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Network Rail 2014 public member recruitment briefing A warm welcome
9 April 2014 / 1
Welcome Peter Reichwald, director Harvey Nash
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About Network Rail
Role of public members
How to apply
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About Network Rail Richard Parry-Jones, chairman
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About Network Rail We own and operate the GB rail infrastructure including: ► ► ► ► ►
830 signal boxes 2,500 stations 7,400 commercial properties 6,300 level crossings 20,000 miles of track 40,000 bridges and tunnels
One of the country’s largest private landowners – we have 35,000 employees and 22 million neighbours (people who live or work within 500 metres of our infrastructure).
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What we do We operate, maintain and renew the infrastructure ► We operate signals, set the timetable and measure how punctual trains are ► We organise access to the track for train and freight operators ► We are responsible for planning for the future of the railway in the short, medium and long-term ► We manage the 19 largest stations (like Euston, Manchester Piccadilly and Glasgow Central) ► We deliver projects to improve the railway for the people and companies that rely on it ►
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Our purpose, role and vision Our purpose (Why we exist)
Our role (What we do)
Our vision (What we want to be)
Our strategy (How we’re going to do it)
Our behaviours (How we need to work)
To generate outstanding value for customers and taxpayers A better railway for a better Britain
To be a trusted leader in the railway industry To work with our partners and use our full potential to improve safety, reliability, capacity and value for customers and taxpayers Customer driven
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Eleven years of Network Rail Safety - took over in a period of crisis. Now we have one of the safest railways in Europe as a result of taking maintenance in-house and projects to share best practice Our People – our leadership and management development centres have improved staff training; we developed a nationally admired apprenticeship programme and increased graduate recruitment; and we have opened our National Centre at Milton Keynes. Projects – we have become world class in the delivery of major infrastructure projects and plan to use these skills abroad.
Performance – with a million more trains carrying a billion more passengers, we have taken performance from c.75% to over 90%.
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The railway is a success… Passenger Journeys 1600 1500
1400 1300 1200 1100 1000 900 800
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The railway is a success… …but passenger and freight demand is expected to continue to increase (by 15% and 30% respectively over Control Period 5) The challenge for the rail industry is how to deliver the network capacity and capability we need for the future: ► efficiency ► cost-effectively; and ► at a time when public finances will be increasingly constrained The Government has shown it is committed to investment in rail if the industry can substantially reduce its costs – they know rail can help drive sustainable long-term economic growth.
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Punctuality is at record levels… but has reached a plateau 95.0% CP2
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0.026 0.02
0.015 0.014 0.011 0.010 0.007 0.007 0.003 0.003
Ireland Austria Germany Finland Sweden Denmark Netherlands United Kingdom
Luxembourg 0.000
Italy Slovenia
Czech Republic
0.079 0.068 0.061
Fatalities per million train km
Safety is good… but there is room to improve 0.18 Normalised workforce fatalities
Normalised passenger fatalities
EU average
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How are we funded? ►
Network Rail was designed to be debt funded
One of the largest borrowers in the UK
Debt is raised to fund enhancement capital expenditure of the network
Income covers day to day running of the infrastructure only: main sources of income ► Track access fees (c.1/3 /£2bn p.a.) ► Government grants (c. 2/3 /4bn p.a.) ► Property portfolio revenue (c.£233m p.a.) Profits after servicing debt are typically re-invested in the network, but can also be used to repay debt or provide rebate to DFT & Transport Scotland
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Debt Management
NRIF has £33bn of debt outstanding (as at 21st March), primarily in the GBP and USD bond markets
51% of debt is currently index linked; policy target is 45-55%
The average maturity of debt is c.15 years; nominal debt c.5 years
In the current year to date, £5.0bn of debt has been issued (of which £3.1bn in USD); this completes the funding requirement for 2013/14 Total funding requirement for CP5 is £28bn, comprised of £17bn of new debt and £11bn of refinancing
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Network Rail debt is widely held Diversified investor base: nearly 50% of bonds held outside the UK
SAFE (Central Bank of China)
Central Bank of Israel
Central Bank of Russia
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An overview of the rail industry
Specify and fund rail services
Work together
Network Grant
Independent regulator of monopoly and health and safety Train and freight operators
Access charges Revenue
Passengers and freight users 9 April 2014 / 16
Who else has economic oversight powers Apart from the ORR, a number of other bodies scrutinise Network Rail’s activities, including: ►
Governments: • Department for Transport (DfT) • Transport Scotland • Welsh Assembly Parliament: • Parliamentary Select Committees – - Transport Select Committee - Public Accounts Committee • National Audit Office
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Control Period 5 (CP5) ►
Network Rail’s track access charges are subject to periodic reviews every 5 years. These periods are called control periods. Network Rail has just entered into CP5 which commenced on 1 April 2014 CP5 will benefit the rail experiences for four million daily passengers, freight users and strengthen Britain’s economic growth.
Over the period £38 billion will be spent in maintaining, renewing and improving the network. More and new trains will be added to the network, new stations built, facilities improved, platforms lengthened and transformational projects, such as the Thameslink programme, Birmingham New Street, the Northern Hub and main line electrification, completed.
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Role of public members Win Chime, deputy company secretary
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Our governance structure
MEMBERS Accountable
Holds to account
EXECUTIVE DIRECTORS Accountable 9 April 2014 / 21 21
Holding our board to account The primary role of a public member is to: HOLD THE NETWORK RAIL BOARD TO ACCOUNT This is achieved by members: ► Monitoring and engaging with our board on matters such as performance, safety, corporate governance and remuneration ► Engaging with our board and other members in an objective and informed manner where board performance falls below standards, outputs or targets, while acknowledging progress and success where achieved ► Entering into dialogue on matters that are an immediate subject of votes at general meetings With the aim of understanding how our board is building a better railway for a better for a Britain in furtherance of generating outstanding value for tax payers and customers.
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Holding our board to account (2) How do public members hold our board to account? ► ►
► ►
keeping abreast of our performance keeping abreast of developments that drive the delivery of our purpose and the our risks satisfying themselves that our leadership is effective satisfying themselves that our board adheres to the spirit of the UK Corporate Governance Code and governance best practice considering the quality of Network Rail’s reporting
Ultimately by Attending and voting at our annual general meeting and other general meetings
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Holding our board to account (3) Attending and voting at our annual general meeting and other general meetings Members have similar voting rights to that of shareholders in a PLC: ► Our annual report and financial statements ► Our remuneration report ► the appointment or re-appointment of our directors ► the appointment or re-appointment of our auditors ► the appointment or re-appointment of the members of the membership selection panel ► the terms of the long-term element of the incentive scheme for our executive directors ► changes to our constitution.
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Resources and opportunities for public members MEETINGS PUBLICATIONS Our AGM and half-yearly meeting Chairman’s quarterly governance letter Meeting workshops Press releases Focussed engagement groups – safety, Network Rail and rail publications people, finance and risk, performance and ORR publications future Site visits ORR meeting DIALOGUE Non-executive director scrutiny sessions Active / regular correspondence with board, ORR and members
SUPPORT Dedicated members’ support team service level agreement Members’ website Induction for new members
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Who are the public members? ►
We currently have 41 public members with experience in various industries and professions. Public members have in common: Hold / held senior positions
Held large / complex organisations to account
Active role in governance arena
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How to apply Peter Reichwald, director Harvey Nash
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What I will be covering ►
Deciding if you should apply
Your CV – what it should address?
Your application form – what are we looking for?
Preparing for the interview
Helping you understand the process
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Is this the role for you? ►
Do you have the skill set required? • A good knowledge of UK Corporate Governance Code • An appreciation of secondary governance – what it means • Be able to appreciate the specific issues for Network Rail • An ability to hold others to account Do you have the time? • 8 meetings a year but at least 2 • There is a fair amount of reading
What is motivating you?
Are you going to enjoy it? If not, walk away now.
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Where is the information you need?
► - you have all visited the site but have you • Listened to the video clips • Look at what is said about the role and Network Rail • Looked specifically at the person specification • Down loaded the application form
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Your CV ►
You have been told a maximum of 3 pages
Address, contact details – repeat name in footer
Key attributes
In detail for last 10 years, summary for prior years
About your employer(s) (t/o; total staff & its prime activity)
Brief description of roles / tasks of influence
Outside work – charities, school governorship etc.
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Your supporting statement
Use the headings of the person specification as the points to address • Motivation and ability to contribute • Understanding the role • Corporate governance experience
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Your supporting statement (2) ►
Use examples to demonstrate your skill and ability to contribute to a successful outcome I am a member of a Police Authority SAYS NOTHING I am a member of the Police Authority – with my property background I have been able to advise on improving the reporting structures and accounting for the £1.7 billion real estate and from my work in the community in respect of dishonour violence and forced marriages I have helped the police have a wider understanding of the issues. GIVES REAL STRENGTH
The panel is looking for ‘I’ not ‘WE’
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Your supporting statement (3) ►
Be explicit – be clear so a third person reading it can identify your skills Do not assume – job titles mean different things in different organisations
Do no leave out aspects that might be second nature to you
How much should you write? – you have been told 2 pages
Be succinct – but not over succinct
FINALLY – with your responses drafted • Cross reference to the bullet points of the person specification – check that your examples cover them
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The practicalities - referee
Think of people who can speak about you in the context of the role you are applying for A known name will not help if they do not know you in that context
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The practicalities – the interview
Research • Understand why Network Rail needs public members • What is the role? Establish • The challenges Network Rail is facing • How your contribution will help Plan the interview • Consider the points you want to make • Think of examples that bring these points out
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The process ►
Submit your application by uploading through the website
Closing date Tuesday 22 April (midnight)
Applications are processed
MSP reviews all applications
You are advised by Friday 30 May if you are invited for interview
Interview dates: 30 June, 1, 2, 3, 4, 8 July
Appointees advised w/c 28 July
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What do we need from you? ►
Documentation • The application form – purely statistical information • A supporting statement for your fit to the criteria sought (no more than 2 pages) • CV (no more than 3 pages)
To submit your application • Go back to the web site, • Click ‘APPLY’ on the top menu bar and follow the instructions
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Thank you Peter Reichwald Any questions
[email protected] Network Rail’s Help line at Harvey Nash 020 7158 5614
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