Understanding Nikola Tesla`s Work. By

June 25, 2018 | Author: Anonymous | Category: Science, Physics
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Understanding Nikola Tesla’s Work. By Konstantinos Pappas [email protected] Introduction:........................................................................................................................................ 2 The Wheelwork of the Universe – Cosmic Symphony ......................................................... 5 The Oscillating - Up and Down - motion of earth ............................................................. 7 Adding The Sun’s Motion to the Equation............................................................................ 8 The Sun’s Oscillatory - Up and Down - Motion ................................................................ 10 The Physics Behind The Helical Motion ............................................................................... 11 The Implications: Wheelwork Of The Universe................................................................ 14 Isaac’s Newton’s Gravitational Constant ....................................................................... 14 Tesla’s Possibility To Steer Earth Off Course ............................................................... 15 In Summary – The Wheelwork .............................................................................................. 17 Radiant Matter: By Sir William Crookes .................................................................................. 18 Figure 1: The Rotating Fly And the Dark Region ............................................................ 19 Figure 2: Phosphorescent Property of Radiant Matter .................................................. 20 Figure 15: Highly Exhausted Tube ....................................................................................... 21 Figure 16: Low Vacuum Tube ................................................................................................ 21 Figure 19: Heat Generated using Concave Shape Cups .............................................. 22 The Ether – Also Known As The Luminiferous Aether ....................................................... 23 Figure (i): The Electric Field ................................................................................................... 24 Figure (ii): The Magnetic Field ............................................................................................... 26 Figure (iii) The Two Parallel Plates Experiment ............................................................... 27 The Quantum World ................................................................................................................... 28 What Is Electricity?..................................................................................................................... 29 Image 1: Induction Coil ....................................................................................................... 29 Image 2: Tesla Coil ............................................................................................................... 29 What Is Light? .............................................................................................................................. 30 Image: Electromagnetic Radiation Propagation ......................................................... 31 What Is Gravity? ......................................................................................................................... 31 Region 1: The Ionosphere (+) Plate ............................................................................... 34 Region 2: Earth’s Atmosphere .......................................................................................... 35 Region: Earth’s Surface (-) Plate ..................................................................................... 36 Flaws In Our Current Understanding Of Physics ............................................................. 37 (i) The Electric And Magnetic Fields ................................................................................ 37 (ii) The True Definition Of The Vacuum ......................................................................... 37 The Ether - In Summary .......................................................................................................... 37 Understanding Tesla’s Magnifying Transmitter .................................................................... 38 The Important Colorado Springs Experiment................................................................... 41 The Earth And the Ionosphere System............................................................................... 47 Collecting Cosmic Energy .................................................................................................... 47 Applications Of The Magnifying Transmitter ..................................................................... 49 Tesla’s Flying Machine – The UFO ............................................................................................. 50 The Force on a Wire Experiment ........................................................................................... 51 Tesla’s Lecture ............................................................................................................................. 53 Tesla’s Lecture: Item # 7 ................................................................................................... 54 Tesla’s Lecture: Item # 8 ................................................................................................... 54 Sustained and Propelled entirely by Reaction .................................................................. 55 The UFO Shape – Analogy To Force On A Wire Experiment ....................................... 55 Tesla Clues On His Flying Machine ....................................................................................... 56 (a) Viscosity and Adhesion of Fluids – The Ether ...................................................... 56 (b) The Two Electrical Systems ........................................................................................ 57 Tesla Patent 723188 – Also known as the P2 System ...................................................... 59 Tesla’s Death Ray Machine .......................................................................................................... 64 A Simple Death Ray Machine.................................................................................................. 65 References: ........................................................................................................................................ 66

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Understanding Nikola Tesla’s Work. By Konstantinos Pappas [email protected]

Introduction: This man that you see before you is the greatest Inventor of all time – Nikola Tesla. All he cared about was to advance our civilization and to make our “lives a little easier”. He did not care about profit for he dedicated all of his money to inventions, yet despite all attempts from capitalist money hungry animals to hinder his efforts, this man lives on and will forever! I myself share the ideals and visions of Tesla and it has become my passion and obsession to continue his work and to enlighten you all on the deeper meaning behind his inventions, so that you can benefit and advance in your line of work. The items that I shall discuss in this presentation will provide you with a greater understanding of Tesla’s Magnifying Transmitter and how it can be used to render it a free energy device. For the Tesla Coil builders, you will benefit dearly from this information. I will also enlighten you on how a Tesla patent can be used to easily create a flying machine as the man himself conceived the idea over 100 years ago. The Tesla Coil builders may also benefit from this information as well. I wanted to start off this presentation by referencing three quotes from Nikola Tesla which at first I found quite extraordinary and ludicrous. However, as I studied and meditated upon this great man’s work, the more I realized their realistic possibilities and the more I came to the realization that he was not a crazy inventor, as most novices have described him. He was a man far ahead of his time and it will be my pleasure to enlighten you on these stupendous ideas: Tesla Quote 1 “Throughout space there is energy. ... it is a mere question of time when men will succeed in attaching their machinery to the very wheelwork of nature.” - Nikola Tesla

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Understanding Nikola Tesla’s Work. By Konstantinos Pappas [email protected] Tesla Quote 2 “This planet, with all its appalling immensity, is to electric currents virtually no more than a small metal ball.” - Nikola Tesla Tesla Quote 3 “When I found that I had been anticipated as to the flying machine, by men working in a different field, I began to study the problem from other angles, to regard it as a mechanical rather than an electrical problem. I felt certain there must be some means of obtaining power that was better than any now in use. And by vigorous use of my gray matter for a number of years, I grasped the possibilities of the principle of the viscosity and adhesion of fluids and conceived the mechanism of my engine. Now that I have it, my next step will be the perfect flying machine.” - Nikola Tesla These three comments laid the foundation to study Nikola Tesla’s work and to pursue my quest in the field of free energy and UFOs for the benefit all humanity. Whether you believe these to be true or not, I do not want to break the news to you, but we are already harnessing the wheelwork of the universe with our machinery today and we are not even aware of it. Every time you turn on a light globe, or every time you are turning on the computer, walking down the street, or driving the car, you are harnessing the wheelwork of the universe. What’s more, not only are you are paying for it dearly, we are all polluting this planet as well. If you are truly Nikola Tesla fans, enthusiasts, or even devotees, the time has come for us to stand up and fulfill Tesla’s vision. A world of free energy…. A world of flying machines… Items of interest for the experimenter, the inventor and the investor, this presentation will include the following: 1. How you can create a flying machine - UFO - using anti-gravity technology created with the work of Nikola Tesla; 2. How you can gear all vehicles on this planet to the very wheelwork of the universe, disposing of the need for batteries; 3. How you can create unlimited amounts of Green Energy for all on this planet cheaply, disposing of all the ugly power-lines on the globe; 4. How you can create the death ray machine Now, what must be acknowledged here is what I present here is sound and can be proven using our laws of physics. Because I will present this information from a physics background, it will require a translation into the Electrical Engineering art to achieve what I present here. Now, I do not intend to profit from giving you this information or hide any secrets from you. I give the information freely and like Tesla, my intention is to make your lives a little easier. I do this in the name of Tesla! Should you be interested to create a team of engineers, invest in new ideas and collaborate, I am ready for you.

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Understanding Nikola Tesla’s Work. By Konstantinos Pappas [email protected] Note that I do not intend to cover any conspiracy theories, or give you assumptions, nor any false information and no hidden messages. I strongly believe that the information I present here is as the man Tesla understood it. Before I delve into Nikola Tesla topics of interest, it is of utmost importance for me to begin this presentation on ‘The Wheelwork Of The Universe’, because as you shall see, understanding this will serve to enlighten you in ways you have not imagined.

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Understanding Nikola Tesla’s Work. By Konstantinos Pappas [email protected]

The Wheelwork of the Universe – Cosmic Symphony

When Nikola Tesla spoke of man gearing their machinery to the very wheelwork of the universe, I was quite intrigued by this because I thought that this would serve as the man’s ultimate achievement. Imagine that you could simply turn on an electrical device and it would run forever without the need for a battery. Imagine an AC motor in power stations running forever without the need for coal mining. Imagine the electrical cars of the world not running on batteries. All made possible by simply gearing these cars or electrical devices to the very wheel work of the universe, whose source is at the very centre of the cosmos. Although these ideas may appear impossible to achieve and beyond your comprehension, harnessing the wheelwork of the universe is actually elegant and possible, and simple I might add. The key is in understanding what that wheelwork is. When you understand what it is, then you will see what Tesla was talking about. So, exactly what is the definition of the wheelwork of the universe? How can you harness this power for the benefit of mankind? You may not be aware of this, it turns out that you are already harnessing this power. Your physical body is geared to this wheelwork and you don’t even know it. Every time you walk, sleep, wake up to the rising sun, turn on a light bulb, you are harnessing the wheelwork of the universe, and paying dearly for it with your health and at the expense of mother earth. This topic has far reaching implications that is beyond your imagination and you will realize the true nature of how the universe works and though seemingly

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Understanding Nikola Tesla’s Work. By Konstantinos Pappas [email protected] affected only by your immediate surroundings, the sphere of external influence extends to infinite distance, as Tesla elegantly described. Although we have an in depth understanding of how stars behave and how planets orbit through space, despite the tons upon tons of books written on this topic, I believe there is something missing and must be discussed. It is worthy discussing how planets and stars orbit in the universe because although they are light years away, they have a direct influence in our lives and they play a vital role in achieving ‘free’ energy and anti-gravity. Although we may understand that planets follow a ‘curvy’ path in their motion through space, it is the mechanics of this motion that I wanted to understand. First, lets begin with our planet earth. We have all been taught in school that the earth obits the sun in circular or an elliptical orbit as shown:

We have also been taught that the gravitational pull of the sun keeps earth in its orbit. This may hold true, however, I could not accept this idea. As per Einstein’s general theory of relativity, the idea that the sun’s gravity curves space and forces the planets to orbit was ludicrous. Even Tesla himself opposed the theory and described it as follows: “A magnificent mathematical garb which fascinates, dazzles and makes people blind to the underlying errors. The theory is like a beggar clothed in purple whom ignorant people take for a king ... its exponents are brilliant men but they are metaphysicists rather than scientists” While I was thinking about this, I knew that there was something missing because the sun is moving through space at phenomenal speeds as well. Mechanically, and from the laws of physics, the earth cannot just stay in orbit about the sun in the elliptical fashion with gravitational forces alone. If the sun were stationary, the earth would simply drift towards the sun. I wanted to find out the true motion of the earth through the universe. The current understanding of the earth orbiting about the sun in an ‘elliptical’ may hold true if the sun is stationary, but it is not. The sun is moving at phenomenal speeds. Let’s put this into perspective. The earth is rotating about its own axis at approximately 1,666 km/h (1041.25 mph).

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Understanding Nikola Tesla’s Work. By Konstantinos Pappas [email protected] The earth is also orbiting the sun on that ‘elliptical’ path at approximately 107,000 km/h (66,875 mph). What’s more, the Sun is moving through space at approximately 792,000 km/h (495,000 mph) and to add another piece of detail that is highly ignored by the scientific community is that the centre of our Milky Way galaxy is moving through space at approximately 2,000,000 km/h (1,250,000 mph). That is 552 km/s (345 miles per second). Note also that the distance from the sun is approximately 150,000,000 km. Now, I want you sit back and just absorb this information and think about the implications. Although we fall oblivious to these great speeds, we are no doubt moving with the universe at these great speeds. You cannot avoid it. Here we are looking for ways to improve communications on this planet, looking for ways to create more powerful Tesla Coils or Magnifying Transmitters, more efficient AC motors, more efficient batteries to run our electrical cars by using energy that is dormant, second hand and pre historic, and also we are trying to improve ways to get more money from people from smarter billing systems is the goof of all time! And we cannot harness power from the universe? For what? Money? OK, you may be asking how we can harness this wheelwork of the universe. So far, I have only shown you half the picture. Let’s drill more into this because it will become apparent and you will understand it. I stated earlier I wanted to find the true path of the planets and the stars, including our own sun. So, what I did was I began to trace the path of earth about the sun as per our laws of physics. What I found when you take into account the sun’s motion, and the earth’s orbit about the sun (lets ignore earth’s spin for now), the earth’s true path is a helical sine wave motion. The earth’s North Pole is at the forefront of the earth’s path in the universe and the South Pole is its tail end. When you look at the earth’s path from the side view, it looks like a sine wave, but when you look at earth’s path as a whole, it follows this helical path. And, when you look at earth from the bottom view, it follows that elliptical/circular orbit that we have been taught in school. Nonetheless, earth’s true path through the universe is that helical path. Now, here is the interesting part. This is the helical path that the earth’s centre follows about the sun. This helical path that the earth follows has an up and down motion, as well as the forward motion due to the sun’s movement through space. What must be acknowledged here is although we may know that planets generally follow a ‘wavy’ path in their motion through space, it is the laws of physics governing their path that is important, and this will be discussed in more detail shortly.

The Oscillating - Up and Down - motion of earth Let’s first look at the up and down motion. This up and down motion is also referred to oscillation in physics. Earth’s centre is actually oscillating about the sun. Every time the earth completes one oscillation, this is equivalent to the yearly cycle of 365 days. You will also find it enlightening that the amplitude of this oscillation is equivalent to the distance of the earth from the sun, approximately 150,000,000 km.

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Understanding Nikola Tesla’s Work. By Konstantinos Pappas [email protected] Now, get ready for this…. The orbital speed that we have been taught from school of 107,000 km/h (66,875 mph) that the earth supposedly moves in an elliptical manner is in fact the oscillatory speed of the earth. That is, this orbital speed of 107,000 km/h (66,875 mph) is in fact the up and down speed that the earth moves through space in this wheel work of the universe! Here is a diagram to illustrate this point:

I reiterate. In our current understanding of the earth orbiting the sun in an elliptical/circular manner is in fact earth’s oscillation about the sun. This alone nullifies Kepler’s laws of motion. An illustration of this helical motion will follow shortly.

Adding The Sun’s Motion to the Equation Now, let’s complicate things a little and take into account the motion of the sun (the forward motion). While you have the up and down (oscillating) motion of the earth, and you take into account the motion of the sun about the Milky Way galaxy, this will give you the complete sine-wave, helical motion that the earth propagates through space. I highlighted earlier that the speed of the up and down motion (oscillation) of the earth is 107,000 km/h (66,875 mph). Note, the earth is oscillating at this speed with amplitude of 150,000,000 km. The sun is moving at approximately 792,000 km/h (495,000 mph) and the earth is moving with it, which completes the helical motion. Refer to this illustration:

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Understanding Nikola Tesla’s Work. By Konstantinos Pappas [email protected]

When you take these combined forces and speeds acting on the centre of the earth, this will yield the following motion of the earth*: (*Here, I have found a picture on Google that best describes this motion)

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Understanding Nikola Tesla’s Work. By Konstantinos Pappas [email protected] The Sun’s Oscillatory - Up and Down - Motion Thus far, I have only discussed the helical motion the earth follows through space. While I thought deeply on this matter, I discovered that just as the earth oscillates about the sun, the sun, too, oscillates about the centre of the Milky Way galaxy. This is profound! Just think about this for the moment. The entire Solar System, the entire galactic system is a series of interlocking helical motions! While the earth’s centre follows this helical path about the sun, the sun follows this helical path about the Milky Way galaxy, but on a larger scale. To put this into perspective, the sun’s oscillates up and down about the Milky Way galaxy at a speed of 792,000 km/h (495,000 mph). At the same time, the sun is moving with the center of the Milky Way galaxy at approximately 2,000,000 km/h (1,250,000 mph). What’s more, the amplitude at which the sun oscillates about the Milky Way galaxy’s core is approximately 2.5 x 1017 km. This is also the distance the sun is from the Milky Way Galaxy core. Refer to this illustration:

Ladies and Gentlemen, I am no artist, but my imagination has served me well. This is the mechanics of the Universe. It is a series of interlocking helical motions. The inner heavenly bodies determine the path of the outer heavenly bodies. For example, the core of the Milky Way galaxy determines the helical path of the sun. The sun then determines the helical path that its planets take, and if you want to take it one step further, the planets then determine the helical path of their moons.

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Understanding Nikola Tesla’s Work. By Konstantinos Pappas [email protected] To put this into perspective, the earth’s centre follows that helical path about the sun as illustrated above. Now, while the sun follows that same helical path about the Milky Way galaxy’s core, this creates a series of interlocking helical motions. So, as I have illustrated here with the orange line, this orange line is part of the helical path the sun takes about the Milky Way galaxy’s core, and the white dotted line is the helical path earth takes about the sun’s helical path. To complicate things a little, because the earth spins (or orbits about its own axis) at a speed of 1,666 km/h (1041.25 mph), this creates another helical path about the dotted line as shown in this illustration. The Helical, Sine-Wave Motion:

This is what is known as the Wheelwork of the Universe… It is a series of interlocking helical motions of planets and stars. This is the ultimate Cosmic Symphony.

The Physics Behind The Helical Motion When Tesla was referring to the earth as nothing more than a ‘small metal ball’ he knew something about the wheelwork of the universe. While earth follows the

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Understanding Nikola Tesla’s Work. By Konstantinos Pappas [email protected] series of Interlocking helical motions that stem from the centre of the Cosmos, earth is moving through space at such a phenomenal speed, that earth behaves like an electrical current, all the while spinning ferociously and creating rotating magnetic fields. In effect, earth is indeed a huge metal sphere which behaves like an electrical machine and is geared to the wheelwork of the universe. Now, there is something that I learned in Physics and I found a direct relevance to the forces that keep the heavenly bodies in their helical path through space. The force I refer to is Centripetal Force. This is the mechanics that keeps the heavenly bodies in their helical path. Despite what has been taught by the great scientists of the world – including Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein – it is mechanically impossible for the planets to obey their laws of motion. Granted, there is a gravitational force that keeps planets orbiting about their suns, however, as you shall see in a moment, this gravitational force is equivalent to the centripetal force. Now, the formula for the centripetal force is as follows:

In this example, I will use the earth and sun system: - m is the mass of the earth = 5.9736 x 1024 kg (approximately) - v is the orbital speed of the earth = 107,000 km/h (66,875 mph) - r is the amplitude of earth’s oscillation which is also equal to earth’s distance from the sun = 150,000,000 km. I decided to use this physics and do some mathematical calculations to see if my muse on this helical path was leading me into the right direction. Then, one day, it came to me. I thought of Isaac Newton’s famous formula:

Now, let’s consider this for a moment for the earth and sun system. -

G is gravitational constant = 6.67428 x 10-11 m3 kg-1 s-2 m is the mass of the earth = 5.9736 x 1024 kg (approximately) m1 is mass of the sun = 1.9891 x 1030 kg (approximately) r is the distance of the earth from the sun = 150,000,000 km.

Now, while I thought about this, I began to realize that while Newton’s famous formula is true, and it describes the forces that hold the earth and the sun together, this force had to be centripetal in nature. So, I decided to do some calculations and put it to the test.

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Understanding Nikola Tesla’s Work. By Konstantinos Pappas [email protected] I thought that these forces had to be equal, i.e.,

If you do some mathematical algebra, this formula becomes:

The reason why I did this was because I wanted to see if I linked the centripetal force with Isaac Newton’s formula, I should get the correct value for ‘v’ which is earth’s orbital speed about the sun, namely, 107,000 km/h (66,875 mph). If you apply some mathematics, and using the values of ‘G’, ‘m1’ and ‘r’ I have provided above, you will get a value of ‘v ‘ as follows: (note to use the correct SI units) V = (6.67428 x 10-11 m3 kg-1 s-2 x 1.9891 x 1030 kg / 1.5 x 1011 m)1/2 This will yield a value of 2.9749 x 104 m/s (meters per second) A conversion from m/s to km/h of (1/1000 multiplied by 3600) will yield a value of v = 10.7099 x 104 which is also equal to 107,099 km/h which is the correct value provided by the scientific community. I was absolutely over the hill with this. Not only were my muses correct about this helical path of the planets and the stars, but I provide it with simple mathematics and proved it using Isaac Newton’s theory of gravitation. The Universe is truly a COSMIC SYMPHONY that is governed by a series of interlocking helical motions. Every single planet, star, galaxy are oscillating with each other, producing a series of HARMONIC tunes. So, if you want to harness this great power of the cosmos with the wheelwork of the universe, harmonics, and resonance are the key. Now do you see why Tesla’s earthquake machine worked and why? He harnessed the wheelwork of the universe and created a mini earthquake. Even Tesla’s AC system was superior to Thomas Edison’s DC systems because AC resonates with the cosmos. And, above all, our link to this very wheel work of the universe is through the EARTH’S CENTRE.

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Understanding Nikola Tesla’s Work. By Konstantinos Pappas [email protected] The Implications: Wheelwork Of The Universe Isaac’s Newton’s Gravitational Constant Suppose we did not know the value of Isaac’s Newton’s Gravitational constant (G) and we wanted to find out what was its value. Using the relationship I have introduced you:

Rearranging this formula will yield the following formula for G:

In the earth and sun example, - m1 is mass of the sun = 1.9891 x 1030 kg (approximately) - v is the orbital speed of the earth = 107,000 km/h (66,875 mph) - r is the amplitude of earth’s oscillation which is also equal to earth’s distance from the sun = 150,000,000 km. Applying mathematics, we get (note to use the correct SI units): G = (29722.22 m/s) x (29722.22 m/s) x (1.5 x 1011 m)/ (1.9891 x 1030 kg) This will yield a value for G as follows:

G = 6.68681x 10-11 m3 s-2 kg-1 Even the units are correct m3 s-2 kg-1 What is this telling us? First, I can tell you for certain that there is a link to π - from the m3 unit - and is linked to volume since the unit of measure for volume is m3. Second, Isaac Newton’s law of Universal Gravitation does not describe the forces acting between planets and stars that hold them together, but rather it describes the centripetal forces that planets are bound by their suns. Furthermore, the spin of all planets and stars about their own axis is intrinsically connected to this centripetal force that all heavenly bodies are bound by – planets, stars, galaxies and universes.

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Understanding Nikola Tesla’s Work. By Konstantinos Pappas [email protected] Tesla’s Possibility To Steer Earth Off Course The implications of the wheelwork of the universe are phenomenal. From free or green energy, to the possibility of even changing the course of earth. Nikola Tesla spoke of the possibility of changing the course of earth’s path in his days. While most people thought he was crazy, in fact Tesla knew about the wheelwork of the universe, but he refrained from revealing it to the public for certain reason. He referred to this theory as the Dynamic Theory of Gravity. As you can see from the wheelwork of the universe I have presented here, the universe is dynamic and it is not as ‘static’ Einstein theorized. Now, the centripetal force I have presented here as Equation (1)

also holds true with electrical point charges at the quantum level. The centripetal forces of say an electron orbiting the nucleus of an atom is also given by this formula: Equation (2)

where - Q = the electrical charge of the electron - V = the orbital velocity of the electron - B = is the magnetic field of the electron Now, because the earth follows the helical, sine-wave motion in its path around the sun, and by virtue of the fact that the earth exhibits strong electrical currents at the center of the earth which create the rotating magnetic field – due to earth’s orbital spin about its own axis - it cannot be ignored that the earth behaves like a huge ball of conductor. That’s not all. The mechanics of the earth’s path about the sun demands that the laws of physics it obeys are defined by centripetal forces, and not as defined by Isaac Newton or Albert Einstein. So, Equation (2) can be extrapolated to the scale of the earth and the sun system. Note also that Equations (1) and (2) are equal.

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Understanding Nikola Tesla’s Work. By Konstantinos Pappas [email protected] Hence,

In this case, - Q is the total charge of the earth - V is the orbital velocity of the earth about the sun - B is the magnetic field of the earth - r = the distance of earth from the sun - m = mass of the earth Now, I will re arrange this formula as follows:

Now, I want you to think about this and its implications. Now, as Tesla stated, earth is nothing more than a metal ball of sphere. Suppose what happens to this formula when either Q or B increases? The value of r decreases. What does this mean? It means that as the magnetic field or the charge of the earth is increased, the distance of the earth from the sun decreases. Think of this stupendous idea. Here we are worried about climate change and global warming and blaming it on carbon emissions. Though these carbon emissions do play a role in global warming, I believe the problem is much worse. I believe with all the tons upon tons upon tons of cables we have laid on this planet to transmit electricity, and the associated magnetic fields they create, and with the increased electrical activity of the earth due to increased electricity consumption, this has actually increased the charge and magnetic field of the earth (the Q and B values in the above formula). What we have actually done is in effect decreased the earth’s distance from the sun. Although this may seem beyond your imagination, when you consider the wheelwork of the universe, we are actually drifting towards the sun, slowly but surely. In a following topic on the Magnifying Transmitter, I will provide information on how we can actually alter earth’s cosmic path and extract energy from the cosmos in unlimited amounts at free will, just as Tesla said himself.

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Understanding Nikola Tesla’s Work. By Konstantinos Pappas [email protected] In Summary – The Wheelwork • •

The force which gives earth’s oscillatory motion about the sun and defines its circular path about the sun is centripetal in nature. The force which completes earth’s sine-wave, helical path about the sun is equal to the sun’s centripetal force about the Milky Way galaxy.

Where: m(s) – mass of the sun: 1.9891 x 1030 kg v(s) – orbital speed of the sun about the Milky Way galaxy: 2.20 x 105 m/s r(g) – mean distance the sun is from the Milky Way core: ~ 2.5 x 1020 m •

While a point on the earth’s equator follows the helical, sine-wave path, it does so about earth’s centre about the sun. At the same time, the sun also follows the helical, sine-wave path about its centre about the Milky Way galaxy.

Earth’s centre follows the helical, sine-wave path and the sun’s centre follows the helical, sine-wave path about the Milky Way galaxy.

Due to the sun’s helical, sine-wave motion about the Milky Way galaxy, this actually defines earth’s yearly cycle.

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Understanding Nikola Tesla’s Work. By Konstantinos Pappas [email protected]

Radiant Matter: By Sir William Crookes While I was studying Nikola Tesla’s work, I really wanted to get into his mind and understand what he was talking about. It was one thing to just read his work, and another thing to understand what he was talking about. I can tell you for sure that he was not crazy and at the time, although his ideas were far ahead even for the scientists that belonged to the Royal Society, he was talking about principles whose laws abided by Physics. Now, while I was studying Tesla’s address before the American Institute of Electrical Engineers, (AIEE) in London, where he presented experiments with alternating currents of high potential and high frequency, there was something Tesla said I found interesting. In his introduction, he was boasting about a book he had read as a student that changed the course of his life. This book influenced Tesla to study the world of Electricity and Magnetism. Tesla said that this book motivated him to study Electrical Engineering and served as the spark that advanced his ideas and his inventions. I wanted to really get inside Tesla’s mind and find out what he was thinking at the time. Deeply curious by this, I bought this book, studied it, meditated upon it, and found some interesting information which I shall present to you here. This information will startle you and you will soon see how this book actually led to Tesla’s later inventions of the Magnifying Transmitter, the flying machine – UFO the death ray machine, and others. This book I refer to is “Radiant Matter, by Sir William Crookes.” Sir Crookes’ work on the topic of Radiant Matter was quite an eye opener. I began to see what Tesla was actually thinking at the time. For me this was rewarding and enlightening because this was one of my goals to get into that great mind of Tesla. Basically, Sir Crookes explored the fourth state of matter called Radiant Matter, previously studied by Michael Faraday. Sir Crookes performed experiments using high vacuum tubes by applying currents of high potential and high frequency, and these vacuum tubes phosphoresced and exhibited other properties worthy noting that will be of interest and benefit to the inventor, the experimenter, the enthusiast, or even the investor. First, let’s begin with the following simple experiment by Sir Crookes:

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Understanding Nikola Tesla’s Work. By Konstantinos Pappas [email protected] Figure 1: The Rotating Fly And the Dark Region

Here, Sir Crookes applies the induction coil to this vacuum tube with the positive poles at each end and the middle pole made negative. While the discharge from the induction coils is passing through the tube, Sir Crookes noticed there was a region of dark space around the negative pole as shown this illustration. Sir Crookes also noticed that if the vacuum tube was highly exhausted, i.e., the higher the vacuum, the larger the dark region around the negative pole was. And, if the tube had low exhaustion, this dark region around the negative pole in the middle decreased in distance. What’s more, when Sir Crookes applied the exhaustion in the vacuum tube to the highest degree, the dark space extended to the edges of the tube. Sir Crookes expanded this experiment by placing a rotating fly within this tube and noticed that the fly would rotate at the boundary of the dark and white space. If the rotating fly was either within or outside of the dark space, the fly would not rotate. I began to question what this dark region was. The more I thought about it, the more I understood its significance that served to advance Tesla’s understanding of electricity and magnetism, which later led to Tesla’s invention of the Magnifying Transmitter. Bear this in mind for the moment because I will reveal its significance shortly. To the next experiment:

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Understanding Nikola Tesla’s Work. By Konstantinos Pappas [email protected] Figure 2: Phosphorescent Property of Radiant Matter

Here Sir Crookes explored the property of Radiant Matter further and observed how glass exhibited powerful phosphorescent properties when the Radiant Matter stroked the edge of the glass. Also, the color of phosphorescence varied from blue to green depending on the type of glass used and the strength of the induction coil applied. Do you know of any similar natural phenomena on earth? This can be likened to Aurora Borealis as shown here:

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Understanding Nikola Tesla’s Work. By Konstantinos Pappas [email protected] Figure 15: Highly Exhausted Tube

Here, Sir Crookes was using a highly exhausted tube with the negative and positive poles at each end. When he turned on the induction coil, he observed the stream of Radian Matter darting from the negative to the positive poles – left to right. He then placed a horse shoe magnet and observed how the Radiant Matter was curved. As he waved the magnet, the Radiant Matter followed the magnet like a magic wand.

Figure 16: Low Vacuum Tube

Here, Sir Crookes used a similar tube, only this time the tube had low exhaustion. The stream of Radian Matter darted from left to right. Notice how this time he used a powerful electromagnet and this time the stream of Radiant Matter curved only temporarily. This is profound. Whereas, in Figure 15, Sir Crookes was using a highly exhausted tube and he was able to manipulate the stream of Radiant Matter with a powerful magnet.

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Understanding Nikola Tesla’s Work. By Konstantinos Pappas [email protected] Figure 19: Heat Generated using Concave Shape Cups

Sir Crookes also demonstrated how Radiant Matter produced heat when the glass tube phosphoresced. Now, more importantly, this heat was intensified when he used a cup-shaped negative pole and focused all of the Radiant Matter to a focal point as shown in this diagram – The tube on the left. Note that this is akin to focusing sun light using a concave lens. Furthermore, with the application of a magnet, he could move the focal point, and even melt the glass! – The tube on the right. So, what Tesla has done is taken these ideas and created similar experiments on the scale of earth! This later served as Tesla’s inspiration for the Death Ray machine – more on this later.

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The Ether – Also Known As The Luminiferous Aether What is The Ether? According to history, there have been many attempts by the scientific community to describe it, to prove it and to disprove it. There have even been attempts made to shadow its existence and to rename it in order to conceal its great power. Such names you may be familiar and they include ‘Plasma’, ‘fabric of space’ or ‘empty space’. It is immaterial whether you believe in the ether or not. Totally oblivious, you are all enslaving this powerful medium to harness power using your instruments which include conductors and magnets. Shortly, I will provide Tesla’s description of the ether and how he managed to harness the ether’s power in his experiments. As I illustrated earlier in Figure 1: The Rotating Fly And the Dark Region on the topic of Radiant Matter, the dark region around the negative pole explored by Sir Crookes was in fact the creation of a true vacuum. I shall use this analogy to assist in your understanding: Imagine the water in sea. This is the medium that fills the ocean. The ocean is the medium in which electromagnetic waves propagate at the speed of light. The electromagnetic waves need a medium to propagate in and that is of the ether. The ether has is so dense and so fine that the only way you can access this medium is through application of electrical currents of high potential and high frequency. Now, imagine that water in the ocean is displaced radially outward and leaves an empty sphere of nothingness. This is a region of nothingness where nothing, not even light can pass through. This is a true vacuum and the true meaning of a vacuum I refer to is displaced ether. And, the ether can be displaced by using powerful Electric and Magnetic Fields. Just like you need water for water waves to propagate, a medium must exist in order for electromagnetic radiation to propagate. The speed at which light propagates and the frequency reveals the hidden power that lies within the ether and its properties. One such property of interest in our line of work is its density. According to history, the calculated density of the ether is

1093 grams per cubic centimeter* * This number is also known in the scientific community as the vacuum density. If you want to proof that the ether exists, you don’t need to study Albert Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity, or the art of optics. Two simple scientific phenomena will serve to illustrate:

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Understanding Nikola Tesla’s Work. By Konstantinos Pappas [email protected] Figure (i): The Electric Field

The electric fields created by point charges – electrons or protons - clearly indicate that the point charges have affected the surrounding medium. The definition of the electric field, according to ‘Ohanian Physics’, second edition, is as follows: “An electrically charged body generates an electric field which permeates the (apparent) empty space around the charged body and exerts pushes or pulls whenever it comes in contact with another charged body”. What is important to note is the effect the charged body has in the surrounding space, which is ‘apparently’ empty. If the space is empty – for example, as per Albert Einstein’s theories – how can electrically charged bodies create electric fields? How ludicrous is that! You need to have some medium surrounding the charged bodies in order for them to create an electric field! Side Question: Have you seen those UFOs in the media that make 90 degree turns and they seem to be floating within a medium? The only way they can do this is by harnessing the medium with which they are immersed, and that is of the ether. And this medium was elegantly described by Nikola Tesla in a lecture before the American Institute of Electrical Engineers in London. Here is an excerpt of the Lecture:

(Note that this is an excerpt of the lecture that Tesla explicitly referred to in his autobiography that described the workings of his flying machine. This will be discussed in more detail later).

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Understanding Nikola Tesla’s Work. By Konstantinos Pappas [email protected] Based on Tesla’s description of the medium filling all space – the ether – it clearly describes a similar structure to the structure of electrons and protons, however, the main difference is that the ether is much more fine and dense and that the ether penetrates all matter. Refer to this illustration for a depiction of Tesla’s description of the ether:

From Tesla’s description, you can infer the structure of the medium – or supposedly the empty space. Simply, that the ‘independent carriers’ are influenced by the charged bodies and the direction that they displaced within the ‘insulating fluid’ creates the electric field. I have been pondering on Tesla’s description of the ether for quite a long time, and I have derived at the following conclusion: The ‘independent carriers’ possess a net positive charge, and the ‘insulating fluid’ is neutral. What’s more, the displacement of the ‘independent carriers’ create what we know as the Electric Field lines. While the ‘independent carriers’ are displaced – by electrically charged bodies the ether particle will attempt to re establish equilibrium. In doing so, the ‘insulating medium’ will also be displaced in an effort to maintain equilibrium. The displacement of the ‘insulating fluid’ creates the Magnetic Field lines and this is where we can harness the power of the ether whose density is 1093 grams per cubic centimeter and whose electromagnetic forces are 1040 more stronger than the gravitational forces… through the displacement of the ether particles. Given that the ‘independent carriers’ are displaced towards a negatively charged particle, this indicates that the ‘independent carriers’ possess a positive charge since they are attracted to opposite charge. Hence, this creates the Electric Field of a negatively charged particle as shown in Figure (i) above. Likewise, the ‘independent carriers’ are displaced away from a positively charged particle, since like charges repel. Hence, this creates the Electric Field of a positively charged particle as shown in Figure (i) above. By comparison, the ether particle is much denser and much finer than electrons and protons. If we were to compare the size of the ether to the electron, the basic ether particle would be a grain of sand and the electron would be the sun.

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Understanding Nikola Tesla’s Work. By Konstantinos Pappas [email protected] Figure (ii): The Magnetic Field

Another phenomenon known to mankind that enunciates the existence of the ether: The Magnetic Field lines. The magnetic field created around a magnet clearly shows that the surrounding medium is elegantly influenced by the internal structure of the magnet, and it is as though a ‘fluid’ medium has been influenced by the magnet and creates the field lines. It is important to note that it is not the internal structure of magnets which give their magnetic property that produce the magnetic filed lines. Rather, it is the effect of the internal structure of the magnet that has on the surrounding medium. Furthermore, the direction of the magnetic field lines reveal the hidden structure of the ether and it aligns with Nikola Tesla’s description of the medium filling all space – The Ether. It is important to note here that what we forget to acknowledge in all Electric and Magnetic field phenomena created by either electrical currents in a wire or in magnets, is that they are all bound by the wheelwork of the universe as I have described earlier and that they are moving at phenomenal speeds through space. Given that displaced ‘independent carriers’ create the Electric Field, the displaced ‘insulating fluid’ creates what we perceive as the Magnetic Field. The direction that the insulating fluid’ is displaced also stipulates the direction of the magnetic field of magnets and the earth. This new understanding of Tesla’s description of the basic ether particle can be verified with one simple experiment: 

Try pushing two magnets together as close as you can with the two south poles facing each other. Obviously, two like poles will repel, but what we must perceive is that as the magnets repel, you can feel that there is some rigid medium between them like a flexible solid. Although we have been led to believe that two like poles of magnets will repel, we must acknowledge that it is the effect the two like poles of the magnets have on the ether that is creating that repulsion. This repulsion is the result of the ‘insulating fluid’ around the like poles repelling each other.

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Understanding Nikola Tesla’s Work. By Konstantinos Pappas [email protected] Figure (iii) The Two Parallel Plates Experiment While I was studying Nikola Tesla’s work, in particular his address before the American Institute of Electrical Engineers, I noticed that he made several references to the effects his apparatus had to the surrounding medium. While Tesla was experimenting with alternating currents of high potential and high frequency, he had discovered that a ‘gaseous medium’, which surrounded the conductors, became rigid when it was impressed by rapid changes of electrostatic potential. This was a profound discovery. To illustrate this, refer to this experiment Tesla had performed:

With this experiment, not only had Tesla proved the existence of the ether, but he also proved that the ether was akin to a fluid which possessed rigidity and elasticity. So the ether could be stretched and compressed like a rubber band through the application of currents of high potential and high frequency. In the above diagram, I have indicated that between a (-) negatively charged plate and a (+) positively charged plate, an electric field is created and the direction of the field is from the positive plate to the negative plate. This electric field clearly shows that the gaseous medium – the ether – between the plates, there is some ‘stretching’ phenomena taking place on the ether and the ether is stretched in the direction as shown. As per Tesla’s description of the basic ether particle, the displacement of the ‘independent carriers’ from the positive to the negative plate indicates that they are indeed repelled from the positive plate to the negative plate.

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Understanding Nikola Tesla’s Work. By Konstantinos Pappas [email protected] Now, if you impress the medium between the charged plates with rapid changes of electrostatic potential, compression – or rigidity – of the ether would result because this would create rapidly changing Electric Fields, and in turn ‘solidify’ the ether between the plates. The action of rapid creation and collapse of the Electric Field between the parallel plates would create a medium of rigidity between the plates. The Quantum World At the very quantum level of the atomic world, the empty space between atoms and electrons is so vast, that it is akin to distance between earth and the sun. With the billions of atoms and electrons that exist in matter, it is ludicrous to believe that space is ‘empty’ between them. Had this been the case, all matter would collapse on itself. There must be a medium so strong and so dense as to overcome the strong nuclear force that it would prevent even the collapse of the orbiting electrons to the protons in the nucleus of an atom. If we were to compare the size of the ether particle to the electron, the basic ether particle would be a grain of sand and the electron would be the sun. I reiterate… The supposedly ‘empty space’ has a density of

1093 grams per cubic centimeter If we were to delve deep into the structure of say Aluminium at the quantum level, and observe the vast space that exists between electrons and the protons/neutrons, and compare the densities between Aluminium and the ether which inter-penetrates the molecular structure of Aluminium, this will give you an idea of the power that lies within the ether, the vital ingredient that has been missed when looking for energy. The density of Aluminium is 2.70 grams per cubic centimeter. The density of the Ether is 1093 grams per cubic centimeter. With this stupendous difference in densities in mind, it is abundantly crystal clear that we have missed the point! Here we are using exothermic reactions, burning fuel to power cars and rockets, burning coal to create electricity, all the while polluting the planet. Instead of using the vast power that lies within the ether, we are certainly not creating efficient means to extract power from matter. It is also abundantly clear that clean energies can be extracted from the Ether efficiently and in abundant amounts as Tesla prescribed. In summary, this is another way of viewing the ether that will help you understand: If you extended your consciousness to the very end of the cosmos and viewed the entire cosmos as a whole, the ether – empty space that lies between the stars and planets - would be likened to matter, which is stationary, and which inter penetrates all matter within – including the planets and the stars.

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What Is Electricity? Here, I have provided two images that illustrate the marvelous beauty the ether possesses. The induction coil and the Tesla coil. Image 1: Induction Coil

Image 2: Tesla Coil

I have long meditated upon the mysterious question that has puzzled many scientists for centuries, and that is: Given the clues that Tesla has given us over a century ago, and the beautiful displays of arcs that Induction and Tesla Coils produce, there is no doubt that the mystery about electricity can be solved. Tesla’s reference to the use of grey matter and the principle of the viscosity and adhesion of fluids – the ether - certainly revealed his understanding of what electricity was.

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Understanding Nikola Tesla’s Work. By Konstantinos Pappas [email protected] Although we have been led to believe that electricity or electrical discharges are the result of electron flow from a negative plate to the positive plate, you cannot exclude the possibility that these electrical discharges are the result of ether manipulation. Given that we are all moving with the wheelwork of the universe, and that the ether is stationary, the application of currents of high potential and high frequency between a positive and a negative plate severely alter the state of the ether between the plates to such a degree, that as Tesla described, the region between the plates become rigid and what we observe is in fact the friction of rigidified ether between the plates and the gaseous/liquefied ether surrounding the plates. Because the ether is stationary, and the plates are moving at over 2,000,000 km/h with the wheelwork of the universe, we observe extreme friction of the ether and thus, this creates the heat and arcs that we observe. In simple terms, severely displaced ether particles will create the electricity and the sparks that we observe in Tesla and Induction Coils. So, when you are working with Tesla Coils to produce large arcs, you are in fact observing the ether in action. Though you may not be aware of it, you have been indeed harnessing the ether with your Tesla coils, through the application of currents of high potential and high frequency. In summary, when the stationary ether changes state from ‘fluid’ to ‘solid’ with the application of gray matter – currents of high potential and high frequency – arcs and electrical discharges are created because there is friction created between the two different states of the ether. What we actually observe when arcs and electrical discharges are created is in fact friction of the ether occurring between the moving ‘solid’ ether – i.e., between the conductors creating the electrical discharges because they are moving with the wheelwork of the universe – and the stationary ‘fluid’ ether.

What Is Light? It has been proven that the wonderful and mysterious nature of light is also electricity at ultra high frequencies to the order of 405-790n Terra Hertz. Furthermore, light comprises of both electric and magnetic fields which propagate at the speed of light perpendicular to each other as shown in the following diagram. If we look closer at the propagation of light, it bears similar resemblance to the helical, sine-wave motion that planets and stars follow in their wheelwork of the universe. In the following diagram

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Understanding Nikola Tesla’s Work. By Konstantinos Pappas [email protected] Image: Electromagnetic Radiation Propagation

From Tesla’s description of the basic ether particle, with the ‘independent carriers’ immersed within the ‘insulating fluid’, it can also be inferred that with the application of currents of high potential and high frequencies, the basic ether particle as described here would be subject to stress of high degree, that while the ‘independent carriers’ are displaced, by virtue of Isaac Newton’s law of action and reaction, the ‘insulating fluid’ would move in the opposite direction in an attempt to re establish equilibrium. In doing so, the ‘independent carriers’ and the ‘insulating medium’ would oscillate with each other at 90 degrees to each other, hence this elegantly fits in with our current understanding of the propagation of electromagnetic radiation as shown in the above image. Because of the density of the ether being 1093 grams per cubic centimeter, this would reveal the underlying property of the ether, which gives us the elegant value of what is known to the scientific community as c:

C = speed of light, 3 x 108 m/s More can be said about this. Light does not propagate like a wave as we know it, but rather, what we perceive by the eye to be light is in fact, the wave propagation of the ether created by the severe oscillation of the ‘independent carrier’ and the ‘insulating fluid’, which oscillate at 3 x 108 m/s

What Is Gravity? Despite the vast amounts of books that have been written on the topic of gravity, and the ‘mathematical garb’ that follow it, acknowledging that gravity is intrinsically connected to the wheelwork of the universe, the current model of the universe adopted by the scientific community – Sir Isaac Newton’s laws and Albert Einstein’s laws – are the goof of all time. Under the influence of ‘gravity’, all matter will fall to the ground and although seemingly will appear stationary on the ground, matter will always be influenced by a force in the direction of the centre of the earth, where this is our link to the wheelwork of the universe. With this in mind, there is no doubt that there is an Electric and Magnetic field connection to gravity. We have observed that a current carrying wire placed in an external magnetic field will experience a force perpendicular to the Electric and

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Understanding Nikola Tesla’s Work. By Konstantinos Pappas [email protected] Magnetic field, all the while opposing the force of gravity imposed on the wire with supreme ease. Now, to get a clear understanding of what gravity is - as Tesla understood it - we must explore how matter behaves within the ether when the ‘independent carriers’ have been displaced due to the presence of an electric field. Because the ether is immensely dense and super fine due to its size, it interpenetrates all matter. As per Tesla’s description of the ether, an upset of the ‘independent carriers’ and the ‘insulating fluid’ of the basic ether particle will have a follow on effect on the matter that it envelopes, hence creating motion. So, when you consider our own earth and ionosphere system, the state of the ether beyond our ionosphere is different to the state of the ether within our atmosphere and again different within the earth. As far as I know, while all matter within our atmosphere – unless it is a UFO – fall to the surface of the earth, earth’s electric and magnetic fields – as a result of the wheelwork of the universe - plays a crucial role in defining the gravitational constant. To demonstrate how the ether particles behave in our earth / ionosphere system, refer to this illustration:

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(Important Note: This is a 2 dimensional view. You must imagine this image on a 3 dimensional global scale and also keep in mind earth’s rotation about it own axis and orbit through space and that the medium filling all space in stationary).

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Understanding Nikola Tesla’s Work. By Konstantinos Pappas [email protected] Region 1: The Ionosphere (+) Plate In the region beyond the earth’s ionosphere, the ‘independent carriers’ are in their equilibrium state. However, the region in close proximity to the earth’s ionosphere, the ‘independent carriers’ will be displaced away from the ionosphere because they are repelled - since the ionosphere has a positive charge. Here is where it gets interesting… While the earth is orbiting through space at enormous speeds and spinning on it own axis, the ‘independent carriers’ are displaced again when they make the transition from the ionosphere into the earth’s atmosphere. Refer to this magnified illustration between regions 1 and 2:

Because the ‘independent carriers’ are repelled from earth ionosphere, they would as they enter the earth’s atmosphere, they would ‘flip’ from position 1 to position 2 and remain displaced towards the earth as per earth’s electric field. It is worthy noting that because earth’s behaves as a low exhausted globe – as per Sir Crookes’ tube – the dynamics of this ‘flipping’ of the independent carriers taking place at the earth’s ionosphere would also add to the rotation of earth’s spin about its own axis.

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Understanding Nikola Tesla’s Work. By Konstantinos Pappas [email protected] Region 2: Earth’s Atmosphere In this region, the ‘independent carriers’ would be displaced towards earth’s surface as per earth’s electric field. In this region, it is akin to an exhausted vacuum tube as per Sir Crookes and it is at our mercy to manipulate the region in the earth’s atmosphere using a magnifying transmitter and to alter how gravity behaves in this region – more on the magnifying transmitter in a later topic. Now, to understand how ‘gravity’ affects matter and forces objects towards the earth’s surface, I will illustrate this point in the following diagram:

First thing to acknowledge is that within all matter or objects - including earth – the electric field is zero. This means that the ‘independent carriers’ are in their equilibrium state and are not displaced. This has profound implications. This is quite important: As stated earlier, you must take into account earth’s orbit through space and its rotation about its own axis. Although seemingly the object will appear to be falling in a straight line towards the earth, in reality it is not. Like the earth and the sun, the object follows that helical, sine-wave motion as defined in the wheelwork of the universe. The object would appear to spiral towards the ground. So, because of earth’s electric field, while the ‘independent carriers’ are displaced in the direction of earth, as they enter the objects, the ether particles acquire the equilibrium state and in doing so, they ‘flip’ as they do in the earth’s ionosphere. To illustrate this ‘flipping’ of the ‘independent carriers’ as they enter the object, refer to this diagram:

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So, as the ‘independent carriers’ enter the object and are ‘flipped’ upwards and regain equilibrium because the electric field within the object is zero, by virtue of Isaac Newton’s action reaction law, the ‘insulating fluid’ will be displaced downward as it regains equilibrium and thus it will exert a force on the object in the same direction - downwards. As the ‘independent carriers’ again leave the object, they will experience ‘flipping’ again and they will be displaced downward. This time, the ‘insulating fluid’ will be displaced upward and will exert a force on the object in the same direction – upward. The difference in the downward and upward force exerted by the ‘insulating fluid’ on the object will drive define the object’s path. This ‘flipping’ of the ether particles is what drives objects towards the ground, thus intrinsically connected to gravity.

Region: Earth’s Surface (-) Plate In this region, the ‘independent carriers’ will experience ‘flipping’ again as they enter earth’s surface because the electric field within the earth is zero. It is very important to note that this ‘flipping’ of ‘independent carriers’ occurring at the ionosphere and the earth, the resultant dynamics is akin to rarefaction – stretching and compressing.

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Understanding Nikola Tesla’s Work. By Konstantinos Pappas [email protected] Flaws In Our Current Understanding Of Physics It is worth noting that there are some flaws in our current understanding of physics, two of which will be discussed here - that must be explored as they will provide you with a greater understanding of electromagnetism. (i) The Electric And Magnetic Fields If a stationary point charge, whether it be a positive or a negative charge, exhibits an electric field, and a moving charge creates a magnetic field, then how can this be true if we are already moving through space at phenomenal speeds? You see, even though the point charges are stationary from our point of view, in reality, they are moving through space at phenomenal speeds. So, if the ‘supposedly’ stationary point charge exhibits an electric field, then exactly what is the electric field given that the point charges are not stationary? (ii) The True Definition Of The Vacuum We are led to believe that a vacuum is a region of space that has had its air exhausted and removed from a gaseous medium – for example, in a vacuum tube. However, with Tesla’s view of the entire cosmos filled with the ether particle, what we are led to believe is the vacuum is not true. What will happen were you to apply electromagnetic fields to the highest degree that it could displace the ether particles in an outward radially manner? This would create a space of nothingness? A vortex? This will be up to you to experiment and prove it to yourself. It is interesting to note that the creation of such a pure vacuum will in fact create a portal that will connect you to the centre of the cosmos because all phenomena subject to ‘cause and effect’ will have their origins at the centre of the cosmos, as defined by the wheelwork of the universe.

The Ether - In Summary In summary, from Tesla's description of the ether particle, the entire cosmos is an ether-filled medium which is stationary. The ether particle remains in equilibrium until it is met with charged particles – for example: planets, stars, atmospheres and matter in its voyage through space – which then upsets the ether’s equilibrium by displacing the ‘independent carriers’, thus creating the electric field and the magnetic field by displacing the ‘insulating fluid’.

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Understanding Tesla’s Magnifying Transmitter

Bearing in mind what I have covered on the wheelwork of the universe, I now draw your attention to understanding the great power that lies in the Magnifying Transmitter, and the boundless technical possibilities of this marvelous machine that you have at your disposal in the immediate future. Tesla’s Magnifying Transmitter would have to be the most important of all his inventions and one that must be rebuilt now. I cannot stress how important it is to rebuild it and although the idea is over 100 years old, it can be redesigned with today’s technological advancements.

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Understanding Nikola Tesla’s Work. By Konstantinos Pappas [email protected] As I shall show you shortly, the Magnifying Transmitter that will lead us into the future is not one that can create enormous arcs or millions of volts, but one that will run efficiently, endlessly and almost maintenance-free, one that will require very little effort to work, one that would be geared to the very wheelwork of the universe and will collect unlimited energy from the cosmos as the earth travels through space at phenomenal speeds. Just imagine the enormous energies available to us that we can find in the supposedly ‘empty space’! According to legend, Nikola Tesla presented a paper to JP Morgan on the innumerable technical possibilities of his Magnifying Transmitter. These included wireless communications, wireless transmission of power that could power electrical cars, appliances, flying machines, and could even provide a protective shield against the enemy’s missiles, planes and soldiers. As we saw in Sir Crookes Figure 1 above, this is made possible by simply using earth and ionosphere as the ‘Crookes tube’ and creating that protective shield using the magnifying transmitter. Tesla also made the statement that his Magnifying Transmitter could down an air fleet of 250 planes and ‘zap’ soldiers in their tracks. I can confidently state that these possibilities Tesla conceived over 100 years were not outrageous ones. They were sound ideas and could be backed by our current laws of physics. This was Tesla’s conception of his Magnifying Transmitter:

These stupendous ideas of Tesla and the enormous power of the magnifying transmitter could be accessed by anyone on this planet and could access it for free. JP Morgan’s response to that was “If anybody could access this power, where could you put the meter?” This very decision made by JP Morgan has placed us at least 100 years behind in terms of advancing technologies only to serve his hunger for money and power.

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Understanding Nikola Tesla’s Work. By Konstantinos Pappas [email protected] This decision later led to the destruction of the Magnifying Transmitter on Long Island, New York. Despite the claims made by Tesla, I will show you how these possibilities are indeed within our grasp, that we have the technology, the materials, and the expertise to build all these and more. All we need to do is unite and take action. The only obstacle we have is in understanding Tesla’s ideas, and these obstacles I plan to remove by enlightening you on this matter. Another possibility of the Magnifying Transmitter which I found ludicrous upon initial study of Tesla’s Autobiography was the creation of waterfalls, lakes and weather control. This is an excerpt from Tesla’s autobiography:

This possibility, ladies and gentlemen, is only a question of time when we will realize the creation of such a beautiful future. Do not be surprised if this has already been achieved and that governments are already manipulating weather patters through the H.A.A.R.P project. You can even build a Magnifying Transmitter near a water fall and tune it to the sound of the water fall to create unlimited amounts of energy for the use of man. Side Question: Do you think that the Saudi’s will appreciate the Magnifying Transmitter to create waterfalls, lakes in their dry desert? Take serious note: What must be acknowledged here is that when Tesla refers to controlling the Sun’s energy, he is NOT talking about using the sun’s rays! He is actually referring to harnessing the sun through the wheelwork of the universe as defined in this document. And our link to the sun is the centre of the earth because the earth’s centre is what takes us on that helical path through space. Now, according to Tesla’s autobiography, he provided us with a clear analogical description of the Magnifying Transmitter as follows:

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Understanding Nikola Tesla’s Work. By Konstantinos Pappas [email protected] I have underlined the most important key words in his description. Can you see any correlation between this and what he had discovered in Sir William Crooke’s work on Radiant Matter? Just like you can use a telescope, which encompasses a series of concave mirrors to focus all the light from distant stars and magnify them, or even use a convex lens to converge the sunlight to create extreme heat, the Magnifying Transmitter was designed to magnify or ‘excite’ the earth and resonate with the earth’s path through the universe. He said the ‘peculiar transformer was specially adapted to excite the earth’. This is profound. Recall that earth is nothing more than a huge ball of metal sphere and this sphere can be charged like an electron can. I will explain in further detail shortly as I cover more of Tesla’s experimental writings in Colorado Springs.

The Important Colorado Springs Experiment One thing I noticed from the Tesla Coil builders was that their main goal was to build a very powerful coil that produced powerful, long arcs. While I studied Nikola Tesla’s work on the magnifying transmitter, I realized that although his goal in wireless transmission of power could be achieved by building a very powerful transmitter, one that produced millions of volts, he made a discovery that changed the course of his work and led to building a more efficient tower that could send power all over the world wirelessly with very little loss. To understand this, I draw your attention to a series of excerpts from his writing “THE TRANSMISSION OF ELECTRIC POWER WITHOUT WIRES” that was communicated to The Thirteenth Anniversary Number of the Electrical World Engineer, March 5, 1904. Initially, he expressed his intention to develop a transmitter of great power:

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Tesla described how he wanted to transmit the power through the natural medium of the atmosphere. There are 3 key items I wish to highlight here: 1. Tesla started out by designing a Transmitter of great power. 2. Tesla’s goal was to individualize the energy and provide transmission of secure signals. 3. Ascertain the laws of propagation of currents through the earth and the atmosphere. As I read on, I found more intriguing statements that showed that our very own globe was alive with electrical vibrations as Tesla described and was a vehicle for free energy. So, Tesla setup sensitive electrical instruments to record the activity of an oncoming thunderstorm. As shown here, Tesla said:

Now, here Tesla described how his sensitive instruments were affected stronger by lightning at great distances than those near by:

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Understanding Nikola Tesla’s Work. By Konstantinos Pappas [email protected] He was quite puzzled by this and he stated that the explanation as to why this occurred may have been due to something happening inside the earth. He wrote a chapter in his lecture before the Franklin Institute and Tesla stated that the solution had presented itself then, but he dismissed it because he thought it was impossible. So, he performed the same experiments as clouds grew heavy and grey and was more prepared. Here, he wrote:

This would have to be the most important observation that Tesla ever made. Nikola Tesla described how his recording instruments created a sine wave pattern with the max and minimums as the thunderstorm retreated to over 300 km from where he was situated at. As they retreated, the thunderstorms still recorded their maximum loops with undiminished force. What is important to note here is that his recording instruments were in fact recording the effect the thunderstorms had on the earth. He then stated that he was observing stationary waves, which he thought was impossible when the idea had crossed him mind before the Franklin Institute. This is the key to designing an efficient Magnifying Transmitter and to collecting cosmic energy in unlimited amounts. What’s more, here is where he stated that the earth behaved like a huge conductor:

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Yet more important writings of Tesla to note: Here he described that with the new experimental data, he redesigned the Magnifying Transmitter. He stated that although his original intent was to build a powerful one, instead he redesigned it to be more efficient.

What was Tesla telling us here?

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Understanding Nikola Tesla’s Work. By Konstantinos Pappas [email protected] He was saying that he had designed the Magnifying Transmitter to collect the ‘impressions upon the earth’ and it behaved like an ‘immense pendulum’. He said that the circuit ‘acts’ like an immense pendulum, which meant that he was talking present tense at the time which means that he had achieved it. What he had done was successfully collected energy from the cosmos and stored it using with his Magnifying Transmitter! This is how Tesla was able to produce hundreds of millions of volts with his Magnifying Transmitter because he had indeed tapped into the wheelwork of the universe. The key item to note here is that the magnifying transmitter was ‘diametrically opposite’ of a transmitting circuit typical of Hertzian or electromagnetic radiation. This is important because Tesla was saying that the electromagnetic radiations were reduced to an insignificant quantity. In effect, electromagnetic radiation is a ‘waste’. With this stupendous discovery in mind, Tesla had redesigned his magnifying transmitter to resonate with the earth, had successfully harnessed the wheelwork of the universe and created a circuit which collected the energy from the universe. What’s more, this energy came from the centre of the earth because this is our link to the wheelwork of the universe through the Sun and the Milky Way Galaxy. What’s more, the stationary waves within the earth are sine waves that are stationary and possess energy. Stationary waves are a by product of earth’s huge internal electrical conductivity deep in the core because the core is linked to the wheel work of the universe. To recreate the Magnifying Transmitter, all you need to do is create a circuit that resonates with the stationary waves within the earth. In doing so, you are truly harnessing the wheelwork of the universe, like Tesla did. Why do you think Tesla had placed two enormous conducting rods within the earth? This is because they acted like huge antennas which collected energy from the Ether through the earth’s centre. These enormous conducting rods also served to resonate with the stationary waves which are a result of earth’s cosmic motion through the wheelwork of the universe. The conducting rods created electrical vibrations through the entire earth which could be used by anyone on the surface of the earth to retrieve electricity. Why do you think they destroyed the Magnifying Transmitter? Tesla was producing free energy. That’s why. The JP Morgan’s and his brotherhood, i.e., the government, destroyed it all in the name of profit and to enslave you all. The government uses energy as a form of people control, and when this resource becomes available to us for free, they lose control! Period! So, if you want to recreate the Magnifying Transmitter, let’s work together and do it for Tesla. Let’s prove his ideas and prove that he was not crazy!

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Understanding Nikola Tesla’s Work. By Konstantinos Pappas [email protected] The Earth And the Ionosphere System Collecting Cosmic Energy To truly understand the power of the Magnifying Transmitter, it is now worth exploring further the innumerable possibilities that the Magnifying Transmitter can offer to humanity. It is, however, crucial to understand how the earth works as a whole to truly see the great power of this machine.

Bearing in mind the topic I covered on the basic ether particle and the effect electric and magnetic fields have on the ‘independent carriers’ in topic: ‘The Ether – Also Known As The Luminiferous Aether’ in section ‘What Is Gravity’, I now delve deeper into the workings of the Magnifying Transmitter and how it affects the earth and everything that walks it. It is important to note that the sensitive instruments Tesla was using in his Colorado Springs experiments were not measuring the thunderstorm activity, but rather measuring the effect the thunderstorms had on the earth’s internal activity. Tesla’s sensitive instruments were actually measuring the effect the storms had on the stationary waves within the earth. To comprehend this, it is imperative to understand how the earth system works as a whole. Now, we all know that the ionosphere and the earth’s surface behave

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Understanding Nikola Tesla’s Work. By Konstantinos Pappas [email protected] as an enormous capacitor. The earth behaves as the negative pole and the ionosphere behaves as the positive pole, with the atmosphere behaving as a spherical insulator. What’s more, the atmosphere between the earth’s surface and the ionosphere behaves like an exhausted or partial vacuum. Now, because of the wheelwork of the universe, the entire earth and ionosphere system is determined by what is taking place at the centre of the earth as this is our link to the universe. As I explained earlier, the earth is bound by the centripetal force:

The electrical activity that lies in the centre of the earth creates the earth’s rotating magnetic field, determines how far the earth will be from the sun and also dictates the ionosphere’s behavior. With the magnifying transmitter, it can be used to ‘excite’ the earth, thereby changing the capacitance of the earth / ionosphere system which will inadvertently affect the entire magnetic field of the earth. This ‘excitation’ of the earth will also have an effect on the ‘independent carriers’ in the ether and thus affect the gravitational effects they have on objects. This has remarkable consequences and will even change the course of earth’s path around the sun, but this will depend entirely on how much you want to excite the earth. Also, the magnifying transmitter can be used to resonate with the electrical activity of the earth. The magnifying transmitter can also be designed to resonate with the stationary waves, which in turn will send electricity to the magnifying transmitter, which can then be stored indefinitely and distributed to the entire planet. The source of power that is harnessed to create this electricity originates from the centre of the earth which links us to the wheelwork of the universe. Above all, the magnifying transmitter can be tuned so that instead of producing long electrical arcs, you can send electrical vibrations through the earth which can then be received by an antenna at the other side of the globe with very little loss. Recall that as per Tesla’s writings in Colorado Springs, the electromagnetic radiations were reduced to a minimum and all electrical vibrations created by the magnifying transmitter were reduced to a minimum, thus conserving the energy within the earth. It is important to note that because of the capacitance between the earth and the ionosphere, the atmosphere acts like an insulator. Since the earth behaves as the negative pole, exciting the earth using the magnifying transmitter will not

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Understanding Nikola Tesla’s Work. By Konstantinos Pappas [email protected] necessarily send streamers around the globe through the earth unless the power is great enough to break through the earth’s capacitance / insulator. Because of this, the electrical vibrations have nowhere to go and are conserved within the earth. This is the message Tesla was trying to get across with his Magnifying Transmitter. That the electrical vibrations are conserved and not lost, as do Hertzian waves – electromagnetic radiation. There is no loss and these electrical vibrations can be tapped into using an antenna anywhere around the globe. Crucial to the magnifying transmitter design are the enormous rods that Tesla had inserted deep into the earth’s surface because they behaved as huge cosmic antennas that collected the cosmic energy from the universe.

Applications Of The Magnifying Transmitter Strategic installations of the magnifying transmitter along the country’s borders can provide protection for all countries, weak or strong, by creating a protective shield that nothing can penetrate. Also, we can use the magnifying transmitter to alter earth’s path about the sun and alter weather patterns. In the automobile industry, we can use the magnifying transmitter to provide electrical power to the vehicles in unlimited amounts and design the vehicles so that they received the required amount of energy from the universe when they need it.

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Understanding Nikola Tesla’s Work. By Konstantinos Pappas [email protected]

Tesla’s Flying Machine – The UFO Despite all the laughable media and conspiracy theories that are associated with the UFO – Unidentified Flying Machine – not only do I believe that flying machines exist, but I am also confident enough to say that most UFOs you see today in the media are based on Nikola Tesla designs and what’s more, that Tesla himself built a flying machine before he died. While I was reading Tesla’s autobiography, I was quite intrigued when he himself stated that he conceived the idea of flying machines while he was a student. I now refer to this excerpt from his autobiography:

This is the kind of flying machine that Tesla had conceived:

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Understanding Nikola Tesla’s Work. By Konstantinos Pappas [email protected] Tesla even explicitly stated that he revealed the workings of this flying machine in one of the pages of his lecture. More on this later. The key items to note here is Tesla stated that the flying machine was ‘sustained and propelled entirely by reaction’. As I delved more into Tesla’s work, it finally came to me. Not only did it become utterly clear how easy it was to create a flying machine, but how easy it was to defy gravity as well. First, I will discuss the ‘force on a wire experiment’.

The Force on a Wire Experiment What did Tesla mean his flying machine was ‘sustained and propelled entirely by reaction’? At first, I was quite puzzled by this. It turns out that I had to go back to my old physics books and revisit the very basics of ‘electric and magnetic fields’, because ultimately, you are using these fields to defy gravity. Refer to this illustration for ‘The Force on Wire’ experiment:

Essentially, when a wire carrying a current (I) is placed in an external magnetic field (B), the moving charges within the wire will experience a force. The end result is that the wire will experience a force (F) which is perpendicular to the direction of the current (I) in the wire and the external magnetic field (B). The Physics formula for this is given by:

Where L is the length of the wire.

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Understanding Nikola Tesla’s Work. By Konstantinos Pappas [email protected] What is worthy noting here is that the current carrying wire (I) also exhibits a magnetic field. The wire creates a spiraling magnetic as shown in this illustration:

What we have here is there are two magnetic fields repelling each other, namely, the external magnetic field (B) and the spiraling magnetic field created by the current carrying wire (I). This is analogical to placing two like poles of magnets near each other and they repel each other. The concept of ‘two’ magnetic fields will become clear when I explain Tesla’s ‘p2’ system later. What’s more, in a similar experiment, if you have two current carrying wires near each other, and the current in the wires are in the same direction, the two wires will experience a force and attract each other, whereas, when the current in the wire are in the opposite direction, the wires will repel each other. Though it was not conceived at the time, this simple experiment performed over 200 years ago was in fact a form of electro-propulsion, the propulsion system used in flying machines.

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Understanding Nikola Tesla’s Work. By Konstantinos Pappas [email protected] Tesla’s Lecture I was quite excited when I read Nikola Tesla’s autobiography because it was an opportunity for me to delve deeper into Tesla’s mind and to understand Tesla’s elegant work. I was quite intrigued to read that Tesla had explicitly stated he had presented the workings of his flying machine in a lecture. I had to get my hands on this and study it. Here is an excerpt of the Lecture Nikola Tesla presented before the American Institute of Electrical Engineers in London:

Initially, I had no idea what Tesla was talking about here. In item 1, Tesla initially mentioned that the medium filling space consisted of ‘independent carriers immersed in an insulating fluid’. Here, Tesla was actually describing the ether and its internal structure – already discussed above. I draw your attention to items 7 and 8 because these will serve as the most important brain feed you will ever receive, which explains how Tesla’s two electrical systems that could be used to defy the gravitational forces that are

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Understanding Nikola Tesla’s Work. By Konstantinos Pappas [email protected] imposed upon us in that wheelwork of the universe. This also provided a hint to Tesla’s ‘p2’ system. Tesla’s Lecture: Item # 7

Here, Tesla described that rarefaction – stretching - occurs if a steady potential is applied and that there would be less ‘independent carriers’ in the brush than in the space at some distance. This clearly indicated that by using a DC potential, the ether around the electrode became stretched. Bearing this in mind, suppose you were to apply DC pulses of high potential and high frequency in a conductor? During the DC pulse, this would create stretching of the ether and during the DC reversal, the ether would return to it equilibrium state – thus creating that stretching effect on the ether. Furthermore, if we apply what we learned in Sir Crookes’ experiments illustrated here, and used a curved, hemi-sphere conductor, what would be the end results? I delve deeper into this remarkable possibility in a later topic as I discuss the workings of the UFO, as conceived by Nikola Tesla. Tesla’s Lecture: Item # 8

Two important items worthy noting here: 1. Tesla described that if you applied currents of high potential and high frequency, compression of the ether would result. 2. The ‘motion of translation through measurable space would cease’. What must be understood here is that when you apply currents of high potential and high frequency directly into a conductor, the act of rapid changes of potential stresses the ether to such a degree that they are compressed. This compression of the ether – or rigidity of the ether – acts as a ‘squeezing’ effect on the conductor and the conductor would experience a force in the direction opposite to the motion as defined by the wheelwork of the universe. Remember, even though the conductor may appear to be stationary, it is in fact moving with the earth’s motion through the universe with the earth. So, because the ether interpenetrates all matter and is stationary, the compression of the ether would prevent movement of the conductor in the direction defined by the wheelwork of the universe and experience heat and move in the opposite direction.

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Understanding Nikola Tesla’s Work. By Konstantinos Pappas [email protected] Sustained and Propelled entirely by Reaction So, what I have illustrated here is exactly what Tesla was referring to when he described the workings of his flying machine: “Sustained and propelled entirely by reaction”. The flying machine is operated by passing currents in a conductor, which create a magnetic field and then propelled through space by applying an external magnetic field. The two opposing magnetic fields create the action/reaction forces which then propel the flying machine.

The UFO Shape – Analogy To Force On A Wire Experiment In the examples presented here, I have used current carrying wires to illustrate the forces exerted on the wire when they are placed in an external magnetic field. Now, with this in mind, how different would this be had I used two spheroid conductors, i.e., the top and bottom spherical shapes used in the design of the UFOs seen in the media? If we were to replace a straight conducting wire with two conducting spheroids, this would yield similar results. To illustrate how the ‘force on a wire experiment’ can be extrapolated to enlighten you on the workings of the flying machine – the UFO - refer to the following illustration:

Essentially, the UFO design exhibits two half spheroids which are affixed together. Now, if you apply a DC – Direct Current - to the top half of the UFO, this will create a magnetic field. To get the desired effect, we require an external magnetic field to create the propulsion. Now, here is where it gets interesting… The external magnetic field which would create the propulsion would come from the bottom half of the UFO. If you applied AC - Alternating Current - to this conducting spheroid, you will see that this UFO will experience a force perpendicular to the DC current and the external magnetic field, as per the ‘force on a wire’ experiment.

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Understanding Nikola Tesla’s Work. By Konstantinos Pappas [email protected] Note also that the AC that is applied to the bottom half of the UFO would yield a rotating magnetic field, so this would be ideal for the purpose of achieving propulsion of the UFO. What’s more, as I discussed in an earlier topic, ‘Figure 19: Heat Generated using Concave Shape Cups’, just like you can focus radiant matter to generate heat, or use a telescope to focus the light of stars, or a lens to focus sunlight, you can focus the magnetic fields generated by the DC top half spheroid and by the AC bottom half spheroid. Imagine for a moment that you are focusing these two magnetic fields and it is happening at an extremely high frequency? More to follow in a later topic… ’Tesla Patent 723188 – Also known as the P2 System’.

Tesla Clues On His Flying Machine In Tesla’s writings, he gave several clues which related to the workings of his Flying Machine. Ultimately, the Flying Machine, when in operation, does not defy gravity. Rather, the flying machine harnesses the wheelwork of the universe as I have described here, and effectively levitates because it is going against the wheelwork of the universe. Now, I would like to highlight two excerpts from Tesla’s articles which gave clues to the workings of his flying machine. (a) Viscosity and Adhesion of Fluids – The Ether Article: “TESLA'S NEW MONARCH OF MACHINES”, by Nikola Tesla, New York Herald, Oct. 15, 1911 http://www.tfcbooks.com/tesla/1911-10-15.htm “When I found that I had been anticipated as to the flying machine, by men working in a different field, I began to study the problem from other angles, to regard it as a mechanical rather than an electrical problem. I felt certain there must be some means of obtaining power that was better than any now in use. And by vigorous use of my gray matter for a number of years, I grasped the possibilities of the principle of the viscosity and adhesion of fluids and conceived the mechanism of my engine. Now that I have it, my next step will be the perfect flying machine.” In this article, Tesla spoke of using gray matter to operate his flying machine through the adhesion and viscosity properties of fluids. This is profound. What was Tesla referring to gray matter, viscosity and adhesion of fluids? While I delved deeper into Tesla’s work, I realized that the ‘fluid’ he was referring to was the Ether. Through his experiments, Tesla was able to manipulate the ether using gray matter – electrical currents of high potential and high frequency. Tesla discovered that the ether surrounding the conducting elements could be stretched and compressed like a rubber band to create propulsion within the conducting elements. As Tesla stated in his lecture before the American Institute of Electrical Engineers, referring to point 7:

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The ‘carriers’ that Tesla refers to here is the ether. Now, if a brush is formed from a steady potential – as per the current carrying wire illustrated above – this would yield rarefaction of the ether. In other words, the ether is stretched. However, referring to point 8:

If the potentials were ‘rapidly’ changing and the higher the frequency of the pulses, this would yield compression of the ether. This is Tesla’s use of gray matter – electricity - to stretch and compress the ether around the conducting elements to create propulsion in his flying machine. (b) The Two Electrical Systems Article: “HOW COSMIC FORCES SHAPE OUR DESTINIES”, by Nikola Tesla, New York American, February 7, 1915 http://www.tfcbooks.com/tesla/1915-02-07.htm Following on from Tesla’s muses on the viscosity and adhesion of fluids – The Ether - in this article, Tesla discussed how all humans beings on the planet are influenced by the workings of the universe and the rotation of the planets. These are his opening statements in this article: “Every living being is an engine geared to the wheelwork of the universe. Though seemingly affected only by its immediate surrounding, the sphere of external influence extends to infinite distance. There is no constellation or nebula, no sun or planet, in all the depths of limitless space, no passing wanderer of the starry heavens, that does not exercise some control over its destiny—not in the vague and delusive sense of astrology, but in the rigid and positive meaning of physical science.” What I found most interesting in this article was the following statement: “What wonder then that in such a terrible turmoil, in which cast iron existence would seem impossible, this delicate human engine should act in an exceptional manner? If all automata were in every respect alike they would react in exactly the same way, but this is not the case. There is concordance in response to those disturbances only which are most frequently repeated, not to all. It is quite easy to provide two electrical systems which, when subjected to the same influence, will behave in just the opposite way. “ Note Tesla’s reference to ‘two electrical systems’. Tesla explicitly stated that by using two electrical systems, it is simple to oppose the forces that we are

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Understanding Nikola Tesla’s Work. By Konstantinos Pappas [email protected] subjected to through the wheelwork of the universe, and to defy gravity. Remember that the true sense of anti-gravity is to defy the wheelwork of the universe. So, I found this interesting because if you could provide two electrical systems and easily defy ‘gravity’, then it seemed simple to create such an electrical system. The two electrical systems that Tesla refereed to are the DC and AC currents as per the examples I presented here in topic ‘The UFO Shape – Analogy To Force On A Wire Experiment’. Now, I cover a Tesla patent which can be used to create a flying machine that will have the ability to levitate, travel at great speeds, and to maneuver at right angles, without being subjected to inertial forces.

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Tesla Patent 723188 – Also known as the P2 System

In order to understand how this patent can be used to create a flying machine as Tesla himself conceived it, it is very important for you to visualize the cosmos in its entirety. You must take into account the wheelwork of the universe that I have covered previously. You must acknowledge that when dealing with currents of high potential and high frequencies, that you are tapping into the great power of the ether whose density is 1093 grams per cubic centimeter, and that the electromagnetic forces are 1040 stronger than the force of gravity. Although you are dealing with such forces, there is no need to concern yourself with inertial forces that this craft may be subject to. There is no worry if a human being travels at enormous propulsive forces, they will not crush to death due to the ‘g’ forces because they will not be subject to ‘g’ forces. While you visualize the cosmos as a whole, it is important to note that there is a medium which fills all space, namely, the ether. Just like water fills the ocean and submarines have the ability to submerge, levitate and to propel through the water, we have the ability to create a flying machine that can levitate and propel through space by harnessing the wheelwork of the universe.

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Understanding Nikola Tesla’s Work. By Konstantinos Pappas [email protected] While the stationary ether fills all space, the planets, the stars and even human beings are propelling through the ether at enormous speeds. It is also worth noting that because of the ether’s density, 1093 grams per cubic centimeter, at the quantum, atomic level the ether interpenetrates all matter. So, while all matter is moving through the wheelwork of the universe at over 2,000,000 km/h, the stationary ether penetrates all matter. Note also that Tesla’s muses on currents of high potential and high frequency led him to discover that the ether could be accessed and manipulated to the extent where he could change the state of the ether to solid or elastic and create propulsion using conducting elements. It is worthy noting that when the ether is compressed through the application of high frequency and high potential AC, any matter or conductor which occupies this compressed ether region will experience a force and ‘bounce’ away from this region. This is because the compressed ether will simply prevent the motion of matter through it, thus resisting the motion bound by the wheelwork of the universe and the object will go exactly in the opposite direction. In this case, instead of being forced in the direction of earths centre, the object will go upwards in the direction of earth’s ionosphere and beyond. With this in mind, Tesla’s patent # 723,188 will serve us well when we want to create a propulsion system or a flying machine. Although it is a patent to create wireless transmission of power, it can be used for the flying machine because we are conserving all the electro-magnetic radiation within the conductors, as opposed to propagating in the atmosphere. Because we are moving with the wheelwork of the universe and the ether is stationary, through the application of DC and AC in the conductors will upset the ether within the conductors and create propulsion.

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Understanding Nikola Tesla’s Work. By Konstantinos Pappas [email protected] To illustrate this, refer to this diagram: Figure (A):

Now, this is quite important. As I stated earlier, even at the resting position of the UFO on the ground, there are gravitational forces acting on it and it is moving with the earth through the wheelwork of the universe at over 2,000,000 km/h. As per Tesla, with the application of two electrical systems – the p2 system – when this UFO lifts off or performs 90 degree maneuvers, it is in fact harnessing the wheelwork of the universe. What’s more, the p2 system can overcome the gravitational forces of 9.8 m/s2 acting on the UFO with supreme ease because while you are using currents of high potential and high frequency to 'tap’ into the ether, the resultant forces created by electromagnetism are 1040 stronger than the gravitational force. So, if you have witnessed a UFO either personally or in the media vanish out of thin air, this need not be in discord with your current beliefs. This is possible! In the design of the flying machine, one of the spiral coils must be affixed to the top half conducting spheroid – the top half of the UFO - and the other to the bottom half of the conducting spheroid – the bottom half of the UFO. This electrical circuit must be tuned to such a delicate degree that the spiral coil situated at the top half of the spheroid conductor produces high voltage DC pulses in order to create rarefaction or stretching of the ether in the upward direction as per Tesla’s lecture item number 7:

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On the other end of the UFO, the spiral coil situated at the bottom half of the spheroid conductor must produce AC at extremely high frequencies, to such a degree that the ether is compressed as prescribed by Tesla’s lecture item number 8:

While in operation, while the DC pulses stretch the ether, and the AC compresses the ether, the net effect would be a propulsive force in the upward direction – opposite to the force of gravity. As I highlighted in ‘The Force on a Wire Experiment’, the spheroid conductor producing the DC is akin to the current carrying wire (I) and the spheroid producing the AC is akin to the external magnetic field (B), however, because the AC produces a rotating magnetic field, the propulsive effect would be much more potent. ‘The Force on a Wire Experiment’ will serve as conviction that this design will work and produce marvelous results. So, as I have illustrated in Figure (A) above, while Tesla’s patent # 723,188 is at work and producing DC / AC pulses at extremely high potentials and high frequencies, the stretching of the ether at the top half of the UFO and the compressing of the ether at bottom half of the UFO will create two magnetic fields – as per Tesla’s p2 system. Now, here is where the propulsion of the UFO actually takes place… In that split second during the current reversals, when the ether re establishes equilibrium, the two magnetic fields created by the DC and AC pulses at the ends of the spheroid conductors will collapse at the very focal points of the spheroid conductors and repel. The net result will be a propulsive force in the upward direction. Note also as per this excerpt from Tesla’s autobiography:

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The ‘want for a prime-mover’ Tesla refers to is his turbine, so a Tesla Turbine as well as the incorporation of the ‘spark gap’ is crucial in the design of this flying machine. As Tesla elegantly stated in his autobiography, the repelling of the two magnetic fields was they key to Tesla’s flying machine that was ‘sustained and propelled entirely by reaction’.

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Understanding Nikola Tesla’s Work. By Konstantinos Pappas [email protected]

Tesla’s Death Ray Machine Boyd Bushman, a previous employee of Lockheed Martin had made a statement that the Death Ray had already been developed by the American Government. He also stated that he had the power to disarm or completely destroy the electronics of a fighter jet sitting on the tarmac, simply by walking past the fighter jet with his suitcase. I took these statements of Boyd Bushman seriously. I don’t know if I am crazy or not, but didn’t Tesla tell us that he had created the death ray machine and that he could bring down a fleet of 250 airplanes and ‘zap’ soldiers in their tracks over 100 years ago? This need not seem as extravagant or beyond comprehension. The creation of a Death Ray Machine is simple, yet very dangerous. To understand the physics behind the death ray machine, all we need to do is revisit the chapter on Radiant Matter in ‘Figure 19: Heat Generated using Concave Shape Cups’.

Here, Sir Crookes demonstrated how Radiant Matter produced heat when the glass tube phosphoresced. He also demonstrated that the heat was intensified when he used a cup-shaped negative pole and focused all of the Radiant Matter to a focal point. This is no different to focusing sun light using a convex lens or focusing the magnetic fields using a concave-shaped electrical conductor. Coupled with the vast power that you can generate from Tesla enormous Magnifying Transmitter, the death ray machine can serve all countries well to protect them from the missiles of enemies. What’s more, as Sir Crookes demonstrated with the application of a magnet, you can direct the death rays anywhere you desire.

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A Simple Death Ray Machine

This apparatus will produce a simple yet powerful death ray machine. With the application of currents of high potential and high frequency, you can focus all of the electrical vibrations to the focal point and down a fleet of 250 planes by directing the death rays in their flight path. Note that the death rays that Tesla had produced were merely electrical vibrations created by a Tesla coil and focused to a single point to create the heat using concave-shaped electrical conductors. The focal point of the death ray machine can be changed to accommodate targets of varying distances and with the use of a strong magnet, you can direct the death rays – the heat – in any direction you desire.

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References: 1. TESLA'S NEW MONARCH OF MACHINES, by Nikola Tesla http://www.tfcbooks.com/tesla/1911-10-15.htm 2. Nikola Tesla Wiki quotes http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Nikola_Tesla 3. HOW COSMIC FORCES SHAPE OUR DESTINIES, by Nikola Tesla http://www.tfcbooks.com/tesla/1915-02-07.htm 4. ‘THE TRANSMISSION OF ELECTRIC POWER WITHOUT WIRES’ The Thirteenth Anniversary Number of the Electrical World Engineer, March 5, 1904. 5. Radiant Matter, by Sir William Crookes 6. Nikola Tesla autobiography 7. The Inventions, Researches and Writings of Nikola Tesla

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