, wide screen Detective Director: Vladimir Shredel, screenplay: Vladimir Shredel, Julian Semyonov, camera: Vladimir Burykin, production designer: Vasili Zachinyayev, misic: Murad Kazhlayev, sound: Semyon Shumyacher, Galina Golubeva Cast: Valentin Gaft, Vsevolod Platov, Yelena Kozelkova, Zhanna Kovenchuk, Nataliya Arinbasarova, Talgat Nigmatullin, Gennadi Poloka, Herman Yushko Based on “He Killed Me Near Launt-Prabang”, a story by Julian Semyonov. The picture is set in one of the countries of Indo-China. The people are engaged in a centuries-old struggle against the US aggression. The Soviet reporter Dmitri Stepanov returns from the battlefield, in a hurry to give the report to his paper. His car is being pursued by an American helicopter... The pilot is Ed Stuart, who used to be Stepanov's friend...

692 PRISTAN NA TOM BEREGU (THE PIER ACROSS THE RIVER) 1971, 64 min., b/w Melodrama Director: Solomon Shuster, screenplay: Yuri Nagibin, camera: Vladimir Kovzel, production designer: Georgi Kropachyev, misic: Boris Tischenko, sound: Irina Volkova Cast: Inna Gulaya, Stanislav Lyubshin, Oleg Korchikov, Maya Bulgakova, Antonina Bendova Based on a story by Yuri Nagibin.

693 PROSHCHANIYE S PETERBURGOM (A FAREWELL TO PETERSBURG) 1971, 98 min., color, wide screen Melodrama Director: Jan Fried, screenplay: Anatoli Grebnev, camera: Oleg Kukhovarenko, production designer: Mikhail Krotkin, misic: Vladlen Chistyakov, sound: Vladimir Yakovlev Cast: Girt Yakovlev, Tatyana Bedova, Tatyana Piletskaya, Vasili Merkuryev, Pavel Kadochnikov, Igor Dmitriyev, Sergei Karnovich-Valois The picture features a few episodes of life of “ The Waltz King” — the great Austrian composer Johann Strauss: his arrival in Petersburg, his dramatic love for Olga which inspired the composer to create beautiful music, and their parting.

694 RAZRESHITE VZLYET (I REQUEST CLEARANCE TO TAKE OFF) 1971, 96 min., b/w, wide screen Melodrama Directors: Anatoli Vekhotko, Natalya Troschenko, screenplay: Vladimir Kunin, camera: Vladimir Kovzel, production designer: Boris Bykov, misic: Veniamin Basner, sound: Igor Vigdorchik Cast: Anatoli Papanov, Semyon Morozov, Artyom Inozemtsev, Valentin Gaft, Larisa Malevannaya, Maya Bulgakova, Viktor Perevalov Having received his brand-new pilot's certificate, Solomentsev starts his flying career at an airfield lost in the steppe. Now the old flier Sakhno must give up the vocation he loves. But before moving on to become an air controller, he will help the crew of a passenger plane on an emergency landing.

695 RASSKAZHI MNE O SEBE (TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF) 1971, 93 min., color, wide screen Melodrama Director: Sergei Mikaelyan, screenplay: Budimir Metalnikov, camera: Alexander Chechulin, production designer: Boris Burmistrov, misic: Isaac Schwarz, sound: Galina Gorbonosova, song composed and rendered by: Bulat Okudzhava Cast: Tamara Syomina, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, Vitaly Solomin, Victor Pavlov, Yelizaveta Nikishchikhina, Georgi Shtil The nurse Kseniya lost her beloved in the war; an unhappy marriage and long solitary years followed. Yet, when Kseniya's son is a grown-up and her youth is well past, she encounters love...



1971, 92 min., color, wide screen Musical comedy Director: Nadezhda Kosheverova, screenplay: Yuli Dunski, camera: Konstantin Ryzhov, production designers: Vladimir Dorrer, Vladimir Kostin, misic: Andrei Eshpai, sound: Boris Khutoryanski Cast: Oleg Dal, Anastasiya Vertinskaya, Marina Neyelova, Lyudmila Gurchenko, Andrei Mironov, Sergei Filippov, Vladimir Etush, Zinovi Gerdt, Georgi Vitsin, Konstantin Adashevski, Alexei Polevoi Based on the play of the same title by Yevgeni Schwarz. The traditional fairy-tale struggle of the Good against the Evil is impersonated in the opposition of the kind and honest Scientist and his mean and paltry Shadow.

697 MOVE)


1971, 95 min., color Melodrama Director: Viktor Sadovski, screenplay: Lev Kassil, Viktor Sadovski, camera: Boris Timkovski, production designer: Boris Burmistrov, misic: Vladlen Chistyakov, sound: Anna Volokhova, Eleonora Kazanskaya Cast: Svetlana Golovina, Kirill Lavrov, Victoriya Fyedorova, Nikolai Ozerov, Kostya Kornakov, Yevgeni Yevstigneyev, Iosif Konopatski, Leonid Kuravlyev, Alexei Kozhevnikov, Alexei Smirnov, Vera Kuznetsova, Anatoli Papanov Based on the story by of the same title by Lev Kassil. A coach makes up his mind to leave sports, but his trainee, the future “white queen” who won the ski championship in the High Tatry, brings him back to the career he loves.



1971, 65 min., b/w Melodrama Director: Nikolai Rozantsev, screenplay: Nataliya Ryazantseva, camera: Nikolai Zhilin, production designer: Andrei Vagin, misic: Nikolai Chervinski, sound: Irina Volkova Cast: Yelena Odintsova, Platon Andryushin, Lidiya Shtykan, Irina Kondratyeva, Valentina Vladimirova Loosely based on “Mesalliance”, a short story by Nikolai Chukovski.



1971, 86 min., “Lenfilm”, “Defa” (Germany), color, wide screen Drama Director: Herbert Rappaport, screenplay: Mikhail Bleiman, Edith Gorrish, camera: Eduard Rozovski, Rudolf Schrade, production designers: Vsevolod Ulitko, R. Schmidt, misic: Alexander Mnatsakanyan, sound: Grigori Elbert, E. Nietzsche Cast: Yuri Kayurov, Vladimir Tatosov, Natalya Varlei, Nikolai Merzlikin, Bruno Oya, Yuri Medvedev, Rutger Joswig, Vladimir Antonik, Artyom Karapetyan, Svetlana Sukhovei, Valentina Talyzina Loosely based on the novel of the same title by Yelizaveta Drapkina. 1918. A train loaded with grain is sent from Germany to Russia as an aid to the proletariat who gained victory in the November Revolution. The attendants, the war prisoner Kurt and the Russian girl Tanya, have a long and difficult way ahead of them...

700 SHELMENKO — DENSHCHIK (SHELMENKO, THE BATMAN) 1971, 95 min., color, wide screen Musical comedy Written and directed by: Andrei Tutyshkin, camera: Rostislav Davydov, production designer: Igor Vuskovich, misic: Vasili Solovyev-Sedoi, sound: Grigori Elbert Cast: Mikhail Pugovkin, Vladimir Dalski, Zoya Fyodorova, Lyudmila Senchina, Yuri Medvedev, Olga Aroseva, Lyubov Koreneva, Igor Ozerov, Marina Lolbentseva Loosely based on a comedy of the same title by Grigori Kvitka-Osnovyanenko. The unit led by Captain Skvortsov is billeted in landowner Shpak's village. The young officer falls in love with Shpak's daughter Prisinka. But the bridegroom is poor, and the parents are against their union. The captain's batman Shelmenko volunteers to help the young people...



1971, 85 min., almanac, b/w, wide screen 1. INACHE MY PROPALI (OR WE ARE LOST) Comedy Director: Igor Sheshukov, screenplay: Valeri Popov, camera: Valentin Sidorin, production designer: Yuri Kulikov, sound: Irina Volkova Cast: Zhenya Utkin, Zhenya Sushkov, Slava Chernyayev, Lev Lemke, Victor Sergachyev, Mikhail Ivanov The schoolboy Sergeyev rigged up a bell under his desk, connecting it to the school bell. This marked a new life for the 6 “B” pupils...


Directors: Nikolai Koshelev, Valentin Morozov, screenplay: Radi Pogodin, Nikolai Koshelev, Valentin Morozov, camera: Alik Gambaryan, production designer: Georgi Kropachyev, misic: Nadezhda Simonyan, sound: Boris Andreyev Cast: Seriozha Nosov, Valeriya Zhukhimovich, Pyotr Merkuryev Having invented a new name of Vanderbul, the boy Vasya does senseless things to prove his courage, such as trying to have a healthy tooth extracted, dipping his hand in boiling water...

3. SHUTITE? (ARE YOU KIDDING?) Comedy Director: Valeri Chechunov, screenplay: Radi Pogodin, Valeri Chechunov, camera: Vladimir Vasilyev, production designer: Larisa Shilova, misic: Nikolai Martynov, sound: Grigori Elbert Cast: Slava Burmistrov, Mikhail Kononov, Valeri Ryzhakov, Valentina Kovel Two conservatory students came to a village to record chastooshki – the humorous folk songs. Their accommodation turned out to be a hut with a shattered roof. Rather than having it mended, the Chairman of the collective farm promised to have a stove made. The teenage Grisha set about this task...



1972, 63 min., color Comedy Director: Avgust Baltrushaitis, screenplay: Victor Golyavkin, camera: Nikolai Stroganov, production designer: Larisa Shilova, misic: Stanislav Pozhlakov, sound: Arnold Shargorodski Cast: Denis Kucher, Arina Arakelova, Geli Sysoyev, Irina Kuberskaya, Georgi Shtil, Yuri Solovyev, Boris Arakelov The story started at the Zoo where the five-year-old Boba was taken by his father on a Sunday. The boy spent much time in front of the elephant's open-air cage, and he thought he understood why the elephant was so sad... At night, the elephant left the Zoo and went to look for his small friend...



1972, 82 min., color, wide screen Thriller Director: Iskander Khamrayev, screenplay: Sergei Potepalov, camera: Alexander Chechulin, production designer: Vasili Zachinyayev, misic: Marat Kamilov, sound: Galina Lukina Cast: Dagun Osmayev, Bimbulat Vatayev, Gennadi Nilov, Leonhard Merzin, Larisa Zubkovich Loosely based on a novel of the same title by M. Simashko. In the 1920-s, the Basmatchi (counter-revolutionary bandit gangs) were committing outrages in Central Asia. Chasing the leader of the local gang Shamurad whose brother violated his sister, the shepherd Chary Esenov comes to a Red Army detachment... Eventually, he progresses from a solitary fighter to a conscientious revolutionary and brings Shamurad to the detachment to stand lawful trial.



1972, 81 min., color, wide format Melodrama Director: Igor Maslennikov, screenplay: Yuri Klemanov, Iosif Olshanski, Nina Rudneva, Igor Maslennikov, camera: Vladimir Vasilyev, production designer: Vladimir Gasilov, misic: Vladimir Dashkevich, sound: Asya Zvereva Cast: Yevgeni Leonov, Oleg Yankovski, Yuri Ivin, Larisa Luzhina, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, Leonhard Merzin, Nikolai Feranontov, Boris Arakelov

For many years, the metal worker Kukushkin and his navigator Sergachyev were a team, winning many car races. With the years, Kukushkin's eyesight started to fail, and Sergachyev decided to look for a new partner. This is their first race as rivals...



1972, 93 min., color, wide screen Melodrama Director: Sergei Mikaelyan, screenplay: Leonid Zorin, camera: Yevgeni Mezentsev, production designer: Boris Burmistrov, misic: Veniamin Basner, sound: Betty Lievschitz Cast: Vladimir Tatosov, Anna Tveleneva, Andrei Myagkov, Larisa Malevannaya, Lyudmila Kasatkina, Yefim Kopelyan, Viktor Korchnoi, Emmanuil Vitorgan, Nikolai Volkov Sr., Anatoli Solonitsin, Vladimir Tatosov, Mikhail Tal Sergei Khlebnikov is a chess player. Sergei is not after the victory, the game is rather the clash of brains and personalities for him.. An emotional person who is not focusing on just the practical side of things, he seldom made it to the top in tournaments... Yet, finally, through summoning all his resources and looking for new creative solutions, he achieved victory in the international title claimants' match...



1972, 2 parts, 135 min., color Fairy tale Written and directed by: Anatoli Granik, camera: Rostislav Davydov, production designer: Mikhail Shcheglov, misic: Nadezhda Simonyan, sound: Natalya Levitina Cast: Larisa Zhvaniya, Nikolai Volkov Sr., Marina Maltseva, Tatyana Peltser, Lev Lemke, Konstantin Adashevski Based Samuil Marshak’s play of the same title.

707 DELA DAVNO MINUVSHIKH DNEY (DONE IN THE TIME LONG PAST) 1972, 100 min., b/w, wide screen Detective Director: Vladimir Schredel, screenplay: Alexander Chervinski, Anatoli Bezuglov, Yuri Klarov, camera: Vladimir Burykin, production designer: Yevgeni Gukov, misic: Isaac Schwarz, sound: Vladimir Yakovlev Cast: Ivan Nasonov, Valeri Olshanski, Bruno Freindlich, Mikhail Lobanov, Pyotr Merkuryev, Yelizaveta Uvarova, Natalya Chetverikova, Mikhail Kokshenov, Mikhail Gluzski, Vladimir Etush 1926 witnessed the murder of the antiquarian Bogoyavlenski. Nowadays the bearer of a hundred-ruble note he owned can get a substantial sum for the deposit held in a Swiss bank... After many years the murder case is solved.

708 ZDRAVSVUY I PROSHCHAY (HELLO AND FAREWELL) 1972, 95 min., color Comedy Director: Vitaly Melnikov, screenplay: Viktor Merezhko, camera: Yuri Veksler, production designer: Bella Manevich, misic: Vladlen Chistyakov, sound: Konstantin Lashkov

Cast: Lyudmila Zaitseva, Oleg Yefremov, Mikhail Kononov, Alexander Demyanenko, Natalya Gundareva, Viktor Pavlov, Borislav Brondukov, Tanya Doronina, Sasha Vedernikov, Zhanna Blinova Shura Yarmonok's married life has not turned out well: her husband Mitka left for the city to look for “his life's meaning”, abandoning her and their three children. But her meeting with the new local militiaman Georgi Burov, a kind and warm-hearted person, reshaped her life and her former idea of happiness...



1972, 100 min., “Lenfilm” – “Barandov” (Czechoslovakia), color Drama Director: Alexei Batalov, screenplay: Mikhail Olshevski, camera: Dmitri Meskhiyev, production designers: Isaac Kaplan, Bogumil Kulich, misic: Oleg Karavaichuk, sound: Asya Zvereva Cast: Nikolai Burlyayev, Tatyana Ivanova, Lyubov Dobrzhanskaya, Vsevolod Kuznetsov, Vasili Livanov, Alexander Kaidanovski, Itka Zelenogorska, Fyodor Nikitin, Georgi Teikh Based on Fyodor Dostoyevsky’s novel of the same title.

710 IZHORSKI BATALYON (THE IZHORA BATTALLION) 1972, 94 min., b/w, wide screen Drama Director: Gennadi Kazanski, screenplay: Sergei Davydov, Oleg Shestinski, Gennadi Kazanski, camera: Vladimir Burykin, production designer: Semyon Malkin, misic: Nadezhda Simonyan, sound: Igor Vigdorchik Cast: Viktor Zhukov, Irina Yurevich, Boris Chirkov, Vadim Yakovlev, Sergei Plotnikov, Vasili Korzun, Sergei Priselkov, Leonid Nevedomsky, Gleb Selyanin, Inna Kondratyeva 1941 is one of the most tragic years of the Great Patriotic War. The workers of the Izhora Factory came to the defense of Leningrad... The picture is focused on the stopping of the enemy in the city outskirts.



1972, 92 min., b/w, wide screen Drama Director: Vladimir Vengerov, screenplay: Grigori Baklanov, camera: Vladimir Chumak, production designer: Victor Volin, misic: Isaac Schwarz, sound: Konstantin Lashkov Cast: Vasili Korzun, Sergei Danilin, Nikolai Yeremenko Sr., Alexander Borisov, Fyodor Nikitin, Boris Kokovkin, Lyubov Malinovskaya Based on the novel of the same title by Grigori Baklanov. One evening, the agronomist Mishakov was hit by a truck in the vicinity of a small town. The truck driver Karpukhin became an inintentional murderer. The investigation reveals that Karpukhin is not to blame; yet, yielding to the prejudiced prosecutor, investigator Nikonov is willing to view the facts differently...



1972, 72 min., color Drama

Director: Leonid Makarychev, screenplay: Leonid Vlasov, Arkadi Mlodik, camera: Boris Timkovski, production designer: Alexei Rudyakov, misic: Vladislav Kladnitski, sound: Galina Golubeva Cast: Volodya Leletko, Dima Zharkovski, Natasha Shishkina, Mikhail Kononov, Yuri Medvedev, Ivan Krasko, Georgi Shtil, Andrei Krupenin, Arkadi Trusov In 1922, the kids living in a small town established a new Pioneer unit, naming it “The Red Bees”.



1972, 94 min., b/w, wide screen Detective Director: Herbert Rappaport, screenplay: Edgar Dubrovsky, Herbert Rappaport, camera: Alexander Chirkov, production designer: Vsevolod Ulitko, misic: Alexander Mnatsakanyan, sound: Boris Khutoryanski Cast: Alexander Zbruyev, Igor Gorbachyev, Pyotr Gorin, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, Yevgeniya Uralova, Nikolai Rybnikov, Alexei Kozhevnikov, Svetlana Nemolyayeva, Svetlana Korkoshko, Panteleimon Krymov, Roman Gromadski The characters of the picture are shared with the one titled “Two Tickets for the Day-time Show”. This time, they are in charge of the investigation of an opium theft from the storage of a Leningrad chemical and pharmaceutical plant.



1972, 11 min., b/w Feature/documentary Director: Viktor Sadovski, screenplay: Dmitri Ivaneyev, Victor Sadovski, camera: Nikolai Zhilin Host — Boris Chirkov The picture features the 50-year history of “Lenfilm” Studio since its foundation.



1972, 99 min., b/w, wide screen Detective Director: Igor Gostev, screenplay: Fyodor Shakhmagonov, camera: Lev Kolganov, production designer: Valeri Yurkevich, misic: Raphail Khozak, sound: Semyon Shumyacher Cast: Georgi Zhzhyenov, Vladimir Samoilov, Georgi Taratorkin, Mikhail Pogorzhelski, Yuri Tolubeyev, Semyon Morozov, Lyubov Sokolova, Vladislav Strzhelchik, Vladimir Pokrovski, Pavel Kormunin A western Intelligence Service sends Agent Salge to the USSR to identify the country's defense capacity. Salge's activities are supported by persons trying to escape from the Soviet justice. The officers with the Special Service controlling the agent are supplying him with fake data...



1972, 100 min., color Drama Director: Ilya Averbakh, screenplay: Yevgeni Gabrilovich, camera: Dmitri Meskhiyev, production designer: Marina Azizyan, misic: Oleg Karavaichuk, sound: Eduard Vanunz Cast: Mikhail Gluzski, Marina Neyelova, Margarita Terekhova, Stanislav Lyubshin, Yevgeniya Khanayeva, Leonid Nevedomski, Leonid Gallis, Valeri Matveyev, Ernst Romanov

A prominent scientist, Academician Sretenski is leading a steady, measured life; he is reconciled to his joys and sorrows, selflessly loving his granddaughter whom his daughter long ago abandoned for him to bring up... Unexpectedly, the “prodigal” daughter returns with yet another husband; his granddaughter Nina is going through her first personal drama, while his young colleague is trying to convince him to revert to his long-forgotten research...



1972, 3 parts, 200 min., b/w Drama Directors: Grigori Nikulin, Viktor Sokolov, screenplay: Viktor Sokolov, camera: Dmitri Dolinin, production designer: Marxen Gaukhman-Sverdlov, misic: Sergei Slonimski, sound: Betty Lievschitz Cast: Stanislav Lyubshin, Margarita Terekhova, Alisa Freindlich, Yuri Solomin, Nonna Terentyeva, Nikolai Sergeyev Based on the novel of the same title by Anton Chekhov. The main character is a nobleman, the son of a mediocre architect; faking activity based of nothing is alien to him... Those around him are puzzled by his wish and yearning to engage in “rough” physical labor, to say the least of it... Yet, if a person truly aspires to something...

718 POSLEDNIYE DNI POMPEYI (THE LAST DAYS OF POMPEI) 1972, 77 min., color, wide screen Musical comedy Director: Joseph Shapiro, screenplay: Boris Laskin, Leonid Likhodeyev, camera: Vadim Grammatikov, production designer: Alexei Fedotov, misic: Alexander Kolker, sound: Yevgeni Nesterov Cast: Ivan Dmitriyev, Lyudmila Arinina, Lev Lemke, Alexander Demyanenko, Igor Dmitriyev, Alexei Smirnov Some hack-workers of art came to a small resort as part of a visiting company... As their bad luck would have it, vacationing there were some students of a Theatre Institute, who ardently rose against the banality and spiritual surrogate offered by the variety show “actors”...

719 PRINTS I NISHCHI (THE PRINCE AND THE PAUPER) 1972, 73 min., color Adventure Director: Vadim Gauzner, screenplay: Alexei Yakovlev, camera: Oleg Kukhovarenko, production designer: Marxen Gaukhman-Sverdlov, misic: Oleg Karavaichuk, sound: Mikhail Lazarev Cast: Vladimir Smirnov, Yuri Astafyev, Ivan Krasko, Maya Bulgakova, Alexander Sokolov, Marina Neyelova, Rolan Bykov, Oleg Borisov, Anatoli Solonitsyn, Gennadi Poloka Based on the novel of the same title by Mark Twain.



1972, 87 min., color, wide screen Melodrama Director: Grigori Aronov, screenplay: Mikhail Kurayev, camera: Eduard Rozovski, production designer: Yuri Kulikov, misic: Nadezhda Simonyan, sound: Irina Chernyakhovskaya

Cast: Seryozha Gorbovski, Igor Urumbekov, Yuri Tolubeyev, Igor Dobryakov, Oleg Belov Loosely based on the story of the same title by Georgi Mikhasenko. During his vacation, the thirteen-year schoolboy Anton Zorin went to visit his elder brother Leonid involved in the construction of a hydropower plant in Siberia. There he met and made friends with some wonderful people. Life set him certain tasks and taught certain lessons, putting the teenager through his “fifth quarter”.



1972, 69 min., color, wide screen Musical comedy Director: Vitaly Aksyenov, screenplay: Mark Rozovski, camera: Nikolai Stroganov, production designer: Igor Vuskovich, misic: Maxim Dunayevski, sound: Natalya Levitina Cast: Alexander Filippenko, Valentina Telichkina The circus clown Sasha makes a fascinating journey about the country, getting acquainted with the culture and original art of various indigenous peoples.



1972, 80 min., color Musical comedy Director: Igor Usov, screenplay: Vladimir Vorobyev, camera: Alexander Dibrivny, production designer: Igor Vuskovich, misic: Igor Tsvetkov, sound: Grigori Elbert Cast: Vladlen Davydov, Nataliya Fateyeva, Nikolai Trofimov, Sergei Filippov, Lyudmila Gurchenko, Georgi Vitsyn, Yevgeni Shapin Loosely based on the play of the same title by Nikolai Aduyev. Peter I sends Anton Svinyin, a son of a boyar accompanied by his manservant, to Holland to study navigation. But abroad, Anton just enjoys himself to abandon, sending his servant to attend his lessons. Yet, the time comes to return to his motherland, where Tsar Pyotr holds Svinyin to the test...



1972, 86 min., color, wide screen Musical comedy Director: Naum Bierman, screenplay: Emil Braginski, camera: Alexander Chirov, production designers: Victor Volin, Yevgeni Gukov, misic: Veniamin Basner, sound: Boris Khutoryanski Cast: Andrei Popov, Lyudmila Ivanova, Irina Alferova, Yevgeni Yevstigneyev, Alexander Demyanenko, Lyudmila Arinina, Georgi Shtil, Olga Volkova, Vera Titova, Nikolai Boyarski Yefrem Nikolayevich Solomatin is vivacious and witty. He cherishes an everlasting love for music and for his vocation, pedagogy, dreaming of establishing schools with a thorough musical training. Unobtrusively, tactfully, engaging his sense of humor, he is nourishing the love for music, life, and people in his students...

724 A VY LYUBILI KOGDANIBUD? (HAVE YOU EVER BEEN IN LOVE?) 1973, 84 min., color, wide screen Comedy Director: Igor Usov, screenplay: Oleg Mitin, camera: Alexander Dibrivny, production designer: Igor Vuskovich, misic: Igor Tsvetkov, sound: Grigory Elbert Cast: Alla Maltseva, Vladimir Puchkov, Lyudmila Shagalova, Sergei Filippov, Georgy Vitsin, Panteleimon Krymov, Yelena Anderegg

Mothers and fathers always know best whom their children should be in love with... however, as often as not children fail to agree with their parents on this point. Mother thinks that Mitya should love Lilya, whereas Mitya is in love with Olya... and this gives rise to the conflict in this amusing comedy.



1973, Film I — “Luzhsky Rubezh” (“Luga Line of Defense”), 109 min., Film II — “Pulkovsky Meridian” (“Pulkovsky Meridian”), 76 min.; color, wide format Drama Director: Mikhail Yershov, screenplay: Arnold Vitol, Alexander Chakovsky, camera: Anatoly Nazarov, production designer: Mikhail Ivanov, misic: Veniamin Basner, sound: Irina Volkova, song lyrics: Mikhail Matusovsky Cast: Yuri Solomin, Yevgeny Lebedev, Irina Akulova, Lev Zolotukhin, Vladislav Strzhelchik, Mikhail Ulyanov, Boris Gorbatov, Daniil Sagal, Juozas Budraitis, Vladimir Zeldin Based on a novel of the same title by Alexander Chakovsky. The story is built around one of the most tragic pages of the Great Patriotic War, i.e. the siege of Leningrad. The plot features the great battle for the city, the headquarters activities, everyday life at the front-line, and the Leningraders’ heroic labor efforts in the besieged city.  The film was awarded the Vasilyev Brothers’ State Premium of the RSFSR (1980).



1973, 25 min., b/w Melodrama Director: Mikhail Ordovsky, screenplay: Vladimir Maramzin, Mikhail Ordovsky, camera: Nikolai Zhilin, production designer: Viktor Amelchenkov, misic: Georgy Firtich, sound: Betty Livshitz Cast: Ivan Dmitriyev, Nikolai Volkov, Yevgeny Leonov An unusual story centered on the unexpected return to an elderly engine-driver of a year of his life “loaned” from him by somebody long ago...



1973, 103 min., color, wide format Adventure Director: Vladimir Weinshtock, screenplay: Vladimir Vladimirov, Pavel Finn, camera: Konstantin Ryzhov, production designers: Grachiya Mekinyan, Yakov Rivosh, misic: Nikita Bogoslovsky, sound: Tigran Silayev Cast: Lyudmila Savelyeva, Oleg Vidov, Alehandro Lugo, Eslinda Nunyez, Alexander Milokosty, Ivan Petrov, Arne Yksyla Based on a novel of the same title by Mayne Reid. Texas. Middle of the 19th century. End of war, resulting in the Americans drawing the indigenous Indian inhabitants off their native lands. This is the background setting off the love story of Morris Gerald, the freedom-loving mustanger, and Louise Pointdeckster, the daughter of a plantation owner.

728 GDE ETO VIDANO, GDE ETO SLYKHANO (UNSEEN AND UNHEARD OF) 1973, 4 novelettes almanac based on short stories by Viktor Dragunsky 1. GDE ETO VIDANO, GDE ETO SLYKHANO (UNSEEN AND UNHEARD OF) 26 min., color Comedy

Director: Boris Gorlov, screenplay: Maria Zvereva, camera: Rostislav Davydov, production designer: Larisa Shilova, misic: Isaac Schwartz, sound: Konstantin Lashkov Cast: Seryezha Krupenikov, Alesha Sirotkin, Andrei Petrov, Antonina Pavlycheva Denis Korablev, a boy in his early years of school who lacks musical talent, volunteers to render popular satirical verse (chastushki) in a morning performance at his school; the following transpires...

2. KAPITAN (CAPTAIN) 31 min., color Comedy Director: Ayan Shakhmalieva, screenplay: Marina Zvereva, camera: Boris Timkovsky, production designer: Marxen Gaukhman-Sverdlov, misic: Isaac Schwartz, sound: Tigran Silayev Cast: Petya Moseyev, Rolan Bykov, Alesha Sirotkin, Rita Sergeyecheva, Valentina Telichkina Denis Korablev, a cheerful boy dreaming of faraway lands, finally meets his “old sea-dog” of an uncle who is a sea captain.

3. PODZORNAYA TRUBA (SPYGLASS) 19 min., color Comedy Director: Mark Genin, screenplay: Valery Popov, camera: Vladimir Burykin, production designer: Marxen Gaukhman-Sverdlov, misic: Vladlen Chistyakov, sound: Tigran Silayev Cast: Sasha Mikhailov, Lyenya Mikhailov, Rita Sergeyecheva, Seryezha Godunov, Klara Luchko, Oleg Basilashvili Weary of their son’s pranks, Denis Korablev’s parents have come up with a “spyglass” which presumably enables them to keep constant watch over young Denis...

4. POZHAR VO FLIGELE (FIRE IN THE ANNEX) 19 min., color Comedy Director: Yevgeny Tatarsky, screenplay: Valery Popov, camera: Henrich Marandzhyan, production designer: Isaac Kaplan, music: Isaac Schwartz, sound: Konstantin Lashkov Cast: Sasha Mihailov, Sasha Hmelnitsky, Oleg Dal, Liana Zhvania, Olya Bogdanova, Rita Sergeyecheva, Vitya Tatarsky, Elizaveta Vanchugova Frolicsome Denis Korablev and his chum Misha Slonov are late to their class again. The boys seem to have a good reason: they had been helping to catch an escaped eagle belonging to school’s mini-zoo — but sure enough, nobody will believe them...



1973, 92 min., b/w, wide screen Melodrama Director: Adolph Bergunker, screenplay: Alexander Borschagovsky, camera: Viktor Karasyev, production designer: Aleksei Rudyakov, misic: Vladislav Kladnitsky, sound: Eleonora Kazanskaya Cast: Zhanna Prokhorenko, Yuri Kamorny, Lubov Sokolova, Irina Akulova, Lyudmila Gurchenko, Mikhail Medvedev, Aleksei Kozhevnikov, Yuri Goncharov, German Kolushkin Right after his wedding Pyotr leaves on his first run as a ship’s captain, taking Dasha to stay with his mother in her village. Feeling ill at ease at her mother-in law’s, Dasha finds herself a job at the local dock, lodging at her place of work... On his return, Pyotr offends his wife by a foolish suspicion...



1973, 74 min., b/w, wide screen

Melodrama Director: Yuri Rogov, screenplay: Georgy Kholopov, camera: Yevgeny Mezentsev, Ernst Yakovlev, production designer: Mikhail Krotkin, misic: Alexander Mnatsakanyan, sound: Boris Andreyev Cast: Yevgeny Leonov-Gladyshev, Mari Dzhanashiya, Nikolai Gritsenko, Yefim Kopelyan, Rolan Bykov, Yelena Sanayeva, Igor Yefimov Based on a novel of the same title by Georgy Kholopov A seventeen-year-old lad dreams of accomplishing a feat on a worldwide scale. But his everyday life involving a job in a harbor serves to convince him that there is always room for heroic feats and deeds.



1973, 135 min., color, wide screen Melodrama Director: Viktor Sokolov, screenplay: Ignati Dvoretsky, camera: Vladimir Chumak, production designer: Viktor Volin, misic: Andrei Petrov, sound: Galina Golubeva Cast: Vladimir Zamansky, Irina Miroshnichenko, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, Pyotr Velyaminov, Vasily Merkuryev, Oleg Zhakov, Vsevolod Sanayev, Alexander Borisov, Fyodor Odinokov, Leonid Nevedomsky The leading character is Alexei Cheshkov, a foundry engineer, — young, ambitious, self-assured, abrupt with a measure of straightforwardness, but a decent and honest person. He is a person of a new social structure — and ahead of those who stick to old-fashioned ways of doing things with use of habitual methods; hence the inevitable conflicts...



1973, 63 min., b/w Director: Leonid Makarychev, screenplay: Alexander Basargin, Andrei Ladynin, camera: Nikolai Pokoptsev, production designer: Viktor Amelchenkov, misic: Vladislav Kladnitsky, sound: Boris Antonov Cast: Kostya Grinyov, Vitya Bolshov, Larisa Baranova, Sasha Ivanov, Natasha Veselova, Andrei Galkin



AS) 1973, 82 min., color, wide screen Melodrama Director: Irina Povolotskaya, screenplay: Alexander Chervinsky, camera: Valery Fedosov, production designer: Valery Yurkevich, sound: Eleonora Kazanskaya Cast: Viktor Fokin, Yelena Prudnikova, Natalya Martinson, Tatyana Peltzer, Igor Vladimirov, Alisa Freindlich, Mikhail Kozakov, Yefim Kopelyan, Leonid Bronevoy, Rolan Bykov The characters are a team of architects working in a design shop. The team has recently been joined by Ilya Fyodorov, who is studying by correspondence and acting as architect. He is a mature person who knows what he is after... yet, his actions are often hard to explain and even paradoxical... Still, just as his colleagues, Ilya is committed to his job and is working on a new design.

734 KRAKH INZHENYERA GARINA (ENGIEER GARIN’S UTTER FAILURE) 1973, 4 parts, 247 min., color Detective/adventure story

Director: Leonid Kvinikhidze, screenplay: Sergei Potepalov, camera: Vyacheslav Fastovich, production designer: Boris Bykov, misic: Vladislav Uspensky, sound: Galina Gorbonosova Cast: Oleg Borisov, Alexander Belyavsky, Vasily Korzun, Nonna Terentyeva, Vladimir Tatosov, Yefim Kopelyan, Mikhail Volkov, Alexander Kaydanovsky, Grigory Gay, Valentin Nikulin, Algimantas Masyulis Loosely based on the “Engineer Garin’s Hyperboloid”, science fiction novel by Alexei N. Tostoy. Russia. The 1920-s. Pyotr Garin, a gifted engineer, has invented a unique apparatus — a hyperboloid emitting a “lethal ray” of great destructive power. With its help, Garin is out to conquer the world.



1973, 92 min., b/w, wide screen Political drama Director: Leonid Menaker, screenplay: Adkady Poltorak, Yevgeny Zaitsev, Leonid Menaker, camera: Vladimir Kovzel, production designer: Yuri Pugach, misic: Yakov Vaisburd, sound: Mikhail Lazarev Cast: Astrida Kayrisha, Yuris Strenga, Olgert Kroders, Leonhard Merzin, Nikolai Annenkov, Bruno Freindlich, Georgy Shtil, Yevgenya Vetlova, Larisa Pashkova, Gleb Plaksin, Mikhail Yekaterininsky Baron Karl Ludwig von Oster, owner of a vast concern, one of the industrial tycoons of the Federal Republic of Germany sentenced in the course of Nurnberg Trial, has been released by the American military administration and is busy testing a new type of weapon. The story is built around the battle fought in court by the military criminal and the journalist Ingrid Kyn.

736 O TEKH, KOGO POMNYU I LYUBLYU (OF THOSE I REMEMBER AND CHERISH) 1973, 80 min., color, wide screen Melodrama Directors: Anatoly Vekhotko, Natalya Troschenko, screenplay: Budimir Metalnikov, camera: Alexander Chechulin, production designer: Valery Yurkevich, misic: Sergei Slonimsky, sound: Yevgeny Nesterov, Galina Lukina Cast: Valery Zolotukhin, Yekaterina Vasilyeva, Viktoria Fyodorova, Yevgenya Sabelnikova, Artem Inozemtsev, Violetta Zhukhimovich, Nadezhda Karpushina, Lyudmila Staritsina Loosely based on “The Girl Team”, documentary story by Pavel Zavodchikov and Sergei Samoylov The picture unfolds the life stories of six girls: their wartime lives, their joys and hardships, their loves and heroic deeds.



1973, 2 parts, Part I — 91 min., Part II — 90 min., b/w, wide screen Melodrama Director: Vladimir Fetin, screenplay: Veniamin Kaverin, Natalya Ryazantseva, camera: Yevgeny Shapiro, production designer: Semyon Malkin, misic: Vasily Solovyev-Sedoy, sound: Gennadi Korkhovoy Cast: Lyudmila Chursina, Anya Aleksakhina, Vladislav Dvorzhetsky, Alexander Demyanenko, Fyodor Nikitin, Lyudmila Gurchenko, Vladislav Strzhelchik, Vatslav Dvoretsky, Lev Durov, Eleonora Shahkova, Yefim Kopelyan Based on Veniamin Kaverin’s novel of the same title The picture is focused on Tatyana Vlasenkova, an outstanding scientist, who is an intelligent, energetic and tough woman. She is a fighter by nature, who won’t put up with meanness or callousness, while possessed of a sensitive heart and a delicate and susceptible soul...

738 PLOKHOY KHOROSHY CHELOVEK (A BAD GOOD PERSON) 1973, 100 min., color, wide screen Drama Written and directed by: Iosif Heifitz, camera: Henrich Marandzhyan, production designer: Isaac Kaplan, misic: Nadezhda Simonyan, sound: Igor Vigdorchik Cast: Oleg Dal, Vladimir Vysotsky, Lyudmila Maksakova, Anatoly Papanov, Anatoly Azo, Yuri Medvedev, Georgy Korolchuk, Lubov Malinovskaya, Igor Yefimov, Anhel Gutierrez, Andrei Apsolon Loosely based on “Duel”, a story by Anton Chekhov A dramatic story about the relationship of two young people, Layevsky and von Koren, their implacability and antagonistic natures resulting in a duel. The action unfolds in the 1890-s in a small town in the south of Russia.



1973, 22 min., b/w, wide screen Melodrama Director: Sergei Danilin, screenplay: Tatyana Kaletskaya, camera: Valery Mironov, production designer: Ivan Ivanov, misic: Nikolai Martynov, sound: Yevgeny Nesterov Cast: Yevgeny Shesterkov, Vasily Korzun, Igor Simakov, Anastas Smolensky, Nadezhda Gorlova A student of an oil business technical school has been sent to a oil mining rig in the northern taiga for on-the-job training. In these tough conditions, the young man is not just putting his professional skills to test, but also building up his personality.

740 SHOE)


1973, 80 min., color, wide screen Detective Director: Semyon Aranovich, screenplay: Vladimir Vladimirov, Pavel Finn, camera: Yevgeny Shapiro, Dmitry Dolinin, production designer: Yuri Pugach, misic: Romuald Grinblat, sound: Harry Belenky Cast: Sergei Yursky, Marina Neyelova, Vladimir Razumovsky, Vitautas Paukshte, Bronyus Babkauskas, Janis Tooming, Stanislav Sokolov, Valentin Skulme, Lev Lemke, Vladimir Tatosov Loosely based on “Drama in Liflandia”, a story by Jules Vernes. Jules Ardan, a French aeronaut travelling on a balloon, happens to find himself in Revel. Here he meets Doctor Peterson and his daughter Leida. Leida’s fiance is being pursued by the gendarmes. Banker Schmidt’s son is murdered in the city; the suspect is Peterson... Jules Ardan undertakes to investigate the crime...



1973, 68 min., color Melodrama Director: Nikolai Koshelev, screenplay: Fyodor Knorre, camera: Alexei Gambaryan, production designer: Boris Burmistrov, misic: Vladislav Uspensky, sound: Asya Zvereva Cast: Vladimir Menshov, Tatyana Shestakova, Nikolai Lavrov, Boris Arakelov, Vitautas Paukshte, Viktor Perevalov, Nadezhda Zhilinskaya, Nikolai Kuzmin, Tamara Urzhumova

It so happened that a homeless dog, a clever mongrel, was picked up in a port by Soviet sailors who named him Salty. During a brief stay in one of the ports, the favorite of the crew fails to return on board, and they have to cast off without him...



1973, 96 min., b/w, wide screen Melodrama Director: Viktor Tregubovich, screenplay: Anatoly Grebnev, camera: Edward Rozovsky, production designer: Grachiya Mekinyan, misic: Georgy Portnov, sound: Irina Chernyakhovskaya Cast: Lyudmila Gurchenko, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, Yevgenya Sabelnikova, Vera Kuznetsova, Yevgeny Kindinov, Fyodor Odinokov, Boris Arakelov, Boris Gusakov Anna Georgiyevna is the director of a weaving factory in a small town in the vicinity of Moscow. Her work requires a lot of physical and mental effort and self-resignation. As it often happens, her private life has not turned out well, her daughter has grown up and moved out... Unexpectedly, what seemed like minor adventure in a health resort develops into a deep feeling.  The film was awarded the Vasilyev Brothers’ State Premium of the RSFSR (1976).



1973, 123 min., color Fairy tale Director: Anatoly Granik, screenplay: Anatoly Granik, Alexei Tverskoy, camera: Nikolai Stroganov, production designer: Mikhail Scheglov, misic: Nadezhda Simonyan, sound: Natalya Levitina Cast: Sergei Parshin, Natalya Bogunova, Nikolai Kryukov, Yevgeny Vesnik, Alexander Demyanenko Based on a fairy tale by Samuil Marshak.



1973, 2 parts, 125 min., color Drama Directors: Alexander Blank, Sergei Linkov, screenplay: Yevgeny Mitko, camera: Konstantin Ryzhov, production designer: Vasily Zachinyayev, misic:Nadezhda Simonyan, sound: Cast: Lyudmila Zaitseva, Roman Gromadsky, Valentin Gaft, Bruno Freindlich, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan Based on the novel of the same title by Fyodor Gladkov.

745 YA SLUZHU NA GRANITSE (I SERVE ON THE BORDER) 1973, 85 min., b/w, wide screen Melodrama Director: Naum Birman, screenplay: Alexander Rozen, Vladimir Menshov, camera: Alexei Chirov, production designer: Yevgeny Gukov, misic: Veniamin Basner, sound: Boris Khutoryansky Cast: Borislav Brondukov, Yevgeny Karelskikh, Boris Scherbakov, Eleonora Shashkova, Anatoly Rudakov Time of peace. Yet, at the border point where the State frontiers are being guarded, life is never quiet and routine, but rather intense and severe. Hence those who, whether intentionally or unintentionally, become members of this military family, undergo a test for courage and fortitude...

746 V TO DALYEKOYE LETO (DURING THAT FARAWAY SUMMER) 1974, 74 min., color, wide screen Drama Director: Nikolai Lebedev, screenplay: Yevgeny Mishin, camera: Semyon Ivanov, production designer: Alexei Fedotov, misic: Vladimir Maklakov, sound: Anna Volokhova Cast: Larisa Baranova, Volodya Magdenkov, Igor Yefimov, Antonina Pavlycheva, Lilya Gurova, Olya Bondaryeva, Lena Orlova Loosely based on a story of the same title by Natalya Nadezhdina. The faraway summer of 1941... The disaster threatening the country has called not just the adults to battle with the enemy. The picture features the young partisan Larisa Mikheyenko, her heroic deed and her courage.

747 VESENNIYE PEREVERTYSHY (THE SPRING TURNAROUND GAMES) 1974, 85 min., color, wide screen Melodrama Director: Grigory Aronov, screenplay: Vladimir Tendryakov, camera: Valery Fedosov, production designer: Vsevolod Ulitko, misic: Nadezhda Simonyan, sound: Irina Chernyakhovskaya Cast: Roman Madyanov, Larisa Malevannaya, Nikolai Penkov, Lev Durov, Nikolai Grinko, Dima Zarubin Based on a story of the same title by Vladimir Tendryakov. All of a sudden, the thirteen-year-old Dyushka Tyagunov comes to understand that his next-door neighbor, the little girl Rimka, resembles the beautiful Natali Pushkina, whereas his classmate Lyevka has infected him with his love for mathematics... many more unusual things started to happen to Dyushka, as if the habitual world he used to live in started to play “turn-around” games with him...

748 VRACHA VYZYVALY? (DID YOU CALL THE DOCTOR?) 1974, 70 min., color Melodrama Director: Vadim Gauzner, screenplay: Izrail Metter, camera: Oleg Kukhovarenko, production designer: Vladimir Gasilov, misic: Oleg Karavaychuk, sound: Harry Belenky Cast: Natalya Popova, Roman Tkachuk, Alexander Ovchinnikov, Oleg Basilashvili, Leonid Bronevoy, Maya Bulgakova, Vera Titova, Zoya Fyodorova, Panteleymon Krymov The film depicts the demanding work of the young general practitioner Katya Luzina, newly graduated from the medical institute and willing to commit herself to the chosen vocation, recognizing just how difficult it sometimes is to help people overcome their pain and ailments...

749 DEN PRIYEMA PO LICHNYM VOPROSAM (VISITORS’ DAY FOR PERSONAL MATTERS) 1974, 85 min., b/w, wide screen Drama Director: Solomon Shuster, screenplay: Pyotr Popogrebsky, camera: Alexander Chechulin, production designer: Georgy Kropachev, misic: Boris Tischenko, sound: Galina Lukina

Cast: Anatoly Papanov, Oleg Zhakov, Yuri Komarov, Zinaida Sharko, Vladimir Zamansky, Oleg Basilashvili, Lyudmila Maksakova, Mikhail Khizhnyakov, Ivan Solovyov, Georgy Burkov, Alexander Susnin The spectators witness one working day of Boris Dmitriyevich Ivanov, manager of a major trust. His decisions affect not just the achievement of the planned quarterly figures, but also the fates of many people... This day the outward victory turns into a spiritual defeat for the energetic, resolute and enterprising Ivanov.



1974, 83 min., color, wide screen Melodrama Director: Nikolai Rozantsev, screenplay: Maya Ganina, camera: Alexander Chirov, production designer: Alexei Fedotov, misic: Nikolai Chervinsky, sound: Galina Golubeva Cast: Inna Makarova, Kirill Lavrov, Rita Gladunko, Rimma Markova, Anna Tveleneva, Tatyana Konyukhova, Lubov Malinovskaya, Lilya Gurova, Yuri Gorobets, Olga Markina, Galina Gelchenko, Yevgeny Gerasimov The day has come for the main female character to understand that her children are grown up, and it is time she took care of herself. Back in the wartime, at the age of fifteen she came to work at the factory she tied her whole life with. Thus, when offered the position of foreman, she took it without stopping to think...

751 KSENIYA, LYUBIMAYA ZHENA FYODORA (KSENIYA, FYODOR’S FAVORITE WIFE) 1974, 82 min., color Melodrama Director: Vitaly Melnikov, screenplay: Alexander Gelman, Tatyana Kaletskaya, camera: Yuri Veksler, production designers: Bella Manevich, Rimma Narinyan, misic: Oleg Karavaychuk, sound: Konstantin Lashkov Cast: Alla Mescheryakova, Stanislav Lyubshin, Lev Durov, Lyudmila Zaytseva, Vasily Merkuryev, Vladimir Tatosov, Kira Kreylis-Petrova, Lorentz Arumanyan, Armen Khostikyan, Oleg Belov Kseniya Ivanova is working on a construction site. Late in life, at the age of thirty, she married Fyodor Petrov, a driver. So their shared home and hearth are the first ones for both of them... The life lying ahead of them is complicated enough, demanding generosity of heart, subtlety and the gift of understanding and sparing from each of them.

752 MIR NIKOLAYA SIMONOVA (THE WORLD OF NIKOLAI SIMONOV) 1974, 75 min., color Fiction/documentary story Director: Vladimir Shredel, screenplay: Lev Marhasev, camera: Vladimir Burykin, production designer: Marxen Gaukhman-Sverdlov, misic: Albert Preslenev, sound: Vladimir Yakovlev Cast: Nikolai Nikiforov, Igor Gorbachev, Konstantin Adashevsky, Galina Karelina, Yuri Tolubeyev, Vadim Medvedev, Bruno Freindlich, etc Reminiscences of Nikolai Simonov, People’s Actor of the USSR, of his life and creative activities, offered by his friends and colleagues: Igor Gorbachev, Konstantin Adashevsky, Galina Karelina, Yuri Tolubeyev, Vadim Medvedyev, Bruno Freindlich.


1974, 73 min., color, wide screen Melodrama Director: Dinara Asanova, screenplay: Yuri Klepikov, camera: Dmitry Dolinin, production designer: Vladimir Svetozarov, misic: Yevgeny Krylatov, sound: Boris Andreyev Cast: Sasha Zhezlyaev, Lena Tsyplakova, Sasha Bogdanov, Ira Obolskaya, Yekaterina Vasilyeva, Nikolai Grinko, Denis Kozlov, Andrei Nikitin, Mikhail Svetin, Boris Lebedinsky Seva Mukhin, called Mukha (“The Fly”) by his friends, is a gifted person who dreams of becoming a musician playing percussion instruments in a group. He hears music everywhere: in the creak of the old gates, in the patter of the rain, even in the woodpecker’s rattle... Mukha is fourteen, he yearns to assert himself... but everybody sees him as the little brother of the famous basketball player Mukhin. Will this go on forever?

754 HEIR)


1974, 80 min., color, wide screen Comedy Directors: Gennadi Kazansky, Oleg Dashkevich, screenplay: Afanasi Belov, camera: Nikolai Stroganov, production designer: Vladimir Gasilov, misic: Vasily Solovyev-Sedoy, sound: Yevgeny Nesterov Cast: Mikhail Pugovkin, Yevgeny Gerasimov, Lyudmila Shagalova, Svetlana Akimova, Viktor Pavlov, Georgy Shtil, Fyodor Odinokov, Alexander Demyanenko, Igor Dobryakov, Sergei Danilin Alexei Petrovich Kuznetsov, Head of Production Section, is trying to inculcate a love for their vocation and for their construction site upon young builders. He has to assume the capacity of work superintendent, teacher, and sometimes even that of a diplomat... he is wholeheartedly striving to help the young people establish themselves and choose the right track in life...



1974, 94 min., color, wide screen Comedy Director: Gennadi Poloka, screenplay: Viktor Merezhko, camera: Yevgeny Mezentsev, production designer: Mikhail Scheglov, misic: Edward Hagagortyan, sound: Natalya Levitina Cast: Anatoly Papanov, Nina Arkhipova, Valentina Telichkina, Nikolai Karachentsov, Tatyana Peltzer, Regina Korokhova, Svetlana Zhgun, Tatyana Oparkina, Dilorom Kambarova On the verge of his sixtieth anniversary, after having enjoyed a good part of his life, the floor-polisher Karetnikov for the first time leaves his wife of the moment for a reason other than his own volition. Not only has he been discarded; it had to happen in full view of onlookers. On top of all this, his employers have replaced him by a mechanical floor polishing device. It is at this trying time that Karetnikov remembers all his previous wives...



1974, 82 min., color War drama Directors: Knut Andersen, Igor Maslennikov, screenplay: Siegbjern Helmeback, Yuri Nagibin, camera: Vladimir Vasilyev, production designer: Isaac Kaplan, misic: Vladimir Dashkevich, sound: Asya Zvereva Cast: Arne Lee, Yevgeny Leonov, Wesleymay Haslund, Nikolai Burlyayev, Oleg Yankovsky, Anatoly Solonitsyn, Nikolai Grinko, Fyodor Odinokov, Viktor Ilyichev, Yelena Solovey, Pavel Kashlakov, Zhanna Sukhopolskaya

October, 1944. A new link is added to the chain of successive shattering blows dealt to the enemy by the Soviet Army: its name is the Far North. The armies of the Karelian Front and the marines of the Northern Fleet have defeated the fascists in the Soviet lands beyond the Polar Circle and reached the State border with Norway... The picture is a narration built around an episode of this great battle.

757 POSLEDNY DEN ZIMY (THE LAST DAY OF WINTER) 1974, 91 min., color, wide screen Melodrama Written and directed by: Vladimir Grigoryev, camera: Viktor Karasyev, production designer: Viktor Amelchenkov, misic: Adkady Gagulashvili, sound: Tigran Silayev Cast: Lev Durov, Laymonas Noreyka, Yefim Kopelyan, Anatoly Solonitsyn, Yuri Gorobets, Yevgeny Lebedev, Lubov Malinovskaya, Ivan Krasko, Leonid Nevedomsky, Alina Olkhovskaya, Tamara Abrosimova, Andrei Sorokin, Alexander Demyanenko, Mikhail Kokshenov, Geli Sysoyev The film is a story of the working days and holidays on a Siberian construction site and of the fight put up by the erection team leader to implement the team contract work principle which would result in major economic benefits.



1974, 83 min., color Drama Director: Sergei Mikhaelyan, screenplay: Alexander Gelman, camera: Vladimir Chumak, production designers: Boris Burmistrov, Mikhail Ivanov, sound: Konstantin Lashkov Cast: Yevgeny Leonov, Vladimir Samoylov, Oleg Yankovsky, Mikhail Gluzsky, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, Nina Urgant, Svetlana Kryuchkova, Alexander Pashutin, Viktor Sergachev, Leonid Dyachkov, Borislav Brondukov An extreme situation arising in a construction trust has led to an extraordinary meeting of the Communist Party Committee... The issue under discussion is an unusual one: a team of workers led by Potapov have refused their bonus, labeling it unjustified...  The film was awarded the State Premium of the USSR (1976).

759 PYATERKA ZA LETO (A “FIVE” FOR THE SUMMER) 1974, 70 min., color, wide screen Melodrama Director: Leonid Makarychev, screenplay: Valery Popov, camera: Nikolai Pokoptsev, production designer: Alexei Rudyakov, misic: Stanislav Pozhlakov, sound: Boris Antonov Cast: Andrei Dmitriyev, Mikhail Semyonov, Marina Boykina, Georgy Shtil, Leonid Nevedomsky, Viktor Sergachev Due to his timidity and modesty, Tolya Yeremeyev is forever alone, apart from the turbulent kids’ life in the pioneer camp. But situations arise when the boy’s honesty and fairness cannot but reveal themselves... Yet, having come forcefully forth at a time of crisis, he retreats right back into the shadows — only to see somebody else rewarded for the brave action of his...

760 SVADBA KRECHINSKOGO (KRECHNISKY’S WEDDING) 1974, 2 parts (1st — 65 min., 2nd — 63 min), color Musical comedy

Director: Vladimir Vorobyev, screenplay: Vladimir Vorobyev, Kim Ryzhov, camera: Heinrich Marandzhyan, production designer: Grachiya Mekinyan, misic: Alexander Kolker, sound: Arnold Shargorodsky Cast: Viktor Kostetsky, Alla Semak, Lev Petropavlovsky, Zoya Vinogradova, Boris Smolkin, Vitaly Kopylov Loosely based on the play of the same title by Vladimir Sukhovo-Kobylin.



1974, 3 parts (1st- 63 min., 2nd — 65 min., 3rd — 62 min.), color Melodrama Director: Gerbert Rappaport, screenplay: Felix Mironer, camera: Rostislav Davydov, production designer: Yevgeny Gukov, misic: Alexander Mnatsakanyan, sound: Boris Khutoryansky Cast: Alexei Minin, Lubov Sokolova, Tatyana Vedeneyeva, Ivan Krasko, Anatoly Stolbov, Alexander Alexandrov, Yevgeny Teterin, Irina Borisova, Oleg Yankovsky Loosely based on the story of the same title by Igor Lazutkin.

762 SOLOMENNAYA SHLYAPKA (THE LADIES’ STRAW HAT) 1974, 125 min., color Musical comedy Director: Leonid Kvinikhidze, screenplay: Leonid Kvinikhidze, camera: Yevgeny Shapiro, production designer: Boris Bykov, misic: Isaac Schwartz, sound: Galina Gorbonosova Cast: Andrei Mironov, Vladislav Strzhelchik, Zinovy Gerdt, Yefim Kopelyan, Yekaterina Vasilyeva, Lyudmila Gurchenko, Mikhail Boyarsky, Mikhail Kozakov, Alisa Freindlich, Igor Kvasha, Vladimir Tatosov, Sergei Migitsko Loosely based on the vaudeville of the same title by Eugene Labiche.



1974, 78 min., color Melodrama Director: Ayan Shakhmaliyeva, screenplay: Adkady Minchkovsky, camera: Yuri Veksler, production designer: Marxen Gaukhman-Sverdlov, misic: Veniamin Basner, sound: Edward Vanunz Cast: Rita Sergeyecheva, Lev Durov, Zinovy Gerdt, Yevgenya Khanayeva, Alexander Demyanenko, Alla Mescheryakova A childless family of husband and wife who are no longer young adopted the girl Tonya who comes from an orphanage. The film is a story of the difficult establishment of their relationship, of the hard way to achieve mutual understanding for both the adults and the child.



1974, 84 min., color, wide screen Fairy tale Director: Nadezhda Kosheverova, screenplay: Mikhail Volpin, camera: Vladimir Vasilyev, Edward Rozovsky, production designer: Marina Azizyan, misic: Moisei Weinberg, sound: Semyon Shumyacher Cast: Sergei Martynov, Valery Zolotukhin, Tatyana Shestakova, Yevgeny Tilicheyev, Valery Nosik, Tatyana Peltzer, Alexander Beniaminov, Sergei Filippov, Georgy Vitsin

Prosha, the only son of Tsar Yermolay, has been banned from the Tsar’s domain for failing to relay a wondrous dream to his papa. But in the forest the young man meets the merry swindler Lutonya, with whose help he commits a series of feats and steals the Princess from the castle of Dardidas.



1975, 93 min., color, wide screen, wide format Melodrama Directors: Anatoly Vekhotko, Natalya Troschenko, screenplay: Vladimir Kunin, camera: Alexander Chechulin, production designer: Valery Yurkevich, misic: Igor Tsvetkov, sound: Harry Belenky Cast: Leonard Varfolomeyev, Yekaterina Vasilyeva, Vladimir Zamansky, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, Valentin Nikulin, Oleg Basilashvili, Anatoly Solonitsyn, Sergei Dreiden, Leonhard Merzin The year 1910. The famous Russian athlete Ivan Zaikin, world wrestling champion, is in the heyday of fame. As fate would have it, a major change is wrought in his life: he goes to France, to Farman’s flying school... We see Zaikin returning to Russia a licensed pilot, but his luck seems to have turned: he suffers an accident, financial problems, the loss of his love...

766 DIARY)


1975, 78 min., b/w Melodrama Director: Boris Frumin, screenplay: Anatoly Grebnev, camera: Alexei Gambaryan, production designer: Yuri Pugach, misic: Viktor Lebedev, sound: Betty Livshitz Cast: Oleg Borisov, Iya Savvina, Alla Pokrovskaya, Lyudmila Gurchenko, Yelena Solovey, Alexander Snykov, Yuri Vizbor, Nikolai Lavrov, Viktor Pavlov, Natalya Medvedeva, Olga Grigoryeva Boris Nikolayevich Sveshnikov’s appointment as headmaster of the school is quite recent. The film is structured as Sveshnikov’s own story of himself, of his relationship with his students and schoolmasters and with his family, of the problems he encountered pursuing his chosen vocation, of the impossibility to comply with standards when exercising the hard work of teaching...



1975, 96 min., color, co-production with “Fennada-Film” (Finland) Drama Directors: Viktor Tregubovich, Edwin Laine, screenplay: Mikhail Shatrov, Vladlen Loginov, camera: Dmitry Meskhiyev, production designer: Grachiya Mekhinyan, misic: Georgy Sviridov, sound: Irina Chernyakhovskaya Cast: Kirill Lavrov, Vladimir Tatosov, Vilho Sijvola, Igor Dmitriyev, Margarita Terekhova, Antonina Shuranova, Leonhard Merzin, Anatoly Solonitsyn, Leonid Nevedomsky, Oleg Yankovsky For over a century Finland was part of the Russian Empire. Not until December of 1917 was its independence as a State acknowledged by decision of the Council of People’s Commissars (Sovnarkom). The film tells how this event came about and what kind of dramatic collisions accompanied it.



1975, 77 min., color, wide screen Drama Directors: Mikhail Yershov, Viktor Sokolov, screenplay: Vasil Bykov, Viktor Sokolov, camera: Boris Timkovsky, production designer: Vladimir Gasilov, misic: Veniamin Basner, sound: Galina Golubeva, song lyrics: Mikhail Matusovsky

Cast: Alexander Mikhailov, Alexei Goryachev, Svetlana Orlova, Alexei Pankin, Nikolai Kuzmin, Pavel Kashlakov Based on Vasil Bykov’ story of the same title. December, 1941. The enemy is approaching Moscow. Here, at this section of the front-line, 60 kilometers from the capital city, every soldier must make his own step towards Victory... The leading characters of the picture, a team of scouts lead by Lieutenant Ivanovsky: Privates Pivovarov, Lukashov, Sudnik, Pogrebnyak, have made a step each.



1975, 96 min., color, wide screen Melodrama Director: Iosif Heifitz, screenplay: Pavel Nilin, Iosif Heifitz, camera: Henrich Marandzhyan, production designer: Vladimir Svetozarov, misic: Nadezhda Simonyan, sound: Igor Vigdorchik, song lyrics: Vladimir Vysotsky Cast: Valery Zolotukhin, Yelena Proklova, Lyudmila Gladunko, Vladimir Vysotsky, Larisa Malevannaya, Vyacheslav Nevinny, Lubov Sokolova, Vladimir Zamansky Based on “Rubbish”, a short story by Pavel Nilin. Nikolai Kasatkin’s return after doing his years of service in the Army is clouded by the slandering tales his mother and sister tell him of his wife Tanyusha. The divorce was inevitable... But it didn’t bring relief to Nikolai; his whole life went berserk...

770 ZVEZDA PLENITELNOGO SHCHASTYA (THE STAR OF FASCINATING HAPPINESS) 1975, 2 parts (1st — 86 min., 2nd — 82 min.), color Historical drama Director: Vladimir Motyl, screenplay: Vladimir Motyl, Oleg Osetinsky, Mark Zakharov, camera: Dmitry Meskhiyev, production designer: Valery Kostrin, misic: Isaac Schwartz, sound: Mikhail Lazarev, song lyrics: Bulat Okudzhava Cast: Irina Kupchenko, Alexei Batalov, Natalya Bondarchuk, Oleg Strizhenov, Eva Shikulska, Igor Kostolevsky, Tatyana Pankova, Innokenty Smoktunovsky, Vladislav Strzhelchik, Igor Dmitriyev, Vasily Livanov, Mikhail Boyarsky, Lev Ivanov The shots fired in the Senate Square were followed by events unfolding in a tragic way: five of the Decembrists were executed, with most of the others exiled to Siberia. And after them, suffering freezing temperatures and deprivations, giving up their rights and privileges, forever abandoning their relatives and children, went their wives...



1975, 80 min., color Comedy Director: Valery Chechunov, screenplay: Vil Lipatov, Valery Priyemykhov, camera: Konstantin Ryzhov, production designer: Boris Burmistrov, misic: Sergei Slonimsky, sound: Harry Belenky Cast: Alexander Kharitonov, Yelena Tsyplakova, Yuri Orlov, Irina Muravyeva, Vladimir Basov, Konstantin Sorokin Released from the Army, Ivan Cheprasov came to work for a truck carrier company. The boss issued Ivan with an old-fashioned wreck of a truck which nobody would attempt to repair. The old car, nicknamed “Colombina” by the drivers, became the touchstone for Ivan to put to test his staunchness and skill.



1975, 81 min., color, wide screen Drama

Directors: Nikolai Koshelev, Valentin Morozov, screenplay: Boris Vakhtin, camera: Valery Mironov, production designer: Vasily Zachinyayev, misic: Igor Tsvetkov, sound: Galina Lukina Cast: Natalya Sayko, Yuri Demich, Nikolai Merzlikin, Igor Komarov, Zurab Kapianidze, Ivan Krasko, Nikolai Kuzmin Loosely based on “Sparta of the Khibini”, a story by Yuri Pompeyev. The picture is focused on the pioneers of the Khibini, enthusiasts of the 1930-s, conquerors of the icy tundra.

773 SIGHT)


1975, 90 min., color, joint production with “Gruzia-Film” Comedy Director: Rezo Esadze, screenplay: Bella Abramova, camera: Yuri Vorontsov, production designer: Georgy Kropachev, misic: Yakov Bobokhidze, sound: Gennadi Korkhovoy, Zurab Nadaraya, song lyrics: Bulat Okudzhava Cast: Vakhtang Panchulidze, Natalya Yurizditskaya, Ramaz Chkhivadze, Kakhi Kavsadze, Salomeia Kancheli, Vladimir Novikov, Valida Khizroyeva The picture is a story of the first love of an ardent football fan enamored of a girl two years his senior. Certain circumstances, namely the family traditions, prevent the lovers from being together, but the story has a happy end.

774 NOVOGODNIYE PRIKLYUCHENIYA MASHI I VITI (MASHA AND VITYA’S ADVENTURES ON THE NEW YEAR’S EVE) 1975, 71 min., color Comedy Director: Igor Usov, Gennadi Kazansky, screenplay: Pavel Finn, camera: Semyon Ivanov, production designer: Mikhail Ivanov, sound: Irina Volkova Cast: Natasha Simonova, Yura Nakhratov, Igor Yefimov, Irina Borisova, Nikolai Boyarsky, Mikhail Boyarsky, Lubov Virolainen, Georgy Shtil A merry New Year’s Eve picture for and about children.



1975, 101 min., color Melodrama Director: Viktor Sadovsky, screenplay: Valentin Yezhov, Viktor Sadovsky, camera: Vladimir Kovzel, production designer: Boris Burmistrov, misic: Vladlen Chistyakov, sound: Anna Volokhova Cast: Anatoly Papanov, Lubov Virolainen, Yuri Demich, Alexander Goloborodko, Igor Dobryakov, Boris Scherbakov, Yevgeny Leonov-Gladyshev, Igor Gorbachev, Nikolai Ozerov, Mikhail Vodyanoy, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan Vasily Vasiliyevich Vorontsov, an honored trainer, adept tactician and teacher, has made a commitment to form a new football team to play for the country. He believes that the members of the team should share the same views, which would rule out any incompatibility... The trainer has set himself a difficult task, and the game to be played with the Spanish team in the World Cup will become the main test...



1975, 3 parts, color Melodrama

Director: Grigory Nikulin, screenplay: Rita Belyakovskaya, camera: Oleg Kukhovarenko, production designer: Igor Vuskovich, misic: Alexander Mnatsakanyan, sound: Vladimir Yakovlev Cast: Larisa Malevannaya, Alexander Goloborodko, Alesha Vasilyev, Natasha Dikareva, Sasha Zhezlyayev, Lubov Malinovskaya, Nina Urgant The war left Maria, the main character of the film, widowed with three children. Her life is hard and tough; all of a sudden, the family is plagued with yet another loss: the unexpected death of the elder son Sergei... When Igor, recently back from the front-line, wants to offer Maria and her children assistance and care, the family is torn apart by a conflict: Maria’ daughter Marina will not have her father’s memory forsaken...

777 POLKOVNIK V OTSTAVKE (THE RETIRED COLONEL) 1975, 94 min., color, wide screen Melodrama Director: Igor Sheshukov, screenplay: Maya Chumak, camera: Vladimir Chumak, production designer: Viktor Amelchenkov, misic: Vadim Bibergan, sound: Asya Zvereva Cast: Nikolai Grinko, Lilya Gritsenko, Tatyana Kanayeva, Zhanna Prokhorenko, Oleg Yankovsky, Vladimir Zeldin, Valentin Nikulin, Vladimir Zamansky, Zinaida Sharko Loosely based on “Eternal Tree”, a novel by Viktor Dyagilev. Korney Korneyevich Polunin is a career military man, a retired colonel. An active and energetic person, he cannot bear being idle, so he decides to resume his initial vocation and go back to being a machine-tool operator... It is hard to start afresh, hard to find oneself an apprentice in his advanced years, but Polunin is not one to give in to problems... On top of this, the factory has hired a group of teenagers, boisterous lads — and who but Polunin should become their patron.



1975, 78 min., color Drama Director: August Baltrushaitis, screenplay: Sergei Yegorov, Vadim Mashkin, camera: Vladimir Burykin, production designer: Semyon Malkin, misic: Vladislav Uspensky, sound: Asya Zvereva, Grigory Elbert Cast: Yuri Kamorny, Yuri Grigoryev, Yevgenya Vetlova, Lyudmila Arinina, Irina Borisova, Mikhail Vladimirov, Anatoly Gorin, Andrei Tolubeyev All of a sudden, a renowned racer cyclist discovers his ability as a trainer. Having lost to his young trainee, he sincerely welcomes the young sportsman’s success and does everything to improve the latter’s skill.

779 PROSHU SLOVA (MAY I HAVE THE FLOOR, PLEASE) 1975, 2 parts, 145 min., color, wide screen Drama Written and directed by: Gleb Panfilov, camera: Alexander Antipenko, production designer: Marksen Gaukhman-Sverdlov, misic: Vadim Bibergan, sound: Edward Vanunz Cast: Inna Churikova, Nikolai Gubenko, Vitaly Zhabovsky, Katya Volkova, Leonid Bronevoy, Vasily Shukshin, Valentina Kovel, Dmitry Bessonov, Vadim Medvedev, Ernst Romanov Yelizaveta Uvarova is trusted with the post of Chairman of the City Council; there is a lot to be done, with countless “problem areas”... But everything Uvarova will undertake she does honestly and wholeheartedly, putting to use all of her ability; she is nothing but a tough person. Being a survivor, she

is outgoing, emotional, capable of feeling keenly about things and making others feel the same... The picture is a story of an outstanding person who has been through a personal tragedy coping at her “high post”.

780 RASSKAZ O PROSTOY VESCHI (A STORY OF A SIMPLE MATTER) 1978, 86 min., color Drama Director: Leonid Menaker, screenplay: Vladich Nedelin, Leonid Menaker, camera: Vladimir Kovzel, production designer: Yuri Pugach, misic: Yakov Vaisburd, sound: Semyon Shumyacher Cast: Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, Alla Chernova, Mikhail Gluzsky, Oleg Borisov, Viktor Avdyushko, Vladimir Zamansky, Sergei Ivanov Based on the short story of the same title by Boris Lavrenev.



1975, 2 parts, 140 min., color Melodrama Written and directed by: Vitaly Melnikov, camera: Yuri Veksler, production designer: Bella Manevich, sound: Konstantin Lashkov Cast: Yevgeny Leonov, Natalya Yegorova, Vladimir Izotov, Nikolai Karachentsov, Mikhail Boyarsky, Svetlana Kryuchkova Based on the play of the same title by Alexander Vampilov. Late for the last commuter train and reluctant to spend the night outdoors, two young lads trick the Sarafanovs to gain access into their apartment shared by the musician father, the student daughter and the teenage son... One of the lads passes himself for a bastard elder son of the owner of the apartment...



1975 — 1976, 8 parts, 559 min., color Drama Director: Vladimir Vengerov, screenplay: Georgy Markov, Edward Shim, Vladimir Vengerov, camera: Lev Kolganov, Edward Rozovsky, misic: Isaac Schwartz, sound: Eleonora Kazanskaya Cast: Boris Borisov, Lyudmila Zaitseva, Herman Novikov, Lyudmila Arinina, Maya Bulgakova, Viktor Pavlov, Geli Sysoyev, Valery Kravchenko, Rita Gladunko, Alexei Kozhevnikov, Viktor Tregubovich, Valery Barinov, Lyudmila Gurchenko, Boris Chirkov, Igor Dmitriyev Based on the novel of the same title by Georgy Markov.



1975, 93 min., color Melodrama Director: Ilya Averbakh, screenplay: Natalya Ryazantseva, camera: Dmitry Dolinin, production designer: Vladimir Svetozarov, misic: Oleg Karavaychuk, sound: Edward Vanunz Cast: Irina Kupchenko, Svetlana Smirnova, Sergei Kovalenkov, Zinaida Sharko, Oleg Yankovsky, Maya Bugakova, Ivan Bortnik, Natalya Skvortsova Zinka Begunkova, in her ninth year of school in a small Central Russian town, is a girl with a complicated life story: fatherless and motherless, living with her brother... At sixteen, Zinka is blindly following the standard principles of “propriety”; having neither compassion nor love of mankind, stubborn and obstinate, she is trying to reshape the very lives of those close to herself along the lines of her own understanding...



1975, 76 min., color Lyrical comedy Director: Naum Birman, screenplay: Emil Braginsky, camera: Alexander Chirov, production designer: Vsevolod Ulitko, misic: Stanislav Pozhlakov, sound: Boris Khutoryansky Cast: Lyudmila Gurchenko, Nikolai Volkov Jr., Andrei Popov, Yelena Tsyplakova, Yevgeny Leonov, Yelena Solovey, Lev Durov, Vladimir Basov, Yelena Drapeko, Boris Scherbakov, Andrei Mironov, Yekaterina Vasilyeva, Pavel Pankov, Georgy Vitsin, Lyudmila Ivanova, Anatoly Rudakov Each of the five short stories comprising the picture has its own main character, its own plot and genre, but all the five are tied together by the same idea: with the complicated and rapidly changing times we live in, the most important things are the human person’s heart and feelings, vulnerability and kindness, the urge to love and be loved....



1976, 90 min., color, wide screen Drama Director: Sergei Mikaelyan, screenplay: Yuri Dunski, Valery Frid, camera: Vladimir Chumak, production designer: Grachiya Mekinyan, sound: Natalya Levitina Cast: Galina Makarova, Galina Skorobogatova, Borislav Brondukov, Yuri Kayurov, Mikhail Pogorzhelsky, Nina Mamayeva, Gennagy Lozhkin, Raisa Maksimova, Vladimir Pitsek, Boris Morozov, Lubov Shustova As their old age approaches, two soldiers’ widows, Alexandra Matveyevna and Yelizaveta Yegorovna, have come to share a home. They have been brought together not solely by their misery and solitude, but also by a common concern, i.e. the grave of two unknown soldiers which they have been taking care of for over 30 years, ever since the war... At this time the women are faced by an actual disaster: their District administration has decided to turn “their” humble grave into a memorial...

786 VESYELOYE SNOVIDENIYE, ILI SMEKH SKVOZ SLYEZY (MERRY DREAM, OR LAUGHING WITH ONE EYE AND WEEPING WIH THE OTHER) 1976, 2 parts, 133 min., b/w Fairy tale Director: Igor Usov, screenplay: Arnold Vitol, camera: Alexander Dibrivny, production designer: Igor Vuskovich, misic: Andrei Petrov, sound: Grigory Elbert Cast: Seryezha Krupennikov, Yulya Shulepova, Sergei Filippov, Vladimir Trukhanov, Georgy Vitsin, Valentina Kovel, Oleg Popov, Valentin Nikulin Loosely based on Sergei Mikhalkov’ s play “Laughter and Tears”



1976, 101 min., color Drama Director: Solomon Shuster, screenplay: Leonid Zorin, camera: Yuri Vorontsov, production designer: Georgy Kropachev, sound: Boris Andreyev Cast: Vladislav Strzhelchik, Alisa Freindlich, Ivan Solovyov, Angelina Stepanova, Alla Demidova, Nikolai Burlyayev, Oleg Basilashvili, Larisa Udovichenko In his youth, the art critic Andrei Ilyin happened to go through the severe trials of the siege of Leningrad. Together with his friends he took part in the rescue of the Hermitage treasures. After many years, as a renowned scientist and Academician, he returns to his native city. Reevaluating his life at

this stage, he is trying to measure it with a high measure: that of the courage displayed by the defenders of Leningrad.



1976, 36 min., color Musical review Director: Vadim Gauzner, screenplay: Viktor Sokolov, camera: Valery Fedosov, production designer: Valery Yurkevich, sound: Gennadi Korkhovoy The review familiarizes its viewers with the best Russian jazz groups.

789 DVADTSAT DNEY BEZ VOYNY (TWENTY WARLESS DAYS) 1976, 101 min., b/w, wide screen Drama Director: Alexei German, screenplay: Konstantin Simonov, camera: Valery Fedosov, production designer: Yevgeny Gukov, sound: Tigran Silayev Cast: Yuri Nikulin, Lyudmila Gurchenko, Alexei Petrenko, Angelina Stepanova, Yekaterina Vasilyeva, Nikolai Grinko, Lusyena Ovchinnikova, Liya Akhedzhakova, Mikhail Kononov Based on the story of the same title by Konstantin Simonov. At the end of 1942, twenty days without war fell to the military correspondent Lopatin. He meant to forget all about the war in Tashkent, a city well away from the front-line; yet, the echoes of the war will catch up with him anywhere...



1976, 72 min., color Comedy Director: Leonid Makarychev, screenplay: Valery Priyemykhov, camera: Boris Timkovsky, production designer: Vladimir Gasilov, misic: Stanislav Pozhlakov, sound: Boris Antonov Cast: Natasha Bubnova, Vitaly Buyanov, Andrei Zharenov, Kostya Tolstov, Mikhail Boyarsky, Mikhail Devyatkin Without any malicious intent, the kids living in a small town steal the trained bear Gavrila from the visiting circus, meaning to set him free...

791 DLINNOYE, DLINNOYE DELO (A LENGTHY LENGTHY BUSINESS) 1976, 92 min., color, wide screen Detective Directors: Grigory Aronov, Vladimir Shredel, screenplay: Yuri Nikolin, camera: Vladimir Burykin, production designer: Semyon Malkin, sound: Vladimir Yakovlev Cast: Yevgeny Leonov, Vladimir Zamansky, Mikhail Gluzsky, Oleg Yankovsky, Oleg Belov, Nikolai Karachentsov, Nina Urgant, Roman Medyanov The investigator with the District Prosecutor’s Office is a modest, mild and kind person... Yet, when it comes to his job which often involves people’s lives and heartbreak, he knows how to be strict and inflexible.



1976, 92 min., 3 war stories almanach, b/w

1. GDE TY, LUBOV DUNYASHOVA? (WHERE ARE YOU, LUBOV DUNYASHOVA?) Melodrama Director: Yuri Solovyov, screenplay: Vladimir Tendryakov, camera: Anatoly Bakhrushin, production designer: Boris Burmistrov, sound: Tigran Silayev Cast: Alexander Kharitonov, Yevgeny Menshov, Boris Arakelov, Yuri Solovyov Summer, 1942. A unit of signal service is withdrawn for a brief break. A young soldier happens to come across a pack of letters which failed to reach their addressees. The young soldier and his friend decide to answer one of the letters...

2. U TEBYA YEST YA (YOU HAVE ME) Melodrama Written and directed by: Sergei Potepalov, camera: Vladimir Vasilyev, production designer: Marxen Gaukhman-Sverdlov, misic: Viktor Lebedev, sound: Aliakper Gasan-zade Cast: Kostya Smirnov, Ira Fominskaya, Tatyana Bedova, Era Ziganshina Winter, 1944. An orphanage is moving to another city. It so happens that it is joined by a teenage girl going to her aunt’s... This is how Sasha and Vitka meet.

3. ZHITEYSKOYE DELO (AN EVERYDAY BUSINESS) Melodrama Director: Mikhail Ordovsky, screenplay: Valery Priyemykhov, camera: Vladimir Ivanov, production designer: Boris Burmistrov, misic: Vadim Bibergan, sound: Leonid Shumyacher Cast: Oleg Borisov, Larisa Malevannaya, Olga Volkova, Sergei Dvoretsky, Alexei Petrenko Based on the short story of the same title by Andrei Platonov. Released from the Army, the soldier Anton Gvozdaryev is looking for his missing son. His quest brings him to the home of a soldier’s widow, who is the mother of three children...

793 ...I DRUGIYE OFITSIALNIYE LITSA (...AND OTHER OFFICIALS) 1976, 89 min., color, wide screen Drama Director: Semyon Aranovich, screenplay: Alexander Gorokhov, camera: Henrich Marandzhyan, production designer: Isaac Kaplan, misic: Oleg Karavaychuk, sound: Igor Vigdorchik Cast: Vyacheslav Tikhonov, Irina Miroshnichenko, Anatoly Grachev, Vsevolod Sanayev, Ernst Romanov, Vsevolod Yakut, Gunnar Kilgas, Lev Durov, Alexander Galibin, Lev Krugly, Nikolai Volkov, Sr., Yevgenya Khanayeva The story is focused on a common occurrence in the everyday activities of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs: the execution of a trading agreement with a foreign company... this is the background for the unfolding of the outstanding personalities of the characters.

794 KADKINA VSYAKY ZNAYET (EVERYONE KNOWS KADKIN) 1976, 79 min., color, wide screen Comedy Directors: Anatoly Vekhotko, Natalya Troschenko, screenplay: Pavel Vasilyev, Anatoly Vekhotko, Natalya Troschenko, camera: Alexander Chechulin, production designer: Valery Yurkevich, misic: Igor Tsvetkov, sound: Grigory Elbert, Natalya Avanesova Cast: Georgy Burkov, Lyudmila Zaitseva, Yelena Fetisenko, Maya Bulgakova, Boris Novikov, Stepan Krylov, Roman Medyanov

Fyodor Kadkin returns from the war. A soldier, who has followed a cruel and bloody track, has managed to keep intact his humanity, his gift of compassion, his mildness, and his bragging habit. This is exactly the quality “helping” him to get involved in unusual and amusing situations.

795 KLYUCH BEZ PRAVA PEREDACHI (A KEY NOT TO BE TRANSFERRED) 1976, 99 min., color, wide screen Melodrama Director: Dinara Asanova, screenplay: Georgy Polonsky, camera: Yuri Veksler, Dmitry Dolinin, production designer: Vladimir Svetozarov, misic: Yevgeny Krylatov, sound: Konstantin Lashkov Cast: Yelena Proklova, Alexei Petrenko, Lydia Fedoseyeva-Shukshina, Lubov Malinovskaya, Zinovy Gerdt, Yekaterina Vasilyeva, Marina Levtova, Yelena Tsyplakova, Andrei Lavrikov, Kostya Nikolayev, Sasha Bogdanov Kirill Sergeyevich, a retired Army officer, becomes the new school Headmaster. Used to a strict and orderly routine, he at first finds the chaotic bustle of everyday school life hard... It is not easy to deal with both the children and the teachers, especially with the students’ favorite Marina Maximovna who teaches Literature. Well then, wasn’t Marina surprised to discover the “martinet” Nazarov to be a perceptive and tactful person and an experienced tutor.  The film was awarded the Special Prize of the Jury in the Contest of Films for Children and Youth at the International Film Festival in Moscow (1977).

796 MENYA ETO NE KASAYETSYA (IT IS OF NO CONCERN TO ME) 1976, 95 min., color, wide screen Detective Director: Gerbert Rappaport, screenplay: Edgar Dubrovsky, Gerbert Rappaport, camera: Alexander Chirov, production designer: Vsevolod Ulitko, misic: Alexander Mnatsakanyan, sound: Boris Khutoryansky Cast: Alexander Zbruyev, Irina Ponarovskaya, Yuri Demich, Bruno Freindlich, Irina Grigoryeva, Boris Ivanov, Lyudmila Arinina, Alexander Anisimov, Ivan Dmitriyev, Pavel Pankov, Georgy Shtil, Gennadi Nilov Kartashov, director of a weaving factory, dies in a car crash. Shubnikov, senior inspector with the Socialist Property Plunder Prevention Department (OBHSS), starts the investigation... Gradually it is revealed that a whole team of plunderers is active at the factory.

797 NEBESNYYE LASTOCHKY (CELESTIAL SWALLOWS) 1976, 2 parts, 135min, color Musical Written and directed by: Leonid Kvinikhidze, camera: Nikolai Zhilin, production designer: Boris Bykov, misic: Viktor Lebedev, sound: Grigory Elbert Cast: Iya Ninidze, Andrei Mironov, Sergei Zakharov, Lyudmila Gurchenko, Alexander Shirvindt, Irina Gubanova Loosely based on “Mademoiselle Nitouche”, story by A. Mellaque, A. Milleau and composer F. Hervais

798 OBYKNOVENNAYA ARKTIKA (JUST THE REGULAR ARCTIC) 1976, 2 parts, 160 min., color Drama

Written and directed by: Alexei Simonov, camera: Rostislav Davydov, production designers: Alexei Rudyakov, Yelena Fomina, misic: Vadim Bibergan, sound: Galina Lukina Cast: Oleg Dal, Oleg Yefremov, Afanasi Kochetkov, Rolan Bykov, Georgy Korolchuk, Valentin Yerofeyev, Viktor Pavlov Based on the book of the same title by Boris Gorbatov.



1976, 3 parts, 203 min., color Melodrama Director: Iskander Khamrayev, screenplay: Ilya Shtermler, Albina Shulgina, camera: Alexander Chechulin, production designer: Alexei Fedotov, misic: Marat Kamilov, sound: Yevgeny Nesterov Cast: Kirill Lavrov, Natalya Fateyeva, Roman Gromadsky, Igor Vladimirov, Vladimir Retsepter, Ivan Solovyov, Alexei Kozhevnikov, Alexander Goloborodko Based on the novel of the same title by Ilya Shtermler.



1976, 78 min., color Melodrama Director: Ayan Shakhmaliyeva, screenplay: Wolf Dolgy, camera: Vladimir Ilyin, production designer: Marxen Gaukhman-Sverdlov, misic: Isaac Schwartz, sound: Leonid Shumyacher Cast: Boris Andreyev, Mikhail Vaskov, Irina Rumyantseva, Oleg Anofriyev, Alla Mescheryakova A young lad is going through his life’s first practical assignment: finally finding a job he likes, he is setting off on his first run...

801 POKA STOYAT GORY (WHILE THE MOUNTAINS STAND UNMOVABLE) 1976, 79 min., color Drama Director: Vadim Mikhailov, screenplay: Albina Shulgina, Vadim Mikhailov, camera: Edward Rozovsky, production designer: Alexei Rudyakov, misic: Nadezhda Simonyan, sound: Mikhail Lazarev Cast: Margarita Terekhova, Georgy Tretyakov, Yuri Solovyov, Yevgeny Menshov, Viktor Avdyushko, Valentina Talyzina, Anatoly Solonitsyn The story is based on a dramatic event: a difficult mountain trek made by a team of climbers.

802 SEMDESYAT DVA GRADUSA NIZHE NULYA (SEVENTY-TWO DEGREES BELOW ZERO) 1976, 81 min., color Drama Director: Sergei Danilin, Yevgeny Tatarsky, screenplay: Vladimir Sanin, Zinovy Yuryev, camera: Vladimir Ilyin, production designer: Viktor Amelchenkov, misic: Nikolai Martynov, sound: Harry Belenky Cast: Nikolai Kryuchkov, Valery Kozinets, Oleg Korchikov, Yuri Demich, Mikhail Kononov, Alexander Abdulov, Oleg Yankovsky Based on the story of the same title by Vladimir Sanin.

Having delivered the necessary cargo to the group wintering in the “Vostok” polar station, Gavrilov’s team must return to Mirny. The long polar night is approaching, and no one has yet braved the Antarctic in this season... but the team has dared to undertake this unprecedented trek...

803 SENTIMENTALNY ROMAN (THE SENTIMENTAL ROMANCE) 1976, 97 min., color Melodrama Written and directed by: Igor Maslennikov, camera: Dmitry Meskhiyev, production designer: Marc Kaplan, misic: Vladimir Dashkevich, sound: Asya Zvereva Cast: Yelena Proklova, Yelena Koreneva, Nikolai Denisov, Stanislav Lyubshin, Sergei Migitsko, Lyudmila Gurchenko, Mikhail Boyarsky, Valentina Titova, Ivan Bortnik, Nikolai Karachentsov, Oleg Yankovsky Based on a novel of the same title by Vera Panova. The 1920-s. The country lives along the lines of a “peaceful” revolution: turbulent young life with no idea of weariness or compromise. This greedy, breathless manner of life is shared by the young newspaperman Shura Sevastyanov. But all of a sudden... love comes his way.



1976, 99 min., co-production with “XX-th Century FOX” (USA), color Fairy tale Director: George Cucor, screenplay: Alexei Kapler, Hugh Whitemore, Alfred Hayes, camera: Freddy Young, Ionas Gritsyus, production designers: Brian Wildsmith, Valery Yurkevich, misic: Irvine Costell, Andrei Petrov, sound: Grigory Elbert, Gordon Everett, John Bramell Cast: Elisabeth Taylor, Jane Fonda, Cecily Tison, Ava Gardner, Margarita Terekhova, Georgy Vitsin, Oleg Popov, Nadezhda Pavlova, Todd Lukinland, Patsy Kenzitt, Leonid Nevedomsky, Will Gear, Mona Washborn Based on the play of the same title by Morice Meterlinck. A Christmas dream led two children, Titil and Mitil, along the path of cognition, helping to acquire new friends...



1976, 98 min., color, wide screen Melodrama Director: Vladimir Fetin, screenplay: Irina Velembovskaya, camera: Vladimir Kovzel, Semyon Ivanov, production designer: Vasily Zachinyayev, misic: Vasily Solovyev-Sedoy, sound: Gennadi Korkhovoy, song lyrics: Gleb Gorbovsky Cast: Natalya Gundareva, Svetlana Karpinskaya, Oleg Yankovsky, Pyotr Velyaminov, Rimma Markova, Nina Alisova, Georgy Korolchuk, Fyodor Nikitin Based on Irina Velembovskaya’s short story of the same name. Anna Dobrokhotova, a worker in a confectionery, used to be called “a sweet woman” for her unquenchable craving for a “sweet”, replete and thoughtless life. Anna’s egoism, greed and crude practicism fail to bring her happiness in either personal or family life...



1976, 85 min., color Fairy tale Director: Konstantin Yershov, screenplay: Konstantin Yershov, Gleb Panfilov, camera: Yevgeny Shapiro, production designers: Vladimir Kostin, Vladimir Kostrin, misic: Vadim Bibergan, sound: Gennadi Korkhovoy

Cast: Larisa Chikurova, Gennadi Yegorov, Irina Gubanova, Natalya Andreychenko, Igor Kostolevsky, Lev Krugly, Dima Dymov Loosely based on a folk tale by Pavel Bazhov. In “Stepan’s Reminder” the spectators meet the characters favored by the famous fairy tale weaver of the Urals: the Mistress of Copper Mountain, Stepan the stone miner and his daughter Tanyusha. The narrative in the folklore spirit tells about Tanyusha’s arrival in the Tsar’s Palace in Petersburg to see the Malachite Chamber.



1977, 98 min., color, wide screen Melodrama Written and directed by: Iosif Heifitz, camera: Henrich Marandzhyan, production designer: Vladimir Svetozarov, misic: Oleg Karavaychuk, sound: Igor Vigdorchik Cast: Yelena Koreneva, Vyacheslav Yezepov, Igor Kostolevsky Based on the story of the same title by Ivan Turgenev. Southern Germany, a god-forsaken town, student festivities, mountainous landscapes... And Asya, the rather shy, whimsical, queer girl, who scared the main character, N.N., with the force of her love...



1977, 97 min., color, wide screen Drama Director: Dinara Asanova, screenplay: Izrail Metter, camera: Nikolai Stroganov, Anatoly Lapshov, production designer: Yevgeny Gukov, misic: Yevgeny Krylatov, sound: Irina Chernyakhovskaya, song: Bulat Okudzhava Cast: Alexei Petrenko, Yelena Kuzmina, Lydia Fedoseyeva-Shukshina, Georgy Burkov, Gennadi Dyudyayev, Fyodor Odinokov, Maria Vinogradova In a small northern town there dwells a family: Alevtina Ivanovna, her son Slavka with his young wife Zina and their child. They have everything to make them happy, but the household is hit by a disaster: Slavka starts indulging himself...



1977, Part II, film I — “Leningradsky Metronom” (“The Leningrad Metronome”), 102 min., Film II — “Operatsiya Iskra” (“Operation “Spark”), 61 min., color, wide screen Drama Director: Mikhail Yershov, screenplay: Arnold Vitol, Alexander Chakovsky, camera: Anatoly Nazarov, production designer: Mikhail Ivanov, misic: Veniamin Basner, sound: Irina Volkova Cast: Yuri Solomin, Yevgeny Lebedev, Irina Akulova, Vladislav Strzhelchik, Roman Gromadsky, Mikhail Ulyanov, Alexei Presnetsov, Alexander Razin, Boris Gorbatov, Yuozas Budraitis, Vladimir Zeldin A screen version of the novel of the same title by Alexander Chakovsky. The picture tells about the tragic events in the life of the besieged Leningrad between September, 1941 and January, 1943.

810 VTORAYA POPYTKA VIKTORA KROKHINA (VIKTOR KROKHIN’S SECOND ATTEMPT) 1977, 98 min., color, wide screen Melodrama Director: Igor Sheshukov, screenplay: Edward Volodarsky, camera: Vladimir Burykin, production designers: Yevgeny Gukov, Mikhail Gerasimov, misic: Vadim Bibergan, sound: Asya Zvereva, songs: Vladimir Vysotsky

Cast: Lyudmila Gurchenko, Nikolai Rybnikov, Oleg Borisov, Mikhail Terentyev, Vladimir Zamansky, Lev Lemke, Sasha Kharashkevich, Vitya Poluektov, Ivan Bortnik, Gennadi Frolov, Alexander Pashutin, Leonid Dyachkov Viktor’s childhood fell on the difficult post-war years. His father perished in the war; he was brought up by his mother and stepfather. The boy grew up reserved and got used to achieving everything on his own, by any means... We see Viktor Krokhin the boxer fighting for the Gold Medal in the European Cup...

811 DEVOCHKA, KHOCHESH SNIMATSYA V KINO? (WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE IN A MOVIE, GIRL?) 1977, 83 min., color Melodrama Director: Adolph Bergunker, screenplay: Yuri Yakovlev, camera: Oleg Kukhovarenko, production designer: Igor Vuskovich, misic: Vladislav Kladnitsky, sound: Eleonora Kazanskaya Cast: Marina Bugakova, Nikolai Volkov, Jr., Tatyana Kislyarova, Ada Rogovtseva, Valentin Gaft, Lubov Virolainen, Lubov Sokolova, Marina Tregubovich, Natalya Chetverikova There lived in Leningrad a united and merry family: Mama, an ambulance doctor, Papa, a vet, and the nine year old Inga... But disaster struck — and Mama suffered a tragic death... Still, life went on, — a life with only two of them left: Papa and Inga...

812 ZHDITYE MENYA, OSTROVA! (AWAIT FOR ME, ISLANDS!) 1977, 79 min., color, wide screen Melodrama Directors: Nikolai Lebedev, Joseph Shapiro, screenplay: Alexander Popov, camera: Oleg Kukhovarenko, production designer: Alexei Fedotov, misic: Vladimir Maklakov, sound: Yevgeny Nesterov Cast: Afanasi Kochetkov, Leonid Nevedomsky, Lilya Gurova, Sasha Prokhorov, Lubov Virolainen, Vadim Yakovlev, Ira Smolina, Sasha Naumov, Svetlana Polyakova Loosely based on “Run-Away”, an essay by Leonid Pochivalov. Valerka got a “two” in literature, and it seems that all could have ended well; but learning about the “two”, his father got angry and accidentally broke the little boat made by Valerka... Valerka runs away from home...



1977, 99 min., color Comedy Written and directed by: Vitaly Melnikov, camera: Yuri Veksler, production designer: Bella Manevich, misic: Oleg Karavaychuk, sound: Konstantin Lashkov Cast: Svetlana Kryuchkova, Alexei Petrenko, Oleg Borisov, Vladislav Strzhelchik, Borislav Brondukov, Yevgeny Leonov, Maya Bulgakova, Valentina Talyzina Based on Nikolai Gogol’s comedy of the same title. Advanced in years and pushed by his chum Kochkarev, the clerk Podkolesin seeks in marriage Agafya Tikhonovna, the overripe girl of merchant origin... Yet, at the last minute, just before the wedding, the hesitant groom escapes...



1977, 73 min., color, wide screen Adventure story

Director: David Kocharyan, screenplay: Alexander Voinov, camera: Valery Mironov, production designer: Rimma Narinyan, misic: Alexander Mnatsakanynan, sound: Yevgeny Nesterov, Arnold Shargorodsky Cast: Georgy Kulikov, Valery Olshansky, Sasha Karelin, Karen Akopyan, Zhenya Vorobyeva, Tigran Voskonyan, Alesha Platonov A settlement on the border, in the south of Armenia, where an archeological expedition is at work. The boys and girls living here are indefatigable and cheerful... Artyom, Samvel, and Varya. Not always do they spend their free time thoughtlessly — they are helping the border guards.



1977, 2 parts, 139 min., color Detective story Director: Yevgeny Tatarsky, screenplay: Pavel Grakhov, Artur Makarov, camera: Konstantin Ryzhov, production designer: Isaac Kaplan, misic: Isaac Schwartz, sound: Igor Vigdorchik Cast: Mikhail Gluzsky, Yevgeny Kindinov, Oleg Dal, Larisa Udovichenko, Igor Yefimov, Lubov Polischuk, Igor Yankovsky, Zhanna Prokhorenko, Igor Dmitriyev, Lev Lemke, Tatyana Tkach In a critical, tense situation Colonel Zarubin is investigating the criminal activities of an undercover jewel trading group...

816 KAK IVANUSHKA DURACHOK ZA CHUDOM KHODIL (HOW IVANUSHKA THE FOOL WENT AFTER THE MIRACLE) 1977, 88 min., color, wide screen Fairy tale Director: Nadezhda Kosheverova, screenplay: Mikhail Volpin, camera: Edward Rozovsky, production designers: Marina Azizyan, Vladimir Kostin, misic: Moisei Weinberg, sound: Semyon Shumyacher Cast: Oleg Dal, Yelena Proklova, Mikhail Gluzsky, Tatyana Peltzer, Vladimir Etush, Andrei Popov, Alexander Beniaminov, Mikhail Boyarsky, Igor Dmitriyev, Sergei Filippov, Maria Barabanova Loosely based on Russian folklore. To save his Nastenka from the cruel affliction, Ivanushka sets out to look for a miracle at the other end of the world...



1977, 27 min., b/w Director: Tamara Rodionova, screenplay: Dmitry Pisarevsky, camera: Yevgeny Vargin, production designer: Alexei Sidorov, misic: Nadezhda Simonyan, sound: Betty Livshits A photofilm based on cuttings from the negatives of the film of the same title (1932).



1977, 31 min., color Written and directed by: Semyon Aranovich, camera: Vladimir Ilyin, misic: Viktor Lebedev, sound: Galina Lukina A fiction/documentary film about the remarkable monument of the XVIII century Russian culture — the Pavlovsk Palace and its decorations.



1977, 93 min., color, wide screen Drama Director: Viktor Tregubovich, screenplay: Alexander Gelman, camera: Edward Rozovsky, production designer: Grachiya Mekinyan, misic: Alexei Rybnikov, sound: Natalya Levitina Cast: Oleg Yankovsky, Mikhail Ulyanov, Kirill Lavrov, Lyudmila Gurchenko, Igor Vladimirov, Mikhail Pogorzhelsky, Vsevolod Kuznetsov, Igor Dmitriyev, Yelena Stavrogina, Leonid Nevedomsky, Natalya Gundareva, Valentina Talyzina Based on the play of the same title by Alexander Gelman. A manager is personally responsible for the cause he has been entrusted with, and in these terms the production issues are closely intertwined with the lives and jobs of individuals. In a tense situation arising on a major construction site, the personality of each one of the characters is fully revealed...

820 LOVE)


1977, 2 parts, 135 min., color Melodrama Director: Ilya Averbakh, screenplay: Pavel Finn, camera: Dmitry Dolinin, production designer: Vladimir Svetozarov, sound: Boris Andreyev, misic: Vivaldi, Bach, Mahlherb Cast: Eva Shikulska, Yuri Bogatyryov, Angelina Stepanova, Bruno Freindlich, Kirill Lavrov, Svetlana Kryuchkova, Dasha Mikhailova, Nikita Mikhailovsky, Ivan Bortnik, Yelena Sanko, Yuri Goncharov, Anatoly Kovalenko Loosely based on “Four Fourths”, a novel by Yevgeny Gabrilovich. Filippok, a coeval of the century and a talented man of letters, happened to witness and participate in historical events of great importance. Neither directly nor easily, but he did manage to find his way, groping through delusions, vacillations and torturous search of himself and his life’s vocation.



1977 — 1979, 9 parts, 596 min., color Melodrama Director: Viktor Titov, screenplay: Veniamin Kaverin, Vladimir Savin, camera: Anatoly Ivanov, production designer: Yuri Pugach, misic: Nikolai Martynov, sound: Galina Golubeva Cast: Natalya Dikareva, Georgy Taratorkin, Alyesha Vasilyev, Mikhail Pogorzhelsky, Yelena Solovey, Oleg Yankovsky, Nina Urgant, Vladimir Basov, Vsevolod Safonov, Oleg Tabakov, Yelena Drapeko, Iya Savina, Irina Mazurkevich, Yuri Bogatyryov, Leonid Nevedomsky, Oleg Yefremov, Alexander Kalyagin Based on the novel of the same title by Veniamin Kaverin.



1977, 3 parts, 218 min., color Melodrama Director: Grigory Nikulin, screenplay: Maria Zvereva, camera: Nikolai Zhilin, production designers: Boris Bykov, Mikhail Ivanov, misic: Alexander Mnatsakanyan, sound: Vladimir Esterlis Cast: Yuri Demich, Nikolai Volkov, Jr., Yelizaveta Akulicheva, Irina Pechernikova, Olya Mashnaya, Yevgeny Lebedev, Anatoly Azo, Roman Gromadsky Screen version of the novel of the same title by Konstantin Fedin.



1977, 88 min., color, wide screen Drama Director: Vladimir Grigoryev, screenplay: Yevgeny Gabrilovich, Solomon Rozen, camera: Vladimir Vasilyev, production designer: Boris Burmistrov, misic: Adkady Gagulashvili, sound: Tigran Silayev Cast: Vitaly Solomin, Maria Solomina, Maya Bulgakova, Anatoly Adoskin, Larisa Malevannaya, Yuri Solovyov, Zinaida Sharko, Yevdokia Urusova, Alina Olkhovskaya, Yelizaveta Uvarova Incapable of standing his ground, the talented scientist Rostislav Lyubeshkin has to leave his Institute. Kosichkin, an ordinary bookkeeper, attempts to stand up for a person he doesn’t know. Kosichkin is demoted, his wife considers him a failure, while his colleagues gloat, awaiting the results of the audit...



1977, 2 parts, 138 min., color Musical Written and directed by: Jan Frid, camera: Yevgeny Shapiro, production designer: Semyon Malkin, misic: Gennadi Gladkov, sound: Gennadi Korkhovoy, song lyrics: Mark Donskoy Cast: Margarita Terekhova, Mikhail Boyarsky, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, Yelena Proklova, Zinaida Sharko, Viktor Ilyichev, Igor Dmitriyev, Nikolai Karachentsov, Gelena Ivliyeva, Alexei Kozhevnikov, Vitaly Leonov, Fyodor Nikitin Based on the comedy of the same title by Lope de Vega.

825 STROGAYA MUZHSKAYA ZHIZN (THE STRICT MEN’S LIFE) 1977, 92 min., color, wide screen Thriller Director: Anatoly Granik, screenplay: Mikhail Kurayev, camera: Lev Kolganov, Nikolai Stroganov, production designer: Vladimir Kostin, misic: Nadezhda Simonyan, sound: Semyon Shumyacher. Song by: Kim Ryzhov Cast: Anatoly Pustokhin, Anatoly Mateshko, Yuri Kayurov, Roman Gromadsky, Vsevolod Kuznetsov, Vitaly Yushkov, Antonina Shuranova, Yuri Solovyov, Nadezhda Karpechenko, Yefim Kamenetsky Loosely based on “Signal Rockets of Black Smoke”, a story by Alexander Smetanin. A critical situation among the officers of a tank regiment reveals persons with a different understanding of their duty as defenders of Motherland...



BAG) 1977, 93 min., color, wide screen Detective Director: August Baltrushaitis, screenplay: Yuri Nikolin, camera: Alexander Chechulin, production designer: Mark Kaplan, misic: Edward Balsis, sound: Galina Gorbonosova Cast: Georgy Burkov, Donatas Banionis, Yelena Naumkina, Vitautas Tomkus, Natalya Fateyeva, Anatoly Solonitsyn A tragic event happened in the night. Three cash collectors died in the car taking the airport’s daily earnings to the bank. Accident or murder? Where is the money? Who is the criminal?

827 TRUFFALDINO IZ BERGAMO (TRUFFALDINO FROM BERGAMO) 1977, 2 parts, 138 min., color Musical comedy Director: Vladimir Vorobyev, screenplay: Vladimir Vorobyev, Akiba Golburt, camera: Dmitry Meskhiyev, production designer: Isaac Kaplan, misic: Alexander Kolker, sound: Yevgeny Nesterov Cast: Konstantin Raykin, Natalya Gundareva, Valentina Kosobutskaya, Viktor Kostetsky, Lev Petropavlovsky, Irina Driatskaya, Viktor Krivonos Based on “Servant of Two Masters”, a comedy by Carlo Goldoni. The merry joker Truffaldino is artfully working on an intrigue, showing an obvious superiority over his masters both in wit and enterprising ability.



1977, 93 min., color, wide screen Detective Director: Nikolai Rozantsev, screenplay: Edward Volodarsky, camera: Vadim Grammatikov, production designer: Larisa Shilova, misic: Nikolai Chervinsky, sound: Aliakper Gasan-zade Cast: Vladimir Sedov, Yuri Demich, Stanislav Landgraf, Yuri Sarantsev, Svetlana Orlova, Dmitry Mirgorodsky, Yuri Lazarev The picture deals with the last days of Vaclav Vorovsky, one of the first Soviet diplomats, who was killed in Lozanne in the spring of 1923.

829 VSYE RESHAYET MGNOVENIYE (A MOMENT DECIDES EVERYTHING) 1978, 100 min., color, wide screen Melodrama Director: Viktor Karasyev, screenplay: Valentin Yezhov, Anatoly Salutsky, Viktor Sadovsky, camera: Viktor Karasyev, production designer: Boris Burmistrov, misic: Alexander Zhurbin, sound: Tigran Silayev Cast: Galina Belyayeva, Olga Ageyeva, Boris Zeidenberg, Natalya Fateyeva, Alexander Abdulov, Alexander Demyanenko, Anatoly Papanov, Nikolai Ozerov, Andrei Danilov Nadya Privalova, a capable young swimmer, is just fifteen. Through a lucky coincidence she is accepted into the national team of swimmers — and this marks the start of the grinding, exhausting labor not necessarily resulting in Victory...

830 HOME)


1978, 81 min., color, wide screen Melodrama Director: Tofik Shakhverdiyev, screenplay: Anatoly Grebnev, camera: Nikolai Pokoptsev, production designer: Grachiya Mekinyan, misic: Isaac Schwartz, sound: Natalya Levitina Cast: Maria Solomina, Alexander Abdulov, Emmanuil Vitorgan, Ernst Romanov, Kira Romanova, Anatoly Gorin, Tatyana Leybel, Tatyana Manevskaya Nelya and Seryozha got married at nineteen. After five years, they meet their first test, when both of them, and especially Nelya, must realize that family life is far from easy, and one has to learn to survive life’s trials...



1978, 74 min., color Melodrama Director: Ayan Shakhmaliyeva, screenplay: Yuliu Edlis, camera: Nikolai Stroganov, production designer: Marxen Gaukhman-Sverdlov, misic: Boris Tischenko, sound: Konstantin Lashkov Cast: Rita Sergeyecheva, Nikita Mikhailovsky, Alexander Kalyagin, Margarita Terekhova, Ada Rogovtseva, Lubov Sokolova, Anatoly Kuznetsov The adults don’t get along well. The children, even if they fail to get a full understanding of the family mess, are helping their parents to sort it out...

832 DOM STROITSYA (THE HOUSE IS UNDER CONSTRUCTION) 1978, 67 min., color Melodrama Directors: Pavel Kogan, Pyotr Mostovoy, screenplay: Alexander Galin, camera: Konstantin Ryzhov, production designer: Vladimir Svetozarov, sound: Mikhail Lazarev Cast: Yuri Klepikov, Yekaterina Vasilyeva, Alexei Resser, Bruno Freindlich, Svetlana Smirnova, Lev Zolotukhin Loosely based on a novel of the same title by Alexander Ivanov.



1978, 19 min., b/w Comedy Written and directed by: Nikolai Kovalsky, camera: Vadim Grammatikov, production designer: Rimma Narinyan, misic: Viktor Lebedev, sound: Irina Volkova Cast: Alexander Demyanenko, Seryozha Yeromirtsev, Dima Knyazev Based on a short story of the same title by Grigory Gorin.

834 ZAVYALOVSKIYE CHUDIKI (THE ZAVYALOV CRANKS) 1978, a picture almanac based on three short stories by Vasily Shukshin, 70 min., color, wide screen 1. KAPRONOVAYA YOLOCHKA (A LITTLE FIR TREE MADE OF NYLON) Tragical comedy Written and directed by: Ernest Yasan, camera: Vladimir Kovzel, production designer: Vladimir Gasilov, misic: Igor Tsvetkov, sound: Grigory Elbert Cast: Ivan Krivoruchko, Mikhail Kokshenov, Natalya Nazarova, Viktor Pavlov A car with two Zavyalov guys in it broke down on New Year’s Eve; they set off on foot, with a town man involved in procurement, insisting on accompanying them, who used to visit the local girl Nyurka...

2. BILYETIK NA VTOROY SEANS (A SECOND SHOW TICKET) Melodrama Written and directed by: Anatoly Dubinkin, camera: Alexander Dibrivny, production designer: Larisa Shilova, sound: Galina Lukina Cast: Vladimir Kashpur, Maya Blinova, Georgy Teich, Viktor Matveyev All his life Timofei lived for himself, grabbing indiscriminately, and has not made any friends; thus, when his heart grows heavy, there is indeed no one to sympathize with him...

3. VERSIYA (A VERSION) Tragical comedy

Written and directed by: Valery Guryanov, camera: Boris Timkovsky, production designer: Alexei Rudyakov, misic: Nikolai Martynov, sound: Boris Antonov Cast: Valery Zolotukhin, Larisa Burkova, Sergei Parshin The village’s prime jabberer Sanka tells the local men of his trip up town to get himself a motorcycle — and the kind of things that happened to him no one would believe... So he takes the driver Yegorka to town in order to have a witness...



1978, 2 parts, 139 min., color Comedy Director: Vadim Gauzner, screenplay: Friedrich Gorenstein, camera: Anatoly Ivanov, production designer: Mark Kaplan, misic: Valery Ganelin, sound: Gennadi Korkhovoy Cast: Mikhail Kozakov, Mikhail Kononov, Olga Antonova, Sofiko Chiaureli, Natalya Danilova, Ramaz Chkhikvadze, Valery Matveyev, Baadur Tsuladze, Giya Peradze, Alexander Anisimov, Givi Tokhadze Loosely based on William Shakespeare’ play.

836 KOMISSIYA PO RASSLEDOVANIYU (THE INVESTIGATION COMMISSION) 1978, 85 min., color, wide screen Thriller Director: Vladimir Bortko, screenplay: Pyotr Popogrebsky, camera: Vladimir Ivanov, production designer: Viktor Amelchenkov, misic: Vladislav Uspensky, sound: Harry Belenky Cast: Oleg Yefremov, Vladimir Retsepter, Irina Miroshnichenko, Sos Sarkisyan, Yevgeny Lebedev, Pavel Pankov, Lubov Virolainen, Mikhail Boyarsky, Ernst Romanov, Mikhail Pogorzhelsky, Vladimir Osobik An accident occurs at the nuclear power plant, damaging the power reactor. A specially appointed commission starts an investigation... Some people focus on the search of the actual reasons behind the accident, while others concentrate on safeguarding the interests of the agencies they represent... The professional conflict is further enhanced by personal motives.

837 LETNYAYA POYEZDKA K MORYU (A SUMMER TRIP TO THE SEASIDE) 1978, 89 min., color Drama Director: Semyon Aranovich, screenplay: Yuri Klepikov, camera: Vladimir Ilyin, production designer: Grachiya Mekinyan, misic: Oleg Karavaychuk, sound: Galina Lukina Cast: Nikolai Skorobogatov, Anatoly Gorin, Igor Fokin, Alexander Kurennoy, Andrei Zotov, Viktor Proskurin In the summer of 1942, an expedition of schoolchildren set off from Arkhangelsk for the islands of Novaya Zemlya to establish stores of food for sailors rescued from wrecked ships. Unexpectedly, fascists turn up on the island...

838 MLADSHY NAUCHNY SOTRUDNIK (JUNIOR RESEARCHER) 1978, 27 min., color Melodrama

Director: Valery Rodchenko, screenplay: Valery Priyemykhov, camera: Viktor Solovyov, production designer: Rimma Narinyan, misic: Adkady Gagulashvili, sound: Asya Zvereva Cast: Anatoly Romashin, Yelena Smirnova, Yuri Solovyov, Igor Dmitriyev Loosely based on “High Pressure”, a short story by Viktor Ifantyev.



1978, 99 min., color, wide screen Melodrama Director: Leonid Menaker, screenplay: Irina Velembovskaya, camera: Vladimir Kovzel, production designer: Vsevolod Ulitko, misic: Yakov Weisburd, sound: Galina Gorbonosova Cast: Anna Kamenkova, Vladlen Biryukov, Galina Makarova, Sergei Prokhanov, Yelena Melnikova, Natalya Nazarova, Valentina Vladimirova, Sonya Dzhishkariani After the country girl Manya’s two years of waiting for her fiance to return from the Army, he has been unfaithful to her. Trying to get back at him, Manya rashly marries Alexei Terekhov, a widower with a five-year-old daughter, whom she doesn’t love. The relationship between Alexei and Manya is far from easy, but through conflicts, quarrels and separations they come to understand that they love each other.



1978, 87 min., color Drama Director: Boris Frumin, screenplay: Eduard Topol, Boris Frumin, camera: Alexei Gambaryan, production designer: Yuri Pugach, misic: Viktor Lebedev, sound: Galina Lukina Cast: Stanislav Zhdanko, Marina Neyelova, Natalya Varley, Mikhail Vaskov, Nikolai Karachentsov, Afanasi Kochetkov, Nina Mamayeva, Nikolai Penkov, Vladimir Marenkov, Anatoly Garichev, Yuri Dubrovin, Nina Arkhipova The mistakes made in his youth, the loss of moral guidelines and criteria threaten to break up the whole life of the young peasant lad coming to live in the city, who is a strong person, talented in a manner...

841 POZNAVAYA BELY SVET (GETTING TO KNOW THE WIDE WORLD) 1978, 80 min., color Melodrama Director: Kira Muratova, screenplay: Grigory Baklanov, Kira Muratova, camera: Yuri Klimenko, production designer: Alexei Rudyakov, misic: Vladimir Silvestrov, sound: Garry Belenky Cast: Nina Ruslanova, Sergei Popov, Alexei Zharkov, Lyudmila Gurchenko, Natalya Leble, Lena Shelgunova, Natasha Shelgunova, Vladimir Pozhidayev, Viktor Aristov The picture features a banal “triangle” including the plasterer Lyuba and two drivers, Mikhail and Nikolai; through the special form of screen language an ordinary love story is transformed into a passionate love poem.

842 RYTSAR IZ KNYAZH-GORODKA (THE KNIGHT FROM KNYAZH-GORODOK) 1978, 76 min., color Melodrama Director: Vadim Mikhailov, screenplay: Yuri Lakerbay, camera: Boris Timkovsky, production designer: Igor Vuskovich, misic: Valery Gavrilin, sound: Irina Chernyakhovskaya

Cast: Nikolai Volkov, Vanya Sukhodolsky, Seryozha Kokovkin, Tanya Sats, Denis Kozlov, Lev Rubinstein, Konstantin Zakharov, Lev Krugly The story is focused on the conflict between two young fencers, Dima and Ivan. Honesty and principles are matched against career ambitions...



1978, 88 min., color, wide screen Melodrama Director: Igor Usov, screenplay: Pavel Pavlov, camera: Nikolai Stroganov, production designer: Mikhail Gerasimov, misic: Sergei Banevich, Olga Petrova, sound: Natalya Avanesova Cast: Nikolai Volkov, Jr., Viktor Yefgrafov, Valery Kozinets, Natalya Varley, Masha Zhukova, Alexander Samoylov, Tatyana Ivanova, Alexander Khochinsky Loosely based on “I Wait and Hope”, a novel by Boris Nikolsky. Professor Levandovsky, years ago unjustly dismissed from his position, reassembles his former disciples. But when the laboratory is ready to go, Levandovsky dies...



1978, 83 min., color, wide screen Melodrama Director: Naum Birman, screenplay: Vladimir Gonik, camera: Alexander Chirov, production designer: Vsevolod Ulitko, misic: Veniamin Basner, sound: Irina Chernyakhovskaya Cast: Viktor Panov, Natalya Gundareva, Vladimir Samoylov, Boris Ivanov, Sergei Ivanov, Roman Madyanov, Marina Lipartiya, Sergei Zamorev In a riverside house dwelled the family of Ivan Karnavin, a water protection officer. Ivan Yegorovich was born and bred in these parts, knew everyone around and deeply felt for what he did... But recently large industrial combine grew by the river, and so did the officer’s problems grow...



1978, 71 min., color, wide screen Drama Director: Georgy Kropachev, screenplay: Yuri Rytkheu, camera: Valery Mironov, production designer: Yelena Fomina, misic: Alexander Kneifel, sound: Aliakper Gasan-zade Cast: Rauza Tazhibayeva, Yuri Khvan, Nikolai Olzey-Ool, Maria Stepanova, Nurmukhan Zhanturin, Dorime Sangazhapova A young hunter happened to fall in love with the Sun’s daughter, but with the last rays of sun, wary of the cold, the beautiful girl would leave the Earth. So the hunter made up his mind to obtain a wolverine’s hide for her; but to hunt a wolverine is extremely risky... A modern interpretation of a Chukcha legend of old times.

846 SLUCHAYNIYE PASSAZHIRY (CHANCE PASSENGERS) 1978, 80 min., color, wide screen Melodrama Director: Mikhail Ordovsky, screenplay: Yuri Sbitnev, camera: Vladimir Burykin, production designer: Boris Burmistrov, misic: Vadim Bibergan, sound: Leonid Shumyacher

Cast: Vladimir Gostyukhin, Larisa Grebenschikova, Zinaida Sharko, Nikolai Grinko, Natasha Leontyeva, Nina Vakhitova, Marina Alekseyeva, Igor Pchelin, Alyosha Styopin, Slava Yakovlev At first sight, the long distance truck driver Ivan Zhaplov would seem reserved and somewhat harsh. Once, in a hurry to complete his run and return to his wife, who was about to give birth, Ivan came across a truck abandoned by its driver, containing nine kids from the orphanage accompanied by their lady teacher...



1978, 7 parts, 489 min., color, wide screen Drama Director: Iskander Khamrayev, screenplay: Georgy Markov, Edward Shim, camera: Alexander Chechulin, production designer: Alexei Fedotov, misic: Marat Kamilov, sound: Yevgeny Nesterov Cast: Kirill Lavrov, Sofia Pavlova, Pyotr Chernov, Natalya Fateyeva, Gennadi Yegorov, Yelena Glebova, Mikhail Gluzsky, Ivan Pereverzev Based on Georgy Markov’s story of the same title.



1978, 93 min., co-production with “Barrandov” (Czechoslovakia), color Thriller Director: Anatoly Vekhotko, Natalya Troschenko, screenplay: Alexander Gorokhov, Karel Waltera, Alexander Lukesh, camera: Edward Rozovsky, production designer: Valery Yurkevich, misic: Igor Tsvetkov, sound: Grigory Elbert Cast: Valentina Shendrikova, Jan Kanyza, Boris Scherbakov, Anatoly Solonitsyn, Vitezslav Jandak, Jan Pogan, Viktor Il’ichev, Yevgeny Leonov-Gladyshev, Viktor Gogolev A team of experienced Czechoslovakian tester engineers arrives in the Soviet Union to develop an optimal new version of the “Tatra” suitable for use in the Far North. The team includes the cheerful, light-minded, energetic Karel. The work in the new and complicated conditions, the selfless labor, the tragically ending love — all of these serve to make the main character develop a different view of himself...

849 UKHODYA — UKHODYI (LEAVE WHILE YOU ARE LEAVING) 1978, 91 min., color Comedy Director: Viktor Tregubovich, screenplay: Viktor Merezhko, Viktor Tregubovich, camera: Dmitry Meskhiyev, production designer: Vladimir Kostin, misic: Alexander Kolker, sound: Natalya Levitina Cast: Viktor Pavlov, Lyudmila Gurchenko, Marina Tregubovich, Nikolai Rybnikov, Natalya Andreychenko, Natalya Gundareva, Mikhail Kononov, Fyodor Odinokov, Yelena Pavlovskaya, Nikolai Sytin, Natalya Dmitriyeva The modest unostentatious bookkeeper Sulin often finds himself in half funny, half sad situations: he is often timid, wary of crossing other people... Until once a chance occurrence triggered the memory of himself as a resolute and courageous young man.



1978, 2 parts, 147 min., color Comedy

Directors: Georgy Tovstonogov, Yuri Aksyonov, camera: Dmitry Dolinin, production designer: Rimma Narinyan, sound: Irina Volkova Cast: Lyudmila Makarova, Vladislav Strzhelchik, Vadim Medvedev, Valentina Kovel, Nikolai Trofimov, Vsevolod Kuznetsov, Yevdokia Alekseyeva A screen version of the play of the same title staged in the Leningrad Academic Big Drama Theater based on a comedy by A. Tsagareli.



1978, 18 min., b/w Melodrama Written and directed by: Alexander Muratov, camera: Anatoly Lapshov, production designer: Vladimir Svetozarov, misic: Alexander Mikhailov, sound: Igor Vigdorchik Cast: Yelena Drapeko, Larisa Kadochnikova, Oleg Tabakov Based on Anton Chekhov’ short story of the same title.

852 CHELOVEK, KOTOROMU VEZLO (THE MAN WHO USED TO BE LUCKY) 1978, 84 min., color, wide screen Drama Director: Konstantin Yershov, screenplay: Konstantin Yershov, Gleb Panfilov, camera: Dmitry Meskhiyev, production designer: Marina Azizyan, misic: Vadim Bibergan, sound: Galina Gorbonosova Cast: Georgy Burkov, Anatoly Adoskin, Galina Antipina, Tatyana Shestakova, Alexander Porokhovschikov, Ernst Romanov, Irina Petrovskaya, Konstantin Yershov, Yuri Lazarev Preferring geology to poetry, giving his outstanding talent to the cause he deemed useful and necessary, Ishutin followed the hard but glamorous path of a seeker. Thus, he remained in people’s memories (and first and foremost, in those of his sons) as a selfless and unselfish person.



1978, 79 min., color, wide screen Melodrama Director: Vladimir Shredel, screenplay: Yuri Nagibin, camera: Vladimir Kovzel, production designer: Vladimir Gasilov, misic: Albert Preslenev, sound: Vladimir Yakovlev Cast: Iya Savvina, Vladimir Zamansky, Inna Kondratyeva, Georgy Zhzhenov, Leonid Obolensky, Irina Gubanova, Oleg Belov, Lubov Strizhenova Based on a short story of the same title by Yuri Nagibin. For many years, the families of the engineer Putyatin and the director of a large factory Kungurtsev were friends. But one day, on his return from a long business trip, Kungurtsev learns that his friend has a new wife...

854 YAROSLAVNA, KOROLEVA FRANTSII (YAROSLAVNA, QUEEN OF FRANCE) 1978, 98 min., color, wide screen, wide format Historical Adventure Director: Igor Maslennikov, screenplay: Vladimir Valutsky, camera: Valery Fedosov, production designer: Yevgeny Gukov, misic: Vladimir Dashkevich, sound: Asya Zvereva, Boris Andreyev

Cast: Kirill Lavrov, Yelena Koreneva, Viktor Yevgrafov, Khanka Mikuch, Nikolai Karachentsov, Sergei Martinson, Vasily Livanov, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, Vladimir Izotov, Igor Dmitriyev, Veslav Golas, Alexander Susnin Early XI century Russia. Envoys of Henry, King of France, arrive in Kiev to ask Prince Yaroslav for the hand of his youngest daughter Anna in marriage. Thus Anna Yaroslavna, the future Queen of France, accompanied by envoys and Russian warriors, sets off..



1979, 82 min., color, wide screen Lyrical melodrama Director: Adolph Bergunker, screenplay: Eduard Akopov, camera: Oleg Kukhovarenko, production designer: Igor Vuskovich, misic: Vladislav Kladnitsky, sound: Eleonora Kazanskaya Cast: Grachiya Mkhitaryan, Nadya Shulzhenko, Nina Ter-Osipyan, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, Violetta Gevorkyan, Goar Khachikyan, Marina Bugakova Once upon a time, a new student joins the class. David Kaloshan, arriving from Armenia, has no idea that he is soon to cause a split in his class...

856 V MOYEY SMERTY PROSHU VINIT KLAVU KA (PLEASE BLAME MY DEATH ON KLAVA K.) 1979, 76 min., color, wide screen Melodrama Directors: Nikolai Lebedev, Ernst Yasan, screenplay: Mikhail Lvovsky, camera: Valery Mironov, production designer: Alexei Fedotov, misic: Alexander Zhurbin, sound: Yevgeny Nesterov Cast: Nadezhda Gorshkova, Vladimir Shevelkov, Lena Khopshonosova, Natalya Zhuravlyova, Viktor Kostetsky, Valentina Panina, Lubov Polischuk, Olga Volkova, Olya Ozeretskovskaya, Maxim Yasan, Veniamin Smekhov, Lubov Malinovskaya Seryozha was just four when he fell in love with Klava. At the moment they are both fifteen, and Seryozha is as much in love with Klava as ever, whereas she no longer cares for him, for his attention, for his incessant watching over her, — the things she sees as preventing herself from being a real person...  The film was awarded the Nadyezhda Krupskaya’s State Premium of the RSFSR (1981).

857 VERNYEMSYA OSENYU (WE SHALL RETURN IN THE FALL) 1979, 88 min., color Drama Director: Alexei Simonov, screenplay: Vadim Trunin, camera: Lev Kolganov, production designer: Mikhail Gerasimov, misic: Alexander Zhurbin, sound: Aliakper Gasan-zade Cast: Georgy Drozd, Oleg Korchikov, Igor Vasilyev, Mikhail Danilov, Valentin Golubenko, Irina Miroshnichenko, Gennadi Yegorov, Igor Molodchinin Five forty-year old men find themselves in the three-month annual camp. Once, twenty years ago, they used to be inseparable, but gradually life caused them to part ways.. At this time, their everyday life in camp will become a real test, a true trial of courage...

858 VPERVIYE ZAMUZHEM (MARRIED FOR THE FIRST TIME) 1979, 99 min., color Melodrama

Director: Iosif Heifitz, screenplay: Pavel Nilin, Iosif Heifitz, camera: Vladimir Dyakonov, production designer: Yuri Pugach, misic: Oleg Karavaychuk, sound: Igor Vigdorchik Cast: Yevgenya Glushenko, Nikolai Volkov, Jr., Valentina Telichkina, Svetlana Smirnova, Igor Starygin Based on a short story of the same title by Pavel Nilin. Grudging herself everything, Tonya has raised her daughter all by herself; over the years, she lived through a marriage that failed and through certain problems... After getting married, Tonya’s daughter drove her mother out of her home... A true, enduring love was born when Tonya had given up all hope.



1979, 86 min., color Melodrama Director: Vladimir Vengerov, screenplay: Felix Mironer, camera: Rostislav Davydov, production designers: Viktor Volin, Yuri Smirnov, misic: Isaac Schwartz, sound: Eleonora Kazanskaya Cast: Anatoly Kuznetsov, Natalya Yegorova, Nikolai Rybnikov, Tatyana Lavrova, Svetlana Kryuchkova, Tatyana Golodovich, Yelena Drapeko Loosely based on Georgy Markov’s novel “The Will”. In the spring of 1945, Colonel Nesterov arrives in Prirechinsk to continue the work of his friend, looking for the kaolin deposit discovered back in 1913... The former archaeologist Nesterov turns into a geologist and arranges an expedition going deep into the taiga...

860 PARTY)


1979, 92 min., color, wide screen Drama Director: Mikhail Yershov, screenplay: Herman Baluyev, Samson Polyakov, camera: Nikolai Pokoptsev, production designer: Mikhail Ivanov, misic: Vadim Bibergan, sound: Irina Volkova Cast: Tatyana Vasilyeva, Timofei Spivak, Tamaz Toloraya, Valery Olshansky, Oleg Belov, Herman Kolushkin, Yuri Prokofyev, Igor Gorbachev, Yuri Dedovich In the taiga, advancing along the route of the BAM (Baikal-Amur Railway), works a team of equipment operators led by Alexander Ivanov. The construction people are aware that Ivanov is capable of living up to any assignment, but quite often one has to take risks, bypassing the bureaucratic instructions... At this time, an auditor is coming down from the capital city to check on certain “unlawful actions” of Ivanov’s...



1979, 91 min., color Melodrama Director: Dinara Asanova, screenplay: Viktor Aristov, camera: Yuri Vorontsov, production designer: Vladimir Svetozarov, misic: Vladimir Vasilyev, sound: Edward Vanunz, songs: Bulat Okudzhava Cast: Valery Priyomykhov, Yelena Solovey, Mitya Savelyev, Yekaterina Vasilyeva, Alexander Demyanenko, Lydia Fedoseyeva-Shukshina, Zinovy Gerdt, Maria Vinogradova, Alexei Zharkov Engineer Klyuyev’s wife leaves him. She leaves abruptly, without any obvious reasons... Brooding over his quite “happy” family life, Klyuyev gradually comes to understand that he is the one to blame.



1979, 21 min., b/w Director: Askhab Abakarov, screenplay: Shapi Kaziyev, Askhab Abakarov, camera: Anatoly Lapshov, production designer: Vladimir Svetozarov, sound: Igor Vigdorchik Cast: Anna Dumler Based on Somerset Maugham ‘s short story of the same title. A young artist invited a girl for breakfast. She ate delicatessen with good appetite.



1979, 81 min., color, wide screen Biopic Director: Gennadi Kazansky, screenplay: Alexander Galin, camera: Semyon Ivanov, production designer: Semyon Malkin, misic: Nadezhda Simonyan, sound: Galina Golubeva Cast: Anatoly Papanov, Gennadi Yegorov, Sergei Ivanov, Antonina Shuranova, Vladimir Kozel, Vladimir Markov, Yuri Kamorny, Vitaly Baganov, Igor Yefimov, Viktor Chekhmariov, Valery Olshansky Heinrich Osipovich Graftio can be rightly considered the founder of Russian research in the field of hydraulic power. Yet, in the environment of the tsarist Russia none of his bold projects were implemented. The implementation of his daring, fantastic ideas, the first of them being Volkhovstroy, didn’t start till after 1918.

864 KLUB SAMOUBIYTS, ILI PRIKLYUCHENIYA TITULOVANNOY OSOBY (SUICIDE CLUB, OR A TITLED PERSON’S ADVENTURES) 1979 — 1980, 3 parts, 206 min., color Comedy Director: Yevgeny Tatarsky, screenplay: Edgar Dubrovsky, camera: Konstantin Ryzhov, production designer: Isaac Kaplan, misic: Nadezhda Simonyan, sound: Konstantin Lashkov Cast: Oleg Dal, Donatas Banionis, Igor Dmitriyev, Lubov Polishchuk, Vitaly Ilyin, Igor Yankovsky, Yelena Solovey, Vladimir Shevelkov, Yelena Tsyplakova, Askhab Abakarov, Boris Novikov, Ivan Mokeyev, Yevgeny Kindinov, Mikhail Pugovkin, Vladimir Basov Loosely based on short stories by Robert Louis Stevenson. Exhausted with boredom, Prince Florizel is looking to be thrilled, and it so happens that, accompanied by his friend Colonel Gerald, he finds himself in the Suicide Club... Eventually they get to be in the center of adventure...



1979, 2 parts, 141 min., color Musical comedy Written and directed by: Jan Frid, loosely based on libretto by Nikolai Erdman, Mikhail Volpin, camera: Anatoly Nazarov, production designer: Semyon Malkin, sound: Gennadi Korkhovoy Cast: Yuri Solomin, Lyudmila Maksakova, Larisa Udovichenko, Vitaly Solomin, Oleg Vidov, Igor Dmitriyev, Yuri Vasilyev, Yevgeny Vesnik, Olga Volkova, Ivan Lyubeznov, Sergei Filippov, Glikeria Bogdanova-Chesnokova, Vladimir Lyakhovetsky Based on the operetta of the same title by Johann Strauss.

866 LICHNOYE SVIDANIYE (THE MEETING IN PERSON) 1979, 26 min., color Drama Director: Alexei Lebedev, screenplay: Albina Shulgina, camera: Ivan Banayev, production designer: Vladimir Svetozarov, misic: Evgeny Irshai, sound: Igor Vigdorchik Cast: Nathalia Akimova, Sergei Koshunin A bride visits her bridegroom who had been put to jail for fighting at their wedding party. Their first night took place in prison…



1979, 31 min., color Melodrama Director: Valeri Apanansky, screenplay: Valery Priyomykhov, camera: V. Ivanov, production designer: Vladimir Svetozarov, misic: Georgy Portnov, sound: Irina Chernyakhovskaya Cast: Andrei Tolubeev, Nikolai Karachentsov, Viktor Ivanov A guy fell in Love to a charwoman and wrote lyrics dedicated for her.

868 NEOBYKNOVENNOYE LETO (A REMARKABLE SUMMER) 1979, 4 parts, 308 min., color Melodrama Director: Grigory Nikulin, screenplay: Maria Zvereva, camera: Nikolai Zhilin, production designer: Mikhail Ivanov, misic: Alexander Mnatsakanyan, sound: Vladimir Yakovlev Cast: Yuri Demich, Nikolai Volkov, Jr., Svetlana Orlova, Oleg Palmov, Anatoly Azo, Yevgeny Lebedev, Irina Pechernikova Based on “The First Delights” and “A Remarkable Summer” novels by Konstantin Fedin.



1979, 26 min., b/w Ironical fairy tale Written and directed by: Sergei Ovcharov, camera: Rostislav Davydov, production designer: Viktor Amelchenkov, misic: Igor Matsiyevsky, sound: Grigory Elbert Cast: Anatoly Rudakov, Yelena Alekseyeva, Vladimir Loparev, Viktor Gogolev, Alexander Afanasyev, Nikolai Kuzmin Loosely based on Russian folklore.

870 OTPUSK V SENTYABRE (A VACATION IN SEPTEMBER) 1979, 2 parts, 145 min., color Drama Written and directed by: Vitaly Melnikov, camera: Yuri Veksler, production designer: Bella Manevich, sound: Konstantin Lashkov Cast: Oleg Dal, Irina Kupchenko, Irina Reznikova, Natalya Gundareva, Natalya Mikolyshina, Yuri Bogatyrov, Gennadi Bogachev, Nikolai Burlyayev, Yevgeny Leonov

Loosely based on “The Duck Hunting”, a play by Alexander Vampilov. The main character, Zilov, seems to lead a normal, well-to-do life at both his place of work and home. Yet, Zilov’s indifference, callousness and immorality result in utter devastation and hopelessness..



1979, 87 min., color, wide screen Melodrama Director: Natalya Troschenko, screenplay: Samson Polyakov, camera: Alexander Chechulin, production designer: Yelena Fomina, misic: Nadezhda Simonyan, sound: Grigory Elbert Cast: Svetlana Kryuchkova, Georgy Burkov, Sergei Ivanov, Igor Osokin, Jemma Firsova, Vladimir Basov, Alexei Kozhevnikov, Yuri Solovyov, Yelena Fetisenko, Nikolai Timofeyev, Valery Olshansky, Geli Sysoyev The war is coming to an end. Three soldiers happen to stop for the night in the home of Maria, living in a small Belorussian town. One of them, Ivan, quoted Maria’s name in his personal tag, identifying her as his wife... Having received a notice of Ivan’s death, Maria unexpectedly regards herself as a soldier’s’ widow, and moreover, falls in “posthumous” “love” with her “husband”... Out of the blue, Ivan comes back.



1979, 80 min., color, wide screen Thriller Director: Igor Sheshukov, screenplay: Arthur Makarov, camera: Vladimir Burykin, production designer: Yevgeny Gukov, misic: Vadim Bibergan, sound: Edward Vanunz, Leonid Shumyacher Cast: Yuri Bogatyriov, Oleg Borisov, Nikolai Grinko, Maxim Munzuk, Marina Likhun, Algimantas Masyulis, Bolot Beyshenaliyev, Nikolai Rybnikov, Buda Vampilov, Ivan Bortnik, Alexei Zharkov It was by word of the mouth that the camp of Iglulik knew about the new rule in Russia... Not even the head of the trading station, Shatokhin, or the medicine man Kaeleuege were able to explain clearly. At this time, the crew of Horsefield’s pirate schooner came ashore to loot as quickly and as much as possible..

873 PROGULKA, DOSTOYNAYA MUZHCHIN (AN OUTING WORTHY OF MEN) 1979, 92 min., color, wide screen Melodrama Director: Anatoly Vekhotko, screenplay: Mikhail Demidenko, Mikhail Kurayev, camera: Alexander Chechulin, production designer: Valery Yurkevich, misic: Igor Tsvetkov, sound: Grigory Elbert Cast: Yelena Glebova, Semyon Morozov, Viktor Ilyichov, Alexander Fatushin, Leonid Varfolomeyev, Natalya Dmitriyeva, Maxim Munzuk, Marina Starykh, Valery Bychenkov A chance trip of two friends to the North turned out to be a grave test for both of them: one of the characters had to return home, while the other was forced to remain an the oil pipeline construction site...



1979, 28 min., b/w Melodrama Director: Vyacheslav Sorokin, screenplay: Albina Shulgina, camera: Viktor Ivanov, production designer: Vladimir Kostin, misic: Valery Gavrilin, sound: Asya Zvereva

Cast: Alexei Zharkov, Galina Figlovskaya Anfisa a barmaid in the port meets a lad…

875 PUTESHESTVIYE V DRUGOY GOROD (A TRIP TO ANOTHER CITY) 1979, 93 min., color Melodrama Director: Viktor Tregubovich, screenplay: Anatoly Grebnev, camera: Dmitry Meskhiyev, production designer: Grachiya Mekinyan, misic: Alexander Kolker, sound: Natalya Levitina Cast: Kirill Lavrov, Irina Kupchenko, Mikhail Pogorzhelsky, Viktor Proskurin, Mikhail Yezepov, Vitaly Yushkov, Tatyana Piletskaya, Igor Gorbachev, Yelena Kondulainen Traveling on business, the construction engineer Kirillov arrives in a small town. At first his business and his work — everything proceeds as usual, as it should, but unexpectedly a woman named Lina enters Kirillov’s life...



1979, 96 min., co-production with “Kirghizfilm”, color Drama Director: Bolotbek Shamshiyev, screenplay: Chingiz Aitmatov, Bolotbek Shamshiyev, camera: Sergei Taraskin, production designer: Viktor Amelchenkov, misic: Alexander Knaifel, sound: Aliakper Gasan-zade Cast: Emil Boronchiyev, Suymenkul Chokmorov, Gulsara Adzhibekova, Khasan Abdraimov, Suyutay Shamshiyeva, Altynay Abdiyeva, Akyl Kulanbayev Loosely based on a story of the same title by Chingiz Aitmatov. The menacing echo of war has eventually reached the small Kirghiz village: the fathers and elder brothers have gone to battle. The collective farm Chairman is asking the teenagers to help prepare for the ploughing. So the kids name their team “The Aksay Landing Party”...



1979, 85 min., color, wide screen Musical fairy tale Director: Nadezhda Kosheverova, screenplay: Mikhail Volpin, camera: Edward Rozovsky, production designer: Marina Azizyan, Vladimir Kostin, misic: Mikhail Weinberg, sound: Semyon Shumyacher Cast: Svetlana Smirnova, Yuri Vasilyev, Alexander Vokach, Zinovy Gerdt, Nikolai Trofimov, Alexander Demyanenko, Sergei Filippov, Konstantin Adashevsky, Nikolai Karachentsov, Maria Barabanova, Georgy Shtil, Boris Arakelov The unexpected forest encounter of the poor young apprentice Evan with a magician brings a radical change in his life: suddenly, he is nominated heir to the throne in place of the deceased monarch... Thus he finds himself in a world of lies and hypocrisy, of flatterers and toadies...



1979, 87 min., color Drama Director: Nikolai Koshelev, screenplay: Vladimir Kunin, camera: Alexei Gambaryan, production designer: Georgy Kropachev, misic: Igor Tsvetkov, sound: Harry Belenky, song lyrics by: Alexander Tvardovsky

Cast: Vladimir Gostyukhin, Natalya Sayko, Ivan Bortnik, Alexander Vasilyev, Alexander Zhdanov, Andrei Danilov, Ramaz Abushadze, Vladimir Yuryev, Igor Komarov, Nikolai Lavrov Discharged from the hospital, Katsuba is posted to an Air Force Flying School as First Sergeant of a training squadron. At first it appeared to the 17-year-old trainees that the strict, reserved Katsuba was just picking at them, yet by and by they began to see their instructor as a kind, sympathetic and decent person...



1979, 99 min., color Melodrama Director: Vladimir Fetin, screenplay: Albina Shulgina, camera: Yevgeny Shapiro, production designer: Valery Yurkevich, misic: Vasily Solovyov-Sedoy, sound: Leonid Shumyacher Cast: Mikhail Kononov, Svetlana Smekhnova-Blagoyevich, Yevgeny Kindinov Loosely based on “The Tsar Fish”, a novel by Viktor Astafyev. In a wild faraway forest the hunter Akim comes across the dying Elya who chanced to be in his hunting lodge... Akim virtually saves her, patiently nursing her back to health, caring for her as he would for a child, and then takes her back to civilization, never to see again...

880 TROYE V LODKE, NE SHCHITAYA SOBAKI (THREE MEN IN A BOAT, TO SAY NOTHING OF THE DOG) 1979, 2 parts, 135 min., color Musical comedy Director: Naum Birman, screenplay: Semyon Lungin, camera: Heinrich Marandzhyan, production designer: Isaac Kaplan, misic: Alexander Kolker, sound: Igor Vigdorchik Cast: Andrei Mironov, Alexander Schirwindt, Mikhail Derzhavin, Larisa Golubkina, Alina Pokrovskaya, Irina Mazurkevich, Zinovy Gerdt, Georgy Shtil, Tatyana Peltzer, Olga Volkova, Viktor Ilyichev, Grigory Spiegel Loosely based on a story of the same title by Jerome K. Jerome. Three young friends make up their minds to spend their vacation on the Thames, with no household amenities or comfort... and naturally, — “no women”!

881 FANTAZII FARYATYEVA (FARYATYEV’S FANTASIES) 1979, 2 parts, 152 min., color Melodrama Written and directed by: Ilya Averbach, camera: Dmitry Dolinin, production designer: Vladimir Svetozarov, misic: Alfred Schnitke, sound: Boris Andreyev Cast: Marina Neyolova, Andrei Mironov, Zinaida Sharko, Lilya Gritsenko, Yekaterina Durova, Maxim Britvenkov Loosely based on the play of the same title by Alla Sokolova.

882 SHERLOK HOLMS I DOKTOR VATSON (SHERLOCK HOLMES AND DR. WATSON) 1979, 2 parts, 142 min., color Detective Director: Igor Maslennikov, screenplay: Yuli Dunsky, Valery Frid, camera: Yuri Veksler, production designer: Mark Kaplan, misic: Vladimir Dashkevich, sound: Asya Zvereva, Boris Andreyev

Cast: Vasily Livanov, Vitaly Solomin, Rina Zelionaya, Maria Solomina, Gennadi Bogachev, Fyodor Odinokov, Borislav Brondukov, Igor Dmitriyev, Nikolai Karachentsov, Viktor Aristov Loosely based on short stories by Arthur Conan Doyle. A tale of the adventures of the famous detective Sherlock Holmes and his indispensable friend Dr. Watson.



1980, 4 min., b/w Melodrama Written and directed by: Yuri Mamin, camera: Valery Martynov Cast: Viktor Shagin, Lyudmila Samokhvalova, Kseniya Samokhvalova

884 BLAGOCHESTIVAYA MARTA (THE PIOUS MARTHA) 1980, 2 parts, 145 min., color Musical comedy Director: Jan Frid, screenplay: Mikhail Donskoy, Jan Frid, camera: Edward Rozovsky, production designer: Semyon Malkin, misic: Gennadi Gladkov, sound: Aliakper Gasan-zade Cast: Margarita Terekhova, Emmanuil Vitorgan, Nikolai Karachentsov, Svetlana Toma, Vladislav Strzhelchik, Pavel Kadochnikov, Yekaterina Raykina, Oleg Vidov Based on a comedy of the same title by Tirso de Molina. Donna Martha is meant to be married to a rich old man, Captain Urbino. The girl is devastated. She comes up with various tricks, so that the wedding day would never come... At this time Don Felix, the one whom Martha wants to tie her life with, gains access into the house, disguised as a street urchin.

885 VZVEYTES, SOKOLY, ORLAMI (FALCONS, SOAR AS EAGLES DO) 1980, 77 min., color, wide screen Melodrama Director: Nikolai Rozantsev, screenplay: Vladimir Kunin, camera: Vadim Grammatikov, production designer: Larisa Shilova, misic: Vladislav Kladnitsky, sound: Galina Lukina Cast: Ivan Shabaltas, Svyatoslav Kopylov, Yuri Sarantsev, Irina Kraslavskaya, Alexei Inzhevatov, Yuri Dubov, Alexander Polyakov The film features the story of the three generations of circus acrobats since 1913...



1980, 20 min., b/w Drama Written and directed by: Andrey Druzhkov, camera: Yuri Vorontsov, production designer: Marina Azizyan, misic: Adkady Gagulashvili, sound: Galina Lukina Cast: Georgy Kropachov, Viktor Varkin, Lyudmila Arzhannikova

887 DVA DOLGIKH GUDKA V TUMANE (TWO LONG WHISTLES IN THE FOG) 1980, 80 min., color, wide screen Detective

Director: Valery Rodchenko, screenplay: Edgar Dubrovsky, camera: Vladimir Ilyin, production designer: Boris Burmistrov, misic: Adkady Gagulashvili, sound: Irina Chernyakhovskaya Cast: Nikolai Grinko, Alexander Porokhovschikov, Yelena Kapitsa, Dagun Omayev, Lubov Virolainen, Viktor Proskurin, Andrei Tolubeyev, Alexander Kovalenko, Alexander Susnin, Nikolai Fedortsov On a passenger steamer on its last run before the close of the navigation season, there is a rather motley group who at first glance seem to hardly know each other. Unexpectedly, a dead body is discovered in one of the cabins...

888 DEN NA RAZMYSHLENIYE (ONE DAY TO RECONSIDER) 1980, 84 min., color, wide screen Drama Director: August Baltrushaitis, screenplay: Alexander Gorokhov, camera: Nikolai Stroganov, production designer: Vsevolod Ulitko, misic: Alexander Flyarkovsky, sound: Galina Gorbonosova Cast: Vsevolod Safonov, Yuri Solovyov, Alexander Zakharov, Irina Gubanova, Elza Lezhdey, Artem Inozemtsev, Viktor Chekhmarov The head of the board of an important shipping company hands in his notice. Kolosov is given one day to reconsider. Through extensive reminiscences, he sees that the current quiet and peaceful life is alien to his active nature.



1980, 83 min., color, wide screen Drama Director: Sergei Linkov, screenplay: Mikhail Kurayev, camera: Vladimir Vasilyev, production designers: Igor Vuskovich, Rimma Narinyan, misic: Grigory Frid, sound: Oksana Strugina Cast: Anatoly Vasilyev, Alexei Zharkov, Pavel Ivanov, Olga Perveyeva, Yelena Drapeko, Grigory Gay, Vasily Korzun, Anna Aleksakhina An important army drill was underway. Major Bragin was to command his regiment... but errors piled one upon another, and eventually Lieutenant Colonel Korenev, Chief of Headquarters, was offered to take over...



1980, 30 min., color Melodrama Director: Yevgeny Stavrov, screenplay: Alexei Simonov, Viktor Zlobin, camera: Yuri Veksler, production designer: Bella Manevich, sound: Boris Andreyev Cast: Oleg Palmov, Yelena Popova, Ernst Romanov, Boris Kokovkin Based on Alexander Kuprin’s short story of same name Almazov entering Akademy of General Headquarters made a blot on topographic plane he designed. His life was saved by his wife who suggested to plant a bush of lilac…



1980, 83 min., color, wide format Tragical comedy Written and directed by: Vladimir Motyl, camera: Vladimir Ilyin, production designer: Valery Kostrin, misic: Alexander Zhurbin, sound: Gennadi Korkhovoy

Cast: Lyudmila Tselikovskaya, Boris Plotnikov, Vyacheslav Kirilichev, Stanislav Sadalsky, Mikhail Pugovkin, Yelena Borzova, Alexander Solovyov, Kira KreylisPetrova, Viktor Tsepayev Loosely based on a play of the same title by Alexander Ostrovsky.

892 LYALKA-RUSLAN I YEGO DRUG SANKA (LYALKA-RUSLAN AND HIS FRIEND SANKA) 1980, 69 min., color Melodrama Director: Yevgeny Tatarsky, screenplay: Maria Zvereva, camera: Vladimir Burykin, production designer: Isaac Kaplan, misic: Nadezhda Simonyan, sound: Asya Zvereva Cast: Dima Aristarkhov, Timur Khalikov, Oksana Poznyakova, Stasik Lashin, Mikhail Pugovkin, Zhanna Prokhorenko, Anna Lisyanskaya, Oksana Nikitina Loosely based on “Come to Visit Us, Do Come...”, a story by Viktor Golyavkin.

893 MOY PAPA-IDEALIST (MY DADDY IS AN IDEALIST) 1980, 88 min., color, wide screen Melodrama Director: Vladimir Bortko, screenplay: Alla Sokolova, camera: Eduard Rozovsky, production designer: Alexei Rudyakov, misic: Viktor Lebedev, sound: Natalya Avanesova Cast: Vladislav Strzhelchik, Yuri Bogatyriov, Natalya Varley, Irina Skobtseva, Ivan Dmitriyev, Alexander Belinsky, Igor Dmitriyev, Vladimir Retsepter, Boris Sokolov, Vsevolod Gavrilov, Vadim Yakovlev, Natalya Kustinskaya Sergei Yuryevich Petrov, a musical comedy actor and an enthusiastic idealist, and his son Boris, a doctor in the intensive care, who is an ironical and pragmatic person, find it difficult to get on together... The marriage of Petrov Senior to the young ballet dancer Al’ona does little to improve their relationship. Yet, on a hard day (with many events happening at the same time) both of them suddenly come to understand just how much they need each other.

894 MY SMERTI SMOTRELI V LITSO (WE LOOKED DEATH IN THE FACE) 1980, 74 min., color Drama Director: Naum Birman, screenplay: Yuri Yakovlev, camera: Heinrich Marandzhyan, production designer: Bella Manevich, misic: extracts from compositions by Dmitry Shostakovich, sound: Igor Vigdorchik, lyrics by: Olga Bergholz Cast: Oleg Dal, Lubov Malinovskaya, Larisa Tolkacheva, Yura Zhukov, Borya Naumov, Olga Kuznetsova, Yulya Slezkinskaya, Sasha Dovgalev, Sasha Zenkevich, Igor Kustov, Vladimir Zamansky, Valentin Nikulin The story of the picture is based on real events: early in 1942 the ballet master A. Obrant (named Boris Korbut in the picture) puts together a dancing company consisting of students of the Leningrad Pioneers’ Palace; the company proceeded to deliver over 3, 000 performances at the front-line...



1980, 31 min., color

Director: Dmitry Gindenshtein, screenplay: Alexander Gorokhov, camera: Rostislav Davydov, production designer: Viktor Amelchenkov, misic: Viktor Kisin, sound: Yevgeny Nesterov Cast: Viktor Guschin, Sergei Pizhel, Yuri Solovyov, Viktor Petrenko, Viktor Yevgrafov

896 NIKUDYSHNAYA (THE GIRL GOOD FOR NOTHING) 1980, 94 min., color Drama Director: Dinara Asanova, screenplay: Valery Priyomykhov, camera: Nikolai Pokoptsev, production designer: Vladimir Svetozarov, misic: Viktor Kisin, sound: Edward Vanunz Cast: Olya Mashnaya, Mikhail Gluzsky, Anvar Asanov, Nikolai Lavrov, Lydia Fedoseyeva-Shukshina, Alexander Demyanenko, Galina Saburova, Maria Vinogradova, Valery Matveyev, Irina Brazgovka, Andrei Krasko, Valery Priyomykhov An unbalanced teenage girl fails to achieve mutual understanding with those close to her partly due to her stutter, partly through the neglect of her parents who concentrate on their own affairs. Trying to escape her aggressiveness, the parents pack their daughter off to the country.



1980, 36 min., color Melodrama Written and directed by: Dmitry Svetozarov, camera: Yuri Veksler, production designer: Vladimir Svetozarov, sound: Boris Andreyev Cast: Yuri Dubrovin, Leon Dzigashvili The main character spends his vacation in the sanatorium but instead of enjoying his rest he goes in for contriving.



1980, 89 min., color Melodrama Director: Anatoly Vasilyev, screenplay: Tatyana Kaletskaya, camera: Ivan Bagayev, production designer: Vladimir Kostin, sound: Vladimir Yakovlev Cast: Lusyena Ovchinnikova, Andrei Dudarenko, Lyudmila Arinina, Dmitry Kharatyan At the time when the young scientist Nina Klementyeva was in the process of establishing her laboratory, the lab assistant Zoya became her dedicated helper. Eventually, after many years, having lived a hard enough life and brought up three children, Zoya meets San Sanych, a kind but weak person addicted to alcohol. Her relationship with Nina Klementyeva goes wrong...



1980, 100 min., color, wide screen Melodrama Director: Vladimir Grigoryev, screenplay: Yevgeny Gabrilovich, Alexei Gabrilovich, camera: Valery Mironov, production designer: Alexei Fedotov, misic: Vadim Bibergan, sound: Vladimir Yakovlev Cast: Larisa Malevannaya, Yuri Platonov, Yekaterina Vasilyeva, Sergei Nikonenko, Alina Olkhovaya, Alexander Chaban, Galina Shepetnova

Two not very young people met and fell in love. He sacrificed his family for her, while she sacrificed her accustomed freedom. Life together proved to be far from easy, with the chain of quarrels and reconciliations bringing destruction: Vera and Nikolai Yeremeyevich fail to stay together...



1980, 92 min., color Melodrama Director: Leonid Menaker, screenplay: Alexander Galin, camera: Vladimir Kovzel, production designer: Yuri Pugach, misic: Yakov Weisburd, sound: Oksana Strugina Cast: Mikhail Ulyanov, Aliosha Serebryakov, Irina Kupchenko, Leonid Dyachkov, Valery Gatayev, Yevgenya Khanayeva, Viktor Pavlov On the day of his release from the school for criminally disposed children, Vitya waited in vain for his mother: rather than coming to get her son, she went to meet the returning ship bringing her husband, Vitya’s stepfather. A teacher, Alexei Ivanovich, took Vitya home. But when Vitya saw the group making merry in his home, his resentment prevailed, and the boy ran away...

901 PRIKLYUCHENIYA SHERLOKA HOLMSA I DOKTORA VATSONA (THE ADVENTURES OF SHERLOCK HOLMES AND DR. WATSON) 1980, 3 parts, Part I — “The King of Blackmail”, 67 min., Part II — “The Mortal Fight”, 68 min., Part III — “The Tiger Hunt”, 68 min., color Detective story Director: Igor Maslennikov, screenplay: Vladimir Valutsky, camera: Yuri Veksler, production designer: Marc Kaplan, misic: Vladimir Dashkevich, sound: Asya Zvereva, Boris Andreyev Cast: “Korol Shantazha” (“The King of Blackmail”): Vasily Livanov, Vitaly Solomin, Rina Zelionaya, Valentina Panina, Borislav Brondukov, Boris Ryzhukhin “Smertelnaya Skhvatka” (“The Mortal Fight”): Vasily Livanov, Vitaly Solomin, Rina Zelionaya, Borislav Brondukov, Viktor Yevgrafov, Alexander Zakharov, Nikolai Kryukov “Okhota na Tigra” (“The Tiger Hunt”): Vasily Livanov, Vitaly Solomin, Rina Zelionaya, Borislav Brondukov, Igor Dmitriyev, Viktor Yevgrafov, Alexander Zakharov, Nikolai Kryukov Screen version of short stories by Arthur Conan Doyle.



1980, 31 min., color Drama Written and directed by: Alexander Sokurov, camera: Sergei Yurizditsky, production designer: Yuri Kulikov, misic: Alexander Mikhailov, sound: Igor Vigdorchik Cast: Ilya Rivin, Nina Krayeva, Viktoria Yurizditskaya, Yelena Mischenko, Andrei Petrov As fate would have it, the head of the local State Traffic Police office becomes a taxi driver…



1980, 3 parts, 210 min., color Drama

Director: Semyon Aranovich, screenplay: Semyon Nagorny, camera: Heinrich Marandzhyan, production designer: Valery Yurkevich, misic: Alexander Kneifel, sound: Eduard Vanunz Cast: Oleg Borisov, Yevgenya Simonova, Larisa Malevannaya, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, Alexander Kaydanovsky, Alexei Resser, Yuri Strenga Based on a novel of the same title by Lionel White. The story of the trade union leader Jack Rafferty is the career story of somebody transformed from a “nice guy” into a cynical, unscrupulous boss serving two lords — the big business and the criminal world...



1980, 81 min., color Melodrama Director: Ayan Shakhmaliyeva, screenplay: Maria Zvereva, camera: Konstantin Ryzhov, production designer: Isaac Kaplan, misic: Boris Tischenko, sound: Konstantin Lashkov Cast: Yuri Solomin, Tamara Degtyaryova, Margarita Sergeyecheva Loosely based on the essay of the same title by Tatyana Tass. The mother dies giving birth to the second baby. Olya and her farther, both inconsolable after the hard loss have to bring up the little sister.

905 SERGEI IVANOVICH UHODIT NA PENSIYU (SERGEI IVANOVICH IS RETIRED) 1980, 84 min., color Melodrama Director: Solomon Shuster, screenplay: Nikolai Nikolayev, camera: Alexander Chechulin, production designer: Georgi Kropachev, misic: Boris Tischenko, sound Boris Andreyev Cast: Boris Andreyev, Alisa Freindlich, Georgi Burkov, Ernst Romanov, Zhanna Bolotova, Anatoli Solonitsyn, Oleg Zhakov, Elza Radzinya, Gennadi Bogachev, Zinaida Sharko, Alexei German Retiring, Sergei Ivanovich decides to help his children, taking on household duties and bringing up his grandchildren... But his daughter has problems with her new husband... The son living in Moscow and his wife are accomplished philistines... For some reason, Sergei Ivanovich doesn’t feel comfortable with the other son living in Leningrad...

906 SITSILIANSKAYA ZASHCHITA (THE SICILY DEFENCE) 1980, 91 min., color, wide screen Detective Director: Igor Usov, screenplay: Pavel Grakhov, Jusef Printsev, camera: Vladimir Ivanov, production designer: Igor Vuskovich, misic: Olga Petrova, sound: Natalya Avanesova Cast: Nikolai Volkov, Jr., Alexander Samoylov, Alexander Abdulov, Nadezhda Pavlova, Vladlen Davydov, Tatyana Kanayeva, Tatyana Ivanova, Pavel Kadochnikov, Irina Gubanova, Artiom Inozemtsev, Alexander Pashutin, Valery Kuzin, Valentin Nikulin, Lyudmila Shagalova In a car they stopped, officers of the State Traffic Police discover an exquisite chandelier; yet, examination reveals it as a clever imitation. Anonymous letters incriminating Lieutenant Colonel Streltsov who is investigating the case start to come in... This clearly means that the criminal is getting nervous...



1980, 29 min., b/w Melodrama Director: Konstantin Lopushansky, screenplay: Albina Shulgina, camera: Anatoly Lapshov, production designer: Vladimir Svetozarov, sound: Igor Vigdorchik Cast: Nikolai Grinko, Lyudmila Arzhannikova, Valentina Smirnova The besieged Leningrad in the winter of 1942. The soloist of the symphonic orchestra is working on Chaikovsky’s Fifth Symphony. The performance is to take place in Leningrad Philarmonic Society, to be broadcasted to London...

908 MAN)


1980, 74 min., color Adventure Director: Leonid Makarychev, screenplay: Adkady Minchkovsky, camera: Alexander Chirov, production designer: Boris Burmistrov, misic: Gennadi Gladkov, sound: Grigory Elbert Cast: Igor Pchelin, Misha Latyshev, Zhenya Osipov, Tanya Shishkina, Anatoly Solonitsyn, Vladimir Tatosov, Sergei Filippov, Boris Ivanov, Alexei Goryachev, Tatyana Bedova 1927. In the small Russian town of Krutov live three friends: Mitrya, Andrian and Lionka. From the director of the Museum of Local Lore the kids learn that a valuable painting stolen from the Museum is somewhere in the town... So the kids start looking.

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1980, 90 min., color, wide screen Drama Director: Valery Guryanov, screenplay: Anatoly Strelyany, camera: Boris Timkovsky, production designer: Vladimir Gasilov, misic: Ivar Wiegner, sound: Irina Chernyakhovskaya Cast: Mikhail Kuznetsov, Vladlen Biryukov, Sergei Plotnikov, Natalya Nazarova, Alexander Anisimov, Galina Makarova, Lubov Sokolova, Vladimir Olekseyenko, Valery Zolotukhin, Boris Arakelov, Vera Titova For forty years in a row Foma Lukash remained Chairman of the collective farm. The people truly loved and respected him, but his health began to fail, and something went wrong also with his work... So, Foma Mikhaylovich makes up his mind to hold the election of a new Chairman before his term of office is over...



1980, 2 parts, 149 min., color Melodrama Director: Viktor Aristov, screenplay: Georgy Markov, Edward Shim, camera: Yuri Vorontsov, production designer: Georgy Kropachev, misic: Adkady Gagulashvili, sound: Eleonora Kazanskaya Cast: Olga Melikhova, Alexander Porokhovschikov, Andrei Dudarenko, Andrei Tolubeyev, Tatyana Lebedkova, Alexei Alfiorov, Zinaida Adamovich, Viktor Mikhailov, Nikolai Nasonov Based on a story of the same title by Georgy Markov. Graduating from school, Varya leaves her village for the city where her elder sister lives. She believes that this is when real life will begin...



1980, 84 min., color Drama Director: Vladimir Chumak, screenplay: Maya Chumak, camera: Dmitry Meskhiyev, production designer: Yevgeny Gukov, misic: extracts from pieces by Dmitry Shostakovich, sound: Galina Gorbonosova, verse: Andrei Voznesensky Cast: Vladimir Puchkov, Yevgeny Steblov, Zhanna Prokhorenko, Marina Dyuzheva, Nina Kavtaradze, Irina Muravyeva, Igor Kvasha, Edward Martsevich, Sergei Nikonenko, Alexei Aybozhenko, Alexei Zharkov, Anton Tabakov, Alexander Sokurov, Boris Nevzorov Loosely based on “The May Winds”, a story by Sergei Smolyanitsky. In a battle close to the end of the war the fighter plane piloted by Lieutenant Volynin made an emergency landing in the enemy territory. The gunner and the pilot managed to reach their troops... and the everyday life at the front-line goes on. But the war is not yet over, which means that the trials continue...



1980, 28 min., “Lenfilm” – “Mosfilm” production, color Tragicomedy Director: Mikhail Nikitin, screenplay: Viktor Merezhko, camera: Dmitry Meskhiyev, production designer: Viktor Amelchenkov, misic: Georgy Portnov, sound: Natalya Levitina Cast: Sergei Nikonenko, Leonid Dyachkov, Tamara Siomina, Yelena Koroleva A tale of two men wooing girls who are old friends...



1980, 4 min., b/w Director: Viktor Buturlin, sound: Natalya Avanesova Cast: Oleg Borisov, E. Baranov, M. Kazakova



1980, 99 min., color Drama Director: Viktor Sokolov, screenplay: Semyon Lungin, camera: Valery Fedosov, production designer: Mikhail Scheglov, misic: Alexander Kneifel, sound: Leonid Gavrichenko Cast: Natalya Sayko, Oleg Vavilov, Afanasi Kochetkov, Pyotr Merkuryev, Grazhina Baykshtite, Vladimir Korenev, Alexander Romantsov, Bruno Freindlich The film is a screen portrait of the great Russian actress Vera Fyodorovna Komissarzhevskaya. Her life was full of dramatic and tragic events, but Komissarzhevskaya’s talent, courage and starchness helped the actress become the “first-rate star of the theater skies” (a quotation from A. Lunacharsky).



1981, 16 min., color Surrealistic grotesque Written and directed by: Sergei Ovcharov, camera: Rostislav Davydov, production designer: Vladimir Kostin, misic: Igor Matsiyevsky, sound: Harry Belenky Cast: Sergei Ovcharov, Viktor Antonov, Tatyana Buchneva, Alexander Grigoryev, Mikhail Ivanov

The young character of the film quite unexpectedly finds out that a drum has got stuck to his stomach… NB: See “Barabaniada” (1993)

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1981, 4 parts, 276 min., color Drama Director: Grigory Nikulin, screenplay: Julian Semyonov, camera: Ivan Bagayev, production designer: Mikhail Ivanov, misic: Viktor Lebedev, sound: Vladimir Yakovlev Cast: Kirill Lavrov, Mikhail Kozakov, Andrei Tolubeyev, Igor Komarov, Vladimir Golovin, Anatoly Rudakov, Georgy Drozd, Sergei Yursky, Emmanuil Vitorgan, Leonid Nevedomsky, Gennadi Bortnikov 1917. Troubled times. To establish order in the country, VChK (the All-Union Emergency Commission), the future KGB (the State Security Committee), has been founded...  The film was awarded the Vasilyev Brothers’ State Premium of the RSFSR (1983).

917 DVE STROCHKI MELKIM SHRIFTOM (TWO LINES IN SMALL PRINT) 1981, 96 min., color, “Lenfilm”-“DEFA” (Germany) production Drama Director: Vitaly Melnikov, screenplay: Mikhail Shatrov, Vladlen Loginov, Vitaly Melnikov, camera: Konstantin Ryzhov, production designers: Vladimir Svetozarov, Johann Keller, misic: Nadezhda Simonyan, sound: Konstantin Lashkov Cast: Sergei Shakurov, Jan Shpitzer, Nina Ruslanova, Lydia Konstantinova, Pavel Kadochnikov, Sofia Garrel, Anatoly Romashin, Yevgeny Gurov, Sergei Kurilov, Oleg Borisov, Yuri Bogatyriov, Valery Barinov, Horst Drinda, Klaus-Peter Tiele, Vladlen Biryukov The historian Fyodor Golubkov comes across a queer fact: the existence of ambivalent opinions about the undercover agent Tishkov, who went down in history as an agent provocateur... The search for documents and evidence starts...



1981, 94 min., color, wide screen, wide format Melodrama Director: Viktor Sadovsky, screenplay: Valentin Yezhov, Viktor Sadovsky, camera: Viktor Karasyov, production designer: Boris Burmistrov, misic: Alexander Zhurbin, sound: Gennadi Korkhovoy Cast: Marina Dyuzheva, Aristarkh Livanov, Vladimir Yevgrafov, Ernst Romanov, Nina Urgant, Oleg Zhakov, Nikolai Ozerov, Alexander Demyanenko, Nikolai Skorobogatov, Nikolai Kryukov, Svetlana Kolysheva, Nikolai Lavrov Ever since she was a child, Marina Koshevaya dreamed about becoming a jockey. At a certain time she saves a colt, naming it Grand and rearing a great horse... But prior to becoming an established leader in sports events, Grand and his jockey must go through a lot...



1981, 84 min., color, wide screen Melodrama

Director: Vitaly Kanevsky, screenplay: Viktor Poteykin, camera: Nikolai Pokoptsev, production designer: Vsevolod Ulitko, misic: Valery Gavrilin, sound: Natalya Avanesova Cast: Sergei Prokhanov, Yelena Solovey, Viktor Pavlov, Alexander Anisimov, Oleg Shtefanko, Yefim Kamenetsky, Alexei Mironov, Fyodor Odinokov, Igor Komarov, Viktor Shulgin, Yuri Dubrovin, Tatyana Govorova Released from the Army, Grigory Gorelov had been looking for his place in life until he came to realize that it is right here, on his native land, at the collective farm... Understanding as much, he begins to act as a true master — so that he is not afraid to confront the Chairman of the collective farm, asserting his views...

920 DRUGI IGRISHCH I ZABAV (FRIENDS OF PLAY AND AMUSEMENT) 1981, 24 min., color Tragicomedy Director: Mikhail Nikitin, screenplay: Viktor Kiseliov, camera: Dmitry Meskhiyev, production designer: Viktor Amelchenkov, misic: Georgy Portnov, sound: Galina Gorbonosova Cast: Sergei Vlasov, Leonid Dyachkov, Lydia Fedoseyeva-Shukshina, Galina Shepetnova, Oleg Borisov, Yekaterina Vasilyeva Loosely based on a novel of the same title by Vasily Shukshin.



1981, 81 min., color, wide screen Drama Director: Natalya Troschenko, screenplay: Samson Polyakov, camera: Alexander Chechulin, production designer: Yelena Fomina, misic: Vladislav Uspensky, sound: Grigory Elbert Cast: Galina Makarova, Irina Reznikova, Andrei Tolubeyev, Ivan Sidorov, Yuri Solovyov, Adkady Trusov, Natasha Vasilyeva, Olya Vasilyeva, Anton Granat, Daniil Ginkas, Sonya Dzhishkariani, Olya Kanayeva In a small Belorussian town occupied by the Nazis Vera Gerasimova is rescuing children orphaned by the war, gathering them under her own roof to save from death and captivity...

922 KUDA ISCHEZ FOMENKO? (WHERE HAS FOMENKO VANISHED?) 1981, 75 min., color Tragicomedy Director: Vadim Gauzner, screenplay: Semyon Zlotnikov, camera: Heinrich Marandzhyan, production designer: Marksen Gaukhman-Sverdlov, misic: Viktor Kisin, sound: Leonid Gavrichenko Cast: Liya Akhedzhakova, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, Viktor Pavlov, Rolan Bykov, Yevgenya Khanayeva, Sergei Filippov, Yelena Sanayeva, Nina Usatova When those in the office and at home realized that Fomenko has fled to escape from his life and his boring circumstances, his family and colleagues, seeing their deficiencies and agreeing the actions of both parties, came to each other’s rescue...

923 LICHNAYA ZHIZN DIRECTORA (THE DIRECTOR’S PRIVATE LIFE) 1981, 2 parts, 137 min., color Melodrama

Director: Vladimir Shredel, screenplay: Valentin Mikhailov, Igor Shevtsov, camera: Alexander Chechulin, production designer: Alexei Rudyakov, misic: Albert Preslenev, sound: Yevgeny Nesterov Cast: Valery Priyemykhov, Valentina Panina, Valentin Smirnitsky, Alexei German, Natalya Fateyeva, Roman Gromadsky Loosely based on a novel of the same title by Viktor Gedeyko. Igor Sergeyevich Novikov is the director of a large industrial enterprise. He is a responsible, outstanding person, incapable of compromising with his conscience... But what about his private life? According to the character himself, he doesn’t even know the boundary between his public and private life.

924 LICHNOY BEZOPASNOSTI NE GARANTIRUYU (I CANNOT GUARANTEE YOUR PERSONAL SAFETY) 1981, 91 min., color, wide screen Thriller Director: Anatoly Vekhotko, screenplay: Gennadi Bekarevich, camera: Alexander Chechulin, production designer: Valery Yurkevich, misic: Igor Tsvetkov, sound: Grigory Elbert Cast: Ivar Kalnynsh, Semyon Morozov, Natalya Brazhnikova, Leonhard Merzin, Viktor Pavlov, Natalya Bogunova, Nina Ruslanova, Nikolai Kuzmin, Galina Omelchenko, Alexei Kozhevnikov, Tatyana Govorova, Mikhail Kokshenov, Valery Agafonov, Alexei Krymov The front fighter Andrei Bolotov arrives in a remote border area on assignment to ensure the supply of construction wood. Gangs of Nazis’ accomplices are still lingering on in the forests, keeping the local villagers in awe...

925 NESRAVNENNY NAKONECHNIKOV (THE INCOMPARABLE NAKONECHNIKOV) 1981, 25 min., color Tragicomedy Director: Yuri Anikeyev, screenplay: Pavel Finn, camera: Lev Kolganov, production designer: Marxen Gaukhman-Sverdlov, sound: Galina Golubeva Cast: Sergei Losev, Mikhail Boyarsky, Mikhail Pugovkin, Lubov Polischuk Based on an unfinished play by Alexander Vampilov.

926 NOCH NA CHETVYORTOM KRUGE (THE NIGHT IN THE FOURTH CIRCLE) 1981, 77 min., color Melodrama Director: Igor Usov, screenplay: Pyotr Popogrebsky, camera: Yevgeny Shapiro, production designer: Igor Vuskovich, misic: Nadezhda Simonyan, sound: Grigory Elbert Cast: Nikolai Volkov Jr., Yevgeny Kindinov, Olga Ageyeva, Valery Zakharyev, Alexander Samoylov, Pavel Kadochnikov, Tatyana Ivanova, Alexander Pashutin, Kirill Grachev, Lyudmila Shagalova, Valery Kuzin, Natasha Simonova The official on duty receives a message: a cargo, a nuclear reactor, has come into the railway terminal. It has been delayed, breaking the schedule, yet the instruction is: “let it through”. But letting it through would mean disrupting the traffic in a section about to launch south-bound passenger trains...



1981, 77 min., color, “Lenfilm” — “Boyana film”(Bulgaria)

Melodrama Director: Iskander Khamrayev, screenplay: Vladimir Kunin, Iskander Khamrayev, camera: Georgy Georgyyev, production designers: Rimma Narinyan, Eva Yordanova, misic: Alexander Yosifov, sound: Yevgeny Nesterov Cast: Naum Shopov, Vladimir Menshov, Tsvetana Maneva, Natalya Fateyeva, Zoya Kircheva, Dimitr Khadzhiysky, Olga Lebzak After working together in Siberia for four long years, the Bulgarian Angel Naydionov and the Russian Nikolai Pavlov have come to be true friends. At this time, meeting his friend at the Sofia airport, Naydionov is reminiscing about their mutual joys and problems...

928 PRAVDA LEYTENANTA KLIMOVA (LEUTENANT KLIMOV’S TRUTH) 1981, 90 min., color Drama Director: Oleg Dashkevich, screenplay: Leonid Krein, camera: Boris Timkovsky, production designer: Vladimir Gasilov, misic: Vladlen Chistyakov, sound: Harry Belenky Cast: Andrei Rostotsky, Yuri Kamorny, Pavel Ivanov, Pyotr Shelokhonov, Igor Dobryakov, Boris Khimichev, Irina Guseva, Yelena Kondulainen, Margarita Matveyeva, Vasily Petrenko, Anatoly Gorin The brilliant young officer Pavel Klimov is unexpectedly demoted and transferred to the Northern Fleet; the reason being his fight with Lieutenant Zvyagin... Neither Zvyagin nor Klimov would give any explanation... Klimov bears his punishment with dignity, asserting his competence in action.

929 PRIDUT STRASTI-MORDASTI (FRIGHTFUL HORRORS TO COME) 1981, 69 min., color, wide screen Melodrama Written and directed by: Ernest Yasan, camera: Vladimir Burykin, production designer: Yelena Fomina, misic: Alexander Zhurbin, sound: Galina Golubeva Cast: Dmitry Kuzmin, Anton Granat, Lyudmila Shevel, Yelena Komissarenko, Vladimir Vikhrov, Andrei Alekseyev, Ivan Krasko, Valentina Talyzina Lyonka has graduated from the eighth form, and his teachers advise him to proceed to the PTU (Professional Technical School). At home, opinions differ: the guy is at the crossroads, with love affair on top of this – Lyonka falls in love...

930 PRIKLYUCHENIYA SHERLOCKA HOLMSA I DOKTORA VATSONA. SOBAKA BASKERVILEY (THE ADVENTURES OF SHERLOCK HOLMES AND DR. WATSON. THE BASKERVILLE DOG.) 1981, 2 parts, 154 min., color Detective story Director: Igor Maslennikov, screenplay: Igor Maslennikov, Yuri Veksler, camera: Dmitry Dolinin, Vladimir Ilyin, production designer: Bella Manevich, misic: Vladimir Dashkevich, sound: Asya Zvereva Cast: Vasily Livanov, Vitaly Solomin, Rina Zelionaya, Irina Kupchenko, Nikita Mikhalkov, Alla Demidova, Svetlana Kryuchkova, Borislav Brondukov, Sergei Martinson, Oleg Yankovsky, Yevgeny Steblov, Alexander Adabashyan Screen version of the story of the same title by Arthur Conan Doyle.

931 PROPAVSHIYE SREDI ZHIVYKH (THE LOST AMONG THE LIVING) 1981, 85 min., color, wide screen Detective story Director: Vladimir Fetin, screenplay: Sergei Vysotsky, camera: Yevgeny Shapiro, production designer: Alexei Rudyakov, misic: Viktor Lebedev, sound: Gennadi Korkhovoy Cast: Mikhail Dolginin, Pavel Kadochnikov, Irina Bogdanova, Ernst Romanov, Alexander Demyanenko, Sergei Ivanov, Vladimir Yuryev Based on a novel of the same title by Sergei Vysotsky. In the course of several months cars have been getting stolen in the city; nothing would help — neither the alarm systems, nor “secret” locks... But when the investigator is finally on to the criminal, the latter is found murdered...

932 PUTESHESTVIYE V KAVKAZSKIYE GORY (A JOURNEY TO THE CAUCASUS) 1981, 76 min., color Comedy Director: Mikhail Ordovsky, screenplay: Svetlana Karmalita, camera: Vladimir Burykin, production designer: Vladimir Kostin, misic: Oleg Karavaychuk, sound: Igor Vigdorchik Cast: Fyodor Ordovsky, Galina Nikulina, Nina Menshikova, Alexander Demyanenko The sixteen-year-old Bobka living in a big city with his mother is dreaming of going to the Caucasus where his father is posted... The trip is forever postponed, but Bobka doesn’t forsake his dream...



1981, 30 min., color, “Mosfilm” production with input from “Lenfilm” Melodrama Director: Svetlana Kolganova, screenplay: Natalya Ryazantseva, camera: Vladimir Ilyin, production designer: Yuri Pugach, misic: Vadim Bibergan, sound: Asya Zvereva Cast: Viktor Proskurin, Natalya Yegorova, Darya Mikhailova, Alya Nikulina, Marina Korzakova Unexpectedly, the family relationship of the characters is put to the test: the husband’s daughter from his first marriage turns up...

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1981, 2 parts, 136 min., color Musical Director: Yevgeny Mezentsev, Lev Rakhlin, screenplay: Vyacheslav Verbin, Lev Rakhlin, camera: Vladimir Ilyin, production designer: Semyon Malkin, misic: Maxim Dunayevsky, sound: Aliakper Gasan-zade, Galina Lukina Cast: Irina Guscheva, Igor Gorbachev, Olga Aroseva, Olga Vardasheva, Mikhail Svetin, Eduard Khil, Valentin Baglayenko A review based on the best choreographic turns selected from the Music Hall performances...



1981, 2 parts, 147 min., color Musical

Director: Jan Frid, screenplay: Mikhail Mishin, Jan Frid, camera: Eduard Rozovsky, production designer: Marina Azizyan, misic: Imre Kalman, sound: Eduard Vanunz Cast: Zhanna Glebova, Ivar Kalnynsh, Vitaly Solomin, Maria Solomina, Igor Dmitriyev, Tatyana Piletskaya, Pavel Kadochnikov, Mikhail Svetin, Viktoria Gorshenina, Vladimir Basov, Nina Alisova Screen version of a musical comedy of the same title by Imre Kalman. Count Edwin falls in love with the gorgeous Silva Waresku, the charming variety show star... The Count’s parents resent the marriage.

936 SNEG NA ZELIONOM POLE (SNOW ON THE GREEN FIELD) 1981, 75 min., color, wide screen Melodrama Director: Valentin Morozov, screenplay: Edward Shim, camera: Alexander Dibrivny, production designer: Alexei Fedotov, misic: Alexander Mnatsakanyan, sound: Leonid Gavrichenko Cast: Rufina Nifontova, Vladimir Yeryomin, Yuri Solovyov, Alexander Demyanenko, Olga Ageyeva, Dima Veselkov, Sasha Gladkoborodov, Olga Durenkova The “unpromising” small village of Zhukovka witnesses the developing conflict between the teacher Studentsov and Luk’yanova, the schoolmaster in charge of Academic Activities... Infinitely devoted to their teacher, the students become involved in the differences of the adults...

937 TAYNA SINIKH GOR (THE MYSTERY OF THE BLUE MOUNTAINS) 1981, 77 min., color Melodrama Director: Askhab Abakarov, screenplay: Alexander Gorokhov, camera: Vladimir Ivanov, production designer: Marzen Gaukhman-Sverdlov, misic: Shirvani Chalayev, sound: Natalya Levitina Cast: Gairbek Aliyev, Nanish Gadzhiyeva, Magomed Magomedov, Magomed Polupanov Murat and Maysarat are in love. But the girl has been promised to another since she was a child... to cross the parents would mean to break the old Dagestan customs...

938 TOVARISHCH INNOKENTY (COMRADE INNOKENTY) 1981, 90 min., color Drama Directors: Yevgeny Mezentsev, Joseph Shapiro, screenplay: Arnold Vitol, camera: Anatoly Nazarov, production designer: Larisa Shilova, misic: Isaac Schwartz, sound: Irina Chernyakhovskaya Cast: Sergei Martynov, Antonina Shuranova, Mikhail Kozakov, Nikolai Karachentsov, Rufina Nifontova, Igor Yasulovich, Leonid Nevedomsky, Svetlana Kryuchkova, Ernst Romanov, Valentin Nikulin, Anna Tveleneva, Vitaly Konyayev, Fyodor Odinokov, Alexander Demyanenko Loosely based on “Do Shine, O My Star”, a novel by Sergei Sartakov. The professional revolutionary Joseph Fyodorovich Dubrovsky (one of his party code names being “Innokenty”) was first exiled in Yaransk back in 1897... 1905 sees him as a leader of the Moscow armed uprising...



1981, 89 min., color, wide screen Melodrama Director: Viktor Tregubovich, screenplay: Budimir Metalnikov, camera: Nikolai Pokoptsev, production designer: Grachiya Mekinyan, misic: Georgy Portnov, sound: Natalya Levitina Cast: Sergei Prokhanov, Marina Tregubovich, Marina Levtova, Nadezhda Shumilova, Valentina Kovel, Alexei Mironov, Yelena Obleukhova, Alexei Zharkov, Ivan Agafonov The private life of the collective farm driver Vaska Lobanov has not yet taken shape; he is as nice and handsome hard-working lad as they come... It seemed to him that his destiny would lie with the librarian Lena, who came to live in the village with the young daughter born of her husband who lives in town.... Yet, she fails to become his destiny after all...

940 CHTO BY TY VYBRAL? (WHAT WOULD YOU CHOOSE?) 1981, 79 min., color Melodrama Director: Dinara Asanova, screenplay: Alexander Kurgatnikov, camera: Vladimir Ilyin, production designer: Vladimir Svetozarov, misic: Viktor Kisin, sound: Aliakper Gasan-zade Cast: Felix Ravdonikas, Anvar Asanov, Marina Krivitskaya, Nastya Nikolskaya, Lydia Fedoseyeva-Shukshina, Yekaterina Vasilyeva, Yelena Solovey The film about life, adventures and problems of the children aged 8 — 10 and their parents living in the old house in Leningrad.

941 STURMOVOYE PREDUPREZHDENIYE (A STORM WARNING) 1981, 81 min., color Drama Director: Vadim Mikhailov, screenplay: Arcadi Vaksberg, Albina Shulgina, camera: Anatoli Lapshov, Valentin Komarov, production designer: Yuri Pugach, misic: Alexander Zhurbin, sound: Irina Chernyakhovskaya Cast: Alexei Zharkov, Natalya Yegorova, Alexander Zakharov, Valentina Talyzina, Galina Makarova, Viktor Pavlov, Alexander Kovalenko, Natalya Guschina, Yuri Solovyov, Mikhail Bobrov, Oleg Yefremov, Valeri Zakharyev Based on “The Storm”, an essay by Arcady Vaksberg. The group of tourists crossed the pass on its way to the sea.The weather was fine, so they wandered light, without any special equipment… The storm came all of a sudden. Overwhelmed by the panic, the people rushed down the slope, sliding and hurting themselves… It resulted in an extremely dramatic situation…



1982, 71 min., color Musical Directors: Alexander Belinsky, Vladimir Vasilyev, screenplay: Alexander Belinsky, camera: Heinrich Marandzhyan, production designer: Bella Manevich, misic: Edward Vanunz, sound: Edward Vanunz, choreography: Vladimir Vasilyev Cast: Yekaterina Maksimova, Vladimir Vasilyev, Gali Abaydulov, John Markovsky, Anatoly Gridin, Marat Daukayev A screened ballet to the music of Valery Gavrilin, loosely based on

“Anna around the Neck”, a short story by Anton Chekhov.  The film was awarded the Vasilyev Brothers’ State Premium of the RSFSR (1984).

943 BEZ VIDIMYKH PRICHIN (WITHOUT ANY OBVIOUS REASONS) 1982, 81 min., color Detective Director: Yevgeny Tatarsky, screenplay: Sergei Aleksandrov, camera: Konstantin Ryzhov, production designer: Isaac Kaplan, misic: Nadezhda Simonyan, sound: Igor Vigdorchik Cast: Ernst Romanov, Irina Alfiorova, Lev Prygunov, Georgy Drozd, Mikhail Kononov, Yevgeny Kindinov, Igor Dmitriyev, Nikolai Lavrov, Vladimir Shevelkov, Emmanuil Schwartzberg, Yevgeny Artemyev, Georgy Shtil 1921. Several things happen simultaneously in a small Siberian town: the Komsomol members working in the fields get killed; the former White Army officer Kunitsyn gives himself up to the CheKa (the Emergency Commission); the Red Army soldier Yamshchikov shoots himself on the stage of the amateur theater...

944 V STARYKH RITMAKH (ALONG THE LINES OF THE OLD BEATS) 1982, 90 min., color Comedy Director: Mikhail Yershov, screenplay: Dmitry Ivanov, Vladimir Trifonov, camera: Nikolai Zhilin, production designer: Mikhail Ivanov, misic: Oleg Khromushin, sound: Irina Volkova Cast: Semyon Morozov, Anastasia Glez, Nikolai Trofimov, Zoltan Lokker, Sergei Filippov, Mikhail Schetinin, Alexei Kozhevnikov, Tatyana Piletskaya, Alexander Zakharov, Mikhail Aptekman The 1930-s. The extremely shy young provincial Nikita Fyodorov fails his entrance exams to the Conservatoire... Devastated, he makes up his mind to drown himself, but is saved by the militiaman Koshkin; moreover, Koshkin arranges a militia job for Fyodorov...



1982, 68 min., color Drama Directors: Anatoly Dubinkin, Joseph Shapiro, screenplay: Irina Velembovskaya, camera: Vladimir Kovzel, production designer: Larisa Shilova, misic: Veniamin Basner, sound: Galina Lukinets, Oksana Strugina Cast: Natalya Brazhnikova, Viktor Mikhailov, Gennadi Voronin, Galina Makarova, Olga Osipova, Natalya Chetverikova, Fyodor Odinokov, Alexander Demyanenko The time that Varvara and Pavel Zhdanov had together was but brief. The war started, and Pavel left for the front-line, while the young woman took on the burden of the hard, grueling work in the smelter...


Director: Sergei Mikaelyan, screenplay: Sergei Mikaelyan, Alexander Vasinsky, camera: Sergei Astakhov, production designer: Alexei Rudyakov, misic: Igor Tsvetkov, sound: Natalya Levitina Cast: Oleg Yankovsky, Yevgenya Glushenko, Vsevolod Shilovsky, Irina Reznikova, Yuri Dubrovin, Vladimir Belousov, Ivan Ufimtsev Under the circumstances, the extremely handsome ex-sportsman Igor’ Bragin and the plain but keenly affectionate librarian Vera Silkova make an unusual agreement: to fall in love with each other through self-training...  The actress Yevgenya Glushenko was awarded the “Silver Bear” Prize of the International Film Festival in Berlin (1983).



1982, 92 min., color Melodrama Director: Ilya Averbach, screenplay: Natalya Ryazantseva, camera: Dmitry Dolinin, production designer: Vladimir Svetozarov, misic: Nikolai Karetnikov, sound: Boris Andreyev Cast: Natalya Sayko, Leonid Filatov, Georgy Kalatozishvili, Yelizaveta Nikischikhina, Vsevolod Shilovsky, Sergei Bekhterev, Tatyana Lavrova, Yelena Safonova, Vasily Bochkarev, Pyotr Shelokhonov, Tatyana Pankova, Nina Usatova The young actress Yulia Martynova is gravely ill. She has just one role left to play. Aware of this, she is doing everything in her power to complete the work on her current picture. It’s just the wiring of her character that remains when Yulya winds up in hospital...



1982, 77 min., color Drama Director: Nikolai Koshelev, screenplay: Anatoly Sosnin, camera: Alexei Gambaryan, production designer: Georgy Kropachev, misic: Igor Tsvetkov, sound: Harry Belenky Cast: Vladimir Zamansky, Tatyana Kravchenko, Ernst Romanov, Yekaterina Vasilyeva, Rimma Bykova, Vladimir Gostyuikhin, Yelena Drapeko, Alexei Zharkov, Lubov Malinovskaya, Georgy Drozd, Alexander Potapov, Oleg Korchikov On their Saturday off the employees of a small printing house take the bus to go mushroom-hunting. The unexpected development during this peaceful outing turned out to be a test for each of them.



1982, 6 parts, the TV of France, the TV of the USSR, Patais Cinema, the TV of Biopic Hungary, the Radio Canada and “Lenfilm” production with input from the TV of Belgium and Switzerland, color Director: Jacques Trebutas, director of Parts 4, 5, 6: Viktor Sergeyev, screenplay: Francois Boillais, camera: Emmanuel Machel, camera of Parts 4, 5, 6: Valentin Komarov, production designer: Jacques d’Eauvidiot, sound: Max Olivier Cast: Daniel Mesgiche, Robert Rembeau, Nadine Halary, Ronda Bachmann, Jocelyn Boisseau, Roger Karel, Peter Trokan, Alan Adert, Noel Chatelet, Marina Levtova, Boris Klyuyev, Ann-Laure Merry, Boris Plotnikov, Anatoly Shvedersky, Vladimir Dyukov, Anna Tveleneva, Renee Fort, Nikolai Kryukov, Tatyana Piletskaya The plot features the life and creative activity of the outstanding French composer Hector Berlioz.



1982, 74 min., color, wide screen Comedy Director: Nikolai Kovalsky, screenplay: Yuri Sbitnev, camera: Vadim Grammatikov, production designer: Rimma Narinyan, misic: Viktor Lebedev, sound: Eleonora Kazanskaya Cast: Anatoly Rudakov, Marina Dyuzheva, Svetlana Kharitonova, Tanya Ivanova, Viktor Ilyuichev, Semyon Morozov, Alexander Demyanenko, Marina Tregubovich Watching happy families, Katya arrives at a simple conclusion: the further the husband is from home, the wealthier the household. Thus, the young wife packs her husband off to a distant construction site...



1982, 81 min., color Drama Directors: Valentin Morozov, Sergei Danilin, screenplay: Oleg Koppe, camera: Valery Mironov, production designer: Larisa Shilova, misic: Alexander Mnatsakanyan, sound: Leonid Shumyacher Cast: Nadezhda Shumilova, Aristarkh Livanov, Georgy Drozd, Yuri Dedovich, Natalya Andreychenko, Oleg Korchikov, Boris Arakelov, Fyodor Odinokov During the Civil War, Lyudmila Makiyevskaya, a daughter of wealthy parents graduated from the Smolny Institute, comes to command an armored train... to die a tragic death in a battle.



1982, 4 parts, 256 min., color, joint production with the of TV of Bulgaria Biopic Director: Leonid Menaker, screenplay: Oleg Stukalov-Pogodin, Leonid Menaker, camera: Vladimir Kovzel, production designers: Valery Yurkevich, Dimitr Zhelev, misic: Sergei Banevich, sound: Oksana Strugina, rendition of the music by Paganini: Leonid Kogan Cast: Vladimir Msryan, Stefan Vasilyev, Albert Filozov, Alla Chernova, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, Vladimir Samoylov, Donatas Banionis, Vania Tsvetkova, Vsevolod Shilovsky, Olgherd Croders, Yuozas Budraitis The story of life and work of the Italian genius composer and violinist Niccolo Paganini, full of tragic collisions. Paganini’s life story is relayed by a number of people attached to him through devotion or hostility.



1982, 85 min., color, wide screen, wide format Fairy tale Director: Nadezhda Kosheverova, screenplay: Mikhail Volpin, camera: Edward Rozovsky, production designers: Marina Azizyan, Vladimir Kostin, misic: Mikhail Weinberg, sound: Semyon Shumyacher Cast: Vladimir Etush, Svetlana Nemolyayeva, Vera Novikova, Alexander Galibin, Zinovy Gerdt, Tatyana Peltzer, Valentina Panina, Nikolai Karachentsov, Lyudmila Makarova, Sergei Parshin, Boris Arakelov, Sergei Filippov Loosely based on fairy tales by Charles Perrot. At the christening of Theresa, daughter of the destitute King Gaston IX, the wicked witch prophesies hard trials to be in stock for her...



1982, 3 parts, 205 min.., color

Director: Vladimir Vorobyov, screenplay: Nikolai Semyonov, camera: Alexander Adventure Chechulin, production designer: Yelena Fomina, misic: Yevgeny Ptichkin, sound: Galina Gorbonosova Cast: Fedya Stukov, Oleg Borisov, Viktor Kostetsky, Vladislav Strzhelchik, Konstantin Grigoryev, Leonid Markov, Olga Volkova, Nikolai Karachentsov, Georgy Teich, Valery Zolotukhin, Gennadi Yukhtin, Georgy Shtil, Geli Sysoyev, Nikolai Kryukov Based on Robert Stevenson’s novel of the same title. The brave Jim Hawkins and his friends set out on their search for treasures, but as fate would have it, the vessel they hired for their purpose is a pirate ship...



1982, 92 min., color Drama Director: Igor Maslennikov, screenplay: Alexander Shlepyanov, camera: Yuri Veksler, production designer: Isaac Kaplan, sound: Asya Zvereva, misic: extracts from pieces by Dmitry Bortnyansky, text rendition: Alla Demidova Cast: Viktor Proskurin, Irina Dymchenko, Yelena Gogoleva, Vitaly Solomin, Innokenty Smoktunovsky, Konstantin Grigoryev, Alexander Zakharov Based on Alexander Pushkin’s story of the same title

956 PROZRACHNOYE SOLNTSE OSENI (THE TRANSPARENT AUTUMN SUN) 1982, 31 min., color Melodrama Director: Viktor Buturlin, screenplay: Viktor Merezhko, camera: Vladimir Vasilyev, production designer: Natalya Avanesova, misic: Hendrius Kupriavichius, Tynu Aare, performed by the groups “Argo” and “Apelsin” Cast: Oleg Borisov, Oleg Tabakov, Sergei Gordeyev, Alexander Rapakov, football players of the “Spartak” Society Based on Yuri Trifinov’s story of the same title. The former school-fellows chance to meet in the airport: the talented football player who became a sports trainer and a lucky “average person”, now a successful sports administrator in the capital city…

957 PROSTRANSTVO DLYA MANYEVRA (MANOEUVERING SPACE) 1982, 2 parts, 138 min., color Drama Director: Igor Sheshukov, screenplay: Yuri Chernyakov, camera: Vladimir Burykin, production designer: Yevgeny Gukov, misic: Vadim Bibergan, sound: Harry Belenky Cast: Vladimir Yeriomin, Anatoly Romashin, Yevgenya Uralova, Alexandra Yakovleva, Nikolai Karachentsov, Galina Shepetnova, Andrei Tolubeyev, Nikolai Grinko The newly appointed chief of the design office quite unexpectedly starts to implement the new methods and ideas … It is quite all right, however, he is slightly ahead of the time…



1982, 80 min., color, wide screen

Melodrama Director: Adolph Bergunker, screenplay: Yuri Yakovlev, camera: Oleg Kukhovarenko, production designer: Vsevolod Ulitko, misic: Vladislav Kladnitsky, sound: Eleonora Kazanskaya Cast: Alexei Zharkov, Igor Kvasha, Irina Akulova, Natalya Yegorova, Alexei Buldakov, Mikhail Zhigalov, Daniil Titus A native of Siberia, Valery Zavyalov is the headmaster of a school in Turgus where he was born and bred. He has been in the Army and has graduated from the Pedagogical Institute. The village communists respect him, electing him Secretary of the District Party Committee by a majority vote...

959 RODITELEY NE VYBIRAYUT (OUR PARENTS ARE NOT FOR US TO CHOOSE) 1982, 101 min., color Melodrama Director: Viktor Sokolov, screenplay: Vadim Trunin, camera: Vadim Grammatikov, Nikolai Pokoptsev, production designer: Alexei Fedotov, misic: Yevgeny Krylatov, sound: Galina Golubeva Cast: Andrei Smolyakov, Vladik Gradov, Pyotr Yurchenkov, Andrei Fyodorov, Marina Shimanskaya, Yelena Mayorova, Diana Gradova, Yuri Kuzmenkov, Yelena Drapeko, Anatoly Rudakov, Nikolai Skorobogatov, Zinaida Abramovich Nikolai Burlakov was brought up by his grandmother. His mother has never bothered to get her son back from the village. Released from the Army, Nikolai goes to work in the North, but learning that his mother sent her daughter to the orphanage, he gets his little sister and returns to the village...

960 S TEKH POR, KAK MY VMESTE (EVER SINCE WE HAVE BEEN TOGETHER) 1982, 86 min., color, wide screen Melodrama Director: Vladimir Grigoryev, screenplay: Svyatoslav Tarakhovsky, camera: Sergei Yurizditsky, production designer: Georgy Kropachyev, misic: Dina Smorgonskaya, sound: Yevgeny Nesterov Cast: Svetlana Smirnova, Adris Lielais, Antonina Shuranova, Yuri Platonov, Alexei Olennikov, Sergei Kudryavtsev, Alla Motoyeva, Natalya Danilova, Natalya Akimova, Ramaz Ioseliani, Mamuka Kikaleyshvili, Sergei Parshin The characters are young people, freshmen at the Institute; their falling headlong in love presents various tricky problems, including the need to consider each other’s principles and weaknesses.

961 SEANS ODNOVREMENNOY IGRY (A SIMULTANEOUS PERFORMANCE) 1982, 68 min., color Lyrical comedy Director: Alexei Lebedev, screenplay: Adkady Krasilschikov, camera: Konstantin Ryzhov, production designer: Bella Manevich, misic: Yevgeny Irshan, sound: Asya Zvereva Cast: Yevgeny Leonov-Gladyshev, Yevgenya Simonova, Nikolai Trofimov, A. Sheren, Georgy Shtil, Lubov Tischenko A young taxi driver undertook the task of driving a personal “Volga” vehicle from Leningrad to Piatigorsk… Many adventures awaited him on the way.

962 DEATH)


1982, 71 min., color, wide screen Drama Director: Anatoly Vekhotko, screenplay: Vladimir Akimov, camera: Semyon Ivanov, production designer: Vladimir Kostin, misic: Igor Tsvetkov, sound: Grigory Elbert Cast: Yevgeny Zharikov, Natalya Gvozdikova, Leonid Markov, Yuri Demich, Alexander Zbruyev, Herman Dmitriyev, Nikolai Gorlov, Yuri Malyshev The forty-year-old surgeon Alexei Shulgin believes himself a failure and intends to leave the Far North. But an accident happens on a ship, with a seaman heavily injured by a broken rope. Shulgin performs brilliant surgery and comes to acquire confidence.



1982, 74 min., color Drama Director: Leonid Makarychev, screenplay: Albina Shulgina, camera: Alexander Chirov, production designer: Alexei Fedotov, misic: Vladislav Kladnitsky, sound: Grigory Elbert, Yelena Demidova Cast: Borya Krichevsky, Alexei Buldakov, Tatyana Bedova, Alexander Susnin, Georgy Shtil, Valentin Bukin, Era Ziganshina, Natalya Dmitriyeva, Mikhail Semyonov, Svetlana Kireyeva, Valentina Smirnova Loosely based on a story of the same title by A. Popov. The war surprised Pavlik and his mother far from Leningrad. The fascists proceeded to occupy the area. After his mother was betrayed by a traitor and captured, Pavlik set off for his native city on his own...



1982, 78 min., color Thriller Director: Alexander Muratov, screenplay: Vladimir Mazur, Igor Konstantinov, camera: Vladimir Vasilyev, production designer: Yevgeny Gukov, misic: Alexander Mikhailov, sound: Galina Gorbonosova Cast: Mikhail Boyarsky, Valentin Gaft, Vadim Yakovlev, Vladimir Yeryomin, Tatyana Tashkova, Valery Zakharyev, Yuri Bashkov, Viktor Ilyichev, Vyacheslav Sorokin, Ivan Krasko It becomes known that an engineer disappeared off the ship named “Amur” during its run. The customs examination reveals smuggled gold concealed in the engine compartment. The ship’s doctor Viktor Malyshev vanishes without a trace. The case is assigned to the young customs official Yuri Khorunzhev...



1982, 68 min., color Melodrama Director: Iskander Khamrayev, screenplay: Margarita Mosyakova, Tamara Likhotal, camera: Lev Kolganov, production designer: Valery Yurkevich, sound: Gennadi Korkhovoy Cast: Kolya Feofanov, Dasha Malchevskaya, Gabriel Vorobyev, Olya Ozertsovskaya, Natasha Latynskaya, Sofia Pavlova, Lyudmila Chursina, Mikhail Svetin, Olga Volkova As a result of a misunderstanding, the inconspicuous average eighth-year student Petrov is suddenly pronounced a near-genius in his school... This incident is behind the plot of the picture containing numerous lively particulars of school life.



1982, 98 min., color Drama Written and directed by: Iosif Heifitz, camera: Dmitry Dolinin, production designer: Vladimir Svetozarov, misic: Oleg Karavaychuk, sound: Igor Vigdorchik Cast: Yelena Finogeyeva, Andrei Nikolayev, Lyudmila Gurchenko, Konstantin Grigoryev, Stanislav Sadalsky, Nikolai Skorobogatov, Valentin Smirnitsky, Ivan Dmitriyev, Nikolai Ferapontov, Yuri Medvedev, Roman Ilyutkin A screen version of “The Duel”, a story by Alexander Kuprin.



1983, 2 parts, 134 min., color Musical Director: Jan Frid, screenplay: Mikhail Mishin, Jan Frid, camera: Nikolai Stroganov, production designer: Alexei Rudyakov, misic: Isaac Dunayevsky, sound: Gennady Korkhovoy Cast: Larisa Belogurova, Andrei Kharitonov, Tatyana Dogileva, Alexander Ryshchenkov, Mikhail Vodyanoy, Georgy Shtil, Nikolai Trofimov, Yevgeny Vestnik, Viktoria Gorshenina, Mikhail Svetin Screen version of musical comedy of the same title by Isaac Dunayevsky.



1983, 3 parts, 204 min., color Melodrama Director: Igor Usov, screenplay: Arnold Vitol, camera: Rostislav Davydov, production designer: Igor Vuskovich, misic: Olga Petrova, sound: Grigory Elbert Cast: Anatoly Kuznetsov, Ada Rogovtseva, Irina Gubanova, Yevgeny Menshov, Tatyana Lavrentyeva, Alexander Samoilov, Valery Zakharyev Based on Yevgeny Voyevodin’s novel “One’s Own Fault”



1983, 2 parts, 143 min., color Melodrama Director: Ayan Shakhmaliyeva, screenplay: Oleg Stukalov-Pogodin, camera: Konstantin Ryzhov, production designer: Yevgeny Gukov, misic: Eduard Artemyev, sound: Aliakper Gasan-zade Cast: Andrei Martynov, Svetlana Kryuchkova, Lidiya Fedoseyeva-Shukshina, Anatoly Romashin, Nikolai Pastukhov, Lev Durov, Mikhail Kononov Based on the novel of the same title by Alexander Krivonosov.

970 DOLGAYA DOROGA K SEBE (A LONG ROAD TO ONESELF) 1983, 81 min., color, wide screen Melodrama Director: Nataliya Troshchenko, screenplay: Yevgeny Gabrilovich, Solomon Rozen, Henrich Marandzhyan, production designer: Rimma Narinyan, misic: Vladislav Uspensky, sound: Yelena Demidova Cast: Yevgeniya Simonova, Nikolay Karachentsev, Liliya Gritsenko, Tatyana Lavrova, Viktor Yevgrafov, Larisa Malevannaya, Vladimir Letenkov Indifferent to art husband is tired of his wife’s selflessness devoltion to art. He does not believe in her talent and puts all kinds of obstacles on her way to gaining recognition which at the end ruins their family.

971 DUBLYOR NACHINAYET DEISTVOVAT (UNDERSTUDY STARTS ACTING) 1983, 90 min., color, wide screen Melodrama Director: Ernest Yasan, screenplay: Valentin Chernykh, Pyotr Koryakin, Ernest Yasan, camera: Vladimir Burykin, production designer: Yelena Fomina, misic: Vadim Bibergan, sound: Galina Golubeva Cast: Boris Plotnikov, Mikhail Gluzsky, Igor Gorbachev, Alexander Vdovin, Pyotr Yurchenkov, Alexander Romantsov, Natalya Danilova, Rimma Korostylyova, Olga Volkova, Ivan Krasko, Ludmila Shevel, Varvara Shabalina As an experiment, a large plant with the permission of a Ministry gives all the leading positions at the plant for one month to young professionals.



1983, 70 min., color, wide screen Adventure Director: Mikhail Ordovsky, screenplay: Yulian Dunsky, Valery Frid, camera: Vladimir Ivanov, production designer: Mikhail Gerasimov, sound: Natalya Levitina Cast: Raisa Zaitseva, Lev Borisov, Vladimir Yeryomin, Igor Ivanov, Vladimir Osipchuk, Alexander Yatsenkovsky, Nikolay Kuzmin, Nikolai Volkov Civil War in Siberia. White Army bandits take prisoners a group of Red Army soldiers and sentence every tenth to be shot. But on the eve of the execution the Reds escape from captivity...



1983, 93 min., color Traffic drama Written and directed by: Viktor Tregubovich, camera: Eduard Rozovsky, production designer: Alexei Rudyakov, misic: Alexei Rybnikov, sound: Nataliya Levitina Cast: Kirill Lavrov, Vsevolod Kuznetsov, Marina Tregubovich, Pavel Semenikhin, Ludmila Gurchenko, Vladimir Gostyukhin, Igor Dmitriyev, Ivan Agafonov, Sergei Prokhanov, Mikhail Pogorzhelsky, Boris Sokolov, Yuri Demich, Vladimir Menshov, Fyodor Odinokov Traffic capacity of a railway main line is lower than required which results in an accident: a passenger train crashes into a freight train killing locomotive driver’s assistant. Authors of the film attempt to reveal circumstances that led to the accident.

974 MAGIYA CHERNAYA I BELAYA (BLACK AND WHITE MAGIC) 1983, 76 min., color, wide screen Comedy Director: Naum Birman, screenplay: Valery Priyomykhov, camera: Genrich Marandzhyan, production designer: Vsevolod Ulitko, misic: Alexander Zhurbin, sound: Igor Vigdorchik Cast: Pavel Plisov, Anton Granat, Margarita Ivanova, Alexander Lenkov, Marianna Kazennaya, Denis Levin, Sasha Sukhanov, Natasha Popova, Andrei Puzanov, Nikolay Volkov, Jr Two chums- schoolboys Seva and Vitya- are liers, always full of mischief. Nobody could manage them until one day a new girl, Elya Sabonite, comes to their school…



1983, 2 parts, 141 min., color Melodrama Director: Anatoly Granik, screenplay: Rudolf Tyurin, camera: Viktor Karasyov, production designer: Valery Yurkevich, misic: Nadezhda Simonyan, sound: Irina Chernyakhovskaya Cast: Alexander Parra, Yelena Shanina, Viktor Mikhailov, Alexander Kuzin, Sergei Parshin, Ernst Romanov, Ivan Krasko, Igor Yefimov, Alexander Demyanenko Based on Alexander Prokhanov’s novel of the same title.

976 NA BEREGAKH PLENITELNYKH NEVY (ON THE CHARMING BANKS OF THE NEVA RIVER) 1983, 69 min., color Documentary/landscape Director: Ilya Averbakh, screenplay: Yelena Ignatova, Ilya Averbakh, Semyon Aranovich, camera: Vladimir Dyakonov, production designer: Vladimir Svetozarov, misic: Viktor Kisin, sound: Asya Zvereva, voice over: Alexander Demyanenko Topical poetic film on Leningrad- part of Italian TV serial “Cultural Capitals of Europe”.



1983, 82 min., color Comedy Written and directed by: Sergei Ovcharov, camera: Valery Fedosov, production designer: Viktor Amelchenkov, misic: I. Matsiyevsky, sound: Eleonora Kazanskaya, Boris Andreyev Cast: Alexander Kuznetsov, Alexei Buldakov, Sergei Bekhterev, Igor Ivanov, Nina Usatova, Margarita Matveyeva, Vyacheslav Polunin, Nikolai Terentyev, Valery Zakharyev Loosely based on Vsevolod Shishkov’s short story “Divers” and also on Russian legends, songs, tales and folk verse. Characters of the film are traditional personages of folk epos: a peasant, an iron-smith, a soldier. The film tells about their adventures — on earth, below ground and in the skies.



1983, 2 parts, 144 min., color Drama Written and directed by: Vladimir Vengerov, camera: Anatoly Zabolotsky, production designer: Marina Azizyan, misic: Isaac Shwarz, sound: Konstantin Lashkov Cast: Georgy Antonov, Yelena Finogeyeva, Nikolai Kochegarov, Rimma Markova, Marina Rostotskaya, Yelena Solovey, Vitaly Shapovalov, Nikolai Ivanov, Tamara Lebedeva, Oleg Korchikov, Alla Tekshina, Oleg Shtefanko, Stepan Krylov Based on Ivan Goncharov’s novel of the same title.



1983, 31 min., color, “Mosfilm”, “Lenfilm” Drama Director: Alexander Bibartsev, screenplay: Mikhail Varfolomeyev, camera: Anatoly Lapshov, production designer: Vladimir Bannykh, misic: Marat Kamilov, sound: Leonid Gavrichenko

Cast: Alexander Karin, Olga Ponomarenko, Alexei Zaitsev, Tamara Fursova, Sergei Vinokurov Loosely based on a short story by Yevgeny Nosov. Ignat returns to his native village after the victorious war. It would seem everything turns out well in his life — he has a beautiful wife and a job he likes... The problem is that his heart is hardened by the war..



1983, 97 min., color Melodrama Director: Dinara Asanova, screenplay: Yuri Klepikov, camera: Yuri Veksler, production designers: Natalya Vasilyeva, Vladimir Svetozarov, misic: Viktor Kisin, sound: Aliakper Gasan-zade, songs by Vitaly Krinitsky, song lyrics by:Viktor Bolshakov Cast: Valery Priyemykhov, Andrei Zykov, Sergei Naumov, Olga Mashnaya, Yekaterina Vasilyeva, Zinovy Gerdt, Marina Levtova, Yevgeny Nikitin, Alexei Poluyan, Vladimir Gusev, Viktor Mikheyev, Yuri Moroz Antonov, the director of a summer sports/labour camp gathered in his camp problem teenagers, many of whom have a criminal record. He faces a different task – to become a friend and a tutor to these boys.  The film was awarded the Participant Diploma of the International Film Festival in Moscow (1983) and the State Premium of the USSR (1985).



1983, 73 min., color Drama Director: Grigory Aronov, screenplay: Sergei Alexandrovich, Grigory Aronov, camera: Viktor Karasyov, production designer: Valery Yurkevich, Gennady Savelyev, misic: Igor Tsvetkov, sound: Garry Belenky Cast: Stefania Stanyuta, Pavlik Shagin, Tatyana Ivanova, Alexander Sokolov, Oleg Belov, Olga Ageyeva For many years an elderly woman, who lost her husband and her son during the war, has been living alone, retreating into the shell of her grief. All of a sudden her isolated world is disturbed by unceremonious intrusion.

982 PRIKLYUCHENIYA SHERLOKA HOLMSA I DOKTORA VATSONA. SOKROVISHCHA AGRY. (ADVENTURES OF SHERLOCK HOLMES AND DOCTOR WATSON. THE TREASURES OF AGRA). 1983, 2 parts, 151 min., color Detective Written and directed by: Igor Maslennikov, camera: Yuri Veksler, production designer: Bella Manevich, misic: Vladimir Dashkevich, sound: Asya Zvereva Cast: Vasily Livanov, Vitaly Solomin, Rina Zelionaya, Borislav Brondukov, Yekaterina Zinchenko, Viktor Proskurin, Sergei Shakurov, Pavel Kadochnikov Based on short stories by Arthur Conan Doyle



1983, 93 min., color, wide screen, wide format Drama

Director: Dmitry Svetozarov, screenplay: Maria Zvereva, camera: Sergei Astakhov, production designer: Yuri Pugach, misic: Andrei Makarevich, Alexander Kutikov, Alexander Zaitsev, sound: Leonid Shumyacher, Leonid Gavrichenko Cast: Alexei Batalov, Dmitry Kharatyan, Marle Talvik, Vsevolod Shilovsky, Angelina Stepanova, Baadur Tsuladze A sensation took place on car races — the races were won by an unknown amateur driver Grigory Yakovlev who managed to leave behind noted race drivers on the automobile that he had designed and constructed himself. He is invited to work in an experimental lab of a design office...



1983, 91 min., color, wide screen Drama Director: Valery Guryanov, screenplay: Arkady Vaksberg, Albina Shulgina, camera: Valery Mironov, production designer: Semyon Malkin, misic: Nikolai Martynov, sound: Vladimir Yakovlev Cast: Lyubov Virolainen, Valery Zolotukhin, Andrei Tolybeyev, Viktor Shulgin, Svetlana Nemolayeva, Valentina Kovel, Valery Sergeyev, Yelena Alekseyeva, Yuri Platonov, Yelena Kuznetsova, Igor Smirnov, Pyotr Yurchenkov Based on feature story by Arkady Vaksberg Worker Mukhin, defending his wife and child killed the hooligans’ gang leader. During the trial the Prosecutor withdrew the charges, however the court sentenced Mukhin to prison term of seven years. The Prosecutor insists on a not guilty award…



1983, 96 min., color War drama Director: Semyon Aranovich, screenplay: Svetlana Karmalita, camera: Vladimir Ilyin, production designer: Isaac Kaplan, misic: Alexander Knaifel, sound: Galina Lukina Cast: Rodion Nakhapetov, Alexei Zharkov, Andrei Boltnev, Stanislav Sadalsky, Tatyana Kravchenko, Vera Glagoleva, Nadezhda Lukashevich, Vsevolod Shilovsky, Sergei Bekhterev, Alexander Filippenko, Yuri Kuznetsov, Eduard Volodarsky Loosely based on short war stories by Yuri German. 1944. A marine air force regiment is stationed at a small garrison. This garrison is both — the front and the rear. Pilots live here with their families. They give parties and go to concerts. And, at the same time, any operational flight can turn out to be the last in their lives.  The film was awarded the Participant Diploma of the International Film Festival in Berlin (1985) and the State Premium of the USSR (1986).

986 TREBUYUTSA MUZHCHINY (MEN ARE REQUIRED) 1983, 81 min., color, wide screen Drama Director: Valery Rodchenko, screenplay: Valery Popov, camera: Nikolai Stroganov, production designer: Boris Burmistrov, misic: Alexander Knaifel, sound: Leonid Gavrichenko Cast: Algirdas Latenas, Ivan Gavrilyuk, Yuri Dubrovin, Valery Zakharyev, Bekzot Khamrayev, Galina Shepetnova, Yevgeny Kindinov, Yuri Kuznetsov, Yuri Stroganov, Yuri Goncharov, Artyom Ivanov, Yuri Gusev, Nadezhda Shumilova A new worker, Alexei Veryaskin, joins the team of carpenters. The story is centered around the conflict of two strong personalities: Alexei and the foreman. During the strenuous days at the construction site

the two men come to realise that for the sake of their work they are capable and have to waive a lot of things.



1983, 90 min., color Fantastical comedy Director: Vitaly Melnikov, screenplay: Alexander Zhitinsky, Vitaly Melnikov, camera: Konstantin Ryzhov, production designer: Bella Manevich, misic: Viktor Kisin, sound: Asya Zvereva Cast: Vasily Bochkarev, Yevgeniya Glushenko, Olya Starostina, Tatyana Plotnikova, Stanislav Sadalsky, Galina Volchek, Innokenty Smoktunovsky, Svetlana Kryuchkova, Mikhail Kozakov, Yevgeny Leonov, Yuri Bogatyryov, Baadur Tsuladze, Zinaida Sharko Based on Alexander Zhitinsky’s novel “You See Me In Your Dreams”. Kostya Shaposhnikov, an ordinary computer engineer at a research institute, discovers in himself a unique telepathic ability: he can transmit his dreams to other people. People working at the institute immediately found application to this phenomenon.

988 EKHO DALNEGO VZRYVA (ECHO OF A FARAWAY BLAST) 1983, 73 min., color, wide screen Drama Director: Valentin Morozov, screenplay: Alexander Kurgatnikov, camera: Vladimir Ilyin, production designer: Marksen Gaukhman-Sverdlov, misic: Alexander Mnatsakanyan, sound: Leonid Shumyacher Cast: Kirill Lavrov, Andrei Tolubeyev, Lubov Virolainen, Yuri Demich, Vatslav Dvorzhetsky, Ivan Krasko, Alexander Demyanenko, Ernst Romanov, Galina Nikulina, Alexander Mikhailichenko, Larisa Leonova, Yelena Antonova Damage of gas pipe line caused an explosion, people were killed in the accident. Investigation of the accident revelas errors committed on the design stage. However, none of eight engineers who designed the project considers himself guilty.

989 YA TEBYA NIKOGDA NE ZABUDU (I SHALL NEVER FORGET YOU) 1983, 86 min., color, wide screen Melodrama Written and directed by: Pavel Kadochnikov, camera: Alexander Chirov, production designer: Alexei Fedotov, misic: Vladislav Kladnitsky, sound: Yevgeny Nesterov Cast: Irina Malysheva, Yevgeny Karelskikh, Viktor Shulgin, Lubov Sokolova, Gennady Nilov, Yelena Drapeko, Anatoly Rudakov, Ludmila Kupina, Vladimir Tatosov, Tatyana Ivanova, Lubov Malinovskaya Fyodor and Polina met at front, the girl had practically saved the wounded soldier. Their meeting. Love. Parting. Fyodor goes to the front again. He is taken prisoner and is regarded to be missing. When the war ends he returns home and finds out that Polina was looking for him, that she had visited his parents’ house together with her daughter.


Musical melodrama Director: Viktor Buturlin, screenplay: Viktor Merezhko, camera: Vladimir Vasilyev, production designer: Alexei Rudyakov, misic: Alexander Morozov, sound: Leonid Gavrichenko Cast: Lyudmila Gurchenko, Oleg Tabakov, Olga Volkova, Alexander Filippenko, Tatyana Parkina, Karina Moritz, Alexander Shirvindt A variety show actress gets hold of a screenplay about dramatic life of a woman who was fighting at war and about her love story. Lera is absolutely sure that she can play this part. But it is not easy for her to convince the film director...



1984, 2 parts, 163 min., color Melodrama Director: Vladimir Bortko, screenplay: Nataliya Bortko, camera: Eduard Rozovsky, production designer: Rimma Narinyan, misic: Vladimir Dashkevich, sound: Nataaliya Avanesova Cast: Sasha Vasilyev, Jan Khviler, Yelena Solovey, Eugenia Pleshkite, Yustina Shervinskaite, Zinovy Gerdt, Yuri Gorobets, Tamara Urzhumova Losely based on Hector Malot’s novel of the same title. The story is set in the 19th century. Little Remi is wandering around many places looking for the family he lost... and finally he finds his relatives.

992 BLONDINKA ZA UGLOM (A BLOND ROUND THE CORNER) 1984, 83 min., color, wide screen Tragicomedy Director: Vladimir Bortko, screenplay: Alexander Chervinsky, camera: Ivan Bagayev, Valentin Komarov, production designer: Vladimir Svetozarov, misic: Isaac Shwarz, sound: Nataliya Avanesova Cast: Tatyana Dogileva, Andrei Mironov, Mark Prudkin, Yevgeniya Khanayeva, Yelena Solovey, Anatoly Slivnikov, Baadur Tsuladze, Pavel Kadochnikov, Anatoly Ravikovich, Alexei Zharkov, Sergei Bekhterev A former astrophysicist takes the job of a labourer in a supermarket and falls in love with a shop assistant from the vegetable department — a practical and cheerful girl. He decides to marry her and does his best to make her life different, but finally... escapes right from his own wedding.

993 BUKET MIMOZY I DRUGIYE TSVETY (BOUQUET OF MIMOSA AND OTHER FLOWERS) 1984, 73 min., color Director: Mikhail Nikitin, screenplay: Nataliya Ryazantseva, camera: Sergei Astakhov, production designer: Viktor Amelchenkov, misic: Igor Tsvetkov, sound: Galina Lukina Cast: Lidiya Fedoseyeva-Shukshina, Andrei Petrov, Andrei Sergeyev, Sergei Bekhterev, Larisa Luppian, Svetlana Smirnova, Elizaveta Nikishchikhina, Maya Lagutina, Seryozha Boyarsky Sooner or later every working person has to face a difficult moment — his retirement. And if the person is the chief of department of a large plant the moment is particularly difficult.



1984, 75 min., color Drama

Director: Alexander Muratov, screenplay: Eduard Volodarsky, camera: Boris Liznev, production designer: Boris Burmistrov, misic: Alexander Mikhailov, sound: Irina Chernyakhovskaya Cast: Valentin Gaft, Vadim Yakovlev, Nikolai Karachentsov, Dmitry Kharatyan, Alexei Buldakov, Nikolai Fedortsov, Nikolai Sektimenko, Pyotr Yurchenkov, Igor Dobryakov, Viktor Terekhov, Valentin Bukin, Ivan Krasko, Igor Yasulovich A tragedy happens in a coal mine — as a result of a landslide several miners got trapped in a coal face...

995 ZHIL-BYL DOKTOR (ONCE UPON A TIME THERE LIVED A DOCTOR) 1984, 86 min., color, wide screen Melodrama Director: Vyacheslav Sorokin, screenplay: Dmitry Pritula, Edgar Dubrovsky, camera: Yuri Vorontsov, production designer: Vladimir Bannykh, misic: Alexander Mnatsakanyan, sound: Leonid Shumyacher Cast: Alexander Tkachenok, Tamara Lebedeva, Tatyana Rasskazova, Sergei Koshonin, Tatyana Kulish, Tatyana Baltushevich, Nikolay Berezin, Yuri Nazarov The story is centered around life of a village doctor, his everyday cares, problems, his responsibility for people who sometimes is their only hope for salvation.

996 ZAVESHCHANIYE PROFESSORA DOUELYA (LAST WILL OF PROFESSOR DOUEL) 1984, 91 min., color Science fiction Director: Leonid Menaker, screenplay: Leonid Menaker, Igor Vinogradsky, camera: Vladimir Kovzel, production designer: Yuri Pugach, misic: Sergei Banevich, sound: Oksana Strugina Cast: Olgerd Kroders, Igor Vasilyev, Valentina Titova, Natalya Saiko, Alexei Bobrov, Nikolai Lavrov, Alexander Porokhovshchikov, Ernst Romanov, Boris Tsymba Based on science fiction novel “The Head of Professor Douel” by Alexander Belyayev.

997 I VOT PRISHEL BUMBO... (AND HERE COMES BUMBO...) 1984, 78 min., color, wide screen, wide format Melodrama Director: Nadezhda Kosheverova, screenplay: Yuri Dunsky, Valery Frid, camera: Eduard Rozovsky, production designer: Marina Azizyan, misic: Mikhail Vainberg, sound: Betty Livshits, Semyon Shumyacher Cast: Oleg Basilashvili, Valery Zolotukhin, Tatyana Peltser, Svetlana Nemolyayeva, Zinovy Gerdt, Alexander Pankratov-Chorny, Sergei Filippov, Natasha Shinakova, Sergei Parshin, Georgy Shtil, Svetlana Karpinskaya, Olga Volkova Based on short stories by Alexander Kuprin



1984, 3 parts, 209 min., color Detective story

Director: Yevgeny Tatarsky, screenplay: Arthur Makarov, Anatoly Romov, camera: Yuri Veksler, production designer: Isaac Kaplan, misic: Alexander Zhurbin, sound: Igor Vigdorchik Cast: Kirill Lavrov, Vadim Ledogorov, Yuri Kuznetsov, Yelena Solovey, Igor Yankovsky, Valentina Volkova, Yevgeny Kindinov, Vladimir Soshalsky, Zhanna Prokhorenko, Lev Prygunov, Sergei Vinogradov, Marina Belkina Based on Anatoly Romanov’s story “Customs Examination”. Investigation of a murder which at first looked like an ordinary crime put police on the trail of a criminal group illicitly conveying jewels abroad — and this case falls under the jurisdiction of the KGB.

999 MAKAR-SLEDOPYT (MAKAR — THE PATHFINDER) 1984, 3 parts, 202 min., color Adventure story Director: Nikolay Kovalsky, screenplay: Anatoly Kozak, camera: Alexander Chechulin, production designer: Valery Yurkevich, misic: Viktor Lebedev, sound: Galina Gorbonosova Cast: Maksim Minin, Sergei Savateyev, Angelina Polyanchukova, Alexander Lenkov, Andrei Rostotsky, Ivan Krasko, Vladimir Etush, Oleg Borisov Based on Leonid Ostroumov’s novel of the same title. Young 10 — 12-year old characters of the film take active part in the events of the Civil War and go through all kinds of fascinating adventures.

1000 MILY, DOROGOY, LYUBIMY, YEDINSTVENNY... (DEAR, BELOVED, THE ONE AND ONLY...) 1984, 69 min., color Melodrama Director: Dinara Asanova, screenplay: Valery Priyomykhov, camera: Vladimir Ilyin, production designer: Natalya Vasilyeva, misic: Viktor Kisin, sound: Aliakper Gasan-zade Cast: Olga Mashnaya, Valery Priyomykhov, Lembit Ulfsak, Lora Umarova, Nikolai Lavrov, Alexander Demyanenko Nineteen-year old Anna kidnaps a child to pass it for her own and thus to win back the lover who has grown cold to her. Callousness and egoism of the young girl nearly results in a tragedy.

1001 MOI DRUG IVAN LAPSHIN (MY FRIEND IVAN LAPSHIN) 1984, 101 min., color Drama Director: Alexei German, screenplay: Eduard Volodarsky, camera: Valery Fedosov, production designer: Yuri Pugach, misic: Arkady Gagulashvili, sound: Nikolai Astakhov Cast: Andrei Boltnev, Nina Ruslanova, Andrei Mironov, Alexei Zharkov, Alexander Filippenko, Anatoly Slivnikov, Zinaida Adamovich, Yuri Kuznetsov, Valery Filonov, Andrei Dudarenko, Semyon Farada, Nina Usatova Loosely based on short stories by Yuri German. Ivan Lapshin is the chief of the police criminal investigation department in a small town of Uchansk. A man of few words, he does what he has to and does it extremely well. May be, he is a bit too tough, but he is never indifferent to people. He has friends and there is a woman he loves...  The film was awarded the “Bronze Leopard” – the Grand Prix of the International Film Festival in Locarno (1986) and the Vasilyev Brothers’ State Premium of the RSFSR (1986).

 The film was honored the FIPRESSI Premium at the International Film Festival in Locarno (1986).

1002 OGNI (LIGHTS) 1984, 88 min., color Drama Director: Solomon Shuster, screenplay: Alexander Chervinsky, camera: Dmitry Dolinin, production designer: Georgy Kropachev, misic: Boris Tishchenko, sound: Boris Andreyev Cast: Yevgeny Leonov-Gladyshev, Tatyana Dogileva, Vladislav Strzhelchik, Georgy Burkov, Oleg Korchikov, Vladimir Osipchuk, Viktor Novikov, Yuri Polonsky, Alexei Pankov Loosely based on short stories by Anton Chekhov. A St. Petersburg engineer Nikolai Ananyev comes for a few days to the town where he lived in his youth and meets Kisochka, the girl he was passionately in love with. She has married a wealthy banker but it looks like she is unhappy. She meets Ananyev and is prepared to go away with him... But she is not destined to do this.

1003 OLGA I KONSTANTIN (OLGA AND CONSTANTINE) 1984, 67 min., color, wide screen Lyrical comedy Director: Yevgeny Mezentsev, screenplay: Arthur Makarov, camera: Eduard Rozovsky, production designer: Larisa Shilova, misic: Isaac Shwarz, sound: Aliakper Gasan-zade Cast: Vakhtang Kikabidze, Svetlana Kryuchkova, Mikhail Gluzsky, Nina Usatova, Olga Volkova, Nina Semyonova, Andrei Dudarenko, Kostya Bashkatov, Boris Arakelov, Anatoly Rudakov, Viktor Smirnov, Vladimir Yuryev Jovial and communicative driver Konstantin Goguadze was going from Siberia to Georgia. On a small railway station he saw a woman, got out of carriage, stayed on the platform — and soon got invitation from Olga to come and visit her.

1004 PERIKOLA (LA PERIKOLE) 1984, 83 min., color Operetta Written and directed by: Alexander Belinsky, camera: Genrich Marandzhyan, production designer: Igor Vuskovich, Rimma Narinyan, sound: Grigory Elbert Cast: Galina Belyayeva, Alexander Blok, Yevgeny Yevstigneyev, Spartak Mishulin, Vladislav Strzhelchik, Gali Abaidulov, Inna Ulyanova, Nikolay Parkhomenko, Ivan Solovyev, Liliya Yevstigneyeva, Sergei Filippov Based on Jacques Offenbach’s opera-buff of the same title.

1005 PODSLUSHANNY RAZGOVOR (OVERHEAD CONVERSATION) 1984, 77 min., color Melodrama Written and directed by: Sergei Potepalov, camera: Konstantin Ryzhov, production designer: Yevgeny Gukov, misic: Oleg Kutsenko, sound: Nikolai Astakhov Cast: Giya Dumbadze, Alexei Poluyan, Olga Agapova, Dmitri Sukhariov, Olga Ozeretskovskaya, Olga Volkova, Alena Ionicheva, Alexander Tyaglo, Larisa Solovyeva, Alexander Alexandrov

Andrei kept apart from his school fellows. He considered himself to be an independent person and his friends were not numerous. But one day his imaginary independence failed — he believed the slander and behaved in a manner unworthy of a man…

1006 PREFERANS PO PYATNITSAM (CARD GAME ON FRIDAYS) 1984, 92 min., color, wide screen Detective Director: Igor Sheshukov, screenplay: Edgar Dubrovsky, camera: Ivan Bagayev, production designer: Yevgeny Gukov, misic: Vadim Bibergan, sound: Asya Zvereva Cast: Alexander Smirnov, Yekaterina Vasilyeva, Kirill Lavrov, Vera Glagoleva, Yuri Gorobets, Ludmila Arinina, Alexei Mironov, Vladimir Yeremin, Alexander Pashutin, Marina Yurasova, Alexander Susnin Death of his father came as a shock to Alexei Shaposhnikov: a man who was far from being old and was full of life suddenly died of a heart failure. Alexei decides to make some investigation and finds out that father and his friends are paramount partners not only in card game they used to play every Fridaty but also are his partners in illegal trade operations...

1007 PROKHINDIADA ILI BEG NA MESTE (TALE OF A SMART FELLOW OR RINNING ON THE SPOT) 1984, 89 min., color Comedy Director: Viktor Tregubovich, screenplay: Anatoly Grebnev, camera: Valery Mulgaut, production designer: Vladimir Kostin, misic: Alexei Rybnikov, sound: Natalya Levitina Cast: Alexander Kalyagin, Ludmila Gurchenko, Tatyana Dogileva, Irina Dymchenko, Viktor Zozulin, Igor Gorbachev, Vladimir Soshalsky, Yuri Kuznetsov, Nikolai Ispolatov, Igor Nefedov, Valentin Smirnitsky, Valentina Kovel San Sanych Lyubomudrov, a charming swindler, never says “no” to “important” people. A lot of people find him indispensable and he does his best to be useful to people.

1008 REBYACHY PATRUL (CHILDREN’S PATROL) 1984, 69 min., color Adventure Director: Leonid Makarychev, screenplay: Arkady Krasilshchikov, Igor Shevtsov, camera: Nikolai Pokoptsev, production designer: Alexei Fedotov, misic: Vladislav Kladnitsky, sound: Oksana Strugina Cast: Pasha Plisov, Grisha Shchegal, Zhenya Popov, Dima Kravtsovich, Katya Romanova, Sasha Makarycheva, Leonid Nevedomsky, Natalya Dmitriyeva, Ernst Romanov, Vladimir Nosik, Vera Titova Loosely based on short stories by Yuri Tretyakov Children living in a village organise their own patrol service to fight poaches fishing in local lakes.

1009 TRI PROTSENTA RISKA (THREE PER CENT OF RISK) 1984, 68 min., color Melodrama Written and directed by: Vladimir Shredel, Yegor Gorashchenko, camera: Oleg Kukhovarenko, production designer: Mikhail Shcheglov, misic: Veniamin Basner, sound: Vladimir Yakovlev

Cast: Kirill Lavrov, Pavel Kadochnikov, Ivan Bortnik, Alexender Demyanenko, Valery Zolotukhin, Irina Reznikova, Georgy Drozd, Yuri Dedovuch, Vladimir Nekrasov, Arkady Shalolashvili, Tatyana Vasilyeva, Gelena Ivlieva Based on literary works by Mark Gallai A pilot testing a new fighter gets into an accident, crashes the plane and goes out of operation. The command commits Yevgeny Fetisov to conduct ten remaining flights, declining his application for leave.

1010 CHELYUSKINTSY (CHELYUSKINTSY) 1984, 2 parts, 135 min., color Historical drama Director: Mikhail Yershov, screenplay: Oscar Kurganov, camera: Nikolay Zhilin, production designer: Mikhail Ivanov, misic: Oleg Khromushin, sound: Irina Volkova Cast: Yevgeny Gvozdev, Oleg Belonuchkin, Alexander Lazarev, Pyotr Velyaminov, Igor Komarov, Valery Kravchenko, Yevgeny Leonov-Gladyshev, Semyon Morozov, Yurti Lazarev, Vladimir Osipchuk, Georgy Teikh, Alexander Alekseyev, Gennady Chernayev, Valery Doronin In February 1933 in the Chukotsky Sea the S.S. “Chelyuskin” was crashed by ice and sank. The ship crew and participants of the polar research expedition landed on an ice float waiting to be rescued. However, the rescue party was able to come only two months later.

1011 CHUZHAYA ZHENA I MUZH POD KROVATYU (SOMEBODY ELSE’S WIFE AND A HUSBAND UNDER THE BED) 1984, 67 min., color Tragicomedy Director: Vitaly Melnikov, screenplay: Vladimir Valutsky, camera: Yuri Veksler, production designer: Isaac Kaplan, misic: Timur Kogan, sound: Asya Zvereva Cast: Oleg Tabakov, Oleg Yefremov, Marina Neyelova, Nikolay Burlyaev, Stanislav Sadalsky, Marina Shimanskaya, Yuri Bogatyrev Loosely based on early short stories by Fyodor Dostoyevsky

1012 VIYTI ZAMUZH ZA KAPITANA (TO MARRY A CAPTAIN) 1985, 90 min., color Lyrical comedy Director: Vitaly Melnikov, screenplay: Valentin Chernykh, camera: Boris Liznyev, production designer: Bella Manevich, misic: Isaak Schwarts, sound: Asya Zvereva Cast: Vera Glagoleva, Viktor Proskurin, Vera Vasilyeva, Nikolai Rybnikov, Yuri Demich, Tatyana Rudina, Svetlana Kryuchkova, Fyodor Odinokov A border guard officer, Alexander Blinov, goes on vacation. As a favor to his regiment major, he delivers a parcel to his friend, Elena Zhuravlyova, a freelance reporter working for the local TV company. Due to circumstances Blinov must accompany Elena on her assignments. At the same time, he attempts to “improve” the young woman since she is a bit too careless…

1013 GRYADUSHCHEMU VEKU (FOR THE DAYS TO COME) 1985, 5 parts., 349 min., color Drama

Director: Iskander Khamrayev, screenplay: Georgy Markov, Eduard Shim, camera: Lev Kolganov, production designer Marksen Gaukhman-Sverdlov, misic: Eduard Artemyev, sound: Gennady Korkhovoy Cast: Yuozas Kiselyus, Yelena Proklova, Grazhina Baikshite, Otar Koberidze, Vsevolod Shilovsky, Donatas Banionis, Ivan Krasko Based on a novel by Georgy Markov. The last part of the trilogy on several generations of the Strogovs. (The first two films were “The Strogovs” and “The Salt of the Earth”). Set in mid 1980s the film narrates the story of Maxim Strogov — the secretary of a regional party committee in the Urals, who was promoted to this high post during perestroika.

1014 ZIMNYAYA VISHNYA (THE WINTER CHERRY) 1985, 91 min., color Melodrama Director: Igor Maslennikov, screenplay: Vladimir Valutsky, camera: Yury Veksler, production designer Bella Manevich, misic: Vladimir Dashkevich, sound: Asya Zvereva Cast: Yelena Safonova, Nina Ruslanova, Larisa Udovichenko, Vitaly Solomin, Alexander Lenkov, Ivar Kalnynsh, Sergei Parshin, Alla Osipenko Olga lives alone with her five year old son, and cherishes the hope that she will be happy with Vadim, the man she loves. But he is married and their rare hasty meetings leave Olga with bitter feelings of resentment. One day, a real prince charming, Herbert, appears in Olga's life. He is intelligent, handsome and well-off. Only when he offers her marriage, doesVadim realize what he is loosing, but…

1015 VOSKRESNY PAPA (DADDY FOR SUNDAYS) 1985, 85 min., color Melodrama Director: Naum Birman, screenplay: Edward Akopov, camera: Henrich Marandzhyan, production designer: Vsevolod Ulitko, misic: Veniamin Basner, sound: Galina Gorbonosova Cast: Dima Grankin, Yuri Duvanov, Tamara Akulova, Galina Polskikh, Boris Shcherbakov, Viktor Shulgin, Nina Urgant, Vera Glagoleva, Anya Nakhapetova, Mikhail Kokshenov One day a week, on Sundays, the six year old Alyosha meets his daddy. Half a year ago, his parents, Dima and Masha, were separated. On this 'daddy's' day Alyosha tries all sorts of tricks aimed at bringing his mommy and daddy together again.

1016 VOT MOYA DEREVNYA (HERE IS MY VILLAGE) 1985, 92 min., color Comedy Written and directed by: Viktor Tregubovich, camera: Vladimir Burykin, production designer: Viktor Amelchenko, misic: Aleksei Rybnikov, sound: Natalya Levitina Cast: Alexei Buldakov, Larisa Grebenshchikova, Alexander Fatyushin, Natalya Yegorova, Alexander Pashutin, Nina Usatova, Nina Ruslanova, Yuri Dubrovin, Vsevolod Kuznetsov The hero of the film, the chairman of a collective farm, Pavel Zuzenok is anxious to save his village, the land and its people. Their existence is threatened by a large-size construction project. So Pavel comes up with a rather unusual solution of the problem. He realizes that the village must be preserved and, moreover, that it can benefit the project.

1017 VSTRETIMSYA V METRO (MEET ME IN THE METRO) 1985, 2 parts, 134 min., color Drama Director: Viktor Sokolov, screenplay: Viktor Sokolov, Albina Shulgina, camera: Vladimir Dyakonov, production designer: Larisa Shilova, misic: Andrei Petrov, sound: Larisa Maslova Cast: Pyotr Velyaminov, Lilita Ozolinya, Nikolai Ivanov, Larisa Guzeyeva, Yelena Popova, Lyudmila Polyakova, Viktor Shulgin, Anzhelika Nevolina On the eve of the outbreak of World War II a team of Moscow metro builders come to Leningrad to begin construction of the 'underground railway.' Instead they have to fulfill the most difficult and dangerous task — to build the legendary 'Road of Life' to save the city, besieged by the Nazis.

1018 KONTRAKT VEKA (THE CONTRACT OF THE CENTURY) 1985, 2 parts, 134 min., color Drama Director: Aleksander Muratov, screenplay: Eduard Volodarsky, Vasily Chichkov, camera: Konstantin Ryzhov, production designer: Yevgeny Gukov, misic: Alexander Mikhailov, sound: Oksana Strugina Cast: Vladimir Gostyukhin, Nikolai Karachentsev, Oleg Borisov, Vadim Yakovlev, Olgert Kroders, Elle Kull, Valentin Gaft, Lembit Ulfsak An international agreement on a gas pipeline construction from Siberia to western Europe was called “the contract of the century.” The signing of the contract was complicated by certain dramatical situations — often connected with the world of 'big politics.'

1019 MARITSA (MARITSA) 1985, 67 min., color Musical comedy Director: Aleksander Belinsky, screenplay: Vladimir Konstantinov, Boris Ratzer, camera: Eduard Rozovsky, production designer: Rimma Narinyan, sound: Yelena Demidova Cast: Natalya Andreichenko, Timofey Spivak, Maria Mironova, Vladimir Zeldin, Vera Sitnikova, Igor Sklyar, Inna Makarova A young wealthy widow, Maritsa, is a tasty morsel for men hunting for a rich wife. To get rid of her suitors, Maritsa declares that she is going to marry the one and only man — and she utters the first name that comes to her mind. However, it turns out that such a man does exist and he is hurrying to meet his 'fiancee.'

1020 NAM NE DANO PREDUGADAT (IT IS NOT IN OUR POWER TO FORETELL) 1985, 29 min., color Drama Director: Olga Narutskaya, screenplay: Nadezhda Kozhushannaya, camera:Valery Martynov, production designer: Aleksei Rudyakov, misic:Algirdas Paulavichyus, sound: Boris Andreyev Cast: Yevdokiya Germanova, Konstantin Vorobyov, Alexei Prede, Olga Yeliseyeva A young girl working on a factory in Leningrad during the Nazi seige meets a young lieutenant going with his battalion to the front line. As it turned out, this meeting was the first and the last one.


1985, 91 min., color Drama Director: Iosif Kheifits, screenplay: Boris Vasilyev, Iosif Heifits, camera: Valery Blinov, production designer: Yelena Fomina, music from pieces by: Sergei Rachmaninov, sound: Igor Vigdorchik Cast: Mikhail Zhigalov, Tatyana Shestakova, Rolan Bykov, Yuri Kuznetsov Based Boris Vasilyev’s novel “Before the Verdict Is On...” A murder case is being heard in a court. The defendant is an old man and a disabled war veteran. What made this man, who fought for his country, pull the trigger of his sporting gun in peacetime?

1022 POROKH (GUNPOWDER) 1985, 92 min., color War drama Director: Viktor Aristov, screenplay: Viktor Aristov, Artur Makarov, camera: Yuri Vorontsov, production designer: Vladimir Bannykh, sound: Leonid Shumyacher Cast: Yuri Belyayev, Svetlana Bragarnik, Lubov Kalyuzhnaya, Vadim Makarovsky, Nozheri Choneshvilli, Vladimir Varentsov, Konstantin Sarynin, Logman Kerimov At the end of September 1941, Soviet artillery troops in besieged Leningrad realize that pretty soon they will fire their last shot, and after that the defense of the city will be doomed. The film is based on a true event: a small group of fearless soldiers transported a large supply of gunpowder through enemy lines to Leningrad.

1023 PROVERKA NA DOROGAKH (BEING PROVEN ON THE ROADS) 1985, 97 min., b/w. Made in 1971 under original title “‘Happy New Year’ Operation” Drama Director: Alexei German, screenplay: Eduard Volodarsky, camera: Yakov Sklyansky, production designer: Valery Yurkevich, misic: Isaak Shwarts, sound: Tigran Silayev Cast: Rolan Bykov, Anatoly Solonitsyn, Oleg Borisov, Fyodor Odinokov, Aida Zaitse, Gennady Dyudyayev, Nikolai Burlyayev, Viktor Pavlov, Vladimir Zamansky Based on war stories by Yuri German. Alexander Lazarev, a former Red Army sergeant, finds himself in a German camp for prisoners of war. Lacking spirit, he agrees to collaborate with the Nazis. Later, regretting his cowardice, he joins a partisan detachment. There is a strong disagreement between the commander and the commissar of the detachment over Lazarev. Finally, the commander insists on giving Lazarev a chance: they will put him through the test in a reconnaissance operation scouting out the area roads.  The film was awarded the State Premium of the USSR (1988).

1024 PROSTAYA SMERT (A SIMPLE DEATH) 1985, 67 min., b/w Drama Written and directed by: Aleksander Kaidanovsky, camera: Yuri Klimenko, production designer: Alexei Rudyakov, sound: Eleonora Kazanskaya Cast: Alisa Freindlikh, Valery Priyomykhov, Vitautas Paukshte, Mikhail Danilov Loosely based on Lev Tolstoy’s short story “The Death of Ivan Ilyich” The world and life itself, seen through the eyes of the hero of the film, turn out to be totally indifferent to his pain and sufferings. Unexpectedly, at the very moment of his death he experiences a sense of relief and tranquility.

1025 PROTIVOSTOYANIYE (CONFRONTATION) 1985, 5 parts, 392 min., color

Detective Director: Semyon Aranovich, screenplay: Yulian Semyonov, camera: Valery Fedosov, production designer: Vladimir Svetozarov, misic: Alexander Knaifel, sound: Eduard Vanunts Cast: Oleg Basilashvili, Andrey Boltnev, Yuri Kuznetsov, Murman Dzhinoriya, Viktor Gogolev, Olga Semyonova, Alexander Filippenko, Yelizaveta Nikishchikhina, Stanislav Sadalsky, Sergei Bekhterev, Natalya Saiko, Valdimir Golovin, Vitautas Paukshte Based on Yulian Semyonov’s novel of the same title. The same “hand” can be traced to involvement in several dreadful crimes committed years apart. Colonel Kostenko, investigating the case realizes that in order to find the criminal he will have to look into the years of World War II.

1026 RADI NESKOLKIKH STROCHEK (FOR A FEW LINES) 1985, 77 min., color War drama Director: Alexander Rogozhkin, screenplay: Arkady Krasilshchikov, camera: Ivan Bagayev, production designer: Stanislav Romanovsky, misic:Algidras Paulavichyus, sound: Nikolai Astakhov Cast: Nikita Mikhailovsky, Nelly Popova, Vladimir Olekseyenko, Anton Adasinsky, Vladimir Yeriomin, Anatoly Grachev, Yuri Dubrovin, Aleksei Buldakov, Valery Zakharyev, Sergei Prokhanov Loosely based on Mikhail Alekseyev’s novel “A Division Newsletter” Advancing Red Army troops have reached the Soviet state border in the Carpathian mountains. The division newspaper office is located near the front line. The film describes the everyday work of war reporters, shows the brief encounters between people, love and loss.

1027 REIS DVESTI DVADTSAT DVA (FLIGHT 222) 1985, 2 parts, 130 min., color A political detective Written and directed by: Sergei Mikaelyan, camera: Sergei Astakhov, production designer: Elizaveta Urlina, misic: Sergei Banevich, sound: Galina Lukina Cast: Larisa Polyakova, Nikolai Kochnev, Nikolai Alyoshin, Alexander Babanov, Yevgeny Yakhontov, German Katyushenko, Vilnis Bekkeris, Georgy Karelsky American authorities prevent the departure of a Soviet airliner because they are trying to persuade a Soviet actress to defect.

1028 SNEGUROCHKU VYZYVALI? (DID YOU CALL THE SNOW MAIDEN?) 1985, 67 min., color Musical comedy Director: Valentin Morozov, screenplay: Nina Davydova, Stanislav Alexandrov, camera: Nikolai Stroganov, production designer: Vladimir Svetozarov, misic: Alexander Mnatsakanyan, sound: Mikhail Viktorov Cast: Irina Alfyorova, Vladimir Menshov, Olga Volkova, Ivan Krasko, Nikolai Lavrov, Kolya Ivanovsky Every year at the end of December Svetlana Nechayeva, a drama theatre actress, puts on the costume of the Snow Maiden. This year the unexpected an happens: her partner, who usually plays the part of Santa Claus, suddenly falls ill and their driver Sergeyev volunteers to play his part.

1029 SON V RUKU ILI CHEMODAN (A DREAM COME TRUE OR THE SUITCASE) 1985, 67 min., color Comedy Director: Ernest Yasan, screenplay: Vladimir Lobanov, camera: Vladimir Burykin, production designer: Viktor Amelchenkov, misic: Vadim Bibergan, sound: Galina Golubeva Cast: Vladimir Basov, Jr., Irina Malysheva, Alexander Kuznetsov, Natalya Yagunova, Zoya Kratirova, Vladimir Yeremin, Ernst Romanov, Olga Volkova A young reporter, Pavel Tyurin, has been recently released from military service. He gets his first serious assignment: to write a satirical story, that offends some very influential persons.

1030 SOPERNITSY (THE RIVALS) 1985, 87 min., color Sports drama Director: Viktor Sadovsky, screenplay: Valentin Yezhov, Viktor Sadovsky, camera: Viktor Karasyov, production designer: Boris Burmistrov, misic: Vladlen Chistyakov, sound: Vladimir Persov Cast: Larisa Guseyeva, Yuri Demich, Oleg Shtefanko, Viktoriya Sadovskaya, Boris Zaidenberg, Georgy Vitsin, Pyotr Shelokhonov After failing to win the gold medal in rowing and ending up with the silver, Natalya Ozernikova spends her vacation with her grandfather in the Crimea. There she meets wind-surfing enthusiasts. Fascinated by the beautiful and daring sport the heroine decides to take part in an international contest and finally regains her winning spirit.

1031 SOFIA KOVALEVSKAYA (SOFIA KOVALEVSKAYA) 1985, 3 parts, 218 min., color Biopic Director: Ayan Shakhmaliyeva, screenplay: Dmitry Vasiliu, Boris Dobrodeyev, camera: Sergei Yurizditsky, production designer: Georgy Kropachev, misic: Isaak Shwarts, sound: Konstantin Lashkov, Vladimir Persov Cast: Yelena Safonova, Vladimir Letenkov, Aristarkh Livanov, Nataliya Sayko, Algimantas Masyulis, Yelena Solovey, Alexander Filippenko, Yelena Arzhanik, Lembit Ulfsak, Stanislav Landgraf, Yuri Solomin The life and achievements of the prominent Russian mathematician, Sofia Kovalevskaya.

1032 CHUZHIYE ZDES NE KHODYAT (ALIENS ARE FORBIDDEN) 1985, 76 min., color, wide screen Detective Director: Anatoly Vekhotko, screenplay: Vladimir Valutsky, Pavel Finn, Roman Yershov, camera: Aleksander Chechulin, production designer: Vladimir Kostin, misic: Yefrem Podgayts, sound: Galina Lukina Cast: Vladimir Basov, Jr., Larisa Guzeyeva, Yuri Belyayev, Leonard Varfolomeyev, Sergei Kozyrev, Sergei Bekhterev A crime has been committed; someone has stolen money from the safe of the fishermen's cooperative. The case is investigated by a young police lieutenant. According to one of the versions the suspect is the hardened criminal nicknamed ‘Chuma’ (the plague), who is hiding nearby.


1985, 41 min., color Melodrama Director: Sergei Snezhkin, screenplay: Valery Mnatsakanov, camera: Valery Martynov, production designer: Marksen Gaukhman-Sverdlov, misic:Sergei Banevich, sound: Aliakper Gasan-zade Cast: Rolan Bykov, Mikhail Matveyev, Igor Strunin, Vakhtang Panchulidze Three seamen, people of different ages, find themselves in a Leningrad hospital ward. The relations of ordinary roommates grow into true friendship.

1034 DETSKAYA PLOSHCHADKA (CHILDREN’S PLAYGROUND) 1986, 77 min., color Drama Director: Svetlana Proskurina, screenplay: Pavel Finn, camera: Tatyana Loginova, production designer: Boris Bykov, misic: Vadim Bibergan, sound: Leonid Gavrichenko Cast: Darya Shpalikova, Vadim Lyubshin, Nikolai Lavrov, Viktor Proskurin, Natalya Yegorova Jeanna, who grew up in an orphanage, works at a factory. Roman is an ambulance car driver. The young couple lived happily until the moment when Roman got involved in activities of a gang of thieves.

1035 DZHEK VOSMYORKIN — AMERIKANETS (JACK VOSMYORKIN — AN AMERICAN) 1986, 3 parts, 201 min., color Musical comedy In 1987 a 2-part cineversion was released Director: Yevgeny Tatarsky, screenplay: Arkady Tyagai, Anatoly Kozak, Yevgeny Tatarsky, camera: Valery Mulgaut, production designer: Viktor Amelchenkov, misic: Alexander Zhurbin, sound: Mikhail Viktorov Cast: Alexander Kuznetsov, Lubov Malinovskaya, Irina Rakshina, Mikhail Vaskov, Lev Durov, Nadezhda Smirnova, Yevgeny Yevstigneyev, Alexander Galibin Yasha Vosmyorkin came to America when he was a small boy. When he heard that the Revolution took place in Russia he decided to return home. This is how Yasha, who changed in America his name to Jack, became a farmer in Russia and began to realise his American ideas in Russia.

1036 ZHIZN KLIMA SAMGINA (KLIM SAMGIN’S LIFE) 1986, 14 parts, 16 h. 46 min., color Drama Director: Viktor Titov, screenplay: Alexander Lapshin, Viktor Titov, camera: Vladimir Ilyin, production designer: Yuri Pugach, misic: Nikolay Martynov, sound: Nataliya Avanesova Cast: Andrei Rudensky, Yelena Solovey, Ernst Romanov, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, Valentina Yakunina, Sergei Koltakov, Yakov Stepanov, Svetlana Kryuchkova, Sergei Bekhterev, Mikhail Gluzsky, Natalya Yegorova, Natalya Gundareva, Alexei Zharkov, Irina Mazurkevich, Larisa Guzeyeva, Yevgeniya Glushenko, Alexander Galibin, Svetlana Smirnova, Andreis Zhagars, Alexander Kalyagin, Natalya Lapina, Andrei Boltnev, Igor Vladimirov Based on Maxim Gorky’s novel of the same title. Life of an intellectual Samgin is shown against backdrop of grand panorama of life in Russia in period of 1877 — 1917. A complicated and exceptional personality, Samgin is trying to find his way to preserve his individuality in difficult times of social cataclysms in Russia.

1037 ZA VETLUGOI REKOI (BEHIND THE VETLUGA RIVER) 1986, 88 min., color Melodrama Director: Sergei Linkov, screenplay: Radiy Kushnerovich, camera: Konstantin Ryzhov, production designer: Yelena Fomina, misic: Stanislav Vazhov, sound: Nataliya Levitina Cast: Yanina Lisovskaya, Vasiliy Mishchenko, Maria Pastukhova, Nina Ruslanova Life of a young woman living in village is quite commonplace... However, even the most prosaic everyday life can be full of poetry, turning everything that surrounds it in a kind of a song.

1038 ZNAYU TOLKO YA (I AM THE ONLY ONE TO KNOW) 1986, 89 min., color Drama Director: Karen Gevorkyan, screenplay: Anatoly Grebnev, camera: Genrich Marandzyan, production designer: Vsevolod Ulitko, misic: Viktor Kisin, sound: Eduard Vanunts Cast: Pyotr Velyaminov, Tatyana Tashkova, Yekaterina Vasilyeva, Yuri Shlykov, Olga Melikhova, Sergei Kharchenko, Yuri Mogiltsev, Viktor Vorobyev, Maria Prizvan-Sokolova A house is falling apart at our eyes. Trip of the lead character of the film, a famous architect into the past, his attempts to realise the full extent of his responsibility for the things that happened lead to a complete crash of his life.

1039 ISKLYUCHENIYE BEZ PRAVIL (EXEPTIONS WITHOUT RULES) 1986, almanach of short films based on short stories by Mikhail Mishin 1. GOLOS (VOICE) 25 min., color Fantastic comedy Director: Vladimir Bortko, screenplay: Mikhail Mishin, camera: Anatoly Lapshov, production designer: Vladimir Svetozarov, misic: Vladimir Dashkevich, sound: Gennady Korkhovoy Cast: Semyon Farada, Yekaterina Vasilyeva, Vladislav Strzhelchik, Vsevolod Shilovsky, Alexander Belinsky, Anatoly Slivnikov, Anatoly Rudakov Say what you think and not what you are expected to say. This is the morale of this amusing tale, the hero of which all of a sudden began to use “stock phrases” in his everyday life.

2. ZOLOTAYA PUGOVITSA (GOLDEN BUTTON) 17 min., color Tragicomedy Director: Alexander Rogozhkin, screenplay: Mikhail Mishin, camera: Valery Martynov, production designer: Marksen Gaukhman-Sverdlov, misic: Algidras Paulavichus, sound: Leonid Izakov Cast: Semyon Morozov, Yevgeny Artemyev, Tatyana Barkova, Vladimir Bogdanov, Sergei Bryantsev Drawn to complete absurd situation in life of a dodger who regards his personal interests to be of paramount importance.

3. SKREPKI (PAPER CLIPS) 15 min., color Satirical comedy

Director: Sergei Baranov, Valery Naumov, screenplay: Mikhail Mishin, camera: Sergei Yurizditsky, production designer: Vladimir Svetozarov, misic: Algidras Paulavichus, sound: Larisa Maslova Cast: Alexander Galibin, Gennady Bogachev, Olga Volkova, Igor Yefimov Authors of the film mock the idle talk, formalism and servility of the hero of the story.

4. EKSKURSANT (TOURIST) 38 min., color Comedy Director: Viktor Buturlin, screenplay: Mikhail Mishin, camera: Vladimir Vasilyev, production designer: Vladimir Svetozarov, misic: Algidras Paulavichus, sound: Aliakper Gasan-zade Cast: Viktor Bychkov, Olga Samoshina A toy factory worker due to his amazing likeness to a foreign tourist gets into a number of funny situations.

1040 KAK STAT ZVEZDOY (HOW TO BECOME A STAR) 1986, 2 parts, 52 min., color Musical show Written and directed by: Vitaly Aksyonov, camera: Ivan Bagayev, production designer: Stanislav Romanovsky, misic: Viktor Reznikov, sound: Igor Vigdorchik Cast: Vladimir Tatosov, Valery Leontyev, Anna Tveleneva, Tatyana Gakkel, Raimond Pauls, Harry Bash, Maksim Leonidov, Vyacheslav Polunin Variety art show in which popular actors and musical stars participate.

1041 KRASNAYA STRELA (RED ARROW) 1986, 92 min., color, wide screen Melodrama Director: Iskander Khamrayev, Igor Sheshukov, screenplay: Edgar Dubrovsky, Alexander Ozhegov, camera: Vladimir Burykin, production designer: Yevgeny Gukov, misic: Vadim Bibergan, sound: Boris Andreyev Cast: Kirill Lavrov, Yelena Smirnova, Andrei Smirnov, Vladimir Yeremin, Osvald Berzinsh, Ludmila Arinina, Galina Figlovskaya, Vadim Yakovlev, Maria Lavrova, Zoya Bogomolova, Alexander Vdovin, Artyom Karapetyan, Pyotr Shelokhonov, Vadim Lobanov, Sergei Bekhterev Director of a large corporation gets an important state order. The story is focused on the analysis of crises of a leader belonging to an old formation.

1042 LEVSHA (LEFT-HANDER) 1986, 89 min., color Satirical fairy tale Written and directed by: Sergei Ovcharov, camera: Valery Fedosov, production designer: Nataliya Vasilyeva, misic: Igor Matsiyevsky, sound: Vladimir Persov Based on Nikolai Leskov’s short story of the same title A popular tale of a gifted gunsmith the Left-hander is told in a manner imitating the style of Russian traditional popular print.

1043 MIF (MYTH) 1986, 2 parts, 136 min., color Melodrama

Director: Ayan Shakhmaliyeva, screenplay: Kirill Laskari, camera: Sergei Yurizditsky, production designer: Georgy Kropachev, misic: Alexander Knaifel, sound: Vladimir Persov Cast: Regina Kuzmicheva, Maris Liepa, Lidiya Bozhozovskaya, Yevgeny Leven, Abessalom Loriya, Vladimir Zamansky, Gali Abaydulov Loosely based on “The Twenty Third Pirouette”, a short story by Kirill Laskari The story is focused on life of ballet dancers, their aspirations and searches for new ways in art, their personal dramas, hard exhausting labour and as a reward — brief moments of inspiration and happiness.

1044 NASH PAPA MAYONEZ (OUR DAD MAYONNAISE) 1986, 16 min., color Grotesque comedy Director: Yuri Afanasyev, screenplay: Igor Ageyev, camera: Vladimir Brylyakov, production designer: Mikhail Gerasimov, sound: Aliakper Gasan-zade Cast: Lyudmila Arinina, Yelena Ageyeva, Vladimir Yeryemin, Yelena Kondulainen, Ernst Romanov, Illarion Naidenko, Natasha Novysh

1045 PISMA MYORTVOGO CHELOVEKA (LETTERS OF THE DEAD MAN) 1986, 88 min., color, wide screen Anti-utopia Director: Konstantin Lopushansky, screenplay: Konstantin Lopushansky, Vyacheslav Ryubakov, Boris Strugatsky, camera: Nikolai Prokoptsev, production designers: Yelena Amshinskaya, Viktor Ivanov, misic: Alexander Zhurbin, sound: Leonid Gavrichenko Cast: Rolan Bykov, Iosif Ryklin, Viktor Mikhailov, Alexander Sabinin, Nora Gryakalova, Vera Mayorova, Vatslav Dvorzhetsky, Svetlana Smirnova, Nikolai Alkanov Nuclear blast on an American military base killed the majority of population, those who survived are doomed to die slowly. Among them is a small group of children, hiding in catacombs. Trying to conceal the cause of the disaster a group of militarists uses it as a pretext to start World War III.  The film was awarded the Vasilyev Brothers’ State Premium of the RSFSR (1987).

1046 PLATA ZA PROYESD (FARE) 1986, 93 min., color Drama Director: Vyacheslav Sorokin, screenplay: Pavel Fomin, camera: Yuri Vorontsov, production designer: Vladimir Bannykh, misic: Eduard Artemyev, sound: Nikolai Astakhov Cast: Vladimir Knyazev, Anton Bychkov, Galina Dolya, Viktor Tzepayev, Yuri Kochegarov, Viktor Gogolev, Oleg Letnikov, Vladimir Litvinov, Alexander Tkachenok Loosely based on Ilya Shtemler’s novel “Taxi Park”. Oleg Sergachev was one of the best drivers in a taxi company. He was on good terms with everybody, knew how to grease people’s palms. He lived without any troubles and enjoyed his life until the day when a new director came to work for the company.

1047 POSLEDNAYA DOROGA (THE LAST TRIP) 1986, 101 min., color Historical — biographical drama

Director: Leonid Menaker, screenplay: Yakov Gordin, Leonid Menaker, camera: Vladimir Kovzel, production designer: Marksen Gaukhman-Sverdlov, misic: Andrei Petrov, sound: Oksana Strugina Cast: Alexander Kalyagin, Vadim Medvedev, Irina Kupchenko, Yelena Karadzhova, Innokenty Smoktunovsky, Gediminas Storpirshtis, Andrei Myagkov, Anna Kamenkova, Sergei Sazontyev, Vyacheslav Yezepov, Albert Filozov, Ivan Krasko, Vsevolod Kuznetsov, Sergei Zhigunov The story takes its beginning on the night of January 27, 1837, when all the main events leading to the tragic end of Alexander Pushkin’s life have already happened. Ahead are the Chyornaya river... the duel... the death of the poet.

1048 PRI OTKRYTYKH DVERYAKH (WITH OPEN DOORS) 1986, 2 parts, 134 min., color Melodrama Director: Ernest Yasan, screenplay: Valentin Azernikov, camera: Nikolai Stroganov, production designer: Vladimir Kostin, misic: Georgy Garanyan, sound: Galina Golubeva Cast: Viktor Mikhailov, Tatyana Vasilyeva, Nina Ruslanova, Stanislav Landgraf, Nikolai Volkov, Jr., Alexei Mironov, Olga Volkova, Semyon Farada, Irina Rozanova, Nina Usatova, Andrei Tolubeyev Based on Viktor Azernikov’s play of the same title What prevents heroes of this film from being sincere with each other? Habitual dual moral standards, when there is truth “for oneself” and “for other people”, when it is regarded to be normal to say one thing and to do the other.

1049 PRORYV (BREAK THROUGH) 1986, 99 min., color, wide screen Catastrophe film Director: Dmitry Svetozarov, screenplay: Albina Shulgina, camera: Sergei Astakhov, production designer: Mikhail Suzdalov, misic: Andrei Makarevich, Alexander Zaitsev, Alexander Kutikov, sound: Leonid Shumyacher Cast: Oleg Borisov, Andrei Rostotsky, Yuri Demich, Mikhail Danilov, Alexander Susnin, Yuri Kuznetsov, Andrei Krasko, Vladimir Baranov, Valery Kravchenko, Yuri Oskin, Yuri Solovyev, Nikolai Burov, Natalya Akimova The story is based on real events: a soil sank on one of the sections of subway being constructed in Leningrad...Subway builders take up the challenge.

1050 PRIKLYUCHENIYA SHERLOKA HOLMSA I DOKTORA VATSONA. DVADTSATY VEK NACHINAYETSYA. (ADVENTURES OF SHERLOCK HOLMES AND DR. WATSON. THE TWENTIETH CENTURY BEGINS.) 1986, 2 parts, 157 min., color Detective Written and directed by: Igor Maslennikov, camera: Yuri Veksler, production designer: Isaac Kaplan, misic: Vladimir Dashkevich, sound: Asya Zvereva Cast: Vasily Livanov, Vitaly Solomin, Bronislav Brondukov, Innokenty Smoktunovsky, Boris Kluyev, Alexander Romantsov, Yelena Safonova, Larisa Guseyeva, Igor Yefimov, Viktor Koretsky, Leonid Kuravlyov, Rina Zelionaya Loosely based on short stories by Arthur Conan Doyle.

1051 PROSTI (FORGIVE ME) 1986, 84 min., color, wide screen Melodrama Director: Ernst Yasan, screenplay: Viktor Merezhko, camera: Ivan Bagayev, production designer: Stanislav Romanovsky, misic: Vadim Bibergan, sound: Galina Golubeva Cast: Natalya Andreichenko, Igor Kostolevsky, Viktor Merezhko, Alexandra Yakovleva, Alisa Freinlikh, Vladimir Menshov, Alexei Zharkov, Tatyana Mikhailova, Masha Merezhko, Alexander Kuznetsov, Olga Volkova The heroine of the film finds out that her husband has a young mistress and tries to pay him in his own coin. The attempt results in a tragedy. Going through dramatic experience she realises that she should keep her family.

1052 SENTIMENTALNOYE PUTESHESTVIYE NA KARTOSHKY (A SENTIMENTAL JOURNEY WITH A HARVESTING TEAM) 1986, 83 min., color, wide screen Melodrama Director: Dmitry Dolinin, screenplay: Andrei Smirnov, camera: Vladimir Ivanov, production designer: Boris Burmistrov, misic: Vitaly Chernitsky, sound: Alexander Gruzdev Cast: Filipp Yankovsky, Anzhelika Nevolina, Pyotr Semak, Andrei Gusev, Vasily Arkanov, Nikolai Ustinov, Yevgeniya Barkhan, Fyodor Valikov, Elvira Kolotukhina, Sergei Russkin A youngster who is a city-dweller and “mother’s darling” enters a college and is sent with a group of students to a collective farm to harvest potatoes. Here he goes through the first painful experiences: getting in love, disappointment and cruelty of human relations.

1053 SKAZANIYE O KHRABROM KHOCHBARE (TALE OF BRAVE KHOCHBAR) 1986, 96 min., color Poetic parable Directors: Askhab Abakarov, Mikhail Ordovsky, screenplay: Svetlana Karmalita, camera: Oleg Kukhovarenko, Nikolai Prokoptsev, production designer: Valery Yurkevich, misic: Shirvani Chalayev, sound: Mikhail Viktorov Cast: Konstantin Butayev, Abdurashid Makhsudov, Irina Logunovich, Bogand Magomedov, Omar-Danya Podolsky, Mukhtabek Kantemirov, Magomed Khalilov, Vitasitas Paukshte, Yunus Yusupov Loosely based on poem by Rasul Gamzatov The story is set in the 17th century is Dagestan. Young man Khochbar is accompanying Saadat, the daughter of the ruler of Khunzakhsky khanate, married for political reasons to the son of the ruler of Kaspian lands. During the long journey the two young people come to love each other which leads to tragedy.

1054 SKORBNOYE BESCHUVSTVIYE (MOURNFUL INSENSITIVITY) 1986, 97 min., color, wide screen Drama Director: Alexander Sokurov, screenplay: Yuri Arabov, camera: Sergei Yurizditsky, production designer: Yelena Amshinskaya, sound: Vladimir Persov

Cast: Ramaz Chkhikvadze, Alla Osipenko, Tatyana Yegorova, Dmitry Bryantsev, Vladimir Zamansky, Viktoriya Amitova, Irina Sokolova, Vadim Zhuk, Andrei Reshetin, Ilya Revin, Vladimir Dmitriyev Loosely based on Bernard Shaw’s play “Heartbreak House”. World War I. Full of guests house of old captain Shotover resembles Noah’s Ark. It may seem that life outside the house has nothing to do with the life of its inhabitants: a flirtation turning into a nonsense, love drama which hides the hatred, pain and sorrow in emptiness which is condensing to the point of explosion.

1055 SOSHEDSHIYE S NEBES (DESCENDED FROM HEAVENS) 1986, 80 min., color, wide screen Drama Director: Nataliya Troshchenko, screenplay: Vladimir Kunin, camera: Alexander Chechulin, production designer: Rimma Narinyan, misic: Diana Smorgonskaya, sound: Eleonora Kazanskaya Cast: Vera Glagoleva, Alexander Abdulov, Yelena Popova, Yuri Belyayev, Kirill Alexeyev, Oleg Melenevsky, Nikolai Ivanov, Viktor Kostetsky Loosely based on Alexei Kapler’s novel “Two of Twenty Million”

1056 TIKHOYE SLEDSTVIYE (QUIET INVESTIGATION) 1986, 68 min., color, wide screen Detective Director: Alexander Pashovkin, screenplay: Alexander Mindadze, camera: Alexander Chechulin, Vladimir Dyakonov, production designer: Yelizaveta Urlina, misic: Mark Minkov, sound: Galina Gorbonosova Cast: Alexei Buldakov, Vladimir Kuznesov, Mikhail Danilov, Igor Dobryakov, Nikolai Lavrov, Fyodor Odinokov, Valery Priyemykhov, Svetlana Smirnova, Alexei Susnin Based on Sergei Rodionov’s novel “Cambrian Clay” Detective Ryabinkin is commissioned to investigate the case of gasoline waste. His predesessor was removed from the investigation. Investigating the case Ryabinkin makes a mistake which results in the death of the suspect.

1057 FUETE (FOUETTE) 1986, 100 min., color Melodrama Directors: Vladimir Vasilyev, Boris Yermolayev, screenplay: Boris Yermolayev, Savva Kulish, camera: Valery Mironov, production designers: Mikhail Shcheglov, Yelizaveta Urlina, music from compositions by Bach, Mozart, Pyotr Tchaikovsky, Oleg Karavaychuk, A. Bolchev, sound: Garri Belenky Cast: Yekaterina Maksimova, Vladimir Vasilyev, Nataliya Bolshakova, Angelina Kabarova, Valentin Gaft, Konstantin Zaklinsky, Alla Osipenko, Olga Samoshina, Aristarkh Livanov, Svyatoslav Kuznetsov, Maria Berggolts, Yevgeny Kolobov, Vladimir Vorobyov Ballerina Yelena Knyazeva is going through a crises in her artistic life, further complicated by personal problems.

1058 APELLYATSIYA (THE APPEAL) 1987, 91 min., color, wide screen Drama

Director: Valery Guryanov, screenplay: Edward Volodarsky, camera: Vadim Grammatikov, production designer: Larisa Shilova, misic: Diana Smorgonskaya, sound: Eleonora Kazanskaya Cast: Vyacheslav Tikhonov, Vladimir Konkin, Vsevolod Sanayev, Vsevolod Shilovski, Vadim Lobanov, Marina Troshina, Viktor Kartashov, Igor Yefimov, Anatoly Rudakov Loosely based on a novel of the same title by Viktor Grebeniuk. Pressured by First Secretary of the District Party Committee, the meeting of the Party Bureau dismissed the collective farm agronomist Boris Kholmovoy and stripped him of Party membership, allegedly for arbitrary conduct. Disagreeing with the decision of the District Party Committee, he appeals against it...

1059 BASHNYA (THE TOWER) 1987, 89 min., color Drama Director: Viktor Tregubovich, screenplay: Alexander Alexandrov, camera: Valery Myulgaut, production designers: Grachiya Mekinyan, Mikhail Gavrilov, misic: Igor Tsvetkov, sound: Natalya Levitina Cast: Olga Ostroumova, Vadim Lobanov, Georgy Burkov, Sergei Sazontyev, Ivan Agafonov, Raisa Ryazanova, Irina Apeximova, Alexei Yasulovich, Svetlana Gaitan Close to the highway there is a water tower, with the mechanic, his wife and adopted invalid son living inside the fencing. Shortly they are joined by a family living in the capital, forced to seek shelter due to their car's failure. The visitors' stay is going to be extensive, later to develop into a tragedy...

1060 BELOYE PROKLYATIYE (THE WHITE CURSE) 1987, 81 min., color, wide screen Melodrama Director: Nikolai Kovalsky, screenplay: Igor Fyodorov, camera: Nikolai Stroganov, production designer: Larisa Shilova, misic: Viktor Lebedev, sound: Harry Belenky Cast: Lembit Ulfsak, Alexandra Aasmae (Yakovleva), Viktor Bychkov, Larisa Guzeyeva, Igor Dmitriyev, Gennady Nilov, Anna Tveleneva Loosely based on a novel of the same title by Viktor Sanin.

1061 VEZUCHY CHELOVEK (THE LUCKY MAN) 1987, 2 parts, 139 min., color Melodrama Director: Igor Sheshukov, screenplay: Yuri Chernyakov, camera: Vladimir Burykin, production designer: Vladislav Orlov, misic: Vadim Bibergan, sound: Leonid Gavrichenko Cast: Vladimir Kashpur, Alexander Pashutin, Lev Borisov, Yuri Demich, Alexei Krychenkov, Alexander Susnin Loosely based on “A Lapse”, a novel by Yuri Chernyakov The main character is a tactful, sympathetic person; as often as not, he just gets lucky. His ability to change the lives of those close to him to the better, springing from the traits of his personality, is fully revealed...

1062 VZLOMSCHIK (THE BURGLAR) 1987, 90 min., color Melodrama Director: Valery Ogorodnikov, screenplay: Valery Priyemykhov, camera: Valery Mironov, production designer: Viktor Ivanov, misic: Viktor Kisin, sound: Aliakper Gasan-zade

Cast: Oleg Yelykomov, Konstantin Kinchev, Yuri Tsapnik, Svetlana Gaytan, Polina Petrenko, Mikhail Parfyenov, Pyotr Semak, Oleg Garkusha After the death of his mother, the thirteen-year-old Semyon steps in to assume the responsibility for his family. He dreams of his father's giving up his drinking and of his elder brother's fully developing his talent for performing rock music. For their sakes, Semyon will do anything...  The film was awarded the Special FIPRESSI Premium at the International Film Festival in Venice (1987).

1063 VICTORIA (BUMAZHNY PATEFON) (VICTORIA (THE PAPER GRAMOPHONE) 1987, 87 min., color Melodrama Director: Dmitry Dolinin, screenplay: Alexander Chervinski, camera: Lev Kolganov, production designer: Vladimir Kostin, misic: Gennady Banschikov, sound: Boris Andreyev Cast: Lika Nevolina, Gleb Soshnikov, Yelizaveta Nikischikhina, Nikolai Pastukhov, Grazhina Baykshtite, Bayba Indriksone Loosely based on “O My Fortune”, a play by Alexander Chervinski. The first post-war years. Life is still very hard. Two young people longing for love and warmth, a very young schoolteacher and a cadet, chance to meet...

1064 VSPOMNIM, TOVARISCH! (LET US REMEMBER, COMRADE!) 1987, 85 min., color Publicistic fiction Written and directed by: Joseph Heifitz, camera: Yuri Shaigardanov, production designer: Yelena Fomina, music arrangement: Algidras Paulavichus, sound: Igor Vigdorchik Cast: Nikolai Kryuchkov, Boris Tenin, Vladik Gubin, Sasha Afonin, Konstantin Trofimov Joseph Heifitz, a long-time “Lenfilm” director, is telling about his film studio.

1065 GOST (THE GUEST) 1987, 85 min., b/w Mystical drama Written and directed by: Alexander Kaydanovsky, camera: Sergei Yurizditsky, production designer: Marina Azizyan, sound: Eleonora Kazanskaya Cast: Nikolai Ispolatov, Levan Abashidze, Levan Pilpani Loosely based on” Gospel by Mark”, a short story by Jorge Louis Borges.

1066 YEDINOZHDY SOLGAV (HAVING LIED ONCE) 1987, 96 min., color Drama Director: Vladimir Bortko, screenplay: Arkadi Inin, Vladimir Bortko, camera: Anatoly Lapshov, production designer: Nataliya Vasilyeva, misic: Vladimir Dashkevich, sound: Harry Belenki Cast: Yuri Belyayev, Yelena Solovey, Irina Skobtseva, Irina Rozanova, Grigory Vesnik, Yuri Kuznetsov, Natalya Sayko, Nikolai Grinko, Alexei Buldakov, Tatyana Zhuravlyeva

The picture features a few weeks of life of a prosperous forty-year-old painter. Back during the “stagnation” years he absorbed and accepted “double standard” as a mode of life — and at this time, he is suffering a difficult, agonizing enlightenment and realization of his past...

1067 ZHELAYU VAM... (I WISH YOU...) 1987, 26 min., b/w Comedy Director: Yuri Mamin, screenplay: Vyacheslav Leykin, Yuri Mamin, camera: Yuri Vorontsov, production designer: Alexei Rudyakov, sound: Leonid Gavrichenko Cast: Modest Tsirulin, Natalya Skvortsova, Juzef Mironenko, Yevgeny Sakharov Unattractive clerk has a wonderful gift – all his good wishes come true. But one day he wished bad…

1068 INTERVENTSIYA (THE INTERVENTION) 1987, 107 min., color Eccentric tragicomedy Written and directed by: Gennady Poloka, camera: Vladimir Burykin, Yevgeny Mezentsev, production designer: Mikhail Scheglov, misic: Sergei Slonimski, sound: Lev Valter, Eleonora Kazanskaya, song lyrics and rendition: Vladimir Vysotsky Cast: Vladimir Vysotski, Valery Zolotukhin, Olga Aroseva, Gelena Ivleva, Yephim Kopelyan, Rufina Nifontova, Vladimir Tatosov, Yuri Tolubeyev, Yuliya Burygina, Sergei Yurski, Yekaterina Bulavina, Marlen Khutsiyev, Georgy Schtil, Yuri KatinYartsev Based on the play of the same title by Lev Slavin. Odessa, 1919. The residents are waiting for the foreign troops to land. The local bourgeois are heartily welcoming the French occupants. Special gallantry is displayed by Monsieur Voronov... Nobody suspects that he is not who he says he is...

1069 ISCHU DRUGA ZHIZNI (I AM LOOKING FOR A LIFETIME FRIEND) 1987, 97 min., color, wide screen Melodrama Director: Mikhail Yershov, screenplay: Arkadi Krasilschikov, camera: Viktor Karasev, production designers: Mikhail Ivanov, Alexei Schkele, misic: Oleg Khromushin, sound: Irina Volkova Cast: Yuri Astafyev, Alexandra Aasmae (Yakovleva), Andrei Gogol, Nikolai Trofimov, Yuri Solovyev, Vera Titova, Jan Tsapnik, Sergei Losev, Yelena Skorokhodova, Yuliya Yakovleva Loosely based on “Matyushenko Made a Vow of Silence”, a story by Mikhail Panin.

1070 MOY BOYEVOY RASHCHET (MY GUNNER TEAM) 1987, 99 min., color Adventure Director: Mikhail Nikitin, screenplay: Svetlana Karmalita, camera: Valery Martynov, production designer: Viktor Ivanov, misic: Igor Tsvetkov, sound: Galina Gorbonosova Cast: Valery Smirnov, Natalya Yegorova, Svetlana Kopylova, Valery Priyemykhov, Lev Borisov, Lyudmila Polyakova, Liliya Morozkina, Alexander Semyenov, Nikolai Biryukov, Vladimir Matyukhin, Yuri Vyalkov

1945. The war is over, and Sergei Kruzhkoy, Junior Sergeant of the Guards, returned home after being badly wounded. Learning of a gang of criminals operating in the city, he decides to help the law enforcement authorities and embarks on an investigation of his own...

1071 MOONZUND (MOONZUND) 1987, 2 parts, 142 min., color War drama Director: Alexander Muratov, screenplay: Eduard Volodarski with input from Galina Muratova, camera: Konstantin Ryzhov, production designers: Yevgeny Gukov, Mikhail Gerasimov, misic: Alexander Mikhailov, sound: Oksana Strugina Cast: Oleg Menshikov, Vladimir Gostykhin, Lyudmila Nilskaya, Nikolai Karachentsov, Yuri Belyayev, Boris Klyuyev, Viya Artmane, Alexei Buldakov, Vladimir Baranov, Yevgeniya Dobrovolskaya, Yevgeny Yevstigneyev, Sergei Garmash Loosely based on the novel of the same title by Valentin Pikul. The film is set on the Baltic Sea, in 1915 — 1917. Encountering a German squadron, Senior Officer Artemyev assumed command of the ship “Novik”, “Novik” emerged victorious from the unequal battle... Neither did the Russian sailors fail their honor on the banks of Zerel protecting the Straits of Irben and Moonzund...

1072 NEOBYKNOVENNYYE PRIKLYUCHENIYA KARIKA I VALI (KARIK AND VALYA'S REMARKABLE ADVENTURES) 1987, 2 parts, 128 min., color Fairy tale fantasy Director: Valery Rodchenko, screenplay: Alexander Alexandrov, camera: Oleg Kukhovarenko, Oleg Plaksin, production designer: Vera Zelinskaya, misic: Viktor Babushkin, sound: Yelena Demidova Cast: Vasily Livanov, Anya Dikul, Alyesha Chertsov, Yelena Popova, Viktor Mikhailov, Olga Volkova, Mikhail Svetin Based on a story of the same title by Jan Larry. Is so happened that Karik and Valya, the main characters, remarkably shrank in size, their whole habitual world acquiring unusual contours and unusual features...

1073 ODINOKY GOLOS CHELOVEKA (A SOLITARY HUMAN VOICE) 1987, 76 min., color Drama Director: Alexander Sokurov, screenplay: Yuri Arabov, camera: Sergei Yurizditski, misic: extracts from compositions by K. Penderetski, Otmar Nussio, A. Burdov, sound: Irina Zhuravlyeva Cast: Tatyana Goryacheva, Andrei Gradov, Vladimir Degtyarev, Lyudmila Yakovleva, Nikolai Kochegarov, Sergei Shukhaylo, Vladimir Gladyshev, Ivan Meganov, Yevgeniya Volkova Based on “Reka Potudan”, etc. literary works by Andrei Platonov.  The film was awarded the “Bronze Leopard” — the Grand Prix of the International Film Festival in Locarno (1987).


1987, 2 parts, 138 min., color Musical fantasy Directors: Yevgeny Ginzburg, Rauf Mamedov, screenplay: Arkadi Klyenov, Yevgeny Ginzburg, camera: Valery Mironov, production designers: Boris Bykov, Mikhail Scheglov, misic: Alexander Basilai, Georgy Garanyan, Alexander Zatsepin, Vladimir Chekasin, Vladimir Davydenko, Yuri Saulski, David Tukhmanov, sound: Alexander Gruzdev Cast: Larisa Belogurova, Gediminas Storpirshtis, Nikolai Lavrov, Konstantin Raykin, Nataliya Lapina, Arunas Storpirshtis Based on the story of the same title by Alexander Belyayev. Two men and a girl surviving a shipwreck wind up on the Island of Lost Ships lost in the ocean. The islanders are sailors, pirates, travellers... The girl is to be a wife of the one drawing the lucky lot...

1075 OCHEN VAS VSEKH LYUBLU (I DO SO LOVE YOU ALL) 1987, 91 min., color Biographical documentary Written and directed by: Igor Alimpiyev, camera: Victoras Radziavichus, Vladimir Brylyakov, sound: Alexander Sysolyatin The picture is focused on the work of the “Lenfilm” director Dinara Asanova.

1076 PERVAYA VSTRECHA, POSLEDNYAYA VSTRECHA (FIRST MEETING, LAST MEETING) 1987, 92 min., color Tragic farce Director: Vitaly Melnikov, screenplay: Vladimir Valutski, camera: Yuri Veksler, production designer: Isaac Kaplan, misic: Timur Kogan, sound: Asya Zvereva Cast: Mikhail Morozov, Grazhina Shapolovska, Oleg Yefremov, Boris Plotnikov, Yuri Bogatyrev, Sergei Shakurov, Mikhail Kononov, Nikolai Kryuchkov, Innokenti Smoktunovski, Nikolai Kuravlyev, Olga Mashnaya, Sergei Migitsko, Stanislav Sokolov, Gali Abaydulov Queer, dramatic happenings occur in Petersburg during the Christmas week preceding the New Year of 1914...

1077 PETROGRADSKIYE GAVROSHI (THE PETROGRAD GAVROCHES) 1987, 97 min., color, wide screen Adventure Director: Sergei Snezhkin, screenplay: Valery Mnatsakanov, Sergei Snezhkin, camera: Yevgeny Gurevich, production designer: Alexei Rudyakov, misic: Alexander Kneifel, sound: Aliakper Gasan-zade Cast: Yevgeny Lebedev, Valya Groznov, Adolf Ilyin, Andrei Alexandrov, Dima Alifanov, Seryozha Balabolenkov, Sergei Bekhterev A chronicle of two days in October, 1917, proving decisive for the orphanage kids taking part in the revolutionary events in Petrograd.

1078 PRAZDNIK NEPTUNA (THE NEPTUNE FESTIVAL) 1987, 54 min., color Satirical comedy

Director: Yuri Mamin, screenplay: Vladimir Vardunas, camera: Anatoly Lapshov, production designer: Georgy Kropachev, sound: Leonid Gavrichenko Cast: Viktor Mikhailov, Violetta Zhukhimovich, Robert Kurlyandchik, Yakov Stepanov, Viktor Tsepayev, Anatoly Bystrov A group of Swedish “walruses” is coming to a northern village to attend a planned club event named “Den Neptuna” (“Neptune's Day”) (sometime put on the program by somebody smack in the middle of winter)... The village club manager is stunned: the event has been planned, and thus has to be arranged...

1079 SADOVNIK (THE GARDENER) 1987, 100 min., color Melodrama Director: Viktor Buturlin, screenplay: Valery Zolotukha, camera: Vladimir Vasilyev, production designer: Alexander Zagoskin, misic: Algirdas Paulavichius, sound: Alexander Gruzdev Cast: Oleg Borisov, Lev Borisov, Yevgeniya Smolyaninova, Kostya Yukhov, Varvara Shabalina, Irina Rakshina, Vadim Lobanov, Nina Usatova, Viktor Bychkov, Pyotr Drotskoi, Andrei Yurenev, Boris Voytsekhovski A story of somebody who has grown and is tending an apple orchard — an actual life story and, simultaneously, a generalized image of a person living for the sake of others.

1080 SVOYAKI (BROTHERS-IN-LAW) 1987, 29 min., color Melodrama Written and directed by: Viktor Aristov, camera: Yuri Vorontsov, production designer: Alexei Rudyakov, misic: Arkadi Gagulashvili, sound: Mikhail Lazarev Cast: Herman Orlov, Anatoly Bystrov, Lyudmila Staritsyna, Lydiya Vorontsova Based on “Svoyak Sergei Sergeyevich”, a short story by Vasily Shukshin.

1081 SEREBRYANIYE STRUNY (THE SILVER STRINGS) 1987, 97 min., color, wide screen, wide format Melodrama Director: Pavel Kadochnikov, screenplay: Pavel Kadochnikov, Georgy Smirnov, camera: Alexander Chirov, production designer: Alexei Fedotov, misic: Vladislav Kladnitski, sound: Yevgeny Nesterov, Yevgeny Nikulski Cast: Alexander Galibin, Pavel Kadochnikov, Irina Malysheva, Yelena Solovey, Natalya Kadochnikova, Ernst Romanov, Igor Gorbachev, Vladimir Balashov, Rosaliya Kotovich, Oleg Letnikov, Valery Olshanski, Alexander Polyakov, Vera Titova The picture features the life story of Vasily Andreyev, creator of the first Russian folk instrument orchestra, artist, composer, and director.

1082 SKAZKA PRO VLYUBLENNOGO MALYARA (THE TALE OF THE PAINTER IN LOVE) 1987, 80 min., color, wide screen, wide format Fairy tale Director: Nadezhda Kosheverova, screenplay: Mikhail Volpin, Valery Fried, camera: Edward Rozovski, production designer: Igor Vuskovich, misic: Myacheslav Weinberg, sound: Leonid Shumyacher

Cast: Nikolai Stotski, Nina Urgant, Olga Volkova, Valery Ivchenko, Yekaterina Golubeva, Dmitry Iosifov, Alexander Grave, Sergei Filippov, Georgy Schtil, Mariya Barabanova, Igor Dmitriyev, Georgy Teikh, Boris Arakelov The young painter Makar happened to be invited to Drizofila's palace. Seeing the beautiful girl trying on her crown, Makar fell in love, only to be banished from the palace. After many trials and feats Makar came to ask for the Princess's hand...

1083 SOBLAZN (THE TEMPTATION) 1987, 106 min., color, wide screen Drama Director: Vyacheslav Sorokin, screenplay: Yuri Klepikov, camera: Yuri Vorontsov, production designer: Mikhail Zhuravlyev, misic: Antonio Vivaldi, Mikhail Glinka, Robert Schumann, sound: Leonid Izakov Cast: Alisa Zykina, Yuni Davydov, Nataliya Sorokina, Sergei Luchnikov, Yelena Rufanova, Olga Bogdanova, Tatyana Grigoryeva, Alexander Tkachyenok, Irina Seleznyeva, Tatyana Sharkova-Kapitonova Zhenya Trofimova, a senior school student, has a hard time trying to resist the temptation to join the cream of her class. She would also like to ride in a car, wear fashionable clothes and draw everybody's attention...

1084 SCHASLIVO OSTAVATSYA! (GOOD LUCK!) 1987, 32 min., color, “Mosfilm” with input from “Lenfilm” Drama Director: Sergei Beloshnikov, screenplay: Vladimir Vardunas, camera: Boris Timkovski, production designer: Larisa Shilova, misic: Sergei Kuriokhin, sound: Harry Belenki Cast: Nadezhda Smirnova, Yuliya Atlasova, Yuliya Bochanova, Mariya Tkhorzhevskaya, Sergei Parshin, Arkadi Volgin Learning that the coach is trying to coax the girls in her team to sleep with him, the fencer Mariya decides to openly speak up in defense of her friends, but finds no support: their apprehension of being left out from the foreign trip to participate in a prestigious competition proves to be stronger...

1085 CHAPLINIANA (CHAPLININANA) 1987, 68 min., color Filmed ballet Written and directed by: Alexander Belinski, camera: Heinrich Marandzhyan, production designer: Bella Manevich, misic: Charles Chaplin, sound: Larisa Maslova Cast: Gali Abaydulov, Yekaterina Maximova, Nataliya Kirichek, Konstantin Zaklinski, Andrei Bosov The picture is based on some fancifully interlaced collisions borrowed from the popular Charley Chaplin pictures, to the accompaniment of music from his pictures.

1086 BEZ MUNDIRA (WITH HIS UNIFORM OFF) 1988, 95 min., color, wide screen, wide format Drama Director: Dmitry Svetozarov, screenplay: Alexander Gorokhov, camera: Alexander Ustinov, Alexander Chechulin, production designer: Mikhail Suzdalov, misic: Andrei Makarevich, Alexander Zaytsev, Alexander Kutikov, sound: Konstantin Zarin Cast: Anatoly Vasilyev, Andrei Nikolayev, Viktor Proskurin, Viktor Yegunov, Vladimir Kashpur, Olga Mashnaya, Pyotr Scherbakov

During the first phase of the Perestroika, chancing to find out that he is to be dismissed, the Manager of Pervomayskaya Railway makes up his mind to carry out a long-planned experiment and run an extra heavy train...

1087 BOLSHAYA IGRA (PLAYING BIG) 1988, 6 parts, (Part 1 — 70 min., Part 2 — 70 min., Part 3 — 63 min., Part 4 — 63 Political thriller min., Part 5 — 62 min., Part 6 — 62 min.), color, “Lenfilm”, “Boyana film” Director: Semyon Aranovich, screenplay: Julian Semyonov, camera: Valery Fedosov, Christo Totev, Atanas Tasev, production designers: Vladimir Svetozarov, Bogoya Sapundzhiyev, misic: Alexander Kneifel, sound: Galina Gorbonosova, Christo Christov Cast: Vladimir Gostyukhin, Elina Kalinova, Vasily Rankov, Naum Shopov, Sergei Desnitski, Alexander Kalyagin, Oleg Basilashvili, Larisa Udovichenko, Stanislav Sadalski, Leonid Bronevoi, Viktor Avilov Based on “The Press Center”, a novel by Julian Semyonov. During a military coup in a Latin American country the millionaire Grazio, who had been financing a nation-wide unified power system project, was killed. Shortly, a Bulgarian reporter was badly wounded; thereafter, the Russian writer Dmitry Stepanov joined in the investigation...

1088 VY CHYE, STARICHYE? (TO WHOM DO YOU BELONG, OLD FOLKS?) 1988, 92 min., color Drama Written and directed by: Joseph Heifitz, camera: Yuri Shaigardanov, production designer: Viktor Amelchenkov, misic: Isaac Schwarz, sound: Igor Vigdorchik Cast: Mikhail Pakhomenko, Lev Borisov, Yelena Melnikova, Yevgeny Kryzhanovski, Tatyana Sharkova Based on a story of the same title by Boris Vasilyev. The picture features the life stories of two solitary, lonely old people, totally abandoned and forgotten in the everyday bustle...

1089 GOSPODIN OFORMITEL (MISTER DECORATOR) 1988, 100 min., color Mystical drama Director: Oleg Teptsov, screenplay: Yuri Arabov, camera: Anatoly Lapshov, production designer: Natalya Vasilyeva, misic: Sergei Kuriokhin, sound: Alexander Gruzdev Cast: Viktor Avilov, Anna Demyanenko, Mikhail Kozakov, Ivan Krasko, Vadim Lobanov, Valentina Malakhiyeva Loosely based on “The Grey Car”, a short story by Alexander Grin. Russia on the brink of World War One. The downfall of the era has turned the colors of the fatal flowers of withering, the heat of passions, the fracture of spirit and souls... Mystical motives rule the life of the characters...

1090 DEN ANGELA (THE NAME DAY) 1988, 71 min., b/w Drama Directors: Sergei Selyanov, Nikolai Makarov, screenplay: Mikhail Konovalchuk, camera: Sergei Astakhov, production designer: Larisa Shilova, misic: Arkadi Gagulashvili, sound: Leonid Shumyacher

Cast: Leonid Konovalov, Alexander Belov, Vyacheslav Govallo, Alyosha Annenkov, Yekaterina Kuklina, Lyudmila Yampolskaya, Larisa Shumilkina Based on the short story of the same title by Mikhail Konovalchuk. The teenage Maphusail tells about his own life and that of his kin: his father, a Civil War hero, his elder brother, a thief and burglar, his middle brother, a counterfeiter, his industrious sister Katherine...

1091 DINARA (DINARA) 1988, 70 min., color Biographical documentary Written and directed by: Viktor Titov, camera: Georgy Vargin, Nikolai Yudin, production designer: Nikolai Martynov, sound: Nataliya Avanesova, text rendition: Svetlana Gaytan Reminiscences of the movie director Dinara Asanova.

1092 DNI ZATMENIYA (THE DAYS OF THE ECLIPSE) 1988, 2 parts, 125 min., color, wide screen, “Troitsky Most” Philosophical science fiction Director: Alexander Sokurov, screenplay: Yuri Arabov with input from Arkadi Strugatsky, Boris Strugatsky, Pyotr Kadochnikov, camera: Sergei Yurizditski, production designer: Yelena Amshinskaya, misic: Yuri Khanin, sound: Vladimir Persov Cast: Alexei Ananishnov, Eskender Umarov, Irina Sokolova, Vladimir Zamanski, Alexei Yankovski, Kirill Dudkin Loosely based on “A Billion Years Before the End of the World”, a story by Arkadi and Boris Strugatsky. The young doctor Dmitry Malyanov works in a provincial Middle Asian Town. The ancient exotics of the Orient has a fanciful way of coexisting with shabby urbanism, adding up to a special, ever contradictory world...

1093 KRIK O POMOSCHI (A CRY FOR HELP) 1988, 2 parts, 133 min., color Detective story Director: Sergei Potepalov, screenplay: Sergei Potepalov, Semyon Vinokur, misic: Sergei Kuriokhin, sound: Leonid Izakov Cast: Vladimir Merzlyakov, Anton Sychev, Natalya Novikova, Dmitry Sukharev, Oleg Ilyinski Looking forward to his compensation, a sixteen-year-old technical college student assumes somebody else's fault. But, totally confused, he crashes riding his motorcycle.

1094 MISS MILLIONERSHA (MISS MILLIONAIRESS) 1988, 90 min., color, wide screen, “Troitsky Most” Comedy Director: Alexander Rogozhkin, screenplay: Anatoly Usov, camera: Ivan Bagayev, production designer: Alexander Zagoskin, misic: Vladislav Panchenko, sound: Larisa Maslova Cast: Nikolai Karachentsov, Tatyana Mikhalyevkina, Yuri Dubrovin, Yelena Melnikova, Natalya Nazarova, Oksana Mysina, Nikita Mikhailovsky In the course of selecting the person to be the millionth resident of the city, some misunderstanding occurred, which could, in a certain sense, be quite an embarrassing situation…


1988, 2 parts, 137 min., color Melodrama Written and directed by: Vladimir Grigoryev, camera: Nikolai Pokoptsev, production designer: Valery Yurkevich, misic: Viktor Kisin, sound: Mikhail Victorov Cast: Yelena Yakovleva, Alina Olkhovaya, Rodion Nakhapetov, Avtandil Makharadze, Oleg Yefremov, Yuri Bogatyriov, Vsevolod Shilovski, Viktor Kharitonov, Sergei Koshonin, Sergei Bekhterev, Zinaida Sharko, Viktor Smirnov Loosely based on “A Shawl on the Wall”, a story by Yevgeny Gabrilovich. Arriving in Moscow from a small provincial town, Lena Khrapova didn't apply to the law college, as she had been planning, applying instead to the acting college... She married, not very happily, left her husband twice, came back... Yet, there came a time when she didn't return.

1096 PREDLAGAYU RUKU I SERDTSE (I AM OFFERING MY HAND AND HEART) 1988, 87 min., color Melodrama Director: Viktor Sokolov, screenplay: Sergei Nikolayev (Alexander Galin), camera: Edward Rozovski, misic: Isaac Schwarz, sound: Eleonora Kazanskaya Cast: Nikolai Grinko, Svetlana Nemolyayeva, Irina Rozanova, Emanuel Vitorgan, Irina Mazurkevich, Svetlana Kharitonova, Lyudmila Dolgorukova, Roza Makagonova, Yuri Tsannik The failed actress Lyudmila and the former history professor Nikolai Mikhailovich Chmutin have been brought together by some practical relatives of theirs. But the lonely woman charmed him, and he was happy to offer his hand and heart to her...

1097 PREZUMPTSIYA NEVINOVNOSTY (THE PRESUMPTION OF INNOCENSE) 1988, 88 min., color, ”Troitsky Most” Comedy Director: Yevgeny Tatarsky, screenplay: Arkadi Tigay, camera: Yuri Veksler, production designer: Isaac Kaplan, misic: Alexander Zhurbin, sound: Igor Vigdorchik Cast: Lyubov Polischuk, Yuri Bogatyriov, Stanislav Sadalski, Nikolai Pastukhov, Leonid Kuravlyev, Vasily Funtikov, Irina Rakshina, Oleg Garkusha, Yelena Kovalyeva, Lyubov Malinovskaya, Valentina Lugachyeva, Pavel Pervushin A lady passenger of a “Krasnaya Strela” sleeping car is missing her blazer; gone with it is the foreign passport which the variety show star must use for her trip... Two stowaway passengers are passing themselves for investigators...

1098 PRODLENIYE RODA (THE CONTINUATION OF THE FAMILY) 1988, 89 min., color, “Troitsky Most” Drama Director: Igor Maslennikov, screenplay: Sergei Alekseyev, Vladimir Valutski, camera: Valery Myulgaut, production designer: Nataliya Kochergina, misic: Vladimir Dashkevich, sound: Asya Zvereva Cast: Yelena Safonova, Igor Ageyev, Valery Priyemykhov, Konstantin Vorobyev, Nikolai Trofimov, Fyedor Odinokov, Vladimir Ivangin, Lyubov Malinovskaya In the vicinity of an Air Force air field there is a semi-ruined ancient monastery. A group of local enthusiasts and restorers coming from the capital is trying to rehabilitate the ruined cloister.

1099 SOBACHYE SERDTSE (A DOG'S HEART) 1988, 2 parts, 130 min., color Tragicomedy Director: Vladimir Bortko, screenplay: Nataliya Bortko, camera: Yuri Shaigardanov, production designer: Vladimir Svetozarov, misic: Vladimir Dashkevich, sound: Harry Belenki Cast: Yevgeny Yevstigneyev, Boris Plotnikov, Vladimir Tolokonnikov, Olga Melikhova, Nina Ruslanova, Lika Nevolina, Roman Kartsev, Yevgeny Kuznetsov, Alexei Mironov, Nataliya Fomenko, Ivan Ganzha, Valentina Kovel, Sergei Filippov, Roman Tkachuk Based on a story of the same title by Mikhail Bulgakov. Russia. The 1920-s. Devastation. The Petersburg professor Preobrazhenski performs a genius surgery, transplanting a human hypophysis to a common mongrel... And a miracle follows: the dog begins to acquire the appearance of a Homo sapiens...

1100 TRUDNO PERVIYE STO LET (IT'S HARD FOR THE FIRST HUNDRED YEARS) 1988, 2 parts, 138 min., color Drama Director: Viktor Aristov, screenplay: Georgy Markov, Edward Shim with input from Viktor Aristov, camera: Yuri Vorontsov, production designer: Vladimir Bannykh, misic: Arkadi Gagulashvili, sound: Leonid Shumyacher Cast: Lyubov Krasavina, Nikolai Shatokhin, Anna Ovsyannikova, Kostya Shkurko, Natalya Nazarova, Olga Nikolayeva, Natalya Lvova, Yuri Kolobkov, Marina Boldysh, Yuliya Proskurina The film features the life story of the young woman Varya, a collective farm milkmaid: hers are the grinding routine work, the everyday worries, the empty store counters, the industrious husband who is also worn out and joyless... This goes on from one day to another: the work, the household duties, the worries...

1101 FONTAN (THE FOUNTAIN) 1988, 104 min., color Satirical comedy Director: Yuri Mamin, screenplay: Vladimir Vardunas, camera: Anatoly Lapshov, production designer: Yuri Pugach, misic: Alexei Zalivalov, sound: Leonid Gavrichenko Cast: Asankul Kuttubayev, Sergei Dontsov, Viktor Mikhailov, Alexei Zalivalov, Nina Usatova, Zhanna Kermitayeva, Anatoly Kalmykov, Lyudmila Samokhvalova, Lyubov Arkus, Nikolai Adomenaite, Valery Mironov A regular apartment building with its tenants, household members, and kindly morons from the Housing Maintenance Office lives its regular life, — until a hot water fountain gushes out in the yard (due to a heat supply system accident)...  The film was awarded the Grand Prix of the International Film Festival in Las Vegas, USA (1990) and the “Silver Fishnet” Prize of the 1st Comedy Film Festival in Torremolinos, Spain (1990).

1102 KHLEB — IMYA SUSHCHESTVITELNOYE (BREAD IS A NOUN) 1988, 8 parts, 9 h. 40 min., color Drama Director: Grigory Nikulin, screenplay: Mikhail Alekseyev, Grigory Nikulin, Yuri Tyurin, camera: Sergei Astakhov, production designers: Pavel Parkhomenko, Vladimir Bannykh, misic: Viktor Lebedev, sound: Nikolai Astakhov

Cast: Nikolai Voloshin, Andrei Dudarenko, Sergei Nikonenko, Nina Ruslanova, Natalya Sayko, Alexei Buldakov, Kirill Lavrov, Yuri Votyakov, Vladlen Biryukov, Herman Alitin, Nikolai Mikheyev, Alexander Bashurov Based on the literary works of Mikhail Alekseyev. A tragic chronicle of the life of a large village in Saratov Region from the start of the century to mid1930-s, an original group portrait of the Russian peasantry.

1103 CHEPE RAYONNOGO MASSHTABA (A DISTRICTWIDE EMERGENCY) 1988, 89 min., color, wide screen Social drama Director: Sergei Snezhkin, screenplay: Yuri Polyakov, camera: Vladimir Burykin, production designer: Nikolai Gavrilov, misic: Alexander Kneifel, sound: Aliakper Gasan-zade Cast: Igor Bochkin, Yelena Anisimova, Vitaly Usanov, Leonard Varfolomeyev, Yuri Demich, Yuri Kuznetsov, Yelena Antonova, Alla Murina, Sergei Volkov, Sergei Voytov, Andrei Smirnov Loosely based on a novel of the same title by Yuri Polyakov. A chronicle of a few days in the life of the Komsomol elite in the early 1980-s. The procedure of accepting teenagers into Komsomol was especially hurried: First Secretary was getting a promotion, moving on to a “higher level”. The Bureau members were waiting for the evening to celebrate the occasion in the sauna... And all of a sudden, they were faced with an emergency: the theft of the banner from the district Komsomol Committee office...

1104 SHTANY (THE PANTS) 1988, 83 min., color Detective drama Written and directed by: Valery Priyemykhov, camera: Sergei Astakhov, production designer: Mikhail Suzdalov, misic: Viktor Kisin, sound: Alexander Gruzdev Cast: Yuri Yakovlev, Valery Priyemykhov, Andrei Krayni, Daniil Lapigin, Yelena Ryzhova, Viktor Mikhailov, Vladimir Knyazev, Yekaterina Vasilyeva, Igor Dmitryyev, Ivan Krasko, Zoya Buryak, Yuri Kuznetsov, Nina Usatova The picture is a study of the lives of the people involuntarily involved (the provincial actor Batsanov and the waiter Chumakov) and of Investigator Mishin rather than of the crime (murder) itself...

1105 ESPERANSA (ESPERANZA) 1988, 2 parts, 135 min., color Drama Director: Serhio Olkhovich, screenplay: Valentin Yezhov, Serhio Olkhovich, camera: Anatoly Mukasei, production designers: Boris Burmistrov, Fernando Ramirez, Gabriela Roblez, misic: Isaac Schwarz, sound: Galina Lukina, Diego Garcia, Gennady Korkhovoy Cast: Dmitry Kharatyan, Leonid Kuravlyev, Boris Tokarev, Claudio Brook, Deliya Kazanova, Vera Glagoleva, Nadezhda Smirnova, Ernst Romanov, Lev Durov, Lyubov Virolainen, Timofei Spivak, Nikita Mikhailovski, Lev Lemke, Vladimir Olkhovski 1917. The Civil war brings discord into the noble Ol’khovsky family. The head of the family, Alexei Olkhovski, sympathizes with the Bolsheviks, his daughter Tamara is for the Red Army, his brother Anatoly is an SR (a member of the Social Revolution Party), his younger son Vladimir leaves Russia on the first tide of emigration and, as fate would have it, remains in Mexico for good...

1106 BRODYACHY AVTOBUS (THE STRAY BUS) 1989, 98 min., color Drama Director: Joseph Heifitz, screenplay: Lyudmila Razumovskaya basing on the libretto by Joseph Heifitz, camera: Yuri Shaigardanov, production designer: Vladimir Svetozarov, misic: Andrei Petrov, sound: Igor Vigdorchik Cast: Lev Borisov, Mikhail Zhigalov, Afanasi Trishkin, Sergei Parshin, Nadezhda Yeryemina, Liya Akhedzhakova, Yelena Kozlitina, Oleg Volkov, Irina Rakshina From one village to another treks a shabby old bus with a small acting company, to stage two or three performances before the scarce spectators. Comprising the company are people in love with the theater in their own special ways...

1107 BUMAZHNYYE GLAZA PRISHVINA (PRISHVIN'S PAPER EYES) 1989, 2 parts, 148 min., color Drama Written and directed by: Valery Ogorodnikov, camera: Valery Mironov, production designer: Viktor Ivanov, misic: Edison Denisov, sound: Aliakper Gasan-zade Cast: Alexander Romantsov, Oleg Kovalov, Irina Tsyvina, Yuri Tsapnik, Pavel Rudakov, Yevgeny Barkov, Vladimir Dyatlov, Olga Land, Alla Shelest, Sergei Lavrentyev The TV director Pavel Prishvin is involved as an actor in his friend's movie picture about Stalinism, cast as a State Security Captain. The picture is meant to be highly competitive, which Pavel, working on a documentary TV show featuring these very times, is well aware of...

1108 V POISKAKH PRAVDY (IN SEARCH OF THRUTH) 1989, 71 min., color Publicistic fiction Written and directed by: Pyotr Satunovski, camera: Vadim Grammatikov, production designer: Roza Satunovskaya, misic: Veniamin Basner, sound: Yevgeny Nesterov, Vladimir Yakovlev Cast: Yevgeny Gabrilovich, Lev Kulidzhanov, Yuli Raizman, Boris Tenin, Mikhail Ulyanov, Yuri Kayurov The picture is following the history of the Soviet pictures devoted to Lenin, mirroring the changing requirements towards art and history...

1109 VASKA (VASKA) 1989, 3 parts, 226 min., color Tragic farce Director: Viktor Titov, screenplay: Sergei Antonov, camera: Vladimir Ilyin, Sergei Biryuk, production designers: Vladimir Orlov, Sergei Shemyakin, sound: Nataliya Avanesova Cast: Tatyana Ilchenko, Irina Mazurkevich, Nikolai Stotski, Sergei Bekhterev, Alexei Zharkov, Alexander Kalyagin, Anatoly Ravikovich, Alexander Romantsov, Stanislav Landgraf, Yuri Lazarev, Lyudmila Shevel Based on a story by Sergei Antonov. The life story of Rita Chuguyeva, a young worker of extra high productivity involved in the construction of the first Moscow metro route in the 1930-s, nicknamed Vaska for her stocky figure and directness.

1110 DON CEZAR DE BAZAN (DON CEZAR DE BAZAN) 1989, 133 min., color Musical Director: Jan Fried, screenplay: Mikhail Donskoi, Jan Fried, camera: Edward Rozovski, production designer: Alexei Rudyakov, misic: Gennady Gladkov, sound: Edward Vanunz Cast: Mikhail Boyarski, Anna Samokhina, Yuri Bogatyriov, Nataliya Lapina, Igor Dmitriyev, Victoria Gorshenina, Mikhail Svetin, Herman Orlov, Yuri Dedovich, Vasily Leonov, Andrei Krasko, Alyesha Podgornov Loosely based on a play of the same title by Fillippe Dumanoire and Adolf Fillippe D'Hennery. A romantic love story of the impoverished Count Don Cezar and the street dancer Maritana, who has been so unfortunate as to have been noticed by the King of Spain... The picture is set in the 18-th century Spain.

1111 ZHENITBA BALZAMINOVA (BALZAMINOV'S MARRIAGE) 1989, 66 min., color Choreographic fantasy Written and directed by: Alexander Belinski, camera: Edward Rozovski, production designer: Natalya Vasilyeva, sound: Edward Vanunz Cast: Dmitry Simkin, Tatyana Kvasova, Yekaterina Muravyeva, Yelena Alekseyeva, Margarita Kullik, Nikolai Kovmir, Igor Solovyev Based on a trilogy by Alexander Ostrovski.

1112 ZAMRI-UMRI-VOSKRESNI! (FREEZE — DIE — REVIVE!) 1989, 105 min., b/w, “Troitsky Most” Drama Written and directed by: Vitaly Kanevski, camera: Vladimir Brylyakov, production designer: Yuri Pashigorev, misic: Sergei Banevich, sound: Oksana Strugina Cast: Dinara Drukarova, Pavel Nazarov, Yelena Popova, Valery Ivchenko, Vyacheslav Bambushek, Vadim Yermolayev The picture is set in 1947 in the small mining town of Suchany resembling a prisoner camp. The teenagers Valerka and Galya live in the same barrack. They just love everything the eye is accustomed to in this godforsaken little town, rather than dream of a happy future...  The film director Vitaly Kanevsky was awarded the “Golden Camera” Prize of the International Film Festival in Cannes, France (1990).

1113 ZELENINSKI POGOST (THE ZELENINO GRAVEYARD) 1989, 71 min., b/w, “Ladoga” Drama Written and directed by: Boris Liznev, camera: Sergei Biryuk, production designer: Mikhail Gavrilov, misic: Alexei Zakharov, sound: Galina Golubeva Cast: Igor Makhrov, Anna Ovsyannikova, Sergei Polevoi, Yelizaveta Voronina Viktor arrives in his ravished village to erect a monument to his grandfather. Failing to find the necessary picture in his home, he addresses the village “collector”...  The film was awarded the Second Premium at the “Okno v Yevropu” (“The Window to Europe”) International Film Festival in Vyborg (1993).

1114 KANUVSHEYE VREMYA (THE SUNKEN TIME) 1989, 118 min., color, ”Ladoga” Melodrama Written and directed by: Solomon Shuster, camera: Alexander Chechulin, production designer: Georgy Kropachev, misic: Boris Tischenko, sound: Natalya Levitina Cast: Stanislav Lyubshin, Nina Ruslanova, Yevgeny Yevstigneyev, Oleg Korchikov, Viktor Sergachyev, Vladimir Zeldin, Nikolai Volkov Jr., Alexei Herman, Viktor Pavlov, Vadim Lobanov, Vitautas Kantsrelis, Georgy Kropachyev Loosely based on “The New Appointment”, a novel by Alexander Bek. The 1950-s. The manager in charge of steel production industry has been dismissed and appointed Ambassador to a European country. He finds himself with enough time to consider his life and recognize the true reason for his dismissal.

1115 KARAUL (THE GUARDS) 1989, 103 min., color, ”Ladoga” Drama Director: Alexander Rogozhkin, screenplay: Ivan Loschilin, camera: Valery Martynov, production designer: Alexander Zagoskin, sound: Nikolai Astakhov Cast: Alexei Buldakov, Sergei Kupriyanov, Alexei Poluyan, Alexander Smirnov, Taras Denisenko, Renat Ibragimov, Dmitry Iosifov, Valery Kravchenko, Vasily Domrachyev, Alexei Zaitsev Soldiers of the Home Troops are guarding trains transporting prisoners to their destinations. The oppressive atmosphere, enhanced by the contacts with the “zeks”, makes the soldiers follow the camp laws...  The film was awarded the Alfred Bauer’s Premium and the FIPRESSI Premium at the International Film Festival in West Berlin, the German Federal Republic (1990).

1116 KOMA (THE COMA) 1989, 68 min., color, “Ladoga” Drama Directors: Niyole Adomenaite, Boris Gorlov, screenplay: Nijole Adomenaite, camera: Yuri Makusinski with input from Mikhail Konovalchuk, production designer: Yuri Vorontsov, misic: Algirdas Paulavichius, sound: Leonid Shumyacher Cast: Nataliya Nikulenko, Alexander Bashurov, Oleg Krutikov, Olga Torban, Tatyana Yegorova, Alexander Zavyalov, Galina Ulanova The picture is set in a reformatory labor camp in the North. Maria was arrested after a student party where she read verse by Tsevetayeva. To save the life of the baby born in the camp, she is forced to inform against the man she loves...

1117 KONCHINA (THE END) 1989, 3 parts, 228 min., color Drama Director: Nikolai Koshelev, screenplay: Alexander Getman, camera: Valery Mironov, production designer: Mikhail Suzdalov, misic: Igor Tsvetkov, sound: Harry Belenki Cast: Nikolai Lavrov, Vladimir Gostiukhin, Vladimir Yemelyanov, Valery Zakharov, Alexander Susnin, Herman Kolushkin, Anatoly Azo, Niele Ozhelite, Pyotr Semak Loosely based on a story of the same title by Vladimir Tendryakov. Life stories of two residents of the same village who tried, each in his own way, to establish a “collective farm paradise” in their village. The picture is set in the 1920-s — 1950-s.

1118 LICHNOYE DELO ANNY AKHMATOVOY (ANNA AKHMATOVA'S PERSONAL FILE) 1989, 66 min., color Biographical documentary Director: Semyon Aranovich, screenplay: Semyon Aranovich, Yelena Ignatova, camera: Vladimir Myulgaut, Arkadi Reisenthul, Anatoly Shafran, Lyudmila Krasnova, Vadim Ilyin, Alexander Gorkov, Stanislav Okhapkin, production designer: Vladimir Solovyev, misic: Sophya Gubaidulina, Alexander Kneifel, sound: Galina Gorbonosova The film is dedicated to Anna Akhmatova's 100th birthday anniversary. The film presents verse by Anna Akhmatova recited by the author. A special place has been given to the reminiscences of Lidiya Chukovskaya.

1119 MUZYKALNIYE IGRY (THE MUSICAL GAMES) 1989, 66 min., color, “Ladoga” Musical Director: Vitaly Aksyenov, screenplay: Vitaly Aksyenov, Sergei Kuriokhin, camera: Igor Plaksin, production designer: Natalya Kochergina, misic: Igor Kornelyuk, sound: Alexander Sysolyatin Cast: Jan Smelyanski, Grigory Traugot, Anatoly Slivnikov, Yevgeny Tilicheyev, Semyon Furman, Gennadi Timchenko, Tatyana Kolesnikova, Leonid Tikhomirov, Alexander Petrov, Edita Pyekha, Andrei Voznesenski, Boris Shtokov A revue involving variety show stars: “Avgust” Group, etc.

1120 NECHISTAYA SILA (THE EVIL SPIIRITS) 1989, 2 parts, 134 min., color, “Troitsky Most” Modern fairy tale Written and directed by: Ernest Yasan, camera: Ivan Bagayev, production designer: Stanislav Romanovski, misic: Edward Artemyev, sound: Galina Golubeva Cast: Pavel Andreyev, Rimma Markova, Roman Kartsev, Viktor Grigoriuk, Anatoly Slivnikov, Irina Brazgovka, Olga Kabo, Vladimir Shevelkov Ivan Denisov, Junior Researcher with the Forest Research Institute, is dispatched to participate in the collective mushroom harvesting. In the forest he encounters a queer old woman who makes him a gift of a little silver horn and a magic club... and after some time, he finds himself in prison, charged with turning out counterfeit money...

1121 ONO (IT) 1989, 124 min., color, “Ladoga” Satirical phantasmagoria Written and directed by: Sergei Ovcharov, camera: Valery Fedosov, production designer: Natalya Vasilyeva, misic: Sergei Kuriokhin, sound: Konstantin Zarin Cast: Natalya Gundareva, Svetlana Kryuchkova, Yelena Sanayeva, Margarita Terekhova, Rolan Bykov, Yuri Demich, Leonid Kuravlyev, Rodion Nakhapetov, Oleg Tabakov, Oleg Shtefanko, Irina Mazurkevich, Alexander Galibin, Viktor Tsoy Based on literary works by Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin. The picture features on the history of the district city Glupov from the turn of the century to the possible future...

1122 POSVYASCHENNY (THE INITIATED) 1989, 127 min., color, “Troitski Most” Phantasmagoria

Director: Oleg Teptsov, screenplay: Yuri Arabov, camera: Valery Myulgaut, production designer: Pavel Parkhomenko, misic: Sergei Kuriokhin, sound: Alexander Gruzdev Cast: Gor Oganisyan, Lyubov Polischuk, Alexander Trofimov, Yelena Bragina, Gabriel Vorobyev, Vladimir Simonov, Olga Samoshina, Yelena Drapeko, Sergei Makovetski, Alisa Fomina, David Oganisyan A young man comes to possess a puzzling, queer gift: an ability to judge and punish people by the force of his own spirit, — never to make use of his gift...

1123 POSETITEL MUSEYA (THE MUSEUM VISITOR) 1989, 136 min., color, “Troitsky Most” Anti-utopia Written and directed by: Konstantin Lopushanski, camera: Nikolai Pokoptsev, production designer: Valery Yurkevich, misic: Alfred Schnitke, Viktor Kisin, sound: Leonid Gavrichenko Cast: Viktor Mikhailov, Vera Mayorova, Vadim Lobanov, Irina Rakshina, Alexander Rasinski, Joseph Ryklin, Vladimir Firsov The environmental disaster has struck. It is the last act and the logical ending of the age-old relationship of Man and Nature, built on insatiable consumptionism and thoughtless waste. The main character is one of the few survivors retaining his human aspect and manner of thought... The “visitor” has come to atone the humanity's guilt...  The film was awarded the Grand Prix of the International Film Festival in Madrid, Spain (1990).  The film director Konstantin Lopushanski was awarded the Prize for the Best Film Director’s Work at the International Film Festival in Madrid, Spain (1990).  The director of photography Nikolai Pokoptsev was awarded the Prize for the Best Operator’s Work at the International Film Festival in Madrid, Spain (1990).

1124 RYTSARI PODNEBESYA (THE NIGHTS OF THE SKIES) 1989, 22 min., b/w, “Ladoga” Phantasmagoria Written and directed by: Yevgeny Yufit, camera: Alexander Burov, production designer: Yevgeny Yufit, sound: Vladimir Persov Cast: Alexander Inikiyenko, Sergei Chernov, Igor Bezrukov, Yelena Bogdanova

1125 RYCHAGI (THE LEVERS) 1989, 31 min., color, “Mosfilm”, “Lenfilm”, ”Ladoga” Satirical drama Director: Valery Naumov, screenplay: Viktor Petrov, camera: Anatoly Lapshov, production designer: Vladimir Svetozarov, sound: Leonid Izakov Cast: Viktor Gorkov, Sergei Russkin, Viktor Khozyainov, Alexei Mikhailin, Andrei Andreyev, Marina Pavlikova, Tamara Timofeyeva, Semyen Furman Based on a short story of the same title by Alexander Yashin. On the eve of the 20-th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, the collective farmers about to go into a meeting in the village club are openly discussing their hard life. The meeting begins — and the people turn into “Party levers”...

1126 SIRANO DE BERZHERAK (CYRANO DE BERGERAC) 1989, 90 min., color, wide screen, wide format Musical

Director: Naum Bierman, screenplay: Alexander Volodin, camera: Heinrich Marandzhyan, production designers: Stanislav Romanovski, Yelizaveta Urlina, misic: Isaac Schwarz, sound: Natalya Levitina Cast: Grigory Glady, Olga Kabo, Andrei Podoshyan, Valery Ivchenko, Viktor Stepanov, Sergei Migitsko, Mikhail Svetin, Irina Gubanova, Sergei Bekhterev, Igor Dmitriyev Based on a play of the same title by Edmond Rostand.

1127 SLUCHAYNY VALS (A CASUAL WALTZ) 1989, 96 min., color, “Troitsky Most” Drama Director: Svetlana Proskurina, screenplay: Pavel Finn, camera: Dmitry Mass, production designer: Vladimir Yuzhakov, misic: Vyacheslav Gaivoronski, sound: Vladimir Persov Cast: Alla Sokolova, Tatyana Bondareva, Alexei Serebryakov, Sergei Parapanov, Viktor Proskurin Trying to get rid of her melancholy, Tatyana Prokofyevna, a woman well beyond her prime with habits and mannerisms of a beauty, invites young tenants in and begins to take generous care of them...

1128 SPASI I SOKHRANI (SAVE AND KEEP) 1989, 165 min., color, ”Troitsky Most” Drama Director: Alexander Sokurov, screenplay: Yuri Arabov, camera: Sergei Yurizditski, production designer: Yelena Amshinskaya, misic: Yuri Khanin, sound: Vladimir Persov Cast: Cecile Zervudaki, Robert Waab, Alexander Cherednik, Vyacheslav Rogovoi, Yuri Sternin, Darya Shpalikova Loosely based on “Madame Bovary”, the novel by Gustave Flaubert.

1129 STO SOLDAT I DVE DEVUSHKI (A HUNDRED SOLDIERS AND TWO GIRLS) 1989, 100 min., color, “Ladoga” Drama Written and directed by: Sergei Michaelyan, camera: Vladimir Ilyin, production designer: Boris Burmistrov, misic: Andrei Petrov, sound: Kirill Kuzmin Cast: Maya Meldere, Alexander Saiko, Alexander Timoshkin, Nikolai Ustinov, Alexei Yasulovich, Vladimir Polyakov, Vladimir Yavorski World War II. The main character is Anya Bulavina, a medical orderly. Contacts with her, her generosity of spirit and ready sympathy support the soldiers' faith in their being expected and loved back home...

1130 TORMOZHENIYE V NEBESAKH (THE BLOCKING IN HEAVEN) 1989, 81 min., color, “Ladoga” Tragic farce Director: Viktor Buturlin, screenplay: Roman Solntsev with input from Roman Buturlin, camera: Vladimir Vasilyev, production designer: Vladimir Bannykh, misic: Viktor Kisin, sound: Leonid Izakov

Cast: Viktor Smirnov, Nina Ruslanova, Yuri Kuznetsov, Viktor Tsepayev, Lev Borisov, Igor Nikitin, Yuri Mazhuga, Boris Scherbakov, Alexander Fatyushin, Tamara Kolesnikova, Larisa Leonova After seeing off the General Secretary of the Central Communist Party Committee departing from the regional seat, Makhonin, First Secretary of the Regional Party Committee, gave his team a dressingdown... It was just his luck that all of it was recorded by a TV camera operating in the automatic mode... The lady director thought it a sensational piece, but getting it over to Moscow proved far from easy!

1131 UBEGAYUSHCHIY AVGUST (THE ESCAPING AUGUST) 1989, 78 min., color Melodrama Director: Dmitry Dolinin, screenplay: Anatoly Grebnev, Anatoly Efros, camera: Lev Kolganov, production designer: Mikhail Gerasimov, misic: Gennadi Banschikov, sound: Boris Andreyev Cast: Anzhelika Nevolina, Alexander Filippenko, Svetlana Gaitan, Nikolai Ivanovski, Alexei Luschin, Lyubov Malinovskaya Loosely based on “The Phrygian Cornflowers, a short story by Georgy Semyonov. It so happened that Kraskov, a middle-aged single man, after one of his drinking sprees discovered a strange nice-looking young woman in his bed. It turns out that the previous day he prevented her from leaving for Odessa for her vacation. To atone his guilt, Kraskov offers his lady to take a car trip...

1132 FA-MINOR (F MINOR) 1989, 29 min., color, ”Ladoga” Fantasy Written and directed by: Andrei Chernykh, camera: Alexander Ustinov, sound: Vladimir Persov Cast: Nikolai Pavlov, Ingeborge Dapkunaite, Marina Krutikova, Oleg Lomanski, Mark Galesnik, Yuliya Sobolevskaya, Sergei Maltsev, Viktor Chernykh, T. Abolin  The film was awarded the Premium for the Best Debut at the International Film Festival in Clermont Ferraine, France (1990).

1133 FILIPP TRAUM (PHILIP TRAUM) 1989, 2 parts, 137 min., color, ”Petropol” Adventure Director: Igor Maslennikov, screenplay: Igor Adamatsky, Yevgeny Schmidt, camera: Nikolai Stroganov, production designer: Nataliya Kochergina, misic: Viktor Kisin, sound: Galina Lukina Cast: Gabriel Vorobyev, Philip Kozlov, Dima Suvorov, Dima Mamontov, Iya Parulava, Yevgeny Vesnik, Alexei Zubarev, Yuri Yarvet, Yelena Safonova Loosely based on “The Mysterious Stranger”, a story by Mark Twain. The Middle Ages. The rule of the sombre inquisition... Unexpectedly, none other but Satan Junior appears in a small European town in the guise of handsome young man...

1134 FUFLO (THE FAKE) 1989, 94 min., color, ”Troitsky Most” Criminal drama

Director: Alexei Lebedev, screenplay: Kirill Laskari, camera: Vladimir Brylyakov, production designer: Sergei Kokovkin, misic: Merab Gagnidze, sound: Asya Zvereva Cast: Andrei Rudenski, Alexander Romantsov, Lyubov Polischuk, Tatyana Manevskaya, Yelena Aminova The main character is a womanizer conquering virtually any woman he meets. His erotic adventures are tightly interwoven with the criminal traits inspiring his queer friendship — enmity with a criminal drug addict...

1135 ETO BYLO U MORYA (IT HAPPENED AT THE SEASIDE) 1989, 97 min., color, ”Troitsky Most” Drama Director: Ayan Shakhmaliyeva, screenplay: Viktor Klykov, camera: Sergei Yurizditski, production designer: Georgy Kropachyev, misic: Alexander Kneifel, sound: Galina Gorbonosova Cast: Nina Ruslanova, Svetlana Kryuchkova, Nina Turbina, Katya Politova, Danya Mishin, Vanya Kuzmin, Anya Yekaterininskaya, Ira Annina, Valentina Titova, Nikolai Lavrov, Yevgeny Zuyev, Valentina Voilkova, Valentina Ananyina, Alla Mescheryakova The main characters are girls who are charges of a specialized orphanage for children with spinal cord afflictions. The kids' physical energy is bursting to expend itself in the painfully rigid inter-relationship diagram... Thus, it turns out that friendship is more like enmity, while love works out as treachery...

1136 YA SLUZHIL V OKHRANE STALINA, ILI OPYT DOCUMENTALNOY MIFOLOGIYI (I SERVED WITH STALIN'S GUARDS, OR A STUDY IN DOCUMENTARY MYTHOLOGY) 1989, 75 min., color, “Ladoga” Publicistic documentary Director: Semyon Aranovich, screenplay: Yuri Klepikov, camera: Sergei Sidorov, production designer: Vladimir Solovyev, misic: Alexander Kneifel, sound: Galina Gorbonosova A narrative spun by A. Rybin, retired Major with the People's Commissariat of Domestic Affairs

1137 ANEKDOTY (THE JOKES) 1990, 78 min., color, “Neva”, “Lenfilm” Comedy Director: Vladimir Titov, screenplay: Vladimir Vardunas, Alexander Kuznetsov, camera: Vladimir Ilyin, production designers: Vladimir Svetozarov, Edward Isayev, misic: Nikolai Fomenko, sound: Nataliya Avanesova Cast: Alexander Abdulov, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, Nina Usatova, Yakov Stepanov, Andrei Vasilyev, Boris Sokolov, Yevgeny Filatov, Vadim Lobanov The talented joke teller Kutuzov, a patient in a lunatic asylum, is holding discussions on actual issues with Marx, Stalin, Brezhnev... Vasily Ivanovich Kutuzov absorbed jokes at his mother's breast, carrying them through his long-suffering life. And wherever fate takes him, he will remain faithful to his talent in spite of any threats, bans or repressions, for nothing can possibly extinguish a people's ability to laugh and joke.

1138 BAKENBARDY (THE WHISKERS) 1990, 94 min., color, ”Golos”, “Leninterfilm”, “Lenfilm”

Satirical pamphlet Director: Yuri Mamin, screenplay: Vyacheslav Leikin, camera: Sergei Nekrasov, production designer: Pavel Parkhomenko, misic: Alexei Zalivalov, sound: Leonid Gavrichenko Cast: Viktor Sukhorukov, Alexander Medvedev, Arthur Vaha, Alexander Lykov, Viktor Mikhailov, Olga Alabysheva, Yuri Mamin Two whiskered young people carrying canes and wearing the “winged” coats of the kind favored by Pushkin disembarked in a modern provincial city, where punks, metal fans, rockers, and other informal youth groups were playing their pranks at large. The whiskered eccentric guys were made fun of. Nobody could imagine that the queer pair would soon gain local popularity and influence...  The film was awarded the FIPRESSI Premium at the International Film Festival in San Sebastiano, Spain (1990).

1139 DUKHOV DEN (WHIT MONDAY) 1990, 110 min., color, “Golos”, “Lenfilm” Mystical drama Director: Sergei Selyanov, screenplay: Mikhail Konovalchuk, Sergei Selyanov, camera: Sergei Astakhov, production designer: Viktor Ivanov, misic: Yuri Shevchuk, sound: Kirill Kuzmin Cast: Yuri Shevchuk, Borya Golyatkin, Yuri Demich, Sulev Sujk, Angelica Nevolina, Stanislav Landgraf Ivan Khristoforov is a creative person with the characteristic bright luminous moments and breakthroughs. His ability to cause explosions is a metaphor used to describe the sensual contacts between his tragic, passionate nature and the surrounding world. He yearns to break out of the burned-out mythological space that is Russia's dwelling place and discover his own place in the endless succession of generations replacing one another in the boundless Russian plain. Ivan Khristoforov tries all the classical ways of gaining freedom: escape into himself, abroad, into his childhood, “among the people”...

1140 ZIMNYAYA VISHNYA — DVA (THE WINTER CHERRY -2) 1990, 87 min., color, ”Troitsky Most” Melodrama Director: Igor Maslennikov, screenplay: Vladimir Valutski, camera: Vladimir Brylyakov, production designer: Natalya Kochergina, misic: Vladimir Dashkevich, sound: Alexander Gruzdev Cast: Vitaly Solomin, Yelena Safonova, Irina Miroshnichenko, Irina Klimova, Nina Ruslanova, Larisa Udovichenko, Viktor Avilov In the sequel, the lonely, single main character of the first “Zimnyaya Vishnya” (“The Winter Cherry”) picture is happily settled: wife of a respectable American businessman, mother of a charming five-yearold daughter... For her former lover Vadim, the clock seems to have stopped. Every morning he duly makes breakfast for his spouse; he obediently makes love to the young, prematurely developed Sveta nicknamed Slonik — a reasonably pragmatic and selfless creature, yet, given a chance, quite willing to take the spineless Dashkov in hand. He is forever listening to his friends advising him not to miss his chance. But it is not a lost chance that matters; what matters is that this person is no longer able or willing to look for any.

1141 NOVAYA SHAKHEREZADA (THE NEW SHAKHERIZADA) 1990, 2 parts, 125 min., color, ”Petropol”, “Lenfilm”, commissioned by Gosteleradio, USSR Melodrama

Director: Mikhail Nikitin, screenplay: Valery Popov, camera: Fyedor Tokmakov, production designer: Vladimir Amelchenkov, misic: Igor Tsvetkov, sound: Konstantin Zarin Cast: Nadezhda Rezon, Vladimir Baranov, Alexander Slastin, Svetlana Smirnova, Natalya Vilkina, Igor Erelt, Alexander Dolski A dramatic story of a provincial girl coming to a big city under the municipal limited hiring quota.

1142 KOGDA SVYATIYE MARSHIRUYUT (WHEN THE SAINST MARCH) 1990, 90 min., color, ”Golos”, “Lenfilm” Musical Director: Vladimir Vorobyev, screenplay: Alexander Zhitinski, camera: Heinrich Marandzhyan, production designer: Boris Bykov, misic: David Goloschyekin, sound: Mikhail Victorov Cast: Vera Alentova, Vladimir Steklov, Emanuel Vitorgan, Alexander Dolski, Alexander Khochinski, David Goloschyekin, Igor Dmitriyev, Alla Balter, Dmitry Vorobyev The picture is focused on jazz musicians, featuring a meeting of those who were young in the 1960-s. In their past they have a common problem: the imprisonment of an orchestra member who assumed the fault for the publication of a unofficial magazine “Diski” (“The Disks”) featuring American jazz. The disaster separated them rather than united. The ones who overcame the fear of the undeserved punishment and remained faithful to their vocation are now getting together.

1143 KRUG VTOROY (CIRCLE TWO) 1990, 93 min., color, “Troitsky Most”, Creative Initiative Centre, Soviet Culture Foundation, Leningrad Branch, “Zerkalo” Cinema Fans Club (Syktyvkar) Drama Director: Alexander Sokurov, screenplay: Yuri Arabov, camera: Alexander Burov, production designer: Vladimir Solovyev, misic: Otmar Nussio, sound: Vladimir Persov Cast: Pyotr Alexandrov, Nadezhda Rodnova, Tamara Timofeyeva, Alexander Bystryakov, Sergei Krylov The main character, whose father is dying a terrible and painful death, passes through all the circles a human is destined to traverse at a tragic time like this: the torture of guilt, the torture of inability to help, and the torture of helpless sympathy. The authors of the picture set the task of achieving a closest possible approach to a deep emotional state, a fictitious personification of this extreme pole of spiritual tension.  The film was awarded the FIPRESSI Prize at the International Film Festival in Rotterdam, Holland (1990) and the Dutch Cinema Critics’ Prize “For the Vanguard Development in Cinema” at the XX International Film Festival in Rotterdam, Holland (1991).

1144 PALACH (THE EXECUTIONER) 1990, 152 min., color, ”Ladoga”, “Lenfilm”, “Russkoje Video” Criminal drama Director: Viktor Sergeyev, screenplay: Sergei Beloshnikov, camera: Nikolai Stroganov, production designer: Yevgeny Gukov, misic: Edward Artemyev, sound: Asya Zvereva Cast: Irina Metlitskaya, Andrei Sokolov, Larisa Guzeyeva, Sergei Gazarov, Boris Galkin, Stanislav Sadalski, Aristarkh Livanov, Yelena Arzhanik, Algis Matuleonis The main character, Olga, who has suffered a gang rape, makes up her mind to take revenge on her offenders one by one. She hires professionals, members of a widespread Mafia network. The brutality displayed by the Mafia from the very start terrifies Olga...she does her best to stop the criminal machine she herself has started... but to no avail... Her own life is ruined, her once vital soul is utterly devastated...

1145 PANTSYR (THE SHELL) 1990, 91 min., b/w, “First and Experimental Film”, “Lenfilm” Psychological drama Director: Igor Alimpiyev, screenplay: Igor Alimpiyev with input from Pyotr Kozhevnikov, camera: Vladimir Ilyin, production designer: Larisa Shilova, misic: L. Hovanez, sound: Leonid Izakov Cast: Pyotr Kozhevnikov, Alexander Sporykhin, Anna Bychkova (Perminova), Olga Samoshina, Olga Yakovleva, Sergei Erdenko, Sergei Dobrotvorski, Vladimir Yermilov Who wants you when you are over thirty, and your best is past? Where are those who used to be close? One is in his coffin (having departed this life), another has turned militiaman (having become a model soldier of Home Troops) and is spying on yet another one, who used to be the most gifted of the three of us, the pride of our school, nowadays making bread (money) in the Nevsky...  The film was awarded the Bronze Prize of the International Film Festival in Rimini, Italy (1990).

1146 PEREKHOD TOVARISCHA CHKALOVA CHEREZ SEVERNY POLYUS (COMRADE CHKALOV'S CROSSING THE NORTH POLE) 1990, 23 min., b/w, “First and Experimental Film”, “Lenfilm” Eccentric comedy Written and directed by: Maxim Pezhemski, camera: Valery Mironov, production designer: Vladislav Orlov, misic: Sergei Kurekhin, sound: Larisa Maslova Cast: Alexander Zavyalov, Viktor Bychkov, Semyon Furman, Vladimir Baranov The picture is stylized to reproduce the aesthetics of the silent films, being a parody of the ideological stamps of the classical Soviet movies of the 1920s- 30s.  The film was awarded the Participant Diploma of the International Film Festival in Cannes, France (1991) and the Main Prize for the Best Short Film at the IX International Film Festival in Turin, Italy (1991).

1147 SLUCHAYNY VALS (A CASUAL WALTZ) 1990, 96 min., color, ”Troitsky Most”, “Lenfilm” Psychological drama Director: Svetlana Proskurina, screenplay: Pavel Finn, camera: Dmitry Mass, production designer: Vladimir Yuzhakov, misic: Vyacheslav Gaivoronski, sound: Vladimir Persov Cast: Alla Sokolova, Tatyana Bondareva, Alexei Serebryakov, Sergei Parapanov, Tatyana Bondareva, Viktor Proskurin Trying to get rid of her melancholy, Tatyana Prokofyevna, an elderly woman who owns a house on a hill-side, invites young tenants in and begins to take generous care of them... Hers and theirs is a parallel, almost similar existence: unsure, indistinct, and solitary. She makes them learn sense, and it is going to take them time to feel the danger of this tutelage; they get entangled in the web of hopeless dependence on a stranger's strong evil will. Shortly, the ominous house on the slope turns the spineless boys into murderers.  The film was awarded the “Golden Leopard” – the Grand Prix of the International Film Festival in Locarno, Switzerland (1990) and the “Mancion Speciale” – the Grand Prix of the XIII International Film Festival in Creitel, France (1991).

1148 SATANA (SATAN) 1990, 108 min., color Psychological thriller Written and produced by: Viktor Aristov, camera: Yuri Vorontsov, production designer: Vladimri Bannykh, misic: Arkady Gagulashvioli, sound: Nikolai Astakhov

Cast: Svetlana Bragarnik, Sergei Kupriyanov, Veniamin Malochevsky, Maria Averbach, Mikhail Starodubov Daughter of Alyona Pavlova, one of the leaders of the local Mafia was kidnapped. The crime was committed by Vitaly, m a young man who had been working as a courier in the City Council. He promises to release the girl in return for a large sum of money.  Silver Bear, 41st Berlin IFF (1990)

1149 SOBACHIY PIR (THE DOGS' FEAST) 1990, 100 min., color, ”Ladoga”, “Lenfilm” Melodrama Director: Leonid Menaker, screenplay: Viktor Merezhko, camera: Vladimir Kovzel, production designer: Yuri Pugach, misic: Andrei Petrov, sound: Alexander Sysolyatin Cast: Natalya Gundareva, Sergei Shakurov, Larisa Udovichenko, Anna Polikarpova, Christina Denga On a holiday eve, everyone, especially one tired and chilly, does so need at least one living soul at one's side: it is bad to meet a holiday alone with oneself. Thus, on a New Year's Eve, the main characters meet, — a meeting of two solitudes. Chance brought two persons of disorderly lives together in a railway terminal.... kindling the hope for a normal, pure human life, the kind others have...  The actress Natalya Gundareva was honored the Premium for the Best Actress’ Work at the International Film Festival in Montreal, Canada (1990) and was awarded NIKA — the highest annual professional Premium of the Cinematographers’ Union — for the Best Lead Part (1991).

1150 STRASTI PO VLADIMIRU (THE TRIALS OF VLADIMIR) 1990, 110 min., color, ”Golos”, “Leninterfilm”, commissioned by “Tonis” Satirical comedy Written and directed by: Mark Rozovsky, camera: Konstantin Ryzhov, production designer: Yevgeny Gukov, sound: Harry Belenky Cast: Vladimir Dolinski, Galina Borisova, Vera Ulik, Igor Staroseltsev, Alexander Lukash, Semyon Farada The picture based on the famous performance titled” Vysotsky's Concert at a Research Institute” staged by “U Nikitskikh Vorot” (By the Nikitskiye Gate”) Studio Theater features a common occurrence of the early 1970-s: the ban of Vysotski's concert at a Research Institute. The picture is actual and satirically poignant in the sense that today, when the outward bans have been lifted, the inner ones linger to mar people's lives, preventing them from overcoming their fear and servility and obstructing the “germination” of free thinking and human rights.

1151 TAKSI-BLYUZ (THE TAXI BLUES) 1990, 111 min., color, ”Troitsky Most”, “Lenfilm”, ASK, MK-2 PRODUCTION (France), Goskino USSR Eccentric drama Written and directed by: Pavel Lungin, camera: Denis Yevstigneyev, production designer: Valery Yurkevich, misic: Vladimir Chekasin, sound: Oksana Strugina Cast: Pyotr Mamonov, Pyotr Zaichenko, Natalya Kolyakanova, Yelena Safonova, Vladimir Kashpur, Sergei Gazarov, Yevgeny Gerchakov, Dmitry Prigov, Igor Zolotovitski, Valery Khlevinski, Yelena Stepanova, Alexander Buyanov, Sergei Galkin, Alexander Inshakov The taxi driver Ivan Shlykov becomes an unwilling witness and participant of the musician Lyosha Seliverstov's drinking spree. He drives his bohemian chums around Moscow, sells them his vodka, only to see his client disappear without paying. The taxi driver is mad to be so insulted by a pathetic loafer, a puny nothing of a music player. Shlykov finds Seliverstov, thus setting off the tragic story of their relationship involving a blind hate, an unshared love, an overpowering weakness, a lack of a common language and a crazy hope to find one.

 The film director Pavel Lungin was awarded the Prize of the Jury for the Best Film Director’s Work at the International Film Festival in Cannes, France (1990). The director of photography Denis Yevstigneyev was awarded NIKA -the highest annual professional Premium of the Cinematographers’ Union – for the Best Operator’s Work (1991).

1152 TORMOZHENIYE V NEBESAKH (THE BLOCKING IN HEAVEN) 1990, 76 min., color, ”Ladoga”, “Lenfilm” Tragic farce Director: Viktor Buturlin, screenplay: Roman Solntsev with input from Roman Buturlin, camera: Vladimir Vasilyev, production designer: Vladimir Bannykh, misic: Viktor Kisin, sound: Leonid Izakov Cast: Viktor Smirnov, Nina Ruslanova, Yuri Kuznetsov, Viktor Tsepayev, Lev Borisov, Igor Nikitin, Yuri Mazhuga, Boris Scherbakov, Alexander Fatyushin, Tamara Kolesnikova, Larisa Leonova Recognizing his doom, Makhonin, First Secretary of the Regional Party Committee, flesh of the flesh of his time, is still trying to hold on to his power and privileges with all his strength.

1153 FUFLO (THE FAKE) 1990, 94 min., color, “Troitsky Most”, “Lenfilm” Erotic detective story Director: Alexei Lebedev, screenplay: Kirill Laskari, camera: Vladimir Brylyakov, production designer: Sergei Kokovkin, misic: Merab Gagnidze, sound: Oksana Strugina Cast: Andrei Rudenski, Alexander Romantsov, Lyubov Polischuk, Tatyana Manevskaya, Yelena Aminova Viktor Kaloshin is a womanizer, all but instantly conquering virtually any woman he meets. His erotic adventures, love adventures involving outright criminal actions, comprise the contents of the picture with its the moral charge aimed at exposing consumership tendencies both in a person and in society in general. All the transformations of the ill-starred scum nicknamed “Balerunok” are set against variety show and ballet scenes, against a queer friendship — enmity with a criminal drug addict going by the nickname of Bury, to result in murder.

1154 TSARSKAYA OKHOTA (THE TSAR'S HUNT) 1990, 121 min., color, ”Golos”, “Lenfilm”, “Sojuzkinoservis”, “Barrandov” (Chekoslovakia), “Ekccelsiorfilm” (Italy) Historical drama Director: Vitaly Melnikov, screenplay: Leonid Zorin, camera: Yuri Veksler, production designer: Bella Manevich, misic: Edison Denisov, sound: Asya Zvereva Cast: Nikolai Yeremenko, Svetlana Kryuchkova, Anna Samokhina, Mikhail Kononov, Oleg Tabakov, Alexander Romantsev, Alexander Goloborodko, Anatoly Shvederski, Svetlana Smirnova, Alexander Novikov The screenplay features the tragic fate of the impostor Princess Tarakanova, a pretender to the Russian throne. It is one of the most dazzling subjects presented to art by the Russian history. Leonid Zorin came up with his own view of the hunt put up by Tsarina Catherine II in pursuit of Princess Tarakanova. In the eyes of many Count Orlov, the executor of the Empress's will, was an accomplished villain. The playwright renounced this simple description. Orlov was too much of an individual to turn into a common executioner. The extent of his suffering might have exceeded that of the victim herself; for he truly fell in love with Princess Yelizaveta Tarakanova, the one he betrayed.  The costume designer Larisa Koknikova was awarded NIKA – the highest annual professional Premium of the Cinematographers’ Union – for the Best Designer’s Work (1991).  The actress Svetlana Kryuchkova was awarded NIKA for the Best Minor Part (1991).

1155 GENIY (THE GENIUS) 1991, 162 min., color, ”Ladoga”, “Vilon” Detective Director: Viktor Sergeyev, screenplay: Igor Ageyev, camera: Sergei Sidorov, production designer: Yevgeny Gukov, misic: Eduard Artemyev, sound: Asya Zvereva Cast: Aleksander Abdulov, Innokenty Smoktunovsky, Larisa Byelogurova, Yuri Kuznetsov, Valentina Talyzina, Sergei Prokhanov, Viktor Ilyichov A gifted innovator, Sergei Nenashev, who is an underpaid engineer at a research institute, has the walls of his toilet covered with his useless diplomas and patents. He then decides to start his own business. Equipped with sophisticated electronic devices, Sergei blackmails dishonest rich men.

1156 DEISTVUY, MANYA! (GO AHEAD, MANYA!) 1991, 110 min., color, ”Diapazon”, Sovkino, NIISK Comedy Director: Roman Yershov, screenplay: Igor Vinnichenko, Roman Yershov, camera: Valery Mulgaut, Radik Askarov, production designer: Sergei Shemyakin, misic: Andrei Andersen, sound: Galina Lukina Cast: Julia Menshova, Sergei Bekhterev, Yevgeny Vestnik, Stanislav Sadalsky, Georgy Millyar, Yevgeny Morgunov, Viktor Bychkov, Semyon Furman A young biologist and a young computer programmer create a super-robot Mania designed to fight the mafia. Like Pygmalion, the young researcher falls in love with his creation…

1157 DOM NA PESKE (HOUSE STANDING ON SAND) 1991, 85 min., color, ”Petropol”, Sojuztelefilm Director: Niyole Adomenaite, screenplay: Nataliya Chepik, camera: Aleksander Shumovich, production designers: Yelena Zhukova, Eduard Zyuzikov, misic: Algirdas Paulavichus, sound: Leonid Gavrichenko Cast: Yelena Shiffers, Yelena Shachkova, Yuri Astafyev, Vladimir Yeryomin, Vladimir Kuznetsov, Ivan Latyshev Film version of Tatyana Tolstaya’s short story “Sonya” Lyrical drama about a young girl living in a large friendly family of Leningrad intellectuals. The story is mixed with the description of people surrounding her and of the atmosphere of Leningrad in the 30’s — beginning of the 40’s.

1158 MOLODAYA YEKATERINA (YOUNG CATHERINE) 1991, 188 min., color Historical melodrama Written and directed by: Michael Anderson, camera: Ernest Day, production designer: Harold Trasher, Natalya Vasilyeva, misic: Isaak Schwartz, sound: Galina Gorbonosova Cast: Vanessa Redgrave, Chistopher Plummer, Franko Nero, Martha Keller, Maximillian Shell, Julia Ormond, Katya Golitsyna Prussian princess Sophia arrives in St. Petersburg. Sge is fated to become Catherina the Great, the most famous Russian empress.  ACE award, USA cable TV for best supporting role for Vanessa Regrave

1159 IZYDI... (GO AWAY...) 1991, 89 min., color and b/w Tragicomedy

Director: Dmitry Astrakhan, screenplay: Dmitry Astrakhan, Oleg Danilov, camera: Yuri Vorontsov, production designer: Sergei Kokovkin, Maria Petrocva, misic: Alexander Pantykin, sound: Alexander Sysolyatin Cast: Otar Megvinetukhutsesi, Tamara Skhirtladze, Yelena Anisimova, Tatyana Kuznetsova, Vladimir Kabalin, Valentin Bukin, Viktor Mikhailov, Alexander Lykov, Viktor Bychkov Loosely based on novels by Sholom Aleichem, Alexander Kuprin, Isaak babel Motl Rabinovich started his own business — opened a dairy store. A womanizer, a drunkard and a hard worker he was nor worse and was not better then his neighbors, the only difference was in the shape of his nose and color of his curly hair. All the village came to Motl celebrate opening of his store. The villagers were having a great time and no one could suspect that there was trouble ahead.  Ecumenical Jury prize, XVII Moscow IFF, 1991  Best male role for Otar Megvinetukhutsesi (Tokyo IFF, 1991)

1160 LOSHAD, SKRIPKA...I NEMNOGO NERVNO (A HORSE, A VIOLIN...AND SOME NERVOUSNESS) 1991, 30 min., color Director: Irina Yevteyeva, screenplay: Irina Yevteyeva, Yuri Krtavtsov, camera: Genrikh Marandzhyan, misic: Algirdas Paulavichus, music pieces by Dmitry Shostakovich, animation: Irina Yevteyeva, L. Tomashevskaya, A. Vasilyev, sound: Leonid Gavrichenko Cast: Georgy Traugot, Margarita Bychkova, Semyon Furman, Alexander Petrov, Boris Cherdyntsev, Tatyana Arkhangelskaya An experimental film made on the intersection of different types of films — documentary, feature and animation.

1161 ARIFMETIKA UBIISTVA (ARITHMETIC OF MURDER) 1991, 102 min., color Psychological thriller Director: Dmitry Svetozarov, screenplay: Mikhail Popov, Dmitry Svetozarov, camera: Sergei Astakhov, production designer: Yelena Zhukova, misic: Andrei Makarevich, Alexander Krutikov, sound: Konstantin Zarin Cast: Sergei Bekhterev, Zinaida Sharko, Yuri Kuznetsov, Lev Borisov, Olga Samoshina, Vladimir Kashpur, Vyachslav Yakovlev Based on Mikhail Popov’s novel “Let’s Talk!”. Investigation of a murder committed in a communal apartment. Each of the tenants is a suspect.  Grand-Prix, “Kinoshock” IFF (1992)

1162 ZHERTVA DLYA IMPERATORA (A SACRIFICE FOR THE EMPEROR) 1991, 91 min., color, “First and Experimental Film”, “Lenfilm” Drama Director: Roza Orynbasarova, screenplay: Vitaly Moskalenko, camera: Sergei Yurizditsky, production designer: Sergei Kokovkin, misic: Andrei Sigle, sound: Konstantin Zarin Cast: Alexander Sporykhin, Sergei Kushakov, Alexei Guskov, Svetlana Svirko, Mikhail Shchetinin, Dao Dae Adaptation of Aleksander Kuprin’s short story “Junior Captain Rybnikov” The film portrays a Japanese General Staff officer infiltrates the military circles of St. Petersburg.

1163 YEVREISKOYE SCHSATYE (JEWISH FORTUNE) 1991, 50 min., color, “First and Experimental Film” Psychological drama Director: Vitaly Mansky, screenplay: Georgy Ostrovsky, camera: Sergei Yurizditsky, production designer: Oleg Tagel, misic: Kharkovsky, sound:Boris Andreyev Cast: Yevgeny Steblov, Anna Matyuhina, Lyudmila Narovchatskaya The lead character of the film, Mark, is going to emigrate to Israel. Before leaving for the homeland of his ancestors, Mark pays a visit to his native town where he spent his childhood. Here he meets his death — in what seems to be an absurd accident.

1164 KOLTSO (THE TERMINAL) 1991, 85 min., color, ”Lenfilm”, All-Union Cinema and Television Centre for Children and Youth Melodrama Director: Valery Martynov, screenplay: Aleksander Galin, Valery Martynov, camera: Valery Martynov, production designer: Yuri Pugach, misic: Andrei Sigle, sound: Aleksander Shulga Cast: Platon Martynov, Tatyana Rasskazova, Igor Chernyevich, Irina Tychinina, Vladimir Yeryomin, Boris Sokolov The mother of the 7-year old Platon sends him to his grandmother's and goes away with her lover on the Christmas vacation. However, the boy's grandmother does not recognize her grandson and on New Year's eve Platon is left on his own. At first he enjoys himself immensely getting together with his friends and riding for long hours on a tram. But then he finds himself in a police station among homeless children. The tram driver Viktor helps Platon get out of the police station…

1165 AFGANSKY IZLOM (AFGHAN BREAKDOWN) 1991, 140 min., color, ”Ladoga”, “Russkoje Video”, “Clemi Cinematografica” (Italy) War drama Director: Vladimir Bortko, screenplay: Alexander Chervinsky, Mikhail Leshchinsky, Leonid Bogachuk, Ada Petrova, camera: Valery Fedosov, Pavel Zasyadko, production designer: Vladimir Svetozarov, misic: Vladimir Dashkevich, sound: Kirill Kuzmin Cast: Micele Placido, Tatyana Dogileva, Mikhail Zhigalov, Filipp Yankovsky, Alexei Serebryakov, Nina Ruslanova, Nikolai Ustinov, Artur Uvarov During the last days of the war in Afghanistan, one battalion, which is providing cover to withdrawing Soviet troops, is ambushed. All the men, including their brave commander major Bandura, lay down their lives to save their comrades.

1166 BYELIYE NOCHI (THE WHITE NIGHTS) 1991, 90 min., color, ”Lenfilm” Melodrama Director: Leonid Kvinikhidze, screenplay: Vladimir Valutsky, camera: Eduard Rozovsky, production designer: Larisa Shilova, misic: Maxim Dunayevsky, sound: Igor Vigdorchik Cast: Anna Matyukhina, Vadim Lyubshin, Galina Polskikh, Nikolai Yeryomenko, Vitaly Usanov Fiodor Dostoyevsky's novel of the same title takes place in modern times. One summer night, Mitya, a bread vagon driver, meets a girl and gives her a ride home. They make a date. During their next meeting, the girl tells Mitya how boring her life was until a new tenant appeared in their flat.

1167 MIF O LEONIDE (THE MYTH OF LEONID) 1991, 90 min., color, “Lenfilm” studio Political drama Director: Dmitry Dolinin, screenplay: Pavel Finn, camera: Lev Kolganov, production designer: Vladimir Bannykh, misic: Gennady Banshchikov, sound: Alexander Sysolyatin Cast: Sergei Gamov, Niyole Narmontaite, Anzhelika Nevolina, Boris Birman, Olga Tarasenko, Valery Kravchenko, Gabriel Vorobyov, Viktor Bychkov, Boris Kozhemyakin The film is focused on the versions of the Leningrad Bolsheviks’ leader Kirov's assassination as suggested by Orlov, the ex- KGB general who narrowly escaped death in Stalin purges.

1168 LAPA (PROTECTION) 1991, 87 min., color, “Golos”, “Lenfilm” Criminal drama Director: Yuli Koltun, screenplay: Edgar Dubrovsky, camera: Yuri Shaigardanov, production designer: Vladimir Yuzhakov, misic: Mark Samoilov, sound: Garri Belenky Cast: Yuri Orlov, Vyachslav Bambushek, Varery Kosoi, Tatyana Kabanova, Anastasiya Vlasova, Ilya Zmeyev The action of the film begins in the 70's and ends up in our days. The story is pivoted on the conflict of two strong and exceptional characters. The main hero of the film is appointed head of a large foreign trade company and his new job immediately draws attention of the chief of a corporation engaged in an illegal business. We see the metamorphosis of one of the characters and find out what happens to the other hero six years later. We also see what methods the mafia is using today.

1169 MECHENIYE (THE BRANDED)) 1991, 126 min., color, “Lenfilm” Thriller Director: Vyacheslav Sorokin, screenplay: Andrei Romanov, camera: Igor Markov, production designer: Mikhail Gavrilov, misic: Stanislav Vazhov, sound: Artur Shchikhov Cast: Aleksei Nilov, Sergei Varchuk, Yelena Starostina, Vadim Lobanov, Margarita Zvonaryova Two young boys punish the mobsters connected with corrupt policemen.

1170 NEVOZVRASHCHENETS (THE DEFECTOR) 1991, 123 min., color, ”Troitsky Most”, “Tekhnopolisbank” Political anti-utopia Director: Sergei Snezhkin, screenplay: Alexander Kabakov, Sergei Snezhkin, camera: Vladimir Burikin, production designer: Pavel Parkhomenko, misic: Alexander Khaifel, sound: Aliakper Gasan-Zade Cast: Yuri Kuznetsov, Nikolai Yeryomenko, Sr., Nadyezhda Zhivodyorova, Yuri Oskin, Viktor Aristov, Yelena Anisimova, Era Ziganshina Loosely based on Alexander Kabakov’s novel of the same title. The lead character of the film is a journalist and TV reporter. He is also a dissident and a police informer, who has long complicated relations with the authorities. Tired and dissatisfied with everything and above all, with himself, he decides to concentrate on his purely professional activities. Accidentaly he gets hold of the original documents about preparation of a communist coup. The journalist makes his choice — he will never return to his former life. Any danger, any punishment would be better than lies and compromises with his conscience.

1171 LOKH – POBYEDITEL VODY (GOOFBALL — THE CONQUEROR OF VODA) 1991, 91 min., color, “Troitsky Most” Criminal drama Written and directed by: Arkady Tigay, camera: Yuri Veksler, production designer: Mikhail Suzdalov, misic: Sergei Kuriokhin, sound: Aliakper Gasan-Zade Cast: Sergei Kuriokhin, Larisa Borodina, Vladimir Yeryomin, Andrei Krasko, Oleg Kasavnenko, Aleksander Glazun, Andrei Ponomarev, Valentin Zhilyaev Pavel Gorelikov together with his friend Kostya opens a small workshop where they use scrap metal and various fragments to assemble elementary computer games for children. However, this little humble place is attacked by racketeers. Realizing that police failed to protect them the helpless impractical Pavel, a goofball, declares war on the gangsters...

1172 OPYT BREDA LYUBOVNOGO OCHAROVANIYA (EXPERIENCE THE ENCHANTMENT AND DELIRIUM OF LOVE) 1991, 109 min., color, “Lenfilm” Tragic farce Written and directed by: Valery Ogorodnikov, camera: Sergei Nekrasov, production designer: Viktor Ivanov, misic: Edison Denisov, sound: Larisa Maslova Cast: Masha Pyrenkova, Sergei Afanasyev, Alexander Romantsov, Alexander Vorobyov, Svetlana Gaitan, Aleksei Zubarev The tragic love story in which the heroes — Pasha and Angel — are patients at a mental hospital. In this cruel world they choose death…

1173 PYUSHCHIYE KROV (BLOOD-SUCKERS) 1991, 108 min., color, “Lenfilm” Phantasmagoric melodrama Director: Yevgeny Tatarsky, screenplay: Artur Makarov, camera: Konstantin Ryzhov, production designer: Isaak Kaplan, misic: Sergei Kuriokhin, sound: Igor Vigdorchik Cast: Marina Vladi, Donatas Banionis, Andrei Sokolov, Marina Maiko, Konstantin Afonsky, Andrei Urgant, Igor Murugov Loosely based on Aleksei Tolstoy's short story “Vampire.” The vivid film focuses on the story of a grandmother who is a vampire.

1174 PAPA, UMER DED MOROZ (DADDY, SANTA CLAUS IS DEAD) 1991, 71 min., b/w, “First and Experimental Film”, “Lenfilm” Ironical horror Director: Yevgeniy Yufit in co-operation with Vladimir Maslov, screenplay: Vladimir Maslov, camera: Alexander Burov, production designer: Yevgeny Yufit, sound: Mikhail Podtakui Cast: Anatoly Yegorov, Ivan Ganzha, Lyudmila Koslovskaya, Boris Ilyasov, Maxim Gribov, Olga Shramko, Valery Krishtapenko, Sasha Lyalin Loosely based on Alexei Tolstoy's short story “Vampire's Family.” The action of the novel takes place in modern times. Can Santa Claus die? And if the answer is “yes, “does it mean that time will also stop? Everyone knows that it is Santa Claus who brings the New Year and starts the new cycle of life. A young biologists looks for a secluded place where he can continue his research. He finds a village inhabited by some strange people, everyone seems to be possessed by some mystical maniacal ideas.

 The film was awarded the “Gold R” – the Grand Prix of the Art Film Festival in Rimini, Italy (1993).

1175 TMA (THE DARKNESS) 1991, 58 min., color, “Troitsky Most”, “La Sept” (Channel 7 of TV, France), “Sodaperaga” (France) Drama Director: Igor Maslennikov, screenplay: Jacques Baynac, camera: Vladimir Brylyakov, production designer: Natalya Kochergina, misic: Vladimir Dashkevich, sound: Leonid Gavrichenko Cast: Oleg Yankovsky, Kseniya Kachalina, Yevgeny Vesnik, Svetlana Kryuchkova Based on Leonid Andreyev’s short story of the same title. At the turn of the century when Leonid Andreyev was working on this story, some people believed that terrorism was liberating, noble and self-sacrificing. This story of a terrorist and a prostitute reflects this disastrous and romantic delusion of its time.

1176 OI, VY, GUSI... (OH, YOU, GEESE...) 1991, 87 min., color, b/w, ”First and Experimental Film”, ”Lenfilm” Drama Written and directed by: Lydia Bobrova, camera: Sergei Astakhov, production designer: Gennady Popov, sound: Oksana Strugina Cast: Vyacheslav Sobolev, Yuri Bobrov, Vasily Frolov, Nina Usatova, Galina Volkova, Sveltana Gaitan, Marina Kusnetsova A dying father leaves his three sons an accordion, an old house and a clock…  The author of the screenplay and the film director Lydia Bobrova was awarded the Grand Prix of the IY European Festival of the First Films in Angere, France for the Best Screenplay and Film (1991).

1177 RUKOPIS (THE MANUSCRIPT) 1991, 57 min., color, ”Troitsky Most”, “La Sept” (Channel 7 of TV, France), ”Sodaperaga” (France) Social drama Director: Aleksei Muratov, screenplay: Jacques Baynac, camera: Vladimir Ilyin, production designer: Mikhail Gerasimov, misic: Andrei Sigle, sound: Oksana Strugina Cast: Vladimir Ivashov, Irina Brazgovka, Zinovy Gerdt, Andrei Zaikov, Alexander Kalyagin, Boris Kluyev, Lydia Fedoseyeva-Shukshina, Zoya Buryak In a countryside writers' colony, a young writer is working on her autobiographical story dealing with the arrest and death of her husband. She is is mad with fear, suspicion, mistrust andanxiety. The film shows how a totalitarian state intrudes upon people's private lives and their creative work, how it mutilates souls and distorts relations between people.

1178 SADY SKORPIONA (THE GARDENS OF THE SCORPION) 1991, 102 min., color, b/w, ”First and Experimental Film”, Creative Initiative Centre, “Zerkalo” (Syktyvkar) Fragments combined Written and directed by: Oleg Kovalov, camera: Anatoly Lapshov, sound: Garri Belenky, music from pieces by: Carl Orph, Bela Bartok, Dmitry Shostakovich, Nino Rota, Krsistof Penderetsky This political film has elements of satire and philosophical lyricism about the epoch of Great Expectations. It is a surrealistic collage, and a free combination of fragments of Soviet films made in

the 20s — 30s. These films were both great and ordinary, feature films and documentaries, instructive films and animations.

1179 TRAVA I VODA (GRASS AND WATER) 1991, 50 min., color, “First and Experimental Film” Melodrama Written and directed by: Viktor Tikhomirov, camera:Vladimir Vasilyev, production design: Viktor Tikhomorov, misic: Boris Grebenshchikov, sound: Mikhail Belovolov Cast: Venya Kravchuk, Yuri Nazarov, Natasha Tikhomirova Set in the days of Khrushchev's thaw, the film centers on the complicated relations of a father and his teenager son. The film shows the awakening of artistic and creative impulses in a young man standing on the threshold of his independent life.

1180 SOKRAT (SOCRATES) 1991, 121 min., color, “Petropol”, “Sojuztelefilm” Drama Director: Viktor Sokolov, screenplay:Mikhail Kurayev, camera: Eduard Rosovsky, production designers: Larisa Shilova, Elvira Karatyshkina, misic: Shandor Kallosh, sound:Galina Potseluyeva Cast: Olga Mateshko, Grigory Aredakov, Yevgeny Merkuryev, Boris Klyuyev, Alexander Galko, Valery Kukhareshin, Avgustin Milovanov, Saulus Kisas, Valentina Yakunina, Viktor Gogolev Adaptation of the play “Barefoot in Athens” by American playwright Maxwell Anderson. The film centers on the tragic last period of Socrates's life. The long war with Sparta ended up with Athens completely humbled, deprived of its might and prosperity. In the atmosphere of general despair and irritation, democracy is replaced first by tyranny and then by oligarchy. And at that time, a strange old man is wandering about the streets and markets, entering into conversations and asking confusing questions. Gradually the man becomes the focus of public irritation. After all he was the friend and teacher of the most famous Athenian citizens: Aristides, Harmodius and Critas who led the city-state to defeat and collapse.

1181 SCHASTLIVIYE DNI (THE HAPPY DAYS) 1991, 97 min., b/w, “First and Experimental Film” Drama Written and directed by: Alexei Balabanov, camera: Sergei Astakhov, production designer: Sergei Karnet, sound: Galina Golubyeva, misic: Richard Wagner, G. Warren Cast: Viktor Sukhorukov, Anzhelika Nevolina, Yevgeny Merkuryev, Georgy Teikh, Nikolai Lavrov Loosely based on Samuel Beckett's play of the same title. We see how the inner world of a man collapses when the world around him goes to pieces. We watch the degradation of the lead character who gives up love, friendship and basic moral standards because the society around him does not need these values. Gradually his ties to the world are getting thinner and thinner. One day he comes across a boat in a courtyard and lies down in it like in a coffin and closes the lid. At the end of the film we see the flooded streets of the city and a tram that comes to a dead stop.

1182 TRETYA PLANETA (THE THIRD PLANET) 1991, 99 min., color, ”Lenfilm” Written and directed by: Aleksander Rogozhkin, camera: Nikolai Stroganov, production designers:Aleksander Zagoskin, Pavel Novikov, misic: Gennady Byelolipetsky, sound: Nikolai Astakhov

Cast: Anna Matyukhina, Boris Sokolov, Svetlana Mikhalchenko, Konstantin Polyansky, Gosha Pankratov Sci-fi. Philosophic anti-utopia on the fragility of human life... Anton is desperate. His daughter is suffering from a serious ailment and has been discharged from the clinic without any signs of improvement. He takes his last chance: he will try his luck in the so called “zone” — the site of a nuclear catastrophe that happened many years ago. Now this place is inhabited by strange human mutants. These people are super-healers and they are his last resort.

1183 ULYBKA (A SMILE) 1991, 97 min., color, “First and Experimental Film” Phantasmagoria Director: Sergei Popov, screenplay: Dmitry Lazarev, Sergei Popov, camera: Yuri Vorontsov, production designer: Oleg Tagel, misic: Arkady Gagulashvili, sound: Igor Terekhov Cast: Natalya Lvova, Nadezhda Zharikova, Galina Zakhurdayeva, Pyotr Kozhavnikov, Igor Nikitin, Valery Poletayev, Viktor Gogolev Loosely based on a book by Dmitry Lazarev. Basically the film is set in a mental hospital. However, absurdity has no bounds. A man is just a random victim of the universal madness. In this world of total madness, the heroes of the film try to find answers and, moreover, they feel it necessary to give answers to the questions put before them.

1184 KHMEL (INTOXICATION) 1991, 246 min., 3 parts, color, “Ladoga” Melodrama Written and directed by: Viktor Tregubovich, camera: Ivan Bagayev, production designers: Stanislav Romanovsky, Andrei Vasin, misic: Vladlen Chistyakov, sound: Moris Vendrov Cast: Fyodor Odinokov, Marina Vybornova, Alexander Blok, Andrei Ponomaryov, Viktor Tregubovich, Alexei Buldakov, Alexander Zavyalov, Yuri Dubrovin, Boris Arakelov, Viktor Bychkov Loosely based on the novel by Alexei Cherkasov of the same title. The film is set in 1827 in Siberia. The aristocrat, Loparev, has been convicted for participation in a revolt against tsar. He escapes from prison and takes refuge in a settlement of Old believers, the dissident Orthodox sect hiding in the forests from the persecution of the official church and state authorities. This film first opened the unknown world of the Old Believers, their customs and traditions. The film offers the vivid story of fatal love between Loparev and Yefimia, as well as the description of exceptional Russian characters, it meditates on the inevitable fall of tyranny.

1185 TSINIKI (CYNICS) 1991, 106 min., color, ”Lenfilm”, “Diapazon”, “Podmoskovye” Melodrama Director: Dmitry Meskhiyev, screenplay: Valery Todorovsky, camera: Yuri Shaigardanov, production designer: Vladimir Yuzhakov, misic: Vadim Golutvin, sound: Garri Belenky Cast: Ingeborga Dapkunaite, Andrei Ilyin, Irina Rozanova, Viktor Pavlov, Yuri Belyayev, Sergei Batalov, Yekaterina Vasilyeva Loosely based on Anatoly Marienhof’s novel of the same title. The hero of the film is a university professor, a historian and a bookworm. The heroine is a daughter of wealthy parents who emigrated from the country after the first decrees of Soviet power. They are the so called 'blue blood', outcasts who can not adjust to realities of post-revolutionary life and to the “building of the new world.' The film offers a cynical view on the events that were taking place in Russia in 1918 — 1924.

1186 CHERNOYE I BELOYE (BLACK AND WHITE) 1991, 85 min., color, “Troitsky Most”, “Sovexportfilm”, “Elegant Logic” Melodrama Written and directed by: Boris Frumin, camera: Vladimir Il’yin, production designer: Mary Keith Willett, sound: Eduard Vanumts, Michel Carman Cast: Yelena Shevchenko, Gilbert Giles, Patrick Godfry, Gina Dellio A little Russian girl lost in a foreign country, makes friends with a black janitor, who is also another lonely outcast excluded from society.  The film was awarded the Second Prizr at the Art Film Festival in Rimini, Italy (1993).

1187 CHICHA (CHICHA) 1991, 88 min., color, “Golos”, “Rosich” Cinema Centre Comedy Director: Vitaly Melnikov, screenplay: Vladimir Vardunas, camera: Valery Mulgaut, production designer: Andrei Vasin, misic: Vadim Bibergan, sound: Asya Zvereva Cast: Mikhail Dorofeyev, Nina Usatova, Sergei Sazont’yev, Borislav Brondukov, Lera Mulakevich, Misha Kabatov, Vanya Smirnov The funny and moving story of Stepan Chichulin, the shy soloist in a provincial folk group, who has been imitating the voices of other singers all his life.

1188 CHEKIST (CHEKIST) 1991, 57 min., color, “Troitsky Most”, “La Sept” (Channel 7 of TV, France), “Sodaperaga” (France) Tragic farce Director: Alexander Rogozhkin, screenplay: Jacques Baynac, camera: Valery Mulgaut, production designer: Grigory Obraztsov, misic: Dmitry Pavlov, sound: Nikolai Astakhov Cast: Igor Sergeyev, Alexei Poluyan, Mikhail Vasserbaum, Sergei Isanin, Vasily Domrachev, Alexander Medvedev, Nina Usatova Loosely based on the novel “Chip” by Vladimir Zazubrin. The film takes place in the gloomy days of the Red Terror when within a short period of time millions of people representing the best part of Russian society were executed without any investigation or trial. The film is centred on a psychological portrait of a executioner- a man who has power over both the murderers and their victims.

1189 SANKT-PETERBURG VES NA LADONI (ALL ST. PETERSBURG IN YOUR PALM) 1991, 27 min., color, ”Troitsky Most” Documentary Written and directed by: Vitaly Aksyonov, camera: Vladimir Smirnov, production designer: Stanislav Romanovsky, sound: Alexander Sysolyatin A bird's eye view of the city

1190 RUSSKIY BALET BEZ ROSSII (RUSSIAN BALLET WITHOUT RUSSIA) 1991, 30 min., color, “Troitsky Most” Documentary Director: Pavel Kogan, screenplay: Erlena Karakoz, camera: Viktor Mikhalchenko, production designer: Dmitry Volkov, sound: Sergei Litvyakov

A film about the destinies of those who fled Russia after the revolution of 1917. It is a reminiscence of turn of the century Russian ballet, when the world was amazed by this new wonder. On the screen we see very old people who gave their lives to the art: Nina Vyrubova, Nina Tikhonova, Marina Chelidova, Irina Grzhebina, Olga Debazil, Dmitry Bushen, Irina Nizhinskaya. Their names are very well known to all those who have every right to be proud of the great contribution of Russian art to the world ballet history.

1191 TANTSUYET FARUKH RUZIMATOV (FARUKH RUSIMATOV IS DANCING) 1991, 48 min., color, ”Troitsky Most” Documentary Written and directed by: Svetlana Chizhova, camera:Vasily Seryi, Yevgeny Guzeyev, production designer: Vladimir Gasilov, misic: Timur Kogan The authors of the film take a close-up of Farukh Ruzimatov, a brilliant ballet soloist who successfully performed in America and Japan. The dancer's life is shown — long exhausting rehearsals that later result in the ethereal lightness of his dance on the stage, his attempts to seek his own style, his desire to express the music sounding in his heart through his dance, and his constant feeling of dissatisfaction with himself which is a distinctive feature of a true artist.

1192 CHELOVYEK SO SVALKI (A MAN FROM A GARBAGE DUMP) 1991, 4 parts, 285 min., color, “Petropol”, “Sojuztelefilm” Melodrama Director: Boris Gorlov, screenplay: Viktor Petrov, camera: Vladimir Kovzel, production designer: Vladislav Orlov, misic: Algirdas Paulavichus, sound: Alexander Bershadsky Cast: Anatoly Kotenyov, Era Ziganshina, Yelena Kondratyeva, Alexander Lykov, Alexander Kavalerov, Svetlana Repitina, Pyotr Merkuryev The story of Gerasim Dyagilev, a young man working at a factory in Siberia. In the 60's, when he was a child, he lived in a working class neighborhood located near the large municipal garbage dump. A strong willed boy, Gerasim makes several attempts to break away from his surroundings. He makes a brilliant career in sports, and becomes the European champion in boxing. However, the world of sports has its laws and one day Gerasim drops out from among the sport elite. 1984... He returns to his native town, to his mother's hut standing near the dump. He goes to pot, and starts drinking. However, his strong character saves him from complete degradation. He gets a job at the factory and marries a girl he went to school with.

1193 OTRAZHENIYE V ZERKALE (REFLECTION IN A MIRROR) 1992, 87 min., color “Lenfilm” with input from “Kanar” LTD Psychological drama Director: Svetlana Proskurina, screenplay: Andrei Chernykh, camera: Dmitry Mass, production designer: Yuri Pashigorev, misic: Vyacheslav Gaivoronsky, sound: Vladimir Persov Cast: Viktor Proskurin, Inna Pivars, Yevgeniya Dobrovolskaya, Natalya Pavlova The hero of the film is a well-known actor. Reflecting himself in the characters he plays on stage, in eyes of women, in the silent awe of the audience he looses touch with his ego. His attempts to reach his inner self are blocked by habits, illusions and self-deception. He behaves in a way that earlier would seem to him unthinkable and crazy. His life resembles a theatrical production, lost in search of lost reality — with no director, no author and no applause.


1992, 98 min., color, ”Troitsky Most”, ”Ognon Pictures” National Centre of French Cinematography (Paris) Social drama Written and directed by: Yevgeny Lungin, camera: Valery Mulgaut, production designers: Sergei Kokovkin, Boris Petrushansky, misic: Andrei Makarevich, sound: Eduard Vanunts Cast: Konstantin Gayekha, Yelena Svintsova, Dinara Drukarova, Andrei Tolubeyev, Vladimir Kabalin, Olga Volkova Loosely based on Pyotr Kozhevnikov’s novel of the same title. Story of silly youngsters living in the gloomy “stagnation” times, when lie was often presented as truth, ugliness — as beauty. Life of its heroes rather resembles hell — although they do not realize it. There will be no other life and they are content with this one — with its love, betrayal, death, fights, disco, vodka and vague uncertain future…

1195 NEOBYKNOVENNYYE PRIKLYUCHENIYA IBIKUSA V SANKT PETERBURGE (AMAZING ADVENTURES OF IBIKUS IN ST. PETERSBURG 1992, 81 min., color Director: Roman Yershov, screenplay: Yevgeny Yurkov, Irina Gonchar, camera: Vladimri Vasilyev, production designer: Galina Lukina Cast: Sergei Bekhterev, Natalya Fisson Russian language course for foreigners.

1196 OSTROV MYURTVYKH (THE ISLAND OF THE DEAD) 1992, 86 min., color Written and directed by: Oleg Kovalov, camera: Vladimir Snmirnov, production designer: V. Cheiskauskas, D. Pakhomov, sound: Garri Belyenky, Marina Polyanskaya, misic: Mozart, Beethoven, Meyerbeer, Saint-Saens, Bartok Cinema variation on the theme of the Russian history of the beginning of the 20th century. A surrealistic collage where fragments from early Russian feature, documentary and animated films acquire a new unexpected meaning. The film is dedicated to the memory of Vera Kholodnaya, the famous Russian film star.  Grand-Prix, Open Russian film festival, Sochi, 1993

1197 PUSTELGA (A KESTREL) 1992, 87 min., color Lyrical drama Written and directed by: Sergei Rusakov, camera: Alexander Chugunov, production designer: Viktor Amelchenkov, music: Andrei Misin, sound: Garri Byelenky Cast: Nina Ruslanova, Sergei Garmash, Galina Makarova, Igor Sukachev, Alyosha Igushkin, Roma Baryshev The film is set in Russia in the ‘70s. A boy nicknamed “Shumilka” (“Noisy”) lives in a remote village on a shore of a cold sea. A mischievous mocker with the soul of Charlie Chaplin, he dreams of the fame of the Great Mime. Loathing morals and manners of a small provincial town, its miserable and half drunk inhabitants, Shumilka is prepared to take vengeance on the surrounding world.  Prize for debut and Children’s Jury Prize “For the best film for youth” (Children international Film Festival, Moscow, 1994).


1992, 85 min., colour, Lenfilm — “Vybor” (Lennauchfilm) Scientific-popular Director: Alexander Sidelnikov, screenplay: Alexander Sidelnikov, Anatoly Ekhalov, camera: Alexander Nazarov, music: Vladimir Sokolov, sound: Svetlana Akmanova Footage shot by camera men Vacily Sery and Vladimir Petukhov is used in the film  Russian folk songs and romanes performed by engine-driver Vladimir Gromov, soloist of Kolon theater, engineer Konstantin Link (Buenos-Aires) etc. Mikhail Sopin reads his lyrics.  NIKA, annual professional prize for the best scientific-popular film (1993)

1199 VOSTOCHNY ROMAN (ORIENTAL ROMANCE) 1992, 92 min., color, “Golos” Historic and social drama Director: Viktor Titov, screenplay: Pavel Lungin, Aleksander Chervinsky, camera: Sergei Astakhov, production designers: Sergei Shemyakin, Yelena Zhukova, misic: Nikolai Martynov, sound: Nataliya Avanesova Cast: Larisa Belogurova, Nikolai Yeryomenko, Jr., Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, Ramaz Chkhikvadze, Nonna Petrosyan, Olga Volkova The story of the lead character of the film is the story of her rise and moral degradation. We see Mamlakat when she is a child, a young girl and a mature woman. A typical character of her epoch, she is stuffed with its slogans. Pursuing her goals she easily discards ethical standards. Her life was not an easy one: love, life with a man she did not love, a labor camp, again love and a reciprocal feeling, earthquakes, fires, post-war devastation. She ruins her own family and takes part in deceiving people of her country.

1200 NA IRTYSHE (ON THE BANKS OF THE IRTYSH) 1992, 58 min., color, “Troitsky Most”, “La Sept”, “Sodaperaga” (France) Historical drama Director: Vyacheslav Sorokin, screenplay: Jacques Baynac, camera: Nikolai Stroganov, production designer: Mikhail Gavrilov, sound: Alexei Shulga Cast: Stepan Chaizov, Nikolai Pavlov, Viktor Gogolev, Yegor Chiglev, Viktor Khozyainov, Elena Rufanova Loosely based on the novel by Sergei Zalygin of the same title. The film is set in the tragic period in Russian history — the so called agricultural “collectivization”, when for the sake of a wrong idea agricultural land was ruthlessly confiscated from its true owners — Russian peasants, hard workers who were feeding the country.

1201 KLUCH (THE KEY) 1992, 58 min., color, ”Troitsky Most”, ”La Sept”, “Sodaperaga” (France) Detective Director: Pavel Chukhrai, screenplay: Jacques Baynac, camera: Ivan Bagayev, production designer: Sergei Kokovkin, sound: Oksana Strugina Cast: Anatoly Kuznetsov, Anatoly Romashin, Veniamin Smekhov, Aleksander Kalyagin, Maryana Polteva, Alexei Serebryakov Loosely based on Mark Aldanov’s novel of the same title. The film is set in St. Petersburg in winter of 1917, on the eve of the February revolution. The secret police investigators, rich merchants and their families, journalists, bankers and military engineers live with the premonition of approaching disaster which will spare no one.

1202 TAINA (MYSTERY) 1992, 106 min., color, ”Russkoje Video” with the input from “Golos” Detective story

Written and directed by: Gennady Beglov, camera: Aleksander Chechulin, production designer: Mikhail Gavrilov, misic: Boris Grabovskiy, sound: Maxim Belovolov Cast: Povilas Gaidis, Natalya Fateyeva, Povilas Stankus, Sergei Mezhov, Laima Kernyute, Vitautas Kantsleris, Era Ziganshina Private detective Sam Patrick has to solve the mystery of an old chest lost in the house belonging to an ex-pilot. The atmosphere is getting very tense, one murder is followed by another until Sam Patrick himself almost falls a victim of this intrigue...

1203 GADZHO (GADZHO) 1992, 90 min., color, “Panorama”, “Lenfilm” Melodrama Director: Dmitry Svetozarov, screenplay: Dmitry Svetozarov, Mikhail Popov, camera: Alexander Ustinov, Valery Revich, production designer: Yelena Zhukova, misic: Timur Kogan, sound: Konstantin Zarin, gipsy songs rendition: Aliona Buzylyova Cast: Sergei Bekhterev, Natalya Inozemtseva, Sasha Chorny, Stefan Sukhovsky, Lidia Oglu, Lazar Tumarkin, Nikolai Trofimov The hero of the film, Rodion Chechunov, a musician playing in a small provincial operetta orchestra falls in love with a beautiful gipsy. He leaves his family and joins the wandering gipsy band. He finds neither new home, nor love -only pity. For the gipsy people he will always remain “Gadzho” – the stranger...

1204 POSLEDNYAYA TARANTELLA (THE LAST TARANTELLA) 1992, 36 min., color, “Petropol”, “Accord-film” Film-ballet Written and directed by: Alexander Belinsky, camera: Eduard Rozovsky, production designer: Natalya Vasilyeva, misic: Timur Kogan, sound: Natalya Avanesova Cast: Olga Chenchikova, Anna Plisetskaya, Makhar Vazilev, Masha Vazileva, Gali Abaidulov, Nikolai Kovmir Loosely based on Maxim Gorky’s “Tales of Italy”

1205 DNEVNIK NAIDENNIY V GROBY (DIARY FOUND IN A COFFIN) 1992, 110 min., color, ”Barmaley”, ”Lenfilm”, “Gambit Production”(Poland) Written and directed by: Jan Kidawa-Blonsky, Iatsek Kondratsky, Zenen Oleinichak, camera: Zdzhislav Naida, production designer: Barbara Novak, Vlad Orlov, misic: Mikhail Lorents Cast: Olaf Lobashenko, Olga Kabo, Marzhena Trybala, Katarina Skrzhinetska, Anna Maicher, Edward Linde-Lyubashenko, Boguslav Linda An eccentric Melodrama with a tragic end.

1206 KAMEN (STONE) 1992, 83 min., b/w, ”Lenfilm”, “Piermskaya kinostudiya” Drama Director: Alexandr Sokurov, screenplay: Yuri Arabov, camera: Alexander Burov, production designer: Vladislav Solovyev, music from pieces by Piotr Tchaikovsky, W.-A. Mozart, Gustav Mahler, sound: Vladimir Persov Cast: Leonid Mozgovoy, Pyotr Alexandrov, Vadim Semyonov

The main character of the film, the Guest, returns after his death to his house, guarded by the young Watchman. The only other alive creature near him is the crane...

1207 ZAL OZHIDANIYA (WAITING ROOM) 1992, 58 min., color, ”Troitsky Most”, “La Sept”, “Sodaperaga” (France) Drama Director: Roza Orynbasarova, screenplay: Alexander Belsky, Rosa Orynbasarova, camera: Sergei Lando, production designer: Alexander Boronkin, misic: Andrei Sigle, sound: Boris Andreyev Cast: Alexander Chaban, Andrey Pavlovets, Alexander Vedyakin, Felix Agadzanyan, Veronica Bel'skaya The new rich businessmen and entrepreneurs, “the new Russians” who have the power to restore the city’s past glory. It is not easy for them to find common language with vulnerable St. Petersburg intellectuals, accustomed to their life full of troubles in the old dilapidated city and fearful of the “coming brutes”.

1208 RAKET (RACKET) 1992, 175 min., 5 parts, color, “Vilon”, “Petropol”, “Ekran” Thriller Director: Ernest Yasan, screenplay: Viktor Merezhko, camera: Ivan Bagayev, production designer: Eduard Isayev, misic: Sergei Banevich, sound: Mikhail Viktorov Cast: Vladimir Yeryomin, Sergei Shkalikov, Natalya Danilova, Anna Samokhina, Irina Klimova, Viktor Ilyichov, Alexander Demyanenko A popular TV reporter Alexei Kornilov who covers the most sensational city news, often shows people who would rather prefer to keep in the background. The film begins with the scene of funerals of the head of the city. However, Kornilov’s reportage of this event is not shown in the TV news and the man who could shed some light on this situation is found dead. Kornilov begins his own investigation of the murder. Capitain Glazkov, an Afghan war veteran and now the deputy chief of the police department for fight with organized crime, helps Kornilov. They trace a criminal group that unites former Party functionaries, merchants and corrupt members of city administration... A tough struggle begins...

1209 TARTYUF (LE TARTUFFE) 1992, 95 min., color, “Petropol”, “Sojuztelefilm”, “Assotsiatsiya Sankt-Peterburg” A musical Director: Yan Frid, screenplay: Yan Frid, Boris Ratser, Vladimir Konstantinov, camera: Nikolai Stroganov, production designer: Alexandr Rudyakov, misic: Gennady Gladkov, sound: Eduard Vanunts Cast: Mikhail Boyarsky, Larisa Udovichenko, Vladislav Strzhelchik, Irina Muravyova, Igor Sklyar, Viktoria Gorshenina, Igor Dmitriyev, Anna Samokhina, German Orlov, Alexander Samokhin Loosely based on Jean-Baptiste Moliere’s comedy “Le Tartuffe” “We are lucky that there fools in this world”, sings Tartuffe about the family of Orgon. Authors of the film believe that stupidity is the greatest misfortune — it allows all the tartuffes, swindlers and crooks to triumph over honest people. Lively colourful film is immensely popular among wide range of viewers.

1210 OKNO V PARIZH (A WINDOW TO PARIS) 1992, 120 min., color, ”Films du Bouloi”, “La Sept” (France), “Fontan”, “Troitsky Most”, INEX Fantastic comedy

Director: Yuri Mamin, Vladimir Vardunas, screenplay: Yuri Mamin, Arkady Tigai, Vladimir Vardunas, Vyacheslav Leikin, camera: Sergei Nekrasov, Anatoly Lapshov, production designer: Vera Zelinskaya, sound: Leonid Gavrichenko Cast: Agnes Sorel, Sergei Dontsov (Dreiden), Viktor Mikhailov, Nina Usatova, Andrei Urgant, Kira Kreilis-Petrova, Yelena Drapeko After a heavy drinking party several people living in a dreadful St. Petersburg communal apartment find in it a window that opens...on Paris. This is the beginning of a series of funny adventures of the Russians in the “city of their dreams” and of incredible experience of French “guests” on the banks of the Neva river. Russian personages of the film enjoy their wanderings down Paris streets while the French go through all the ordeals of every day life in Russia...  The film was awarded the Prize for the Film Director’s Work at the KINOSHOK Festival in Anapa (1993); the Special Prize of “Yunge Welt” news-paper at the International Film Festival in Berlin (1994).

1211 SOTVORENIYE ADAMA (CREATION OF ADAM) 1992, 93 min., color, ”Javashir Kamandar”, “Neva”, ”Lenfilm” Melodrama Director: Yuri Pavlov, screenplay: Vladimir Maslov, Vitaly Moskalenko, camera: Sergei Machilsky, production designer: Mikhail Suzdalov, misic:Andrei Sigle, sound: Alexander Bershadsky Cast: Saulyus Balandis, Sergei Vinogradov, Irina Metlitskaya, Anzhelika Nevolina, Alexander Strizhenov The guardian angel comes to Andrei in one of the most miserable days of his life. The angel calls himself Filipp and looks like an ordinary man. Andrei who takes all his words and actions for a stupid and cruel joke, tries to avoid Filipp. Gradually, endless patience and loving care of Filipp stir the deep emotion of love in Andrei’s heart. Filipp disappears but the brief encounter has changed Andrei, allowed him to discover his vast resources of love and humanism and to obtain confidence in himself.

1212 NEVESTA IZ PARIZHA (BRIDE FROM PARIS) 1992, 85 min., color, “Diapazon”, “Lenfilm” Comic melodrama Director: Otar Dugladze, screenplay: Boris Ratzer, Vladimir Konstantinov, Otar Dugladze, camera: Alexander Chirov, production designer: Alexei Fedotov, misic: Oleg Khromushin, sound: Galina Gorbonosova Cast: Galina Polskikh, Nikolai Trofimov, Stanislav Sadalsky, Alexandra Zakharova, Andrei Sokolov This story began when Madame Dubois, a tourist from Paris, broke her heel on a St. Petersburg street and went in a shoe repair shop. Some time later the family of one of the workers of the shop plays host to Orlette — a young niece of Madame Dubois.

1213 UDACHI VAM, GOSPODA! (GOOD LUCK, GENTLEMEN!) 1992, 102 min., color, “Lenfilm”-“2-B-2” production A comedy Director: Vladimir Bortko, screenplay: Vladimir Bortko, Nataliya Bortko, Arkady Inin, Semyon Altov, camera: Vladimir Kovzel, production designer: Marksen Gaukhman-Sverdlov, misic: Vladimir Dashkevich, sound:Garry Belenky Cast: Nikolai Karachentsev, Andris Zhagars, Darya Mikhailova, Viktor Pavlov, Bronislav Brondukov, Valentina Talyzina, Valentina Kovel, Semyon Furman Two Afghan war veterans and a young provincial girl who is dreaming to become an actress unite in an effort to survive and to achieve success in life. After a series of adventures all their wishes come true — but in a different way... Vladimir marries Olga and Oleg becomes a successful businessman.

1214 STRANNYE MUZHCHINY SEMYONOVOY YEKATERINY (STRANGE MEN OF SEMYONOVA YEKATERINA) 1992, 152 min., 2 parts, color, ”Ladoga”, “Lenfilm” Criminal melodrama Director: Viktor Sergeyev, screenplay: Andrei Romanov, camera: Sergei Sidorov, Anatoly Rodionov, production designers: Yevgeny Gukov, Boris Poroshin, misic: Andrei Petrov, sound: Asya Zvereva Cast: Natalya Fisson, Alexander Abdulov, Andrei Sokolov, Yuri Kuznetsov, Nikolai Lavrov, Alexander Khochinsky The main character of the film, Katerina, is a drama theatre actress. Far from being a star, awkward, eccentric and extravagant she is capable of working rare wonders — the wonders of compassion, kindness, selflessness and love, reminding us the old truth: our salvation is in ourselves — if only we could come to our senses and remember that we are human beings.

1215 DEREVNYA KHLYUPOVO VYKHODIT IZ SOYUZA (THE VILLAGE OF KHLYUPOVO SEPARATES FROM THE SOVIET UNION) 1992, 88 min., color, ”Baltfilm”, “Lenfilm” Satirical comedy Director: Anatoly Vekhotko, screenplay: Gennady Chernayev, camera: Valentin Sidorin, production designer: Alexander Grebaus, misic: Igor Tzvetkov, sound: Yevgeny Nesterov, Irina Volkova Cast: Georgy Shtil, Katya Chernayeva, Sergei Isavnin, Lyudmila Tishchenko, Igor Yefimov Once upon a time in one large country there was a village Khlyupovo. And one day all the residents of the village — young and old — got so sick and tired of all the ministers with and without portfolios that they decided that their village should separate from the country.

1216 KOMEDIYA STROGOGO REZHIMA (A PRISON COMEDY) 1992, 78 min., color, ”Crown”, “Igris”, “Lenfilm” Grotesque comedy Director: Vladimir Studennikov, Mikhail Grigoryev, screenplay: Vladimir Studennikov, Mikhail Grigoryev, camera: Anatoly Lapshov, production design: Yuri Pashigorev, Pavel Parkhomenko, misic: Viktor Pleshak, sound: Leonid Gavrichenko Cast: Viktor Sukhorukov, Ivan Krivoruchko, Lev Kubarev, Stanislav Kantsevich, Nadezhda Zharikova, Viktor Mikhailov, Viktor Solovyov Loosely based on Sergey Dovlatov’s story “Zone” On the eve of the all-union festival, the centenary of Lenin’s birthday, attempting to win attention of higher authorities administration of a Colony decides to stage in the prison a play on October revolution.  Engrossed in their roles the inmates start thinking and acting like the personages they play on the stage. The actor Viktor Sukhorukov was awarded the Prize for the Besr Actor’s Work at the III Russian Film Festival in Onfleur, France.

1217 DYM (SMOKE) 1992, 183 min., color, TV film, 3 parts, ”Petropol”, “Ekran”, ”Polifon Film und Fernsee, GmBH” Melodrama

Director: Ayan Shakhmaliyeva, screenplay: Nataliya Ryazantseva, camera:Sergei Yurizditsky, production designers: Georgy Kropachev, Adreas Lupp, misic: Vadim Bibergan, sound: Eduard Vanunts Cast: Larisa Menshova, Vladislav Vetrov, Alexander Romantsov, Stanislav Lyubshin, Oksana Kiryushchenko, Alla Meshcheryakova, Viktor Stepanov, Tatyana Vasilyeva, Sergei Bekhterev, Gali Abaidulov Loosely based on the novel “Smoke” by Ivan Turgenev.

1218 LABIRINT LYUBVI (LABYRINTH OF LOVE) 1992, 91 min., color, ”Nautilus” with input from Kombank Murman, “Lenfilm” Melodrama Written and directed by: Tamara Lapigina, camera: Valery Mironov, production designer: Boris Kozlov, misic: Andrei Sigle, sound: Larisa Maslova Cast: Maria Ignatova, Alexander Baluyev, Andrei Tolubeyev, Alexander Dolsky The heroine of the film, Yelena, comes to the Baltic sea coast to visit her friend. In spite of all her efforts she can not tear actor Shuvalov out of her heart. Her vacation is over and she returns to her daily routine — the hectic world of film-making. During shooting of a film Shuvalov is killed. Yelena can not find her way out of the impasse.

1219 DVADTSAT VTOROVO IYUNYA, ROVNO V CHETYRE CHASA (ON JUNE 22, AT 4 A.M. SHARP) 1992, 91 min., color Melodrama Director: Boris Galkin, screenplay: Vadim Trunin, camera: Igor Bogdanov, production designer: Yelena Galkina, sound: Aleksei Shulga Cast: Sergei Parshin, Alexander Parshin, Irina Rozanova, Antonina Shuranova, Natalya Dikareva, Nikolai Kryukov It is not a war film, it is a film about happiness lost. So many of these people — brimming over with life, kind, loving and loved, will be separated forever by World War II. The last minutes before the outbreak of the war: the clock on a lively square of a sunlit southern town shows 4 a.m., June 22, 1941.

1220 LESTNITSA SVETA (STAIRCASE OF LIGHT) 1992, 88 min., color, “Universal-film, Ltd”, The Baltic Trade and Industry House, “Liquid-film” (Ireland), “Lenfilm” Melodrama Written and directed by: Gerard Michael McCarthy, camera: Valery Martynov, production designer: Vladimir Yuzhakov, misic:Neil Burn, sound: Yelena Demidova Cast: Zhenya Korkhin, Igor Kostolevsky, Viktoria Korkhina, Andrei Urgant, Inga Ilm The story of an 11-year old Petersburg boy Misha Orlov and his mother Julia. Misha loves watching “Murderer”, the TV psychological serial. “Once he sees the car of actor Borodin, who plays the main character in the serial and follows him up to the film studio. The boy meets people belonging to the “dreamland of cinema” and watches the process of shooting films. Looking for her son Julia comes to the studio, meets Borodin and falls in love with him... Julia gives up her job of a waitress, which she feels sick and tired of, and starts working at the studio. Her sudden death breaks the usual cinema illusion. However, Misha, still living in the psychological world of “Murderer” has already made up his mind: he would destroy this place, which produces nightmares instead of dreams…

1221 ELEGIYA IZ ROSSII (ELEGY FROM RUSSIA) 1992, 70 min., color, joint production of Russian Cinematography Committee, “Lenfilm”, St.Petersburg Documentary Film Studio

Documentary Written and directed by: Alexander Sokurov, camera: Alexander Burov, misic: Pyotr Chaikovsky, sound: Vladimir Persov, photography:Maxim Dmitriyev Russia, end of the 19th century, European news-reels, beginning of the 20th century. Natural combination of documentary and poetic elements is a characteristic feature of Sokurov’s films. The sound, the image and photographs of the end of the 19th century Russia are intertwined to create an artistic symbol, making us nostalgic for the past times which we have never seen or experienced...

1222 MY YEDEM V AMERIKU (WE ARE GOING TO AMERICA) 1992, 123 min., color, ”Universal-film”, “Unirem-film”(Switzerland) with input from “Lenfilm” Melodrama Director: Yefim Gribov, screenplay: Yefim Gribov, Arkady Krasilshchikov, camera: Pavel Barsky, Denis Shcheglovsky, production designer: Yelena Amshinskaya, misic: Mikhail Gluz, sound: Aliakper Gasan-Zade Cast: Dima Davydov, Lubov Rumyantseva, Semyon Strugachev, Vadim Danilevsky, Danuta Slavgorodska, Baiba Kranats Loosely based on Sholom Aleichem’s story “Mottle Boy”. The lead character of the film, set at the end of the 19th — beginning of the 20th century, is an elevenyear- old Jewish boy with an amazingly fantastic concept of the world and people around him.

1223 ORLANDO (ORLANDO) 1992, 92 min., color, ”Adventure Pictures”(London) with the input from “Lenfilm” Fantastic drama Written and directed by: Sally Porter, camera: Alexei Rodionov, production designers: Ben Van Os, Jan Rolfse, sound: Jean Louis Duquari Cast: Tilda Swinton, Billy Zahne, Lothar Bluto, John Wood, Charlotta Valandri, Hithcout Williams, Alexander Medvedev Loosely based on Virginia Wolf’s novel “Orlando”. Tells the story of the person who is travelling in time. He has been living for 400 years — at first in the disguise of a man, later — in that of a woman.

1224 NIKOTIN (NICOTINE) 1992, 70 min., b/w, ”Salamat”, ”Centre”, ”Lenfilm” Melodrama Director: Yevgeny Ivanov, screenplay: Sergei Dobrotvorsky, Maxim Pezhemsky, camera: Valery Martynov, production designer: Vladimir Yuzhakov, misic: Sergei Kuriokhin, sound: Aliakper Gasan-Zade Cast: Natalya Fisson, Igor Chernevich, Oleg Kovalov The story narrated by Jean-Luc Godard in his famous “A Bout de Souffle” has been transferred by the film director into modern St. Petersburg. A boy meets a girl and she betrays him.This simple fairy-tale is plunged into the atmosphere of screen myths and legends.

1225 DITYA (CHILD) 1992, 56 min., color, “Troitsky Most”, “La Sept”, “Sodaperaga” (France) Drama Director: Viktor Titov, screenplay: Jacques Baynac, camera: Sergei Astakhov, production designers: Sergei Shemyakin, Yelena Zhukova, sound:Natalya Avanesova

Cast: Natalya Danilova, Andrei Pavlovets, Alexander Zavyalov, Armen Mirzakhanyan, Berch Bokhosyan Loosely based on Vsevolod Ivanov’s short story of the same title. The small episode of the cruel civil war times, story of defenselessness of human life in front of unreasoning violence.

1226 CHKHAYA O “SAIGONE” (A TALE OF “SAIGON” IN AN OFFHAND MANNER) 1992, 27 min., color, ”Lenfilm”, “Kinodocument” Combination of a documentary and a feature film Written and directed by: Vladimir Vitukhnovsky, camera: Valentin Sidorin, Sergei Nekrasov, sound: Sergei Vartsan Participating: Yevgeny Pritsker, Andrei Gnezdnikov, Viktor Krivulin, Mikhail Petrenko In the 60’s the cafe nicknamed “Saigon” was the favourite meeting place of Lenigrad artistic youth, belonging to the generation of Brodsky, Dovlatov, Shemyakin. These people represented the so called “second culture”. The cafe does not exist any longer, as there does not exist the underground art. However, there are people in St. Petersburg who still belong to “Saigon” and continue to live in accord with the “carnival” art traditions. The film gives a series of portraits of the most colorful representatives of the “second culture”.

1227 GREKH NERASKAYANNY (SIN WITHOUT REMORSE) 1992, 46 min., b/w, ”Lenfilm” Journalistic feature film Written and directed by: Yuri Afanasyev-Shirokov, camera: Yevgeny Shermergor, misic: Vladislav Panchenko, sound: Svetlana Akmanova, Sergei Abramov Participating: I.P. Zhukov, M.Z. Bratilov, L.F. Grigoryev, A.F. Malugin, F.K. Tokarev The film is based on real facts related to the Stalinist era of the 30’s  40’s and is about real people: police informer, NKVD executioners, sons of the killed man and his executioner. Action of the film takes place in 1991, in Minusinsk, a provincial town in southern Siberia. What are the thoughts and feelings of these horrible old people, whose life will soon be over, who are standing on its last threshold?

1228 RAZBORCHIVY ZHENIKH (A FASTIDIOUS FIANCEE) 1992, 98 min., color, ”Petropol”, “Lenfilm” with input from “Ekran” Lyrical comedy Director: Sergei Mikaelyan, screenplay: Sergei Mikaelyan, Alexander Vasinsky, camera: Eduard Rozovsky, production designer: Boris Burgomistrov, misic: Yuri Loza, sound: Igor Terekhov Cast: Alexander Lykov, Yulia Menshova, Anna Matyukhina, Alexander Blok, Sergei Vybornov Dima is so different from a typical modern cinema hero that sometimes he seems to be an extraterrestrial. He is stubbornly seeking for a true love and in his search is ready to go as far as Italy where one of his “ideals” fled to. His friends are honestly trying to help Dima which only leads to a series of incredible adventures.

1229 SNY O ROSSII (KODAYU) (DREAMS OF RUSSIA (KODAYU) 1992, 124 min., color, ”Daiei Co., Ltd “, “Dentsu Inc.” (Japan), “Lenfilm”

A historical film Director: Dzunya Sato, screenplay: Tatsuo Nogami, Fumio Konami, Dzunya Sato, camera: Matsuo Naganumo, production designers: Hiroshi Tokuda, Valery Yutkevich, misic: Masaru Hoshi, sound: Jasuo Hashimoto Cast: Ken Ogata, Tosiyuki Nishida, Marina Vladi, Oleg Yankovsky, Yevgeny Yevstigneyev, Yelena Arzhanik, Yuri Solomin, Takudzo Pavatani Loosely based on the novel by Yasusi Inoue. This amazing trip started on December 13, 1782 when captain Deikokuya Kodayu with sixteen sailors went on sailing along the coast of Japan. Having suffered a shipwreck near the Siberian coast the captain and his crew find themselves in the horrible reality of the 18th century Russia and go through a number of extraordinary adventures, full of sufferings, love, despair and wonders. Nobody expected that a several day trip will turn into nine years of wanderings, big losses and misfortunes.

1230 BARABANIADA (TALE OF A DRUM) 1993, 93 min., color Written and directed by: Sergei Ovcharov, camera: Alexander Ustinov, production designers: Yevgeny Gukov, Viktor Ivanov, sound: Konstantin Zarin Cast: Alexander Polovtsev, Andrei Urgant, Viktor Semenovsky A drummer of a funeral orchestra comes into a possession of a “Stradivarius” drum and can not get rid of the instrument. The drum follows its owner in good and bad times and when the drummer looses his job the drum keeps following him in his wanderings all over the Soviet Union standing on the verge of crisis. This is the story of a “Russian Buster Keaton”, who gets out of one tragicomic situation only to get into another. There is no spoken text in the film. The music by Beethoven, Mozart, Minkus, Mussorgsky, Gavrilin and Glinka.  The film was awarded the Special Prize of the Jury and the Christian Jury Prize of the International Film Festival in Moscow (1993); the Prize for the Film Director’s Work in the Art Film Contest at the Open Russian Film Festival in Sochi (1993); “The Golden Eagle” – the Grand Prix of the International Film Festival in Georgia (1993); the Crystal Prize at the “Arsenal” International Film Festival in Riga (1994)

1231 GOLUBYYE TANTSOVSHCHITSY (BLUE DANCERS) 1993, color, video, 30 min Written and directed by: Dmitry Svetozarov, idea by: Timur Kogan, camera: Alexander Ustinov, production designer: Olga Zhukova, misic: Timur Kogan, sound: Konstantin Zarin, choreographer: Oleg Ignatyev Cast: Larisa Lezhnina, Yuri Andreyev Choreographic version of the famous American film “The Waterloo Bridge”. The role of Maira is performed by Larisa Lezhnina, a rising star of the Mariinsky Theatre.

1232 DRUG VOINY (A FRIEND OF WAR) 1993, 27 min., b/w Written and directed by: Gennady Novikov, camera: Alexander Korneyev, sound: Alexander Sysolyatin Cast: Sergei Dontsov, Maxim Konovalchuk, German Zhuravlyov, Viktor Krivonos Based on Albert Camus’s story “Letters of the German Friend”.

1233 “BOZHE, OSVETI NAS LITSOM TVOIM” (“LORD, LET YOUR FACE SHINE A LIGHT ON US”) 1993, 60 min., color Documentary Written and directed by: Vladimir Dyakonov, camera: Vladimir Dyakonov, sound: Leonid Lerner

The film tells about contemporary Russian Orthodox Church icon painters, about wonder-working icons and their impact on people and surrounding world. One of the main heroes of the film is father Zenon, the Archimandrite of Pskov-Pechersky Monastery.  2nd price at The Open non-feature film festival “Russia” (full length) Ekaterinburg, 1993.

1234 PROKLYATIYE DURAN (THE CURSE OF DURAN) 1993, 120 min., color, TV Director: Viktor Titov, screenplay: Vyachslav Verbin, Viktor Titov, camera: Dmitry Maas, production designer: Yelena Zhukova, misic: Viktor Lebedev, sound: Eleonora Kazanskaya Cast: Yevgeny Platokhin, Ivan Latyshev, Konstantin Komarov, Alexei Nilov, Irina Sabanova, Nikolai Kabanov, Gennady Voropayev, Lidia menshikova, Yelena Korikova, Nikolai Lavrov, Olga Antonova, Olga Samoshina, Alexander Zavyalov, Yulia Aug Adventure story loosely based on Ponson du Terrail’s novel “Adventures of Rocambole”.

1235 VIVA, CASTRO! (VIVA CASTRO!) 1993, 75 min., color, SPHERA, “Star-kino-video”, Roskomkino with the input from “Lenfilm” Detective Written and directed by: Boris Frumin, camera: Sergei Yurizditsky, production designer: Yuri Pashigorev, misic: Viktor Lebedev, sound: Galina Lukina, Oksana Strugina Cast: Pavel Zharkov, Yuliya Sobolevskaya, Sergei Dontsov, Olga Bykova, Sergei Snezhkin, Anatoly Slivnev, Valentin Ushakov, Natalya Kononova, Sasha Baikov, Yuri Oskin, Arkady Tigai Antique coins have been stolen from a Leningrad museum. Matvei Levitin, the suspect, disappears during the investigation of the case. Failing to find him the police arrests his wife. When a year later his mortally ill father returns, Kolya tries to arrange for him a meeting with his mother, using the opportunity of expected visit of Cuban leader Fidel Castro to the town of Gatchina.  The actress Yuliya Sobolevskaya was awarded the Jury Prize for the Actor’s Debut at the Open Russian Film Festival in Sochi 1994.

1236 VLADIMIR SVYATOY (SAINT VLADIMIR) 1993, 70 min., color, “DALEX”, “NEVA” Historical drama Director: Yuri Tomoshevsky, screenplay: Yelena Dzhordzh, camera: Alexander Ustinov, production designer: Mikhail Suzdalov, music from pieces: by Alfred Shnitke, sound: Boris Andreyev Cast: Vladislav Strzhelchik, Natalya Danilova, Sergei Dontsov(Dreiden), Yelena Dzhordzh, Oleg Melnik, Irina Arlageva The year of 1015. Kiev. It is night. Vladimir, the prince of Kiev, is lying on his deathbed. He recollects the past times. In his restless mind he continues his last combat with his rebellious wife — pagan Rogneda.

1237 GREKH. ISTORIYA STRASTI (SIN. STORY OF PASSION) 1993, 105 min., color, “Nikola-film” with the input from “Lenfilm” Melodrama Director: Viktor Sergeyev, screenplay: Yevgeny Kozlovsky, camera: Dan Shmelev, Pavel Lebeshev, production designer: Yevgeny Gukov, misic: Eduard Artemyev, sound: Asya Zvereva

Cast: Alexander Abdulov, Olga Ponizova, Boris Kluyev, Olga Antonova, Nina Ruslanova, Valentin Nikulin, Sergei Snezhkin, Vladimir Soshalsky, Georgy Matrirosyan, Andrei Urgant Love story of a monk Agafangel (original name — Sergei) and a young girl Ninka does not have much to do with the notion of love. Father Agafangel is haunted by the horror of crime committed in his young days which eventually leads to tragic denouement and later continues to haunt Ninka who takes the veil and prays the God to forgive her sin.

1238 ZHIZN S IDIOTOM (LIVING WITH AN IDIOT) 1993, 68 min., color, “Troitsky Most” Drama Written and directed by: Alexander Rogozhkin, camera: Valery Mulgaut, production designer: Viktor Zhelobinsky, sound: Nikolai Astakhov Cast: Anzhelika Nevolina, Alexander Romantsov, Sergei Migitsko, Viktor Bychkov, Viktor Mikhailov, Viktor Khozyainov, Yuri Serov, Mikhail Kirilyuk, Olga Samoshina The film is based on Viktor Yerofeyev’s novel of the same title. An intellectual, for humanitarian reasons, takes and idiot to his house. He regards it as a kind of his mission. However, life with an idiot is full of surprises...Neither the lead character — the intellectual, nor his young wife were prepared to the seduction by violence in the face of the raving lunatic.

1239 KON BELY (WHITE HORSE) 1993, 10 parts, 52 min each, color, “Lada-Bank”, “Lada-2”, “Diapazon” (”Lenfilm”) Historical drama Written and directed by: Geliy Ryabov, camera: Oleg Plaksin, production designer: Yelizaveta Urlina, misic: Dmitry Smirnov, sound: Yelena Demidova, Eleonora Kazanskaya Cast: Gennady Glagolev, Anatoly Guzenko, Veronika Izotova, Vladimir Simonov, Yekaterina Belikova, Elina Suvorova, Valery Doronin, Anatoly Petrov, Alexander Baluyev, Andrei Krasko, Igor Kartashov, Anna Afanasyeva, Geliy Sysoyev, Vladimir Belousov, Nikolai Burov The film tells the story of Admiral Kolchak’s coming to power and tragic circumstances of his death, about exodus of the White Army and many other historical events. It also tells about the tragic end of Russian Royal Family and about the investigation of their execution conducted by investigator Sokolov on the instructions of Kolchak.

1240 MADEMUAZEL O (MADEMOISELLE O) 1993, 92 min., color, “TelFrance” (France), “Petropol”(Russia) Melodrama Director: Jerome Fulon, screenplay: Sandra Joks, Jerome Fulon, camera; Valery Martynov, production designer: Mikhail Suzdalov, misic: Isaak Shvarts Cast: Maite Nair, Yelena Safonova, Alexander Arbat, Vernon Dobcheff, Anton Mineshkin, Grisha Haustov, Sergei Bekhterev, Alexander Baranov Based on Vladimir Nabokov’s short story. The film tells about the early years of Vladimir Nabokov and his brother Sergei which coincided with revolutionary events of the beginning of the 20th century. These events sharply changed the world history as well as the live of the Nabokovs. Despite the tragic episodes of Nabokov’s youth (the tragic death of his father, the death of Maksim, an associate and friend of Nabokov, Sr.) love is the main subject of the film


1993, 96 min., color, “Aurora-film” (Germany), “Nikola-film” with the input from “Lenfilm” Melodrama Director: Dmitry Meskhiyev, screenplay: Valery Todorovsky, camera: Pavel Lebeshev, production designer: Natalya Kochergina, misic: Sergei Kuryokhin, sound: Kirill Kuzmin Cast: Kseniya Kachalina, Alexander Abdulov, Yuri Kuznetsov, Tatyana Lyutayeva, Vladimir Ilyin, Viktor Pavlov, Sergei Kuryokhin, Ivan Chuzhoy (Okhlobystin) This is the legend of the intellectuals of the 60’s, full of direct and hidden references to the cinema of the 60’s, and, above all, to the creative work of Marlen Khutsiyev. This is the film about a man who always wanted to live a different life, but lived the life he had. He wanted to love truly, but was unfaithful, he wanted to be a good friend, but betrayed his friends. It is the love story of parents told by their children — with love.

1242 OSTROVA (ISLANDS) 1993, 91 min., color, “Kinodokument”, “Lenfilm”, “SHIN-EIZO” (Japan) Feature-documentary Director: Semyon Aranovich, Hiroshi Ozuka, screenplay: Semyon Aranovich, camera: Sergei Astakhov, Koshiro Ozu, Igor Plaksin, production designer: Viktor Okovity, misic: Oleg Karavaichuk, Alexander Knaifel, sound: Galina Gorbonosova, Osami Fukuoka The film offers two points of view (of current inhabitants and of the natives) on the problem of the Kuril islands.  The film was awarded the Second Prize of the “Balticum Film” International Festival in Bornholm, Denmark (1994); the Prize of the Aecumenic Jury of the “Message to Man” Documentary Film Festival in St.Petersburg (1994)

1243 PAROM “ANNA KARENINA” (“ANNA KARENINA” FERRY) 1993, min., color Melodrama Director: Alexandra Yakovleva-Aasmyae, screenplay: Grigory Filimonov, camera: Yuri Shaigardanov, misic: Isaak Shvarts Cast: Alexandra Yakovleva- Aasmyae, Yuri Belyayev, Saulus Balandis, Lidiya Fedoseyeva-Shukshina, Andrei Ponomarev, Yevgeny Sidikhin, Valery Nosik Zhenya, a reporter at the St. Petersburg TV studio, meets a parachute-jumper — a kind, loving and absolutely decent fellow. Bored with his virtues the heroine marries a famous journalist who continues to play dirty tricks on the parachute-jumper. Finally, Zhenya comes to her senses and asks an old friend to help her. Her friend, the director of a shipping company, first helps the parachute-jumper to leave the country and later helps Zhenya to find her beloved one in Hamburg.

1244 PLENNIKI UDACHI (PRISONERS OF LUCK) 1993, 80 min., color, “Lenfilm”, PARAMEDIA with the input from ROSKOMKINO Burlesque comedy Director: Maksim Pezhemsky, screenplay: Viktor Petrovich, Maksim Pezhemsky, camera: Ilya Demin, production designers: Oleg Tagel, Andrei Pastushenko, misic: Sergei Kuryokhin, sound: Larisa Maslova Cast: Vitaly Solomin, Semyon Furman, Sergei Batalov, Yekaterina Semyonova, Viktor Sukhorukov, Oleg Garkusha The story is built round an ironic interpretation of cliches and stereotypes of Soviet genre films of the 50s — 70s. It is the story of three characters who escaped from prison and returned to their native town.

1245 POSLEDNEYE DELO VARENOGO (THE LAST BUSINESS OF VARYONY) 1993, 77 min., color, “GOLOS”, “Lenfilm” in association with “Kramdsfilm” with the input from ROSKOMKINO Adventure comedy Director: Vitaly Melnikov, screenplay: Vladimir Zaikin, camera: Valery Mironov, production designer: Andrei Vasin, misic: Andrei Sigle, sound: Asya Zvereva Cast: Viktor Stepanov, Vitaly Skvorkin, Olga Mashnaya, Andrei Urgant, Yelena Drapeko, Olga Samoshina, Galina Baranova, Galina Zudova, Ira Deryagina, Era Ziganshina, Lev Yeliseyev, Yevgeny Kal, Roma Kalinsky An humble forwarding agent Sizukhin is shocked to find out that for the last four years he has been working for drug dealers delivering cocaine instead of baby food all over the Soviet Union. Sizukhin decides to “get even” with the Mafia. For this purpose he engages a severe gangster Varyony.

1246 PREDSTAVLENIYE DLYA... (THE PERFORMANCE FOR...) 1993, 70 min., color, “ERIDAN”, “Lenfilm” Grotesque Written and directed by: Yuri Kiyashko, camera: Vladimir Vasilyev, production designer: Yuri Kiyashko, music from pieces by: Bach, Vivaldi, Guiyo, sound: Sergei Moshkov Cast: Sergei Krasotin, Larisa Yakovenko, Irina Chernova, Igor Dobryakov, Konstantin Demidov, Ivan Makeyev, Azamat Bagirov The film is a striking example of a conceptualistic cinema. Finding himself in a strange and unusual theatre the hero tries to understand its laws. However, his attempts only further complicate his feelings, awakening some deep unknown powers in him. May be the theatre, that enchanted the hero, is nothing but his own inner world. On the face of it, the film is composed of chaotic episodes of hero’s existence which later form a system inexorably drawing the hero to a vague aim.

1247 PROVINTSIALNY BENEFIS (A BENEFIT PERFORMANCE IN THE PROVINCES) 1993, 88 min., color, “AKKORD FILM”, “Bibliopolis”, “Lenfilm” Melodrama Written and directed by: Alexander Belinsky, camera: Eduard Rozovsky, production designer: Natalya Vasilyeva, misic: Valery Gavrilin, sound: Natalya Avanesova Cast: Galina Vishnevskaya, Yelena Rostropovich, Svetlana Nemolayeva, Alexander Lazarev Jr., Anzhelika Nevolina, Vladislav Strzhelchik, Vyacheslav Tikhonov, Vladimir Samoilov, Leonid Kuravlyov, Valentin Smirnitsky, Vsevolod Kuznetsov, Yelizaveta Nikishchikhina Loosely based on Alexander Ostrovsky’s plays “Guilty Without Fault”, “Forest”, “Talents and Admirers”. Many years ago Luybov Ivanovna Otradina, betrayed by the man she loved and deprived of her son, had to flee from the town of Murom. A famous opera singer, she returns to her native town to give her last concert before leaving the stage forever. The actors Schastlivtsev and Neschastlivtsev, Sasha Negina and Smelskaya are among the residents of the town…

1248 PUTESHESTVIYE V SCHASTLIVUYU ARAVIYU (A TRIP TO HAPPY ARABIA) 1993, 87 min., color, “Petropol”, “Lentelefilm” with the input from KINI-AVTO Psychological thriller

Director: Valery Naumov, screenplay: Andrei Pastushenko, camera: Anatioly Rodionov, Sergei Sidorov, production designer: Nikolai Subbotin, misic: Leonid Rezetdinov, sound: Konstantin Zarin Cast: Alexander Lykov, Valeria Likhodei, Leonid Leikin, Viktor Smirnov, Vadim Lobanov, Andrei Urgant, Viktor Zozyainov, Yuliya Yakovleva Unlucky actor, upset by unsuccessful audition, hails a passing car driven by a pretty young woman. All of a sudden they become hostages of gangsters who are trying to get out of the city with the freight they received at the airport.

1249 RUSSKAYA NEVESTA (RUSSIAN BRIDE) 1993, 111 min., color, “EAE”, “Letny Sad” with the input from “Lenfilm” Melodrama Written and directed by: Gennady Solovsky, camera: Ivan Bagayev, production designer: Andrei Vasin, music from pieces by: Tomado Albioni, Antonio Vivaldi, Wolfgang-Amadeus Mozart, Alfred Shnitke, sound: Alexander Sysolyatin Cast: Alla Murina, Kseniya Rappoport, Alexander Blok, Dao Dae, Ludmila Wagner, Lubov Virolainen, Alexei Zalivalov A Russian beauty Yuliya tired of routine hardships of her everyday life decides to leave her husband and marry a rich foreigner.

1250 SENSATSIYA (SENSATION) 1993, 90 min., color, “Neva” with the input from ROSKOMKINO Adventure, science fiction. Film for children Director: Boris Gorlov, screenplay: Vladimir Vardunas, camera: Nikolai Stroganov, production designer: Vladimir Kostin, misic: Andrei Sigle, sound: Boris Andreyev Cast: Alexei Petrenko, Tom Bel, Misha Kapralov, Tatyana Pankova, Sasha Stovbur, Masha Antipova, Artyom Khabutdinov Forester Yuri Savushkin, enthusiast of nature conservation, protects animals and plants in Ugryumovsky forest reserve. However, the quiet life in the reserve is disturbed by “researchers”, the young amateur naturalists, an American zoologist, an academician of zoology and others, seeking ecological rarities Children find a unique specimen — Glasyuka, but Savushkin the junior, Andy and the forester do their best to save this amazing creature from scientific experiments.

1251 SIKIMOKU (SIKIMOKU) 1993, 82 min., color, “MIST” with the input from “Neva” and “Lenfilm” Christmas fairy tale Director: Olga Zhukova, screenplay: Olga Zhukova, Viktor Mikheyev, camera: Vadim Semyonovykh, production designer: Boris Golodnitsky, misic: Viktor Mikheyev, sound Pavel Drozdov Cast: Viktor Mikheyev, Yevgeny Lebedev, Yuri Olennikov, Olga Lapshina, Olga Golodnitskaya A night-shift ambulance is patrolling the streets on a New Year’s Eve. It picks up those who need help — and in many cases not only medical help. It picks up people who are lonely, offended, forgotten...

1252 SUMERKI NADEZHD (TWILIGHT OF HOPES) 1993, 106 min., color, “Malenky Prints”, “Lenfilm” Historical drama Directed by: Ruslan Khachemizov, Kassei Khochegogu, screenplay: Nalbiy Kuyek, Rusklan Khachemizov, camera: Nikolai Zhilin, production designer: Abdulakh Bersirov, misic: Yevgeny Umarov, sound: Igor Vigdorchik

Cast: Zaur Zekhov, Nurbiy Achmiz, Vadim Misostov, Murat Kukan, Kanshoubi Khashev, Marina Guchetl, Zuret Kobleva, Chatib Paranuk, Akhmed Vorkozhokov The story is set in the beginning of the 19th century when Adygei people, confronted by the approaching trouble, realized the necessity to unite. This theme is revealed through the conflict of Dzhambot, the wise tutor of young Adygei noblemen, and prince Yedidz, the advocate of independent principalities.  The film was awarded the “Asturias” Prize at the III European Film Festival in Kandas, Spain (1993).

1253 SCHASTLIVY NEUDACHNIK (HAPPY FAILURE) 1993, 85 min., color, “Barmaley”, “Lenfilm” with the input from ROSKOMKINO Melodrama Director: Valery Bychenkov, screenplay: Alexander Getman, camera: Valery Mironov, production designer: Vladimir Bannykh, misic: Igor Tsvetkov, sound: Andrei Volkov Cast: Semyon Mendelson, Anzhelika Nevolina, Olga Volkova, Anna Matyukhina, Yuri Mogilevtsev Screen version of Vadim Shefner’s novel of the same title. Although the film is set up in Leningrad of the 30’es there are neither arrests and executions, nor agression and everyday betrayal. The life is unstable, hysterical and even absurd. Nevertheless, the boy who is the lead character of the film, is happy. His early years are blissful, love is real, people around him are good-natured and cheerful.  The film was awarded the Special Prize of the XYI International Festival of Films for Children and Youth in Moscow (19940; the Main Prize of the 1st International Festival of Films for Children and Youth in St.Petersburg (1994); the Grand Prix of the International Children Film Festival in Chicago, USA (1994); the Main Premium of the “Okno v Yeropu” (“The Window to Europe”) International Film Festival in Vyborg (1994); the “Spectators’ Favourite” Prize at the International Festival of Films for Children and Youth in Zlin, Czechia (1994).

1254 TIKHIYE STANITSY (QUIET PAGES) 1993, 80 min., color, “Severny Fond”, “Eskomfilm” with the input from “Lenfilm” Drama Written and directed by: Alexander Sokurov, dialogues: Yuri Arabov, Andrei Chernykh, camera: Alexander Burov, production designer: Vera Zelinskaya, misic: Gustav Mahler, Friedrich Rukkert’s “Songs of Dead Children”, vocalist: Lina Mkrtchyan, sound: Vladimir Persov Cast: Alexander Cherednik, Yelizaveta Koroleva, Sergei Barkovsky, Galina Nikulina, Olga Onishchenko, Valery Kozinets The film is loosely based on Russian prosaic works of the 19th century. Alexander Sokurov re-reads the pages of the famous prose in his own manner. Fyodor Dostoyevsky’s “Crime and Punishment” was chosen as ideological pivot, a historical landmark but not the basis of the story. Gustav Mahler’s vocal cycle was recorded by vocalist Lina Mkrtchyan specially for this film.

1255 TY U MENYA ODNA (YOU ARE MY ONE AND ONLY) 1993, 94 min., color, “Lenfilm”, “Informpresservice”, “Astur” Melodrama Director: Dmitry Astrakhan, screenplay: Oleg Danilov, camera: Yuri Vorontsov, production designer: Masha Petrova, misic: Alexander Pantykin, sound: Alexander Dudarev Cast: Alexander Zbruyev, Marina Neyolova, Svetlana Ryabova, Viktor Glagolev, Irina Mazurkevich, Alexander Lykov, Vladimir Kravchenko Yevgeny Timoshin, an ex-boxer and now an ordinary engineer gets the opportunity to change his life. Young and beautiful Asya who has been in love with Timoshin since childhood offers him to go to

America with her. She loves him as ever and is prepared to offer him a job and take him to America for training. But Timoshin is fond of his wife. Having overcome a number of temptations and trials husband and wife stay together...  The film was awarded the Grand Prix of the Presidential Council at the Open Russian Film Festival in Sochi (1993); the “Silver Pyramid” Prize and the Prize for the Best Actress’ Work of Marina Neyolova at the International Film Festival in Capri (1993). The NIKA Prize for the Best Actress’ Work went to Marina Neyolova (1993).

1256 TYUREMNY ROMANS (PRISON ROMANCE) 1993, 99 min., color, “Tabivy-film”, “Lenfilm” Melodrama Director: Yevgeny Tatarsky, screenplay: Sergei Solovyov, camera: Pavel Lebeshev, production designer: Natalya Kochergina, misic: Sergei Kuryokhin, sound: Igor Vigdorchik Cast: Marina Neyolova, Alexander Abdulov, Aristarkh Livanov, Yuri Kuznetsov, Boris Sokolov, Lev Vigdorov, To Su An The film is based on a true story that was extensively covered by the Russian mass media and caused a sensation on TV. A young woman — police officer investigating especially dangerous crimes — falls in love with the man under investigation, hands him a weapon and attempts to help him escape from prison.

1257 YUNOSHA IZ MORSKIKH GLUBIN (A YOUTH FROM THE DEEP SEA) 1993, 69 min., b/w Fairy tale Written and directed by: Gennady Novikov, camera: Leonid Konovalov, production designer: Viktor Zhelobinsky, sound: Alexander Sysolyatin Cast: Olga Bykova, Vyacheslav Mikhailov, Alexander Khochinsky, Sergei Dontsov (Dreiden), Yuri Sergeyev, German Zhuravlev, Andrei Krasko, Yuri Serov The film is based on the short story of the same title by a German writer Hans Erich Nossak. A fairy tale story of a girl Hanna and a young man from the deep sea alternates with the pictures of life in the provincial German town in the days of World War II and the reminiscences of Hanna’s first love. Fantasy and reality, spiritual and mundane are flicking through the memory of the heroine...Fantasy and reality, spiritual and mundane are interweave in the film to create a fusion of black and white images with Bach’s music.

1258 AKT (ACT) 1994, 86 min., color, “Troitsky Most”, “OGNON Pictures” (France) Detective melodrama Written and directed by: Alexander Rogozhkin, camera: Valery Mulgaut, production designer: Viktor Zhelobinsky, sound: Nikilai Astakhov Cast: Igor Sergeyev, Katya Migitsko, Sergei Migitsko, Tatyana Kuznetsova, Valery Mironov, Yuri Orlov, Viktor Bychkov, Igor Golovin, Danya Gudkovskaya, Alexei Poluyan, Boris Cherdyntsev The film tells about the misfortunes of an ordinary man, Igor Sergeyev, who by chance came into possession of a case with a lot of money in it.... As it turns out, it is not easy to find a decent use of the money and at the end the hero realizes the old truth — “it is not money that makes people happy”.

1259 GOD SOBAKI (THE YEAR OF DOG) 1994, 133 min., color, “Kinodokument”, “Lenfilm”, “Golos”, “Sodaperaga” (France) Melodrama Director: Semyon Aranovich, screenplay: Semyon Aranovich, Albina Shulgina, Vadim Mikhailov, Zoya Kudrya, camera: Yuri Shaigardanov, production designer:

Marksen Gaukhman-Sverdlov, misic: Oleg Karavaichuk, sound: Aliakper Gasanzade Cast: Inna Churikova, Igor Sklyar, Alexender Feklistov, Mikhail Dorofeyev, Sergei Bobrov, Era Ziganshina, Valentina Kovel, Gennady Menshikov, Robert Vaab, Diana Shishlyayeva, Irina Polyanskaya Ex-convict Sergei and a lonely woman Vera find their brief happiness in an abandoned village located on the radiation contaminated territory. It is here, on this piece of land left by people and by God, that the two people start a new life, getting acquainted and attached to each other. It is here that they experience love — for the first time in their lives.  The film was awarded the “Silver Bear” Prize and the Prize of Peace at the 44th International Film Festival in Berlin (1994); the “Silver Sail” Prize at the 2nd Festival of Russian Cinema in San Raphael, France; the Prize for the Best Actor’s Work at the Open Russian Film Festival in Sochi (1994).

1260 DOZHDI V OKEANE (RAIN IN THE OCEAN) 1994, 76 min., color, “Lenfilm”, “ULISS” with the input from ROSKOMKINO Melodrama Written and directed by: Viktor Aristov (finished by Yuri Mamin), camera: Yuri Vorontsov, production designer: Masha Petrova, misic: Arkady Gagulashvili, sound: Nikolay Astakhov Cast: Anna Molchanova, Yuri Belyayev, Sergei Razhuk, Svetlana Slanskene, Diana Rubanova Loosely based on Alexander Belyayev’s novel “The Island of Lost Ships”. The firm is set in the beginning of the century. Three people meet on an ocean liner: a young girl, dreaming of love, a police agent and a man he follows — a young engineer accused of committing a murder. As fate has willed it they find themselves overboard in life jackets in the open sea. The current takes them to an abandoned drifting barge. Here takes its beginning the love intrigue which will have a tragic end.  The film was awarded the Special Prize of the Jury at the 3rd KINOSHOK Festival in Anapa (1994); the “Swan Song” Prize to the film director Victor Aristov; the Prize for the Best Actress’ Work to Anna Molchanova at the 3rd KINOSHOK Festival; the Crystal Prize of the Participant at the “Arsenal” International Film Festival in Riga; the NIKA Prize to Nikolay Astakhov for the Best Sound Producer’s Work (1994).

1261 ISPOVED NEZNAKOMTSY (CONFESSION TO A STRANGER) 1994, 92 min., color Melodrama Written and directed by: George Bardaville, camera: Yuri Klimenko, misic: Henry Lolashvili Cast: William Hert, Sandrin Bonnair, Svetlana Kryuchkova, Larisa Guzeyeva, Alexander Kaidanovsky, Sergei Yurski, Alisa Freinlikh, Olga Volkova, Gennady Bogachev Based on Valery Bryusov’s novel “Last Pages of Diary of a Woman”. The film is set in St. Petersburg in 1907. Young and independent Natalie has everything one needs to be happy: a charming child, a rich, loving and generous husband. Nevertheless, her encounter with a stranger on a bird market changes her life...

1262 ZAMOK (CASTLE) 1994, 110 min., color, “DVA PE I KA”, “Lenfilm” with the input from ROSKOMKINO, “Orient-express” (France) Philosophical parable

Director: Alexei Balabanov, screenplay: Alexei Balabanov, Sergei Selyanov, camera: Sergei Yurizditsky, Andrei Zhegalov, production designer: Sergei Shemyakin, Vladimir Kartashev, misic: Sergei Kuryekhin, sound: Kirill Kuzmin Cast: Nikolay Stotsky, Svetlana Pismichenko, Viktor Sukhorukov, Anvar Libabov, Alexei German, Olga Antonova, Andrei Smirnov, Igor Shibanov Based on Franz Kafka’s novel of the same title. The hero of the film — the Land Surveyor — has been invited by the Castle to do some work. Coming to the Village he is surprised to find out that no one expects him. He tries to assert his rights but runs into impregnable blank wall of hostile world. Penetration into the Castle becomes the purpose of his life. For the sake of this purpose he betrays the woman he loves, experiences humilations, deceives and loses himself...  The film was awarded the Cinema Club Prize at the KINOTAVR-95 Open Russian Film Festival;the NIKA Prize for the Best Production Designer’s Work went to Vladimir Kartashev (1994); the NIKa Prize for the Best Costume Designer’s Work went to Nadyezhda Vasilyeva (1994).

1263 KOLESO LUBVI (WHEEL OF LOVE) 1994, 89 min., color, “DVA PE I KA”, “Lenfilm” Erotic comedy Director: Ernest Yasan, screenplay: Vadim Mikhailov, Albina Shulgina, Ernest Yasan, camera: Ivan Bagayev, production designer: Natalya Kochergina, misic: Andrei Sigle, sound: Mikhail Viktorov Cast: Mikhail Porechenkov, Maria Lipkina, Anna Samokhina, Zoya Buryak, Ivan Krasko, Igor Dmitriyev, Valentina Kovel, Yelena Rud, Yevgeny Yermolin, Artashes Aleksanyan, Anatoly Gorin, Tatyana Grigoryeva The handsome hero of the film is compelled to work off his debt in a rather unusual way: by the oldest trade.

1264 KOLECHKO ZOLOTOYE, BUKET IZ ALYKH ROZ (GOLDEN RING, BOUQUET OF RED ROSES) 1994, 100 min., color, “Lenfilm”, ROSKOMKINO, “Lentelefilm”, “AKV” Melodrama Written and directed by: Dmitry Dolinin, camera: Lev Kolganov, production designer: Vladimir Bannykh, misic: Gennady Banshchikov, sound: Boris Andreyev Cast: Yelena Korikova, Viktor Pavlov, Olga Volkova, Olga Shorina, Sergei Gamov, Sergei Yushkevich, Viktor Bychkov, Zoya Buryak, Sergei Batalov, Gelena Ivliyeva, Viktor Gogolev, Sergei Selin Loosely based on Anton Chekhov’s story “In a Gorge”. A simple life story of the Tsybukins close merchant family is turning first into a drama and eventually into a tragedy. The episodes of the film are in tune with our days: a drive for making easy money, police bribery, false money, unpunished murders...

1265 LUBOV, PREDVESTIYE PECHALI (LOVE, THE OMEN OF SORROW) 1994, 96 min., color Melodrama Director: Viktor Sergeyev, screenplay: Vladimir Yeremin, camera: Yuri Shaigardanov, production designer: Viktor Zhelobinsky, misic: Sergei Kuryekhin, sound: Asya Zvereva Cast: Irina Metlitskaya, Andrei Sokolov, Olga Drozdova, Yuri Balabanov, Olga Samoshina, Svetlana Gaitan, Vsevolod Kuznetsov, Yuri Tomashevsky, Galina Zakhurdayeva, Gali Abaidulov

The film tells about the sinful fatal love of a young artist for the wife of his close friend. Young goodlooking people live solely by their emotions and passions. However, the trivial situation is heated by premonition of mortal danger which eventually overtakes the lovers.

1266 NA KOGO BOG POSHLET (A GIFT FROM HEAVEN) 1994, 77 min., color, “Lenfilm” in association with “First and Experimental Film”, ROSKOMKINO Comedy Written and directed by: Vladimir Zaikin, camera: Mikhail Levitin, Vladimir Vasilyev, production designer: Pavel Parkhomenko, misic: Alexander Yakovel, sound: Alexei Shulga Cast: Larisa Udovichenko, Stanislav Sadalsky, Leonid Torkiani, Maria Lobacheva, Sergei Migitsko, Yevgeny Lebedev, Igor Dmitriyev Love story of heroes of the comedy unfolds in a rather unusual way — from having their adult son to introduction and first kiss.

1267 OKHOTA (HUNTING) 1994, 88 min., color, “R”studios with the support from V.Shevtsov (Tyumen), “Pulkovskoye” hotel complex, LENTRANSGAZ Melodrama Written and directed by: Vitaly Solomin, camera: Vladimir Brylyakov, production designer: Georgy Kropachev, misic: Gennady Gladkov, sound: Igor Terekhov Cast: Tatyana Abramova, Alexander Lazarev, Jr., Alisa Freindlikh, Natalya Inozemtseva, Vasily Livanov, Nikolay Lavrov, Yaroslav Baryshev, Alexander Karpenko, Sergei Yezhenkov, Fyodor Odinokov Based on “Krutoyarskaya Tzarevna”, a novel by Yevgeniya Tur. The film is set in Russia of 1773. The sixteen-year old owner of Krutoyarsk estate, the richest fiancee, a beauty and an orphan is a tasty morsel for bachelors.  The actress Tatyana Abramova was awarded the “Mother of Pearl” Prize for the Best Actress’ Work and the actor Alexander Lazarev was awarded the “Mother of Pearl” Prize for the Best Actor’s Work at the International Film Festival in Riga.

1268 POLIGON-ODIN (TRAINING GROUND-1) 1994, 87 min., color, “Lenfilm” with the input from ROSKOMKINO Adventure Director: Valery Rodchenko, screenplay: Valery Rodchenko, Vladimir Popov, camera: Igor Plaksin, production designer: Sergei Shemyakin, misic: Andrei Sigle, sound: Yelena Demidova Cast: Andrei Tolubeyev, Viktor Mikhailov, Viktor Kravchenko, Volodya Rozhin, Igor Kiverin, Alexei Kozhevnikov The film tells about the incredible fantastic adventures of boys who became subject of a scientific experiment. Children find themselves in “The Wild West”, among space monsters, in the world of fantastic wild life.

1269 PROKHINDIADA-DVA (TALE OF A SMART FELLOW-2) 1994, 94 min., color, “Lenfilm”, “Ladoga”, “Vesant”, “Milena-film” Satirical comedy Director: Alexander Kalyagin, screenplay: Anatoly Grebnev, camera: Ivan Bagayev, production designer: Vladimir Kostin, misic: Andrei Sigle, sound: Igor Terekhov

Cast: Alexander Kalyagin, Ludmila Gurchenko, Maxim Vitorgan, Tatyana Dogileva, Irina Rozanova, Marina Tregubovich, Vladimir Soshalsky, Alexei Zharkov, Viktor Zozulin, Vladimir Permyakov, Ludmila Gvozdikova, Sergei Parshin Characters of the popular film made by Viktor Tregubovich in the 80s live in our times. Nothing has changed in family life of San Sanych Lyubomudrov during the last ten years: he is still running off his feet like a squirrel in a cage. However, times have changed. Shady business of “smart fellows” of the stagnation years became legal and those who used to denounce San Sanych became “new Russians” and turned out to be much tougher than the hero himself. Attempt of Lubomudrov to steal a march on one of them leads to a dramatic end.

1270 RUSSKAYA SIMFONIYA (RUSSIAN SYMPHONY) 1994, 115 min., color, “Lenfilm”, “DVA PE I KA”, “Orient-express” (France), ROSKOMKINO Mystery story Written and directed by: Konstantin Lopushansky, camera: Nikolay Pokoptsev, production designers: Valery Chernyavsky, Larisa Shilova, misic: Andrei Sigle, sound: Natalya Avanesova Cast: Viktor Mikhaiov, Alexander Ilyin, Valentina Golubyonok, Kira Kreilis-Petrova, Valentina Kovel, Mikhail Khrabrov, Natalya Akimova, Nora Gryakalova A parable on the theme of the Last Judgement that is beginning in Russia in our days. One day, all of a sudden the Last Judgement begins — this is how the characters of the film interpret numerous catastrophic events. But it turned out to be not as simple as it seemed to. There was a certain ambiguity, a kind of a game behind the events. And there was a terrible suspicion that the things going on were some kind of a performance, a theatrical production  The film director Konstantin Lopushansky was awarded the Aecumenic Jury Prize of the 45th International Film Festival in Berlin (1994).

1271 RUSSKIY TRANZIT (RUSSIAN TRANSIT) 1994, 6 parts, 52 min. each, color, “St.-Petersburg Arts Centre”, “Lenfilm”, “Regional TV’, “Slava-film” Detective Director: Viktor Titov, screenplay: Vyacheslav Barkovsky, Otar Dugladze, Viktor Titov, camera: Valery Mulgaut, production designer: Sergei Shemyakin, misic: Nikolai Martynov, Yuri Shevchuk, sound: Alexei Shulga Cast: Yevgeny Sidikhin, Anna Samokhina, Andrei Urgant, Igor Dmitriyev, Vladimir Illarionov, Igor Golovin, Viktor Kostetsky, Anatoly Ravikovich, Viktor Stepanov, Semyon Furman, Sergei Parshin, Lubov Tishchenko, Yuri Shevchuk Ex-professional athlete Alexander is working as a doorman at a restaurant. He is a lone hero, who can fight for his friends and himself. Driven into a corner he discloses a gang of drug-trafficers operating in Russia.

1272 SEKRET VINODELIYA (SECRET OF WINEMAKING) 1994, 67 min., color, “Lenfilm’, “Severny Fond”, ROSKOMKINO Phantasmagoria Written and directed by: Andrei Chernykh, camera: Alexander Ustinov, production designer: Viktor Ivanov, sound: Vladimir Persov Cast: Marina Solopchenko, Tatyana Titova, Semyon Strugachev, Sergei Shcherbin, Vadim Yermolayev, Fedya Larionov, Leonid Yeliseyev Poetic film about the family of wine -makers — father, mother, son and daughter who start incest relations. “The man is feeling when he is drinking!.. Romance — understand?” — These are the main life principles of the family.

1273 FRANTSUZSKIY VALS (FRENCH WALTZ) 1994, 93 min., color, “Petropol”, “Lentelefilm”, ROSKOMKINO Melodrama Director: Sergei Mikaelyan, screenplay: Lev Arkadyev, Sergei Mikaelyan, camera: Valery Mulgaut, production designer: Sergei Mikaelyan, misic: Igor Tsvetkov, sound: Artur Shikhov Cast: Irina Lachina, Dona Giber, Robert Parti, Ivan Shvedov Romantic love story of a French guerilla Henry and a Russian girl Lena who escaped from the fascist prison camp located on the territory of France. After parting for fifty years heroes of the film meet again. The film is based on a true story.

1274 ELIKSIR (ELIXIR) 1994, 50 min., color, “Lenfilm” in association with “First and Experimental Film”, ROSKOMKINO Fairy tale Director: Irina Yevteyeva, screenplay: Irina Yevteyeva, Yuri Kravtsov, camera: Genrikh Marandzhan, production designer: Viktor Zhelobinsky, animation: Irina Yevteyeva, misic: Gennady Banshchikov, sound: Eduard Vanunts Cast: Sveltana Svirko, Semyon Strugachev, Sergei Shcherbin, Sergei Bekhterev (voice over) Fantasy in Ernst Theodor Hoffmann’s manner Experimental film made on the border of animation and feature cinema. This philosophical fairy tale is centered on the story of Hoffmann’s hero traveling ‘ Behind the Looking Glass’. Imagine the wold inhabited by salamanders and black dragons: the fairy land who has just been created by some kind of a winged spirit who not only breathed in life but also left the Talisman that can support this life.  The film was awarded the Special Prize of the “Okno v Yevropu” (“ The Window to Europe”) International Film Festival in Vyborg (1993).

1275 VREMYA PECHALI YESHCHO NE PRISHLO (TIME FOR SORROW HAS NOT YET COME UP) 1995, 97 min., color, STV, “Lenfilm”, Roskomkino Ironic parable Director: Sergei Selyanov, screenplay: Mikhail Konovalchuk, Sergei Selyanov, camera: Denis Shcheglovsky, production designer: Vera Zelinskaya, misic: Vladimir Radchenkov, sound: Kirill Kuzmin Cast: Marina Levtova, Valery Priyomykhov, Mikhail Svetin, Pyotr Mamonov, Semyon Strugachev, Viktor Dement, Yuris Strenga Inhabitants of a Russian village — a Russian, a Tartar, a German, a Jew and a Gipsy go away to different countries but later get together again in their beloved place...With love and irony authors of the film examine comic and tragic elements in life of the heroes, their hopes and aspirations and through them — Russia’s historical fate.  The film was awarded The Third Premium at the International Festival of the East-European Cinema in Kottbus, the German Federal Republic and “The Spectators’ Favourite” Prize at the International Film Festival in Chicago, USA. The film director Sergei Selyanov got the Special Prize of the Main Contest Jury at KINOTAVR-95 (the Open Russian Film Festival).

1276 VSYO BUDET KHOROSHO (EVERYTHING WILL BE FINE) 1995, 112 min., color, ”Nikola-film”, “Fora-film”, “Lenfilm”, Roskomkino Melodrama

Director: Dmitry Astrakhan, screenplay: Oleg Danilov, camera: Yuri Vorontsov, production designer: Sergei Kokovkin, misic: Alexander Pantykin, sound: Nikolai Astakhov, Mikhail Viktorov Cast: Alexander Zbruyev, Olga Ponizova, Valentin Bukin, Andrei Zhuravlov, Mikhail Ulyanov, Irina Mazurkevich One day a millionaire Konstantin Smirnov, who is neither a slob nor a gangster but simply a good person, returns to a remote Russian provincial town together with his son Petya who is not a snob thinking too much of himself but simply the youngest in the world winner of Nobel prize. Why does he do it? To reunite with his friends and relatives, and instead of harassing people and destroying things — to build the magic Disneyland in his native town and find his long awaited love.  The film was awarded the Main Prize of the International Festival of Love Story Films in Varna, Bulgaria.

1277 DEREVYANNAYA KOMNATA (WOODEN ROOM) 1995, 65 min., b/w, ”Mzhalala-Film” Phantasmagoria Director: Yevgeny Yufit, screenplay: Vladimir Maslov, Yevgeny Yufit, camera: Roman Lugovskoy, production designer: Yevgeny Yufit, sound: Mikhail Podtakuy Cast: Tatyana Verkhovskaya, Vladimir Maslov, Igor Bezrukov, Sergei Tsvetkov The film deals with problems of ecology and environmental protection. The lead character of the film is making documentary films and is obsessed with recording of certain marginal phenomena of life around him. Coming to the phenomena closer and closer with his camera lens he involuntary becomes their participant and victim.

1278 DUKHOVNYE GOLOSA (SPIRITUAL VOICES) 1995, 326 min., 5 parts (1st — 38 min., 2nd — 33 min., 3rd — 87 min., 4th — 77 min., 5th — 92 min), color, video, “Severny Fond”, “Eskomkino” (Syktyvkar), “Lenfilm”, “Pandora” (Japan), Roskomkino War documentary Written and directed by: Alexander Sokurov, camera: Alexander Burov, Alexei Fedorov, production designer, misic: Toru Takemitsu, sound: Sergei Moshkov From war diaries. “Mozart, Messian, Beethoven, uninhabited North of Russia and bloody war in Tajikistan. Harmony and chaos, classics and modernism, death and a final revelation of the sense of life, beauty growing out of ugly clots of matter. Faces and bodies of soldiers left at the end of the Universe, spiritual voices piercing the thickness of darkness — these are the dominant themes of the film shot in extreme circumstances of war” (“Seance” magazine No. 11) The first non-feature motion picture made in circumstances of modern war, sometimes directly during the actions. Alexander Sokurov for the first time used video camera because the use of a film camera and film shooting equipment for shooting scenes from life of the 11th post of Moscow detachment of Russian Border service in Tajikistan was determined by the situation as well as by financial problems.  The film was awarded the “Sony” Prize at the International Film Festival in Locarno, Switzerland.

1279 ZIMNYAYA VISHNYA (WINTER CHERRY) 1995, 58 min., color, video, ”Troitsky Most”, ”Peterburg-Pyaty kanal” Melodrama Director: Igor Maslennikov, screenplay: Vladimir Valutsky, camera: Valery Mulgaut, production designer: Natalya Kochergina, misic: Vladimir Dashkevich, sound: Galina Lukina Cast: Yelena Safonova, Larisa Udovichenko, Nina Ruslanova, Vitaly Solomin, Irina Miroshnichenko, Olga Samoshina, Irina Klimova, Yelena Yunger, Viktor Avilov, Alexander Lenkov, Pyotr Velyaminov, Antonina Shuranova, Vladimir Yeremin, Tanya Bugayeva, Samuel Labart

Two earlier made films “Winter Cherry-1” and “Winter Cherry-2” reedited, additional shooting made with the use of videocamera. Olga, heroine of “Winetr Cherry 1 and 2” comes from America to Russia. She is rich and beautiful as ever.

1280 KONTSERT DLYA KRYSY (CONCERT FOR A RAT) 1995, 103 min., color, b/w, ”Lenfilm”, “Ermitazhny Most”, Roskomkino Tragicomedy Director: Oleg Kovalov, screenplay: Timur Baulin, Vladimir Maslov, Oleg Kovalov, camera: Yevgeny Shermegor, production designer: Viktor Ivanov, sound: Marina Polyanskaya Cast: Yelena Savina, Pyotr Zaichenko, Fyodor Konovalov, Katya Tamnitskaya, Alexander Sheff, Valery Smorygo, Alexei Muravyev Loosely based on literary works by Daniil Khrams (1939) “Concert for a rat” is a tragic and comic panorama of pre-war life, full of lyricism and black humour. The film is set in a totalitarian state which resembles Germany and the USSR of the 30-es. One of the aims of the film is to reveal the complicated connection between Kharms’ attitude to life and the time he lived in.  The film director Oleg Kovalov was awarded the Special Prize at the KINOSHOK-95 Film Festival.

1281 MANIYA ZHIZELI (MANIA OF GISELLE) 1995, 86 min., color, ”Rok”, ”Lenfilm”, Roskomkino Biographic story Director: Alexei Uchitel, screenplay: Dunya Smirnova, camera: Sergei Lando, production designer: Nikolay Samonov, misic: Leonid Desyatnikov, sound: Leonid Lerner Cast: Galina Tyunina, Mikhail Kozakov, Yevgeny Sidikhin, Andrei Smirnov, Sergei Vinogradov, Leonid Roskoshny The film tells about the tragic fate of Russian ballerina Olga Spesivtseva who emigrated from Russia in the 20-es. Story of brilliant career and dramatic life story of the great dancer are told in the film not as a biographical document but as a theme of love enchantment delirium which was the most important theme in Spesivtseva’s art. This theme is the leit-motif of the story revealing the close connection between gift and madness, art and obsession, will and fate.  The actress Galina Tyunina was awarded the Prize for the Best Actor’s Debut at the “Molodost” (“Youth”) International Film Festival in Kiev, the Ukraine.  The film was awarded the Main Prize of the III Russian Cinema Festival in Onfleur, France.

1282 OSOBENOSTI NATSIONALNOY OKHOTY (PECULIARITIES OF NATIONAL HUNTING) 1995, 90 min., color, ”Lenfilm”, ”Roskomkino” Comedy Written and directed by: Alexander Rogozhkin, screenplay: Andrei Zhegalov, production designer: Igor Timoshenko, Valentina Atsikayevskaya, misic: Vladislav Panchenko, sound: Nikolay Astakhov Cast: Ville Haapassalo, Alexei Buldakov, Viktor Bychkov, Semyon Strugachev, Sergei Kupriyanov, Sergei Russkin, Sergei Gusinsky, Igor Sergeyev, Igorv Dobryakov, Yuri Makusinsky, Zoya Buryak, Boris Cherdyntsev, Alexander Zavyalov A Young Finn named Raive who is working on a book on peculiarities of national hunting in different countries comes to Russia. With a company comprising men of different standing he goes to a remote forestry officer’s post. Hunting a large beast turns into a traditional Russian drinking party. Together with Russian hunters the Finn gets into all sorts of comic situations...  The film was awarded the Grand Prix in the main contest at KINOTAVR-95 (the Open Russian Film Festival); the Special Prize of the Jury at the International Film Festival in Karlovy Vary; the

Prize of the Russian Cinema Critics’ Guild at the International Film Festival in Sochi; the Grand Prix of the “Okno v Yevropu” (“The Window to Europe”) International Film Festival in Vyborg.

1283 PRIBYTIYE POYEZDA (ARRIVAL OF A TRAIN) 1995, almanach of 5 novels, commissioned by ROSKOMKINO to mark the 100th anniversary of cinema 1. TROFIM (TROFIM) 25 min., color, STV, ROSKOMKINO Drama Director: Alexei Balabanov, screenplay: Alexei Balabanov and Sergei Selyanov, camera: Sergei Astakhov, production designer: Sergei Shemyakin, misic: Sergei Prokofyev, sound: Maxim Belovolov Cast: Sergei Makovetsky, Zoya Buryak, Semyon Strugachev, Alexei Balabanov, Alexei German, Igor Shibanov, Vladimir Bogdanov, Lyudmila Alexandrova, Viktor Poluektov, Dmitry Meskhiyev, Sergei Barkovsky An ordinary Russian story. A husband jealous of his brother, killed him with an axe and escaped to St. Petersburg where he was later arrested in a brothel.

2. EKZERSIS NOMER PYAT (EXERCISE NO. 5) 20 min., color, “Ostrov”, ROSKOMKINO, KINOFORUM Melodrama Director: Dmitry Mekskhiyev, screenplay: Arkady Tigai, camera: Sergei Machilsky, production designer: Viktor Tikhomirov, sound: Konstantin Zarin Cast: Irina Metlitskaya, Alexei Serebryakov, Andrei Krasko, Yuri Kuznetsov, Nina Usatova, Alexander Polovtsev, Viktor Tikhomirov, Leonid Gromov, Ivan Shvedov, Oleg Mel’nik, Vladimir Bogdanov, Yekaterina Golubeva A film is being shot. The crew is waiting for the right weather. Some people are drinking coffee, some are trying to rehearse, some are sorting out personal problems. And they are watched by an impassive camera, forgotten to be turned off.

1284 RUSSKIY PAROVOZ (RUSSIAN LOCOMOTIVE) 1995, 77 min., color, ”Barmaley”, ROSKOMKINO, ”Opalfilmproduktion” (Germany) Risky adventure film for children Director: Nenad Dyapich, screenplay: Nenad Dyapich, Goran Radovanovich, Martin Teo Kriger, camera: Vladimir Burykin, Artyom Melkumyan, production designer, music: Igor Tsvetkov, sound: Arthur Shikhov Cast: Yelena Sanayeva, Rolan Bykov, Mikhail Gluzsky, Masha Kapitskaya, Artiom Urvachev, Denis Serd’iukov During vacation a curator of Berlin Museum of Transport comes with his son Peter to St. Petersburg planning to make a videofilm about the local museum of transport. Having learned that there exists a rare copy of an old locomotive heroes of the film start looking for it and come to a small town where local dealers are ready to sell the relic abroad as scrap metal. Peter and his friends start their struggle for the locomotive.

1285 SERGEI EIZENSHTEIN. AVTOBIOGRAPHIYA (SERGEI EISENSTEIN. AUTOBIOGRAPHY) 1995, 89 min., color, b/w, STV, Gosfilmofond Rossiyi, ROSKOMKINO Arrangement Written and directed by: Oleg Kovalov, camera: Vladimir Smirnov, production designers: Vig Cheikauskas, Dmitry Pakhomov, sound: Marina Polyanskaya, Maxim Belovolov The film is devoted to the 100th anniversary of Russian cinema and marks the centenary of Sergei Eisenstein. All events shown on the screen reflect the tragic period in Russia’s life in period between

the two revolutions and Stalinist terror. The events and their participants are chosen to stress the special place Eisensten’s art occupies in the 20th century culture.

1286 CHETVYORTAYA PLANETA (THE FOURTH PLANET) 1995, 92 min., color, ”Astrakhan-lumex-studiya”, “MIKO-film”with the input from “Lenfilm” Science Fiction Director: Dmitry Astrakhan, screenplay: Oleg Danilov, camera: Yuri Vorontsov, production designer: Sergei Kokovkin, misic: Alexander Pantykin, sound: Galina Lukina Cast: Anatoly Kotenev, Daniel McVickar (USA), Olga Belyaeva, Yuri Orlov, Vladimir Khrapunov Loosely based on Oleg Danilov’s play of the same title. Having landed at an unknown planet astronauts find themselves in their past. The science fiction story loosely based on Ray Bradbury’s and Stanislav Lem’s motives is used by the authors of the film as a backdrop for human behaviour study in a non-typical situation.

1287 YA IDU ISKAT (I AM GOING TO SEARCH) 1995, 13 min., color, ”Lenfilm”, ROSKOMKINO, VGIK Ironic thriller Director: Vasily Chiginsky (workshop of Vladimir Naumov), screenplay: Ramil Yamaleyev, camera: Anton Antonov, production designer: Fyodor Savelyev, misic: Mikhail Ekimyan, sound: Natalya Avanesova Cast: Darya Muzychenko, Yuri Pavlov, Yelena Kucherenko, Vladimir Shevelov, Georgy Kervalishvili, Vera Tarasova, Igor Korniyenko, Igor Kozlov-Sakhalinsky, Vladimri Borisov, Alexei Zasetsky

1288 PRINTSIPIALNY I ZHALOSTLIVY VZGLYAD (PRINCIPAL AND COMPASSIONATE LOOK) 1996, 90 min., color, ”Lenfilm” with the input from ROSKOMKINO Drama Director: Alexander Sukhochev, screenplay: Renata Litvinova, camera: Alexander Korneyev, Artyom Melkumyan, production designers: Vladimir Yuzhakov, Yelena Zhukova, music, sound: Yelena Demidova, Larisa Maslova Cast: Natalya Kolyakanova, Tatyana Okunevskaya, Milena Tontegode, Olga Samoshina, Valery Barinov, Sergei Russkin Forty-year old Alya has been abandoned by her husband and son. Her mother does her best to distract the heroine from her loneliness. However, her clumsy efforts do not help — Alya prefers top escape into the world of her dreams, fantasies and childhood memories.  The film was awarded the Main Prize of the “Okno v Yevropu” (“The Window to Europe”) International Film Festival in Vyborg; the Third Premium of the “Molodost” (“Youth”) International Film Festival in Kiev (1996). The actress Natalya Kolyakanova was honored the Prize for the Best Actress’ Work at the Open Russian Film Festival in Sochi (1996).

1289 AMERIKANKA (THE AMERICAN LADY) 1997, 90 min., color, “Lenfilm”, Goskino Melodrama Director: Dmitry Meskhiyev, screenplay: Yuri Korotkov, camera: Sergei Machilski, production designer: Natalya Kochergina, misic: Irina Tseslukevich, sound: Konstantin Zarin

Cast: Sergei Vasilyev, Natalya Danilova, Oleg Fyodorov, Alisa Grebenschikova, Pavel Stogov, Yuri Kuznetsov, Nina Usatova, Viktor Bychkov, Andrei Krasko The early 1970-s. Liosha Kolyadko, in his ninth year of school, lives in a provincial town with his elder brother and sister. His brother dies in a motorcycle crash... Liosha's personal tragedy is further complicated by his old and secret love for his dead brother's girlfriend Tanya. For her, his first love, he is willing to do anything — including the most crazy “feats”...

1290 BOMBA (THE BOMB) 1997, 72 min., color, ”Nikola-film” Erotic comedy Director: Dmitry Meskhiyev, screenplay: Sergei Radlov, camera: Sergei Machilski, production designer: Natalya Kochergina, misic: Yevgeny Pusser, sound: Konstantin Zarin Cast: Viktor Bychkov, Alexander Polovtsev, Olga Tarasenko, Olga Tolostetskaya, Vasilina Strel’nikova The story is set in the 1910-s. Accompanied by three charming girls, two underground revolutionaries conduct a complicated scientific experiment.

1291 BRAT (THE BROTHER) 1997, 96 min., color, STV Criminal drama Written and directed by: Alexei Balabanov, camera: Sergei Astakhov, production designer: Vladimir Kartashov, misic: Vyacheslav Butusov, sound: Maxim Belovolov Cast: Sergei Bodrov, Svetlana Pismichenko, Viktor Sukhorukov, Maria Zhukova, Sergei Shurzin, Yuri Kuznetsov, Vyacheslav Butusov, Chizh, Sergei Debizhev, Irina Rakshina, Anatoly Zhuravlyov, Andrei Fedortsev Dismissed from the Army, Danila Bagrov returns to a provincial town, from which he proceeds to Petersburg on a visit to the elder brother whom he hasn't seen for a long time. His brother, who became a hired killer, is trying to draw Danila into his business...

1292 V TOY STRANE (IN THAT COUNTRY) 1997, 90 min., color, ”Lenfilm”, Goskino, ”Narodny Film” Melodrama Written and directed by: Lydiya Bobrova, camera: Sergei Astakhov, Valery Revich, production designer: Gennadi Popov, misic: Gennadi Zavolokin, sound: Igor Terekhov Cast: Dmitry Klopov, Vladimir Borchaninov, Anna Ovsyannikova, Alexander Stakheyev, Andrei Dunayev, Svetlana Gaitan, Zoya Buryak The film has three main characters representing the three main elements of the Russian personality: the worker team leader Chapurin (power on village level), the meek industrious Skuridin and Timofei Ivanovich, drowning his mental discord in wine... Through their personalities we follow the course of life in a distant province with its joys, worries and grieves.  The film was awarded the Prize of Peace at the 47th International Film Festival in Berlin (1998); the Press Prize at the KINOSHOK International Film Festival in Anapa (1998); the Special Mention of the FIPRESSI Jury at the 47th International Film Festival in Berlin (1998).


Adventure Director: Nino Akhvlediani, screenplay: Yelena Prokhorova with input from Nino Akhvlediani, camera: Lomer Akhvlediani, production designer: Valery Yurkevich, misic: Igor Stravinskki, Antonin Dvorzhak, sound: Konstantin Zarin Cast: Misha Wasserbaum, Igor Kopylov, Georgy Schtil, Kira Kreilis-Petrova, Roma Dyudin, Anatoly Ravikovich, Alexander Demyanenko The former professional theater director Dima Kamentsev discovers a fascinating pastime: he stages a play by William Shakespeare, using teenage club amateur actors... He engaged the “difficult” teenager nicknamed “Milord” for the part of Richard III...

1294 SERGEY EIZENSHTEIN. MEKSIKANSKAYA FANTAZIYA (SERGEI EISENSTEIN. A MEXICAN FANTASY) 1997, 100 min., color, STV, “Gosfil’mofond” Arrangement Written and directed by: Oleg Kovalov, camera: Dmitry Pakhomov, production designer: Vyacheslav Gayvoronski, sound: Marina Polyanskaya The sequel of a two-part picture about Sergei Eisenstein. The author offers his version of the Master's uncompleted picture titled “Da Zdravstvuyet Meksika” (“Long Live Mexico”).

1295 TSAREVICH ALEXEY (TSAREVICH ALEXEI) 1997, 80 min., color, ”Golos”, Goskino, ”Lenfilm” Historical drama Written and directed by: Vitaly Melnikov, camera: Ivan Bagayev, production designers: Sergei Kokovkin, Valery Yurkevich, misic: Andrei Petrov, sound: Asya Zvereva Cast: Alexei Zuyev, Viktor Stepanov, Natalya Yegorova, Stanislav Lyubshin, Vladimir Menshov, Mikhail Kononov, Fyedor Stukov, Lyudmila Zaitseva, Yekaterina Kulakova Having received a report saying that his son Alexei is plotting against him, Tsar Pyotr orders Count Tolstoi to bring Tsarevich and Yefrosinya, his companion, to Petersburg. Yezopka, dispatched by Tolstoi, cunningly lures Alexei back to his motherland. Pyotr interrogates his son, inducing him to inherit the power. But Alexei chooses the fate of a common person... In a fit of rage, the Tsar orders to subject his son to the tortures which he doesn't survive...  The film was awarded the Grand Prix of the Russian Film Festival in Onfleur, France; the Main Prize of the “Okno v Yevropu” (“The Window to Europe”)International Film Festival in Vyborg. The actor Alexei Zuyev was honored the Prize for the Best Actor’s Work at the “Okno v Yevropu” International Film Festival in Vyborg (1997).

1296 TSIRK SGOREL, I KLOUNY RAZBEZHALIS (THE CIRCUS BURNED DOWN, AND THE CLOWNS DISPERSED) 1997, 100 min., color, ”Lenfilm”, Goskino Drama Director: Vladimir Bortko, screenplay: Vladimir Bortko with input from Nataliya Bortko, camera: Sergei Lando, production designer: Vladimir Svetozarov, misic: Vladimir Dashkevich, sound: Natalya Avanesova Cast: Nikolai Karachentsov, Mariya Shukshina, Tanya Yu., Nina Ruslanova, Sergei Dreiden, Zinaida Sharko, Kseniya Kachalina A fifty-year-old movie director, once famous and prosperous, nowadays altogether unwanted, is summarizing his life. Once upon a time he encountered Death...

1297 SHIZOFRENIYA (SCHIZOPHRENIA) 1997, 2 parts, 160 min., color, ”Lenfilm”, “Stabilnaya Liniya”, Roskomkino

Political thriller Director: Viktor Sergeyev, screenplay: Alexander Abdulov, Yevgeny Kozlovski, Viktor Nevski (Sergeyev), camera: Yuri Shaigardanov, production designer: Viktor Zhelobinski, misic: Andrei Makarevich, sound: Asya Zvereva Cast: Alexander Abdulov, Alexander Zbruyev, Kirill Lavrov, Leonid Bronevoi, Yuri Kuznetsov, Darya Kabolova, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, Nikolai Trofimov, Boris Klyuyev, Viktor Stepanov, Leonid Nevedomski A certain Russian politician of high standing orders the State Security bodies to kill the manager of a large financial corporation intending to run for President... The prospective killer Golubchik, convicted for murder, is selected from among prisoners. He goes by the nickname “Nemoy”. But “Nemoy” comes to be beyond control...

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